Lucknow Sentinel, 1890-08-29, Page 8,r,._�:9 •t•Z*;'4:Yt'��••,vo"J".?°SM11:^7R
Hours S a. nes to 7 penes. r
�;;,� ':•. Mains ARRIVE.
The Lucknow Lucknow Sentinel, Bruce County, Friday, Au g us t $th.
c, .
i tors
W. G. J;' $ South
I: K, & B North
W. G. cb B,:1.'ortb
]Intermediate points•
LAB,. IN,Iorth
P teeth
W G.& B. North 3.20p. m•
Holyrood lm 4.30.p.m.
inlougb, ?r
6113 a. In.
12.30 p. m.
2.:30-p. men'.
3143,p. in.
900 p. m,
10.30p. m,
Tuesdays and
300p, m, Fridvys
9.30p. m.
t IN cattle
Manitoba Oattle To the ' Freeholders of the Village of Lar.
Vii' 'r✓ii`"4r' udY'"r�. w3aI�.
Cou�"fe cf ... ""� ., a an w1 •.
who ought to know better, amused 1, are to arrive about Sept.
themselves on on,c..4-,reeellay n' -;ht by driving be for sale by W. Allis.
up and down the main street of the.
village, ringing an old cow bell, greatly
to the annoyance of the residents in
the locality. They are to be prosecuted_.
The Quoiting Club
The quoiting matches among the
members of the Lucknow Quoiting
Club have been played off. The
is divided into three classes or grades
First Class, Wm. Allen. ; Second Class,
Dan Geddes ; Third Class, D. Hays.
A Successful Teacher. -.
The Kincardine Review recognizes
ability when ability is displayed.
This week we rise to congratulate Mr.
Murdoch McKenzie, teacher of the
Langside public school, who passed
two entrants and four Third Class
candidates. Nor did ,he do this at
the expense of the junior pupils, for
Inspector Campbell. tells us that these
receive due attention and are also well
up in all branches of study. -Review.
Village and `Utlxduitp Menlo.
Teacher' Wanted -
A teacher is wanted in Lucknow to
take charge of the youngest class from
tat of October till 1st of. January next.
Apply to Secretary of School Board.
By, order.
J. H. Cr' L Rbl•I:ER, Secretary.
Should be Destroyed
• W e notice that a good many people
ins town are allowing caterpillars' nests
to accumulate on the trees in their
Dawns and gardens. Now is the time
tea-search-the=trees-in t ceder-
Bili „ars. ' nests. . out at once,
and rememberSeek them
that all such accumu
lotionsare meet for destruction.
Agricultural' Society
A meeting
was held on Saturda
when the' date of holding
was changed to
a purse of $25 for a
ring" contest, and six
tin g of the Directors of the
Kinloss Branch A
ricultural Society
y afternoon last,
the fall show
the 7th and 8th of
October. It was also decided to offer
"speeding. in the
dollars, in three
prizes -$3, $2, �1
for a' dog iesce.
These two events will, no doubt, form
attractive feature
of the exhibition
The Tract Society
The Rev. Dr. Moffat, of Toronto,
Secretary of the Canada Book and
Tract Society, delivered a very inter-
esting and instructive addrese in the
Methodist church. on Wednesday
eveningon"Young Canada in earnest."
After the lecture• the President of the
local branch,. Rev. John McNabb and.
A Big Hielan' Gathering
There is no other such a Melee'
gathering in all the country as . when,
the clans are mustered annually at
Lucknow to "pit the stane" and go
through the long list of games pro-
vided by the Lucknow ,Caledonian,
Society, This year the games will be
held on- Sept. 1.0th, a,nd all the stal-
wart lads and light -heeled lassies of
Br toe, a.nelHuron and the surrounding
country will be: there. -London J3ree
Manitoba Exhibits
Arrangements have now been com-
pleted for bringing the Canadian
.Pacific and Manitoba exhibits to our
fall show on the 7th and 8th of Octob-
er. This'exhibit will include a splen-
did variety of the different, kinds of
wheat, oats, barley and other cereals
both threshed and in the starw,
together with a fine collection. of
native grasses and other products of
the great Northwest, the whole form
ing one of the best exhibits ever sent
out of the Province of Manitoba.
Our fall show this year promises to be
the best yet, held by the Society.
Handsome Prizes ,
Messrs.. Berry & Days, druggists,'
`have il ed -fwo very handsome
donations tow' ards• the Caledonian
Games, to be held on Sept. 9th and
10th. One is an elegant parlor stand
lamp, presented. by Gowans,'Kent .&
Co., Toronto, and the other a very
Recollections of General_ Grant
This is the title of a neat little bro-
chore received at this. office. , It is a
work of over 100 pages, they author
eine Mr. G. W. Childs, of , Philadel
p a. The subject matter contained
in _:the work will prove of general in-
terest to the reader and the reminis-
s recalled of . the distinguished
r will be treasured by his remain -
wades and admirers.
The Harvest Yield
With few exceptions the reports of
threshing done so far in. the 'township
indicates= a heavier yield of grain than
, , was expected.. Fall wheat will run
'from 25, to. 35 .bushels- per acre and is
a splendid sarnple. Spring wheat is
also good, but on account of the rain
the' color of the• barley is not bright,
but the ' yield. is 'very' heavy. The
• general run of fall wheat will go over
60 pounds to the bushel.
Public Meeting
At the request of a number of the
leading ratepayers theReeve has called
a public meeting in. the Town Hall
this (Friday) evening at eight o'clock,
to discuss the proposed loan of $5000
without interest for ten years, to
Messrs. Cliff:' & Forster, of the Fuini-
'ture Factory. .As this is a matter
which affects every property -holder in
the village',there should be a large
attendance present, when both • the
friends and opponents of the loan can
have an opportunity to express their
Go and Hear Them
The celebrated, Cosgrove Family of
• musical ' as tists, will appear in the
Town .H'all'this '(Thursday) evening,
under the auspices of the Lucknow
Fire Brigade, and all our : citizens
should go and hear theme' The Strat-
ford Herald in speaking of their per-
formance says : "The. marvellous
musical combinations presented by the
Cosgrove Family were received with
token*, of high appreciation., every
number rendered being; encored.
Little 'Mabel Ross and Miss Ada Cos-
grove' in their character songs .were
.Preachers and Newspapers
A .certain preacher said that no.
newspaper which took the truth for its
° standar-.d could make a pecuniary
success. The press might return the
compliment by; remarking that no
Minister who told the truth .about his
congeegetioni' alive- or dead, would
occupy the -pulpit more than one Sun-
. day.after.wards. The press and clergy
go, hand in hand, whitewash brush,
ropy spectacles, magnifying little vir-
sa7Vrt". ret.. ..'11,117 "4:..,47,,*r °,,r,: ^;'x Ycoacsr saga „,;-ter ,:.a..a7,1^
•- ..r.. >,
LADIES AND GEN•L�LEA1r N, -Qu 'Monday next you will be called upon pon W"
vote yea or nay on the By -Law granting a loan of $5U00 for ten years tor'
Messrs. Cliff and Forster, of this. vtllat;e, to ast~ist them in extenrlin4 them
furniture business ; and in order that you may be enabled-• to cast ami
intelligent vote, and thoroughly understand the' terns of the loan, the
security offered for its repayment, and the benefits to be deriv-ldt by the
village therefrom, we take this opportunity end this method of laying the
matter before yea..
Furniture Factory a benefit
to the village 1 We dei not think that there is an lute igent man, w o,
child in the place but will say that it is. If so, then to what extent 4 This,
may be determined partly 'by the amount • of wages which the firm pays
annually. We have had access to the pay sheets and we tin*n4,liat they are -
paying 25 'hands $155 per week, Which amounts to ver el;JOO per annum,.
nearly all of which is spent in the place in purchasing the itecessrtries of life,.
paying rent, paying taxes, and supporting our churches and other religious
institutions. Besides the amount pairi out in -wages, the -firm purchases a
large amount of hardwood lumber from the farmers, the proceeds of which
are expended to a great.extent in this place. Now here is a simple problem.
If Messrs. Cliff & Forster consume a certain amount of raw material and pay
out over $8000 per year when employing . 25 hands, how much lumber will
they consume, and how much wages will they pay if their sta(f:is increased
to 40 hands `l The wages per year will amount to nearly $13000, and the•
>nsurnption of raw material in proportion, and a corresponding increase
in the benefits to be derived by the village.
--_ But-,, L am gnito satisfied' that the factory is a great help. to our
village, and that on extension of business would be ; an exten c> anvantage,
increase the taxes so much that I cannot afforti•t it.
but it is goi�� to •
Now in answer to this we would say that there is a great deal of
misunderstanding about the amp -lint that is to be raised yeeely'i't1 -cennectioaa._----
v '4h -this -lean, s -leafs, Some say $375,, some$500, and some as high' as $750. It is
true that the By -L• tw makes provision f',r raising $500.per year, that is $25.0 -
principal and. ,$ 25Q interest, but Messrs. Cliff & Forster agree to- pay buck -
back '$250 of the principal on the 1st of July of each yetrr, which goes into a
sinking fend bearing compound interest at about„4 per' cent., which leave,
only ,s250 interest to be raised by -the village each year. This, , on an.
assessment. of $250,000 will be exactly one mill on the dollar or 10 cente on.
every $100 assessreent, which is surely a tax so small that the poorest maty
or woman,in the village would not refuse to -pay it for the benefit of the place.
But another person'says, I' believe it _would be a benefit to the vill ee.
alright, , acid the tax is a mere bagatelle„, l,leu.t` I. am not dntte satisfied'while _
the •security.
Now the agreement of the firm with the .village is thin : At goon as the -
By -Law is passed, Messrs, Cliff & Forster proceed to ereat additional
buildings, and put in plant and Machinery so as to' increase the. value to at
least ' $9000, and till this is done, and they have given the village a first,
mortgage of $5000, and an' •insurance policy for $6000, they not get one
cent of' the loan voted by the people. Stirely nothing can befeirer.thau this,.
andshould amply satisfy the most careful on this point..
In conclusion we.would say tthe t a'runror iii going round the village that
Messrs. Cliff & Forster have refused to allow anyone to, look at their books..
This is not•true, as the books were placed ,at .our disposal and are open to
inspection illy' Council or responsible citizens. --
A public meeting willbe held in the Town Hall on Friday evening: next
when all matters in connectio,t with' the By -Law or -loan wily lie thoroughly.
explained to the entire satisfaction of every interested citizen. Be sure and'
sti.bstan is er res ' ,,. , •re -
rented by II, A. Nelson & Sons,
Toronto. These donations have been
placed at • the ,disposal of the Society
and will be offered as c.msolati0n.
prizes, at the Quoiting Tournament.
Mr. M. Corrigan, has also donated a
handsome cream sett for the same pur-
pose. The arrangements for the tour-
. nament are complete. The players
will be divided into two classes, 1telvy
and light weights; with the following
list of pt%zes'in each class :=1st, charn-
pioriship methal aiid. $15 ; 2nd, $10 ;
3rd; $7 ; 4th, $5 ; 5th, $3 ; also a con-
solation mateh for the prizes donated.
Cheap Rates 'For the Ga'rries
Excellent railroad rates and train
service have been arranged for all who
desire to attend the great northern
ialedonian • gathering this year.
Special, excursion rates from Guelph
to• Lucan crossing and all points north.
Excursionists from the Wiarton, Dur-
ham, and Southatepton branches will
be brought by special from Palmer-
ston on day of games. Outside the
r excursion limit, 'from any point in
tugs into big ones. The pulpit, the Canada, passengers will be brought
pen and the gravestones are partners
in saint -making,
Holyrood Mechanies'' , Institute.
Tlie two last monthly lectures in'
connection With this Institute were in
every way great successes. • The 'first
was given by the Rev. Mr, Anderson
P. M., of Dungannon. The suejt ct-
was. "k`t'ailway travelling in Scotland."
The address, was excellently well pre-
pared, well delivered, full ,of. comical
anecdotes, 'and delivered with that
pawky humor which renders Scottish
jokes and jokers eo amusing. Mr.
Anderson used the manuscript, which
lie defended by saying that. by so doing
' a inan quit when he was done, without
spending time talking irrelevantly as
many extempore speakers do. Ile
illustrated this by an anecdote of an
old. Scottish lady, who had beeu told
that the ministerused written sermons.
This she could not believe 'out posting .
herself in an advantageous position
determined to see for herself.. To her
honor and disgust she found it was a•
'fact. When he had.come to the end
of his mannscript he announced . that
he would say no more on the matter
at that time. The old -lady relieved
her heretofore pent up feelings by
,jumping up And exclaiming :Ye canna,
ye canna ! Mr.. Anderson's lecture
was highly appreciated by his audience.
The second lecture was given by
Rev. Mr. Little,. of Underwood, oil
Aug. 12. • The hall was ,crowded to
the doors by an i.ritellig,ent and appre-
ciative audience, such ,as always
assembles at }Iolyr•ood. The pro-
eramme, at the beginning was of
utrusu,al exellence, and spoke well for
the " local talent in our midst. The
Rev. lecturer was introduced in•a few
complimentary remarks by the Pres.
Mr. Valens, who never falls to say the
right thing in the -right place, . and to
put those who have to run the gauntlet
of. the critics, as much at their ease as
possible. Mr. Little's subject waS,
"Things which . I have learned worth
knowing." The different points were
'illustrated by appropriate and amusing
anecdotes, which often `brought down
the house" and contributed greatly
to the pleasure of a•well'spent evening.
W hen we say that Mr. Little treated
his subject as only an Irshman can,
snot g
We say
who wish topass it pleasant andprofit-
able evening, come to the monthly
lecture of the plolyroori Mchanics'
Institute, where all may find -that, A
little learning, is an, excellent thing,
but from deeper draughtrs much deeper
for single fare, and by securing a• cer-
tificate from agent at the starting
point to be signed by Secretary of
games, .will he returned • free. All
tickets are good going on 8tle, 9th,
10th to return on 10th • 'and 11th.
Secure a programme from the Secre-
tary with full particulars and send for
your friends:
The Owen Sound Sun ,
This is the title .of a new daily paper
soon to shine forth before the. .people
of .Owen Sound under the able man-
agement of our old friend Mr. Joseph
Laing,' formerly , of the' Kincardine
liiwiew, Joe is a clever writer, good
manager, and. all round a first-class
newspaper than, and while we regret
that lack of early training has' turned
hien from the political path of recti-
tude,he is nevertheless a genial, whole-
souled fellow, ,and we wish him every
success in his new field of labor. In
sending out the "Big Scothman" Mr.
Laing was not overloud arid] he ack-
with a
ncrivl:c,rli�t,d the cotvmplimeiit
postal coed as follows.:
Owen Sound, Aug. 25, 1890,
Dion BRYAN. -Just received your
gig Caledonian . bill. It is the first
'''',1 t�ce, the Sun. office. Hope the
get m� • •r
shall give it a goonesngagftil, If I can
laying tylia Uottrell ; pei'ifh..T„
..,.t.. ' 'tshing you longress life and
11 irC1m3 )e til ft iG ( yrD
•_... .,.�.�...os1,,l� .!,Axi?g made,,
To Enforce the Law
An official' of the 044 -ed' Trunk
Railway was in the, village last week,
when ' he informed Mr. D. Hays,
station agent here, that the company..
on 'account of the ' many accidents
which have occurred; are determed. to
enforce the Statute preventing the
runrrirg, at large of cattle within one
half; mule of any intersection ,of the
railway. Parties:.owning, cattle in the
neighborhood of the station yards and
who have been in the habit of. letting
them run at large, would do well- to
keep them within bound's; -as the pen-
alty attached to the law is a heavy, one,
A Reward Offered
School Section No. 7 in the•'town-
slide- of A.shfield has lately been the
seno of shameless conduct on the part'
of some rowdies who live in the neigli-
borhood: - The. building has for seine
time past:. beets , used for a, Suncla.y
School, which appears to have roused
,atria the hatred• of; thee parties; and as a
onto here- 'T lit`t'he,windows have been broken,
e so14-, eeeseneed: over 'the door§
fo ,orgauae •wa,,,trheg'pa,trhe trusese 1 wless
it'til John Mammon,
.ve determined to prose -
parties, and have
`, Npac `' a success.
watt tor
Dated Lu.:know, Aug. 26th," 1890.
Look Out
JNO. 5. TENNANT, M. D...
Committee• J. G. MuR-nuca.
Notice to Creditors.
Statutes of Ontario, 1887, chapter 110,.
section 36, the c'•editors ot 'Henry Nilson, late
of the Village of Lucknow, in the County of
d .r about the 5th,
reby notified to send
said Village ot Luck -
now, Solicitor for they:xecutors, on or before-
the first day of September, A. 1)., 1890, their
christian and surnames, addresses and descrip-
tion, the full' particulars ot tl•.,ir claims, a'
statement of their accounts, and the nature of.
the securities, if any. held by them, and after
the"said date, the Executors will proceed to•
adjust the said claim's, having regard only to,
those of which they sha11 • then have receive
notioe.•. •
Dated at Lucknow, this 7th day of July,.
A...D., 1890.
ELLIOTT TRAVER, Solicitor for
3-864 DONr1.LU• btcLONALI) f Executors'
Bruce, deceased, who'd)
day of July, 1890, are 1
to Elliot Traver, of the
to the estafe ofthe late John Fraser
have been sold, except those ditunted in the
Townsnip of Kinlrns, being north halves of logs
43•and 44, containing 100 acres in the 1st nett+
cession, the same are hereby offered for sale at
a bargain, as it is desirous to close up the•
estate. For further particulars apply to
THOS. TODD, .Executor,
Sat. }Weird P.0„
tf •864.
grRAYE1t Vdell Mn TltE PREMISES'
1I�' of the undersigned, lot 4, tun. 1`L, Ar♦h-
tield„on or about•July 8th, •4 sheep ,marked-
" G. 5." liatnt'urt the right :wit.. Al,tti
2• lambs with, nick in the left. eats..,
4-864 GEORGE .SWAN, Lanes P O
stock, No experience required.. Steady work 1�.✓/ undersigned,ed, lot 8, eon, 9, Ashfield, on
or �....
19r y don' the _ year round.d Uheral pay gnarenteed.iaeout t1ie mittldllo of .hullo h:e�t, r; white sow-
''�.l' N"7«: y '" . �I rill G5 Teez.,.`.:3Fi`' ell 14-44` Y ,' r•'drireetreat S�'keel''ir�u1•�7`,.teatfiL1k:eeat1' ii•"rFs svc:"i �•+�tee
.gall 'prove property, pay expenses u
at once. ns an
`T••••.erymen, Geneva, MX,. 3 364
WM. STOTHE1 *. Belfast P,0/.