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Lucknow Sentinel, 1890-10-10, Page 6
r� ,hAh b _, - . . W �I I "'� d 1,., , Q ., . - e•�' - _ d } ,. "! !P - { . DEED TEIR DOOH9. i T R ARRESTS. MAH _ , . - RA IRISH A — �7 �+ p ANd AT f ` , 8�'UDB... W049:,FEARS 3,&, a EDS. TV�O RAILWAY YY�G� �� andQeremonY In i Remark a e r salon lt;l 1 P oce e m t the Queen n �Vi11 R eco mmen d Re k b , _. m ., nrrr mmr, r .. ._... ^ 2.... _ .. , m. c-_ I and -. --,+'_ Rumors That SL :. fin. . :� wt"rti..._rnr.�.._.:,�._s+,-.._a_ �..; ....-r,...,.—T,°-..,. •.,-^�-.,. .. ..., a..,.. �.., 7 ,..x, ,,.gyms -r -..d.. a.. ac..-„-.-.,- -._ ..--.r--._..�+._., c.�,_�.,7.� - tc+Ls,. u..r.�.._.i:�w '� w.z..��-C as.i.r� h jji6 '1` l� � d Heewatin Nnrvlaor"tiz b1Crii�i�i'-`br'xm.r.�--= .” .._. 9. w^�r„ ^ "-'-ksYl-3eY1bi1:-+SwDv W�l.�C�21Js.::�4..-..:,u..+�'seui�., ss�,: � Rw,T. s.^f:'-... �...�^r^..e..:..0 �is3"-�si:..r._. 2, •r+^. .:. - -• 'T�•c'-:^..;51 9jf,�.., I. Dada' Drtftrn¢ About --Two i.oer. Twenty Dead Bodies Tamen from One- close ""°�' Towler Bros'. (}Seat Pork Packing Eatab- A London cable o! last (Friday) night Tuesday last marked the which M , A Wfnaipeg despatoli says t The worst Bight Billed in Another. say e : The situation at• Tipperary moue Mahomedgn �lluha he Indianran sand African liahment in Flames. fears regsrding the steamer geewstin and more tranquil to -day then yesterday, have been kept by �'' Drew have been realized. Capt Watts, of "" althoaghthastreetawerethronged. Soldiers sailors on board the Peninealar and Ori, 4 the steamer, was brought to Selkirk today . OOLZI�ION IN BOTH OASES. asaieted the police to maintain order. De• ental; and Br itlsh India etee Nuha corn IN THOUSANDS OF HOGS 0$SMATSD. • on the Steemer Aurora. He tells a tnost 9I" the sufferings and desthto .• _ A Walla Walls, Wesh., deppatobS of Ben Real a she o seep f the arrested National o kind of Moslem Lente odt is kept ,fy A►, Sunday a Chicago despatch says : effecting tale of g anus Through a gentlemen froth 1' y. ti K � Fovfler Brothers' packing hones at the his uolopanioua. mn st ! .. "-` .i Lieutenant- Shultz, and was sent dleton ntkWa was re01ved whion occurred afternoon, a the judge off he Con ty memory of Hae Ban and �neideredthe et ,•e Steak ,yards. moue dsmaged by fire this Ltg, " , , morning to the amount of 8700,000. The to Lake Winnipeg & couple of weeks ago to to railroad disaster o k oa ri- conrls reopened this afternoon Mr, Bonen martyrs in the faith o! lYtahomed. In s fim origtAiitedet 1.36 o'gTookin the packing investigate reported as �bouti hte kdays the he Oregon Boor Line, o'6beehon on Court ded wanted h th betatementw of the Bombay aqd all Bene 1, Is wall ae in other ; .of 1v ' room or tha,lingine room adjoining. The glias. Atter ornig ag of xtraa in 16th. The craft was point for the Union Pacific mail trains. Crowhes made at, various Nationalist maim- Africa, it Tis �rigo ously sikeptnbu P s, certain `q; cause of the fire is uaknowa. The Oremen steamer started to return to SeIF irk. Spider day morning. This station ie the passing p Doe e VSs+� , worked against obstacles from the start. Island was left on the 16Eriv «s<. Water had little effect .on the grease- only out a Short time when a terrible gale Tho East•bpnpd train pulled into .the ata• onCampaign,'and also noted from resile•. little,or no heed to it. Howe eZemonieg � a fire Soon reached the came Up, and it Was: decided to. Pat into liter ntimeea nd boundtrainin ran in. i The lugs aintoo inauguration alsouof the Plan of tribes, especially among the Ara e, Pay r�. soaked floors, and the and it �'� r, . tank room, where 32 tanks of lard were Swampy Island, blit the sea was running . main eared to be the ob'Hot ot, the prosecution belonging to it, it is 9 moat imprf wive rite, � l f; ed. These exploded one after another high, so the anchorwae,oaet• T from imThso e raatbead oninGe therW et boand,et�elegeop- pops adopted a these meetingps. It ap• carried out with the fu o . and the ,,, boat sr><rtg, and the boiling !&rd fed snob that the vessel broke away h the in the train end wrecking both engines. to prolong the Daae as for as possible. ed animal includes on which the,p°Phot of ' • r ai _ . . -- ... _. l lend.. _ - -r. ona - - - - e - . � ,� • The beat was eq intense that the waves running big ,, eo iet"t7eework ' firemen were Compelled to work at a fearful of going oatei6a theweiW lmianta onoeoommeneed a When the elect weeny was to sail 1 for America on arsil y next, slain brothers, and a ;:f,,� mosque >. qg Vit,:: distance. The packing room was about 50 should be washed sw y ow I. said there riest panies en and it was an , ". +4` by 160 fees, and the whole interioY moue atter seven o'clock & monetrone wave dead booih�� t ebeere weremorein the wreck. againste ti a between her Crown counsel brothers menthe r fate,�and,iee hetel!stft, w4 s I 1,� by 15 when the firemen reached the atruok the yacht on the aide, keeling her thought t > his devout hearers eapreea their sorrow F,i ^ g eon of Lawyer Friday's trains were all abandoned. Pee- and the ship.1. scene. The flames spread to the cooling over. Corporal Murphy, Some details were now per. s anting in ;;. In this room were 6,689 Murphy, of Toronto, and Rene, nephew oeelaeed as here was train out from still speaking. art &djonrnedMr. Ronan was with much noisy lamentation and distress. �. lw room adjoining. caresses o! hogs freezing, and they bhrned Lieut to Royal, clambered on thedelayed, Upon the adjournment being announced the assns at the docks, whir moue never- ', t Watte re•..Huntington that day. pro- thelese a ver femsrksble one, and one ,. rP _1 ' like oil. Water was now us, in, fighting ,aide of the boat, while Cap . F° Ohio, despatch of. Sunday Mr. Zimohy Harrington strong y p ^:` the fire. The roof fell in about two hours mained in tale cabin,, which was a water A Zanesville, d on the lie said it was evident the Government " oriental" it iA, woo Id certainly have : • ' the fire started, end the fire became tight oompertment. The men remhaimed ome. die etronecf eight wreak ooanrreing a most tested against the coarse of the proseoation. which, were it known how strange an. sitors to the . f. „.. �� after11 ..k,; , i. more fi}rioue. 'The blaze lighted up the in their respective, positions fon !` thio cit Orders possible length. and he denounced this as Revel Albert dooke. ` entire heavens. Scores of firemen were The wind' and waves bowed no sign anof Baltimore&d short distance Ohio hweet of' Y Vellep, a aimed a protract the trial no the greatestthe dr From ver early morninglall the grows " V I directing a hundred streams of water into abating, and Rene began to despair, ' :�� the burning sorsa o! lard end meat with said there moue no hops for them. He be- were given east and west bound treiRhte to unfair. Hie protest had no a feet upon g smell Oro- '( ,�... this time, the witflamh same hewasdesperate, o hope fort that he was pass at Black Hand, but operator Seelty court. The present policy o! the proaeou- ban been making final lding 13m& ,for i t•, no efleco. About.cessionLL "" It ire stored above the so weak that he could no longer bang on. at that plate tailed to deliver the oraer to tion will. it is believes, be maintained. though they haveces been during t g P reached a lot ofaa pe and to keep him on the eastbound train. Later he saw bis Mr. John Morley departed for England or eight days, this marked the climax,and �k" ", • packing room, and the inMae from the Hie companions tried h P ' reit soon, The Dublin Express aeeerts , that the was the first in which ell took part with . 11burning 'chemical were awful. It eti$ed the aide o! 'the boat, but he slipped off and. mistake and telegraphed the operator here to day. ` 41;, the men ane made them retreat. It sank without a ' struggle, ntteting as he that there wcald be s wreck p yhas '', and eyes and almost went down, "good. bye." Thie wee an and left thea eonnmber of loaded oaHe in a mere ytre were @ irlietment promised her neatt message the intro- Rosetta and Bengal fern a ed a laization. The P. and rge ockan s ++ Bred the nostrils a y 4 Watts, but en 'nee a d eh Glovern• tingent, who met close to the Albert Docks 4 ant and Wa r I.�' made the mQn wild with pq►in. The awful eight for Murphy Central Basin Station, and started 4 '� atmosphere mood saturated with'it. -At 6 with hearts of iron hey 41dnq to the drift- piled este the greatest confusion. Eight duction and passage o an rt lieh Wm. Frieetoone, fire- to go towards the Victoria Docks. T o'clock ,it,, moue teen to be impossible to Ing timbers beneath there. Witte by this men were killed as follows : John Baok- meat bill. The had with them a marvellous t, I 9at;engaisla the burning pork, ond'water time had extricsted ' himself with great ingliam,, re man $eller, brakeman; John The Destroying Sand -Nave. y 11 „y,. was thrown on it to keep the ilia donne oS difficulty ;nom• the cabin, and was with men; B Glea Ba®h Gies. W. representation of an elephant, with a huge' body not horn bf Mite wind and he sea, on he min&rrettced howdah aeon its bank, while much as possible. It will have to barn Morphy on the outside. of the yacht, ea- Cochran, en Sm&i i' sandy beeches of, Capon Hatteras �ond its long bine and yellow Striped auk was. 1. tiFbii �t +d"iC�='�rrub�bIV be two e t the Cold `'wi<n7ti anal rain. The '8tonebnrner, Tom McCrary p� on engi- t Q q bra n ae `. . F days yet before it is entirely ex• men were growing wen lir -"reshzed laQn4+-on��at°'n Jq �� -- 'yen-cPead- ft_A" One net 1. hent e• ,,,,. ued b# s big Ben alae, who R''';,, tinguiehed. In the basement of the that their strength : would soon bo. neer, bad hia left leg out off, onq Fireman non. A mammoth wave of sand, that occasionally wriggled hfms% o of tits a towers aloft like s sea -wave, even ourling breathe freely. Prominent among its- entire building was Stored sn imht $re, would t surely foil a� offs .unhese result they Wilson's band Better _ployed on the trainawere beating their y oder in places like e'hnge breaker, is roll- followers was o "padre," or " magistrate,". ' . ' ' amount! of Suit most. - Thia -gang Y ing inland irresistibly, and looking only pled in a rook, and fariovelg brandishing a. I and whild the flamer were not furious and secured. Theylaehed themselves with ropes to Uolnmbne. the element of speed in its career to parry formidable cane ; a lar a p& er boat, 1. ,' , were prevented from bls�ing high, they to the boat. In this condition the men re- The track moue cleared at 8 o'clock this g p ' still kept eoting the sides. `shoulders and msined for two days end two pitch dark morning. There Roe oleo' a oollieion on snob terror to the hearts o! the inhabitants through which a slender lad, whose lithe ':. horns that were ptheed in solid porde, and nights with neither land nor boat in eight. Barnesville Hill on the Baltimore & Ohio as is inspired by the ses-waves that follow, movements were amazing, had pat his j an earthquake, for the destruotiveneas of bodyand and a huntsman with braid to Er oa layyer. The roof surd k0 i w ter from: ho a skwe v raised thtimes, w na� wnd ould freshen frest as shen Raitwoy officials state that a no gone train.rwas the Bond -wove. ie limited only by its scope. his knees, sed carrying bows and arrows„ Amouldering meats and p y Tbongh similar in origin, enbet&noe and but who seemed never once to look to the pe but that both engines and on express ' reaching them. The firemen were busy all ini0 a breeze, and then the storm finally hart, motive power,' there is yet so mach differ' right or to the left. BellideB these were *11..' � day, using axes and hammers for removing broke. After two days of most intent oar were ruined. once between the two waves in form, extent i " , the masers Of debris that hindered .theiir ruffs;ing. to ,both mind and body, Poor some three or font hundred men olid in and, speed of travel, and in 'the actual de'• every conceivable blending of Ray colors,. 1, `.. work. ,.The interior, the building vise of Morphy fell off and WA drowned. When MIIRB)lQ1FL16D HiN DAuesTs>a. property, y and osrYying drums, tom-toms, and other � I etraotion ofthat each ie a stud . wood and very inflammable. The cooling going, he looked up into Watts face and in itself. 'Especially noticeable ' is the rude instruments, including An espetislly "_ room was lined with a foot of sawdust said, " Matthew, t'm going. I hope you A Marriage Family Tr� dy in An awful difference in the' devaetotion wrought, for This hindered the will Survive to tell the tale. Clod blear you," fiendish' one made of empty oondenaeciQ k I similar to on ioehouee: y' g milk Dana, with a new warbles in- 1 "a firemen iih`their work and sided the'flamee. and never rose &gain. Wtitto; who was the A Macon, Ill., despatch says • Charles while one is la in waste a forest of small z �, ,i About 1,]00 men and 100 girls were em• oldest man of the three, being , 66 y ears, Seifert to -day shot and killed big gays: value, the other. is burying inexorably a aide each. Thur they walked and danced, �� "' About ,2 0the. company. The lose is bold manfully on, though he never,expeoted Mary and then committed suicide. . Mary hundred lowly homes. --From " Sand waves a strange and unfamiliar eight so nest to i I - -- m1n by 9' -- - last night me►rried Joseph Boater Again.gt at HenWen and Hatteras," by John R. London, with bright blue sky and sunshine .„ entirely ooveire$ by inenritnoe, mostly in- io rewh-shore{alive-tri b.te�ealr condition. -overhead; till-&-emert_ahower sent them ar � ' foreign companies.• The plant was, insured He took the line left by, Murphy, and lied her i&ther'a toneent. sclero today —eent -Spears; in-Oetober Scribner for refuge under an open shed bonging to ". 11 for $1,500,000. The lose is d}vided about himself to the host more securely. In to Baxter's •house for hie son-in-law, and the ' as follows' -.'X125,000 one is livid 875;000 this way he esw the sun set for . ten days; pretended to be reconciled., end showed, The Perfect Hand. the company, where " the padre," " 3 5 on dregee�l; hogs, �60t1,000°„aa aides, barna find Spent 240 yours without food. He was where he had made a. record of the mar As 'for the perfect hand, it is rarely.'one man” and a "fisher girl;' whose ;'' and ehonldere packed in the cellars. While stoked rip in an slmoel unconscious condi• Stage in the family Bible. He then re- Domes upon it'nowadeye. The wrist ehonld face was colored s saffron yellow, and who - y y nested Beater to let Mary come home. be round and dimpled, too; the delicate, had a garl&nd of flowers toned his dinned '�>F'''• apart otohebnildiDge are totally destroyed, tion the end of the tenth da b Indiana dented "�" the loss in small because the buildings near Gladstone, Island. He wee quite s Baxter consented and after mnoh ,perens- taper fingers ehonld turn backward at the green and vieux rose draperies, y Bion Mary, Seemed to be very much tip of the roe fin finger nails ; the akin ehonld until they were joined by another and ` �".., the , were•oheaply oonetrnoted. The Conk build• distance from the chore when the found afraid,went. She passed into the front room ' tix„ Ing and the killing hones are entirely do. him. They oared for him until last Mon• y v be of a soft whiteness. larger procession from the other side of �' Ing a d and warehouses 'E and H were day, when the steamer Aurora tame along with her father, her stepmother remaining And, now, & word of advice, lasts the the docks. lyµI ., ��i: in the kitchen. Soon two shots were heard. Boston Traveller. Weer rings in proportion In this procession, which tell i 11 nto place . �.,, , bodiy damaged. The exact amount of the and brought him to Selkirk. The shove r z Ione will depend upon the amount of masts oaperienga was related by Watts. He ie F&Cher and�danghter werefound deed within to the nt;lineae of your hands ; and, pray, jaet outside the New Seamen's Hospital, sir " ' •�" loosed In the building and destroyed. The feeling better today. and will likely re- two feet of each other. A shotgun lay 4t if your hand is worth showing, do not bide the Victoria Dook gates, were & camel con- .; Seifert's aide. Mar ,•her father, and Baa- . younger P and Rene. y it under sparkling atones that anybody can etrnoted of sacking, with a head of tinsel h^ � company eondnoting this bneinese is corn- cover. He grieves overMoi phdyrOwning of his ter all worked in the woollen mill here. Papers, a re reeentation of a mosque, built { '�, i = posed of. Englishmen. It has been known one er corn anions, The cause of the tragedy is said to have buy. P P P ,+�',� ue the Anglo•Amerfoan Packing Clompt►ny g y Another word of advice: When yon of the gaudiest papers finegin&ble, and two i Recently a new company was formed, to be a '• D>osR" OOGLI9ION. been Seifert'e anger et being deprived of " do " your .nails, don't put too high a Bengsleea, who had made themeelvea he a I known se Fowler Brothers (limited), with hie daughter's w&gag.' polish neon them or file them into too moat hideous "tiger devils " conceivable. y}• eh&rp pointe ; the happy medium is the They had rubbed their lissom limbs with { e oapital Stook of over 83,500,000• It was over a Hundred Deer Hilted by a Train. pare of the. Hair - Saffron, and painted upon them black rings• ,� inoorporoted in England and proposed to A Duluth despatch says: Last evening better form. i , , y There fe nQ'thing that will preserve the and Stare. They wore but the eoantieet of �1;•.A acquire the business of Fowler Brothers the limited train left Mansfield, north If your hair is not dead or d ed or 11 - . � ° (limited), of Liverpool ; Fowler Brothers, bound, 27 minutes late. Five miles this bleached you can keep it in beautiful trim beauty of the hand no well as the oilgd clothing, and on their heads were large oliva Bide of that Station, mobile rennin nearly two bruehin s s week. For this per= love to be worn to bed. and yellow coverings. These were held in L .��I. 1. (' New York ; the Anderson -Fowler Com- R y by g g chains by attendants, and behind them piny, 1Qevf York ; Cha Anglo•Ameriosn 60 miles an hoar, an immense herd of deer pose get . o barber'B brush -that ie, s '' l �' Refrigerator Car Company, the Anglo. The orae of Habi>" Deme Leeosrg, g d&shed across the track at the entrance to wooden backed boar's bristles brash, out C&bulese, and natives of �' ` American Provision Comii►ny, Chicago, a out. It wag too late to stop and the train short. The silver bound o&mel's hair After shopping for the rester art of & Mozambique, "Seedy Boyo," es they are �� , called at the docks, Some wearing false lirr and the Omaha Psokmg Company Strnok the herd, killing a great, number. brushes are very pretty for company and recent afternoon a well-known Brookl n d �;� Omaha. One-third of the stock was taken but no good !or beards, and all more or lees brilliantly The train passed through the herd, throw- bureau urn&mentation, lad with a letter in her -bend, entered a hsliited. The procession now numbered a I. by the bid owners as purchase money, and inq them right and left, but did not stop. keeping & wig in order. Pour a few drops drug store. • She asked for and received a nearly 1,100, end it was moat curious oo .. I F - . the remainder was ordered for public sub. When the train arrived here a magnificent of alcohol, An ounce altogether, over the Stam watch them dancing along the flinty road,. ecription. The books would have closed specimen of a buck deer wag found dead on scalp to stimulate it. Then apply a fine postage �� Athin pelse to-do , mo am ? in- stopping 000aeionally to wstoh> some grace 11 ,1September 30th Biter being open four days. the engine's' pilot. Tb® engineer estimates comb to remove the dandruff, and that Anything Y �L r r;,,, aired he clerk. . _K'�,1, What effect this fire will have on the new the herd at over a hundred. done, brush the head And hair by seotione. q „ No, I think not," she replied ; " please fel pea soul dented by an enthusiast, or n . I - i .. company can only be conjectured. 1 It may take a month to clean a heavy head Bond it to the. hones." fight with the demons; ' who moved: of hair, but that socompliehed one brush- ., I_I begpardon, +� ktammered about upon theft stomach with eteulthieet ° T;onble in the British iron Trade. ardon, ms am, grace, or bounded more than their own fy A >ao»lt age D��• ing a week will suffice. And it will not be the' clerk, " but what• ie it yon wished to f. i h tt y PP r A London cable says : Daring the suet necaee&ry to wash the head. Any hair have delivered ? " he' tin the air. The stopped ontgide• k 4,' ' Young and Pretty Woman Bitttally lifter- week business on the Stook Exchange was that is well kept And bloomingly dressed „ Why -the -the -11 Then, suddenly the offices of the two companies, there, 7 t t -;` dared, ie beantiful'bnt nnfortnnatel thot art of tutu Some exhibitions with light bar-. restricted'; the general tope was -ggloom y P refrdshin her mind, she quickly added 'e.'I A Comden,N.J.,deepotoh sots: Ahorrible hear money oheoked epeoulstion and forded the tui let is neglected for some unknown ,� Uh, well, never mind it," and took the belle 6 which they wielded with, great I ,L !",' crime, resembling in details the m>srder oi,k operators for a rise to close accounts. reason. -New York World. Postage stamp and walked out. dexterity, se well as with flexible bare of it•:' 'w y g The decline in giver resisted in eanein the iron. Meantime, there w an incessant s rr one ear ago of AnnioLecone ,wsa'bron ht B The clerk .afterward said he had never and maddening din of vol and inetru- to liht late yesterday by the finding of the depression: Foreign eeonritiee clone were To tet the FLles Wall[ out. seen ..a better illustration" of the force of ";N,; mutilated body o! Mrs. John Miller in a eteody, American railways were largely A, gy always walks upward. Put a �y habit. --Neta York Herald. menta. ' r donee wood nest hes home in Delaware gold until yesterday, when the bear move- on a window, and up he goes toward the It was Biter 5 o'clock before the, long end. township, this county. Fsang Lingo, the meat appeared to be checked and a better top ; be Can't be made to walk downward. I That's Right t" now somewhat damped end wearied pro- ' burly negro. who moos suspected of the tendency get in. A crisis is impending in mades, window. screen, divided in half. The cession reached: the Galleons pier -head to u murder o! Mise ,econey, is looked np the Scotch iron trade. The masters hove upper half lapped over the lower with 'an The abominations in human oonvereation perform what is Celled, in Anglo-Indian '� 11 t, charged with Caneing Mrg. Miller's death., given notice to the. men of s wholesale look• inch space between them. As soon as the are many ;but, one has come a of tote that phrase, ,w i Hobson been symbolic y ; ' .or drowning ' ' ` Mie. Miller's pocket•baok moue missing end out on the 4th of neat month, 'anleas an y y the bier, which re been gy a6 in of thein : ��, fly would light on the screen he would pro-' fg peonliarly; tiresome. Whenever, on se � ' robbery is supposed to have been the object amicable settlement of the dispdtes is coed to travel upward, and would ohne walk enything4hat agrees with the opinions of mourning. There s boat was in waiting, I at the murder. Three of the woman's effected in the meantime, of which thele ie y g and amid Appalling neige and`lamentetion; Ire ,� etriight int doors. On reaching the top of the person with whom you are talkie he 11 fingers were bitten off by the brute in the no prospect at present. The fires in a the lower halt he would go outside. Not. answers: "That's right: ' When anything ehrielsa of " Al1Ah," and the oriel of enthn- ' r gtrnggle and her head war Almost severed number of fern&nose eYe already out. The being able to walk down he. had no way to is explained to -him he says : " That's giants who beat and danced themsel�vea into, &, ,10, from the body. The murdered women wse, production busright."• g PP something -like frenzy, the paper elephant ... threatened stoppage of p return to the rd"pm• By thin manna &room In foot, on the slightest o or• ��,` 29• years old and very pretty. She le&vee caused excitement in the iron market here. can be, quickly cleared of flies. School tnnity he will say: "That's right." In and, mosque were weighted with atones, every conversation of twenty minutes there and carried out into midstream to be sunk. �I' ? three children. Journal. I. will be fifty "That's rights." It would be The were carefully pushed under with the ," V After the unhappy czar. Preaching vs. Practice. just &a well if he would occasionally say : oars for it would be fatal to anyone to Seamen Want More Pay. A St. Petersburg despatch says : Another Snake Editor -What are you writing ? •1 That's true;" o$ "That'll so," or " I think '` ' w, A Chicago dee stoh says: : The con, Y g steel a l took their from theme devotees .{ 'F;, iii g P y . sttem t Liss been made npon'the lite of the Sanitary Editor -An article on the Evil tie. too," or " I Agree with 'yon," or even then all took their reepeotiv ipg, whore ,,, i trolling body of the Seamen's Union last Czar.P This tithe the conspirators planned y You're mighty soonrate." Anything the cdmpaniea', bad provi a hem with �1 `. night .adopted an advance scale of wages to wreck a train b which it was believed Effects o! Tobacco. Give me a match this �� welcome festal additions to their ordinary � .� ifs to go into effect this morning. This aotfon' y pipe of mine's forever going out. would be better than the " nauseous ;.r ;� is of far-reaching fmportsnoe, 3,000 men the Czar intended totravel from St- Peters- P P iteration" of "That's right," The new fare. _ in Chicago alone bete affected, and bimi• burg to Waranw. An obstruction , wee There are Ithirty-nine theoepbical conatitntion cannot provide ag&inot each 'F lar large numbers atgMilwaukee, Sheboy• placed on the track in the Shape of five societies in the United States. ontrageg, but every men with the good of The British Ship Gretna, from London 1' o� sloepera, which were tightly wedged in be RECIPROCITY big fellow -citizens at befit can avoid ?a gin, Manitowoc; Cleveland, Toledo, tween the rails. The train which wag sup g P y.- to San Frinoieoo, which was given up for ? { Detroit, Buffalo, Ashtabula, Fairport, They bad a quarrel, an y; cont cafe one ea Session inoesirantl Courier• lost more than a month ago by the under. .j DetroKingsit, Oewef{o, Welland aatlal and posed to be carrying the Czar crashed into n,e letters back next ay; Journal. writers, arrived sit San Franoieoo on Fri. ", other points on the great lakes. The Bogle the sleepers end was thrown from the gig ring and all bis Presents went "'`;' adopted feat night world advance schooner track. No details of the affair have been „ it ay se d my ]c 9 eswitbOut aUe,ek to me," Loc,w prohibition was carried in the in evening. She Atlantic, ed as blown galea c�: P R obtained', end it is not known whether an in the South Atlantic, and moue blown sc men' 1 wages from $2 a day to $2.26, ba>tige- y lie wrote. "Could you forget them?" township of Lanark yesterday by i major• tar out of her course that the captain de - 6" men from $1 75 to $2; cooks $2 to $2.25, arrests have been made. She aneweroa speedily that t t we of 106 votes. Although the day mote � Mvut cpm© himself and het them t � ofded to finish the voyage by way of supe J' ' menwhefree $1.35 and $1.50 to $1.76, and wet And stormy almost every women s A Great Rellef. All the flour mill proprfetore in Lisbon vote in the,township was polled. of Good Hope. She was out 202 days. :-•-_ d give mates an adv c2 26 and 50 have combined to oless'tthsir mills in order ' r77" s, rural The conferees who have the McISfnloy Miss C. a. Lathrop, Now York, author canna per day. HoMler---What s the guv'nar do oat tip ha Abant ? to try to compel the Go Tariff to allow Tariff Bill under consideration have not ae of " A Secret Instifution," whioh details ,l a _ et been able to arrive at i astiefaotory her ion imprisonment, in a lunatic nay. ,* 3 The yonthfal king of Spain has not been Coachman - Thgt telephone. message them to import ae much wheat ag that lino agreement. The have cleared away all tum, sn her release by the Supreme Court ';out of the cradle long, but appFare to liavo about fairy Boll falling ai.d br©skins her themtiotoe mpori moa© than one-half of the yet y P a tall' appreciation ,of bia position in life. neck. diflicultieg except the duty on binding twine on the ground that she was gone and c;; `." One day recently he was served for lnnoh Hostler=-Goodnese me I It wasn't the wheat ground. and the grading of sugar,• and these ob nnlawfnily impriaoncd, will today publish. " with the breast of, i chicken out into small horse's nook. It moue the man's. Jan9 Dettenridgo of Kingston, Jarnaioa, etaoles they ap,iear to be nnible to'sur a call for a national organization for the feces. He at once began to help himself (;oaohmnn-Cru seri tell him quick. lVhif is an orphan and has t 1,O1t0,000. She flee mount. relief and protection of other victims of p refused 3.7 offers of marriage. enoh treatment. She stance ho has hoard without the aid of either spoon or fork. a relief it will be -- him . While tbo young king of fiervig, neoom- of severab,hundred such cases. '3' `f •� Sire," eaid.his attendant, ravel , " kings ` - A touching incident -Robbed by a pick panied"by his father, ex Ring Milan, was g y The Methodiiit Conference to -day corn. , k' y`; never eat with fie ors." " This liinc(do°s," An old man nAmed .John Campbell, from p�aket• returning from a drive yeetereay a oar Y C1 '' s sed t wit fioR sty, oOntinninghis •real. neweaetle, f)nt., wl,o bac �tane�at�tho k ar Tho Fl :mane Fdnoation Sneliety of tridge Wag exploded boneath his oarria�e. mences holding three seeAions daily. Yes. ry .-..- _.-m mm..__.. ra p. -... -.,.ing o,n.. Mily_.,in s , o a be,.snt,hotitr.e,s___nllM© thAt the ex loeion terday some important reports were pro- . ." ; t'h e P [a P . _� V�. T J, o�oRa are being showered"•"tl;l�k liw,r . tiohmond `street west; Ioron-i ;"Bt�tt�cr,'rr' cffPr COTrf.oc .k.h.e. .bast., e .snit�learned T _.. _...r _.. a a,r,;,1q 't• " feet upon Lord Aberdeen. The latest is of No. 461 te`a " the naming o! a Toronto Camp of the Bone dropped dead on i3aturdgy afternoon from in favor oit otion and $250 for the bestrno oneiwastinljnred seer as can be° the porinnWU n tion fund and on ndipddcatiion. ii. Apoplexy. essay against 'F,, of Scotland aftey him. , 61.