HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1890-10-10, Page 2i''.,r?�S 1. ' . ®� c7 .11 .e. • ,� atmosphere of gloom whish had SIlS laySTER]LOUS M16SION. which strop p a Trail an e of wh of 1 the T e he s c on t n nd e t O o der z, e _,;. _� i*b ,% Duk_ , , a _ �.. �' _rause a van R °? A �l : r Ra�lxo& 'i `' _ --v r a ate. r .`�, "—_, ,. �,i = T 9II 9�ftBr all; ikxibu �if1, k4�i t . s ea� `F?l �• �� T �� w Precedent. eaplalned, have tie , 4 •G.. .r �.t7iltilrw x�'�y, a Alr:a}nat su me, and I have positively dacli ped old indicated both weariness and siyri gay manner had not efieotDail• -tirii rirlly — " `' " he the Pitts- ad and She had spent three years in pollees, and the lot Msnpect'e desire to deprive me of your said : Commercial (layette : No word has yet h tat �' Tell me all about this business, far I%hougit se On noGh ng e1vnghlle° theanoherehgpon t2 The following story is told by �- V of lore and knowledge oompgny, J : ;9he had packed within herrooranium was wonder- What have You done tl h stents will be -here directly ; question apps question as to wlieII I would' burg fir„ fully great, yvorthy nephegP in posse, that be should wish 'apgeara to be more serious Deane kiereelf will leave or ,stare, what I cid id or would not been received from Je roes F. Garrison, the mathematfas, you out of the war ? or,..what�ie more to it. Diane B p would or waned 'train caller at the Dake Erie depot, who ',khat she understood astrology, t � am not sure th do, what',tha dancing, World eared August 11th. When a reporter physiology, eeertin them in the disapp 11 alt of pastel painting, there is >ly the pent, whlee on veugr �Bpt th¢e be allowed, after all,i o a000mpany them, not think of my yS(, g r in for their . _ >_ Andtlut__ __. _ _ a,; ? ___Where; did y. _ L� "�h I ho a she will." :, idat ot,aha season,"tend a thou9and other palled at 11<Ir. (}arrieon'e home last night, need to state., ever ' , e �_m usotions are too ntjmerotie fox g b,,,,ter$y tl=o-.� P estate, which his two children. ,re ° Y - . _� _ �,a-,t make a biscuit, and his lite, no q _ - „ ,,� -Onld' von not tell me Yesterday queries Yof the, caro$ ia'iYQ �u� ,� , _ lrkc ..� to Ott down end answer;' Yonr. I was dismayed and my friend da,R +,v. man would risk' it eat her awful apple one chance decidedly of satisfying me is ay `a`T�r to Y e that on were in love with her 't !t woui+i =pmdltu tih�tgeavoredut of too ple►inly to me ui beir In,"ad as I` was after the other child died' said In mektng the attempt Dom. to•night•,, devoting yourself tom y w i, pies. "that Jill' commenced to �. Fqr qhs baked one for her brother and to dayshioth words that my filers. Clerrison, ourself, to ns, and, I tear, to the poor 'het inmost thought I could tea ,. an *, loviag mother and asking Diene Bomethirg about. the have saved enoh s, amount of trouble o weather by polite and dis Sant to y. suspect thea she which said in ao many ' Mourne for a son so soon oast off, and wafted to and fora silent fiancee, whose attraction girl herself ; for I strongly snap absence was the beet ending to a disagree- look ae 'though eomethtng was tronbhng t,ha a. enchant for yon. ;ry . � the skies. regHe became thin and talked lava to the ohil- the is too baay to dine with ter at l brightened up at this. antic �tedr they could "have wished or him, became would hen n6. te'l' he d � he it he But her homely OOaaiII Bury was exactly „ bjSgrE DE BnETEUILLE 6, Not relishing his fact, I happened to d rento thewent ' i Though sheydidn't stand so very .high in know!- " Comteare de Chantalis." " Rhe has not said anything to land me to Anticipated kin or a fork or something, when, seemed better tanid when I to return qe appease edge or in looks. to tetra drop a nap ick it n , I saw a pearl, with him he p to the writ& boo nd ,,for she in too well brought up Y Then he want to Chartiere When it Dame to making dinners, she was classed I made a boned to the bell, and another this oonolasion," quickly added.tho conn esu, 1 slash of Dor he got hie pay an good- e,wr„ among the winners, ++ "Nothing her sentiments even when they are strong, stooping to p P And she's made a reputation as a queen of pun- " DnAu COUNTESS I Wrote,— e- wishes of her parents ; tear, he might never see him again, pin socks. F in the world will deprive me of .my dinner when she knows them to but I can plainly Dtane�oaelto the I eIIdan ngcan Pa I 1 rose bye, saying boss of one o! the gauge .� , - � ink c a. - - _ lved as does a = ping to 1°ave the country. _-_ - - - _ - �: =s _ - _-.. nue,oR _.. _ .. . _ _. wa_ ?• Now it henoned the. pea u _ ;S x come bbook to " mommero was full of life moiaelle Diane ie about to en er no one to see mother at her sister's houseOn e••iliaga same a fallow w bonds whish you and Raymond ;hake end r pen on n0iada b° It Ie so r, m tears would be dried by me, and by and a To since the appear so delight- her desire to meet you snohtaidee re ? jog,, wardly that before the evening was suer Fourth avenue, and started to cry 4..: ' and dash. "i Be was only six and,twenty, and had stook and me thirst for, em Y PP his hands• When mother asked him ;�, =, bonds in plenty, ful ae represented by your two selves, yon "Has she expressed Presently she mustered a little courage, wrung rir. �yye yes air was La distinguished; as was most recollect I cannot refuse eon beautiful asked, with a fervor I could not conceal. alae. ai his moustao a niece a share o! the admiration I have for „ " Pauvre garcon 1 " Broiled the how i countess, intended to laevo the nest day. to give to me : '. Dear Mamie, fear not ; ` al t eon tar one as all that ? But $o av is it and in the hearing of her mother asked .me what was the matter he 'gave her this note �;��3 Is I g when all is right I will come. Tell'Ala►n niaoe? Where whether � � 11 r;,. Se came, he saw, he tarried, and in aourae of her. sunt. hiveumble end respected that yon tell in love with my +, No, mademoiselle, not to morrow all good -by: Mother brought that the. time he married— homage, and zp of me at seven:' did you meet.her ?" 20 to me. When he lett her he said he '''r But`it's only in this story -book that worth's re- g perhapsif I Can be OI $ : _ • . t'It's ,,;awarded well, „ had only ten minutes to oatoh the train for reaeration with the maid of At last 1'' I exclaimed, w who whataa the faotlthat it woes at a peat y sock's shop though orevethe neat day, if for mei New York, and he was going to follow the ygor Jhe formed a done, "things are mending. B '4 - Q, of Education, '� Andli���ary now is cooking in a second-rate day I have had 1 " —it seemed to me so ridionlonB a plane Lor use to my friends by staying Bee man who had caused him the trouble. Hie r; hotel, before you go,to be b" she added boldly. a era were sent by J. O Harms of Look- _. —Terre Haute Express. I noticed that the bell had not been �entedt mysell1 yt &sour ng her she would before °A have ill 00" shcome yet nd seen ear papers N.Y., who wrote that they had been ''+ answered, and rang snafu. . The servant appeared with a telegram. hear the whole story from me as soon inked up on the Hamilton (Ont) Wharf. '' I beg pardon of moneienr," he said; "but could secure her attention for a while and house and our garden, end I have each I met Jim about ten years ago and we were '� �pK. BY �N .EHGL1SURN the oonoierge celled sok her advice in my predicament, while I lovely roses, which I would like Y Roeee�' P y when monsieur rang,g married five y he had ever proved, when the she added, " are saoh princes beauty think he had gone off with some other me to give this telegram, which being had jest time to bre of her Lo stand by me member when you are away. erre afterwards. I could ' . , women bad we not always lived happily - ''?fib. k'«• : A '' Q�J E STORY• . ,-addressed to Monsieur Faire, he'ie not Sara me the fries �. door o sued, and' ushered in Marquise de flowage ; t�beY have so mac Y even an hoar and looking. at the man rosy not be intended for yon." P _ e , He never remained away r ,,. r E I got up arantia„ do they not ?" after work without sending me a note. He response " Give it, and hove this* coulditsome delight! I marlked the entrancell �by Diane ao many thinge,nt and they renin one o loved the children, 'and before he com- �if� ' from top to toe as he stood up in P once. " A telegram ! Wh "Diane." said her mother, "yon mast not •i''`t ° from ? I looked at the address to see if and her father. peel to her detain Monsieur Vere, it he has important menced to worry about ht trouble o! his ;;�,;Lt" r to my movement, I said "Yoe have appealed to me as an English there was a postmark, forgetting that it The lane fairy went er joy Y baeinesi to attend. Official eammonses would play with them for hours:' ra. -. `.a..• was not a letter. .Then I doubted whether sister•in•lew, embraced her on both oheaka, (3arriaon ie in deatitae oiraamstenoes, and : , it —_ gentlem�ane if aou�nofdoabt honor. wiBe1Unde e besides .which, I think 1�• is worried nearly unto death about her Iter Vin_ , y ti, n it was for me, and whether I bad a� r�'ightt a�nd� a ledkhim by the the heaind to w ere1 the word over. And roses are rosea n eland me; bot not b-oing—" tiehm•a o• open if—Bu"-last 1 im°e-- a _rk intends to bring hie her and b �1� A I IMEs reporter made enq:Ah de �ePo er the I 11 our poles may alightly differ. As an Rag- „ Fane"tlwae enffioiently French rendering' wee, and said : concerning thein ing o7taY' "Thou dost not know my friend here, M. sisters to see pox to-morrow."-�-u---� liehma is I distinctly refuse to learn from a for Verve to justify my reading its contents, I as wharf here, but. the polios or steam oat sin a friend, as you justly nod it and read'.. Verve, an Anglo•Freno nme d' eon as t fe 1 0l nedeto tak tithe hint conveyed i n he o1loials know nothing of the oircumete oe- etrongelr what, b g p atrmiae; at iviademoisella de Breteniile'S sO,ICome at once.—Bola, London." learn our ways, end ma 91 marquise's last words. They may have been picked up by O'Hara relatives, I have not yet learned regarding gang Bob I thought ; though I had with ns and for to make your eagnaintanee, I talked a while with thahostese, and they, who seeing the name ot. (}arrAdd upon rhat yea, I person's position towards yon." miegidingB that. I would eventually obey "I am happy His wife addressing Diane again, Ir asked whether diem for them to his address In ,. He gave ate an ugly look, which only Bobs sett summons, me Bob was a friend sir," said the marquis, stiffly. Pittsburg - urged me vn.and seldom " purpose, she amiled,and ., ve I do not doubt your word °Ot gee tot telegraph nnleee really obliged whose face oaublush miff nntolda eogasnoe on ®hGlaeesino at emY p • P Fray belie impel! in unison with the inward answered," It you mean whether I can die- The use of Water and Balt. ',' in any one partioaisr - but until offroialld to by important considerations• spread quickly, ave me coarse . on a aloud or a sky and reed the announced to me, I ignoreyoor engagement' I drafted a reply equally laconic : feelings which were agitating her, g man. It p ++ +. da do ?—Hesxy.'' a little nod of the head, eon friendly, it fataWhe►t would you eayis'the color of the � Sett is an omolestheel h in ivarious to the dwaye. r' altogether. Will Thursday a tsps ,arsine, and eon modest with Manyoft►ie functions of the body go on "And you dealing my request ? " —and took it to the office, when, by p g " I do, on the ground which I have ++ Rather overcast when I came, able better under its infla0IIa9, and without it of god look whish I took to be providential, nerved me to any battle, which I might be sky this evening ? `but though I cannot see the blood becomeB impoverished. While a elated, and on a still higher ground, lin tie of Diane with her celled upon to wage on her behelt. 1 1.namely, that the little I have seen of the motherhss they drove poet me in their Simply dressed as usual, it did not escape, said, laughing ; I complete deprivation of salt would pro" nt t he lits been enough to rove the duce disastrous results an excessive use of . lad in q g P and victoria, and saw the dear little thing smile eti hat, tie manner, and at the ebmestime so t very blue nowacross these kti-'aarteins, somehow feel 9 it would ecAraely be lee harmful. In large 11 to me that .she is the Boal of loyalty, a as she acknowledged my harried bo voting „How odd t" I said •'that is exact! 11 oat be abaolotely treated to do nothing bat I have often found many donee it gess ae an emetic ; in quantities `. herself o to the That amile, made me forget at once all cleverly worn as to defy close observtion, g beyond the regniremente of .health it irri- derogetory either to the horrors o! the day, and consoled me for was a rose de Dijon heli laded, which I a feeling; ., tate& the stomach and intestines and some- s Position in whish• you tell me she is now the course of true love tanning eon unusually ton gnat I had.offered her overnight, in the ek�torm larking ton the fringe of a 'blue times purges. • Thoe who nee Balt nnnan� i s t''.taced as regards yourself roughly. It ,did more : it showed ma that b q a, _. r "That position;' said the count, with s ally freely almost always enffar more or � . I was in her thoughts; end. th t deepi%a eaWe all et down lYeand 1 somewhat The noon• againstit matters the storm if roteote . less from constipation taint smile, ,+ mast have been knows el her altered position I woo"still Y __ _ __._.__ et a moment ago a ley V y..r sa I m he I 11,r yon, „ one o! those ,loyon9 expressions of hila etYgined�a�oit we impossible hide he to protect n he 'sky gine Yea should be the role vgith itho ewwho'euffer meosenger from a treated friend. „would countenance which gave me Strength w mind that "Who," I oontinned, Bnerlingly, warning," from constipation. Each day the system y tions of her projected they made. me- almost mad. anxiety which was knocking so loudly at "The blue of Y sometimeg needs at least two quarts of water, as about , shake ,the fonade With increased delight I looked forward the heart. b that quantity is nod np or thrown out o! a marriage to a heap of rains, we're her pride to the evening of this eventful day. The marquis a iso aaintage nee earlier,on there tis no gradual discoloring, would it it faded; but a sadden to be inealted by the knowledge that her CHAPTER IV. having made...my q nd had committed the been the ground Chet he had entirely lost the black.cloud that travels P els faster than thought, v Bever foade a stain mnoy twen h water, Fr iand n • • ' ,tutor trusted husband which • he now and breaks more S sedil then the will." taken •"• :i tutorlar blonder; for man of your eaperi Though the oonnteea' letter had habits of society, It seems to Ins," egid Daine, warming tea; ooffee,,aoIus611 ways, estat d,s about I ,;.: a ms the .visit which you will answered in a great hurry as no doubt it never frequented and believed I was not g ++ enoa; to p y had been written in by that charming type member of the " oerole " or club to whish to this conversation, of the covered mean• habitna art Permit me not to return-$$ count, of a Peirisian fashionable lady, of those' day s, ' "IIs rival 1 hisaed the for I know and though Bob's telegram had been he generally devoted his evenings._ jog of whicn she and Y alone possessed the two q Harte of water should enter the. n ere wrong, All this was very polite, and required• no' secret, and glowing with radiancy as each atemeoh daily. It in a good plan to drink "Even there you answer; bat presently Reymond de Chan- hint we conveyed one another brought with one or two-glesaea of wets, from half an f Mademoiselle Diana's senti- replied to without much concern aB to its 'alis answer; ban, and brought with him a little it g corresponding under seemingly to our boar to an hoar beior eating breakfast.e nothn , o - • manta towards me.; and se an Englishman meaning, but with the Bola give myself one breath of activity refreshing to our over• fatnre action, while its seemingly nein• And it,no is either hot or cold es pre - again, I wohld try nd find o t that before honorable more o galldmy Wherein develope plane— strained nerves ' portent tenor lulled to sleep the vigilance shoutarreld Whichever fa nTo eed, the water I posed call my Y words, to ratify the cravings of ,,Good avenin Leontine sorry I am of her astute and restored to heemertorme stomach with ooldswater•would be to env to 'tA. in other. won , g (10 . g11 1 appellation:' late, but I was detained by Carolas Daran, don o! talk and gesture— it a This was, the ought, 'Epps eptly vhad ablefeelingkeptnassertirig an that my who showed me his latest picture—a chef- there is nothing so grand in nature as thae d'yspaptio troubles•—Beaton bferaid. tharst ; bck d'oeuvre of art and good taste." sadden storms you speak of, because they are weighed matters in the meanwhile, and arguments with the count had no ed ,longer '+ Ah, Richard, I wish you had. been with tangible and definite, and when over leave Education and ought osociety. ganged .correctly that for the present, at any foaridation; that being app you to repair a disaster or re -)ice over an Too often the first thought of a mother d Ome a no right to 0 out n me this afternoon 1 never saw such a seas a end at any rate make the property over .the cradle of a little child,, enpeoielly least, there was no secret understanding Diane's engagement to him by ger own splendid mare in my life ae Bonnefois has p , between .Diane and myself—a point, no aunt, I had p P g if it be a girl, is how to steer and trim her est purchased in England. whish had been in danger ell the more age, She doubt, he had eaolaaivoly baen-anaioas to this dinner ,in his absence and after his p,+Bon jour, !'ami Anglais. Comment as valuable in one's eyes:' little bark so that at the proper s > aeoertain ; satisfied apparently with this requeot ; and the conviction that I mi ht 1 croon ? And little Diane too 1 Had I not the conviction, which may float upon the serene Baas of eooial knowledge, he made a stiff bow, remarking be giving -the count some reason for doubt- vis, mon g amounted almost'to a greed a ainet which success. The schemes and devices, and that ed regretted having disturbed ms, jug the honorable motives Wb , prompted .what am I to Bay, , I have heard some g to me worries of the young mothers in New York. while he quite nnderetood that national my conduct, and which >' .had Bo loftily wonderfl reports of your Baoaesa." any don lhati Diane woo as Pdeepa loving, to achieve this end ;the oomplicatione in Finally, turning to his wife, " Why, my earn et, and strong �natnre—albeit she was which they involve themselves, and the ,differences of Pero orB n the liig°ht she had reflect whether, after lle, I had not better dear, is dinner not+annonnoe�'? We are as which they expend to control or to my not seeing matt land that evening th g gifted with the loveliest human form it was energy hoped I would look at them. start .for Eng hungry as wolves. g possible to tie—I would have Bet down this interfere with the affeire o! g school in - He took his departara, and I was left to myself into possible disrepute. to See how At that moment the foldin doors of the speech others ae An ahem tat co uetterie, platters of which they have no knowledge my reflaotionB, which, it need � not be re- I even looked at my adjoining room were opened, Y d a groom in almost reprehensible in one who, speaking or skill, would be amusing were it not Bo c- ., half• sat six, end of the chamber, irroproacllabl got n in marked, were of a confused and`�t first mnoh time I had before the in left for 1 g y p itiful. While they tetlk o! anxiety end not altogether pleasant character. Calais ; but it being P black silk stockings end pampa, announced P toy Behe in t her own deertselt, end b9 Merest for the education Of their children, I. .The above rplei I oodvereations suffioi• there being only halt an hour between the „ Mademoiselle Is Comtese eat eervie:' it is this meretricious -end alone which dntly indicate their nstare, and I need not, time of seeing once more the girl I loved many parent are seeking. The teachers I ere •but their 'and an hour add a half beforethe train could ew, he the omargaisetoihie sister. gnd,nthxiae- for her.rm that battle she urged the to fight receive their children with the knowledge ' therefore, dilate upon them h , , r titer, and bright' whirl me away from her delightful 1appeal that, looking straight into her clear that their beat work will never e a pre purport presently grew brig weed a that ,seeps, I of course concluded that I had, blessedMademoiselle Diane as regaeated to take'in I was iso struck by thiB oonrageons 1. ver thin rose the kno g P train while only just lids 1 senile when I bright eyes, I poi remarked how tree p f oboe e V g r letter time to catch the ave me a eorrowin Y oigted—From The. Private liiool for } Diane araeted me, an evinced, by he , no dinner. She g P-irls," by Mrs. SYLYANus REED,in October, 4 I that a ainst the mieohief which the time enough not to mise my Scribner. . m ,come might casae That watch decided the future, which batd offeredeloquence eetold mexol�tbelg ief whish was the property knew tht property to be hie, governess S visit to y both 11lademoielle `alarona end her lovely least proves that Time is not alwey at so Not Ladies' nay . cannot do ;and she had loyally sworn to r or I felt that atttractedathedatteniion loo all the others, Lad visitor in Washing- charge, I Observer : held in my hands So aero a card adviser. Consult Time, and he will tell you gnawing et her heart, of the lgetonrDle t that neither borrowed nor mor, gage ,that I knew the count would not venture to to a nicety-what out YOU aan a betray • diplomacy to carry the benefit t tine tabic generally; which fwe .ton—ii tiesWhat is going on in the House to- t • his egret; ane, lastly, that out of Time is not only an advieide;' at d tedr friend; above all t mart screen her r 'l the count a visit; which first looked on fhouroolls I into a your of light; twh aper out mtroubly+intent ousel my p R, commonly like deprivings and aB irstions in hie ear, and Happily the dinner table was a round did, both of na laughing and enjoying the . day ? " . rounds, of the happiness of 'your hope P • PP, P . honorable g could contrive to slip -When all we had said had been rehearsed the committee on a ro rietiona, is making ortnnit so ardently longed one, and thus no gree distance would mystification to our hearts' content. ad the wiser, eon report,." Mr. Cannon, chairman, mneeting Diane again, I had co nt3 out begivesthe ops Y separate us, and we a fres man : a not aB I pleased, mind that ae L was to be in a word not destined for other ears'; while a Second time, and no one ase a p nd as a faithful lover who had not tom-. I .made up:my• na th I would make the fact of my sitting on.the eouatesa left Diane brightly addressed me again, nota Lady visitor �' T k�yon• I will Dome _ b . of ty .witted hits mistress. Anger soon made way absent from Poria Y an her radiant young fere- ho a on a calm re- the most of the time lett to me, and that, enabled theemme quis,swhooat Oni her rightition leg R v nous e of care ra noadmon ona,"eshelae d ; some otherday-"11 DON'T FAST. to satiafaotion, sear to p , ' ` view of all the morning's prooeedinga• come what might, I would t least reuse o When worries and troubles surround YOU, Feeling, however, that air was the one myself in my true colors. I would be true It is tree that �,n_ the other aide of Dianeof course I referred to a effeo Don't fret. fevered .to the girl I loved before I were so to con- was her moWte n► them for the girl eon space is ing to nave hie )aroPo b from over his he dt coo to'workt • thing most likely to soothe my, not to b® heard it she ahoae to speak low. the storm about You bet, ,•, A . l�iead, 3 went out, only to return at 6 o'clock aidexatibne o! etiquette, !alae eentse of honor, enough b ++ with an inflection on the word)' " on You will always have troubles around n, to another, epistle, which gave me a start, or other' social demands upon my soon as may deem that property his if you shirk. time it was in the hand ori the reticence. I would know the troth regkI oto the As Lot aoroaeothe table that, if he were that property,(* * « as thisDiane ler; authority to p � .Comtess de Ohantalis. I way beside , myself with joy, The world doesn't care nfoo i your woes, t me off l " was mY first eaolama- her parents, ask her parental l or h© hsd eon much admired, I would willingly own and nobody else's•" To Pa p permission to supplant the count, Not a hitt &ion, The brutal count hag done hiThe man who is wise never shows . had told me of his relent vis't to England, manuringnddnlhethreatanedwIrWo cold defend my To his fees t and here, with an official the count to look neon me as his revel, etek undertake the oommiaBion, ae Bonnefois finished our weather to r pork, T though That he's hit. ototifioation of his betrothal, comes the end the world u judge between na ;and l of ht he could have had pro erty before even .thinking of my Every one of your, neighbors has griefs of hie • of all my hopes. I was in despair, and for fused that authority y Diane herself, leave horae, which he thought p rohsoed this pe conal safety own ; Dome minute dared not open the note. , Paris on the morrow, and swallow my He greatly prefers to lot your Griefs alone, ,� «Why," asked Raymond, "' are you leav "Yon seem to have a good deal of fan do tean lip" i, did so, however, and this is what it griefasa best I could, but bear my tate like at a bargain. between von," said the margnis, -- , •--• .1nd ba d^ 911 aruin�� auu ,,u.ns you groan. contained. Wear -6 so energoL:u ae I heaped resolve ins us ?" 1.rhd: a was no Leading, ,•id the note tip• 1 gaigkly took ►u an attentive look from m , Weould you liow us toke, pcSharet t Pere," said Diane, Baron }�liesmann states that d' Emin gdvente a Naha was instracted 'to only osta�lish a l seared written in a burry; but Madame upon t©solve that I considerably retgrut •i ' IN ot for long, I trust ; but this evening with a laugh, "to be lightgninIoondnotor ? station on Victoria Nyanza, and not to ' de Chaiitalia did everything in a harry, the progress o! my toilet ; but it was eaoom- all stoned, and Be►w my g, I high a telegral has roaohod me coached in very Iter a atormanvderiyhmuoh, bat will bravaiy invite the allegiance cf the natives, lYTejor I and alt, she did was aharaothat we din teristia : pushed at teat, and not notwithstanding nt socio little Enghah brevity. is could yon ;not tell me yesterday. misgivings, notwithstanding my g +� weitbor it it it cannot be avoided." Wiesmann is ,pressing the G dovernrnent to the cause of your animation ? I know all. resolves. From (To bo oonttuuod), conatraot a railway from Bagamoyo to Fi Diane hes told me. Fortunate mo have ushered intI Arrivedo the Brewing•roomat . and wasNo one ,,From ahfriend n ov°�r anmOnt t once '11, and ' Dar•ea-EW&m• n Besides, She had anded saw yon last was 'hero; but in a minute or two my who merely Says.' particularly wished to known. - have oy arson has, hostess pens in, dressed in a cloud of Val• were it not that I sop r t tl malls D1. da Three yonng men, who are said to belong ,The largest diamond found in the South night; brt be the young p to the most respectable families in Sand African mines is the Victoria or Imperial, d this morning, not enoiennes, end • looking for ally di eetaw a you I would probably wings, er{t hart erosedon.wioh, "held up Lawyer Ouellette on which weighed originally 457k carets. In torch is burning at beantifnl bird suddenly entrapped in nowb a siray near to how the simplest Friday ane robbed li►m of $41. The col• its finished condition it weigrls 18b carats j + 'but into those the world eters a fairy, or some Br into the , it of her futures' of $ym D. Lg your t rite war arrested the nest morning. end is worth $200,000. :that alts x, it may be well for yon and for a gilded cage. The room was a wonder of I g rodnar the groatoat affects. p ement orobebl- Saaay Peddler (%fter ringing an uptown Sir dwin Arnold intends to r6kOh Ertig- �ier not o meet this evening ;but &bit I am bawls e o dab oaedea rend cony nocostloks It The© weres Han led inth of &with rayl my P g held , stairs -"I bought homeward by India, and: it is expected his when I. do not know I never , s + of flowers, and departure, coupled artful die Wise .door ball, Imerions]y, p sizer; man of tine land a nt Christmas 'trop. 8e Will travel betray secret ' house, with g cko Dem will nee the light soon after the new t you should some and tae redolent of the perfume ck of of my real tnotivea in oorrling;o this dinner, tho-•ri ht to tbie blook eiid I ve got a right p r ____. __ -,., ------.-T, tent „.:t a yo �... d -some- knick•lxuA,,, __ . u. toT .IJie�avc.e - � � � , __� � _ oars .. . - r .. _� .�,. _� � .- site oo.h plimant g y since fife radiate bxpeiiii>7a of vvheYevl ui7a stop and rho Sli let ocm evert m de at being asked to dine with volae attracted the eye. • ~ our g )n ' y � pays otherwise The oonntolaa came o)� to me, Bhooi< father I had interpolated, olearod at onoo to ring. me &mond , yI .- . . .