HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1890-07-25, Page 5L'O, aI Wreath Cnri ers •The -crops look a little"more promis- ing this year than for the last few years. Mr. Thos. Smith and A. G. Smith of' thi3 place, left on Monday, July 8th to spend a'few weeks w' • Jo Bees seem to he the leading feature of the day, ruostot•the farmers around here had one, and some of those that "•didot have one were kicked in the face by therrear''.end Atone. '.Miss Jean .Murray, of Lv:cknow, spent a day or so with friends around the corners. The foot -ball catches grief from the. - • riccount of busy times and hot weather t that it will noon be laid aside, until Dater on in the season. The farmers •rare tiasy at their hay, some of them are •-•a t through while others are just •nice y started, It appears to be..a very .-.good crop this year, 'a little above the Average. the "L,ucknOW Sentinel, Bruce'Cp urity, Friday, Julr25t1i, SCO'r'c H SHORT HORNS. T1ARMMERS, BREED EARLY M 1t fog, uick feeding steers for market,'byCraning withthe Aberdeen Short Horn noted for their early maturing and rapid feeding qualities. First-elaaripmert4a0, fu '`bx>reednig, for service at . Gaunt'e ai i eon, 12 West Wawanosh, Lord- Lovell, terms. grades 33 00, thoroughbreds 88.00. Good Hope, terms, grades $1.50, thorough- breds $4.O0. Pedigrees or any othei pardon - are on application. LUMBER FOR SALE. rwWE UNDERSIGNED BEGS, TO IN - 1 form th. inhabitants of this section that he . has placa,i a Portable Saw Mill on the east h ft 0 LOOK HE iTii% LOogl JR: I tFIRE! FIRE:. Insure dhr fa .� Entrance Examination 'The following is a list of the success- ful candidates who tried the entrance examination at Dungannon : Maud Brown; No. 8, Ashfield 391 Susie Cooke, +4 409 is - Naomi Davidson ' " 398 . Erma Lowry •' 370 .`.Lily McLean '4 432 _Bert Potter -----.-.:. 475 Fannie Gray, • No. 6, Ashfield 407 ti McConnell c" ,,494 late McGrory, No. 16, Ashfield 390 Mary Matheson, No. 7, Ashfield 461 David Baynes, At 472 William Quinn, " .396 ,; S. J. Kilpatrick, No..9, Ashfield .367 Charles Stuart NQ,3,W,Wawanpsj� 'Albert Woods, 14 431 C. E. McKenzie; No..2, " 412 • 1".110-114111. Dungannon: Miss Mary Stuart, of Lucknow, and fformerly of ,Dungannon; is visiting . friends and former acquaintances here, :.and seems to enjoy herself We are being reminded of.the grim. visitor, death. Mrs. Whyarcj, relict, of• the deceased Nathaniel Whyari, died on Monday, 14th inst., aped 88 years. Her remains were interred in Dungan.. non cemetery, on Wednesday, i 6th' inst. ' 'In connection with the above we might note .a strange coincidence.' .Her husband died on the same day of the week, as also the same day of -the uonth. The obsequies were conducted; , I by Rev. A. Potter. -Con. • The Printer A printer is the roost curious being living. He may 'have a bank and quoins, and may not. be worth a penny; have small caps and neither wife • nor children. Others may, run fast, but • he gets along swiftest by setting fast He may be making impressions without eloquence ; may use the lye without offending, and. bytelling the ti u#'h ; while others cannot stand whentheyset, he can set scandi-ng, and even do both at the same time.; use furniture, and yet have no dwelling ; may make and put away pi and never see a pie, much less eat 'it,. during his fife; be a human being, and 'a ,.rut at the • same time ; may press a good' deal, and not ask a favor; may handle a s/tooting frost, and know nothing about a cannon,gun, st< or 'pi � He may move the lever that moves i a world, and .yet be as far the Use of the mower prevents the seed- Cut o now prepare o sum y the public with all kinds of lumber from 10 to 20 feet in length, and at the lowest possible prices. Frame timber, etc. also kept in stock or cut to order, The; mill is in charge of Mr. C. 6uwers, sawyer. A call solicited. " tf-856 C. THOMS, St. Helens P. 0. MEN WANTED TO SELL OUR CHOICE NURSEY stook. No experience required. Steady work the year round. Liberal pay guaranteed. Outfits free- Write for terms and commence a: once. Atwood & Company, 5 mos. -851. Nurserymen, Geneva, N. Y. AGENTS WANTED- F0MRILL NURSERIES. LARGEST in Canada. We want reliable, energet- ic men to sell our Nursery stock ; previous experience not necessary ; any man with tact and energy can succeed. -r tonna liberal, either salary, or commission.; outfit free. Our agents have many advantages, such as selling .home-grown, hardy Canadian stock. Choice New Specialties, which are of value, and which can only be secured from us, ,such as a complete list of New Russian Apples the Ritson Pear•, Saunders Plum, Hilborn Apples, Moore's Ruby and Black Champion Currants, Moore's Diamond Grape etc. We have givenparticular attention to the lar�pQ•ation-c1,1.,rd'y Varieties-suit-Aie -h•� northtrn.sections of Canada. For terms apply to STONE & WEL'LINGTON, Toronto, Ont. WAGON MAKING HORSE SHOEING • ---AND C ENE RAL - BLACKSMI-TH:IN-C: -:0: Adam Thompson begs leave to tha bb. , inhabitants of Lncknow and surroundin : couatryfor the liberal patronage bestowed o• . him during the last seven years, and wishes F coatinuance of his old customers and a tax, share of the new, as he is in a better positioir than ever to supply the wants of the pubs He always has on hand a stock of Wagons S Buggies ne,ll kinds, He also will remind them of his 'far famed SCOTCH DIAMOND NARROWS which he alway has on hand and are made the very bast material. ]'artier wantii.g an thing in this line will do well to give him acal and'. see prices before purcha,ing elsewl ere Particular attention paid to ALL KINDS OF HORSE SHOEING. 8atfeet .ncntraetinnF,an interfering. Ly strict atter4ion to business. good wo,•1- m:!nFhip and emplovin•- -bbl 4 but good wo kmcn. t trust ' Abe ace ,a s 'tonna '..iud'y exiamle � y sale' e$ @ear rebj ding the' A cO*1*hi Oa rret readily (7•ampbel l 15 trete o ppo:,i to c ,.1St. Louis vett: . ' Farm Notes. is when the seed is produced .that the is. taxed moat severely in production. is important that • the oorn-orib. be red ort and'fumigated so as to destroy dots. ata can never be driven, away perms -4 ply as long as there are harboring pldoes them. • from movingthe lobe As a bo with of weeds C t d wn.all growth in the g g bble fields ..his nose under is 'mole hill ; spreadVire screens in the atable 'windows to sheets without being a housewife ; help' out insects will en'itble tired horses bo t better at ni. may ley his formlon. a bed, and yet lei large scarleth comb indioatesll that the .. `obliged to sleep on the floor; he may, is laying. All healthy fowls ehonld • i, use the t without shedding 'blood, and'e bright -red combs. from the earth may handle the ' * *' * ;icier, alfalfa closely Dropped if the weeds he. may be of a rolling disposition, and growing among i$. In this manner the yet never desire to travel ; he may ids will be killed, .while the alfalfa 'never be without, a case , and knew omen stronger. � .he popularity of the Merino sheep is nothing of law' or physic ; be al ways rely doe to the fact that it is an active ' correcting his 'errors, and growing Iger and- that a Urger number, can be :-� _ .s t together than of any other breed. worse every. day ; have em witho ,ever havingthe arms of a lase et mnoh enthusiasminegu over new varieties' ietimea ends in diegrret. No new variety aroun im ; have his form lodged up;,' Id be used in plane of the old until' it • and at the same time be free from '1 , gaol, watch house, or any other con- tii.ement. -A poor country critter and his wife) were awakened one night by a noise at their window. "Just think," said life wife, with a• subdued laugh, "of a bur- glar coming here expecting to find something!" "Hueli;" whispered the editor, "Tet him climb in, then t will give a 'yell and it may cause him to drop something he has stolen elsewhere."' --The next quarcerlry meeting of the Methodist *arch, Lucknow, wild be ° held. next Sabbath The pastor will be assisted by the Rev. A. Potter, Dun- gannon., , He will pr."each at 11 a. m. and 16:30 p. m. Love Festival at .9145 ,BULL FOR SERVICE. C,. N R AA i" ED.. BRASHER. Between seasons_Spring and Fill -is always a 'quiet time for business people, and to the farmer the busiest. It will not do to say that one 18 idle while the other works, and vice versa, that would. ,be an unwarranted assertion and unsustained by facts. Let us not forget that the farmer occupies the first position. --Who attends to the production and supply of the necessaries of lifa ? Who brings labor, skill and •intelligence to his aid, and on whom the country depends' and! of wore hone • It fere the' The mote ever the is 'a Vida deoe gran gone time her her. hue you :0: ri'1HE 'UNDERSIGNED WILL KEEP L for service this Reason et north balt Lots 53 and 54, in the 1st cunmession o`. Kinloss, his superior bred Shorthorn Bull "Solomon," :NM -mu; :--'Solomon, is red, calved ,Tune 20th , 1888, bred by Thomas Anderson., Dun- gannon,. Ont. got by Wallace (imp) 2752, dam Minneltaha,.f�y 1)oubledee 4811; Primrose, by Ureteric' Dhu, 3801. ; Jennie, 1165, by Nile Duke, 474 ; Maid of the Forest, 1455, by Johsi A. McDonald, 721 ; Mayflower, 1511, by Alfred 304 ; Eva; 981, by Soutor Johnny, 1083. 1� kifenre Nightingale, 1067, by Young Cambridge, ; Lady Elgin, 1252, by l>alli- more 463 ; Eliza, 956 by Duke, 484 ; Count- ess 2nd 783, by Leopold, 701, Conritess 1st' 782, by Son of Comet (imp), 233, (155) ; Prin. cess (ire��p) 419, by Son of Lancaster, 360, by a son of Windsor, 698. TERMS :--•$1.,25 ; thoroughbreds, $15.00. • RODEIRICK GOLLAN, 8„, • 'Amiga) iv, P. 0. for its advancement ? But wee, also are busily at work. This twill •give you a hint. ' '' dot.' wine glasses, 1 set glassware (4: pieces), . 'doz. goblets, 1 'berry dish (large), 1 fruit dish (large). Your choice of any -of the above 'given free on pur- ohasmg 4 pounds of our celebrated 25c tea, - Gailntleted with a pair of our 25c, 40c, or 45c har- vest mitts the harvester defies the thistle. and sharp stubble. The first choice is always the best in these' goods.` To harvest well one must be fed well. To this aim good groceries tend, and for them we solicit your butter, eggs, and cash; feeling confident we will merit-, your approbation. It will pay to watch this column. In the past we have announced bargains, and the early and steady cus- tomers have got them, and we will continue .to do so. LONDON IVIVTUAL. -I AM ALSO''-AAti NT •-P - CITY .tl�.l .0 U 1 UAL �. J. J. AND CITIZENS. Office, -A. ROSS harness shop, Lnekno'r. 4ieo. Grant, Agent, Lncknow BULL PdRSERVICE. x IUFR. THOMAS EDWARD FINLAY lel will keep for service, this season, at Lot 6, Con. 9 Ashfield his celebrated thorough bred shorthorn bull, Earl Byron. Earl Byron bred by Thomas Edward Finlay, Lanes, Ants, of b Highland Chief . (ini t), 1057 ; data got Lockwood, '14211, by,B3arbn'Lnsh,1:388; Minnie Warren. 7230 by'Sir, John, 3900 , Maid of Raven'Hill, 3816, • by J.othair, 800•; Beauty of the Valley, 2446, • by Constance's Duke, 441; Beauty Roan (imp.), 32,' by Chil- ton, 10054• Countess by Shamrock' 2nd, 855.5; Gazelle, by Splendid, 5298, by Prince Comet, 8425, bred by M ' t1lenby, Terms $1,25. 848-t f. ThsHbGroory1•� IMMENSE BARGAINS. Having, just received •a large consign 'instit Fresh Gra.Cinie, Choice family flour; Choice Tobacco, Canned GooaO% Crockery, Oloassware Tear, Coffees, and aqui g whichwill besold cheap at the Rub Grocer, - Goods delivered to all parts of the village, JOHN ELLIOTT Men to take .orders for Nursery Stock, oat Salary or Commission• loan Make a succe- .fill salesman of any who will work or, f.11ow my instructions. Will furnish handsome out- fit -free, ' and ipavq your-eala'ry' •o`t ' ourmissiorz every week. Write for terms at once. E, 0. GRAHAM, Nnrseryma,n, 12-846 Toronto. Ont. ' B1 the way, are there any who have not yet received our $5 cards ? We want to get the August number. of the magazine into our customers' hands, and will send a parcel of names away next week. Those who want to be included must hurry. YUtRS TRULY, ED. B•RASHE . N. E. --l4 ine\ Effie! point' hce on hand. I -as a world wide reputation as a physician and author His Mairdrroakke Dandelion Liver Cure is a triumph of medical skill, cures all diseases of the kidney and liver. • SYMPTOMS OF KioN[v !Amu'AiuT, tinek dull -pain or weight in the hladder taut base o abdomen ; scalding urine often obstructed ; frequent desire to urinate, especially at -night, among aged persons , hot, dry skin, pale eom- plexioo, red and white deposits, drop dizziness, sour stomach, .constipation. pike, liver sots, swelliug, ete SYMPTOMS Lir LIVER CO1MPLA NTre,bsadls, c�m plexion, awe ry, tired feeling, no lite or energy , headache, dyspepsia, iudigestion,spots pimples, ete. \ HOW OURS. Mandrake and Dandelion are nature' Livers omen and when combined wit} Kidney ram„• dies as in Dr. Chase's Liver Cure, will mars positively cure all Aidney-Lit=er troubles. It acts like a c;hi,rdi, stimulating the c1 'gge,i liver, itrongtheniug the ktdneys, and invi;.' rt+� tin'' the whole body. Sold by all dealers -at $1 •wits .receipt book, which alone is we rth th money. KLDl� E� I)r, C$ne" fills Ore the Drily LIVERKid ney•Liver 1'ilismnrit,'l'lii' - �( not Mac t . manta They mire Ki�lne} 1 its)• be taken during any elm of, tr,tnbli•s, headache ,biliouseess,costivciie, s rte., One pill a dose. sold by all dealers. Price 2tw, 1 i• EDMANS•ON & CO.4 • is'd.v-stn-ph-fly `x�l�.i.�iiTrTriw,__^,._ -,..i