HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1890-08-08, Page 4•Trkn tin I. T l;I•B1RTY TO 'p"i''1'la!R AND T? ,ARGUE t.anti4 ACBORDII,IG ro TU$,PICTATE8 OF Cr.917.,p OTBER VIBERTIES. M`t+uc&aow, ,s ugast etas 1880. ar$ Z".Cy fC �6��r�buj .,&'iter'af the Ventinel ; ' nix "Sin -- In the .SENTINEL'S port of the meeting in reference to „on -1VTonday .evening, July 21st, some of -the speakers are reported ,as having a trade remarks,: which, -I thins, deroga- tory to ouriittle village Such expre-s- sions.as ".niggardly, stick in the mud t.�pbI ey,' when applied to the men who {have made Lucknow what it is, does 'not come with very good grace corning atom the -source whence it does. I • • .take your report as it is. I deny that f, the village of Lucknow refused to -accept any established industry in' good nnencial standing. The matter t:K 3 •. .i as never laid before the freeholders, ',who alone are entitled to vote on such "nye Lucknow Sent n ,'i Bruce t ohnty, Priday ,AugustSth Campbell, Alex. McKinnon, Ale ac. Murray,. Alex. McIntyre and others took adve;14age of 1/heir epportUpniee, .No. 4 " otic six -the mudm.people -can- not do every,,hing. The progressive egple .cannot do everything. The progressive ip,ople ought to be up 'and doing (tlaemsslves, they are wealthy, what have they ever done when they have been babbling about the duties of others. ° 1 der ,that +t ee,�_„�, r,., '�ft l,f•-•�L..WIf . 'n "'C177pi�j�'-='nt3'rse8 is LAQkiiow than in other places. Any house fit, for nccu- 'pation, if rented at anything below a usurer's price will not long be empty. "During the discussions it was.shown than neighboring towns less favorably. situated bad outstripped us." I am sorry your report is not wore explicit in this. I would laketo know who showed it, how he showed it, and what towns they were. New there is not a a ,.r EP i.DUR. EYE ON THISI fl ._:. • ne>14, *er x., intlirra011 . WM, seems on I The :Fest in ,'fie Market, Bt7ILDEItS AND PAISTEILS BUPPLIE$ •� b. There ._is Ki'mar li-ae,�to-our ort there is Goderich to our South, there is Wingham and Teeswater to our East, These will ,suffice to show how we are '-situated" as compared with our neighbors. What natural advant- age has Lucknow except the nine mile creek, a stream that is almost dry in summer. Everyone • of these other places has a river with a sufficient sup- ply of water to run a number of large factories. Goderich and Kincardine are both older than we are, the former nearly double our age, the latter a number of years. So that they had already outstripped us ere we he;an. • questions. True, a 'meeting was held,. than P _ -- . .they an get ccro we have, that is can :pit at it neither the representative of when our shippers cannot, .they also a the inetustr�v—nor-phis friend „civ -1 weer rates, they have seven orward to show the financial standing months out of twelve of lake naviga- pf, the ;.concern, Had they in. the tion, and after all how much better rl, lightest degree offered the same se- ate they than they were twenty years s •eurity'to Lucknow, which they did to ago. ' They have better Rail Rjad facilities Salt will ' keep anythinr from ineardine, (for 1 take this to 1 e the kl, Ilei!hboring town referred to,) no r, tdciiabt the,council of Lucknow would bare s . omitted a By-L,w ' and the 'w'"'ricC !rave carne At th.e same as they, have always done r*in like.n'ases as witness their share of ;tx»E`h*e-Rail Road, the School, the Town 'all arid the Water -works By -Laws. Ak"`� the .expression of the meeting :,•stetded .to 'show that Luck.now j;;lhtld ,nolt'' made the . most of her *,opportunities," ., 1 • do not care what 4tbe expression of the meeting may +7tiave been, but I do not admit but deny that Lucknow-has in any riearked degree, neglected any opportunities. ,,.;,9.0a. the contrary these- very nien who are now assailed Mitten of a'•niggardly, ti'tiek in the tnud policy," not only -took 'a.Ovantage of everyopportunity, but , hunted up, found, and •made oppor- . iictun.ity, , spending much of . their own ,; prival;e cash in the publie interest. In 1871 the Rail Road agitarion wasbefore the people. Kinloss had al- oltrieady voted a bonus of $15,000, but it riwas ,,found necessary to. .group the jiTow?? s atf' . Moon, Kinloss, and -Kincardine. The opponents of the :;scheme., raised the cry, th$t.-Ktnloss. 'ttoirlif.`be saddled for both bonuses, but t;'wo,. men of the "stick in the mud" l ;aCess catne to the rescue and gave their' Lind to the Township for $15,0.00, :The two gentlein'en are well known, ,they have lived a long time here, hong <•b•sfore •this advanced generation was thought of, and strange to say, they have done inu.ch for Lu,know in their ':time. I Bill just give. their initials. M. C. and J. S. How many of this "progressive-travel-on-paVAHaent" class would become personally liable .under ., similar circumstances and how many, :•townships would _accept their •bond if stbey did. Had these men, and many others, not done what :they did at that time, ,and many ,weeks 'before, what is Lacknow station, would be five ;.,.miler to the•north •ef• us under a differ - ..ant name,' " We have not made the; most of our oppontuntties." In what way have we. _mot -i We have--.-t.v Tr , ;streams of water running through our ..corporatioan' on which there are four' sites, no two being more than a 1':.quarter of a .utile apart, all these have 'been utilized. There is the grist mill -which in its •early daiye in all likeli- ' hood supplied pap for semi of this go ahead generation in their infantile days, which ' appeased the hunger of many a, weary settler. There is' the -woollen mill, which, for • the last twenty .years or more, has clothed the could and the naked. Have these, or )r have these not been any use to Luck mow? Then there is the saw mill, and besides these at great expense, Mr, :James Somerville built end equipped ,:a fainting mill factory and a sash and ,door factory, that they -did not prove success cants no .reflection on the ,promoter. They were /opportunities. which he took ,advantagof. Then a hPrfi.._avet+e tleese who-_.lxu-i.lt .build'.. And took t toga hair �oha.nnes of gehtinq ftknants for them at a paying rent. If. .athese come under the category of op - p lQrtunitjet, then sucbrne t,;as 11f iilaoltn pork down to even such places as Goderich and Kir,cardiiie.Wingham and, Teeswater entered the race about even with Luoknow and u _ `_ ' Iron o the L. H. & B. railway Luck- rro•w held the lead. 1 venturce to say that so far as railway construction is concerned Wingham is geograph:cally better situated than Luckhnw, . It was during the building of this road and on its completion that Winehain took her "boom." Previous to this she had trot and for .some tisne after she did- not beaus, any industry. With the advent of this road, came a large number .of permanent residents in the way of railway employees, conductors, brake - !nee, baggage men, express and .post office clerks. These came from the city and many of their friends followed, and with • them cane city habits and customs which gave the town a more attractive appeat•ance. Then her close proximity 'to • the C. P. R. gave her great opportunities which we do not possess. To ray wind, no place in the Province has had greater opportunities for advancement than Wingham, and no plane has taasde poorer use of these opportunities. Wingliam ought to be one of the largest towns in western Ontario. Curring to Teeswater ; here is a village about our own, size. Like us'it is situated i,r the heart of a tine farming country ; . no market nearer thein on the north tha~ri Walkerton, 12 wiles away ; on the east, Wroxeter about the same distance,; on the south Wtngharn 9 miles frout it ;• ori the west, Lucknow or Ripley 16 or 17 miles distant. Only in being the centre of a tine fanning p uimunity and in being distant froiu competing markets, Lucknow , and Teesw'ater are situated .;n even terms. Teesw;,ter's' water- power. is superior to ours. • It is the termilius of the C. P. R the muni- cipal capital of Culross township, is the headquarters of the 6th Division Court, and yet its general stores or groceries will not compare with ours. Its hardwares do not ui'tke anything like the display that Lawrence or. .Taylor. _& P i 41. de, and as 'for Drug stores every one knows Berry & Days' is one of the best out side . the cities. The same may he said of John M u r- chison's hook and jeweilry store. Then our Agricultural society 'is away ahead -of thein. Intact in everything we are their equal and in many things their superior. Now, Mr.• Editor, 1 den't want you or your' readers to understand that I am opposed to fostering industries, much less this loan to Messrs. Cliff& Forster in whom we ought to have confidence. When the by-law is submitted, if spared and in good health, I with be .en hand to .vote for it. My object in this leiter is to shom them that ru•lrning down the past policy of the town is nu way to },dill it up. The slily twaddle that these, chronic grumblers talk is as brainless as it is unfair to men who have served the village in the best way they, cottld according their Tight. 1 close with . the old Scotch saying "Its an ill bid etc." TI'bank>,ng you for your space I aw yours, r. DO�T"1�T Cg3L�.1P -AT SUMMER - SEASON - 1890. Our various departments, DRY GOODS F , GROCERIES, BOOTS AND SHOES, H &.TS _AND__ . CAPS, CROCKERY & GLASSWARE. --"1( 1 READY MADE CLOTHING, ETO. Will be found complete, full of specialties • p cialtles anal prices to suit the CAMERON, MURD'OCH- & CO, LU,CKNOW &&,DUNGANNON — _—' OK OUT FOR BARGAINSI • • We keep all the best lines in Tweeds, Tress Goods Millinery,�' doves, nosiery; Corsets. Lace Curtains; _ Etc. - Also fall line of gents . furnishin sOur ` is- �' afro! ,O give you a good article at a reasonablep rice. W CO .E ROM/ARE HA T. Lawrence has just received a full line of SCYTHES AND STONES, SNAT71S, CRADLES ' AND FINGERS HAY 'RAKES, FORKS AND FORK HAND LES, HOES, POKES, HARVEST TOOLS - COAL OIL, MACHINE, r3OILED', RAW AND LINSEED OILS, WI-IITE LEAD ZINC, WHITE AND DRY PAINTS, MIXED PAINTS, ALAI3ASTINE GLASS ANI) PUTTY, WIRE FENCING OF ALL KINDS, BUILDING PAPER O. K. DRY, AND TAR, ROOF TAR PAINT AND COAL TAR, WATER LIME, PLASTER OF PARIS, LAND PLASTER, LAWN MOWERS, GILINI)STO . ES CHURNS, WASHING MACHINES, ES, SCREEN WIRE ,L r ,DAISY TRAPS,I PURE PARIS GREEN IIONEY' EXTRACTORS BEE SMOKERS, HONEY CAWS KNIVES, ETC., A AVD A FULL LINE OF TIN AND GRANITE WARE, BRASS .. AND EN.AMELLEra_ PRESE-PV1N-(1i_. KETTLES- -_. Eave troughing done on the shortest 'netice at reasonabl©y fi. , lvepairin •promptly •. attended to. Cash buyers will do well to give mea call before purchasing elsewhere, T': OS. z'-42‘.*Vira3Nc a , z-crcarzTqw O'i'l. 1 F, T ;t- ACI Ut aI1 nee ad; tui 20