Lucknow Sentinel, 1890-09-05, Page 8The Lucknow Sentinel, Bruce County, Friday, September 5th,
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A Good Concert -
6d3 a. in,
1230 p.m.
2:30 p. m.
3:48 p. in.
9 00 p. m,
10.30 p. m,
Tuesdays and
3 00p, in, Fridays
9:30p. m.
10.00 a. m.
Irra th . ,a, fla11
on Thursday evening last .yam Cos -
rove Family was one of the best ea-
tertainments of the kind ever given in
the village, and should t i
return will be treated to a
A Lucky Editor
The Mitchell Advertiser man ought
to be happy. He is editor and pro-
prietor of the Advertiser, agent for the
Dominion Line of Royal Mail steam-
ships, agent for the C. P. R. Telegraph
repairs watches, c oc, s, jewe erp, sew-
ing machines, etc., is an auuctioneer,
and twelve children call him "pa !"
Village and tt4 X111Bea' . It is enough to make the" Arizona
Kicker man turn green with envy.
Serious Accident
Duncan McConnell, plasterer, met
with a very serious accident on Mon-
day last, by falling from the roof of a
house near Langside. One of his legs
was broken and he also received other
serious injuries. i
Weather Report for August
Total amount of rain fall, 2.38 in.
rain - fell on 13 days ; day of highest
temperature,, 90°.4 on the 3rd ; day of
lowest temperature, 41°.0 on -the 21st
and 31st ; mean highest temperature,
73°.$' ; 'mean, lowest temperature, 52°.3°
clay of greatest range, 39°.0 on the 2nd;
day of least range, 6°.6 on the 19th.
Decorate the Village
---_ Otir businessmen andinfact every
citizen should turn . out and help to
decorate, the village for Caledonian
day.. It costs but little and.there is
ot4ing, that will add more to the
Tuty• and appearance of the place
titan a liberal decoration of our main
street with evergreens arches, flags,
hunting, etc,
cot. Sproat Dead
'News was received last week of the
death of Lieut -Coit. Sproat, registrar at
rinse Albert, N. W. T., which posi
oe, he had occupied since December,
1080, He . had been in poor health'
lately, and was on leave of absence at
t� time of his death. The late. Lieut-
,, e!' . Sproat represented the constitu-
e cy of South Bruce in Parliament for
signie "years previousto his, appoint -
lfncalfed for Negligence ,
- When a man advertises that a stray
animal is on his premises, it generally
Happens that half a dozen people' turn
sip to see if it belongs ti -them. This
s ows• that a lot of animals are assray;
bit some fellows will harbor an animal
instil it dies of old age, before they will
d'o simple' justice to the unknown
oyvner by advertising it. Farmers
will save each other a world of worry
and loss by being a little more thought-
ful, in this respect.
Lucknow Brass Band
The following programme 'will be
played out on Saturday night, weather
pertuitting ;-1; March, Roseate Hues
by J. C. Querrie ; '2, .Waltz, 1 See
the white sails corning, by D. Weigand;
4, `:March, The Big 4, by Geo. South-
, rive ; 4, Waltz, Hellen, by Thos. Swan;
t larch, Our choice, by Geo. South-
eY ; 64) Waltz, Little Rosebud, by
Xpiey : '1, March, Hagan% by D. S.
'M C h • 8 March, Pah Handle by
Leather Horseshoes
It is now thought in England and
other parts of Europe that the iron
hot seshoe must go, and it place taken
by a leather shoe. The new shoe in
made of three thicknesses of hide,
pressed in a steel mould and after-
fter-wards treated chemically. Its chief•
advantages over iron are claimed to ba
that it holds firmly on slippery pave-
ments, that it is lighter than the iron
shoe, lasts longer, and that the hoofs
of the horses wearing it never split.
Speeding in the Ring
A great deal of interest is being
taken in the 'speeding in the ring con-
tests at the fall show here on the 7th
and 8th of October, when it is expect -
A Good Band Master
The Lucknow Fire Brigade have
KGS.^ '31w7�IVv C i.n• T. v r w i�M' � Y
master )f Military renown. He is a
thorough teacher and hie discipline
eilierre doubt be of great advantage to
his pupils. There Pare two or three
vacant instruments which the
managers wish to have filled at once.
Parties who expect to remain perman-
ently in the village preferred.
Foresters Anniversary
The members of the Foresters Court
in this village, with visiting brethren
from Wingham and Holyrood, marched
Sunday morning last, when an able'
discourse was ., delivered to them by
the pastor, the Rev. Mr. McKinnon.
The Foresters are one of the most
progressive societies in the pace and
and their turnout on Sunday was a
• credit to their order.
A Week's Record of the rushing Borer
-. –Mr. John Grundy was in Detroit
last week.
—Mr. Wm.' Stewart left on Wed-
nesday for Exeter.
—A large stock of childrens boots
cheap at W. J. Little's.
—Mrs. John Seli, of Brussels,
visiting friends in Lucknow. ,
—Call and find the best timothy
seed at Geo: Kerr's grocery.
ed- a number of good horses will be — G, -W. Berry_left._Qu Wednerr
resent. -In the two an. hree year._ clay to spend a few days in Detroit.
old classes, open to horses owned, in
the townships of West Wawanosh,
Ashfield,: Huron, Kinloss and the vil-
lage of Lucknow, there will be two
prizes of $10 and $5 in each class, and
in the "open to ail" class, three prizes,
$15, $10, and $5. There is also to be
a running race for which two primes of
$5 and $3 are offered, which together
with the dog races will form the most
exciting and attractive events of the
The World's- Champion
Mr. John D. McPherson, the chain:,
pion shot putter of the world, was.. in
the city yesterday on his way to Luck -
now, where he will, on Sept. 10th,
compete for the last time for money:
He desired it to be stated that if Mr.
Currie or any other man believd they
could beat him at putting the shot, the
10th of September and ' Lucknow
would be the last time and place , (so
far as he was concerned) for to test it.
He (McPherson) would cover any
amount named that be could defeat
any or all - of . the windbeaters —Lon-
don Free Press. John is now in the
village, and says that McColl, Currie
and all the rest are following. He
believes that there . will be a greater
array of athletes and keener competi-
tions this year than have ever been
witnessed at our games.
Want a Bridge
A petition was presented to the
Council on • Tuesday . evening last,
signed by 38 ratepayers, praying the
Corporation to erect a -bridge on the
street leading from Moore's hotel, to
gravel road on Stauffer street. A i
similar petition to this one was'pre- ' -Mr. Charles McIntosh, late of the
sented to the first Council elected Tiverton Watchman, was in the village
after the village was incorporated, the-' last week visiting. friends, prior to his
c vs ; , arc , a
1). S. McCosh ; 9, God Save the request for a bridge at that time being
. ' Ch
Queen.' No one allowed in the Band
Room on •practice nights only members
of'the band. J. Submit, Bandmaster.,
The Big Highlander
The Lucknow Caledonian games
will be held on Sept 10th, and the big
Highland. man of distorted proportions
which has graced the Society's posters
for, the last fifteen years is sti•Il'at his
poet of duty. The Lucknow Society is
the pioneer organization of the kind in
this district, and the Highland Senti-
ment of the locality is sufficiently
strong to warrant a continuance of the
sports from year to year lig after,
other Caledonian Societies of later" date
variety, a new early grape of exceed -
found it necessary to abandon them.
The Lucknow Caledonians have our
thanks for programme and complimen-
tary to attend the games on the 1Qth.
We trust that the clay may be in all
respects successful_Paisley Advocate.
Preparing' for the fall trade. Our stock is filling up fast:
with the latest novelties of the season. Our usual stock
of staple dry goods is very colnpl€te. We have just
opened some special lines in
Also a fine assortment of ready made clothing, bought
—If you want bargains in boots
and shoes call at W. J. Little's.
= Mr. Wilson, of Dungannon, was
the guest of Mr. G. W.. Berry, this
—Mr. Geo. Mair, banker, left this
week on a ten days pleasure trip to
--Mr. and Mrs. J. Grenache and
Mr.' Alex, Ross left last week for
Montreal to visit friends.
—Rev. J. B. McKinnon, of Lucknow,
spent Tuesday in town. calling on
friends..—Teeswater News.
-Farmers, attention. Highest
price paid for wheat at the Lucknow
Roller Mills. -Gen. Kerr.
---Mrs. James Somerville arrived
home last week from an extended visit
to friends in Superior City, Wisconsin.
—Some dudes from Lucknow made
a sorry•attewpt at "painting the town
red" on Sunday.-Winghain Advance.
—Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Cameron
arrived home last week from a six
weeks trip to friends in Manitoba and
—A meeting of the committee of
the Lucknow driving park association
is to be held at Cain's Hotel, on Fri-
day next, Sept. 5th. J. ELLIaT, Sec.
—Don't believe all you hear._ Mr.
Wm. Clow does not intend leaving
the village as was circulated this week
by. interested parties.
—Mr. George Lawrence, 'of London,
came up to put in a ballot for the loan;
on Monday last, He likes London
and looks exceedingly well.
championed by Mr. ar1 Moloney,
then a prominent citizen of the place.
The same demand has been made of
nearly every Council that has been in
office ever since, but as no action was
taken in the matter, the people living
in that section think they have been.
harshly treated by the village officials.
The Reeves and Councillors Thompson
and Murdoch were appointed a com-
mittee to examine the road and report
at the next meeting of the Council.
A Fine Early Grape
We were shown last week, by Mr.
H. Spencer, several very tine bunches
of ripe, grapes Of the Cortland Seedling
in gly good quality. This grape is just
what is needed for this section of the
country, as it is perfectly hardy and
ripens fully four weeks ahead of the
old ,Concord. Those who have tried
this wonderful new variety claim it to
be the earliest grape in America, and
that the vines require no protection
during winter in the coldest climates.
The berries are large, sweet and of a
dark blue or black color; with a thin
skin and very little pulp. In quality
it is better than the Concord, and we
have no doubt that ere many years it
will become the great popular grape of
this country. The sale of this valtf-
able grape is exclusively owned' by the
Maple Grove Nurseries, of 'Waterlod;
N. V., and Mr. Spencer is their agent
ill this seetiou We would reeorn mend
IT3our readersrtet;o give the Cortland
Millers Association
At the annual meeting of the Millers'
Association for the counties of Huron,
Perth, Grey, and Bruce and North
Wellington, held at Listowel last
week, the following resolution, after a
warm discussion, was carried :,
we, the millers of the, association, agree
hereafter to adopt the recognized
weight of 196 pounds as• a barrel of
flour, and hereafthereafterto agree to put 98
pounds of flour in bags instead of 100
- pounds for the local trade to grocers,
'1311••ers and retail trade from our mills,
8ai ..Olhk 4.9 9)4,0,..int0..91).Pr gn�on
,•t, 1, 189f1.
g a
departure for British Columbia.
—Lost ! Between Lucknow and, the
Grey Ox, a short whip with a piece of
leather on ' the butt. Finder suitably
rewarded by returning it to W. J.
Little, Lucknow.
—Apples may be a . failure, and
apples may be scarce, but Mr. Wm.
Webb, of St. Helens, never fails to
no shoddy. To arrive in a few days a very large assortment
of ladies and .gentlemens underclothing, including those fine.
Italian elastic goods so popular with the uppill ten. Mantle
cloth in good variety and at ch•sest prices. 'large assort-
ment of novelties and staples to arrive -in the next few days.
As usual our stock of groceries, hats, caps, boots, shoes,.
hardware, crockery, etc., etc., is well also;ted and all sold at.
closest prices. Please call and inspect.
bring in• -his yearly treat to` the SEN-
—Mr: Allan McKinnon, of lot 20,
on the 5th concession of Kinloss,
recently cut with a Watson binder, 20
acres of oats in 12 hours and 58
miuutes. •
The annuli Harvest Home festival
in tonne ction with the Dungannon
Methodist church, will be held in 'Mr.
Anderson's grove, one mile north of
the village, on'Sept. 5th.
—Mr. Ed. Robertson, of Superior
City, Wisconsin, arrived home last
week to spend a couple of weeks with
his friends here. He reports- things
lively in Superior and says the many.
Lucknowites there are doing well.
--,All' kinds of groceries of the best •
qualities kept at the new grocery very
cheap,, ea we sell for cash and produce
Goods delivered to any part of
town.—Geo. Kerr.:
St. Helens, Sept. 3rd,
announce to the people of Lucknow and surrounding ,country, that ,any
coming to me having their teeth out, that I will put in two sets of teeth,
for the prise of -one set, $15, made of the very best material in the world:.
use no rubber but C. ASH & SONS, London, England. The teeth will be
C. Ash & Sons, and S. S. White's, cocceded by all who are in the
business- to be
; equaled, In The World.
Those firms have their names on their goods, and the people can see what they
are getting, and as I use nothing but the best material, I will gearantee sat-
isfaction to all reasonable people, the unreasonable and there aro a few
such in the world,will please bear in mind that I don't want their trade
I can always be found at Dr. McCrimmon's offiee, Lucknow.
n. PATTELSON, L::oknow.
B.u1M —In Lucknow, on Wednesday. Sept.
3rd, the wife of -,Jaws _ Bryan,, o tiro
SENTINEL, of a son: e�Iingyuon sally„
'ttIl13sits W ill,ples stothis-Mask
Stock Oam-te'
Velvets in all leading colors
Most Fashionable Trimmings
A full range of
also a very large assortment of
beavers and fancy -
firs: Q I. Smith.
stock. No experience required. Steady work
the year round. 'Liberal pay guaranteed.
0,tlits free write tor terms and eotpmence
mat bn¢e.. •. ._ . _ ._
Atwood & Company,
5,.inetx-.8tikr ... 44ursoryniencjacnevar--I . -Y
Notice to Creditors.
Statutes of Ontario, 1887, chapter 110,
section 36, the creditors of Henry Wilson, late
of the Village of Lucknow, in the County of
Bruce, deceased, who died' on or about the 5th
day of July, 1890, are hereby notified to send
to Elliot'Traver, of t e said Village of Luck -
now, Solicitor for the 'xecutors, on or before
the first day of. Septa er, A. D., 1890, their
christian'and surnam addresses and descrip-
tion, the full par ' milers of their claims, a
statement of their accounts, and the nature of
the securities, -if any. held by them, and after
the said date, the Executors will proceed to.
adjust the said claims,having regard only to
those of which they shall then have received' •
Dated at Lucknow, this 7th day of July,,
A. D., 1890.
ELLIOTT TRAVER, Solicitor for
3864' DONALD McUONALD j Executors,
to the. estate of late John Fraser
have been sold, exce', th se situated its the:
'l'ownsnip of Kinloss, being north halves of lots
43 and 44, containing 100 acres in the let eon
cession, the same are hereby offered for sale at
a bargain, as it is desirousto close up the
estate. For further particulars apply to •
THOS. TODD, Executor,
tf•864 St. Helene P+O.•
of the undersigned, lot 4, con. 12, Ash-
field, on or about July 8th, 2 sheep marked•
" G. S." in red paint on the right side. Also,
2 lambs with nick in the left ears:
4.864 GEORGE SWAN, Lanes P 0
undersigned, lot 8, con, 9. Ashfield, on or.
about the middle of .Wine last, a white sow
about a year old. The owner is requested to,
prove property, pay expenses and take, her
..3.tet . •_,.._m.., . STC1 t 11S. $c+lte st l'..A