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Lucknow Sentinel, 1890-09-26, Page 3
fir,a f:• �>I Economical Won. THE FARMER AND HlS FARM. y g e etopk. + n-A 1, ori men who -grew and Ped roots before ding daily, promote the comfort and thrift RELINE Sr TB(iY. ,Zf •V' x 1 e'llved on lb,h te4n =,'r, a day— ( the knew the virtue of silage. The writer of th Ten oenta for m#lk oker, i r One cent for dissipation gay, �— . interviewed w number of ouch risen last Insects are bub now, as the are re. The Courage with whioit the Cat 1� �; ,. And two cents for tobacco week, and on .every one of their, farms a y y P > And if he wished an extra dish sigaifloant fact was noticed ; oloee be8ide �w _ He'd Qb rl grin for propagation a ation n Cantu e Canine d take his pole and as oh a ash. , p lQ.fo _1111 •il ._.lr A re-< . _ �., ..���l.,� n tl3lj wok Al1ltlSiliin. security, mr! +: a eoII nemler •- a 77{ _ .1 ,- fr J.sum.,. iwi'7",�.,.` —..s.a,�r.•r u:7!, _ ^5.. .. r ^t M "^;^�i:tS'G 4yaW;, , I .y.iws — �=L:�.-,i'•'�J,,w�'.�.w.w.t� `�.�.c,,. _ .i._ 1. �:;c• wh ;k�x�h..,..����.,._c .,: w,... 4+--��i�r'Li "i1�i.,,, •„ .", �ti.u.... ... ��,'._.,.t�:x:.�;c,•>�:v71.'�'�u'Y9L"-Yr"tY�u15�Y7i1�"���1L•VMiO s'`•.1�,,:,• .,,.�,"�'t^... ,, i-� '�`'"`—"' `°'� Vin' ane by fife ealre"'uarda in favor of insects is when havin been caught in a position And if his stomach raised a war roots. The two Drape grew together like g + g ' ,; G4ainst his periuribbs habit brothers—they were in no eense rivals or that o! not keeping the ground clean, Har- from which there is no escape, she oslmly He'd go and e a a woodchuck or Agriculturist. competitors. In localities where roots can boring places are afforded by dense weeds, site down to face out the threats 04 a dog, ,•, , Assassinate a rabbit. be grown with profit—where, the olimatio dried grass and rubbish, is a marvellous thing, soya a writer in etc® ; And thus be'd eve in sweet content Boston yell marvellous 1, ' On food that never coag a pent. —"~""' conditions are perfeot—they have a perfect In budding, the beat size of the atook is pt. Everybody has see" ra „� • .7 ��`tt rr fir► ouu, that he mignt lay by in Uanl[ mY�LL 'l;l LV1�'rV.TYl� l]' lit .r �V YY 11,15, , rich}•, kis. akan,{i Iwcaarl9 t}„� moi►.^u.. T�iGq elti FO -nhnnt hsri.f !b ise.13 In diw��E-t•�^a ; l3't%t 'Frtr'ti� kitten O,n.-t-he, �1. CGmA_50C;,WC � - ,._a_.> Tho proceeds of his labor be !ed between the first frost and the open. care emaller trees can be budde and much e y gtYaUae4 by `Y dab ten times her size as a r He'd hap en 'roan x et meals, the crank P apparently salt. m ing o! the silo.—Rural New Yorker. larger once. Special care is required, how. Possessed as i! she were ii; her mistress' "'{ ' :'" . Aud dime upon his neighbor. ever, with stocks of anueaal eiza' and' begin- lap. If she tarns tail and rune down the = . sure „f, Until another day had passed. Pay Well• Something more than putting away the half an inch, advantage of her, Even fie it ie, i! ha Darla ” He bought no pantaloons nor vest, seed is necessary i! good crops are expected get up courage enough to seize her on the .4R4, Nor rich expensive jacket; —- next year. The seed potatoes and the feed Cabbage planta from fall sown seeds are spot, he world be able to make short work He had one suit—ble pa's bequest Something About Ensilage—Next Year•r Dorn should be eeleoted and placed in some thongpt to Kiva earlier beads than those o! her. 13p patched would "stand the racket." Beed—Costly Cows—Mutton in Engla$d location separate from that intended for from spring sown. Sow the seeds toward " yon dare not touch me, and you know :i He patched #t thirty years, 'tis true. the close of September, and winter the ++ And then declared 'fayre good as new.—Watch the Weeds, Etc. sale. It is by careful selection that the P it, I9 what her position fella the do Bat 2.'Y ' quality is improved. Many disanaes of planta in s cold frame. These planta can fibs is intensel on her nerd in a Its of her r �� a�'' He owned but one suit to his back, � "� plants might be avoided by selectingonl ��hn they ere not o d air o! Q@r�eot nontent. dp„a p _ :_,_� �� be set out earlier, and g; Azo$ iq#quo gins and Dollars . - - - ene O an a. S r=rr. O _ .. , _ ..<- r •. Land. rejecting all that in the least^ manner ive P p 1 dread or a spring ; her tr. 11 irJacke unfixed tnousand dollars g g claws are unsheathed h And only to ran this fortune through This was the sub ea indications of being affected b One o! the moEt important her eyes never move + I And only took a X©fir or two. j t of Mr. E. Morden s g y rot or rust. in an portant Items In feed- for an instant from the dog; as he bounds mY1,1 —Yankee Blade. address before the Ontario Frait Growers Keep the seed corn in a dry place and the g+ d one that is very frequently over. wildly from side to.side, barking with Dom- i at their summer meeting at Niagara, and Potatoes in a 000l bin. looked, is regularity. Health and thrift ioal fury, those glittering eyes, of here fol- as Mr. Morden has himself proved what can Costly Low Priced Cow, are both promoted by feeding stook of all low him with the keenest scrutiny. It h� ` -+ 'r The Sick Mau and Isis ]Behavior. kinds at regular hours. All classes o! stook be done with a small acreage, what he says A cow may be worth $100 or ebe may ba g plucks ap his courgge to grab her, she is Why is it that a man cannot be ill grace• is worthy of attention. The following are worth, only $20,. but the low-priced cow will fat if the time passes for their meal ready; she willsell her life dearly. She is fully and agreeably ? It is not such a some of the points made: may be the more costly. If a choice article anri they do not receive it. and whenever watching her cance, and she does not mise T,. I VO ry hard fate to rest quietly in bed and The first requisite to success is the right of butter or large yield of milk is secured they are fretting they a&losing. it. The dog tries Fabian tactics, and with= be' waited on hand and foot by one's family man in the right place. By the right place from the• $100 cow it will be greater in ex- Enailage',has been the means where it is draws a few feet, settling down upon his; and be fed on exquisite delicacies. Wo- I mean that he should be situated near 's tent and proportionately, compared with fen of doing away with that terribly pro- forepaws, growling ferociously as he men take only too kindly to tha role of an vokin nnieanoe—Ion invalid good supply of 4ertilizers, and near a good the cheaper animal. Ae a dairyman ea @ g cornstalks in the does so. � w' ,.the sofa the fleecy White shawl ; local market. I do not believe in wearing presses it, if a $100 cow gives $50 profit in manure pile. Every farmer who has tried Just -then the sound of a dog's bark iii ;v,* N •' the little caps of beef tea, or plates of out my life in snaking express companies one year,a $20 Dow will give only $10 profit, to load manure with long cornstalks in it, the next street attracts his eyes and earn n.g " '_ oysters. Once let a woman taste the rich. I mean also that he should be near or perhaps nothing. on a waggon,wiil admit there is no language for a moment, and when he looks back the � ' . dreamy pleasurc,s of this sort of existence a good shippin adequate to describe the performance iA g `point, so that he Profit and Loss, p formance and kitten is gone 1 He looks down the street v and unfree some shook or sense of duty can send away his surplus, and he needs A pound of butter per week for each Dow the tendency, it had toward making a man and starts wildly ins that direction, and; "c�fl� 1`,� loss his atience. reaches a high ' board tones aronaea her she will oGtmly continue for also a plana where the soil is right for ilia may make the difference ek for ea refit p g jest fie a oat's the rest of her days in the pleasant path business. I am of the opinion that it is or loss. This difference de ends on the If farmers would take one good breed of tail—a, monstrous tail for such a little oat .z' -' ' ` before ber. She smiles sweetly at the little easier to buy the right kind of soil than it kind of cow. It pays to nee only the best. fowls and carefully study their ohare,oter- —is vanishing over the top of it. He is ;7, ''I�m. attentions offered her she Accuses in the is to make it alter istics the would make doable the profit ' beaten ; the cat showed not only more + yon have bought that If your cows fie not up to the required y P courage than he had but reat deal more dantisnt of semi-toilets, and she looks so which is unsuitable. In planting small standard, grade np the herd with the ase of than if they keep trying'to originate some g g pretty wand gentle and new breed. It eoands utas to hear generalship. � seldom dawns on her husband that the ea- deal, and to mark out In auati away that bol! on tike ever allow a scrub your, g . P• t. • ; a. • pays P n g g farm, even ielf a oken of raa the ori motor of cams new, Q. _ . _.._.-_--___-____- _. - - � y '1 oto., It a a Y use the lcug a rent thoroughbred melee. f the scrub co'Dow- is p g• '- 4 h aeterhoe +s stn IgnobJ© ono. Mint leu fila lord thel hunts can a wa a e anitivated is two even a lets. and valuable breed but ' Is obsess Digestible '�4 few succeed s ler :,� . f�",(ZN,1, l, and oh, dear 1 what a different tale ways. At the outset, two crops may be g The aealehy 7rree. in starting a variety of fowl that amounts Aithoagh, eo far fie its oonsttitnente are ,� �; tThe valet comes flying from the grown • for instance, with ra es b to anything. II ;.. I rfollowed by a boot ; the nook gives planting 12 test apart, the space interven The healthy tree is easily dietingniehed. 1 concerned, cheese is fairly entitled to, its ,, , , notice because tho master called the beef ing may be utilized with vegetables. What The deeper the green color of the leaves the j fame fie a model food, yet in raw cheese tea " beastly stuff;" the housemaid is in should be planted in order to realize tb© more thrifty the tree.. A yellow color, no Atchison Philosophy. these constituents are very difficult of . i etre pec Dawe ems® is—uot aFlerwrid—S�crswe °rsrrxs`c m y�iiiiY ed pen upon a sol . On ' e©lutic�n=by—the—digest�srvei`juiew--tifiN is = —t b - r'-how--RHg til ruen-catesichaws`bm th�t� -hm-e clever was a, man no oo so a , , or dust the nick-room. Man, noble man, a clay loam, for instance, I would plant is wrong. Examinations and comparisons really good woman. raw'cheese Is indigestible to a degree that _: is a pityful object when he is sick. Get large�y of currants, but on a light sandy of the trees in the orchard will, enable the A man and woman can never thoroughly makes it unavailable as food except to the' art him thoroughly ill and . he ie a• better soil Iwonld plant few, pnrrants. In suitable grower to Basil detect an leak of vi or in g y strongest and healthiest of stomachs, and J' g y Y g hate crab other unless they have first been should not be eaten by any one. who finds Patient than a woman ; all hospital nurses soil I find currants profitable, and the trees by the shades o! Dolor o! the in love. on,trial that it giver his stomach the least 1 goose. leaves. ��II , ; r bat_if-be- a _me el refer the men's lad u t for aada or two berries I have grown v' crate scale. Rae ' berries also on a mod _ P• __$eti Ea the Seat advantage. Gfrowing old makes- men no better any disaomlort. It ie—Pound; however,- bat `"' �;. g cry liirfgeiy`; nn3have more than the process of ripening alters or cooking the cheese removes this difficulty _ _.� Y P y Man dairymen make but ' with a oola.or bilious attack, he pereia- found them as profitable as any o' y y good batter, inoreasos the quality of fruit. and makes cheese Bas of digestion, and rx tently kickg against the pricks, instead of I always 'cultivate them two ways. M fail to realize high prices simply because y g , I0 y y the do not try to sell to the best advanta e A mother has lost.. her prerogative in a as nutritious as tender meat, or more-ao. � Wisely enjoying; the rest which a benificent' method of sale is to take orders from pri- y y g P g tf nature has imposed on him. The pity is vats families, dealing fie mach fie possible The best market is sometimes in the near- home when she permits her daughter to get Various methods have been adopte3"for , that man aro not better and women worse with them ; •beoauae in this way I can get eat town. Introduce the butter into the a new ,straw hat every season, while she this purpose, from plain broiling, frying �,�,- invalids; but perhaps this will be arrived back all my baekets, and, with them, the homes of those who desire it of good quality, trims over her old bonnet. or toasting;, to the most elaborate com- at when the day dawns which shows the oash-the same day. Blackberries, grapes, and there will be no necessity for shipping There is but one thing that grows faster pound dishes. The main point is to get `w , equality of the sexes.—London Hoa ital.. ainces, with a few lums and ears are it off to a distant market. titan admirasion for a pretty the `cheese cooked so that the stomach can "I P q p y girl when it is digest it,—American Analyst.II all suitable to be grown on a ten-arra lot. , " Mutton in England, u' discovered that'she has money, and that is f The Census of Cheese. One great coarct of snooeaa is constant onl- Mutton is increasing n consumption in a hole in s small boy's pants. plain Talk wanted, n *i , tivation, and thin there is no reason to .England, which is also the case here In A woman ie_never__„so.good looks .that:..._._ _ —In---prom-01- _ �. ' _ ', g Cr—T. A. Netca-:gd1i — __ % 9►. •`: Didn'tY. neglectp - En land-onl s are need she cbiznot remain an old maid, and a men esoteri +�.. _kgoweHaatese 1ibefore07f CheeBecourse J rshunt: fie unit vats and hoe my fr.a:t a dun aetoftsn forgthat, pis pot's aTheeSmerino is almost ie never so ham 1 o aogltatrone or artrenlating rupee. k +' , ..E. e v that he cannot get mar- ficial sentimentalities and hiloso hioal or i� lively as vinegar, and everybodyknows that as fifteen times in a single season, . unknown to English farmers, as they do. Tied.—Atchison (fan.) Globe. philosophical vinegar is fall of microsco ical snakes. psychological observations, beware of I > P Flowers for the Market Gardener, not kelp sheep for wool at all, mutton being platitudinous ponderosity. Let your state- , And you know that yeast is fall o! ee18, eo the apeeialty, although quite a crop of The Latest Waltz, meats a small that it taken a microscope °to Dee Flowers are becoming quite an item of possess a clarified conciseness, nom- a� ”' P middle wool is also secured. ' ' ,,. them, and that the excellent drinking-water interest and profit for the market gardener. Quite a new method of waltzing has patted comprehensibleness, coalescent con- ''Ir A great man eo 1 Look After the 'Weeds. sisteno and,$ concentrated cogency. . . that we got from Lake Erie is fall of .the g Y P P e'bay oat Sowers for sprung up recently. The Boston Courier y liveliest kind of little wri lore that cemeteries funerals, weddin s etc.,' Now is the time when the seeds of weeds g , and says it is more curious than graceful, Don- � , r gulp down by the thousands without you the question arises, what kind and varietyare ripening and if they are to be out down siotin of a spring The Evidence was Sufficient, .i y g .y g of flowers are the most t p g into the air, a s quickly Chicago News : " You ,claim that CII . suspectingthat on are drinking an thin profitable ? While it mast be at once, or it will be too late. eaecnted doable shuffle, and another Spring, y 1 but the purest liquid 2 Bat to return to the geranium, verbena and phlox are T° allow the,•seede to be scattered over the the process being repeated until exhaustion were insane when You proposed to her ?" a s )= the chease. Somebody has been taking the always in favor, there are Inquiries for ground is to increase the work of, oxtermin- ensues. It is .very fine exercise for these "Yes, sir." . . Census of a piece of cheese, and gives no more and newer varieties that can be used ation meat year, fie well fie lessen the growth warm evenings in crowded rooms, and is " Con yon prove it ?" ' . the result in round numbers. He finds the to advantage in boquete. There is no and vigor of the crop to be grown, the found exceedingly ly conductive to brilliant " Yea, air." flower that will coma ground. "How ?" ' population of Emmenthal, a sort of Grnyerey pre with the centarea complexions. Much skill is necessary 110 to be as follows : In arab gramme of the or well-known bachelor button fon a ant lvotae of the Farm, avoid rapid' deapent upon partnere' toes, " By Producing the plaintiff in court crud ` ,r cheese, when fresh, from 90,000 to 140,000 $ower, either` by itself,. or to form into Pastore often obligee cows to drink im• an accident not provocative of good rumor letting the jury look at her." >. be nets with other flowers. It stands the Pare water, and thus injures both the cow and frequently trying to the .boat manners. � microbes are found.. This number increases q and the butter. Senator Everts is threatened with total *•. 11 , With time. A cheese oeventy-one days old hot sun well, will not wilt when carried a oorrtaina 800,000 bacteria per gramme. A long distance, coming out as fresh as when A lady of Columbia, S. C., has discovered The Crank Grew Crazy. blindness, but he is very obeerf ul under y. , �^ soft cheese twenty-five days old and much just out from the garden. They keep in that silk worms will feed upon the leaves of his affliction. Senator Vanpe 10811 1" 1'` denser than the preceding has 1,200,000 good •shape in a room, or a shady place in the ramie plant. Puck : Visitor—Poor . fellow, is he sight of one of his,eyes over-& year ago., microbes per gramme. The oentre ig freer a cemetery for'two weeks ; and for letter• Do not be etin with ` our flowers. B violent ? in or formin stingy y y Attendant—Once in a while. You see T __ a , #ban. the outside. A cheese near . the g g into a cross or crown no plucking; ,. them you prepare the way for he started early in the seneon to keep the is O N L. 39. 80. = , x, periphery has from 3,600,000 to 5,600,000 flower looks more beautiful. I sow more to bud end blossom. adores and percentages : of , the different ..€ ' microbes. According to the mean of these the sped between some of, the early Cphenever you notice a sprout of any kind baseball associations and brotherhoods, and two fi+nares there are as many living organ• vegetables, like radishes or some other growing up from the roots of your grafted it was too mach for hie brain.; isms in 360 grammes of snob a oheeae as quick growing crop where the gardener can rose bashes out it off. Pisa s remedy for Catarrh is the . there are people upon the earth. However keep the soil continually stirred with the '—"�— y M + Best, J;asicst to Uso and Cheapest+ ix ,", .don't let these fi rtes disturb wheel hoe choosing coed of the mixed The tomato is easily improved b seleo- The Best workers. g you. Beep y . right on eating oheeae just as you always varieties; purple, red, blue, pink to the tion. Use only the smooth ones from which S ® �, e , I. Y to secure seed for next year. I New ?park Herald : Have yon a- typo . '.. trove.—l3ufjalo Tunes, purest white, and when the vegetables are y writer ? �� marketed, the flowers are left to flourish. If the fodder or bay crop is abort lessen " Yes." sold by druggists or sent by man,soc. When a boquet is formed of nothing but the number of animals. Kee nothing that " What kind ?" x: T. Eazeldne, warren, Pa.; v. s, A. $. Giadstone's sig Library, the centarea, choosing the colors thatg lend cannot be fed liberally. P " i g b Y• "Red haired and freckled. They do A• An E nglish periodical, The Bookworm, the together, it will bring the highest Insect powder ie" too expenaiveYor general better work than Recamier blondies. ' has an ,interestingrice of an in the market. It is prized use on the farm, but ii wilt pay to use it on —�- `a ,,,J1 paragraph about Mr. P Y g ermu a �ottl 'd■ ' Gladstone,, who has been a �ook collector on account of its wonderful a New sand. 11 \, power of en- flowers and in the . reen-houses. for more than three-quarters of a Dentary. 'dnraoe, and having the advantage of some Animals in clean wholesome quarters Philadelphia Tinges : "Say look hero,(. "You musto to Bermuda. If "Se L'xidly informs me," writes Mr. W. other kinds for the blossom is borne out on 5*ohs do not It vvlii not fisc res�,onst.' " 11 IR s, ,that he has two books which he the end of the stem. While the balsam eat less and make a butter return for it waiver 1 ]Jo customers have to wait a year Tie for tare eonsequenees." 1 But, t'' I than i! kept in dirty quarters. in this restaurant before they" pan get doctor, Y can .afford neither the acquit in 1815, one of which was a pree• aster and petunia look well in the border, „ « something to eat ? tianno nor the mo e . ent from Mias H, Moore.. At the present it is only on certain ooeasiono that one can If possible got into that line of farming g n Y �6eU+ if. S " I real! can't tell o , that, is li npossible, try • time he estimates his library to contain make use of them. But the centarea, whish you like. You will be much more Y you, air ; you sea love ;,� from 22,000 to 25,000 books, ,arranged by Phlox, verbena and all species of pinks, in• likely to anboeed than with one that is die, only been here a week. MIX ,OTWOV, , sx� � NV'MI,, himself into divisions and sections in a pinding the sweat wiltiam can be nand to tasteful to yea. ,T ver hninnte manner. The library is so. good advantage under • ally circumstances. ,,rowor, in the New York timid ora"' 3 �'q Y An old fruit-gi I ), A exceedingly miscellaneous that Mr. Glad. The time was, when every one wont to the Tribune, says that for ovary dollar he " It's getting quite dark now," `Demarked /" � a� L' I stone himself does not venture to state 'green house, but now the market gardener spends in thinning fruit he reaps a profit of Cholly as they oat on the front piazza. • • . ., which eeotion preponderates; although he furnishes his customers with flowers. . $5• Good pay and good for the treea. " Yeo," she answered, with a touch of ,;i t- , thinks that ,theologymay be one-fourth.' scorn as she surveyed the distance between td' I 0 N % 4 Dry Ensilage. As to the stings of bees and warps, an „ E IN U L � i l them. One mi g yon were , kl .�1. There are about 20 editions of Homer, and M Engliahcon.tamporary says : "'t'hoeeetings, might imagine ®� ��� �'s��p��1%1B1! My last year with dry eneilage waa a afraid of the dark. .1��. from tpirty to forty translatiene; whole or success. I am surprised at some writers •t� dugh very painful, aro not dangerous to a �_ k part. He has never oyrnpathized to any healthy person, unless in the mouth, throat C. ®D L� l,0 ER ®IL. extent with the craze for modern first who recoriamend wetting the fodder when „ art Criticism. it is put ia, that it may heat. Myloar or eyelid. If sometimes eats ft; Bermuda Bot- editions, bat ' I like a tall Dopy,' is Mr. •Imogene (to Harry, pointing to an intoai. tled, and inhny eanaeq cif ' Qladstone'a reply, made with all the genu- years with dry fodder ilea convinced me Poultry should be kept for home use if oatod man leaning; against a 'poet)—Look, ire spirit o4 the true oonnoiessur, to an that dew end rain are injurious, and I want no+, for Dale. When freak meat in small '/CONSU P I®NI the fodder fres frbm moisture when put quantity is needed the chicken or duck is Harry, what a status inquiry on the subject. And so for as p q y The Statue (contemptuously 'Silt—hi0 31OIdC%1Y1F1Sy �'(�i!dt,jl inquiry 4 r the for ancient authors into silo. I pick off some cars as I pass more available than the larger stock. g P + the fodder through the cutter, save m —us 1 You'd—bio—better say bust. Od' �GYCI'c Cold in but good editions, to modernized Y It is claimed vinegar will bring a — II Clave Cd�i81�P evgth it; ggd thei seed SO some for feeding. I recommend o is reprints, the verdict is empathically in salting a little when filling. In two or god price, this `"year owing to the short I$ the battle o! lite it is thA tram who tive stonBach a nig v:nue it, � Another ' �' , favor of the former. g• apple Drop. 'The boat vinegar is made from is always P th11 three weeks if the weather has been dry, I sound fruit. Do not use inferiors lee for ys asking• for quarter. 1k; winieh rahmsaaClio ht is the � t Y z . .1 PP atlnnul:at.ing• ipropel-Ilea of the Hy a . 11 . commence tatting and filling slowly. Last that purpose. Of all the vegetablea which furnish itilrohosthinitc9 tiventcln it oc�ntains. ,R r R Orders Disobeyed. year I ,did not finish till in November. I •- nourishment to man, the banana is the Faun w1I1 find it, ,tor sale at your IM, 4 } put i Be nue, when purchasing an animal, 1Drn�i9t'� in A:zf:inon ,wrapper. Be Managing editor—Haven't I told you re- i? n small shooks, 10 by 10 hills square; most prolific. A single cluster often con. ' that it is free from any disease, and sinner you met fife {nectcitne: peatc�clly to writo.onlyon live anbjects ? tie with binder twine. I use a thooking tains 160 to 180 pods, and weighs from 60 . that it dose not Dome from a section SCOTT .s- nria9�E, Itellevrite. Subordinate—Yea, sir. horse—fear work than tying four hills to. to 80 poando. � ; " And yet you have an article bere,cn gether. My old silo is somewhatopon, and 'where disease has prevailed,. It is an easy ^-- ,! ' matte to abrin disease into a flock or -- Philadelphia. I fina,It does not need to be tight, and not r g —.-- I very strong as there is not. much pressure. herb' t` ' HOU An Understanding. I find that it takes twice as long to husk If there is any value in preventing trees F1 r,; �1�q� MAY YEARLY. O� B®�'LES . 4+ " and tie in bundles and crib the from overbearing, the fact that all kinds � 8 �t�1 6'Ihen I� A � ' , 'CVlll you by a sister to mo 2 b h e Dorn, and d I � ��l��i�,�. ,� ++ then it 'takes as lou to ran the hashed of fruit trees hate boon free from fruit Non, I won t. g this season should giveagain.r a mere y to stop Lem for a tiimejand then " Good. Name the day." €odder.thrbugh tbo outter as the unhuaked , for e e satin g encouragement Vpi,opsm return 9 M C,A N A t�A'01 CA L Cr V &a E, i hate anode the disens'e of Piti4 • the elvation of dry fodder is much easier P g . an u,puaaal yield next V- B,icknnes a life-long study. I warrant my rLmedy to Clare the than green, 'and the story a for cat fodder ae9aon. worst cases. Because others have failed is no-mason far not now receiving a cure. Send at lits Dying; injunaotlan. g + g "cc'for, a treatise and a r,ree Battle of my In•f•'aliiblo Remedy. Give Express and - "I-� is so much less that the saving would, in a The pigs farrowed this month and kept leost Once. It costs you'notlling fob a trial and it will cure You. Address,—H, O, 6tOOT n, " qty son," said the' dying bunco man, few years, pay for the power and cutter, over until next year are the ones 0@.0■s Branch Office, 136 WEST ADELAIDE. STREET, TORONTO. e " I g;nose you can't do botterthan to ow The saving of labor over the old way is no that will matte the )Targe hogs. Pipe a y v the motto of your poor old dad a ' W m' small item of expense. • I feed bran and oil should be farrowed early enough to at- + �` t eoever -you find to do, do him with all your meal with the moistened'fod¢er. Iain fair size before the cold weather , might."' _ . Linn County, Ia. J. T. SdnTn, ,sets in, as very late pigs are liable to be ��� f, I I Sister hose Gertrndo, a girl who recently Silage and I�oota. stunted. T I() . W5. Y ,or•osed this continent on her way to the It has been claimed that the general ago • Stables should bo aleaned daily, and titsZ ,� x�„. o � ��V - .- _ leper colonies in the Pacifia Ocean, is said . of the silo will drive root growingg out of bedding carefully removed, as it is an ai% ° l P plausible eorbent'of the liquids, the rotpntion o TO Ti17L 3Li)iTOIi:—Please .inforiu roue rc. ders that I hau a positive remedy for � to have become disgusted with the actions farm ractioo. This seems q , 1. u Bvlts tjlri J,lis t.lawn� ase�ta}p6 ;mrrrexk�ss �.^mance lrCeit a4fYfiilt,%. rK �" ��� . ' above named decree _.. _ tt..'omogi thele xs.a..nt.t¢.nta�.:t,o� goo, enong)1-to. tho.ac wlanaeva the. sabjeat.:at-.-w3iiohwrestilta<fu-the liiaere�iion q moliia:: s3Tolrlto scuff` £vm Bottles t n - BY cam; "` (tome. � g Jx + p Olean floors, with clean bed• p y � u it' tenucly l FtLT (C to any o, your readea's A. $LOC�� r �' �a bis ran e, but it will not do with raeti• in the etAila. suis tion if the will send me,t eirEx ressand Post+ OfficeAddreas• Respectfully,T. q . M.C.. 180 Was* Adela►itl6 t., I NON T'O. ONTAinjo.%4 , . . o. ,Al 141,