Lucknow Sentinel, 1890-07-25, Page 3. u..;.,.::a ..,.,,,. s+c' ,.cT,r.,r .1.uM.••�,r'i:u.;, M.•-r:a:•.ye�s,;ir..-. ., W41 % +44 1-Vt'%11 F,*FIP4, ., . _ .. ,1. O w X. - _- _._.. . . _-- . t . - _. . -. -. _-_: r . is- _ ___ ._ •. , . ! ' 1. h•f„ 1. DANGER OF HYPNOTISM. , TSR VILLAIN Oir IrICTIONi STANLEY-TERNANT. miniature of the Queen, which in set in . A MONTENEGRIN TSAG-XPi. -_- ! >; w diamonds. The Prince of Wales sent an - R aY �M, . ------ 11 . 4L Open Fa11 miliar Oharapter Who ]UP Van- , • ' inkstand, an the Duke o! Fife a diamond An OIB a Mortally Wounded Sbogto XU a , d c r M . .. isped llk,On the'llo4ern Novel. � Aa.saairr Dead- s'g1,.'! - - Qelebrataon oi? fire $zploxer a Nngfiial In arose. • Moctors of London and Paris Ggttilit ' Ex- " Amid the universal a nose that has After the ceremony in the abbey hod A Cettinje despatch says : In *. ' 1 7� a . . y P y g WestminateT Abbe9. been concluded, a platform which had been of October last. daring the boxii ,e �;• " cited Over Its Merits. settled mistily down upon English fiction, erected for the oonvenienoe o! n a.- t ., r amid the delicate drab -colored shadings ' '- R est4 001- a minister, an inhabitant o! tl}s h ,� �.. . and hal!-tights which require, we are told, A pERMOHIAL OF DAZZLINt1 SPLENDOR. lapsed, and several persons who were eft Dolnjikraj, on account of his cond¢k �, ;�. �t, '' �- tin or atandin non it were bruised mora im imprisoned b order o! hie en erfor�40t�,r t 90KE VARY REMARKABLE EXPERIMENT$ so fine s skill in handling, the old•faehionea K g P p y p A London cable says : The marriage of or lees several reader misses,' now and then, the vivid y who was a relative of Colonel Bosko' ' 1, -.---- coloring o! hie youth. He misses the Mr. Beaty M. Stanley and Mies Dorothy The Town of Denbigh, Wal", the birth. tinovice. Savo Pooek"i to Aman Df T' * �" Tennant took place in Westminster Abbey place o! Mr. Sianle was ail decorate � .,.t , Slow unfolding of quite impossible plots, y. f; y d anlprit, whoto be erre happened alit r PP 4 1 P ..-_- R.it�7,.taf.?�'t74•,...... ! setas• e. , , r -T-, :�, •rte'" ss . , �h'•a^ .► .*�'^jT . M ..r s.�' 'S3, .. n t� . .; :^.a��-r•,-,,...,..._....: cam'-'- "".�:.. 9n; i+,••,•. w"'"f.. � r., ,.,,u..u.6J� . r, . , s•-,� '�`"t�� .•.. • a..._.. , ,. �� , „ ,�, . a.. ii � vi:•ti-,,�4�;=�5'�, F'�°e�!' t�'�"�.,,' ,�1m. • - , ry'?"'."Y��= �._'� _-•:.�,ro _ W o "Yr+u'r�res lz�i v WCC YrY. ti c3' .� � ,...• . ,�.;,. ,.- •.... ;.. _._,,.,,::.: ,,...:.. ..: �,.....�> ti,._._ .• .....-...,_.... .,� w. �y:;L. �c.� � _ "�5 ''l"Ly bc.iIIF'"i v tiQ: �„L:Yu-1 �i �'':zm' K; . : Without Can ink the Slightest rain. pleasantly to arouse hie apprehension, A44,performed byte Oeiy` itev:'''ixerge Gran the hoar set for his marriage all the church slight g 1 D®an of VIcstrriinster ; quarrel engined, daring whiofi ,>> µ.., +a .a" x _ most, at all, two Characters once deemed villa Dzadloy, D.D., bells rung ant merrily. The mayor serif a received s plow from the batt end ol'one of o r The doctors of London and Paris are eseential to every novel -the hero and the the Very Rev. Frederick William Farrar, congratulatory message to Mr. Stanley on the soldiers' rifles. Savo Poeek swore to t getting excited over the merits of hypnot• D.D., F.R.S., Archdeacon of Westminster, r. villain. The heroine is left ne still, says a behalf of the citizens. be avenged. Leet Monday at 6 o'dook is ` ':.19 ism, The few believe it to be an immense writer in the Atlantic, and her functions and the Right Rev. William Boyd Carpen• - the morning, as Colonel Books was passing %. 1. gain and a blessingto science; the major. ter, D.D., Lord Bicho of Ripon. A P B I are far more complicated than in P P An Old -Time Sleigh Ride. along the pringipsg street o! Cettinje, Savo, sty. are either- -actively hostile, to is or. the aim le days o! ore, when Ifttje- large orakd gathered about „th;Qa be and , p y -w-4entbe days begin to "lengthen -andthe-cold-thirstin - to Sven O himself- On the whole quietly skeptical to the claims set Up on ita was required of her save to be beautiful loudly cheered Mr. Stanley and Mles begins to strengthen, "when the snow ie Martinovioe family by killing that member behalf., It requires a bold man to advocate as the stare. She laces now the most intrf Tennant and the wedding guests on their all about us and the sleigh belle jingle load, of the hones who with reason, was oonsid- the Cultivation of the hypnotizing power, ante problems e h life; she moos them arrival. Mr. Stanley entered the abbey at When the nigbts with planets glimmer and the or gift, as will be, seen from what follows : P 1.50 o'clock. He walked with a.firm. stn shining sled tracks shimmer, than -the Brea fte bravest and most worthy repreeen• g with conscious self-importance, a dismal P me time is on us for a sleigh ride with a tstive, in a cowardly manner shot at Dr. Charcot, bhe eminent professeur its n the transept, showing no signs of his crow Colonel Bosko from behind with a revolver. •K,•� �icwer of analysis, and. a robust ilandor in P k g g rdinigne at the Hospice de' SaltpetrAcre in dieonein their equivocal as sate that would mess, and too Ps.eeat near the altar. ° He Fill the sled with lads dna lasses, tuck them to f:, ._ . �� P _ with robes end grasses, pair +hem off with T et pas clean through the Colo. ?; ',., s:11, fullest way the ar -- - --- -- __ .. _ _.. <. ��: e .i �-- d - - - - y p iealare otQthe eaperi- the button o e, an w i e i oyes. ive passed wall. There was sometimes a lamentable g one, the officer struggled painfully to -hie knees. .,p ll ments he has for a long time been making. lack of solid virtue in this fair dead sister, minutes later Mise Tennant, accompanied Then away serosa the -fusee, down the hills, With one hand holding his head the So is Dr. Milne Bramwell, a physician in a pitiful human weakness that led to her by her brother, Mr. Charles Coombe through covered bridges, le there any one g matter �" i400iel England, who willingly shows his Tennent entered. the ebbe and walked to argue that such sleigbiug isn't fun I to take aim, with the other be seized hie - 1, experiments to , who. investigators. I undoing ; but she never talked 'so glibly t y Then the inn, where all Lain -oysters, and the his belt, which had a o, fell dropped from - . >. 'll relate is own experience of hypnotism, about sin. As for the hero, he owes his with stately. grace along the aisle, Her supper -bot stewed oystero, there are his belt, and fired at Savo, hitting him in the train was born by two o! her nephews merry games of forfeits, therein gayety g banishment to the riotous manner in which P &lore ; forehead and abdomen, and stretching him otioed in the presence of a number of big masters handled him. Bulwer strained dressed as pages. Their costumes were of And tghe homeward ride too brief is, for the only dead at fifteen paces from where.the colonel mediCAl and other gentlemen in London, our endurance end our credulity to the the 'time of Charles I., and oonsisted of cause for grief is that one may not keep on ,,_ ti following this with some of the doings of white satin cavalier softs, with large white sleighing in the starlight evermore, knelt. None of the persons who had -been ,; the two hypnotists named above, and then utmost ; Disraeli took a step farther, and g W, �• Smiley. attracted by the firing were wounded. Lothair, the last of his race, perished amid hate, ornamented with oetrioh plumes. Colonel Bosko Martinovice was attended by : give some of the facts relating to the peso- the Cruel laughter of mankind. But the THE BRIDESMAIDS • Cricket- the Prince's physician and the doctors of lice and the ->proportion of those able to villain 1 Remember what we owe to him h hypnotize and be hypnotized. were Mies Sylvia Myers, the bride's niece, Dr. W. G. Grace, in hie new work en• the town, w o found that he had a dread- ,,- •, in the poet. Think how dear he hue be- and Mise Fiala both of whom are very titled "Forty years of Cricket, says : fnhleeion in his liver and intestines. He x `The person I saw experimented upon was come to every rightly constituted mind. y' , ^' a large limbed Frenchwoman, young, And now we are told, soberly and ,coldly, Pretty. Their dresses were white satin I have traced the gems from its earlier died two home later.' The funeral o! the comely end apparently of the peasant by the thin -blooded , soberlyovelists n the day snake and overskirts of crepe lisae, and they beginnings down to the -end of 1862, and colonel took place on Tuesday amid a great .4 11 olq . .She was of . a phlegmatic tempera- wore wreathe o! jessamine and carried now give a short resume of the important concourse o! mourning Montenegrins. .a m6utj dream a ed. and generally what we that his Absence is one of .the bouquets of white roses. The bride's Cos• landmarks in its.•history : y• y crowning triumphs Off modern "en ns , 11 ■ a � ♦hirt >' t.h FF-Womque .5T --:E.2--- . would call a weak-willed • woman. This that we have all grown too tome was a petticoat and long court train v.nb hal. was pl,:ye.. :'n the ...: , e, n .. ..N desori tion corresponds to that of the so• of white duchess satin and corded silk, and century.- ., .'S desarilledption c rr of the spirits, at least to discriminating to tolerate in 8otion a s bodice of white satin, trimmed with lase. Hand -in and hand-out was played in Attack Workers and Beat &contractor- b character whom we feel does not exist in The front of the skirt and the corsage were 1477• One pian shot. . those I have found at all worthy of erten• life. Man, we are reminded, ie Com les, g P embroidered with white Bilk and earls, The word�cricket was first used in 1550. A West , Superior, Wie., des tab of tion. The operator was a very positive •subtle, unfathomable, made up of good and P P -son, a slim, wig keen -eyed ed Me histo• and the edge of the petticoat and trairr wag- -- Oat and -dog was played in Scotland in Wednesday gsays: . It was expected the _.___ Pe _ y Y I? evil so dexterously intermingled that no trimmed with garlands of orange blossoms: 1700. -" strike anion thhe street laborare )n®ra would .-- pp-he-lean'-Frenchman. The woman 'was g g- dreaeed in a white gown, with short sleeves, one element predominates coarsely over the The bodice was set off with a high Medici The oldest recorded match in existence be ended here today by the men accepting rest. He is to be studied warily and with Collar embroidered with earls. A tulle is Kent vs. England in 1746. the old wages ' $1.76 a day. But 200 of saving her arms bare almost to the ghoul- rator misgivings, not classified with brutal ease P The old Hambledon Club was formed in the strikers this morning proceeded to the` - der. -When she took her seat the operator into the virtuous and bad. It is useless to veil was fastened in her Bair with diamond oame'where I stood, about twenty feet or explain to these analysts that the pleaenre stars, and this was surmounted by a wreath 1750, and continued until the year 1791.' work' or 12th street, where •40 men .were more awa=y from her. He simply asked we take in meeting•a character in a book of orange blossoms. Her shoes were of Laws were in existence about the year employed. The strikers rushed upon them'., her to look into his eyes, bo, looking into does not always depend on• our having silver leather with diamond backles. 1700. r and a fight ensued. Contractor Sutton out. . hers at the same time. In a moment she Around her neck was a Superb diamond The Marylebone Cricket Club was Formad one . man on the arm with a shovel. Alio , r;. } known hips in the family circle or, encoun- *e"II was fast asleep, with her head sideways necklace, the gift of Sir William W. Mao. in 1787. strikers then chased Sutton to hie house, tared him in our morning ,paper, though, kianon, chief o! the English East African The Gentlemen vs. Players matohe three.blooke away, beating him with clubs. . x r4, and her iyrms hanging listlessly down. We judged even. b this stringent law, the g eeHa a Iv iiesired the operator to Canae y g , Company, from which depended the did• began in 1806: Later in the day the mob arrived at the . ,� , ----, lei -WE w--own�ACo�,pt Y�ia_,an� mon -ee miniatnEetn 1t . aan r .m -bo sting-�-w,ase-n-.t82.7� r�eriCaa--steel-brga •:.ams; w ems` a the patient to do Certain things, each as rale and exolnde from fiction iYot only all -hem 1`h b Her Majesty as a weddin gift. Mies The I Zingari Club was formed in 1845, were kept at a distance with revt>lvers. . 1.lilt a hand or finger or cross or rearrange which might not -sail ha en, bat all y 1 y g ]ler feet. Though no word was spoken or g y PP Tennant also wore a diamond aigrette end . The All -England eleven was formed in Alter dinner `pother attempt was made to "sfi g P which has not really happened in truth, 1846. force the works. Contractor Anderson ahoy.: ' whispered to the sleeping woman, and diamond brooch, the gifts of Mr: Staple though we were all at the ,o oeite end of and we should Still have studies anangh in Her bouquet, made n of white ase The United -England eleven was formed one man in the head, the bullet lanoi ��° . g PP total depravity to darken all the novels in q P P g~' 11±ti the room, she obeyed every oommandof the Christendom. jessamine, gardenias and tuberoses, and in in 1852. and hitting John Fosen in the arm. ' operator's silent will. When it came to my its centre was a panoratinm lily. While The first English tram visited Canada strikers then charged, but Anderson hid <nF 11 turn to test the experiment I took the ' moving towards the altar the bride stopped, and United States in 1861. his ground. - When Mayor Patte on and"% operator right back to the door, quite forty o. S. mens Figures. broke the line of procession and walked . The first English team visited Australia force of special police arrived toe strikers . ' i I 01 feet distant from the sleeping girl, and The following table Shows the population slowly to the tablet under which lies the ; in 1862. were wild for Anderson's lite. They were there I whispered as low AS I could in his of the cities named, compared with 1880 Huai of LiviNGSTONE Rain prevented the Completion of the All eventually pacified and Anderson -was j "- ear something like this :` " Let per raise and 1870, as estimated from the latest Toronto, Manitoba match yesterday. The arrested. To -night 60 well-known -citizens • and placed thereon_ a wreath• of white game was a draw greatly in- favor of Tor- -have-been sworn in as S Bial: olioemem her Right arm, comb her hair with her cenene returns : flowers, in the centre of which was a scar. • P on her,knee." the to op old of her l ft hand New. York:..... •,•„• 1 1890. 1880. . 1870. onto. Campbell, Julies and Tnakwell went � , �1. 0 R 627,227 1,206,299 942,292 let letter " L." Then resuming her place; out for ducks and Rokeby had 2 not out. Freight and Passenger Trains Collide. «� his lips nor moved from the a ot, but he ehioago ....:.......... 1,086,000 503,185 29x,977 she walked to the altar with head erect There were 6 extras, making a total of 68. °' . ;''• t P P Philadelphia......... 1,040,499 847,170 674,023 and flushed cheeks. Mr. Stanley rose to All Toronto -First inning, 130. Manitoba ll Birmingham, Ala, despatch says: : A, stared piercingly At his patient and in a Brooklyn ,,,,•,•,•••••,• 806,583 566,663 396,099 receive tier and both took their places at -First innin 69 ; senond innin ! collision between a freight And passenger 3- .I 1,91 few seconds she performed the movements Baltimore-........... 432,095 332,343' 267,354 g' g' or 8 train on the Louisville & Nashville Rail. I had, requested, slowly indeed, bat without St.' Louis .............. 430,000 • 350,618 310,864 the altar. The service was begun by Canon wickets 68. ' Boston .................. 447,120 362,839 250,526 Farrar and was taken up by the Bishop of ' road occurred thio morning, 40 mileS''1 a failure in any point. . Cincinnati............ 315,000 265,139 216,239 Ripon on the plighting of the troth. Then A Woman's Argument. south of here, in which it is reported fivq," ._ . • To prove the soundness of the girl's sleep San Fran'cisco...... 300;000 233,959 149,476 arsons were killed and one injured fat '' r' and her insensibility' to pain while in it, Pittsburg ............ 250,00.0 156,369 86,076 followed a fall choral service after which P j ' Mother in-law =Why is Jane in the None of the passengers were killed '., the operator borrowed a enaif in from a Buffalo ............... 260,000 155,134 117,714 do Bailer made an address Of concluded talo- P g p P Cleveland............ 248,000 1t 0,146 92.829 tion, end the aere.mony, was conolnded by sulks 2 seriously injured. The passenger tr�iin spectator and thrust it right through the. New Orleans......... 246,000 216,090 191,418 Son -in -low -We had an argument this orders to'take take the ,siding at . � ` fleshy part of the upper arm so that the Milwaukee........... , 236,0Co u6,fis7 71,440 the rendering o! she marriage hymn. Mr. g morning over.& trivial affair. station for the extra frei ht, bat the o -Ts; Washington .. `.... 228,160 147,293 109,199 Stanley's voice w,as,almost inaudable as he M,•in-L.-Tell me about it. g ,, . point stuck out an inch.. She was then Newark, N. J......... 200,000 136,508 105,059 repeated the service, but Miss Tennant'e was not obeyed, and a mile beyond the A , made to extend her arm and walk around Detroit .................. 197,000 116,340 79,677• S. -in -I said the winters were. grow- station the trains came together in a dee ue for close inspection, which lasted ten Kansas City......... 195,000 bb,78S 32,2so was clear and steady, and only faltered as g P Minneapolis,........ 185,000 48,837 a,oss she repented the words, " ink less cold and the summate lees warm Cnt. Both engines were smashed to pieces. In Sickness and in said ehe didn't . minutes by the watch, a feet which few „ than formerly, and she Louisville ............ .180,000 123,768 100,763 health. After the service the party pro- x ,�. strong men could do without letting the Jersey City, N. J..., 162,117 120.722 82,546 seeded to the residence of the bride's think so, and if I had to 'stand over a hot musical and Dramatic Notes, arm drop, even without a 'pin through it. Omaha, Nab......... 134,743 30,518 ......... Stove in summer and hang out clothes in . Thera was no blood, and when the pin Was St. Paul ... ............ 130,600, 41,473 20,030 mother in Richmond `tetrads, whet® a winter I would know better. Then I gave �r• Julian Sturgis is Sir Arthur Salli- Allegheny City,Ps. 109,000 78,682 53,180 reception was held in two large marquees, vane collaborateur. '' withdrawn and the girl restored to con- Scranton, Pa......... 95,000 46,850 35,092 her the opinions of meteorologists, and she , k which were crowded. Mr. and.Mrs. Glad- Pauline L Allemsnd will heed an English eoionaness she told ns she only fait ae Ngw.Haven, Ct...._ e3,000 62,882 50,840 said, " Well, I dont care 1 I asked her though she had Been prinked slightly. Paterson, N. J...... 78 300 51,031 33,579 stone, Sir Garnet Wolseley and Lady_ to judge .by the weather itself, and she opera company. neat season - Dr. Charcot divides theaction o! h no• Atlanta, Ga......... 65,200 37,409 Wolseley, Sir Lyon Playfair and Lady „ Mme. Minnie Hank is engaged to sing i;. by Dayton, Ohio...... 60,000 38,678 30,473 said, ' Never mind !, I was about •t0 v�,Y Piayfair,the Baroness Burdett -Coutts, Sir with the German.Opera Company in New -lism' (which means the State of perfect Troy... » ...........:... 69,000. 66,747 44,533 William Vernon Harcourt,' IYIr. John Point out other things confirmatory of my York for art o! neat season. Lincoln, Neb......... 63,800 13,000 opinion, when she buret into tears and said P , sleep) into three Stages -first, lethargy ; .. Des Moines ......... 60,000 22,408 i2;o2a Morley, Sir John Millais, and a host of P Mrs. Gilmore, wile of the famous band- . second, catalepsy, and third, somnambu• Balt Lake City...... 49,972 20,768 12,854 I was a brute, and she hes been Snikfn$ iism. On the regent visit to ,hie lace of other well-known perEona were present. .. master, arranges most of the music for the p Chattanooga......... 45,000 12,892 6,093 ever, Since., band, and in many ways assists her has- • ' an investigation Dr. Charcot produced " a Manchester, N,H.. 44;000 32,630 23,536 LIVINGSTONE'S FAVORITE DAUGHTER. ban3 in, his professional work. . young woman Of 24, stoutly built, with a Utica ..................... 42,237 33,914 28,804 ; Dulutb,- Minn...... 30,006 3.643 Mrs: Tennant name early. She carried. The old Problem. The Agnes Huntington Opera Company bright- and intelligent face. She was a an immense bouquet. She sat in one of the „ Were you ever in'love before, Edwin?" will fill the engagement held for Mme. Ears ,� highly hysterical subject, babitually in- Ontario Fishery Regulations seats neat to the entrance to the chancel. y Bernhardt in this scant neat season, as '�` sensible to pain on the left half of the Salmon trout and whitefish Shall not be In the next seat was Baroness Burdett- "Great Gear," be cried, in anguish, the latter named artist does not Dome. body " Dr. Charcot showed this by pick- .caught 'between the let and 30th of Cantta and Sir Wm. Mackinnon. . Mr. " am I never to be free from that awinl il ink her with a pin on each lido. She was November. Burdett -Coutts was satisfied to walk about question? It ie skid that the subject chosen by hidden to gaze intently on a point near and Fresh -water herringshall Hat be caught and chat with his friends. With Mrs. "And what is Strange about it T MAsoagni for the opera he has been nom- r`. above her ayes, when she soon went off R . " All tbe' girls I ever loved have asked it, migeioned to write by Sonzo�rlo will be a Tinto nnoonsoioasnese, and the doctor closed between the 15th October and 1st Dec- Tennant°were Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Bruce, and when I Answer 'em 'yea,' they answer taken from Alexander Dnmae=well known F her eyelids. Nowahe probe be inserted ember. of Edinburgh. Mrs. Bruce was the favorite that they wouldn't have thought. from the drams, " The Danicheffs." '`, P Speckled trout, brook trout, river trout, daughter of Dr. Livingstone. Within a few way I acted. And now here you are lay- , anywhere without any signs of pain. By shall not be caught between the 15th seats of them eat the widow of Dr: Living- y touchingcertain muscles various notions y y in wires to ring in the Same old nonan• • A Level Crossing Tragedy. �. a September and the let May. stonea son, who died only recently. Near g I . were mechanically performed by the limbs , .Base and Maskinonge shall -not be caught their mother eat ,Mrs. Tennant's two dram. ,a A Binghamton despatch Saye :'A special •� t 1$, �id fingers and mueoled of the face. Then between 15th April and 15th June. daughters and Mr. and Mrs. M. French train on the Southern Central road, carr f"T'• doctor pressed' on certain tendons of pickerel shall not be can ht between A til Sheldon, and not far from them eat Mr. Not K ell In It. y' Ileg, result beiYilp the Stiffening of g P . ing,l�pperintendent,Titne, arrack aoarriage.' g g 15th qnd, May 15th. and Mrs. Gladstone. Minnie -So yoc and Will are engaged 2 containing five ladies at the grade Crossing r y i the whole body �; so rigid was she that the No one,shall ,buy, sell or possess 'any of My dear, allow me to wish you All the hap• two miles north of Owego about 6 o'clock I ^�� doctor could place her head on the back of the Above named fish whfoh have been WEDDING PRESENTS, piness possible. this evening. Three of the women, a chair, and her heels on the Scor without caught or killed during the closed seasons At 4 o'clock, when Stanley first saw the. Mamie -Thank you., dear. Mrs. y Cleveland, widow of ea -Sheriff Olevelsnd,+ the girl falling• nor shall they have in their possession fish wedding presents, he walked about the ` Minnie -Oh, you needn't thank me. I o! Tiogs county ; Mrs. James Shay, and V I11 The Second.. or_ oataleptio_ stage Wes in- g y y Mrs. A. Whitmarsh, were instantly killed. &need by'the forcible opening ^of the girl's' whish have been naught by unlawful means rooms st.owly, leaning heavily on hie Cane, was not wishing on eo ver mash. I at any time. yet tired and weak as he evidently was he merely wished yon all the happiness pas. They were thrown fifty feet from the Arain ' - eyelids, resulting in a Stare as of entrance- It is not lawful to catch or kill any of Could not avoid showing strong interest in 'sible. h by the force of the,collision. Mrs. Bastian k , ment. Ia this state the girl was made to the above named fish by means of spears, the magnificent mementos that had been and Mrs. Van. Duzer were aan ht on the 4 r belie'vo everything and anything. A gong hooks ne o s or niahi ans,at an lavished upon him and. his bride. How The Moderp Way. g , g WAS strnek and she was told .it was a grapple r; g g y P pflat of the locomotive and carried some�1' WASroh bell, upon which she struck a d a time. much space all the presents received by Mre: Cottonbaok--Thin book for Boys, distance. They were badly injured, but it IIN ,' P No one shall fish for, catch, kill, bay, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley would occupy it ways the way to succeed in this world is to is thought that they will recover.�r,, - votionAl attitude. A bit of red glass was sell or possess the young of any fish above would be difficult to asy, but some of them do $2 worth o#work for $i. 4� . put before her eyes with the information named. filled two rooms ofMrs:Tennant's residence. Mr. Cottonback (great manufacturer)-- , that the honed was on .fire, and at once Fishingb means of nets or other A Stropping a Razor. i;.` " ehe becAmd frantic with terror. A number y P• As wonderful an array as these made, and That writer is way off. The way to succeed >. 4f other experiments w followed, whish most paratae isIprohibited. as marvellous ae it may Seem, nearly all, if is to hire men to do $2 worth of work for Few parsons know how excellent a razor 4, P Fines=Every offender against the above not all of them, were useful as well as or, $1, and then form a trust and sell it for $5 strop is the human hand or arm. I! a i1. gh�oof .us have seen done in exhibitions of provisions is liable for each offence to inour namental. and there were So few dnplicates-pticic. razor is -in fairly good condition and not in .�t oemerism during the last 'thirty years; a fine of not more than $20, besides all that it Seemed ss if everybody must have . need of the oil stone it may be whetted . 11 but whereas moat of those vulgar perform- coats, or in default of payment to be im• known the choice of everybody else. These to a fine edge on the palm of the hand or snood were imposturos, tbeee hypnotic prisoned, and the fine may be collected by presents came from almost 'every quarter `r--, a little boy of 9, handed in the the inner side of the forearm. The latter manifestations are undoubtodly, .genuine. distress ; one half of the fines goes to the of the globe. America, Mr. Stanley's old following composition on George Washing. is the best if it A free from hair, as it The third or somnambulistic stage �wae home and Africa, hie larder ACgnfsition, ton: ,,,George Washington was the father frequently is, for it resents a whetting pro orator, all materials, implements and q y P g induced by rubbing the girl's hair on the applliiances used and all fish had in Contra- of his country one day he went into his surface Hite A9 ion A9 the ordinary razor were, of Coarse' largely represented: From 9 R • top of her head. She now ' saw things vention of Fisheries Act may be seized and Africa, one present indicated the discover- father's yard and out down a tree. What strop. The fat portion of the palm, be - around her as the were, but the reasoning byany p y y ies of great explorers in the Dark Conti• are yon doing asked hie father i am trying tween the tittle finger end the wrist, how - y g confiscated on view b an a scab deliver g power was ddranged. Again ehe believed to any magistrate. nent; and it also lindicated Mr. Stanley's to tell a lie and cannot when he grow up be ever, makes an excellent strop. The progesa whatever was told her. One man was an 1 _ latest and most fortunate discovery. At was president and was killed by a man of stropping a razor on the forearm appears iceberg, and 'she shivered when he came v named getto who was jellish of him and 1 neer her. She gnawed a steel file,believing very Hard to Credit. No. 2 Richmond terrace, the home of his a bit a arming to fife looker on, though bride, the temporary tables which had been the no p engine house was draped in black." there is little dunger that a skillful man it to be chocolate, and so op. In this stage, , Dublin despatch says : Intelligence created groaned beneath the weight of Harper's Bazar. will do himself harm. . the doctor could paralyze Any limb at will. has been received hero of a horrible affair very imaginable article that canniHg Williamson --Ella Bragg esy anything Chicago News., at Ballyneale. � A man named John1 Hart,' :rti Poore . can contrive. There, were when .Colonel Shogter throAtened to kill A Treasure. living at that lace, murdered his mother' him 3 Henderson-�-•-Yee, he said his prayers. Was Glad She Told aim. g P gold, silver,' diamonds, rubies, sapphires, Mrs, Winks -What kind of s girl have . and then chopped her body to pieces. fragile vases, rich stuffs, preoione 'glaei3 " He was awfnl," said Chappie, indign• you now ? William, said Mrs Bixby from the bond When the crime was discovered Hart was articles for the toilet, articles for the antly. &6 Etc said it I opened my mouth Mrs: Minks -A very nice one--evar so of the Stairs to her husband, who bad come found lying beside the remains eating 'a dinner table, traveling bags, oigar cabinets, main he'd put a bead an me. Why much Hiner than the others. She doeo't home at an early hour in the morn• portion of them. library of books, fans by the dozens, didn't yon accept his offer." sdem to object to having ria live in the houne . ink "there is some angel Dake in the � f- spoons, forks; decanters, scent bottles, Now the swagger girl has adopted the with her at all. �, pantry, a new kind that I made to- day. I ' The dodo doesn't say " Goyod day:' whips, ptotnreg, China, statuary, Bibles, dude silk sash, and with her blazer, shirt•and . put it where you can easily get at it," He sae "Run, elan Chawlie." note books, be rugs, umbrellas, ink• four-in-hand looks too sweet for anything. -During the absence in Europe %bis " A11 right, deer," responded Mrs, Bigby. ll�isg Seoon fh mind gra Rers and owels. The ordinary ude Miller will sail for England summer of his Honor the Lieutenant -Gov, . "How considerate of yon. I might have - Qdeeseon-How do you like er t'his extraordinary -3 g g Braude, 0n wi ere, _._ ,. a ne ck week with � neph;ewq-D- H1lex4 of - ernor, Sir Alexander CaiApbell, the Hone . eaten some'blit without thinking• Iii r. ILonghair s mustaobo? Mide "DC cusp y '1�i 00 de,"p"osent "in d lihttl© of the gratefnl husband made a innch on cold ( g.)- -- water from Lake N anza, oarofally packed Hamilton. He will make A very short stay. Justice Sir Thomas Galt will be the Q►ti= -- xilCd�-W,;-Buttz7ir=l era d -- - ;v._ „-. hiiiir lung `eh il-tif"711T. .,�.,,.,,��,...-�,:,.-a�t4tilaampzafa� ... ._, lnfztietlr�lif �txheroeinAt+.r- m- ..- -r-z btitanteblus shin I er-have no known h -T - - I I 11 'n si 'lhCltt vaiuri111e�l tlta r^"' I I .. � I . . I � . . r r'. . ,. �_e._�._ c: __ - ___ __ ___ __._- _ _-____ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _