HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1890-10-10, Page 4tssh'irrs+s---s-ss,t.s ahoy gaols& • tau LIBERTY TO UTTER AND TO ARGUE - EREELf °A0130I1DING TO THE DICTATES OF CONSCIENCE VIM MEN ABOVE ALL OTHER LIDERTIES,,. r ileacknor, October .10th,1.800. MECSANICS' INSTITUTE. • The Mechanics' Institute in this r The Lucknow Sentinel Eiruoe-Courity, Friday, October.' ibth a lad. named Johnston, of nod• otioh, and the bay mare owned by Mr. Arthnr McGrory, of this village, grad- rS'sseReesslreass.sesssefssfsetssAess.sests„,n, sl„ came down the home stretch neek and neck in the order narned. The second and final heat •bid a similar result, the prize going to Mr. Johaston and the second to Mr. McGrory. Both ani- mals ran very well and had they been mile heats it would have been very difficult. t.o tell •ababstaf the two horses would have reached the wire first. The dog racing, however, was a die - appointment, and Master Geoige Berry, being the only one who appear- ed with hie dog, and after teeing the quarter mile, was awarded the red ticket. years, and it contains a large tinmber of volumes which have been carefully selected from the best authors of .ancient and modern times. • In fact the library is up to the mark in every department. In history, in science and in most bran3hesof literature it shas a selection well whorth reading, • - sand anyone who wishes to inform him - elf on almost any topic can find uble aid from the persual of the books of the institute. With such an oppor-_ s• -ATVs tnnity for gaining information on such seSs • jiberal terms it would naturally be • supposed in a village the size of Luck - new that a great many more would avail themselves of the advantage ,which it affords. We haye young men who no doubt are anxious to make • 4or themselves a.good name and to as - quire a knowledge of current events. is very desirable in fact- for both young and old to gain knowledge and „tviiprove themselves so that they may ,loe enabled to grapple more successfully with the problems of life. It is a well known fact that the man who works with. his head governs the man who works with his hands, The young have the • world before them and let • teem improve their opportunities it ,will add to their comfort and enjoy- • inent and to their advanceinent. . They re-do-thisetethe-Meelianiesgnstitute. at Lanes The weather is very favorable for lab work, and a very large acreage of plowing has already been done. The root crop is reported to he about an average one. Mr. C. Rouse has returned from a trip t� London bringing with him a fitie driver which may be classed among •the fasest horses in this section. Mrs. George Campbell spent a few days among her friends near Hamilton last week. Thotnas Little has gone. to Michigan for a while. LADY DRIVING. three entries for the y iving con 03 , an the Spen exhibition of'skill in handling the lines by t he ladies was much admired by the large, crowd present. Mrs. J. Pactsrson, of this village, was awarded first prize ; Miss Patterson, of Huron, second ; and Mrs. J. Anderson, third. The judges weie Messrs. John Gentles, Kincardine ; Mr. Polley, Goderich ; and James Webster, Kinloss. The books nontaining the prize list and other information connected with the show are not completed as we go to press and we are therefore unable to publish them this week, but will do so in our next issue. FALL. SEASON 1890. • vr,17 • Our stock for the fall is now about complete IT HAS BEEN SELECTED WITH GREAT CARE And with a view to satisfy the varied wants of our many customers and OUR PACES WILL BE FOUND _RIGHT Each department, Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and ook throug1i William , McNamara is over froin the domain of Uncle Sam, looking hale and hearty. • Some'ofoui• stock men succeeded in carrying oe a good number of prizes at the fall show at Ripley. . James Lane got 'second for buggy horse and a good • number of prizes for sheep. MatChe.w. li‘arriett got away with let prize for his ine butfolk hoar, which is a model of . ins 1;1ass ;.alYo 1i prise forspring pigs. Mr. F. Scdtt took 2nd; prize for agri- cultural horses, both beings the get of .n tine yercheren stallion once owned - ,by Mr. tower.S.of Wawanosh. Mr. J. Jameion „cow° to the front in this class, taking 1st prize .ior a span of agricultural horses, the get of Colin, the* tine Clydesdale hoist- owned by Mr. Clark, of'Colborne. Mr, Sante -ion also got let and 2nd for Shorthorn 2 year old heifer, and 1st for Grade 2 year,eld heifer. •1 An:liberty ,11Xesares Alfred . Mitchell and Ken- MeRriesof,Powassan, Parrysouad, were visiting at Ar...Donald Neil Me- Ksnzie's last Week. • The mae'aiotyy of the Hemlock City stist.mill has n w artivsti. Mee. ..AsMc.flityrli is at present v• isiting in, St. yhOulass Mf. Donald Boyd bas. been taking this sights at the London exhibition. Miss ,Mary McDonald left receutly ift* ,California sh4ra she intends s.o rem ei al for some time, • • Mr Xenneth McLellan ,is erecting a . ynew house Which will be a great itn- .1provemen,t „to his farm.' • A. yoinigarieti named Jno. Perg„usort •setet, with a very ,setious aceident the , thilr day; Me was drawing .e.ut `s.• , enure, when the horses took fright be was thrown on the whiffietree, i'sse at the wheels massing over ilia hotly, lid' trAtSipg ,1± He kJ ' tittking. 'RF s Paramount . The following is the standing of the pupils of S. S. No.. 14 Huron based on gerL.probcienr'tten ance and deportment: • Sen, 4th --K. Murchison, E. Reid, L. Beaton, L. McGill, F. Murray, Tiffin, W. Murray. A. Reid. Jr. 2nd —L Pickering, E. Hamilton, G, Mur- ray, A. Murchison, *M. Tennyto,n. 3rd—P. McInnis, B. Murchison E. McGill, E Agnew, N. McKenzie. 2nd —M. Hamilton, E. Reid,. B. Robert. son, M. Henderson, V. Tennyson, K. Beaton, L. Murdoch, N. McInnes, Ida Henderson, - L. Campbell. Parents should send their :children to school regularty. • The shrill call of the steam thresher is heard hard by and -in the distance Dan Claik's rifle is cracking away. . Dan -expects a position on the Wimble- ton team next year. He is using Bill Davis for a target. At present Bill stands about 10 yards from death's' door, but he says that next week -he is going to move five yards further • hack as Dan is improving rapidly ,and he 'does not want to get hurt. Miss Kate Ross, of Langside, who has 'returned home from Detroit; was Visiting it Mr. McDiarinida. Mr. M, J. McKenzie.paid a flying visit to our burgh last week. . A. Warning.—If a certain young man . of Paramount whohas driven down here in atop buggy many times 'tiering the past two -weeks does not stay at home, we will endeavo, to make him.—Lochalsh Siftings. There is a pipe scrap down at the factory that will be in every paper in the country in a few weeks. It is far worse thin the hen and a half problem. Our worthy friend Bill issit the bottom of it. He should have been a mathe- matical puzzler in a collegiate institute fur be has the thief., so badly in•ixed up thnt it would take a Philadelphia lawyer to unravel it. Every one is pleased to knciw that Miss Mary McKenzie is 'recovering.. Though slow it is still encouraging andswe hope ere long to see her fully recovered. . Bruce Count) W. C. ..T.• "Union Convention The third annual convention of the Vs'ainan'8 Christian Temperance Union cf Brum*. was held in' Paisley on Mon-: d.ty, :ird. Mrs, McKay, vice, presideut, took the chair in the absence of Mrs: Riehards, empty president. The reports from ‘local uuions were very creditable. It the•seening an interesting.. meeting was hold, Rev. Mi., Johnstone, Pres1)y terian in ieister, is the chair. An address of welconie was read by Mrs.Gratit, of Paisley, and responded to by Mrs. Stephens,' of Walkerton ' .'after which excellent and gtirring addresses were (delivered hy Rev–Mr. %Volker, of Walkerton, and resident ministers. An interesting report on scientific temperance was also read by Mrs Gould, of Walkerton. Serections of music were rendered by • the ehoir slf the temperance school.. The following officers 'ere elected for the 'coining year : President, Jrs. Mt: Kay, Walkerton ; vise -president, Mrs, Little, Lucknow; correspondieg acre - try, Mrs, Stenheos. Walkerton; recorilitle secretary, Mrs. Petchart a I,n erin ay ; trans u rer, • Mrs, ,K us, Call and see us on Show days, 7th and 8th of Oct. CAMERON, MURDOCH & CO LUCKNOW & DKNGANIV JIMMIWIPISMINM. MANTL $ MANTLES The time for heavy mantles for the ladies has come. We are ready to supply them with a SILIZETTE, PLAIN Oil riounED VOILSTED, •or a nice president c o a ashionablader: • OUR MILLINERY DEPARTMENT is Well supplied with the latest good afor fall and winter - 'Whether you want to buy. or not, Miss Markle OZt0332,5 a cordial invitation to the ladies to call and inspect the stock. W. - CONNELL.- - • r. OVESI. STOVES! ...STOVES!. It will profit you if you want to purchase a good COOK STOVE, PARLOR STOVE OR BOX STOVE • VOIR, 00 AI CDP, WCDOID This season, to call on us. You will find our stock complete and at reasonable prices. A large stock of Stove Furniture, Boards, Pipes, Etc., Away Down. in Price. NOW IS YOUR TIME to get a goodtove cheap at THE LEADIG STOVE DEPOlit. =as. L.A.W TZMI•TOM, ttrc1row 03\IPT MIPINAINI.IGIBIMENIMNIN!lialsOMMIsmaoriW Paisley ; superintendents of depart-, ments, scientific temperance, Mrs. Gould, Walkerton ; evangelistic work, Mrs. Richards,- Tara ; juvenile work, Miss Tyson, Wiarton ; Sabbath school* work, 3lrs. Gilpin, Wiarton ; fair work,' M rs. McDouald, Lucknow; work. among lumbermen, Mrs. Brown, Wiarton ; legislation and franchise, Mrs, Patterson„ Wiarton ; railroad, Mrs. McBride, Port Elgin ; work among sailors and fishermen, Mrs. Reikle, Wierton ; flower mission, Mrs. Grant, Paisley; unfermented wine, Mrs. Rolston,Chesney ; jail and prison, Mis, Mekry,Walitertoo, The Committee on Resolutions brought in the following Resolved, that in the opinion of :,his convention all is not being done by the license inspectors thet might be done, if they were in sympathy with the work and vigilant, in the discharge of duty. Resolved, that the liquor traffic is favored by the shape ,.f the pocket flask, now manta attired under Gov -ern - merit control. s • \-TtOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT _LI the partnership heretolore existing be- tween the undersigned as •nardware, tin and stove dealers, at the village of Lncknow. has been dissolved, and Mr. Powell retires from the business. All debts and accounts owing to the late firm are the property of Mr, Powell and must be paid to him ou or before the 16th of Nrovembei next, and all claims against the hrui must be presented to liAn for settletnent. Witness j D/C ELLIOT TIIAVER. I PAUL P("vkiLL. Dated at Ltteknow, Oct. 6tb, 1890. 3-872 Notice of Dissolution. INSOLVENT NOTICE. • :0:— °TICE IS HEREBY GIVE* THAT Lachlin McDougall, of the Township of the County of Bruce, farmer, has made nu Alitligt111411tto me under the act respecting assignmepta and preferences of insolvent persons. Te first meeting of cred- itors will 1x held at the office of Elliot Trawl., Solicitor, at die village of liiicknow, on the 23,41 day -of October. 1890. at 2 o'clitek p. Tn. Alt claims tntait be tiled With me olA or before that date. • * - Dated at Lucanow, Oct.6tb, 1890.. 2-872 THE NEW EARLY GRAPE "CORTLIAND" RIPENS. FROM 13th TO 20th AUGCST according to warmth of season. Three weeksi earlier than the,Coneord. 'rhe abort, grape -can only be purchased froom tctihorized agents of Maple Grove Nurseries. NV aterioo, N .Y., and all. trees and plants sent out from those celenra; ,d nursery grounds aro giieranteed to give satisfaction. Give your\. orders to our local agent,H.Spencer,Lnekno*, Agents wanted. Apply to J. W. MeKAY, 3m-869 Gen Manager, St Thomas,Ont - PUBLI0 NOTOE. XTOTICE 15 'HEREBY- GIVEN THAT Adam Ressworm, of the Township if Carrick, in the County of Brnce, yeoman, will apply to the Parliament of Canada at the next session thereolt for a Bill of divorce from lila,. wife, I41nuna . ussworm, nee Correll, formerly of the. mid Tmvnship'of Carrick-, but now re-. Hiding in the city of Chicago, in the State (3f Illinois, ti. S: on the groand of adultery. Dated itt Walkertinv, Ont., this let day of September, 1890. • • OVONX011, VtrOgItOft'S 6 tnos.S-867 Solicitors for applicant.