HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1890-07-25, Page 1- • \
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Witchnoitl •#tutint1
Is published every Friday' at the " Sentiuel"
block, northeast eornerof Outram
and Campbell Sts., eueknow,
—BY --
THE Lummoviri
( Not I tcorporated. )
—One of our citizens friendly to the
proposed loan remarks that there are
enough curs in tovve that eseape' dog -
tax to meet alusest 'the entire interest
on the loan.
Archie Fliilayson Sault 8fe.4
Marie, is visiting at the home of her
father Mr Duncan 0
• ain ron w
JA. NU DONA I- D, M. D., C. M. C. P. S'
. 0. ()thee, Kintail.
Singeor, and Aecoucheur. "Surgery op-
posite Cain's h, .tel. Office hours..froau 9 til 12
a. m., and from 2 to 5 p.
. GOI1DON. C M., F.T.
M.S., M Physician, Sur -
eon, and A:cconolleur. Oft next u(or to
Althea I/nob:en:lit sin). Residence Ross street,.
-opposite W. U. Little's.
'11-1 R. 1). GEDDES, ,V. S., CALLS
_LI either by mail or telegram pramptly
attended ti. loasges moderate. Office. Cur-
sigair' Boarding house, Cain's hotel.
.LF -G .
cif., I pqints. Cheques, drafts f., d
mortgages cashed. Notes discounted. Amer -
jean ereency at A am -Actin bark drafts ar
.cheqiws h,ought or so'cl.
Ititeres6e'lowed on deps from five dollars
Jand unsex& at the late of five per (*intern per
.anlAlra. Money to leen oa fa. in or .1....11age
.geroperty at lb?. Towest cr ..reet rates.
Fire insurance ,easc;ed in 'first clam f,tock
ante coin panirs wily. •
We have one 209 acre, three 100 acre and.
Mb% 50 acre farina for sae cheap. Office
iitrens 10 a. ni • to, p. in. •
:G. A. Si DDALL, Manager.
IiirPned at Hie old
1.7 in H. C. G-. Kinlongli P. 0.. untario. PIONEER' STOIE.
ter, Solicitors, etc., Gaderich, Ont.
G. Genitow, Q. O. m. l'itounFooT.
111.4 law, Solicitor in Chancery, ConYey-
aircer,; •etc. Office, next door to 111.itrehition's
jewelier7 !store, Lucknow, Ont.
ia,w, Solicitor in Chancery, Commis-
sidner, Cortveyaficiir, etc., Office, over the
Au • la:•
-ino OBE En' " CTINNlicer , INSUIR
IA) once. Fire St Marine, Guelph, Ont.
kifONEY 1741433- HAVE.44 FEW,
21v.i. • thonshiel: dollars to invest for primate'
4.0.rties. at reasonable interests. E.u.tor
Lvi.• mortgages at 7 to 71.. per cent.. intvirest.
4)ayalle vearly. charu.es moderate, Apply
to ROpear Mukeav, St. Helens. • •
• agent. One way. excnrsienfsto the North
West and Paciti : (oast. 14.1111 information to
Unbending travellers to any part of the. world.
V1, from 2 to 20 y‘tar.ii. s of farms for
• ,
male in 01,ta tie well ftS Maui WI,. Parties
• desirona to sell farms *ill conerilt their inte,r•
eete by inspectine the ad verti3ing facilities of
• • S ubseriber in Great Britain arid. Ireland and
'.conidnent of lams for sale. ANGUS .5TEWART,
Lau,s1 Valuator, Locknow, Ontario.
Fire Lnsuranee Company, board of
directors Meets...for the transited ie ofhlisinees
on the first Tuesday each month. . Parti,is
. wiehing, to have Wei' property insured in this
increasingly tvenil a r (tany, will by giving
nectice, be called lipon hy an agent or by one
of tne Directors. Business calls promptly.
attended Office, 1/migr.nn.on., J. M.
Ro.Betrs; Seeretary. Wit. LANE, Treasurer.
Lodge, NC. 112
meets every Eriday ,
k7"el. evening at 8 Welock
Akti their hail. Campbell street. All brethren'
liordiallir invited. 1). 'l'AYLQa, Noble Grand ;
ELLByr, Roclrfler.
4.4 Sherwood, 0: F. , c °vita
r,0,.Lncknow. Meet
every trot and third
Monday in ever
mouth,• in the, Odd -
fellows hall.., Visit-
ing brethren , are
cordially invited. A.
l)AvIsoN, C. R.
10 D. D. YuLe. BEd.
ti O. U. W : LUC KN. 0 W LODG it' OF
-M.* the Ancient Order United Workmen,
Aiwa in t e Oddfellows hall, en the last and
almond M. *May evenings of each month at
eight, o'c A) k. Visiting brethren cordially
bp havited. Jon N PEART, Master Woeknian.
RI D. CAMERON, Recorder.
• .1..11 tate. Reading room open every evening
,freme 6 to 10 p. m., excepting Saturdays, when
Mie hours will be. from 2 in. The
librarian will be in attendance during thepc
insure. 0..1.). YULE, PERSiojeRt. JAS. &MICR
VILLE, SeetetttV. I
N .40
i Friday and Saturday of each month.
aving purchased a large amount of stock at
reduced rates, •• I am prepared te make good,
este of teeth for $10 and The best that are
made for v2. Fill in g and3extractieg -a epee,
047. J.S. JEROME.
T S. JEROME. L. D. S.,
DP • -Winghant, will be in
Lucenow on the second and
is daily improving.
—All kinds of groceries of the best
qualities kept at the new greoery vety
cheap, as we sell for cash ant produce
only. Goods delivered to any part of
the town—Geo. Kerr.
—Some of our village boys contem-
plate going into camp to njoy their
holidays ; just wnere is not ye o decid-
ed: Some of us h Ivo so many holidays
that we have nothing to spend on them.
—The place to buy goods is where
you can get the best value for your
money. Try Connell's if you want a
boys suit ready made. He has just
received a fresh stock 'which he is'
offering cheap.
--seesIVIrs-D:-D-riire-,---priiielpal of our
public school, has been appointed
Provincial. Examiner and is now in
-Toronto assisting to deride the destin-
ies -of theenittey applioauts for third
chigoe -embers certificates.
—Our Hose ..Company are . gettin
For which the
Will be paid. •
1 Week's Itecord of the irlia!ting Border
• Town.
—11lis.• Lillie Gordon is visiting
friends in Brussels.
—For cottons, shirtings and cotton-
ades go to -.Connell's.
—Mita. of TerOnto,
is visiting Mrs. J. Murchison.
—Mrs. A. D. McDonald is visiting
friends in Clinton and vicinity. •
is the guest of Mrs Geo. A. Siddall,
1 —Wes!ey Guest, of Chicago, was in
town.eieiting friends on Saturday hist.
—Masters William and Allie Miller
left last week for a'vieit to friends in
--Robt. Paxton, private hanker,
and.ipostmaster of Out,ervilleis was in.
towes4ast week on e, visit.
—Rev. E. Black :and lady, of Ohio;
-are visiting at the resideuce of Mr.
Samuel Morrison,
—All those having butter and eggs,
honeyaor cash will tied the place to
trade,ia• is Cennell's, Lucknow,
—Mt tied Mrs. John Moore, Luck -
now, are, spending a day or two with
Mrs.Sveifts Worth St.—Huron Siena.
• —Miss Jtilia Ititclon of St. Paul,
Minnesota, has been therguest ef Miss
Ida McGrory-for the paeteteto wee.ks.
—Teachers John Cameron, and. ahn
McKay have' gone to visit friends' at
Woodstock ,. London and St. .Thomas.
1 —James McDonald; teacher,
Miarrititowe, and formerly of Kinloss,
with his wife and family, are vieiting
the "old folks at home'
. —Mr. r)ave Lawrence was severely
Aitken tip on 'Sunday 'last by kieks
Prom his bronchos. ' It is well \indeed
tiliatiheeacaped any dangerous wounds,
---=-Splendid haying weather anditany
quantitycof it. The average i be
neoy twe tons to the nein and scene
of our 'farmers Win i7.5,74to
tournament on Aug. 14th and '15th.
They are good runners and with Berne
experience in making connections will
not disgrace thernselves.
—Kincardine intends holding, a two
day's celebration on the 14thsand 15th
of Auguet. The proem -nine con-
sist of hand cempetition, tiremens'
tournament, - fancy • drill, •ete. 'Cheap.
•excursions• will be matt" on the days
named ctieincarslino.
.-.-Sergi J. Clittrteder, of No: 3 .
(Lueknow) Comps.. ny,..32nd batt left
onMonday,last to attend the Military
Ceillege at Londone As non-cote-
naisionethbflicer he•was Most Attentive
and ,will 'no douht.enake a record for
himself at'the' school.
—Mr. A. McIntyre and hie son
'Alex. arrived home from•Supeeior•City
on .Mondey last. •Mr. McIntyre re-
ports many -old Lucknow friends as
weH establishiel in profitable business.
He was not, however, so favorably im-
pressed as, to .4esire to make it his
fu hire -home.
—The remains of Rev. Samuel Rose.
D. DI were quietly interred in Mount
Pleasant cemetery; Toronto, on Friday
last. Mr. Rose, who was in his 84th
ye^,r, was one of the pioneers, and
among the' foremost men of Canadian
Methsdism. ' FM- years he was mana-
ger of the Methodist Book cot -ice -4 at
—The editortof the Arthur Enter,
prim expleinabis present state :—Our
wife, has gone home to her • mammal
This is not a,final or judicial separa-
tion, but merely n temporary affair.
We are hatching • •it, with only cat
and canary for eompany, and the pile
Of unwashed dishes and, kettles is
growing apace. „
Falconer, high school teacher,
of Alexandria, is home for the holidays.
. He says that had the county of Glen-
garry been Hi lowed to compete in theolan
contest at ow ,Caledonian gatnes last
year, our ex alderman McDonald aciald
not have won the , medal. There- are
McDonalds• -galore and McDonalds
more in Glengarry.
—"Oh ! Cherry time is a merry.
time," we children used to say. And
so it is here and cherries in their -at-
trantive red coats, hailg in tempting
bunches in • many gardens. It is no
wonder they have te be watched, for
with the robins by day andthe boys
by night, few ,would remain eo• replen-
ish the preserve jara
Tuesday last a number of
Lucknow Odttfellows united in holding
a pic4-nic at Kintail. Owing to the
busy semen none of the cotintry mem
bers could ablendt and as numy of the
members are off enjoy their
holidays elsevogiere, the crovsci,Seers not
very largegibiit we learn thates tmest
enjoyable-11,meg spent.
A Large Attendance of the threetioldera at
the Puhndmeeuni on monday! Evening.
The .public meeting of &Mohair
on Monday evening to discuss the re -
'hitherto supposed, that our fotttlr
wealth was inexhaustible. The sanle
mistake was made by the fur traders
•in regard to the peltry trade. We
have gone on for years selling, often.
far under value, or, with an easy
inoretritv, making :grants to politicians
f e • 0,11• •
444-11 6 ,
FOrstereef 'the tentrat Furniture Face
tory was largely attended, very enthua-
iastic and unanimously in favor of the
1oan Mr. Graharte: was called -to' the
chair and Mr. John Murchison'elebeed
Secretary; The chairman introduced
Mr. • CI•iti, /senior partner of the firm,
who placed his proposition before the
meeting in a concise, straight for*Sed
and most satisfactory manner. He
gave a :ste.tetnefit df the business and'
standing of the firm,•and a history of
his , connection with the concern,
showing how he worked first as- a me
chanic at the bench,' then foreman;
and next a partner, at which' time be
borrowed the money whish represented
his interest and returned,it within 14
months. Now thefirm. is well estab
fished, with securities amounting to
over $8,000 over all liabilities. He
further showed the steady growtheenef
ay I a a' tuned- to the COLDW
titzences of our folly. veel, the retl-
ways which wa have lavishly 'boated, -
have beFei active agents in deirudieg '
the hind of its treasure. A protest
addressed the other day by Mr. WM.
Little to the Montreal Board of Trade
contains 'sortrestartling proofs of the
waste. The .annual couversion into
sawn- luinber of the forest areas of the
United States lids b&en'tto enurnloua
that it appears that in once elietevilys
wooded districts of Maine end kligh*:# ;,,
gan there is now left standing/not
metre than year or two's yield. Mr.
Little states-" that the forestsof the
vast territory extending from the con -
'fines of New Brunswick to the head
waters of the Mississippi are almost
on the verge of immediate Ochaaation:'!'___
What -has been cut for shinb,ries• added'
to the amount sawn into lumber, has
made great inroads, chiefly on the:
- rapidly disappearing stock' of sptnon • '
and white . pine. • The • sane *iter
observes, that so frightfitl'his beenthe- • •
foreaMr". eittur,litaf" that' 2IY J'billidn fedt' •
ielkpliffiscl 'agstanelliiketeee,:oieaseeo
ewer lc Igan have divindlcr tol
billion. feet, or one-tenth thee anattunt •
standing in that year. The s smner
reckless consumption has.beett-"gelitit'
on in Maine, New atunpehiai load"
Vermont; the spruce in the- Adirones
thick region of New York, which wilt*:
timated ten years .ago at '5 billidn,
fs te with' a • limited, ameunt in' 'fbie. -
sareintain districts of-Wonsylisabia, •.
iitt now,/it a p pen rsa lehen 'pre 4wellef4"-'
Jettrieeedd!' ." 774 ciat?, addsiMlivRik • • . .
riaer atoek sreniainteaviiateertlig.lir td
.''' -.. • *Is
who ,have not one. The -mills., ' are -
tieing disthantiedsbutitt stump lands
are being again cus ' over •all flottalale: . .
timber of every kind &geeing. taken to
the mills to be converted into hanthei,'
and Mill owners arib- now ma-
onslaught nn ..nur Otiliadian pine to
keep their otherwisesuseless saw mills
in operation." The teen/tad Ametican . •
recklessness is' beginniug to collie h'etiee'''
to our, neighbors, and iti.wilrbe‘ welt"
for us •Lo pro -fit by their experiences'.
By forest destruction a hundred4nctus= --
tries connected with lumber will stiff -tile'
-as, well tis the lumber trade itself;.'
:tail:way and shipping• interests will he '
affected ; and even our climate will
undergo, indeed it is already under-
oing, a serious change.
are now in a crowded condition, and
feel • the necessity if bUi Id inio hence
the request .for e. loan. On their part
they agree to increese, the nuniber of
hands employed. to the mutual adyant-
ageof the municipality and the: tirm.
A preference 'was shown for married
men, • where available, as being lets
raving and changing positions.
Speeches were made by Dr.. Tonnanbi..
Geo. Kerr,. Dr. Garnier' . H. 11/Itierielore's
John Grandy., John 1.4.'Maid.aeh'.Pretl
Grundy and the chairman, all ,being in
favor of the loan, and expressing • the
fullest confidence in the firm., and 'Mr:
Cliff as a thoeoughbusiness man, prac-
tical, courageous, and possessed of that
indomitable,•perseverenee and energy
that never ,knows failure.
During. .the discussion it .aeas shown
.that.fieighboring towns less :favorably
. situated have outstripped tes in pro-
grese by beingjudiciously openhnded.
That, but -a short time ago, through
-Our niggardly, stick in the Loud policy,
we refused to accept an established
industry in good financial- standing,
which a.neighleorieg town is proud of,
and was glad to accept at,tWice the
price asked of us.
Dr. Garnier gave.a forcible illustr&
tion of the'value of the industry to the
village and ourioss if removed.- Taking
• a basis of 40 families, with two in ea3h
family, he compu.ed that the sum paid
by these for. food, clothing, rent 'and
other necessaries in ten years, would
• amount to $26000 atp the,,loweit cal-
culation.' The expression of the ine6t,
• ing tended to show teat Lucknow had
not made theelost .if her opportunities',
that the progressive toes are those'
• that foster their induatrieenrea that
had Lucknow adopted "this principle
years ago, there would havebeen fewer.
-empty houses and va:ant lots in our
village. to -day. Soule of the 'speekcirs
went fie faras to say thatit wodlciabe
in the interests of the. village to grant
the amount to: the firm as a bonus, had
they asked for it, thereby strengthening
thou in Making greater extensions.
At the close of the meeting. a vote wes
taken asking the council to submit the
necessary bylaw at once, which was
carried without dissent and the meet,-
ing adjourned. ••
Our Forts
On both sides of the Line weetante
been doing our test to get rid of die
timber," Which has been treated as if
it cumbered the ground. What has
not heen;uaed,for building or for fuel
has been.berned where it stood, while
the waste has been enormous. e.
result now is, not only a decline lie
the quality of marketable timber, built
the prospect of a dearth in the ne
future ; -for timber, unlike grain, does
not grow again{ in 'a year or even in a
genettidos. ; Canada, we have.
Mr. Robert 'Stothers and
from Ottewaatre spending a f3w weeks
among friend in this 'sectien.
IVIlb 'Nettie and Master' s' Willie
-Stobie, of Seaforth, are spending part
of the holiday season at R. E. ,La.ne.i
Miss Mary McLean has arrived
home from Detreit, where sheehed
been staying kir soneetineee'•
Mr Jatnes fiti4 has been
ill for 'some, time'is slowly recovering,
and eve 1 )pe to see him around again
in a few days.
Miss Manning, of Suminerhiti, is at
pi esent visiting her sister, Mrs.
Master David Lane) ttifAXTrAbiigh,!
is staying among fireside here for a
short' time.
THildnimense hay crop of this season;
is now.almost all safely harvested, and.-
farMenseare now taming their atten-
tion tothefall wheat and barley mop,.
whicheilso proruises to be a geed Std.
Pease and Spring wheat see maktatt a
good diow, but oats genersdly sorsmsriliLtis -
short; ••
--Sefiator :Sanford, 4f Hemet/on,
lately ibreeted• a handlNl!-b1Iikhflg ori
Burlington 'beach at boat of *10000.
which lie named Elsint and on 12011* **-
pleat:in preeeked it toile city to • be ' •
used as a retteet for sieft and homeless
children.' This is the thoughtful ant.
of a wealthy man. Tefor this extent he' •
is bis ownqxeoutari, ' and can ifjoicO°
during+ !life in tbttiyellits his *Was ‘'
has conferred.
• •