Lucknow Sentinel, 1890-08-08, Page 5} salon for. the Caledonia/Is 2'o the Latter of the Sentinel: PEAR SIR,—I meet a lady a week •ag.i from Brussels, and, as i8 always the case about this time of the year 'with people in sister towns, when they '•meet a Lucknowite, she asked if we r • ''tistT liner •ti'l year. assured her we were, and she replied, "I do hope you will have archery." Now nothing is nicer than to see a score or wore handsome ladies dressed - in bright tartans and Scotch bonnets, with their bows and arrows. Tilting ;at the' rin.g•tton, when the competitors appear in their proper costume of knights of the time' of the Crusade is a sight worth seeing. Puttin. the they become monotonous when not hi more attractive is going on at the sant time. By all means let us have archer as well. as tilting tis year. In its earl history it was s ch things Made th Luck:row games popular and there no doubt they would be equally -pop Jar now. SCOTTY. 'The Lutknow SShntinel, (Bruce 0ou1nl, .P rida at h, y. August $th, SCOTCH SHORT HORNS. FARMERS, BREED EARLY MATTTR,- •ing, quick feeding steers for market, by encasing with the Aberdeen Short Horn noted foal their early maturing and rapid feeding g First-class representatives of the above now opular breedin for nim icor' v"' etit�e aa^ Cerins. e�} $3 anosh. Lord Level', t Good Hope, terms , thoroughbreds $8.00. thorough- breds $•4.00 Pedigrees or arades ny other aricu- ars on application. LUMBER FOR SALE. THE UNDERSIGNED BEGS TO IN - het bas"rplaced the inhabitants Portable SawsM Ilsectton on that he east half of Lot 22. in the 18 con. of 'Vest Wawannyh. and is n r wesraf.itav i'tla•+y. ..lrawsllffi".W£s]; !,###'.'am"' :.. «k ieffEl '-.. , :'A: _.-JL. Ki'f..- 1 .. J.19Mtle : S"YN"`100EL'V' JEkdeCP .10 to 20 feet in length, and at the uloweweir str }emis ible FY" 3 • fin er, etc, also kept in stock e or cut•to order. The mill is•iu'charge of Nir. C'. Suwere, sawyer. .A call solicited. Y tf-856 C. PROMS, St. Helens P. O. IE MEN WANTED TO SELL stock. Nu eXpe OUR lee required. SCE tetiNURSEY Outfi.the ts,freear onnd. Write for terms al aLd commence 0; a.t once. Atwood & Company ` 5 mals.- l51• N'ueserytuen, (` &nava, N. Y. AGENTS WANTED - l'890 --VOTERS' LIST -199 +?lllandelpallty lot' the Township of Ashticl County of Huron: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVENTHAT I have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in the third and fourth sections of the "Voters List Act" the copies required by said si-ettion to be so transmitted or dolly orb d of lo• -hs tto t" I)Iirewanth act _ �L-alb persone_ apeeean a said reised Assessment Roll of they said p ity to vote in the sa ' funicipality at elections for members to the egislative assembly and at municipal elect' ons and the said list was first posted up at my oftiee in Dungannon on the 6th day of Aug., 1890, and remains there for inspection. Electors are called upon to examine the said list, and if any omissions or•any other errors are found therein, to take immediate procted- ings to have uta 1 j, , mg O aw. Dated at Dungannon this 6th day of Aug. , '90 WM. LANE. Clerk of 'the said muninipality, 3.863 " Dungannon P. O. • 4 SAVE THE OENTS :AND TIIE DOLLARS WILL SAVE —"iHEirfSELVES. THE BEST WAY TO'i'OLLOW TAIS EXCELLENT ADVICE I8 TO 'Commence Trading With W. J. Brumpton, (Old Pioneer Store, LTJCKNC)W. -The Greatest Value, Me Fines/ Stoca, The Largest Choice DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, 1JNDERWOOL . SHIRTS; READY MADE C1LOTHING, BQQTS ANI) GROES, GROCERIES, In fact everything that is kept in •a general store. , PRICES PARALYZED ! Come and reap the benefit. ,%Ve will be pleased to see you, as oar stock must be reduced to make room forthe EXETER BANKRUPT Which will 'be brought !tree this fall. ' W. yJ. BR(, 1PTON. EXECUTOR'S' SALE FARM IN IN WAWAii1OSH. :o: . PURSUANT TO THE DIRECTIONS for, sale contained in the will of JAMES WILSON' I Deceased, tenders Will be received by the undersigned up to MONDAY, SEPT.1St. 1890. For the purchase of the E„al f of lot num- . bee 20, in the 10th 'coi,ceseien of the TOWNSHIP OF W' WANOSH COUNTY OF HURON, Containing 100 acres more or less, about 65 • acrlis cleared. balance good hardwood Irish. On the premises are a frame dwelling, barn and stable ; orchard it, bearing ; watered by a never failing creek ; good soil., T',e prr'perty adjoins the village of St. Helen's, and ie .6 Mies from Imeknow, 12 :front 1Vbig/aerie and 20 from-Goderieh. TERMS. Cash within 30 days after nntificatian of :-naceptaner_,oLtender,..ni:...i.f._the purchaser_ de:. sires, sl may remain on mortgage of the prem- ises l avable in 5 years at 6 per cent. interest. Possession 1st April next. No 'tender rrecesarily accepted. Further ;ltartieulars and conditions may be had on ap- Wl,ication to Roza. .1 WILSON, R. G. Oirit cr ALTER MoGztsAion, Executors, Whitby,or to LOW & MIILLIVRAY, `$' • )V-endb ' $olicltari, Whlbby,\(Mte TION THILL NURSERIES. LARGEST in Canada. We went reliable, energet- ic men to sell coir Nursery stock ; previous experience not necessary ; any man with tact �� �r- ea etreL-ee d ;lentil—liberal wither salary, _> inenaissiun ;--outfit—free= -_Our" eats have inaiay advantages, such as selling home-grown, hardy Canadian stock; Choic -New Specialties, which are of value; 'and which call only be secured from us, such, as a complete list of New Russian Apples, the Ritson Pear, Sounders Plum, Hilb urn Rasp- berry Meerre's Rnby and—Black Champion Currants, 'Moore's Diamond Grape etc. We have given particular attention to the pr•opo;ation of Hardy Varieties suitable to the nerthtrii sectio BeefeCanaole., For terms apply to STONE & WELLINGTON, Toronto, Ont. WAGON • MAKING HORSE SHOEING ANDS_,.. C E N E RAL CLACKSMITNIC, Adam Thompson begs leave to Atha th inhabitants of Lucknctw and surronndin cou,itry for the liberal patrol,age bestowed o.' him during the last seven years, and wishes g contmuance'of • his old cnstouiers and a tar. share of the new, as he is in a better posi pie t than ever to snpply the wants of the :pubs He always has on hand a stock of Wagons, & Buggies of all kinds, He also will remind them of his far famed SCOTCH ',DIAMOND HARROWS which he alway has on hand and are made the very best material. Parties wanti,.g an thing in this line willdo well. to give him acal and eee•pnces before purchasing elsewhere' Particular attention•paid to ALL KINDS 0f HORSE SROEINC. flatfeet, contraction P, and interfering. Byetrief attention to business, 'gond work manebip • and employing nothing but good workmen, i[ trust to retain the l.atronae kindly ex tt nded to me. ADAM THOMPSoN Clmpbell Strete opposite the Bank - AGENTS WANTED To sell specialties in our line. Samples free, with outfit, •Peci,liar faoilities to new. beginners. •Controleof territory. . Have done business rn Canada 30 years. We employ ,m i salary and commission. Write for ,terms to CJL SE RROTii1IICy' i;Q)lllrii',lNY� .Nurserymen, CoMe eNE, OST. THE LUCKNOW BAtVKIN GCOMP,4Ny (Not Incorporated. ) CEORCE MAiR, PROPRIETOR. ,MONEY TO LOAN -RAFTS ISSUED ON ALL PRIN- 'cipel points.' Cheques, drafts and mortgages cnehed. Notes dieeonnted. Ame'r- icrin currency & American bank drafts or cheques bought or sold. • Interestellowedon deposits from five dollars and upwards at the tate of five per centum per , annum. Money to• lend on farm or village property at the lowest current rates. , Fire insurance, effected in first class stock instil Mice companies only. We have one 200 acre. three 100 acre and two. 50 , acre farms for sale cheap. Office honrs 10 a, m • to 4 p. m G. A. SIDDALL, Manager. • DUNN!S B KINC POWDER -TNECOOICSBESTFRIENO LOOK H F_D„R A H g - - Between seasons—Spring and Fall -is always :a quiet time for business people, and to the farmer Lucknovw .Jul Zoog o FIRE! FIRE! Insure your farm propelY priv ly -se.. e LONDON —I AM MA()ACBE MUTUALF [-CITY MUTUAL AND CITIZENS. 0 . 'E%ice,—A. ROSS harness shop. tucknow. Will be in the office every Saturday afternoon the busiest. It will not do to say that one idle while the other works, and vice Versa, that would. be an unwarranted assertion and unsustained by facts. Let us not forget that the farmer occupies the first __.. P is position.----Who-attends to the production and supply of the necessaries of life ? Who brings labor skill l incl intelligence to his aid, and on whom the county depends . _ Y its advaticeirmirt ? ` cut we also are busily at work. This will give you a. hint. doz. wine glasses, 1 set glassware4. ie ( pieces), # doz. goblets, 1 berry dish (large), 1 fruit dish (large). Your choice of any of the above given free ' on pur- chasing 4 pounds of•our celebrated 25c tea. Gauntleted with.a pair of our 25c,, 40c, .or 45c ha: - 'vest' mitts the harvester defies the ,thistle _and sharp stubble. The first choice is always the best in these goads. 'To harvest tv617..one- musstbe fed 'Well. To this aini good groceries ,tend, and for them we solicit our butter, Y eggs, and cash, feeling confident we will- merit your approbation. It will pay to watch this colurnn. In the I)asj we have announced bargains, and the early and•stea(ly eus- tomers.'have got tem, and we will. continue to do •so. Ey the way, are there any whohave notet received ved our $3 cards ? We want.to get -the August number of elle magazine into our customers' bands,, and will 1 send ' n , parcel of names away next.week. These who want to be included must hurry. YOURS TRULY, ED. L,ASHEI . .N. B.—Fine Effie] point lace on hand. • . ran , gent, Lucknow 111LX-E. SERVICE. x 11 R..THOMAS EDWARD •FINLAY will keep for Service this season, at `Lot 6, Con. 9 Ashfield, his celebrated thorough bred shorthorn bull, Earl Byron. Earl Byrom, bred by Thomas Edward Finlay, Lanes, Ont., got by Highland Chief (imp.), 1257 ; dam Belva Lockwood, 14211, by Baron Lush. 1388; Minilie Warren. 7230, Maid of Raven Hill, 3816,y r' byLothair, ir, 3800 Beauty of the Valley, U46, by Constance's Chil- ton, 100 41. Countess, by ShaRoan mrock 2nd, 8.5by 551; Gazelle, by Splendid, 5298, by Prince Cornet, 8425, bred by Mr. Allenby. Terms $1,25. ori Xc' !i? gr 8484.f. The_ �.COT!— IMMENSE IMnErrsE BARGAzrrs. Raving just received a large consign' ment of Fresh Groceries, Choice family flour, Choice Tobacco, Canned Goods. 'Croc ity, Glassware Teas, Coffees, and Sugars, which will be sold cheap at the Hub Grocery. Goods delivered to all parts of the`vihage, JOHN ELLIOTT' WANTED Men to take orders for Nursery Stodfc, on Salary or'Commission• I can'makea sucesea- ful salesinan of any who will Work or fellow my instrtiotions. Will furnish handsom.A nut - fit free; -and pay your' 'salaryr or cominii;on every week, Write for terrns'at once. E, 0. GRAHAM, Nurseryman, 12-846 Toronto, Ont. DR., CHASES ' Has a world wide .'reputation as. a physician and author His 1liandrmke Dandelion Liver Cure is al triumph of medical skill, cures all diseases of the kidney and liver. ,• SYMPTOMS tit r'W" 1' COMPLAINT l • nh he&� back dull pin or weight in the bladder and base n abdomen ; scalding urine often obstruct,d ; 'frequent desire to urirete especially at nicht., among aged persons , hot, dry skin, pule emu-. plexion, red and whiGe deposits, drop dizziness, sour stomach, conetipatiou, piles, liver sour , swelling, etc R COM SYMPtt`'OMS CP LIVER PHI.IN Td r1nbindee, jun dice, sallow corn plexion, a weary, tired feeling, no lite or energy, headache, dyspepsia, iudigestion,spote pimplon, etc.. • HOW CURE l'tandrake and 15andelion rice nsdn -,' Tette( f citree and when combined with Kidneo rem •, t dies• as in Dr. Chase's Liver Cure, will Mort e positively cure all Aidney-T,iver troubles.. I1, acts like a charm, stimulating the clogee,j liver, strengthening the kidney, and fnvip, ra• ting the whole body. Solei by all dealers at IFI with receipt book, which 'alone rs aer'th th money. Vis• ICION.T.I Y Db, ( ,nse'q lsit�e �al-e the rshly 3ttuey=7,iver P"r117fhjarle: I'hen LLIILV'ER 'act'gen't13 ,y'et effectually; Mav .,. bre tatke1i ' ieing any enable) • • t;cne194r, •rivtiey sire Kn.Tney !Arm troubles, e1Nc �olre,11illeutKieassenstlys.neeeeetc.; Oue put h ulna. Sold by at dealers. Pedro 2fP. .. T. LDMANSOM co., h'tilLD4? ..o ' 7 a, ' .f M.' fi r