HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1890-09-26, Page 81 ne f • irk • The Lucknow Sentinel, ,Bru.p .Oo.urtty..,..Friday, September 23th. pow. uc p �. � POST -OFFICE .. Hours a. rn.to 7 p. rel. Tit..G. it: B.. South 8,43 a, m. 1e. H..& B, Korth • 1.T30 p. m.. Uiolyyrrood Kinlough1} 2:.30 p, m. K►ialosi. , W „G.. d 13.. North 3;48 p. m.. odnriuh. 1. T6,atarmediate point c 11',. L.& B. Nutt!). Daily ,s '4 9 00 10.30 p. m, 6i Tll,Ruasider 3 00 p, vs, °F iday�s nd WD'; G. &-$..South 14. U.. &B.South f 9.30p. M. 11a..Fir..&.B., south 10.Qo a. m. 'Wr G.& B. North 3•20p. m• '.ffiolyrood j. 4.;30 p.m. inlough i} NGiulose 46 46 AI s, • • • evenss-sweess, Ilea* 4444,44444 House to .Rent 44, A good convenient house to rent. n -v: arAl partly furnished"if desired. Apply 'to Mos. E. BOWERS, Havelock St., Luck - now, Caretaker. Wanted_ A caretaker is wanted for Lucknow public school till 1st January,,, 1891. Apply to J. H. GARNIER, M. D., Secretary of School .Board. Sept. 24th, 1890. Ontario Nominations The nominations for Moiick and South Ontario, consequent on the entrance of Hon. Richard Harcourt and Hon. d'ohn Dryden into the Frames of Iron The Luckno .v Caledonian gathering ` events in the \world of manly sports. The tug of war between Huron and Bruce was really an historic event, ..one which in old Greece would have been the theme of a poem. The strain of a tug of war it tremendous, and only men who are sound in muscle, nerve and heart can eiigsge in it with safety. Five or ten minutes' pulling is quite enough for the ordinary man. The men who could tug at the ripe' for an hour and a quarter must have been endowed with frames of iron, and better still, with splendid courage and power of 'endurance. ,Huron and Bruce have reason to be proud of their ra1±ASMERe Lucknow, Sept. 16th, 1890. To our numerous friends and customers who looked for oLir new advertisement last week and were disajpoin ted. We can only sa r we full intended kee a a Girl Wanted• Wanted, a good girl to do ,general housework. - Apply to Mrs. James Bryan, Lucknow. • Thanksgiving Day A proclamation will be issued this week, announcing Thursday, November 6th as a general thanksgiving for. the Dominion of Canada. It will be observed, as a public, holiday. Handsome Present Messrs. Cliff & Forster; of the Central FurnitureFactory, last week presented Engineer Douglass with a handsome dressing stand fur use in his bedroom at - the Waterworks engine house. It is a beautiYul gift and one s3 e11 worthy-th-e liberal -donors. )rawnect at Teeswater '1'h.e 2 -year -ofd daughter of Mr. W. R. Thompson, lumber merchant of Teesw:ater, fell head. first into a tub of water at the back door on Thursday last. r The mother, missing the girl in a few minutes, and going to look, dis 4-4 covered ,her with her head under the water. Life was quite extinct. Electric Balloon . Several nights during. the past week ,our citizens have;.I ad the:pleaeu're of beholding u singular spectacle in the western sky,, 'said' to be a balloon lighted with electricity. It 'attains. a. great hight and is barely distinguished from the evening star. Detroit is the starting point,, hut it is scarcely pos- sible that the balloon is visible when date- fly civet -that -city: ' • .Golrag to Manitoba 1. meeting of Dakota farmers has rent delegates to Manitoba to prepare for 'a general, migration, , which they declare is forced upon them by tthe dis- tress to which they have been reduced. 'Many of them are in such an impover- ished condi,5ion that they cannot move without some assistance, and, if possible, some plan should be devised for .affording the needed aid. They would m;kke .valuable settler,*. Our Fall Show Indications point to a very sticisssee fthl Fall Show in Lucknow this ye r The directors are Sparing no pain:;' .a), . make the -7th and 8th, of Octoeer teresting in every respect. We •hoF e the general public will not, forget their, duty towards the local show, and that they will grace the occasion with their presence: They arecertaLin tea be amply reg•=aa,rdedr by so doing;. as the exhibits will be' Well worthy of .inspoc- The Family Herald The Family IIerald Weekly ane1 . Star, Montreal, has it:s env'mous cir- culation because .it sloes not encroachencroachupon the local country paapen's• work. People every -where find they need the Family Herald and Weekly Star, Mogi real, in addition to their own local weekly. =The gamily 1teraLld iLnd 1Veekly Star has an enormeis staff. of high -salaried editors, and spends lar;; ,sunr:l in gathering general n( world at 'large, " 1)eeides looney freely in adding to -it, miscellany. ;ws 'of the s literary Playing Truant Chicago fete made up its mind to plake a vigoroue effort to enfore attend- ance at1th(, Public S ;hoofs. Sixteen officers—nine women and seven men — have been appointed •to make a weekly canvass of every school in the city, find out how many children have beer absent and then call upon their parents for an explanation. Children fouled on the streets will be taken up and lput to school. Shirking Of the schooi aw wilt be punished with the legal i eualties. '.'here are several parents i.q Lucl;,ihowj .w.10 would confer a last- ing benefit on , their children by occassionailyr visiting the scl'iool and finding out 'how many days in the week their boys, spend: on the streets, instead of being At School., We are -Sure the experiment would , astonish 42w, of them. i I be here and young men of ai,n.aluhitieus and' reflective tubn of mind should sit down for ,half an hour and seriously consider how best to spend them. The young lean or boy who has no higher aim in life than to employ his spare t'irne at nights in Ipafirlg on. the street corners ; waiting for the ' `1yvt-e train" or disturbing peaceful citizens, is to be pitied.. The Mechanics' Institute and reading room; at trifling ;cost, affords ample opportunities for 'self-improvement, and should bo taken advantage of ley every, young ma4 in the vill{1ge. Tuesday, September 30, and polling on Tuesday, October 7-, should the• new Ministers be opposed. Wont Exhibit Seventeen of tie leading rnanufac Curers o' agricultural machinery have decided to forego the custom of exhibit- ing their manufactures at fall fairs and have so instructed their agents. They find in newspaper advertising a more judicious method of bringing their machinery before the farming com- munity. Admission 15 Cents The admission to the Fall Show of the Kinloss Branch Agricultural Society this year is 15 cents, the same as .last .year. Let everybody come and see the best show ever held by the Society. Remember, the'admisson is only. 15 because the bills say r?o cents, which is a mistake. eoma ify: '' e etan a neiie—ve itr r r A Direct Mail Some time ago we published a para- graph stating that the Government had• refused to comply with a petition asking for a direct mail between Luck - now and St. Helen's, but we have since been informed that the natter has not been decided, as no„ official notice has yet been received by • the parties asking for the change. A direct daily mail between the two places would be a great convenience, especially to the people of St. Helens, and it is a pity the Authorities at Ottawa have-not ere this seen tit to grant the prayer cif the 'petitioners. The change is greatly needed and as there will be no extra expense in carrying the mails over the present pandit -are, wese-e--no -reason velay-tine- Government should not comply with x, -that owing to the great mail and demand'for the verylies of goods we had ordered in dress goods and mantlings. We were compelled by pressure of ord,crs ahead to wait one week behind order and its a: fulfilment -hence dely-We regret it but the sjock cents. Don't stay awn the wig, f - Q 1 section., * Inspecting •the Institute • • Dr. May, of Toronto, the Ontario Government Inspector of Mechanics'' Institutes; visited .tile Lucknow Insti- -tute en- Tue day -Iast, _ aril—c ess A Spicy paper The first issue of the new Tri -Weekly Suit, issued by Mr. Joseph Lang, att (�wen_,�'rnlnr� appeared last week, and is a .neat, spicy paper, brim full of lively articles of local ,and general interest. It' is just such a paper as we would expect from the able pen of Brother Lang, and if Owen Sound and her interest. don't boom in the • near future, the fault will not ,rest on the. ' Sun. May its briglitness.never grow dim. . Commenced Operations. Messrs. Cliff & Forster have already commenced operations on the new buildings, in compliance witli•the coo- cditions of the by-law, and the work will be pushed through as rapidly (as possible in order CO be ready for the late -fall and • winter trade. The factory. is now being run to its full present capacity, but the work can scarcely be turned out fast ,enough to fill the large orders coming is 'for furniture. Their goods are void ,in nearly every city and town in tlie Dominion, and are giving.; good satis- faction. Hotel Thieves Far some tine p r,t 7,1 r. T. F. Cain. proprei'eter of the Cain tide this , has been 111i5Slal! cigars, lino' etc , from his cellar, and sus- , pectines a fnr'mer„ bartender of the theft, he hail a,•wa;;rarit issued for his arrest o11 Monday last. Tung, however, was too tender-hearted to resist thy+ crying and ple:Lding•for mercy of the young mats, who aeknmvlerlgerl laic guilts and he was allowct'd to leave 'the village without being ar,xosted. 1t is saidethat another you : Milan who only left t' e• place a ehnt''v time ago, is a11SO implicated in the pilfering. In {loyal Red . N.r.. W. J.- Brumpton, the enterpris- ing proprietor of the "Old 'ioneer Store," is out ;;his week with aa. gig reel advertisement in the columns ()f t110 SLNTTNI;L, announcing the tr,')nc'urloi;i bargains he is ot,`F'rttiL to the and all our ullk,riluir;s shonld not fail to read it over. Mr. Brumpton is also having the st;ore greatly improved by a liberal 'supp1y'•of paint, wliili�the large new millinery depac,treent at the ba>aek will be a- model of neatness when completed, and under the able mainage. merit of 'Miss Reynolds should not fail to' receive a liberal share of patron- age from the ladies of the vill:tge and sul'rountling, country. Improves the Mind long ,winter evenings will soon hitnself well pleased with the progress made, the. number of volumes of books in the library and the general manage- ment of the Institute and r>ading Nem. He spoke strongly against the- sa'stem of disposing of, the old maga- zines and papers,' and said they should be constantly kept 'for the use of the -pu'Ib]ic. He was greatly pleased with the. system of binding on the nnagazines and periodicalsewhich was •introduced by Mr. C. A. Shepard, and .,fact t )oh,a bOund..veluhne. away with. him as a 'sample for• other insti- tutes to adnr)t. .Ile- said it was the simplest and -best he- had even seen. Dr: May also inspected the Institute at St. Helen's on Monday evening and found everything in a very satisfactory condition. NEWS OF THE TOWN. A `Peek's :teeorad of the k'an44n'i ng Roreder .—Mr. Thos. Lawrence is attending the Western Fair at'London. Sowe.very cheap fines of tweeds at Connell's.• '_',Iessrs. , J. G. Murdoch and • R. [tughes are in London, attending the Western Fair. --Ladies.are invited to our millinery opening on Friday and Saturday, Oct. 3rd and•4th.—W,•Corinell. —Mrs..A. McIntyre and family left on Friday last for Chicago, where they intend to rnake the it future house. —Don't go barell'eaded when you earl get a good felt -.hat at • Con"nell's for 25 cts. • Look in the box. • —Miss Vitra Lane, daughter of ,Mr. Jas. Lathe, of Ashtield, 1eft,on Tuesday last, to attend the Art School in To►outo. •- -The Wind storm on Friday - night' bust i blew down 'the large evergreen aireih in front. of the Post Office, and for a time obstructed. travel. —The Firemen's brass band will not ploy ouc this week as there are a few rncrnl)ers of the band out of town. J. Sr,'MMNInt, Bandmaster, —Any who require millinery will • find ourstockcotnplete. Miss ;l'tarkle is a first-class trimmer ,incl will always be forme] obliging, to her customers.— W. Connell. —The Sacrament of the Lord Supper will ire dispensed in Kinlees and Ash- field next Sabbath. There will he no service in the. Presbyterian Church, Lucknow, next Sabbath morn ing. -Preparatory services in English will he held in the Presbyterian Church on Thursday and Friday of next wet;k, at 2 o'clock p. m,, and on Sunday the 'lacrarnent of the Lord's supper willbse administered. —Mr. .and. Mrs. W. U. Little left on Monday last for Lambeth, toattend the funeral of Mr. Little's father. The old gentleman. hacl been ill for some tune past, and his death. was ,not laltogether, unexpected, • spared to insure its value.- , ve believe we are placing before the people of Lucls .ow and t �- cinity, a lovely, choice, unique and sensible class of, goods at prices that ' must In6et,.. with their approval. We have • no space to dilate on merit or pat- tern we can only quote case opening, consisting of Three cases dress goods in plain Cashmeres at to 48c. and tip 6 ' black 2e) to $1.25 colored from< 25 to '45 all wool Wool check dress goods in nearly ail the clan chlor~ I\ env tweed e fects from 8c up to 12- and following Check and plain ginghallls from 1(Jc.upwards ill lovely warm and durable. patterns. Grey - Flannels• Red White 66 MottiOd « - . 1 cheek (shirting) Canton(all.colors) CantQU(whito and. bleached) Dress goods in patten., style and price not to be'equalled..-' • Dress silks in - all leading - shades. - eros a speciay. c6 . • New lines ,m of goods . i. all , de- partments, and we are too busy marking goods to enumerate them. Ige respecttp.ilyl request your patience in this affair for a rev► days untl. the rush is over, when we will announce details, Please wait or call at store for. particulars, TRULY YOTJRS"'pR A lL •