Lucknow Sentinel, 1890-07-25, Page 8•
ni! NKI.w}�'n; F' 1ru'.�m�t}4 j'4+;a•4.
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. The Lucknow .Sent net, Bruce unl* FriUty►i JuIS, 25th.
,H91is 8 g,"m..1o, 7 p. tn. .
M41L olay .
W: G. sr B"fi 11tltn ' 6:13 a, m,' • Daily
I IL ft 'tiignhi 12•"
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Oento9� rme�glla�i911,00.1
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44.• 8 G"l .m. lti
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14, H.:&B., South f
L H,i &.B. South i0.0044. ref
lift G.& B. North 340p4 m•
Hiilyrood) *XI 11:14•4.
14/119P,, R'
s an
every 60 ilGPuo€ wheattnomater what
it play test.,. -Geo. Enos.
Stanley's Wedding
The wedding of Henry M. Stanley
and Miss Dorothy Tennant took place
oil July 12th in Westminster Abbey.
Mr. ,S,tanley•showed the effects of the
illness by Which he was attacked on
Friday, and. he was compelled to use a
Notice to Farmers. .
Owing to a very great improv• ement
in . the water power of the Irucktgow
Roller, Mills, which . will enable me to
run by water about nine months in the
year, a very great reduction in running
expenses of the mill, no woods no
engineer to pay for, to benefit the far-
mers with light wheat in the future if
, li, a
return of 50 lbs. of flour an in
. it arge ' .Ni tclut11p two.
Just before the-conolgeiont,of a re-
cent quoit• match, one of„the spectators
slitlimed up the situation, in so far -as.
,was cpnger ed, in , the„.+following.
original . dog latiiin.t.3 U , !ttumpus, in
s.►prt ,nap us,' eon +440, aaimdtubus.. Give
fire translation. •
• Tiie,Qhild's`Name is WilliOm
,Mr. H. Wedow, aformr resident of
Wisrton, but now of Lion's Head, was
probably one of the happiest men. ,we
met while on the excursion to that
place .on the 12th. He became that
morning ,the father of a bouncing boy
and has name., him King William..—
Wierton Echo.
.Splve This
Here is aj conundrutoia t& in .by, ane
-..= ' n._,_ e>i-a'r-dsitve' a wo h
41,” at the end of the first mile of a
p , given distance, $2, at the end of the
second mile, $5, arid at the end of the
• ifautth Mile, with ,2160 paces the
s'"M Mile how much sandwill there be in e,
'4't ;• Man's boots at the end of,sik miles. Ex.
`rA A
TiqKS,Thetrt• h i Tfmte. •
Al..; l3 tipfi , paper opposes woman
'' this a "Women", it
• i!titnarlcs, "have allthei; necessaroqual-
jtieu to make good men but they
must give their time and attention to
it while the men are boys." That is
true ; every ' wise mother can do a
great deal toarards ,nuking good men
out of her boys:
Improving the ,Seita sl
'Tea trtutto;tf' a w” 7, Kinloss,
Mr.,liaattne teacher, are refitting their
school.1 The gold benches are being •re-
faced b thettv,est i , roved '"perfect
p � Y�� mP .u,.
auturatic'4• , sane*i .wl; taeen. at
Mr. .D, , Muteh ,;a, 'through:, wham
4lfe: rieats were ;procured. They are.
a,,wonderffisditance indeed on . the
accommodation of° " ' ur school days
Mr.. McKay says hebelieves in being.
4 to the tints...
• (tend Oender't••,
A grand concert is to be held' in the
Town Hall, '. Lucknow, on Thursday,
J i ly A st„-•in aid of - the funds..for.. the.
retrov:Lti aa,:9£>Sii fRoter's..rhrte h. The
bast t:dent of Lucknow will take part
its the concert. The services of 'Miss
Lilly, Evans, elocutionillt,c ani i the
Misses Walkerel Kincardine, have
• been secured., The entertainment bids
fail; to; be•;it{*s,trucive as well as pleat: -
aut. Admission 25 vents.
Cheap Disinfectant
It is said that a very safe, cheap and
effective disinfectant for summer is
ordinary bl uestone (sulphate of copper).
Dissolve in water in proportion of two
pounds to a pailful. Sprinkle this
freely every ° three or four weeks in
places required. Tlitittavil1' keep down
various niuigr dieeasea which are dis-
tiactly due tttg ticanf hence, as well
.as'those mute severe forms which pros -
ti ate the. tysteni and cj,dan get; life.
from the altar. e a ey was
crowded with..friends of the.bride and
groom.,, One of our. prominent, celebrei
ties in town is said to have been invit-.
'ed, but through pr issuee of private
engagements was unable to attend.
The Duluth Regatta;.
The first day of the Duluth -Super
for regatta, was a great success, and
was witnessed by thousands of specta-
tors. The professional double scull
race was the crowning event The
distance was two miles and the prizes.
to the winning crew $1000, :second
$550, third $350. The race was most
keenly contested from start to finish,
and was won in the following order :
Gaudaur and McKay 1st, Teenier and
H'osmer 2nd Hamm and Ten Eyck 3rd,
Haman and Wise 1_a st. Hanslan lost
both of his oars a/ few hundred, :yards,
from the finish.
.What an Exchange Says
Luckeow is surely a dull village; as
read what ti' SENTINEL has to say
"Not so many years ago it was prophe-
- ed • i . c
SENTINEL for 1875 will show it) that
grass would grow on the streets of
Lucknow and the prophecy is toeing
remarkably, verified this year:" -Exeter
Tinges. Brother, through tiuprn eve
• pect to have our principal streets hut-
rn.proved:. ley • beautiful lawns, as they
already are by groves of trees. But
if you follow your motto and "hew to ,
the line" at this rate Exeter may
beccnne a chip yard.
' A/iemarkahle Figure .
The most romantic of all' the num•
hers is the figure 9, because it can't be,
multiplied away, or got rid of anyhow.
•1t( do it is as sure to turn
%Iagain as was the body of Eugene
Aran's via tin', /Otte,,' reruarkable
property of the figure (ate • to have
been discovered by W. Green who died
in 1849) is, tl at all theaugh tale mul-
tiplief.tion table the preiet of 9 comes
' to 9. Multiply by what you like and
it Dives the same result. Begin with
tvy 9,,18 ; aticl alis is together,
and 1 KOa 9, ` T iree"times 9
are 27; and 2 anal,if' ;make 9. So it
goes up to 11 times.9,.,whiolisives 99.
9 are
Brery and go a StN L>tt Quo
pd 't$ QP any
'Went. its i i�nible,to get rid off It is hard to believe that we have, in
the BRuta s a couple chi iustan- !Aur midst a person so fiendish, as to
col at rap**. Three handred and 4elight in the destruction of property
thirty nil timet 9 are 3,051.; add up Land endangering the lives of. fellow
• 3.,1 ate they.. are . 9.. Five citiz ns but this fire can be accounted
nn+l seventy one tim s 9 ' are for n no other Way, We 'siirind the
• 9a the sum of these digits is 27 -note of warning "Be sure your sin
and if are 9. The first two] , wi , fi ii you out," and from the senti-
'nn:ike 9 ; the sPennl two make. ' • •' • pressed by many there will be
ld`'te last figure is 9. no me cy and very summary ju.tic¢.,
what •
Off for the Holidays
A large number of our citizens , are
off for the holidays.. Last week Ree ie
Bryan, Mr. G. W. Berry and family, •
Mr. D. W.. Hays and Mrs. Hays,. Mr.
J: W. 13rutnpton, andMr .'trumptcin'
left for a trip to Vie ",Soo": On Tues-
c'av Mrs. Mill rand Miss Ellie Miller
le. t for the Mlyckinaw Excursion; and
De. Eiliot•t and Mrs. Elliott for a trip
by water, including.,the Soo;, Port
Huron,, Detroit, Cleveland, Erie,,.
Buffalo, Niagara Falls and Torontq.
We wish them all so much pleas1re
that they -will be satisfied to exeimss
ttiet se7>tiin`e'►;rts.u. the.'nld,old:couplet'
"Oyer land and,sea we may roam,
S#ai11+ will we cherish thee„our.pwndetr
Stye Was the.Best Mari bf the Twg,
When , trade grew slack, ay>yd,'1.ail.11
fell due, the tradesman's, face grew
long and blue ; his (Ireamr were
troubled through the night with sher-
iffs' bailiffs all in sight. 'At last his
wife unto him said, "Rise up,a►t once,
get out of bed, and get your paper, ink
and pen, and say these words unto all
glen : 'My •goods i wish to sell, to you,
-and to your wives atid'daughters too ;
my pripes very low, that all will
buy before they go.' " He did as his
good Wife advised; and ii the paper
advertised. Crowds carte and bought
of all he had; -his bills•were paid, his
dreams were glad ; and, he will tell
yon to Mita day how well did printer's.
int repay. He boasteth, with a know-
ing wink; 'how: he was saved by
printer's ink. °
Attempted Incendiarism
About half past nine on Sunday
evening last•, fire was noticed on the
stairway, at the rear of Mr. Grenache's
store. The alarm 'was given and tite
firemen p •omptly .on hand, half the
throwing on of earth and a few pails
of - water had extinguished the fire
before their arrival -On examination
the steps and sides of the stairway
were found! to bn,satu rated With coati,
oil and had the fire got a headway,
ittost disasterous.might have been the
result. as the tiro was started in the
itiost dm. emus . I >i►rt of the tow
• iIfo Paper . / t Week,
As is easterner', witi country papers,
we purpose taking a holiday next week.
The next issue of the SENTINEL will be
Aug. 1st. The 'office, however,
be open for job work as usual"
Therfollowing, is a school boyrs com-
position on an editor : An editor is a
man whose business it is to investigate
a nusepaper. He writes editorials,
grinds out poetry, inserts deaths and
weddings. sorts out 'manuscripts, keeps
a wastebasket, blows up the "devil",
steals matter, fites oat other people's
battles, sella his paper for a dollar a
year, takes white beans, deed limbs, •
and apple-sas for pay when he can get
hours out pf-24, haz no Sunday, gets
cursed by everybody, lives poor, dies
middle• aged and sometimes broken
hearted, leaves noamunv, and is re-
warded for a life of-toi1i y a short, free
obituary' in a nuseiaper.
There is not the slightest need of
sunstroke if simple prii,ciplea- of health
are observed. the fact is that most
sunstrokes• come from excessive heat
within the body, superinduced, by the
consumption of too heating food and
the drinking of intoxicants, or too
much ice water when overheated from
exertion or exposure. The carrying of
a wet handkerchief or a cool. large leaf
within the hat it an easy protective.
It is also easy to walk instead of hurry-
ing ---through- the street -oma --hot day.
It ,is . better to diminish the amount
and the -.temperature of t.ibds' and to
eat less meat and more vegetables and
good fruits. ` Milk is the best hot
weather drink, but it should •not be
iced. As for iced water, the prohibi-
s.,sheial a , A _ - • v
its ravages. It is as intemperate to
drink it in hot, weather as to drink
whisky in cold ; and it would he hard
to say which does the greatest harm.'
—Chicago ffei'ald, • .
.1. inform the farmers of this section t1
he willM1keep for st:rv;ei, thia3'seas w, at Lot 11
in the,8th con. of the eastern dixision of Ash-
field, a superior bred short-hurn bull, "Red
FEMUR'EE :-Red Bismairk is red, calved
March 8, 1889, bred by William Maliough,
Dungannon, Ont., got by Wallace (imp) 2752,
dam Annie 8430, by Young Springwood Prince
2nd 2889 ; Lady Harper 2ad 6630, by 2nd
1'=ikai Chief 1782 ; L»d^,r He='Per 6629, by
Grand Duke 675 ; Rose 18334 )►y Royal Duke
of GW ter 1035 ; Maggie 1429, bit . Lord of
Lune (imp) 155 (16428) ; Qn.,en of the West.
1Z51, by Victor 1136 (12268) ; Daisy 823. by
Halton 684 (11552), Lavinia 4th 1342. by Duke.
Wellington (imp) 91 (36 4) ;Lavinia '2nd.
3310 by Alexander limn) 6 1111099) . Lavinia,
(imp) 299, by a son of Scopio (142'►„ by Ery-.
holwe (1018), by Sun of North Star (450.
TEitais.-$100. Thoroufihlwed same price...
Belfast, Ont.
L igkG t Gies/mit Prizes,}
't get t
as ere,
iisi Dan. W
-Canards Fred)
Thehit P _
was a fizzle.
Caster's Last Battle
The great war painting, "Custer's
Last Battle," has been secured by the
Detroit--Cyeiorama__ Company,. and is
now on exhibition. It •was. opened
first to the public on June 30th, and
since that time thousands have visited
it and all have expressed the opinion..
that in realism and g. ,neral finish it
surpasses the forrper e$hibit, "Battle
of Atlanta." The scene is strikingly,
real,` depicting. one of the most terrible
battles ever know: ° in the histgry. , of
Indian warfare, showing preciselyathe
spot where theallant Custer and,; his
faithful followe�s were cut to pieces by
a howling horde of savage Indians, on
the banks of the Little • Big -Horn.
There is also a complete collection, of
Indian :relics valued at,maray thousand
dpllars,,;which alone is 'well worth the
price .(.1 adrriissiOii." People who 'are"
contemplating a visit to Detroit,
should not neglect seeing "Custer's
Last Charge," which they will most
assuredly find interesting and instruct-
ive. Cyclorama corner Bates _and
Larged. Sts , Detroit,,.
Ingenious, Rogues
What wonderful ingenuity is; spree -
times displayed by rogues. Saturday
night James Williams, a bartender
from Buffalo, entered the drug store of
Angus Matheson, 157 King 'street
,west; Toronto, and asked the proprio-,
tor to give him a $10, bill, for •,$10 in
silver.. Mr. Matheson„ produced the
bill, and the visitor laid a handful of
silver on the counter. "I wan't to
.mail this," Williams said as Me. Math
eson proceeded to count the change
and found that there was only -$9 in
the pile. Williams seethed tai ' be'sur-
prised, and • said he thought he had
been given $l to silver at the Albion
Hotel. He retartied-'the;,envelope 'to
the druggist saying "I will go over
and have it fixed." Mr., Matheson,
suspecting that all was not,, right,
opened the envelope and found it
empty. He • at •once informed the
authorities, and at 11:30 Williams and
a colleague were arrested on' board the
Detroit expreis. ,It is to he regretted
that • men who are evidently very
clever do not turn their talents to
some good account, jinategd of beeom-
ing rogues and beings sent.#o prison.
—Buffalo held very successful 'Cale-
donian Games pn Saturday.. A large
number of proiuine,at Canadians, and
Canadian athletes ware present.
Among the athletes. were the old
timers, Charles Currie, J. D. 'Wilier,
son, E. W. Johnston, , and Archie
Scion into -e rried-" otl' nearly Ell the -
prizes. The greatest feat. of the day
was throwing the light stow a by Ohas.
Currie, distance 54 feat, 8 inches,
*early 10' fee,tAteyond 411, cone itors.
worthy business without any possible
chance of loss. Steady employment and
coi,tr,Tl of territory, Have done business in
Canada 30 YE A RS. Liberal pay to the
right' man. to sell our unexcelledy Nursery
Stuck. Send for terms.
-Nurserymen, C:oiaBORNE, QNT,
L A:
:White Straw Hats at half
-:- I WANT A LIVING. -:-
anoo,unce to the,, people of Lackuow aud_surrouut1itag country, that any
coming to me having their teeth out, that I will put in two sets of teetly,
for the pri;e of one set, $15, made of the very bestmaterial in the world.,'.
useaao rubber but C. ASH .& SONS; Lom'on, England. The teeth will be
C:. Ash.i Sous, and S, S. White's, coo ceded by all who are in the. '
business to be • -
Those firms have their names on their goods, and .the people cttn see whaMrthey...'
are getting, and as I use nothing but the best reaterial, I will guarantee sat-
isfaction to all reasonable people, the unreasonable and there era a few
such in the world, will please bear,in miaul that I don't want their trade
I can always be found at Dr. McCrimmon's office, , Lapknow.
A. PATTERSOi , L' cl ow.
uo1now leading Photographer
Is as usual ahead in the finest styles and positions fir photos. -
Finest retouched and burtished, $1:60
to $3 per doz. Cards $1: to $2kper doz.
HQ .aiso keeps a large stoci stock of spectaiIesy, especially, •
the well-known
` A T. I.A.. A.,1
.•—. ---_. 'also deAds- in. -,Be'.. Keepers supplitit,
books, statione, albums, frames and fancy goods.
,+e> Umbo the stu toy E. Li Johnston' old 4pttpI, I ;,,;
or to•..eid'a' bakery., ,