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Lucknow Sentinel, 1890-09-26, Page 5
. 'The Luckn(ow,Sentinel, Bruce bounty, Friday, teptember 26th. Great • Ernergency Sale. .rr "f•". ^c' .rr.:"---r; ,. s2 W .� .es'::s:"�:""�^• z-,. ^�.-:r.*.cw�a,.�. - .gr. r ,.. ,.-i'.C'. r�.:... :..L..N, ti. ',.mer�. v .. ,.ass....�.....,«..a,....s,,.�.,,e••t -•a.�.��"4'S,•_'y sFsTx-,�;_,�y.,s:^'•t •f7-,c��T,�f-..•. roc•^•;+•c;: ,. •-" .•, ,..t^.r-- . ;-%�-cr ;=r.1~^:. .:. .: .g..:., t":,l'.'"T"; ,,'3`:�+3+,."M,..,,, . . o-,,;-;-,- .:. �.ri•; �. ,r.. «.a" ,�+,: �x..v ;.ti`�_:lw"7'.�1'^•"°�^.v r. ^•' . ^sic. mgw„ac,•,� ,ti"�s , YA ,,. M of -tiro immense businesses, and, A goods must b.e sold. „to mak roma, for the Exeter stock. Our lease expires in Exeter. on 1st December, and on or about, that date Lucknow will be flooded with one of the largest stock , that hoary headed. Lucknowites ever gazed upon. And how does that effect us. wily, we must rush off a lot of elegant fall goods we bought for re r business and intended to make some money out of, at prices that will a,stonie,h the native , r e. ' r, ' 1 �'tic l.,ur%�aadats amu iu�tlsu outsider's enquire where we got them so cheap. EfETRIDIZIST) T You will be whew. you see our stock of silks. Eighteen. --different shades, andtrimmings s to match. OU IRES; '4 i DS soli RE MAR '�,�+ ELL US To BE L• D • , LUSTRE 13IEG S, �`' rOLOT ETC., Raozing in -price from lOc. to $1 per yard.. Cannot fail' to please you if you see them. • SILAVDS=25dozen boating, honey comb and ,wrap shawls, bought ht a p 88 than n1a.11uf ictur'ei"s l)rit'eR, (and' we give tiio customers the benefit), '$1, `, i.25, $1.50; worth $2, '`,7,.50• and $3. We do the shawl trade, and whorlyou once cast your eyo 011 these el,Taut novelties, you will bo convinced immediately of the cheapness, and if �•ou have previously bought, tre very much surprised if you do not go home with a heavy heart and res:o1ve ill the future to always bee our immensa stock before urcha,iiug c`lsewll't;re 1.) c 0 I�.' - -�.�, e best vaalue in the country. Do not let it cape your mind whoa you begin to shiver and shake and the elattor of your teeth rewind you you want warmer clothing, that we 1I T ( :rite best 50 and 60c. shirt in town, worth 75 and 90e. •.. nd :: ; . . com s thea ..::;f.- WOa here engaged Miss Reynolds,' f ornerly. of St Thomas, who has just ret urged from the market v: rth all the latest novelties in millinery. Look out for opening announcement next week.'' a vrords stook must be re[,cod, and spade will not ailow us to • demonistr te the merits of .d oh s ticlo9 so. i you 'Wee in nosed ofa�.ythigg'•. int Ribbons, Laces,- .I-%rillan,rs, Collars, Sklrlings,_,Embroldcries, ,[i'2'nge:', .. Bustles, Corsets, Buttons, Pins, Needles, ;is, Pmts, Curtains, Brazcz'ca' Sets, Ornaments, Handkercdzzefs, Velveteens, Stockings, Gloves, Tweeds, Cottonades,• Shsyti�igs, 1 ennims, Mantles, 4fantle Cloth Boots and S,ioes, 'Hats, Cajs and Furs, and a thousand other articles. THIS IS THE SPOT TO BUY THEM CHEAP FOR THE NEXT 40 DAYS: . y `.c A. ti96- ;., R®CERi—AVe keep alar;©,'fresh and well assorted stock .and our values are unsurpassed.. Black teas a sp®cialty. You are' perhaps so ,_ acc.u.st ern i'_ p �...-. � `� . — • � � d 'to'r(,ta.ciing thereckless talk of thoughtless unci.. unsc,ru - ulousa vertuers_ that dsc�unt_the�etatetnentsofca -uful. merchants. You—know � way's, but we need to r""emind.you hat weadvertise nothing but what we are prepared to fulfil. This is no sham sale, but a genuine clearing. Everybody comb and see the extensive stock and very low prices. 'Iu a word, an immense bazaar under one roof. W. J. R,U PTON. • IMMENSE BARGAINS. Having just received a large consign invent of Fresh Groceries, e hciee fa oily; flour, voice r.t ba000, 'Canned Go©d& Crookerye Glassware ware Teas, offees9 which will be sold cheap , at the Hub Grocery. •Goods delivered to all parts of the villas;e, JOEA ELLIOTT THECOOK'S BEST F'RIENI •Th W EARLY GRAPE "CORT ,.AND" • (t]TENS FROM 13th '1'1) 211th AUGUST according to warmth of ,season. Three weeks earlier than the Concord The a';ove grape can only be\purcdiased from itithor.izt d agents of llap,e (:rove Nttrscrips. Waterioo•N.Y., and all trees and plants sent out from. those celebr;t,ted nursery' grounds aro guaranteed to give .satisfaction, Give your orders to our local agent,N:.Spcncer,Lucknow. .A -gents Wanted.. Apply to . ..T. W. MoI{AY, 3,11.809 Gin Manger, Si Thomaa,ont �p Stock Oo AND ATTRA 'TIE°E Velvets .in all leading colors RII3BOv YE.LV ETS WITH STIN Baca Most Fashionable 'Trinnhings A 'full range of E L L ' 5���J/, —+�■ iru �r�tl—,�®p ` �L' J. i 'x.11 also a very large assortment of beavers and fancy cloakings. Ursa W E. Smith, SALESME. WANTED. Having done business in ('anada for the past thirty years, our reputation and responsi- bility is well known, We pay salary and expenl�es from the start, if •everytbing is satisfatory, No previous experience required. Write us for terms, whi h are very liberal, before engaging with any other firm. I.Eruni;Ncts.—,Bradstreet's or brei \Vinrran d^ Co's. Commercial Agencies, well known to business men ; or Standard Bank, Colborne, Ont, CIIASE BROTHERS' COMPANY Nurserymen, Comioa n , WIT • TWa `P The Old Pioneer Store. the Hub11ce1!EOPLE S ORE Preparing for the fall trade. Our ' stock is filling up f st with the latest novelties of the season. •Our usual stock of staple dry goods is very complete. We have just • opened sone, special lines in BLACK AND FANCY DRESS GOODS _BEAti TIF l_TL GOODS. fine assortment . of.ready. made clothing; is ouglt 'more with an eve to quality than to a low- price. Positively no shoddy. To arrive in a few days a very large assortmert of ladies and gelltlemens underclothing, including those {:lit' Italian elastic t oods se popular with the lll)pei tan. ]Lande cloth in good variety a3,d at closest prices. '1\ large assort inent of novelties and staples to•vri'lve in the petit few (lays. As usual • our stock of groceries, hats, Caps, hoots, Shoes, hardware, crockery, etc., etc., i"s well assorted and all sold at closest prices. Please call and inspect. R(:),‘13E---111 IVIURRAY, St. Itelens,'Sept. 3rd. • AGMTb WANTEDt-. r1 OiNTiliLL N(11tS1;1i'T:i. "f,ARGEST AU in Canada. We want reliable, energet- ic men to sell our Nursery stock; previous experience not necessary ; any man with. tact and energy con succeed ; terms liberal, either salary, or eotumussion ; outfit free. Our agents have many advantages, such as selling home-grown, hardy'Canadian stock. Choice New Specialties. which are of value, and which •can only be secured from ns, melt as a complete list of New Russian Apples, the 11titsop Pear, Saunders Plum, Hilborn Rasp- berry, . Moore's Ruby and Black Champion . Currants„ Moore's Diamond Grape etc,. We have given particular attention to the propagation of Hardy Varieties suitable t,o the northern sections of Canada. 'Tor terms apply to STONE & WELLINGTON, Toronto, Ont. EXECUTORS i�11GTE C. 5 A[,T. TJTh; LANDS 1; FL( INC,. •' to the estate of the Lite .10l n ].'riser have been sold, except tlin:ce situate, in• the 'I'•,wnsntp, of Kinloss, being north halves of lots 4.. and 41, Containing 100acct, in the 1 con ces,ino, the s•t.ma are Hereby offered for sale at a bargain, as it is desirous to •;lose up the estate. Jfor further particulars apply to , THUS. TODD. }'.`;rentor, tf-3U4 St. 11(.lets .[',O, W. i '1'O STILT, OTR •(`'iI'OT('h, Nl!lailt;'zf' stock. No experience required. Steady work the year round, Liberal pay guaranteed. Outfits free Write for terms and commence at once. • Atwood & Company, .5 mos. -851. ' Nurserymen, Geneva, N. Y DR. CHASES Ifni a world wide reputation ,as c' physician :tn,i author J- is Nran,h.i,ko Dandelion T.ieer Cure is .a triumph t,f medical skill, cures alt iso ts&s of the kidney- and liver. SVM PT 0 MS IP' 10,0NEI cumi,L 1 T, Dtrztroseiit ac'rt s rat puir. in the back d,11 pain or wei' , in the bladder and base o al, !oaten ; scaldin•, urine often obstruct' -d frequent dewire to ruin rte, especially at night • aiming aged persons , hot, dry skin. pa'e petn- 151exioa, nets and whi6c deposits, droit dizzine,s, sour stomach, constipation, piles, liver seri, swelling, etc • I SYMPTOMS CF v E9 c r1vMPTOMS �'.ltnallnw`�httttu• plexion, a, weary, tired feeling, no li r or, energy; headache, dyspepsia, indiyestion;spout. pimples, etc. , HOW CURE 14htnd.rakc and 1)an,!ellen aro nature' Liver cures anti, w 11.11 COrn1)i)1o,1 with Ki,lnt' 1 •tno- diel as in 1Ir,•(•hase':Liver Cure, t 111 moat tensitivc•1y cure all 1' 1,1ney•Liver troubles. It arts litre a charm, stimulating the dere,•' liver, streii lholing the kidneys, and invi», ra- ting the whole hotly. reit] by all dealers at oI with ic•cei1't book. which alone is wcurtli t5trnu' T. ((]JJ E hr. Chas •'v Pills are the only - LIVER KIDNEE ,..• 4 1 tbt_� la chill. .z m de. ,1 hers act gently yet effectually. Mai PILLS. C bt token during any emtttoy. 1LJ jJ _! meet. 'l hey cure 1{trines ]stet*r tr. ,tyles, hcadiache,hiIionsness.costiveni t s etc, One pill a doe. Sold by dealers. Price 25-, ` T. E®MA!JSOM & CO., 311Al)T'01 Er:ONT. Sold by BERRY & Dams;'. Inicknmv —All kinds of groceries of the best qualities kept at the new grocery ,.very cheap, as we sell for cash and producfi only. Goods delivered to any part of the towh.—Geo. Kerr.