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Lucknow Sentinel, 1890-08-15, Page 6
Vii: ,..' - are w own m New ng an railroad The claims for the' l000motive and shot both mon tllrongb the heed, The, .. �► N.�� ,uuc""I auuerwg ; Irofn was lssaing from his woulb, iris forehead was mottled s a full dopy of the Now; oven lists,•often .i fell dead on the sidewalk. The bystanders attempted to capture' the murderer, who „ „, °ailed the Connecticut Blue Lawe ma The governor and magististes, convened . immediately shot again, killing a third man. An enormous greeted with cheers. was a portion of a broken package of " rough on rats," in general assembly, are the supreme power, under God, of this independent 11.1 that, by the complete combustion thus seouredJbis engine would solve.the_gnestion and ensiled crowd then gathered around Hargan, g who kept ever;, one at bay; levelling -his The case ended in the manner whish most people dnr�ing the last part of t_hQtxiaL - and near it a glees of water in whish the poison had evidently _en . P y been. rnized. dominion. yq:,t r Conspiracy ag&fust the dominion shall be of oonsnming black smoke and sparks. % ,F".,ti, have expected. Visaonn Dnnio has so utterly fsriled to make out lois case that it The following letter, written in lead Pencil, was also found the table: ' Yn local circles yesterday morning spin- boil's werevariously expressed regarding the courage to make an attempt to capture him, until William Knifton, a brother 1 4 l _ k' ' _, Whosoever 'says there is x power and jurisdiction above and over this dominion, , � probable enooess of ,the day's test. Many `41 "eyed it be the prize fighter, and another man grappled unwelcome bride, unless the eloquence and q persuasive am past redemp- prof, and why should• such a useless thing en- Sha Buffer death and the, loss of his pro- 11 would not poesible to light the i; dee, and much less to get rep steam. < �-----------___ - - - .. .. with him from behind. Then began de�rate fight for life. Hargan - a logic of Bir Charles Russell should prove potent to snake nn fnv tha ','urns ..,i* at., sumber the earth ? I have abused and disgusted my best friends ; have lost my position with my hones. have nvarAYam� ..,,. . �..,.,� ' at station house, in giving his deposition, he said that and pointed out that members of the pro- fession could hardly fail to acquire lees 1 * registered 164 pounds. On the return trip, ' ..� I. , .' with a heavy train of excursionists, the he had served them only as they would have been served in America for , strict notions as to what constituted pro- ' s"Iri., a similar offenoe. He says he. has been a clerk in - and. twenty-five seconds, using, it is L" -, -------fid bI the Maine Central -officials, a much New York, also in Philadelphia. His full name ia- W'alter `Alfred -Hargan; -lie which on the part of the . atter world _ be. Ar T y .. .end evidently a man of some refinement and to Droop-poeil;ive o! loose morels, might Anions the former be nothing more heinous ,. with an ordi. Zoi'y engine. No .cinders or smoke escaped education. than unconventional. His Honor dwelt k 1 X ..�.,, ;. . aa thin, -volume of _etesm.----------..- M. _ - ,� " A NNOHJILESS LOCONO2%VJa, A SH00HINGt TJRAQDDY. =v0 l[s{slrwd Rnhi.a►� fi.. Tw..,nsn s vd THIN D UNLO DIVOR.O.Ie. A TELL-TALE LETTER. r., THloi BLIIE LAWS." �, �". R J•a Invention That >, N:peet d to Oen. tribute to Health and Oleanlilmeaa. 4 Triple ,[order in London—The ]@Pend almost Torn in Pleees. _.... The Lady Wino Her Daae—An Actress Bu and Opium Drives a Commercial _ How Personal Liberte was Regarded Tug : _I �:, = :..Portland, 'Neo, despatch guys`: A large A London Cable sa s • - g . _ 011" - - - ' May Do Things Other Women Da=si 1g0'�-�:o=d Dunlo Scarified. TA�tveller to Out His Throaty (Rooheoter H`erald.) _ _ Irl :' ley of railroad men from Boston and �n termediate together with well- ,triple murder 000urred at Kin 'land g this in A London cable says:. : The trial of the y Strange tragedy enacted at There was s spino g y The term " blue laws " is applied to snob ae. relate t° the iladi- . points, blown Boston capitalists and others, wit. city,. Wednesday night which all London papers characterize to -day as " the an nation for divorce brought by Visoonnt Dunlo against his Belle tine New Osborn Hoose yesterday morn- ing. T. W. Sellick, private oonsolenoes o! viduale. All countries formerly had such aieseed, yesterday afternoon, on the moan• American txagedy." A discharged soldier wife, Bilion, who previous to her marriage was a singer in -a Boston *ravening man oommitted emolde ehortl sitar mid- statutes, and the thirteen colonise were no .-11 F the,, division of the Maine Central Railroad, the first test o! the.new downward draught named Hargan, alias Harper, quarrelled with William Lambert and John Wheeler she music bane, in which Isadore Wertheimer y night while in a fit of despodenoy or because exception before the revolution. The Dods of Connecticut is often spoken o! in this } ... iooumotive that was finished at the Port- �.. locomotive works. Wednesday night, .. while sitting together in a bar -room. landlord ejected them. When outside - j The was named as co-respondent + ended to -day with a verdict !or the do- fondant_ The nnn,•k n...,ra.i kl,a ..n .. in fear of arrest. When found Mr. Sellick was lying upon •the hart tinnhtari..... ;.. _ - .4.11-A.:_a: ..- respect. Those meet noted were of the colon y of New Haven, which was united Vii: ,..' - are w own m New ng an railroad The claims for the' l000motive and shot both mon tllrongb the heed, The, a...o. . aouuuu. .uualo. ,p vast crowd gatuersdi about 1ha oouri house N.�� ,uuc""I auuerwg ; Irofn was lssaing from his woulb, iris forehead was mottled s a full dopy of the Now; oven lists,•often nircleo, �gere that, by seouring a downward instead fell dead on the sidewalk. The bystanders attempted to capture' the murderer, who awaiting the verdict, and when Lad Lady Dunlo appeared she was loud with purple Spots and the cod was slread e e Y y stiff and cold. On the table °ailed the Connecticut Blue Lawe ma The governor and magististes, convened of an upward draught through the flrepot, ,.-.. s great saving of coal would engine, and immediately shot again, killing a third man. An enormous greeted with cheers. was a portion of a broken package of " rough on rats," in general assembly, are the supreme power, under God, of this independent 11.1 that, by the complete combustion thus seouredJbis engine would solve.the_gnestion and ensiled crowd then gathered around Hargan, g who kept ever;, one at bay; levelling -his The case ended in the manner whish most people dnr�ing the last part of t_hQtxiaL - and near it a glees of water in whish the poison had evidently _en . P y been. rnized. dominion. yq:,t r Conspiracy ag&fust the dominion shall be of oonsnming black smoke and sparks. revolver and booking down the street. No one had the= have expected. Visaonn Dnnio has so utterly fsriled to make out lois case that it The following letter, written in lead Pencil, was also found the table: punished with destb. Yn local circles yesterday morning spin- boil's werevariously expressed regarding the courage to make an attempt to capture him, until William Knifton, a brother was generally admitted he would be obliged of to remain united to his fair but on Rather than have opium and ram kill me. I prefer to do it myself. I feel I Whosoever 'says there is x power and jurisdiction above and over this dominion, , � probable enooess of ,the day's test. Many `41 "eyed it be the prize fighter, and another man grappled unwelcome bride, unless the eloquence and q persuasive am past redemp- prof, and why should• such a useless thing en- Sha Buffer death and the, loss of his pro- 11 would not poesible to light the i; dee, and much less to get rep steam. < �-----------___ - - - .. .. with him from behind. Then began de�rate fight for life. Hargan - a logic of Bir Charles Russell should prove potent to snake nn fnv tha ','urns ..,i* at., sumber the earth ? I have abused and disgusted my best friends ; have lost my position with my hones. have nvarAYam� ..,,. . �..,.,� es=py Whosoever attempts to change or over - - - - - - _ - ac o e op y ti >jorses: One. of lite best known advocates into a crow without hitting Knit- ton or doing any damage. The fight __ ___ ___'_ ming rep was a masterpiece in its way, f . *'; o! thio opinion was a well known professor lasted a quartet of an hoar, daring which it was insufficient to overcome, in the minds the od the Massachusetts Institute of Techno- logy o!'Boston. At 11 o'clock the fire was time Hnifton was nearly killed and Hargan nearly torn to" His of jury, the effect of the cold but powerful Arrsy of facts in In the pot, and, as -was by i,; pieces. clothes were -stepped izom ham, and when finally, e$- Opposition' to the Viscount's claim pre- sentod by Lady Dnnlo's counsel. Justice gr"' the Maine Central officials and represents- .. lives of t e Boston & Maine Railroad baneted and bleeding, he fell to the side- walk, the crowd stamped on him, threw Hannen's address to the jury was some. Ll �{ in attendance, it was instantly proved `;° that stones on him, and would have lynched him what of a enrprise, on account of the rather unuenal leniency with which the , the principle of downward I , as Anught was an assured success. but for the arrival of a squad of ,paries. He " in defendant's indisoretione were treated, and v ,, '� -' Steam was rapidly- made, and at 2.46 was picked up a dying condition and carried to the station house on a stretcher. also because of the eevereity with whish the { ^" m. the engine palled oat of the " ljnion station attached to the Hargan left the West Surrey, Regiment three .court animadverted upon Viscount Dnnlo's coarse. Thu charge as a whole �regular pis- ", ." • ti alio train bound for Sebago Lake, eighteen months ago and went to New York search of employment. He in was so distinctly favorable to Lady 1)nnlp z � ,. . ' , JnUes:distant.. The engineer in charge was r`.< i John Savage, of the Boston & Maine Rail- was not sac• cessful in finding it and returned here a few that it amounted almost to an instruction for a verdict in her favor, though it is . `" r_; " ;. mro :as AWs .:,oda s6 if au oz- days ago. While in New York he bought the revolver with which he did the shoot- doubtful if the result was in any way altered thereby. The dinary engine, nothing occurring to mar I"' • the Success of the trip. The engine made ing. He asserts that the dead men robbed him the night before, and the court emphasised the danger attending the life of an actress, h�'r 'team. easily, and the ,,.k z, y gauge. at Sebago °.., at station house, in giving his deposition, he said that and pointed out that members of the pro- fession could hardly fail to acquire lees 1 * registered 164 pounds. On the return trip, ' ..� I. , .' with a heavy train of excursionists, the he had served them only as they would have been served in America for , strict notions as to what constituted pro- a ." . locomotive steamed two miles in two min- 'utes a similar offenoe. He says he. has been a clerk in per behavior, than were expected of women in the ordinary walks of life. Conduct and. twenty-five seconds, using, it is L" -, -------fid bI the Maine Central -officials, a much New York, also in Philadelphia. His full name ia- W'alter `Alfred -Hargan; -lie which on the part of the . atter world _ be. .1y smaller,.amount; of coal than was ever be. fte consumed on the train .end evidently a man of some refinement and to Droop-poeil;ive o! loose morels, might Anions the former be nothing more heinous ,. with an ordi. Zoi'y engine. No .cinders or smoke escaped education. than unconventional. His Honor dwelt „ from the smoke stack; the substitute being `white "I MIIer END ,THI19 MISERY." with marked disapproval upon Lord Dunlo s desertion of his site. ro- . aa thin, -volume of _etesm.----------..- -Hie_ p-- - - per course w&e either io five with and a e "- ----- -- - -- - 'JelTerror of Hydrophobia Drives F . DARI1KGl TJasIIr ROBBI3RY. Young Lady to suicide, A Summit, Pa., despatch of Wednesday support her or obtain a divorce for causes existing at the time of the separation. On =v0 l[s{slrwd Rnhi.a►� fi.. Tw..,nsn s vd save: Mise Jennie Hartman_ w nTa�kO .,,a the Contras he _ y. practically forced her to * � . , ;,,1 s e girl, Shot erre sed yeete, " 1 4 � �� '. day morning at McAztown, four miles frog " , f A despatch from Valentine; Neb-, says : here, Ten days ago Miss Hartman, whil ' ,. �i lr,' .,'4 As Conductor Nelson, of the Fremont,- playing in the garden, was bitten in th a p'i r ,k�td t Elkhorn & Missouri Valley, -road, entered cheek by her pet dog. Mies Hartman we *; the Clay car to collect fares between Long apprehensive o! fatal results and reg '7.i .!(' PP g w g as � `' Pine and Arabia last night, shortly after melancholy. Yesterday she beaam t,� dark, two young men, wearing slouch alarmingly 1 despondent and confessed to he iv ,gLate and red handkerobiefs tied over their g y �� �), a' friend, Mise Walker, she could no �� 9, 3` {� T lianas; stepped from the Closet, each holding recover. " The horrors of that awfc V ; ,, a+ two: revolvers levelled at him. They then malady are ever before me," she said. " r { " t marched him ahead of them to the front of am its victim but I refer an othe �' , VW J I. the oar. - One of--the-men had a small bsg death to the one I know is in stare fo " fl' t iu�1'. r 'swans by a string from his shoulder and me, i ..' r tit r,, F sinto this the peseengere were compelled to Her friends were now convinced her mini M ?. 4 ��'�,F� � _ �'' ' -throw their valuables' ' end money. ' A was affected. Arrangements were there brakeman who entered the oar was ordered r ., r� x }s fore commenced for a trip to Kane, Pa, a, * to, 1# rep," but instead of doing so he which the physicians unanimouslya reat a� �! fi� ",` dodgedbaok end a ballet was sent after him. would restore g '' " The collet went through the door of the tor- her health mentally ani 1, ',,- ;. .4 g physically. They were to start the nex ; �" a � 11. . award sleeping -car and broke s mirror in day, Miss Hartman became, more o&lm the smoking -room. All o! the passengers end before retiring Monde night wai ,, t e r ' .y,. An the day coach were relieved of more or cheerful and expressed the pleasure ebb fel a, .. 6 t k, I Ines money, although,as none. of them were at the prospect of so pleasant a journey wx ,' . :`` � ' "' searched, and there was no grumbling se to Both ladies occupied the same room, re . : the size of the contributions, the aggregate tirin earlier than usual Shortly after '' was robabt not reat. The robbers then g iu p S g midnight Miss Walker was startled by tht t*} entered the smoking car, the oondactor still words : a �; t, I'iilading. At first the passengers in the ++Lou, Lou, I must eni this miser " N w ```I .smoker were disposed to. consider the affair Before the half -awakened girl misery." � . , :r, ' a joke and play with the robbers, who thus realize the meanie $- "" . ` 1 � r Iost.time. The brakeman who had been g of .the words, 'the re, - ,�; port of a pistol shote was heard and Mist I'llk.t driven from the car.in the meantime pulled Hartman fell a corpse, the ball havin .r- � W.; "', ;r. 'rthe bell -rope, and the robbers feeling the pierced her heart. i f t rai., �4r P Visions o! hydryphobie ri "j , s train slow rep jnmped off, taking a parting had haunted her day' and night. Mise +��x� shot at the brakeman, Rho showed his. Hartman was 23 sere of age. z' �s lid ,,� sir , Lead from between two oars. It was e y g , : , Vii - iiri�hk moonlight night, and Conductor , Heavy Storms in New England. ,' .ik Nelson, who had in the meantime secured A Boston despatch Ba e : From different °,; " r �t , ' s Winchester, attempted to shoat ,them ae y t �s ; e sections o! New England reports came to K ,? . the clambered n a hi bank beside the y P � night that the intensely, hot weather of the ri 'I ) ; ;� '• track. As he did not know how to load the past two or.three days was followed this iii �kf -weapon from the ma AZlne, however, the e a afternoon and evening „by sevre thunder ti"' • q' ,a=�k� weapon refused to go offs and wind storms. AtRookland, Mese., the • lightning struck Mrs. Fennegan'e hoose, V�Ikl f� Meoplei Who Insist on Learning English. killing an eighteen 'months old child. In �'� '� A London cable _gays : A striking illnS� Randolph, John Dnnn's house was Struck, { tration.of the rapid progress end diffusion and four,inmatee paralyzed for a time. In x� ' w Lawrence the ' � ` f?` ' of the English language all over the world # people suffered &another ;'.: ie the foot that oomplainte are coming from fright. It was the worst wind storm, ex- � } ° , i Ap -i� some o! the mission stations in Burmah sept the cyclone, ever seen in that City. At - J f •'; that the missionaries cannot keep under OId Orohard Beach, Maine, it is rumored I their control the children of their own con- an unknown yachting party was loot- but ' „^ , verto because they do not teach then& Eng- the story leaks verification. At Orford, ",3'; ;fish. The missionaries are askialg for N.H., D. Chasey's dwelling was struck` by & Fiyy11 u school houeesl and money enough to hire lightning.and his wife knocked Senseless. English teachers. They say the people are At Laconia, N. H., the wind blew down a I ' �'� "` �' partly finished building K . ' a ; determined to have their children taught P y g and John Austin F t , ,,g : T English, end so they are Bending them to was badly hurt. Great havoc was done. The schools Supported b the Government In Newton,< Mase:, Sia hooses were etrack r ,4444 *.1 'where English la taught. Ambng the Mie, by lightning. A Mr. Randall was eon• ,it 'a"" tsionaries, who are asking for tepohera to struck in Dorchester"snd'died: �i kAr I s;,.',LL ve their time to instraotion in English are p+ f � ' I1. Not a Land of Milk and Hbney. k }� ; me of the Agents of the American Baptist �Ff Y ' ' 1,, . °t , ° Missionary Union. i A London cable Says : A steamer has sr- ,fi+';: ' aI. ' rived at Marseilles from Buenos Ayres with {' ? ;" A Fishing Schooner Run Down. 1,200 returning emigrants on board. These N ` ' ' �1Y V A New York despatch says: The steamer people, who were induced to leave France, ' C� till ' Obdam, which arrived here to -da from Italy and Germany for the Argentine.Re• y public on account of the reported fertility. N ... N Rotterdam, reports that on the 27th inst., :. and prosperity of that counts return in a y,., y r she ran down and sunk the 'French fishing destitute and despairing condition. The 1 .. eohooner Christopher Colomb, off the New- o �M 1 " �• foundland banks in a -:beau fog. The declare that it was impossible for them to �+ -:heavy g• find employment and that the land is all t ala'' 1'� r Iij, schooner had a crew of 26, of whom 22 were taken up or held at high prices except in At "L �, „ � h .. reeoned by the Obden. The following were P �l, :. lost • Naroiese Thanvet and Jean Deblaiee remote dietriote where it is &S yet valueless. 10 r,� ` sailors ; Louis Robert end. Marang Bolter They world have etarvedha(itheyremained y f r" r . of i {.i sheifpboye. The (jolomb was valued at longer in the country. r � : Terrible Wife Murder and Suicide. `{ � `'`' � t. lin 1880 Chore were &bout 200 000 com. A Cleveland despatch of Tuesday says: i ' ` ' mercial travellers in the United Stages. Anton Nowak, a moulder, and his wife k1 i k t� a+ .. To -day the number is estimated at 400,000 have not lived together for three years. 1 -an enormous army of intelligent, enter. Early this,,morning Nowak la in waiting ` °� I prising, quick-witted men travellingn all for her. When she s ared he drew a �'. n rf, parts of the country, supporting rilroads revolver and fired. Theebullet entered the „., f if �, . F .told hotelo, °carrying new ideas and new woman's heed, and she tell to the ground styles, strengthening the commercial rola- fatall wounded. The murderer then y k � ' q .1 tons and doing much, to aid and advance Placed the mazzle of the weapon to his j� 111, I �°' rr ?+ ��' ' .. • . tine general Progreso---�Balti�wl•e .American. •t3 11�. to .Pl9. 'tad. Seed: ta. second shot, t 7-,5 & �L,ih4o r. t 'F ,i_^;.�{`.: �a:-.. ..--. .-. :. , i1 a.- T-:d�18 :. •: ,,)1�. .A :,<'i a ane of � e best things that Josh Blllin Elm% was instantaneous. The womandied' `� ' x'p� /, �v { SM wrote was, ” When a man begins to ao two hours later. �, i f ff i g { Rt ,+, a . sown hill all nature seems greased for the , ,Zn,tr:'� � ro„ y occasion." And • this wag written before ean'c cid Story. ��* the day of toboggan eltdee, too. Book-keeper-Eaonge me, sir, but my :h�"�,�+ I i t3witzerlend has been visited by remark- nephew died three days ago. 1 , s �,`� ably severe gales and thunderstorms, which Employer (who is somewhat familiar 1 4,i '��'a``. '� li &lave done a good deal of damage in .the with the little g&me)-All right, Mr. Col. ��' ;< , routes usually taken by travellers. Popper; you may Attend the fuderal. Died, t „ , V as usual, on first base, I suppose. i ,• ....-....bra- r , .�.,.,4:. ..,.,:c o,....,...._.-_......:.._ _ - .- --__-•___..._....._.._. ._...-�.. . .A , .o - � .i, :G .. ."., . .. *I��_ii_l_lllllMs , ugnt &need. If I thought Any friends would put me in an asylum somewhere, I would not do the No one shall be a freeman, or give vote, unless he be converted and a member in cowardly thing I am about to do, but they havefall always used me so kindly, and I have as in - variably abused their trust, that I neither ask,nor oommnnion of one of the ohnroh es allowed in thin dominion. expeceany more meroy at their hands. You can notify my house and they will inform myfrier�ds Each freeman shall swear by the blessed - where I am; and i tfiink they will give mea ._God -to -bear true allegiance tot dOmi Christian burial. To my father and my darling sister a Ions good-bye. May God forgive me for all the trouble I have caused May those l ion, and that Jenne in the on y lift. ' No Quaker or dissenter from the estab• you. friends in Springfield who first induced me to lished worship of this dominion shall be wrecked allowed to give a vote for the election l Of life sufferp foits f thertherebe a an avenging Godb' ma ietrate or an y officer. Young mon, ,fox God's sake, never tenon a drop of liquor. It has killed we and will just as No food or lodging shall be offered & surely kill you. I had as bright a prospect ahead Quaker, Adamite�or other'heretio. of me as any young man ever bad; had a nice position and good salary, but rum and If any person shall turn Quaker he shall be banished, and not suffered to return on opium have got the mastery of me. As a dying 1equest, I ask that my penknife be sent to my pain of death. gat .� .n n r: _ « ,.. o: n .�.„ . �, i,. ,r,No Quaker priest shall abide in this-. +t ,minio;i ; he Bali be banished, and Buffer la cath on 'return. ad ` S A,,N-, D S H—O&PrieSts may be seized by anyone without Pa warrant. �1 Q� vo one shall run on the Sabbath day, or 'po BRY Com! GLA S &'4 in his garden, or elsewhere, except Dpi aerently to and from meeting. Iro one shall travel, cook victuals, make, jdee -_---- +..sweep aouee,_aut.:hair_or_ehave..on the• _....._. _...... ._ nth day. �, woman shall 1=. is3 her ohildre on the ' ' 'Lath day or fast day. er full Qf sp` �✓ii�liieSabbath shall begin at sunset on Irdc _•-_ ......._ . ..-- __-__-----------_._—_�__.__�-...__ -_-- y,.__..____.._.._.___�_- �-,_�j-'copick an ear of corn growing, on aU it '-'±b-e i in awelv.. ,hbor's garden shall be deemed a theft. ' portion accused of trespass in the night• 1_17e indaod oniliv nntil ha ria.. hi:..�nll. . -.-aau.aau unrpaar munutli all Iorms OI ho ' eiB Oath. - . temptations, and then set spies upon hes �' �. ©� o one shall buy or Sell land without e in the evident hope of her having been niesion of the selectmen. e led into wrong -doing. The court also ; When it appears that an accused person. e alluded to the apparent fact that Dunlo's meE T ' confederates and refuses to discover B lather, Lord Clanosrty, seemed to have in. w L L 0I :n he may be racked. v etituted the snit, and ,that the trouble drunkard shall have a master ap. te between the young couple would probably 1 --- • ted by the selectmen, who are to, have been avoided if they had been left to efiY ---- ---sr him the liberty of buying *and I themselves. Lady Dnnlo, who during the p J ng• trial had always left the court through a Ani' hoover publishes a lie to the prejudice L rear sail in order to avoid the crowd, went is neighbor shall be put in the Stocke;or- oaa by the main 'entrance after the con- n a' • _ �d reoaivo ten Stripes, r olnsion of the case today. She received tra�iio to prevent, if JOBS - a e, the introdno• I genuine ovation from the throng and tion of infection through those ports. The Me minister shall keep a School. 4= ' g e Men stealers Shall suffer. death. , seemed quite elated over her vindication. cholera at Mecca is always caused, as Whoever wears clothes trimmed with', It is stated that she proposes' to follow n everybody knows, by the presence of im- �j e P P gold, or bone lace above two ehil• l her- victory fully and require the Viscount Mensa crowds of pilgrims to the Holy City lingo a yard shall be presented by the (trend to maintain her and, if she can:manage it, of Mohammed; who have not the slightest jurors, 'and the selectmen shall tax the 11 I to live with her. notion of sanitary laws, and who dwell in a offender 300. pounds on his estate. ojivw, ` ' condition of filth almost indescribable. A debter in prison, swearing he hoe no A UNRLIN PAR$$ICIDE. Mecca will continue to be the starting place estate, shall be laid out .and sold to make of cholera epidemics, therefore, until Arabia satisfaction. Murdered His Father Because He Ate All is placed under some strong and enlightened . Whoever brings cards or dice into this the Meat at Dinner. , government which will enforce Sanitary Dominion shall pay a fine of 5 pounds. A Berlin cable says : A. letter from precautions at the Holy City. The pilgri= mage this year is,on a more extensive scale Noone shall read the common prayer, i , Bohwarzenbrann, in Thuringia, save John• book, keep Christmas or pet days, or play Emmers, of San Antonio, Tekso,. returned than for many years past, and a queer on any instrument except the drum or to the village to nee his old father, rind was., feature, of it at Cairo was that the Rgyp- jew's harp. told by hie brother that her had gone to a .tian troops who turned out to give the pro. No gospel minister shall join people in neighbor's house. Notwithstandingthis cession a start were commanded by British statement suspicions were aroused more officers. The manner of pilgrimage is now 'marriage. The magistral® only Shall join e• g g them in marriage, as they do it with lase the neighbors, who are -Americans, that greatly changed, enterprising brokers . g Scandal to Christ's church. the man had been foully dealt with, and a taking, pilgrims in hand and forwarding - When parents refuse their children con- ' search was instituted. The house dog was them by steamer and rail at eo much a venient marriage the magistrate shall de - unchained to assist in this work,although head; 'a much more comfortable way than termine the point. the brother objected. 'The dog at once ran ' the old journey through the desert; which The selectmen, on finding the' children to a manure heap on the farm. The latter, however, is still kept up by force of ignorant, may take tbem away from their Searchers followed, and upon digginginto tradition on the part of the more coneeiva- tive followers of the Prophet. expense and pot them in better hands at the the pile pound the body of the old man, a expense of their. parents. ' . His skull was crushed, and there was other The choler& is spreading at Mecca. On A man who strikes his wife Shall pay a evidence of murder on' the body. John's Wednesday 81 deaths from the disease were fine of 10 powids. ' brother then confessed that he murdered reported and on Thursday 84. 'All ports A woman who Strikes her husband shall his !ether with a hatchet in the presence of, on the Red Sea, the Levant, and in Asia be punished as the court directP. ' his intended bride. He explained that the Minor have been quarantined ';'fust e pilgrime. ai wife shall be deemed good evidence a&use of the crime was that his father had against her husband. eaten all the meat cooked for dinner. The No man Shall coast a maid, in person or murderer and hie bride buried the body, THE cosi of Tae ooNGQ. by letter, without fires obtaining consent or dog was was found. After the crime the Beirlum Figurine out Her Fast African her parents. I . dog was kept chained by the guilty brother. Expenses. Married persons must live together or be The murderer and his accomplice were imprisoned in jail. arrested. A Brass AS cable says : The Mouvement Every male Shall have his hair out round Geogralhique publishes a statement of the according to•a cap. BLYTB]&18 Ml[LLIOxS. cost in money and lives of the conquest of the Congo during the eleven yeare from The Judgment of the Court Shuts out the 1879 that King Leopold has been carrying A Fiendish et, _ Widow from sharing Them. on his enterprise. The total number. of An E�sneville, Ind. despatc says: John A San Francisco, California despatch deaths among the white agents of ging D. Day was arrested' Taeeday on a charge says : The celebrated Blythe will contest, Leopold in these eleven veers is 82. In the of having placed two dynamite cartridges, which began January 16th, 1x89, ended past six years, during which an average of each eigbt inches long, in a sheaf of rye. 173 while agents have been constantly As it wxe'cont to be placed in a thresher to -day io Judge Coffey rendering a volu . inons decision in favor of Florence, illegiti- employed on the Congo, 66 deaths have the sheaf fell apart and the cartridges fell mate child of Themao H. Blythe, the ' occurred.. The largest white force was last out, thus providentially avoiding a tragedy, her the year, wben 226 white employees o!° the as there were Six men at work And all, deceased millionaire, awarding balk of the estate, of a total wings h shoat Congo State were at work and 11 deaths would undoubtedly have been killed. Day bulk 0,000. The contestants included the occurred, or 4.8 percent. The five Belgium Some months ago eloped .with a 13 -year. Plaintiff, Florence Blyth, Alice Edith commercial companies tr&ding on the old girl, but was overtaken and brought Diokson, alleged widow of Blythe; the Congo employ 160 European agents and back andNarned to keep away from the W illiams heirs, of Liverpool; the Blythe laborers, and in the two to three years of child. He Swore vengeance against the Company, the Gipsy Blythes, the Savages their existence these companies have lost father, and tueeday came to town and of London, the 'Scotoh-Irish Savages, Jae: only six men by destb, two of them by bought the cartridges and placed them in I ' Witt, Pearce and William and David accident. The total expenditures of ging the rye, expecting that they would be fed . Savage. The court's opinion held that Leopold in behalf of the Congo pcesessions into the machine by the girl's father. according to the laws of the State Florence ,}n the past eleven years have been about The indignation against Day is v��ry great, had • established her claim to Blythe's $6+000,000. It is argued from these figures and fears are entertained that Vie, may be paternity, the latter orally and in writing that, considering the ultimate value of the lynched. having acknowledged her ae his child. In Congo, the cost of opening the country has the case of the alleged widow, the court shun Par been remarkablysm&Il. Agalnet Canadian Barley. says the contradictions in the case of this Persecuting Russian Jews. An Albany, N. Y.! deop&teh says: At a claimant are irreconcilable and cannot be sleoi&1 meeting today the Board of Tr&do reconciled on the ibasi8 that deecedeat The London Times says : The Raeeian vlrtnally Sustained the McKinley tariff bill ' i and defendant were man and wife. Government has ordered the application of that raises the duty on Canada malt from the edicts of 1882 against the Jews. These 10 to 25 cents a bushel. The Canadian An Eye to Business. edicts have hitherto been held in abeyance. barley merchants introduced a resolution Photographer (to young lady) -Thera is According to these, Jews must henceforth that the impending action of Congress we% no need of telling you to look pleasant, reside in certain towns only. None will be viewed with al&rin that the miss. Such a faee cannot be otherwise permitted to own land or hire it for agri. duty to be placed on Canadian Barley i wag. surto Ehan pleasant. sal purposes. The order includes opposed to the true pri'noiplee of tariff was, Lady (graoiongly)-I will take tw within its scope towns and hundreds of orm was Subversive of the reciprocal trade aozefl, Sir instead1. of one dozen. 9 ,villages -that have large Jewish ebpalationS. relations which have so r.1.. No Jew willbe llowed't6 hold'ei Arae In or long and profitably' . . . a �sieted bettireen life two countries and .in- Hnbert Herkomer has recently been 'pork mines. The law limiting the resid'enoe larions to business. It ie asked that the made a 'member of the Royal Art Acadern Of Jews to sixteen provisoes will be enforced bill be altered so ag to afford reasonable y No Hebrew will be allowed to enter the Protection for farmers and at the Seme e, in Berlin. He received one of the grand army, to praotiee medicine or law, to be an time do justice to one of the city's largest medals at the Berlin Art Exhibition of engineer or to enter any of the other profee• indiistrieg. The State barley men were in 886. Bions.. They will also be debarred from a majority and voted the resolution down. An uptown man sent 26 cents to learn holding Hosts under the Government. The low to make $60 a weak at home working enforcement of the edicts will result in the The newest thing In glass in sunset gins'. n a capital of $1, and roo�ived the follow• expuleici*vf over 1,000,000 Jews from she It is tinted with all the ht�Qs of ng printed slip, "Fish for fools, as I dor" ' - ___ - ___ .... _w_ ooD!Ja1ky. <.ti„ ......., the setter ......,.�,.._...., . ..__ - _ _-t ni70. - .. x�^,mM1;ax's"ar�nxn-:x....,*•rn+..•.-....,,.r.««-rm.+.r ern.«,v.,m,---vr�vw.rroo�.mew,urn*myw�.urwn...—ern,+rrmwr,-4,— ar'v.�nm,.�...�.�. .. .- µ_" _.,... ••":r.,++,reMrm.+ _,._-. ._ 1 p , ._.. .... ... .. _. ..__. C