HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1890-09-05, Page 4fi friday, September �f 6th The Lucknow Sentinel Bruce County, BEI) t'YOUR EYE ON who* Anttinel. EBEELY-AOBOBDINO TO THE DICTATES O CON.SCIENCE WE PRIZE ABOVE ALL OTHER LIDEBTI S. ,Z cialow. September Gtu, 1890. THE McKINLEY BILL, The long debate in, the United ;-States Congress on the McKinley bill, the tax an many products 'Council. and made claim for damages done to engine on boundary between Ashfield and Kinloss, thedamage being caused' by defective culvert. The mat- ter will be investigated iu connection with the Kinloss Council. Letter from to of West Wawanosh rela- tive to mistake in levy ou Ashfield marl* t,lpa No 1 No action taken in the latter a present: On motion of Stothers and.Chambera the County rate was fixed tit? zslls and the Township rate 1 5-10 mills: School rates to meet estimates of Trus- tee Board. Accouuts paid :-J. Thor - low, $2.50 ; J. E. Sullivan, $500 ; P. Austin, $6.75 ; J. Buckley, $11.50 ; G. Day, $3.35 ; J, Sullivan, X3.00 ; J. McGee, $11.00 ; J. Murphy, $9.00; Wm. Mourn, $117.50; J. Willis, $5.00; T. Dalton, $8.00 ; T. Garvey, $15.00 hitherto sent ..United States, has been finished, and ,;it is expected that before many days the Bill will receive the sanction of the' .President. The act in all probability will .come into operation on the first -of --October, but so far as Canada is concerned, its effects may not be felt :;.for some , time; as a rush to market of articles affected by it is now taking place, and its injury to business n,ay ,be -discounted for a few months. The duties.provided in the bill are ;• Barley .-.malt, 45c, per bus. ; buckwheat, 15c ; .corn, l5c ; oats, 15 ; rye, 10c ; wheat, :250 • beans and peas, 40c ; cabbages, each live poultry, 3c. per lb. ; 3c. ; ,hogs, $1.50 per head ; hops, 15c. per lb. ; honey, 20c. per gal. ; potatoes, :25e, per bus. ; straw, $2 per ton ; hay $4 per ton ; butter, 6c. per ib. ; cheese, ,,6c, per lb. ; milk, 5c. per gal. ; eggs, e. .per oz. ; "c: --per bus. dressed poultry, 5c. per Ib. ; sheep, 11.50 per head.; onions, 40c. per bus. ; flaxseed, 30c. per bus. Horses, $30 per head; those valued , at $150 or oyer, 30 percent. ad. . val..; Cattle, -over one year,old, $10 per head ; under fa:year, $2. . 1 RVES�' . TOOLS!. „0, A iijchi Qil 1 pe Best n lieMai'-•. BUILDEM ND PATTERS St1PPLIES_ Hannah, $66.50 ; P. McCarthy, $15.84 ; R. Treleaven, 50 cts. ; W. McQuoid, $5.00 ; T. Johnston, $6.25 ; D, Farrisb, $2.50 ; J. F. Andrew, .74; R. Hueston, $8.69; P. Fisten, 84.48 ; H. Chambers, 84.80 ; S. Dee tis, 41.77 ; D. Johnston, $28.374 ; G, Harris, $1.60 ; W. McNall, 69 cts. ; A. and J. Taylor, $20.00 ; Hannah & Kilpatrick, $82.02 ; J. McCaig, $11 ; P. Fisher, $35 ; J. E. Brydges, $5.50; H. McIntosh, $4 ; Wm. Clan, 81.60. Motion of McKenzie and Chambers, that the motion dated Ang. 16th, 1888 exempting Mr. J. Mahaffey's ruill prc- perty from taxation be minded. Next meeting on October 23rd. W. LANE, Clerk. •THF uelph council- is about to pass ;a By -Law, whereby ;after the present .year the School Board will collect their ,own taxes. The object of this change :is to arouse a more general interest in :the business and expenditure of the >board, it being thought that if the people paid their school . taxes separ- ately, and were thus made plainly. aware of the amount asked for the uepose they would become more ti ve to the importance of .educational 'matters and their management, Prize List of the Fall Show. THE whale . tendency ofour system .of education ris to .drive the youth of the .country into some one of the learned professions. It never seams to enter the head of those who lay out and manage the system' that a pung man may acquire a - thorough education and,then become a carpenter or a machinister a cooper or cabinet maker. He ,can do so if he .wishes, lx:t•society :tells him in so many words ,that it is net so respectable 'AS to ' ,become : a 1ay..ye;F or ;doctor ' ,civil .engineer. SoMety, .however,, is not always .the best guide in .such matters. TAYLOR PfI ELL PSt S ASON Seamy Draught S,orsos . Span in heavy harness & waggon $4: 00 2nd 3 00 3rd 2 0 Brood mare that has raised foal in the year 1890 2nd 3rd Foal 2nd 3rd Two-year-old gelding 2nd 3rd One -year-old gelding -2nd. 3rd Two-year-old filly 2nd 3rd One -year-old filly 2nd 3rd Imported MANY ,a prosperous business man, whose credit ,is good and who means to be generous _with his family, falls into a habit of settling his household ,bills in such a way as to prevent his wife from ..having ,cash ,at her indi- vidual .disposal. The result ,of this. system, more or less general, is that many women of well-to-do families are ridiculously poor so far as concerns their own purses. A very vicorous protest against this custom appears in in the September number of the Forum by Alice E. Ives, who has made a special study of the subject. She cites instances which she thinks are. tuf- f ewrtt es .m , foundation for a very mwitaping indictment against the prev- alent system of tiouaehol economy. Qur various� departments, DRY GOODS, --pp C�ERIES BOOTS AND SHOES, 11 A- TS AND GROCERIES, � ...APS CROCKERY & GLASSWARE. ARE. ET MADE CLOTHING, A:. READY found complete, fu11 of specialties and prices . t " 3 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 1 50 1 00 2 00 1 50- 1 00 2 00 1 50 1 00 2 00 1 50 1 00 2 00 1 50 1 00 Seavy Draught. Brood mare that has raised foal in 1890 2nd Two-year-old filly 2nd One -year-old filly 2nd Foal 2nd 3 00 2 00 2 00 1 50 2 00 1 50 2 00 1 50 General Purpose Horses. Span in harness and waggon 2nd 3rd Mare that has raised foal in 1890 2nd 3rd Foal 2nd 3rd Two year-old gelding. 2nd 3rd One -year-old gelding 2nd 3rd Two-year-old filly 2nd 3rd One-year=old filly 2nd 3rd Ashilklia Council The: above Council melon Aug. 28ik1. Sixth meeting. Ildimbers all prevent. Minutes of last. meeting rend and signed. Mr. A. Mullin Waited on the '.Carriage Horses. Span horses in harness and carriage, 2nd 3rd Mare that hes raised foal in 1890 2nd 3rd Foal 2nd 3rd Two-year-old gelding 2nd. 3rd One -year-old gelding 2nd 3rd Two-year-old 614 2nd 3rd. n� 3 00 2.00 1 00 2 00 1 50 1 00 1 50 1 00 75 00 50 00 50 00 75 2 00 1 50 1 00 1 50 1 00 75 2 1 1 1 3 00 2 00 1 00 CAMERON, MURDOCH & CO LUCKNOW & DUNGANNON LOOK AUT FOR BARGAINSI We keep all the best lines in Tweeas, 'gess Gods,illine Gloves, Hosiery, Corsets. 11�C �� Lace Curtains, Etc. Also fulllinegents furnishings. Our aim is to give • of g good article at _a reasonable a price.•• •' V O 10TE r 2 00 1 50 1 00 1 50 1 00 75 2 00 1 50 1 00 1 50 1 00 75 2 00 INI HARDWARE ! 1 HARDWARE1 T. Lawrence has just received 6 -full line of SCYTHES AND STONES, SNATHS, CRADLES AND FINGERS, HAY RAKES, FORKS AND FORK HANDLES, HOES, POKES, 'HARVEST TOOLS, COAL OIL, MACHINE, BOILED, RAW AND LINSEED OILS, WHITE LEADS, ZINC, WHITE AND DRY PAINTS, MIXED PAINTS, ALABASTINE, GLASS AND PUTTY, WIRE FENCING 'OF ALL KINDS, BUILDING PAPER 0: DRY, AND TAR, ROOF TAR PAINT AND COAL TAR, WATER LIME, PLASTER OF PARIS, LAND PLASTER, LAWN MOWERS, GRINDS7±ONES, DAISY CHURNS, WASHING MACHINES, SCREEN WIRE €LOTH,FLYj PURE PARIS GREEN HONEY EXTRACTORS BEE SMOKERS, HONEY CANS, KNIVES, ETC., AND A FULL LINE OF TIN AND GRANITE' WARE, BRASS AND ENAMELLED PRESERVING KETTLES.;� asoxtable figures. Repaii�.ing p c�mptly Ear e troughing dopa on the shortest,.�yetice at rc � attended to. Cash buyers will do well to give me a call before purchasing;, elsewhere. �� 1111-10S.JV�. Yr Y.V..�•�.+ �.1 , Z,UCKClNTO Q T. 1.�+.� 1 50 1 00 1 • - YJ