HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1890-08-15, Page 4.. y ----THE • 0 1:' AVE LIBERTY TO UTTER AND TQ,kR(CE NJ • 1 EELY ACBOIODINGTHEyD1QK'ATEt3- ,-10P CONSCIENCE WE PRIZE ABODE, ALL OTHER LIBERTIES. 41. • it .u:Qk'rw Sentinel tirute'O -unty, Friday ,:AugLst 16th otebll+ ld ., ¥iss Vina Lane is at present giving lessons .in oil painting at her hove. The Weather-ii,Nery favorable for harveatiug. .T a hgglnfj 110444 of the thresher 1s' to be, 'heardits -Mitt neighborhood. ,Mr. and Mrs.,. G. B. Stothera paid a visit to Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Treleaven, of Belgrave. ,,Mrs. Ferguson, artist, of Winghaw; paid'a visit to Miss Fina Lane. Mr. and Mrs, a�G 'i';Ti 'i p F�e ,s I�Shtjeld. sir , 4.. BIG Nus. . .. -' The„tovel ..of Ayln er,.,which-;.has, a 3' population of about ,2' FDO, on Tuesday of Last week,;xeted a bonus of $304000 ', to Messrs:', Hay J Ce.., of Woodstock, ythat , company •agreeing •%.r the. above ,• f story, there for ,at least. ten,. years. -The vgting resulted in thee,by-1aw,heing carried by a majority, 0£,34.1: to 1. ' The factory, is to er$toy 25„men the first year,:•32 the second year, and for the fullowing,eight years not less than 35 hands. 'The ;buildings of the de- funct Aylmer.; urnittire Co. will be at once put into condition, and it is ex y�ected the factory will,be in operatinn about,two,mon!ths. This is six times the. amount asked by' Messrs. Cliff & ]oyster from the citizens of Lucknow, and yet some people are opposed to it.' Then, too, our factory ;only asks the ; ci�3i to=J o ey -`si, Fe° C eggrfod r r, x. • i Kinloss Column ';The above council met on August 50. Meinbera all present. Tne Reeve in the chair. .,Several commun- ications having Teen read by the Clerk, one of which being from the ;Village Clerk of Lucknow, ,n respect.,to Win. Henderson's a , , , ,. , , ' ! • . _ o. r an, attac .el ,to uck- now school. Moved by McKinnon and Mirehouse that no 'action be taktin at present. A. grant 0,$10.00 was: wade to supplement the like_ inou.n1 grouted by the Culrosq council,to im- prove the boundary at cors. 15 Qulross. The following accounts, were paid.:.. John I Cox tep. culvert, $2•; James McLeod., gravel, $$10.05 ;.James Mc- Leod, damage in hauling, $4.50; Alex. Fraser, gravel, $3.50 ; M rs. - Yule, gravel, $300; lIart,& Co., collector's Our various departments,, ' DRY GOODS, .rolls, $1.00 ; ,Win. ,JOhnstnn, lumberind covering culvert, culvert, $1$,61 ; D. _,I+Stanley': GROCERIES,' BOOTS AND H A.TIS AND covering culvert, $2.25 ; John Stanley SHOES, �, cleanin„ ditch, $1.80 ; Douealcl CAPS Donald. tilling road .bed_2 s, $5.25 ; , O C KERY & GLASSWARE. SWARF. John. (4 k- pie, gravel, $:1,1lr0 ; Jaco READY- MADE CL0TFflNG, ETCH. Will 'be found complete, pull of specialties a .d price EP YOUR 1;YE ON T. 47 NOW FOR HARVEST TC)OLS. . �� n,�ru�• � � ham, • 7*. (ie. BtTXr -Era. AND PAI 'TERS SUPPLIES. ..-�'��%' - . DOW 0. ,. &T , 4YLQR . .PO L L J1 8EASO..N. - 18, 0 a —16Tlller,—graveltin :Ashfield'-boutidtiry $7.47 ; William Burns for same; $7.61 security for the payment of the $5000 ' at -the expiration of the ten years, while this bonus of $30,000 is a gift outaud out from the town. will pay Ayrtner` to.give 0,0,00 to.a fac- tory ewploying only 35 hands, how much more will it profit , J ckuow to merely give the in eres ,p it or • ten years to a tires that Will elaploy 40 hands A BIG( LOSS The blockade of the Sault Ste. Marie 'demi'. was ,a _great blew to the grain lj ,anti 4ratnsporatatipA tr. dtis, :;qf the:. northern half, of this continent, and although it was prunptly repaired, yet the losses to Americans and Canadians run up int„ tens of thousands of dollars. • .Ttiis canal; between Lake Superior an �1,.ak-e- HItrron, shorties itis, is one the 'busiest nnd,,most,'impor nt, ,t. world. As the American' and Canna 'lien North-West.deyelep, and'the pro cktietion of grain increases, its, busines --increases. Over eigb.t„million..totis freight passed through it lastyear,'and this year the quantity will be greater still. Already the locks of the canal .are „at times unable :to 'apcgm,tnodate quinsy .all' the vessels that ofree, and new Locks are being built by the. Awer, ican'and Canadiun Governments. The breakdown was as serious proportion- ately fore Cacadinns as for Americans, as Canadian vessels have by treaty be- tween Great Britain a,t.,d the ;United States the right to use this cabal, en, the saline Otetrtrs as American vessels, Canada according the sarue-p>rivi)lege ttio;, American vessels in her canals. Cala da is, at present, totally ;dependent 1 ,upon this ,canal for accommodation for ler lake vessels between the twp.great lakes,,, but ,when Pur new canal is •fini,hed,we? ea,,I t�heu confidentially look:. for�a.,just share of tIre enormous trade , that is now ��,hellytuonclpol,zea ipy the • Americans. d of �e 6 of r e TIIEne is at present a great deal Nig i interest taken in' :n•Iyltl ed in the mat- ter of cattle ships. ,The,,.,los d Erin .� of ,�h with 527, cattle and 7�h m :n''has led to a di.,cussion out of wliip11 „good .,may come. It as said that frequently the animals are' sn crowded tfiat,,thay hold each other up,;fwd that if one'.falls it stands a poor chhitce of ever risir'ig. l+requently they are injured, by ,rr i ' other's horns and get !!token legs ..and ' Fare allowed 'to linger, end die, as to . rnercifully end theirciMisery would vitiate the insurance ,Ctahn. :LL' is claimed, too,. that the n►gfl,,,are little 4.l,etter off than the 'cattre hey take across the ,atlantic And an effort to n seettre..thp... g • - - nt►ssai;P of -a 13r11-;r,�t3tltpeltiii�� reform is being trade. Jas. Webster, inspector, •$3; 75 ; Jaco Miller, water tables and bete culvert, $33.00.; Wm. l?i aser for seine, .$15.85; .John .:McKenzie,' gravel;'for ,4 beats_ $18.50 ; Wtn. 'Malcolnl, . grw -e1. for heats, $9.02 ; ,John McKenzie, gravel;, ,fQr contractur,v$a6.g0; M. MtRitchie -u-n'b .; ..$-6,10°; 1.11, Fetcher, lura bet, .75cts ; Patrick Kelly,' work on (G. road, $41..87 ;M. McKenzie, eater, 2.10 ; Jas: Johnston, rep. cul, vert, $2.00 ; R. • Young,- •gravelliitg $10.61 ; W m. Malcolm, gravel for above, $3.45; R. Hodgkinson, inspect- ing,- $5.00 ; Win.' Malcolm, luinber, 75c,;.• Jas. N chins, gravel 3 heats, $4.33 ; -N. Bushel;. ,gravelling, .$81:75 l,j, i *bn,oustou,. inspector, $15.00 ; .Jas.` Nid6olls, gravel for same ,job, $J.7.5 ; Thos. Leithead, gratvellirrg, $134.68 less $10.00 paid to his' order ; Wnl: Dempsey, gravel 3 beats, $15.35: • :Moven by McKinnon, seconded by talens. that the co,tduet ,,f the Reeve n submitting the dispute ++ith Wui. Denipsey in respect to darnages chi Med by.him in the renewal of gravel from his premises to arbitration, and that his •action in the .matter he and is here= • hy.appreved' and c:,pntirined, and .that the fu,liowing costs .of •said ,,arbitration be nowepaid : James. Mtullen, ,.arhitrt~- tor, $Jri,U.O•; H. D..' :Henderson, ! arbi- trator, .$5.00 ; R.• ;Con rate, • witness, $1:00; .W. :Switzer, witness,.5,0c ; 11.. McIntosh, w$ttiess, 00e ;1, Gillies, vrltnees. 50e ; Jam,— gaunt $5.00 Ntnf: Dear s �' ;: P cy, : award, $.�?•.50. =4• ' 13it=Law was , passtd „strilf ing county. ,an'd t6wnship .rates, the fonaner ati 18-1;0 mills and the latter 16-10 mills. i; the dollar•. The ...Reeve” was • ern-. owered to isue,prder.i on the trees- rer between„ine$ings for 'work • certi-- ed to have been -done. john Purvis was re-apppointed collector. Thet ou.ncil adjourned. to meet. again 'on; e 2und,.dity of.S,ptem�ter. PETER RID, Clerk: 4 or u ti thC s MARRIED lrwA^T-PA'sEHHON-In Lucknow, on Tuesday,Tuly 2:itb, at the,aesidence u( the bride'l, (father, by the Rev. J. B. McI{inn,,,n, Mr, Joseph' E'tiot, to' ]erica. Ida Maud,, ►i?aterson; all of ;.Lucknow. ” 1NEIIq. mA'$NNAarT—tf n T,u iknew, on ,Aft>?aday, lith Thomas Clarence, second sou of Lr. J. S. tevnapkt aged • 11. years, , fi months and 17 days. ..XECUToRs -NQTl9E.� AALL 'PB LANDft 11,43Lf�►NfG71'fx rl�, tO,:ithe rant., if the'Date John Fraser have been .at,lild,. oicc.er,1 those situated in the lowtnniRof 1 urlosa, betngnnorth halves of lute 43 and 44, eolitaining 1t00 acres in the Ist eon• cession. the s one ore hereby offered for sale at s bargriin. as it'•iu r4,4roue to close lip thea estate'. Yens further kiiipieulars,f;tttrly to '1410S., ',TODD. Executor, if -864 4f3t;Helens P,0., AGENTS WANTED. To sell specialties, in our line.. Samples free; with ontllt, Peculiar facilities' to new beginners. Control of territory. }Info done business lir Canada 30 years. We en..lrloy on tealat y >«ttti se>�sr+Inissinu VWrito for te.rtns_to LliAlBli WROTHElati r c;OAlPANY, $unser man, Cotti,ourin,,Qxr. 7 CU%1 h ObYaVu,i to suit 'the tiI'nes.. CAMERON, • MUR'DOCH & CQs LUCKNOW f,4z. DUNGANNON OK OUT FOR BAR-1.AINS!. • We keep all the best liras in Tweeds, Dross Goods, Millinery,Gloves, llosiery, Co Twice Cttrtaii►s, Etc., Alsofull !line of gents furnishings.' Our- aiin i . to Iva_ you a good article at a reasonable price. RE! HARCY ARE 1 T. Lawrence has just received a futll line of SCYTHES AND STONE T . K �r1,TIS, CRADLES AND FINGERS', , HAY RAKES, FORKS AND FORK HANDLES, I;IOES, POKES, JIA4VEST TOOLS, COAL OIL, MACHINE, BOILED, RAW AND LINSEED OILS, WHITE LEADS, ZINC, WHITi AND ' DRY PAINTS, MIXED PAINTS, ALAEASTINE, GLASS AND PUTTY, WIRE FENCING OF ALL KINDS, RGTILDI tiG PAPER 0. K. DRY, AND ,TAR, ,ROOF. TAR ,PA -INT AND COAL. TAR. WATER PLASTER OF PARIS, LAND PLASTER, LAWN MOWERS, GRINDSTONES, DAISY i CHURNS, WASHING MA.UIIINES, SCFEEN WIRE CLOTII,FLY TRAPS, ,PU1RE PARTS GREEN 110,N Y EXTRACTORS BEE SMOKERS, MONEY CAN'S, .K N IVES, ETC.,. AND A FULL LINE OF TIN AND GRANITE WARE: . BRASS AND ENA11!IELLED' PRESERVING KETTIeES. Fas'et:troughing -done -on the shortest netice at reasonable figures. 'Ropairing” prniPtly ,gttended to _Cask. buyers will .TA.o. --•:— •..., _ i ell to r� Erle- a c ,il befog pu4c sing olsewhere,iskTo 1