HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1890-10-24, Page 4SI NI, The LucknOvki Sentinel Bruce 0ounty, Friday, October 24th 47711.,,,Z741i4014.,224:44:.74,44.7747,74•4•774Pi•••?,•••••,--r,••••-rr ,•-•• maissior 11111_.....L.M..r..,0•11 alilapamstommalmiumnowegeiV • J.of 408,00(4 or 45 per cent., had attend- ed seh000l less than 100 days a year, • • • Ana .fg5 ritir tanzart TO terrpn AND TO ABOVE ItaigLIE ACRoRDING TO THg DICTATES ICONSCHENCE WE PRIZU ABOVE ALL ta*Hliat LIBERTIES. • ""7-717,7-7,m7 wheerechoolsre open' from 200 lo 220 days a year. As. Mr. Ross declared; thill state of atfairs is unjust to the taxpayer. The law compels 'hitsi to pay and it should see that his money is properly expended, but if the ' very children whom it is desired to educate ere not in school tke money Li tnisapplied. .4r TIM FARMERS MEET. As we go to press a meeting of the South Bruen Farmers' Institute is being held in the township hall at Rolyrood. These Instutes were first established a few years ago by the Ca, ink Our IT HAS And SEASON 90. • :NIMIIIIPPLISOP•00001.11......O.L•••••••OMMIIIMPPonetlionratt=11~111PHIRMS.2•W stock for the fall is now about complete. BEEN SELECTED WITH GREAT CARE with a view to satisty the varied wants of our many customers and -7fint-ILL' JILT_ ,:yr; Each department, Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Jetta Cameron, or West WAWellealwProises (over to, the Great Motility. The pale horse and .its rider is silently stealing away one one the old settlers of the surrounding town- ships, till •bye ,and .bye ;there will be mite left to recall the days when the 1.7 ,, , '.•.,,, a, — 17277,VrarX MTV'. ' . iL Shoes, Crockery, etc., will well repay a look throug We -invite you to call and inspect our suoc LucKNow & DUNGANNON n or scarcely a county in the Province to- solemn forest rang with the echo of day has not one or more of them ,the woodman's axe,. or the :homely in operation. The aims and objects of sincere songs and simple earnest the society are of a purely agricultural prayers of the pioneers as they were pa,ture, and the meetings are held in offered up to Our Father \in the old different parts of the Riding, so that log cabin homes. But one by one the every farmer may have an opportunity trees cif the forest fell before :the axe nf being present at some one or .other of the settler, and one by one ,the bones of the settlers were laid at ,rest. Mr. of the sessions of the Institute. The John Canieroe, the subject .of this organization is non-political in.its con- sketch, died ,O his residence in the Bandon, and as the worthy President, Township •cif West Wawanosh, on Mr. James .Tolton, of Brant, said in Tuesday, the 114th October, in the .4ssventy.tifth .year of his age. He was , • bis opening remarks at. Hoiyrood on horn in Atvle,i ,parish in the. District Wednesday, their membership was of Badenuch, Inverness Shire, Scot- ceMposed Of many of the leading land, which he left \in the year 1842, Reformers and Conservatives of the , and sate to Canada. For a short. • time he resided at Gal, and then entered the service 6f- Sir Allan McNabb at Hamilton, as gardener, where he remained' until 1804 at whilh•time he removed to the Wown- Ship of Wawanosh'and settled on lot number 1S, . the 7th concession, where he resided till his death. His *storr-the-w-i.bw-,4-4,heio McDonald, kept house for him until he married in the year 14 9. His• residence being ihen on the only opt*. road to the north. part •Qf the 'Town - :ship ,Of Wawanosh and the. southern .townships el the County of Armco,' becamo. a calling and stopping place for , the great • numbers of intend - mg settlers in, search of homes in the 'newly opened up Crownlands, and he behig-ot-a-very-kind--aird-social-dispo sitiort,' and hospitable beyond common, every weary and hungry teiveller, of whatever country or creed, was invited. to enter, and received with a Highland, weleetne. His good wife being equally anxiousand willing to comfort and „Cheer- eVeryone. ,Ilewas a friend to all and everyone who ever knew him. *tains a warm remembrance of his ndliess -and noble 'hospitality. Ile leaves behind. him * sorrowing widow, it -4M and daughter,, who have the ,heartfelt • sympathy of all the ccen- Anunity: limiest man is the oloblest wee* of crod.." • • Riding. The 'great aim was to I.riug sections of the country so that, they could discuss •in A social and • friendly way the .been and ea4st profitable methods of conducing their farms. ive-this-witY-t s have done a great deal of good and no farmer who is alive to Ilia own interests should fail to e'en -meet himself with the Institutf,.'ll. hill report of the pro- ' ., r . , •P F 'Oedieliigs will appear next week. • A PUBLIC CONVESIENCE. •. ,In a short rive to 'arc -owl -try -this - week we were forcibly' struck ther Mistaken idea thiOisemeCoutteil:ahave that there is any .saellig, in being close • in the expendituree'ot Menet tor thei . • , repair -of public romils, Jt „lgok.s as. .thotigh there wits'a 'disposition on their part to cut Short the elloWaiace for road repairs, (Or they.easonAlat it ap- pegs„ tie lie an ezEpendittire for which there are no xeturiatt.•:; They. shOnid toineniberthat public !ds are a 'public convenience anal neeersiiy,' and .ferWhich' fliepublicehould pay' their. tX•ei as . willing!, and freely/,' ae they. would-fany other publie,Objeet. f• Good road..are.en 'actual necessity for • A the pr per ;protection' ef...thoie •• who travel over trieni.• Every • owner of a 'horse and eArrie knowafull wellthat a pastiege eVer the poor roads invol'veri A danger et •injury • to both horse and carriage,. and freed possible accident ..tc) persons else. ' .0 is far better for' far• niers to nay their fixes for the propey. aPcrperfect .repair of roads than it is . •te be. vorepelled ,to Nay.for repairs to vehieles,.\to,say',notiiihgAS the. saving • • to the team -tip hatiliug over 'the 111•11. .101111 MANTLES 1 MANTL The time for heavy mantles for the ladies has come. We are ready to supply them with a SZLTTE, 2LI1T On PIG'EntED WOnSTED, or a nice president cloth in alashionable shade. OUR MILLINERY DEPARTMENT - is well supplied with the latest good sfor fall and. winter Whether you trant.to buy or not, Miss Markle extenas a cordial Invitation, to t VV the stock., . Asladeld •fr The fall wheat .preseaats a beautiful appearanee this fall in this ,vicimity„ • Mr, 0.0.1111 MPAdoeh has put a beauti, ful v,esansIah around the front of his house adds considerably to the appear, ante of 'it. , Mr. Jas. limiter, 12th con. has taken a life pertner in the persop of Miss Mary Hunter. We wisb 'them a smooth voyage over the sea of tune. The. aPine packers will soon be Ythrough with their work. There sure, ly must have bet n more apples in, the Country than people at first supposed. The -nreeting_s_ in connection . with gO04,00.;ipsteeti.ef one ttettis.yough Ziop Hillcouncil are getting to :be 'and .liableAo.result ,it,iji1ryktro. •The, -very interei,thig. We would like to ripituai. • see • many more of one young •people • 1,ioining the ranks and thus helping on Elie ;Lola(' work. Tu) ILindAttY PrMt,' aft." •ingtliting' Thetpromotion examinations for the how the,fereices wAll Ie affee:tWiy the,* eeppey. J-juron to -k place last 'Fri- ••, McKinley „Rill, saes "Io the day. The JolloWing pepilit of S. S. No. ware,prowloted to higher grades: Jun. 4 to :Sen. Webster, E. Webster, M. :Anderson. Sen. 3 to Jun. 4—J. -*ikon M. Anderson, A. Gardner, J. Gardner. Sen 2 to Jun. 3—L. gunter, R. Web- ster, J. Stroud, 11.. 16,tirdner. Jun. 2 to Sen. 2—M. (arder, E. Reid, 'E McGill, R. Wrouin, E. Gardner, Son part II to Jun. 2—A. Brennan, M. Brown, C. Teok, A. Hunter,A. Wilson. Sen. part to Jun. part fl—). ock,F. Anderaoo, IL Reid, H. Barbor; S. '*ition. 'The ' pupils who were plucked • were those who did •not attend regularly. Some of those plueked, %have only attended a few weeks Since the vaeation. Parents Faust ,biame them/wives. far %gin poll- pv004001 •tb,eir ob,ildren. Got CONNELL. -OVES St TOVES I STOVES I • • • profi.t you if you wan4to.purchase a good COOK STOVE, F'ARLOR STOVE OR BOX STOVE P0130 WOOD This season, to call on us. You will find our. stock • complete and at reasonable prices. *What fi'ir:tiier,,reg,ipi•s:iiity oikltgisve thirty , cents•additional value ror ,every •• , bushel,of,barley-t-forty cents on every bushel ttf peas -25 cepte • on every bashel \of pOtatoes-4g a tOQ 911 itay— $B0 • ,on every•hilrse worth leo* than $.150-;:•ki0 qn eyetyhead f cattle' more than•a year old --8140 .,on.every sheep a Veal. ,oants en ,very ;'8rnb-and a similar increase upon 4%v011ehatanter .cit'fnern ';-prodttee." ,• Minister of tOfilaittkitasUtte,c1 i,n 1.„,,ovitt1prots that notwithitippicling 4,84 peaty taxation in Ontario ,far edu. • efe sal !purposes, 235,000 .pupils ont A large stock of Stove Furniture, 13oaras, Pipes, Etc., Away Down in Price, NOW IS Ira ITME To get a good stove cheap at THE LEADING STOVE DEPOT. zu-oicivow QTT BORN SHERIFF • -In Loicknow, nn Sunday, Oct. 5th, the ,wife of Mr. I). Sheriff, of a son. MARRIED HuNTEn-HuNTER---At the residence of the bride's father. on Wednesday, Oct. 15th, by the Rev. A. McKay, Mr. James W. Hunter, to Miss Mary Hunter, teacher. • •••,4•2:7 •• STEWAUT—MoRmsoN—At the residence of the 'bride's father. by the Rev. A. McKay, on Wednesday Oct. 22tal, 'Yr.. Charles Stewart; to Miss Mary Morrison, all of Liocanow. g PJ asTRAY TRA.YED TO TF1E PREMISES OF 0 the undersigned, lot 14, eon. 14. on or about the Ith of Ontober', a pig. The owner is requested to prove• property, pay expensee and take it aw4, MRS, .A.McMILLAN, 2-874, . Lnckuow, P. 0. LLIOKNOW MARKETB. (Corrected every Thursday Morning.) tpar.. . ) „ , • • • 1160 V‘ heat „ . , . „ „ Oita 34 Peas* , • • • •a 4* • • • .56 THOROUGHBRED STOCK FOR SALE. ----:o;-- ". • 11EICESTER RAM LAMBS ; BERK 4 - I shire pigs, both sex and of different ntres; /odium, bull calves, sired by I.Preeitiont" my (imp.) Scotch bull. AU are wind animals and of good breeding.. JOHN WEBSTER, 2-873 St. Helens, Ont, TEACHER WANTED? . AT.E TEACHER WITH SECOND LVI - oi• Third Claes certificate, for U., K. S. '. o. 9, Kinloss, duties to commence January 1st. 1891. State salary with esperience, and testimonials. A dd Tess JAMES GAUNT, floc Teems., 3$73 • . Whittehurch IP, 0., Out, ' CATTLE ••L,OBt.' OTRAVED FROM THE VII,EXISE8 1;3 the undersigned, lot 11 *on, 10. West %Vaivahosh, on* oor about ,tho• fast Of Anoint two red and white steers,metaled, one reol and white heifer, and one red heifer Wfth white tipped ears. Any informs** leading to taeir recovery will be suitably rewarded. WHINE** WOODS, St. Helene Pe Ofi 011#1 T -HE NEW EARLY "CORTLAND" RIPPtii FROM 13th TO 20th AUGUST according to warnith f mason. Three weeks earlier than-tho, Cenci ord. , The al•ove grape can ci.oky bepurchased from authorized agenk) of Maple Grove Nurseries, Waterfoo,'N .Y., and all trees and plants seat, (kutiroin those celebrated nursery fro are guaranteed to give sitisfaction- Give: your orders to our Meal agont,H.Spencer,Lucknow. Agents wanted. Apply to . • J.W.McKAY,„ "-- - •- m•869 Gen Manager; St Thntries,Ont Notice of Dissolu 4•••••.••••••••••ImmOmmo*O OPICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TIPAT the partnership heretoloore existing be.: , tween the undersigned as hardware, tin and stove dealers, at the village of Luckkow, has been diewilved, and Mr. Powelt retires front the business, All debts and accounts owing t' the late. Arm are the property of Mr. Powell mei mist be paid to him on or before the 113th of November next, and all 'dares spinet the firm roust bietny4ree:tented to hitt' foie Settlomeht, w • 0,0. TAUPE. Dated at tEU,IjOitaltVir,itiOdvill.11.61ht .P]t.:91111.1"1114.7i • ,. • 7.-rlsar,-rrc-=,..StoinErnr. • •