HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1890-08-15, Page 513Y4AVI NO ila
, A 13Y LAW TO Al11' MB FIRM
of c1it1 (55 Forster, of the Vil'age
ot Luckin•w, in the 'County of Broot,
turfaitute Planufactuters in the 1-x10n-
-biol.) of their business by a loan of tie
thousand d,
WHEREAS it is expedieut end aevisable
for the benefit and advatitagel;f the Village of
Lucknow, in the Garrity of Bruce, that the
CorI.,ration t the said Vilvitteekt
v.",,Altrz2.4•2 '17sozrazwmt= 1)-4-/ gatTIZEPEWil"
Indlitaties within the traitt umeicipality trr
aceordaace with " The Muuicipel Act," of
AND whereas Joseph M. Cliff and David
B. Punter, lath if the said VklItt,40 iif L aat
hew, are new caeryieg In 1 usittests f nre
rb.ii th. sui4I ViI1-zse ittr thy]
tint! saws id CIIIY & Forsteraatel have applied.
to the Corperetitar of the said V.11..ge''foi a
loan of five thonsamd dellars fer the purls. se of
extending arid ihersasiag their said briness a
as to employ the:rein a large number uf
work men.
AND where •
eso ve a 1 Is exert
• 'halt •and salvas ble to grant ale said bete to
- the. said brie for the purpose aforesaid for the
period of ten years, retalyable as follows, that
is to say the sum of twii hundred mid fifty
• dollars on te- first day of. July re each :Velle
for Ile• per
• two thotisana h
d, ....-yealidred and fifty dollars
iritl,‘at nine yeals, and the suns of
l' -
car the first tray of July in the year nineteen
hundred without interest, the whole sutn of
five thousa,' nd dollars to be secured by a mort-
gage upon the real estate and premises of the
satid,Cliff at Forster in which the said business
is carried on, ihcluding all the fixturesadant
and machinery of every nature and kiud sluate
therein, •
AND whereas the said firm, have by a deed
or agrcerneet, dated the 13th day -of : August,
one thousand eight hundred and uiuety eov-
..eria.nted with the said Corporation that in case
the said haus be gratatd, they will extend and
Mamie(' their buildiega ' and purchase ad.
ditional- plant and machinery • far their said
. business, and will: execute to the said florpor-
ation the said mortgage and:willtherein, cev-
'The' LucknowSentinef, Bruce kjounty, Fi-iday:Augusti6th,
bars of the Connell of said 11/Innicipality is
and that the following named persons
6411 be the Returiting Oiticera fbr the north
end at R. Geshow's buil..Leg, 8. W. corner
of lot 61, John MeBaiu, auchloa the Southern
Divisior, Hueh Morrison, at the Trawiallalla
• - X. -On the thirtieth day.ef Auguat A. D.
1890, the Reeve of the said Muni(ipaliby shall
attend at the Council Chamber at the hour of
eleven o'clock iti the foretmou, to aapoint per-
sons to attend at the said Pulling Places and
at the final stunnieg up, of the votes redirect -
i vely on behalf of the persona interested iu and
promoting or opposing the passing of this By
XI. -The Cleik of Iteapatataell,
'01'fris-WiWalitr65-1grattlitthiltuuti • ea
bers in the Town Hall at mid. 'Village of
10V•11 11. ,,,C0
7. lin21,;„‘••11, 7A1 '
U0kii W at six o'clock in the afternoon of
the said Monday, the first day of September
A. 1). 1890 and sum up the number uf vt,tes
elven for and against this By Law.
Dated this 13th day of August, A.D., 1890
TAKE natice that the above is a tine copy
of a protosed By -Law which has bsen taken
Leto consideration by.the Council of the Maui-
cipality td the Village Qf Lucktiow, in the
County of Bruce, and which will be finally
passed by thasaid Council
• , •
te ere 0,
after one menth from the first publicatiou
thereof in the '' Lucknow Salmon " a -slows-
paper published inthe said Villaase of Luck -
now. the date of which first publicatien will
be Friday, the fifteenth day of Aug,ust, A.
1890', and that the votes of the ratepayers en-
titled to viae thereon will be taken in the
North Ward at Mr. Graham's building and
in the South at the Council chamber in the
'fawn Hall in the said Village of Lucknow, on
Monday,the first day of September, A.D.,1890,
from nine o'eltickin the forenoon till five o'crock
in the afternoon,. beiig the time aid Oases
appointed Inc holding the pid.l.
Dated this 13th day uf August, A. D., 1890.
• way Li 1.70-....... ,..,.-. ,,,, •-"-.4121610.1.61. a INF ipisasas., i ....,
, were about a quarter of a mile from tet f
tione. Here were some hillocks, and oh 01
se carpets were epread, the snow being oi
ht. and Akbar, who had arrived with a
haiderable retinue, sat down to converse
th poor Macnaghten. I felt a queer kind
euant to and with the said Corporation Ipresentiment and it was with great re-
_ ... that they will not artta-any----tirne eleanatotanoe I dismounted and sat down to talk
the said term of ten 3 ears for. a looser periodnith an old acquaintance of mine, an
than (hie n, h)Lit_ empley less than forty men Mawr of the Kabul native police. Just
t the said bus eiss. ' • • then I heard Akbar ask Bir William if e
AND wh reas in eider -to raise the said-nunVere ready to carry out his agreement of 0
of five thousand dollars it will ne neeessaribe•night preceding. Bir William replied,
t ) issue debentures of the said Municipality Why not 2" Some commonplaces fol- gl,
therefin payablea-atatite-encFof twenty years. l'ifed-and Akbar commenced' thhandle a lie
AND whereas the amount of -the wlinletair of pistols gixen him by. the Envoy, Y
. ratable property of the said Municipality .ac-feanwhile Lawrence had pointed'ont that w•6
1! '•
said Villatsa.a.i.t.,___eanyilin
Cording to the last revised aszessnient roll efentrary to arrangement we were gradually tth•
eigbt hundred and ninety eing eurroun&Wby armed men and the nv31
hundred and forty nine theuissatt,hdettsvuunihulidtrwed° irdars affected to drive them off, - but
•and'eighteon dollars. ' .kbar 'shouted in Pashtu, " No matter ; b4
l amount ot the ex toy know all." un turning, round to nn
ANL) whereas the tota
• mak to my Kabul acquaintance I heard it
iHting debehture debt of the said Municipality
-; ia toi loilows : For Towu Hall debentures the .kbar yell, " Bigir—Bigir " (seize, seize), d
bum of three thousand eight hundred 'and Id wheeling rapidly • beheld. him grasp s14
• twenty two dollars and fifty cents principal; ior Maonaghten by the left arm, dis- s
and for Waterworks debentures, the sum of ;verge rapidly both pistols into 'his body
teu thousand dollars principal, upon which id dragging him 'down the hillock by the
. .
• oiamoot
, A
0 IC 1-1...M IRM
Insure your farm property, pritate dwelliag,
in the aid radiable, the
; •
Lucknow, Ang..13th, 1890.
Dress goeds have been selling steadily 'with us all
ummer long with hardly a break in iheir continuance.
.Of course it has been a nixed variety. -As the ter- .
mometer recorded the changed temperature, so the
taste and fashion.
It has been .arnarked feature -i prints, their -pat-
tern and coloring.s---One has been large and varied, in
-checks, flowers and tracinos and the colOriner has (Yen-
Harinajust roceived. -a-large consign
..* g
Office, -A. ROSS -harness 'shop. Lucknow.
, Will be in the offie cevery Saturday afternotai,
Geo. Grant, ,A.gentl Lucknow
BULL. Foil *EnvicE.
R. TIT IAS EDw A1411-1 141rivr A NT
e season, at
Lot 6, Cnn. Asbfield, his celebrated th. wough
bred shorth am bull, Earl Byron. Earl Byron
bred by Tha etas Edward Finlay, Lanes, Ont., a
got by Biehlatich Chief (imp.), 1257 ; darn
Belga Lockwend...1,4211, .by Baron Lueb.1384_, -
-Minnie: Warren. 72-3-6a, ly- Sir, aofin, 31/60 ;
sMaid of Raven Hill. a816,• lay Lothair, 800 ;
Beauty of the Valley, 24-16, by Constance's
Duke, 441a Beauty Roan (ime.), 32. bV Chil-
ton, 10054; C.nintess, by Shamrock 2nd, 8565 ;
Gazelle, by §plendid, 5298, by Evince .Cumet,
8125, bred`by. Mr -Allenby.
Terms 81,25.
' 8184 f,
•Tho Hub Grocor111
is nu principal oroutereat in arrears, 0 of another Birder sabre him with a
AND whereas it will rewire the sum at .lwar. • Trevor was out down instantly. it
two hundred and fifty dollars for the payment 1
- , 1 '
of the interest; lulu the sun of two imudred
. and fiftydollars for the repayment of the prin-
, eipal on, said •aebentures to be raised annually
bysptcial rate during, the next twenty years.
- -1114 it therefore 'enacted and is hereby en
acted by the Municipal Council of the Corpor-
• ationof the Village of Lucknow. FAR•
L-Tbat i obeli, be lawful for the Reeve of :0: ,
the raid Municipality to raise by way of loan H
the said sum of nye thiiusanu dollars by issuing
the debentures of the said Municipality
ILL -That it shall be lawful for the said
Reeve t.• cause any number of debbutures for
slime not less than one hundred dollars each to
be issued tor raising the said sum of five thous-
and &liars:and the said debentures shall ire
sealed with,the seal, and signed by the Reeve
and Treasurer of the said Corpoeation. .
I1L -That the said debentures shall be
made payable ast the expiration of tweaty
years fisith the' akisr 'Mentioned for TOWNSHIP OF WAWANOSH.
the taking tffect: of this. By Law at the Branch
4,,r Agency -office of the Merchants Bank . of
Canada., in tile luwu of Kincardine, and shall
have attached thereto yearly coupons for the
payment of intaxest.
IV:- That the said debentures shall bear
interest at the rate of five, per cent per annum
fr the date thereaf, which interest shall be
paye-6e yearly on the first day uf November
each year during the currency of the said
V. --That as soon as the said firm of Cliff
Ffirstertave extended, eidargedaand improved
the building at pteseat occupied by thew as a
• fun:there mantifactory, situate on lot number
. -two hundred and eighty nine arid parts of lot
number two huudreit and eighty, eight in the.
, :said Village of Lucknow, and have placed
,therein additional plant and machinery so that
the value of the whole shall, be at leastnine
thousand dollars, and have executed • to
the said Cerporat! u &mortgage thereon for
the suns of flee Mr tattid 'dorars payable as
harem before. menti tied and assigned to the
, said Corporation. Pelicies of Itzsuratice
thereon atreninting to the auto of six thownind
„doilara in accordance with thesaid deed in
• ageement, all being 'deer of any prior incinu-
t berat.tea. The said burn •f five.thousand olJara ARMERS, BREED EAR LY MATUr/R-
&all be paid over tet them. - • • tug, quick feeding steers fer market, by,
VE.-Fer. the purpose of paylpg the interest crossing wttb the Aberdeen Shoat Horn, note/h
the sumof two hundiad and tiftty dollars, and for • theia early Maturing and rapid feediug:
for the purpose of payil.g .he pi•incipul in the qualities--
, maid debentures, the aurin of twtalthndred • and
fifty dolltusa shall in addition tot all other rates
be raised? levied and colleated in each year
by a special rate sutticieet, therefor, upon ail
i the rateable property in said Mainampality,
, daring the colitinuauce of the said debentures
or any of them,
for tad/ containeu in :the will of
Deceased, tenders will be received byl the
undersigned up to
MONDAY, SEPT,lst; -1890.
For the purchase of the East half ef lot num-
• ber 20, in the 10th concession of the .
• Contalaing 100-agres more or less, about 65
acres cleared. balance gond hardwoed bush.
On the insanities are a .frame doe:Mier, barn
and stable ; 'orchard iii bearing ; watered ',ay a
never failing creek ; good si il. The ; pert?
ad -joins the village of $t, It elee's,, and is' 6
miles frinno Lucknow, 12 from .Aciughaiu and
20 from Goderich. •
Cash within 30 days , after notificatian of
acceptatice of tender, or if the purcbaser de-
sires, 4 May remain on mortgage of tne,prem-
isestayable it. 5 years itt.6 percent. interest.
Possession 1st April next.
No tender necessarily accCptoal. Further
particulars and'coralithlus may be had onap-
plication to ROM.; J WILSON, .0. OKE r
VVaiirait MeGneo on, Executors, Whitby,orto
DOW Za.McG1L1aiV1-1,..aY,
Vendors' Solicitors., Whitby, Ont
.;!• b rtevid annually and i the
VIL-The stadum ef two, hundred .and
ifty dollars to i
said sum of two # tal seven Imadred salad
fifty dollars tube repaid in thetyear nineteen
hundred by the sail a, te , (!iiff & Forster
. with all interest -or 1h4 env w hictewav be de-
, rived therefrom by the said,
shall be set apart tor, apprepriated, and
ffered in payment of ate st lil tteheutures:aind
in reduction of the specie/ late herein before
directed to be levied f -,e the payment of.the
principle and interest of the saki debentures.
VIII-ThiR By -Law shall take effect on
the first day of Notinther, one thousand eight
hut dyad and ninety.. . .
IL -And it is. further entutted by' the
..111unicitAil Council of the said Corporation
that the votes of the ratepayers af the said
MiuzfcpaHty, entitled to vote, shall ba taken
.. .. aw on: &holiday he first day 'of
P•etittnibcr A, Da 14,00, cone:n(01644 at tiros
o'elsick in the foretioon and ,,endits at five
eel*, in the afternoon at the followiett places
/ lording the places at ‘el!icli the ekot1n uf mem,-
First-glints representatives of the above now
pppular breeding; for service at E Gaunt's
farm con, 12 West Wawanosh. Lord Lovell,
teeing. grades ..83 00, thoroughbreds 88.00.
Good Hppe, terms, grades 81.50, thorough-
breds 84.00 Pedigrees or any other particu-
ara on application. •
in Canada. We want rdiableaenerget-!
is men to sell our Nursery stock ; previous
experience not necessary ; any man u nth tact
and energy can -succeed ; terms liberal, either
(*Wiry, or commission ;, outfit free. Our,
agents have ;natty advatttages, such as selling
hoine-grown, hardy (`)anadian stock. Choice
New Specialties, which are aif valise, and,
whish can only be secured from us, such as a
eompletek list of New linsaian Apples, the
Ritson Pear, &minders Pluna, Hilburn Rasp-
berry, Moore's Ruby and Blank Chant/dun
Currants, Moore's Diamoud Grape ete.
We have given particular attention to the
propo *ion of Hardy Varieties suitable to the
tiorthtan sectsons of Canada.
Poi tevtail auPlyto
Toronto, Out.
• 1
merit et
erally been deep and rich, especially in greens and I- Tres1:1 Grocenes,
their shades, also grenat and emanating shades there-
from. -We have added •a few pieces of these loval
goods to fill the gap between this season and fall at
12.4 eents, and would like your inspectionand
The help that comes from paper and printing is
small when you compare the value of the article and
the(price. For instance, •
A lovely -India kidladies button shoe at 01:25,
A fine polished calf lace and button at $1.65.
• And those solid sensible presents cf glassware
given away with onr
"4" tea for $1.00 " 5 " tea for $1.00,
Ar.e.proof of the help the goods afford themselves.
. • • '
Velvet ribbons and velveteens in blacks and c6lors,
will be much worn this fall. We. have them in all
widths and ,prices. ,It willipay to see, them.
.Although early, for fall dress: .goods,"•\we !have
.opened two•caSes of Gerinan flanirelS, in Checks 'and •
stripes, in bright and Sombre shades, suitable for ladies
and children and also for the older ladies., Other
makes and patterns following, and which will be in
stock shortly at lowest prices, as with all fall goods.
We make the agreement • caE.411, thus ensuring you,
• • ‘,.
lowest prices, best quality, and courteous .attention
Choice family flour,
Choice Tobacco,
Tait, Coffee's,
and Sugars,
which -NMI be sold cheap at
the Hub Gneery.
Goods delivered to t11 parts
• of the village,
Men 'to take laalers for Ntirsery. Stock; 'en -
Salary or Commitision • I can make a S.11C.CGP4-
ful salesman of any who will work or follow -If
my instructions. Will furnith handsome nut -
lit free, and pay your salary or commissinn
every week, Write for terms at (dale.
• E, 0..a1tAtfw.A.m, Nurseryman,
12840 Toronte,' Unt.
..DE,:.•VHASES .
fla.s a -worldwide reputation .as a ribysiciAn
and author Hi Mandrake, laandelten.. Liver
Cure is a triumph of niedicelakill'a etiresairll
diseases -of the kidney and liver
• SYMPTOMS -1 F, -, •
dull pain or weight in theihIstli
adieurh t:nedb1:ske o
abdomen ; acaldiag 'urine often ol•strtictsd
frequeut desire to uriette, cettecia,lly. • at night
araang aged persons , b.•t, dry 'skin, pale isom.
plexion„ red and,whi te j pnsits, dropaiizziness,
scour stomach, cduatipation.,pilew,..liven
swelling, etc
plea iOn:, a wear',' tired fPeli rig , no lite or
energy, headitcheadyspepsia,ludisie4titinaspate.
- . • ,
HOW.tOURE • a4,
Mandrake and Dandelion are net:107'i L, -
cures anti whoiacoMbieed witt ICidnesr larva. -
dies he in Dr. , Chase's Liver Cure, will men
positively cure all Kidoty-l•tOtroubles. ' It
acts like it, t harm, stipailatieg the clegged
liver, strengthening the kidneys. and ,invisa ra-
ting the whole body. n1c1 by :ill dealers at $1
• with receipt•book, which albne lewiTth th
, 'money. t- . , •
1 •,
lirDNEy. as
Da. Che's14ills a r,,0 the only
. , ,, - ..
1 • t
•••L Kidney- Littei Pills fide. The,'
LIVER act gentiy yet Ptrectuttfly.. May
ELLS.- .',!teetit:AZretgelViltig,"17%;:t.
trobbles, headache,bilionsness,c.oatiaeners eta.,
One aiillra doses Sold by al/ ileariers. Price 2re
• - . zi• EUMANSON /it CO..
old by Mani & Ltielconve