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Lucknow Sentinel, 1890-09-12, Page 8
111'am cb. C•n The Lucknow Sentinel, B:ruee County, Friday, September 12th, LUCKIIOW POST' OFFICE'. ' Hours 8-a. m. to 7 p. m, MAILS ii u ivrri. L. H. $r, B. North 12.30 p. Ira. " H.olyrood- Kidlough 2;30 p. m, Kinloss W. G. tf, B, North Goderich 1 Intermediate points L. 11,8z, B. North Langside W, G. & B. ,Saaitf>< i L H. &"B., South L. H. & B. South ` 10.00 a. m. W G.& B. North 3,20 p. in • Holyrood} 4.30 p.m. inlough Kinloss° 8:421 p. In. • 9 00 p,. m, i 10.30 p. m, l uesdays and 3 oo p, rn, Fridays of command. The second • draw was very little better, for the word "o" was given before the men were ready won by the Huron boys, amid tae wildest excitement of the spectators. The third draw, however, fully tested the strength and endurance - of' the contestants, and the most determined struggle that ever took place in the village was the result. It is difficult to say just how long the men could stand the powerful strain, but after one hour and a half of heroic efforts, in which neither side had gained any preceptible advantage, the Referee decided the pull. a draw, the contest . ., vcrof A• 9.30p. m. before met in the ring at Lucknow, as the following list will show : PROFESS1ONAL ATHLETES. A. Scott, Woodstock ;<Chas. Cur- rey, Parkhill ; J. D. McPherson, Soo ; J. D. McColl, Lucan; J. D. Watson, J. Moore, Toronto. LOCAL ATHLETES. G. Webb, St.. Helens ; J. Ross, Langside ; M, McDuff, Underwood ; W. Walker, Langside; M.• McClure, Glaromis ;, J. Mathieson, . Ashfield ; 'V. Vanorman,'"Eel+grave ; R. .McKen- zie, Kintail ;. T.• Corbett, Goderich • Township; J.. Campbell, Kincardine ; E. Derr, T. Little, Lucknow; D. Goodwin, Kincardine. HIGHLAND DANCERS. J. Rattray, J. R. Millie, F. Wilson, London ; W. Johustoa, J. Fothermg. /too r{aToroato. • . GIRL DANC'EnS. K. Ash, A. Galbraith, M. McLaren, Ji.. McLaren, London ;LM. McGregor, Tie&forth ;, A.. Rankle, Woos stoc ; 1E: Campbell,. Toronto;. I. McIntyre, 9:. 111 cInty re, LGck \low.. 1ZiLE. WORLD'S CFFatieloar- ' .A. great deal of inter.,es't had been' centered in the famous heavy weight, contest for the championship of • the .world between 0. Currie, of Park Hill, and Jona. McPherson, of Sault S.e, Marie. 1VZ.cPherson has for some time past, through the newspapers at least, claimed to be the "champion shot ,ratter 'of the world," and as this vias the first time this season that Currie )Rad an opporzunity of meeting him, a• hard struggle for supremacy was ex- • pected.. . 1.>rr, this, however,, the audieiace. were di.sappoinnted,.,£or Carrie' proved iby' all+ odds . to ' be the better znan of the two, .and had no difli.• cu'lty in placing the iron ball 3 feet • 4 inches beyond that of his opponent. At the recsuest, of the at/thence, Currie also gave an exhibition throw of the light stone, sending it 52 feet 3 inches, a'feat neer before accomplished here. CALEDO.DIIAN CADETS. One of.the first. events of the day, and which justly called forth many rounds of applause from the large au- • dience, .was the -splendid exhibition of fancy drill of the Caledonian .Cadets, tinder . cornmaand of Capt. G. E. Kerr. --1st W. Johnston, Toronto ; 2nd J. R. Milne, London; 3rd J. Ratray, London. • or 'I _ THE PEO STO t"104-Jt.ines Girls under —1slAlice urait;i, London • 2nd Elsie Campbell, Toronto• Preparing for the fall trade. Oar stock -is filling uP f T.r, r 3rd J. M,cLaren, Kintail. - with the latest novelties of the season. Oar usual stock �ur.tl .Dat,.;d—.lIo:s under 18, of staple dry goods i; .• CI' y cornplFte. We Have JUS $5, $3, $2. -1st W. Templeton, Lon- donLou- ; 2nd F. Wilso,i, Loodo.n. 27—Skean Trews •-Girls ander ls, BLACK AND FANCY DRESS 000DS $5, $3, $2.—lst, Aggie Rankin, Wood- atoek; 2nd Minnie McGregor, Seaforth; 3rd Alice Galbraith, London. 28—Best Dressed Boy, under 18, $5, $3, $i2. -1st John Tennant, Luck; now ; 2nd W. Templeton, London ; Huron. During t e strugg 'e In excitement prevailed among the spec- , tators and it was with the greatest difficulty many of them were kept hack from seizing hold of the rope and helping their. respective sides. This Brought the programme to a close And the 3000 visitors left the grounds well satisfied with the days pleasures. LOCAL COMPETITIONS. 1—Highland Fling, $4, $3, $2. - 1st Geo. Kerr, Lucknow. 2—Marches, $4, $3, $2.—lst McKay,- Kintail ; 2nd D. B. 1VtcKay, Kintail ; 3rd A. Andersen, St. Helens. 3—Strathspey and Rae], $4, $3, $2. —1st D. McKay, Kintail ; 2nd D. B. McKay, Kintail ; 3rd A. Anderson, St. Helens. ' 4 -Irish Jig, $4, $3, $2. -1st A. Fitzell, Holyrood; W. J. Ellis, Luck- , now. 5—Putting Light ,Stone, $4, $3,.$2. Q .1 Ross, .Lang"side, 42 ft • '2nd G. Webb, St. Helens, .41 ft; J. Duff; Underwood, 40 ft•'r in. 6—Throwing Light Hammer, $4 , 3, -$2.-1 st T Eoss, Langsisle,—' 4 ft 10 in ; 2nd W. Walker, Langside, 93 ft 7 in ; 3rd M. McClure, Glatnniis, 88 ft 111 in. • 7 --Throwing 56 lb Weight High, $4, $3, $2.—:C. Rosi, L'nside, 10 ..ft 6• in ; T. Corbett, Clintoc, 10 ft 6,in,; 3rd M. McClure, Glamnris, 10`ft 3in. • nse TVG OF WAR. ° . This is the most exciting contest of the w ole c ' e, • name, and this year it lost i e of its o d time enthusiasm,. The rival, teams composed the picked mon froni'tle. counties of Huron and Bruce and as the muscular fellows stripped "for War" it was evident a desperate struggle would be the result, and in. 'this the people were not disappointed. The Bruce men were captained by Dr. Mcerirnrezl, the popular Chief. of th© Society, and the Huronites by Dr. McDonald, of Kintail, while those who composed the teams were : BRUCE. . Hugh Taylor, Kinloss Alex. Nicholson, Kinloss J. Stringer, Kincardine M. McClure, Glam.inis Johtr Murray, Huron 'Township A. McIntyre, Bruce. Township. J. Gilles, W. McSwai'n, .. tt W. -McKenzie, Kincardine R. McKenzie, HURON` d` J. D. Mathieson, Ashfilid lt. McKenzie, W. Johnston, John 11eK,iy, Alex. D1eD,,nald;. ft H {i T. Henderson, tt J. N. McKenzie, tt M17,'i>nrlald, It John 1\IoKLeuzio, ,t \1. Vanonrrnah, Belgrave A. good deal of trouble was exper- ienced. by the Referee, d r. .Urquhart, in getting the teams ready for the tug, and after "one," "two" had been uttered, the Bruce men. took the draw, but the Referee would not allow a „Va. aa he had not given the word BEAUTIFUL GOODS. Also a fine assortment ' of ready made clothing, bought. t more with an eye to quality than to a low price. Positive) - no shoddy. To arrive in a few days a very large assortmel'i '29= -Running High Jump, $5, $3, $2.—] st T. Little, Lucknow, 5 ft 10 in; 2nd A Scott, Brussels, 5 ft 10 in ; J. Watson, Toronto, 5 ft 9 in. 30—Running Hop Step and Jump, $5, $3, $2.—lst J. D. Watson, Toronto 41. ft 1 in ; 2nd J. Moore, Toronto, 38 ft 11 in; 3rd A. Scott, Brussels, 38 ft. 31—Vaulting with' the Pole, $5, $3, $2. --=1st A Scott, Brussels,' 9 ft 6 in ; 2nJ. Watson, Toronto, 9ft 4 :n ; 3rd oore, Toronto. 9 ft. 32—Quarter Mile Race, $5, $3, $2.. —1st A. G. Notch, Toronto ; 2nd J. Moore, Toronto ; 3rd J. Campbell; Kin cal dine. 33—Sack: Race, $5, $3, $2.—1 st T. Little, Lucknow ; 2nd D. Goodwin, Kincardine ; - 3rd.- A. J. • Knights, Toronto. 34—Hurdle Race. $5, $3, $2. -1st J-. P. Watson, Tod nito.; 211d T. Little,. J. ♦ I I t, , Italian elastic goods, so popular with the upper ten. Mantl.'- cloth in good` variety and at closest prices. A large assort silent of novelties and staples to arrive in the next 2_1v day-.. As usual our stock of groceries, , hats, caps, boo s, shoe, hardware, crockery, etc., etc., is well assor•tecl and all sold at closest prices. Please call and inspect. ROBERT MURRAY, St. Helens, Sept. 3rd. IDO'T WAYT TIIN; EAFJH! LIVING. • 1 AM GOING TO HAVE IT IN LUCKNOW, TOO, AND I EREBY announce to to people of Lucknow and surrounding country, that any lo - 8, --Tossing the Caber, $Z4; $3, $2.— lst V. Vanormau, Betgrave, 35:ft 5 in; 2nd M.-:V1cClure, Glatamis, 37,4.4 in; 3rd T. Ross, .Langside, 37 ft. 9—Scotch Wrestling,• $4, $3, §2, - 1st V. Vanortnan, Belgrave ; 2nd M, McClure, Glammis; 3rd T. Ross, Langside: 10 —Ralf Mile Race, $4, $3, l st • D. Goodman, ' Kincardine ; 2nd .1. Campbell, Kincardine ; 3rd Geo. Kerr, Lucknow. . 11—Stilt Race, $'', $3, $3. -1st J. B. Hunter, Lucknow ; 2nd D. B. Mc- Kay, Kintail; 3rd T. Little,Lucknow. 12—OMd Man's Race, $4, $3, $2.- 4st W. Scrimaner, Lucknow ; 2rid M. Campbell, Kincardine ; 3rd Jock' Adapts, Lucknow. .13 -Walking Match, $4, $3; $2.— lst G. Kerr, Lucknow ; 2nd J. Camp- bell, li':ncardine; 3rd D. Goodwin, Kincardine: 7 • 14—Tug of War between Counties of Huron and Bruce, $:30, $20. Trophy a sraluable Silver Cup t, be held, one year by the captain of the winning team. OPEN TO THE WORLD. 15—Throwing Heavy Hammer, $5,. $3, $2.—lst C. Currie, Park Hill, 95 ft ; 2nd J. McCall, Park Hill, 90 ft; J. McPherson, Sault St.. Marie, 88 ft. in. 16. -Putting Heavy Stone, $5, $3, $2:= -1st C. Cnrrie, Parkhill, 39 ft. 7 in ; 2nd J. 117cPherson, Sault • St. Marie, 36 ft 3 in; 3rd J. McCall, Park-. hill, 36 ft. 35 --Boys Race, under 12.=-lst B. .Allen, Kiacardine ; 2nd G. Berry, Lucknow ; 3rd R. G'relaero, Lucknow; th D l,OS , Ltleltnew ; 5 -i ----Ju 'i We usoti, Lucknow. JUD(,ES. RLQ ui-ug and 'Jumpia.g.---1M'. 1+''rlaue, Toronto ; W. U. Liti!e D. R. i\i'c!,rtosh, Lucknow. • Hes vy Weights- Archy Urc,uhar•t, To. o,rto;• Wm. Gle,r tier .Hamilton; Tito-, Law/mace, Locl;now. Piping end Dancitlg--Dr. McE: av, Pungannon ; Angus 119cQuaig and A. • Andersch, Lucknow. ] risk J ig—H. P. O'Con aoc, M. P. P., Peter Corrigan, and Jas. Bryan. THS CONCERT. In the evening, the '.town Hall was ,packed to the doors with an e.ntliitsias- tic .audience to witness the splendid concert, as a fitting close to the days proceedings. The chair' was ably .occupied by Chief McCrinnon, and the different pieces on,the programme were all rendered in capital style. We have not the time nor Space 'to particularize, but suffice it to'say that Mr. Geo, E. Kerr, is deserving of much praise for his able management in bringing together such an array of talent. It was one" of the hest con- certs ever given by the Society, and those taking part is the pro- gramme were Miss Lalla Berry, Miss Jean G. Murray, of Lucknow ; Miss N. Cheney, Brantford ; M r. . W. E. Ramsay, Toronto ;.'while the accoin- panists were I1iss Nellie P1cElardy, of VV ingham, and Mrs. Sena Fowler, of Toronto. The Highland dancing by the cotnLtetitors was also loudly ap- plauded. THF. 13.1 Lt. About two hundred couples attend- ed the ball in the lar•oo octagon hall in the Caledonian Park, and as usual all present spent a pleasant time till the wee sma' hours o' morning. 17—Throwing 56 lb High, $5, $3', $2:—1 st 0. Currie, Parkhill, 13 ft, 1 ill; 2nd J. McCall, 12 ft, 9 in ; $rd A. Scott, Brussels, 10 ft, 6 in, 18—Pibroch and Mardi, $8, $6, $4. —1st 0. H. Smith, Jamiltor, ; 2nd W. Johnston, Toronto ; 3rd W. Thain, Guelph. • 19—Strathspey end Reel, $8, $6, $4.—lst W. Thain, Guelph,;' 2nd. 0. H. Smith, Hamilton ; 3rd W. John- ston, Toronto. 20—Best Dressed Highlander, $8, $G, $4. -1st Alex. 11cPherson,` Luck - now ; \2nr1 W.. Johnston, Toronto ; 3rd J. Milne, London. 21 --Highland Fling, $7, $5, $3._ ist 3.--- lst 1V. Johnston, Toronto ; 2nd 'J. It. Milne, London ; 3rd J. 'Fotheriugtou, London. 22—Oillie Callum, $7, $5, $3. •f 1st W. Johnston, Teronto ; 2ud J., . 11. Milhe, London y 3rd J. Fotlierington,• London. • 23—Reel o' Tulloeh, $7, $5, $3• -- lst J. R. Milne, London ; 2nd J. Rat - ray, Loudon.; 3rd W. Johnston; Tor- onto.. 24—Sailor's Hornpipe, $7, $5, $3; —The Reete last, week received from the County Tb•easur-er.a cheque of $50 for gravt llin.g Ross street ; $37.60 for 'gravelling Stauffer street, and one for $50 for the Kiulos'i i ranch 'Agricultural Society, which were granted , at . the June session of the County Council.; —Farmers in this suction have al- most co:nipleted their fall wheat sowing, • The ground is in good condition, and if the growth is not too rapid, fall work will have heenLwell advanced ere the snowafalls, - • —The Women's Christian Temper- ance Unionof Toronto, asks that the Inslustiial Fair be opened With prayer. Barnum might of well ask a blessing at the opening of his ci,cus: • —In view of the M' Kinsey bill coining into force in the United Sta tea at an early date, the commercial papers are advising farmers to market their barley as quickly as possible4 Prices are expected to rule low -=•-30c. to 4Oc. The cereal is worth more for feeding purposes, and farmers who can afford to keep it on their places shou.l'd do so. —Sheriff Bow les; of Orangeville, was, the guest o£ W.E. E,obeiit Grahanl, thie week. df -A, mix b . P R ' .JNA coming to me, having their teeth out, that I will putin two sets.of test , TEETH TEETH: TE P311 RY A a1 PERMANENT for the price of one set, $15, made of the very best material in the world. use no rubber:but C. ASH,& SONS, London, England. The teeth will be C. Ash & Sons, and S. S. White's, conceded by. -all who are in the business to be Uniequaleil Tho Worldly Those firms have their names.on their goods, and the people can see, what they are getting, and as I use nothing 'bet the best material, I will guarantee sat, isfaction to all reasonable people, the unreasonable and there aro,a"few such in the world, will please bear in mind that I don't want their trade. I can always be found at Dr. McCrimmon's office, Lucknow. A. . ATTERSOV, Luoknowo. 1 Cock Complete --AND ATTRACTIVE Velvets in all leading colors RIBBON VELVET, WITH SATIN BACKS. • Most Fashionable Trinmiugs A full range of .MOUR N,ING- GOO] s. also a very large assortment of \beavers and! fancy cloakings. rs,,, W. 11 ■ Smith. [EN WANTED TO SELL OUR CHOICE NURSEY. stock. No experience requires. Steady w'nk the. year round. liberal pay guaranteed. Outfits free Write for terms aid commence a: once. Atwoo4l & Company, Amos, 851. Nurseryfuen, Geneva,$. Y. Notice to Creditors. PL''RSUANT TO THE REVISED . Statutes of Ontario, 1887, chapter 110, section 36, the creditors of Henry Wilson, late . of the Village of Lucknow, in the County of Bruce, deceased, who died on or about the 5th day of July, 1800, are hereby' notified to send to.Elliot Traver, of the said Village of Luck - now, Solicitor for the Executors, on or before the first day of September, A. D., 1890, their Christian and surnames, addresses and descrip- tion, the full particulars ot'\ heir. claims, a statement of their accounts, a the nature of the securities, if any. held: by hem, and after the said date, the 1 xecuto will proceed to adjust the said claims, having regard only to those of which, they shall then have received notice. ' ' . Dated at 'Lucknow, this 7th, day of July, A. D.,, 1890. . ' ELLIOTT TRAVER, Solicitor for. SAMUEL ROBE:48'0N; i • 3-864 DONALD nlcDONALD f Executors, EXECUTORS NOTICE. A S ALL THE LANDS BELONGING, to the estate of the late John Fraser have been sold, except those s'tuated in the Townsuip of Kinloss,.beiug nortl halves of lots 43 and 44,, containing 100 acro 'n the 1st con cession, the same are hereby 6 ered for sale at a bargain, as it is desirous to close up the estate. For further particulars•appiy to THOS. TODD, Executor, tf-864 .St.'lfelens P.O., SHEEP ESTRAY. (`I TRAYEI FROM THE PREMISES, of the undersigned, lot 4, eon. l2, Ash- tield, an or about July 801, 2 sheep marked, " 0. S." in red pant on the right side. Also, 2 lantbs with nick in the leff eats. 4.864 . GEORGE SWAN, Lanes P 0 PIC ESTRAY. CAME TO THE PREMISS OF THE, undersigned, lot 8, con, 9, Ashfield, on or. about the middle of .lune last, a white sow about a year old. The owner is requested, to, prove property, pay expenses and, take het:- away. etiaway. :1,364 WM. STOTHERS. Belfast.P.O,