HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1890-08-15, Page 8Or •;•:: ; •N - %war, , ( The Luoknow STenthiel, BFuee'aou My:Friday, AViguii, 16th; IIICKNOW POST•OFFICE. • tiours 8 a. ms to 7 p. ms - • Mates Aintree. NV...G. d B. South • -arc.ar,,,,amera,:amanazaziN ,Rudoss Klulough: /itilyniod W. t. f B. North Gaderich Intermediate points f tk1,1 &,43.•:/„Nertih. 44 f 1' PI L:inside & B. ,Sonth L H. & B , South fo, L. El. & 13. South 10.00 a. in. W (L& B. Nor,1 3'Op.mn Itolyrorai 4.$0 p.m. 6:13 a. m. 130 p. w. 3:48p. m. Daily 9 00 p. m, CS. p.. Tuesdays and 3 00 p. m, Fridays • 9.30p. w. iolo es 1' c *Walt mut ,Vicinttg gewo. Aiyn Broken A young lad named Boland, who was enipleyed in Zees & Dougta,s' carding mill in this village, had h.is arm broken on Tuesday by one of the pieces of machinery falling on him. Ett ravice • xaxn,inaAion - Dave' Baynes. Mary., Matheson, Lizzie Me.aray, and Wm Quinn wrote !teethe recent Entrance examination lie4d at Dungannon, anelsall four were suceessful... They, weres, prepared at Seiss.'S...„Note,.,7 7 tathlield by Mr. John Cameron and their success reflects great credit upon him as a teacher. 04aatge-4rmiverearts' The anniversary. of.. the Orange Orderin this village was'duly observed on, Sunday morning last, , When the' brethren to the number of" fifty or sixty marched in a body to the Meth- octiere a specie-T,'.sermon was. preached' by the Rev. J. S. Coil- ing. Besides the Orangemen there' was a:large congregationipresent, anti all, were well pleasedat the able dis- cGurse delivered by the minister. Notice -1 NEWS OF THE TOWN, 1890 -VOTERS' LIST -1800 - Tenders for the use of the Calerlon- him _Q.„D. Yuleark' for refreshments on Sept. , A Week's llecord of the rtaahlug liortler Pu se., County of Bram. . is - • •• • mnicipality of the Village of Lueknow, tOth, should be sent ,t1), Town. nr-WANS'e-istseesses-meseeeme'ryLiFte' &TWA!. IWO 4.'76WAW:74.0=c,x„..o.•=onoc7=Ar friends heKipcardine. ..- Big Bones The bones and horn, of the Mammoth boherneth . which were found near Orangevillelast fall, were exhibited - here on Wednesday and were witnessed by many of our citizens. They acre of enormous size and should be seen by all. Trustee Elected ,_ sslkl-ese-W--es-Cessitae school , trustee to fill the vacancy caused" in the Board by Dr. McCrim -Miss Sanders, uf Kinloss, is visit- ing friends in Kincardine. -Mrs. W. U. Little and son. are vieiting.ft•iteds ui St...Mary's. -Mr. Alex. Ross and two daughters are visiting friends. inKincardine. -Mr. Kenneth Hunter, of Ashfield, has our thanks for a basket of nice apples. Gloarinv Saler ocrit2 21. WM • • CONWPW VOTICE IS HEREBY•GIVEN THAT I _LI- LINE. trail.writEter en -delivered tke- pers aim mentioned in the third and futirth sections of the "V oter'e Liss Act" the copies require:1 by said section to be so transmitted or delivered of the list, pursuant to the said act, of all persons appeartna by the last revised _Use. swept Roll of the said municipal ity to vote it the said 'muiliciattlity at electi els for members to the Legislative Assembly and at municipal elections and the said list WAS first. pi sted up at my office in 1.ucknow on the Oth day of August, 1890, and remains there fox inspectien. 92 s : . WF, OFFER CU:AI-ZING f. LINES IN ALL - • SUMMER ° GOODS.1 mons removal from the village. Mr. Fred Grundy as also nominated .for . the position, but declined to stand, and Mr.. Connell was elected by acclama- tion. Fine Wheat • The sample of fall wheat harvesteds Death of Clarence Tennant here this season is the finest that has It is with feelings, of sorrow we ,are been seen for. many years past, and it called uponto announce the death of has nearly all been gathered. in without '31aster Clarence, second son of Dr. J a shower of rain falling upon it after S. Tennant, of this •village, which. it was cut.,.Several'grists of the new occurred on Monday. morning last. wheat havealready been brought to Some two years ago the little fellow the roller mills here, and in nearly had a severe attack of congestion.' of evelpysinatance the samples weigh fuels the lungs, and fAr a long time his life sixty-five to Sixty-six pounds per was despared otlitit he gradually grew, bushel.. better, and the bright hope was en- tertained that he would get stronger as he advanced in years. Although Thselawsof ,the road has.been amend- I everything that medical skill and Jo‘e ed by adding the following: •'Any person o. overtaking .another vehicle orehorsemen shall turn oat to the left Se far as it may: be neceesaly to avoid a .collision with the vehicle -or horse- man so overtaken, 'and the person so The Loan By -Law In atiother column will be found the By -Law to grant a loan of $5000 to Messrs. Cliff & Forster, of the furn- iture factory for a term of ten years without interest. The By -Law is to run for twenty years and the anAtint to be raised by the village annually for that period is $2,50. The security given by the firm to the Corporation consists of a first mortgage on the building, plant.and machinerseto the value of $9000, and an insurance poh-ey-o-f--1, I 'ma.-- They -also agree pay'eback to the Council each year $250, and at the expiration of the ten earsthe unpaid balance of the $5000. Should the By -Law be carried, they are hound, before the money.is handed over to them to ex end $3200 in other buildings and machiriery and.to .employ not less than forty workmen. during the continuance of the ten years. • The other portion of the $5000 is to be used in the business and for paying off the present.small mortgage against the works. Of Interest To Drivers overtaken shall -ncit be- required td. • leaye more Than 'one-half of the road free." This Act came into force on the.Ist day of thepresent month. A Driving Park The track in . Sommerville's park, has .been.pdt in .good condition and nearryleevery evening the Members of the DieVinsgPark Associatioii spend a few' bours -speeding their horses or enjoying .a few hours, peasant drive around the course We have a num- in care could do for him was done, he. never fully recovered froin effects and when seized with the second attack his slender constitution could riot bear the strain and he peacefully Passed away about ten o'cloCk on the ahovediate, after a few days illness. He was a child greatly beloved by his parents,. a general favorite' with his teachers and play mates at school, and by his. quiet, loving disposition had endeared. himself to everybody in the place, and when the .Sad news of his.. death was announced, a universal. feeling of • 'sorrew was expressed throughout the village. The funeral took place on Wednesday afternoon to the Kinloss Cemetery, and was very ber Of very god colts in the village. largely attended.' .The Doctor and and with .proper handling some of Mrs. Tenna.tat have the earnest spri- them will certainly move in fast coin- pa.thy of all in their very ead bereaves- pany before many yeais. meat. - Caledonian - Games' A Bad .Culvert. While Mr. J Hunter -was • driving the threshing engine belengingdo Mr: Andre' Mullin, from Mr. J. Baird's farm on Monday evening lasteitsbroke through a defective clilvert, on the boundary and fell over into tha'ditchs breaking the large fly -sheet and many: other pieces of the snachieery. Mr. Mullin •intends entering an action for dainagesiagainst the Municipalities interested.. The driver had a narrow escape ,froru. serious f not £atail acci: dent.• • • Took the Waggon 111 a ri,i9 Northcott, who lately started a bakery in this place was on Tuesday last charged by 'vVi A. Grundy before Magistaates Thos.. Lawrence, Robert Graharri and James' Bryan, with concealing a . delivery wagon. From the evidence •it appears that Northcott perchased,the rig ,front the plaintiff' and gave a," lien note" of thirty Ldollars in peyteent, but as the note Wase.not paid when due, Mr. Grundy wiented to take the. wagon beck, accongps ;to the a ereement- of - the • note. This -wes,refused' by the defendant. Aseisoonais the evidence was completed, however; the :plain tiff left the court roonik and going to .Northcistit's place of business,with the eesista.nce of friends, took away the _disputed vehicle. The magis- trates decided to eubmit the evid,mee „to tile Count. Petausspessetageste a, kerton, and judgement will be vorestrifttresday Ise= - Wilrbelat-d • Arran,„crenients are being rapidly cons' pleted for iiQ1di1g, the fifteenth annual games ef tTiucknow, Cale- donian Society, on Sept. 10th. , A grandquoitingtournament will be held. on the 9th for which about.$100 will be distributed in prises. The leading. players of Canada will cempete, and. there is every prospect of a most suc- cessful two days gatherine. Arrange- ments are in progress With the Rail way Company to issue tickets good for four, days, so that friends ,can visit friends. . A splendid. eprogramme is being prepared With ,Aseizes sufficient to, attract .the best athletes and per formers in the country.. With mag- nificent, grounds, a fine field of ath- letes, pipers and (lancers, there is every prospect Of. most successful games. uch interest, will no douht centre on the local competitions. Bruce and Huron have 'some sturdy athletes, quite equal to many of the profession- als and they will .appeer in athletes costumes, andthe county producing the best athlete will have' a trophy pinged__ in the hande._01.1ter,.. chant pions., Then, too -' the tug of war will be of . old time interest, Bruce vs, -Huron. Chief McOriwmon, of. Underwood, has undertaken to secure and champion the representatives of the strength of Bruce, while M. C. Cameron' Esq. is expected to captain the stalwarts fiorn "Hilton. With such muscle and 21 _they wills a • put at each en the rope, .the result Ville le diet Weft eause.... spent Sunday with friends near Kin- cardine. - -Miss Francis Crawford, of • Dun- gerinon, is the. guest. of is Julia.. Mallough. -Miss McDonald, of Exe'er. is visiting, at the residence of Mr. JaIDES Gordon. -Miss Slack, , of ,.London, is. the guest of her uncle, Mr. R. Hughes, of this village. -Mr. John Savage and his daughter Lucy let on. Tuesday for. a visit to friends in Buffalo. -Mr. Janus Stewart, of Kansas City, wasrenewing oid acquaintances here this week. and Mrs. L. S. McDonald and • family left for their houFe'in a irtartiirVreTtie-Stra7y,. -Mr. W.. H. Smith is attending the, meeting' of the Gland Lodge of• OckI- s in Toronto this_weelt. -A horse beonging to IVIr. James Wilson had its leg broken in the pas- " -Miss Nello McHardy and Miss Maggie Martin, of Winghani, were the guests. of Miss Leila Berry this week. -Misses Carrie Lawrence, Florence. Graham and Grace Boyd spent Wed- nesday last at Hclyrood visiting friends. -Miss Lena Stevicy, of Louden. returned home lust week from .an ex- tended visit to friends in this viilage. -The fall show of the Winghani Agrieuhural Society will be held oij the 30th September and 1st of October. - The large . dri7e shed has.' been removea from the old site and 'placed at the rear of the new Presbyterian church. -Mr. B. Haskett, winner' and Manager ef the' Hyman &O tannery in Witighata, was hi... the village en Monday. -School opens on Monday, Aug. 25th. • It is hoped that all will. be on tiine especielly,these going' up for ex- amination next July. -Whike. catching a horse in the pasture field lately, Mr.• Alex. Ross' received a bacl kick in the leg which necessitates his " taking a holiday." - fdiss Belle Carrick, who has been attending the Lucknow Public'Seheol, succeeded -in passing the examination for -non-professional third -'lass teachers, --A full report • of the Sunday Scheel Convention will appear in our' next issue, as owing to pressure of other matter, it was crowded ,out this week. -Mrs. James:Kerr and children, Of Bright, who has been spending a couple of weeks at the. residence ofalr: Geo. Kerr, of this'viliage, leaves for home to -day (Friday). -The voters' lists of the have been printed and pested, accord- ing to law. 'All citizens are requested to examine ' same and have •errors or omissions corrected. •-All kinds of groceries of the hest qualities kept at the new grocery very cheap, as we sell for cash' end .produce only. Gods delivered. to any part of the town. -Geo. Kerr.. ---Mr. W. J. Brampton has adopted a god method of adveirtising hi3 teisi- ness at the pioneer st ore by painting, the imprint of two niammoth " feet"' on the sidewalks with the words "follow me." -The Baptist cern ventisn for 'the Provinces of Ontario a.nd Quebec will be held at .Woodst.,ek in October. The Seinhannual meeting sof the Gov-- ereing Board of McAlester University will be held at the same time and place. -The followieg "tiotis" is posted tin a fence in an adjoining township : "If any man's or woman's Cows or oxen gits in these here oats, his br her tail will he cut off as the case ;may be. I at - we christian .nan,3nd pay' niy taxes but darn the man who lets his critters luoso, seys L'ItP -It is stated onsgood authority that clusters of the fragrant clover which grow. abundantly by nearly every road side, if hung in the 'room and left to dry and shed itsfragrant perfume through the air. will drive away 11101•A flitssesthatesstialtys.saugarsteoLs and other fly -traps and j ”epaperte...ean , missions or any ( er et• are found therein. to take imine,liate proceed ings to have the same errors correzted accord- ing -to law, Dated at Lucknow this 5th day of Ang, '90. MORRIS OM)•- - C1 erk of the municipality, 3 863 Lucknow E. U. BULL FOR SERVICE. --:0: • MITE 'UNDERSIGNED WILL KEEP & for service this season at -north halt Lots 53 and 51, in the 1st concession of Kinloss, hs superitia bred. Slicathorn Bt11 "Solom ...PEDIGREE :-S0/01TIOD, is red, calved Jnne 20th. 1888, bred by "l'ht,inas Anders,,n, Dun- gannon, Ont. , aot-hy Wallace (iuip)2752,11a,m Minnehaha, by Doubledee 481 ; Primrose, by Rhaderie Mtn, 3801 ; Jennie, 1165, by Dixie Duke, 474 ; Maid of the Forest, 1455, by John A. McDonald, 721 ; Mayflower; 1514, .by • Alfred 304 ; Ea 981, by Solder Johnny, 118:3'; Florence Niahtingale, 1067, by Young Cambridge, 1178 ; Lady Elgin, 1252, by Datil- more 463 by.Duke,_•484 ;Tam es.S, 2nn, 783, by Leopold, 761, Countess 1st' 782, by Son of Comet (imp), 238, (155) ; Pri- cese (irnp) 419, by on of Lancaster, 360, by ie. son. of Windsor, 6J8. TERMS ; thoroughbreds, $5.00: RODERICK GOLLAN, 851 Lucknow, P. 0. OHA: R YS, °HALLE DELAINS, RIBBONS, LACES FLOWERS, • FE A THERS. White Straw Fla Pric-. .65122114.125/80 WANT THE :EARTH, !: • -:- 1. WANT'A LIVING, • ts ow • 1 :AM GOING TO. HAVE- IT IN LUCKNOW, TOO; AND I HEREBY al/ticket-tee to the people of Isicknow and surrounding country, that any. ERON 0,11 PE,RSOIGV .• coining to me having their teeth out, that I will put in two sets .of teeth, • TEETH TEETH, TEMPJBARY AND. PERMANENT f'Or the prise of one set, $15, made of the.very best material in the world.' use no rubber but C. ASH & SONS, Zonhan, England. The teeth will lee. C. Ash. & Sons, and S. S.° White'sconceded by all who are in the • business to be Unequaled M11111,1•ZMIlamon1111603,111=, W�rkL Those firms have their names ontheir goods, and the people can gee what they •' are gettitig, and as I use nothing but'the best material, I will guarantee eat- isfaction to all reasonable people, the unreasonable and there ars a few such in, the world, will please bear in mind that I don't want their trade' I can always be found at Dr. McCrimmon'S office Lucknow. • D. P4TTE SON, Ltoknovo.., Natio to ,greditors. pURSUANT TO THE REVISED Statutes of Ontario, 1887, chapter 110, section :36, the creditors ot 1feury Wilson, late of the Village of Lucknow, in the'Oounty of Bruce' (lege:aged, who died on or about the 5th (lay ofJuly, 1W), are hereby , notified to sena] to Elliot Traver, of the said Village tit Luck now, Solicitor for the Executors, un of before the first day of September, A. D.,. 1890, their clu.istilin and sartuirrieS, addresses and descrip• • tion, the full particulars of their claims, a. statement of their accounts, and the'llature of the securities., if any. held by them, and after the said date, the Executors will preceed to adjust the said claims, haiing regardonly to thosei of which they shall then have received notice. Dated at Lucknow, Oh 7th day of fluly, A. D., 11190, LT,TOT'r TRAVER, Solicitor fov S 1?.,U II ROBERTSON, ASI 3-864 DONALD Nictiol:STAI,DI 'Executors, SkEE:P ESTRAY. QTRAYED FROM THE PREMISES, of the undersigned, lot 4, con. 12, Ash - on or about July 8th, 2 sheep (narked a G. S.!' in rad paint on rightqinle. Also 2 lambs with nick in tlio left eats. • 4-864 GEORGE AVAN, Lanes P ESTRAY. 4444.44.44..14 C4'1"TO THE PREMISES OF TIIE undersigned, lot 8, con, 9, Ashfield, on or about the middle of :lune hint, 4 Whitt, ROW about a year old: The owner is requested to Mcc:o - VO 0 •kt4'tgttPtttF t 13-3p4 WISIsSTOTRER. Belfast P ••••••••manuns war wwisiewoows AGENTS WANTED. :0: ItOU WANT TO MAKE. MONEY TAKE, HOLD AND •SELL OUR CHOICE NURSERY STOCK NOW IS THE TIME. WRITE US AT 0:4CE FOR TERMS. MAY BROTHERr INURSERYMEN, ItocuLs N. Y. 1 BULL FOR -SERVICE. rram ;UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO 1. • inforin the farmers of this section that. he will keep for service, this season, o.t Lot 11. . in the 8th con. of the eastern division of Aati- iieitln,axak.suyerior bred short-horu "Red 3 • PEDIGREE Blot:nark ia red, calved March 8, 1889, bred by William' Mallough,, Dungannon, Ont.a got by Wallace (imp) 27O2, . dam Annie 8430, by Young SpringwoodBriti 6299 ; Grace Harper 2nd .91227, by, British Heir 2titi" 288O 'Latly Haven, 2ad 6630, by 2nd Famosa, Chief 1782 ; Lady Harper 6629, by Grand Duke 675 ; Rose ).833, by Royal Duke of GloNter 1036 ; Mage 1429, by Lord .of Lune (imp) 155 06428) Qneon of the West 1751; by Victor 1136 (168); Daisy 823, by Halton 684 (11552), Lavinia 4th 1342. bythilte‘ ' of Wellington (imp) 91 (3654) ; Lavinia 2n(1 130, by Alexander (imp) 6 (11099); Lavinia. (imp) 299, by a, son of Scold() (1421)abY Ery - holm, (1018), IsylSon of North Star (455). ,44-4-444iiiihmtillttrifIrMINFIrth-rtrrilt a • 0.11WILL,E43,1ELTZg117,---- . -•-• , I • --P'•• • P• 4