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The Lucknow Sentinel, Bruce County, Friday, duly 18th
Hours .8 st m. to 7 p m.
W, G. f, B: South
L. H.& 11. Noetic
ri olyyr,7nd )
Kinlough J}
W; (4. (i B. North
Iutermeniate points j
L. H. & B. North
6:13 a. m. pally
12 30 p. x.•�.
2:30 p. m.
3:48 p. m.
9 00'p: m. 11
10.30 p. m,
Tuesdays and
3 00•p, m. Fridays
• .a
V1i. G, & B. ,Snnth t9.30 p. m.
L H. & B. South
Sou h 1.0.00 a. m.
It Is Unhealthy
at the
go in
d d there are r dozens of them Al week's tteo�ord bog the r us> - Border
every evening, shout[ s not stay too Dong �` •
"1, ,water. . it is quite a ltsuarl M -ca'. i
in the
thing for them to remain from half an in Tivertone
hour to an hour. That is too long.
It is unhealthy, as well as dangerous.
Their- parents should -see- to-it.-
Died in Dakota
We iearn this week by a letter to
Mr. Alex Graham, of Kinloss, that
Mrs. Falconer, wife of Mr. James
I irsay is v iei ti^g friends
—Miss Markle left for her home in
Loudon last week.
—Mrs. Mitchell; of Stratford, is the
guest of Mrs. Armstrong.
—Miss Liezie Lawson arrived home
last week from -2u •rick.
—Miss Kate Burgess Prrived home
inlough 4
• • .30 p.m.
Village . nail4tthttt;j Beau..
Public Meeting
A public meeting of the ratepayers
itf the village will be held in the Town
Hall on Monday evening next to dis-
cuss the advisability of ;ranting a loan
of $5000 for ten years without interest
to Messrs, Cliff & Forster. The meet-
• irk will commence at eight o'clock,
They are Interesting.
Always read the advertisements in
the SENTINEL. At least glance over
them. They' are full of information,
and every week new changes of infer -
motion -occur.- Always
rnation-occur .--Always read the- "ads" -
and you will know veleta isgoing on in.
the buaines world.
Visitors From London
• Messrs. C. S.. Hyman, ex -Mayor of
London ; W. R. Wadsworth, Manager
of the Bank of ,Toronto : Mr. Cumber-
lan,i, 'Maigager-of-thes-r k of B ?itish 1
there on Sun ' ay, t ' one.
Deceased had been in poor health for
the past three pears with heart trouble,
whichwas-the-'immediate. cause of her -
death. Mr. and Mrs. Falconer left
Kinloss township about. twelve years
.ago, and wag in the 62, year of her
Summer Resort's
We have received from the Grand
Trund Railway a neatly gotten up
work, entitled "Season of 1860, Sum-
mer Resorts reachedehy • the Grand
Trunk Ry,"with the routes and fares
for Tourists Tickets." The informa-
tion contained in this little book is of
a most practical kind and such as will
prove exceedingly useful to those,.con-
.templating a; summer pleasure trip.
Copies of the work can be had by
applying at any of theagencies of the
Railway. .
U t
Narrow escape
A lad named Wesley Young had - a
'narrow escape from serious accident
on Tuesday, afternoon last. Ile was
driving a team of horses belonging to
Mr. Frank.Greer, livery man, along
the Kinloss boundary., when4,he noticed
a, stone caught in the shoq. of one of
the animals, and got out of, the rig to
take it out, but while in the act of re-
moving the: stone the horses oecame
frightened and ran away. He was
thrown .down and one of the wheels
struck him in the back, but fortunately
-without- doing him any serious injury.
The horses ran into the village and
were captured by Constable Lyons at
the bridge near the grist mill, • but in
doing so Mr. Lyons received a serious
'injury to his arm.
North America; and Robert Macfie,
allr o€ Loudon, spent Sunday .in our
village the guest of our popular banker,
Mr. Oeorge Mair. .
Tell us the news,
Do net be afraid of lettnig us know
all the news. Small and unimportant
in your eyes, items- may be of great
interest to others. • Our,subscribers in
• town and vicinity will confer •a favor
by. ad virintt us of the arrival of guests
or their own visit to places at a
Oddfellows Picnic
Next Tuesday, the 22nd inst., is the
day on which the, Oddfellows and
their friends will enjoy the balmy
breezes of Lake Hurciu in the beauti-
fol pic-iiic grove at Kintail, and es the
Oddfellows never undertake anything
•without. making it a success, kie are
mgr's'• all who go Will have a pleasant
Flour.and Feed. •
Mr. Thos. Young .would beg, leave
inform. the residents of Lucknow
and vicinity that he is still carrying
on the flour and feed business previous -
i m'srun by Mr. G.. E Dougherty, where
will he found always on hand the best
grades of family Opel Manitoba patent
flour, also meal of all kinds, Date, bran,
• shorts, chop, etc. • A11 kinds .of farm
produce taken -in exchange.
Will Cause Trouble
• ti the law is the same in this' Pro-
. v ince as it is; in Quebec, a decision
elven. last week by Judge Chaneeau,
will cause a heap of trouble to machine
awets and others.. The learnedjudge
th slavecd that an "instalment plait"
agreement is illegal when rt,gives the
. vendor the right to' recover the article
sold whenever an instalment is not
no matter what proportion of the
total cosi; may have been paid to the
' Notice to Farmers
Owing to a very greet improvement
in the water power of the Lucknow
1i:.rlie-'r• Mills, which will enable me- to
run 1,v water about nine months in. the
,year, s. very great reduction in running
,,,;l,e,itee5 of the .mill, no wood, no
onl;in,•t'r to pay for,. to benefit the far -
niers Nvith -light wheat in the fetrre if
thee tie 11 clean it Well. I will give a
to rn of 1)0 lbs. of flour and feed in
every t;o lbs. of wheat, lromatteir what
it, hely test - Gi o. KEttrt.
—If - you want cheap -twines W.
Algin can supply you at 9>} cts. per lb.
•=-Mr • John -5;- -McDonald Ree-ve
of Huron, gave us a call on Friday. -
—Miss Maggie Campbell, of Rapid
City, bas returned from her visit to
. —Mrs. and Mrs. C. A. Sheard are
visiting friends at Underwood and
—pilaster Fred Macfie, of London,
is the guest of Master Oriel Mair, of
this village.
—Mrs. R. Proctor went to Wing-
hatn on Thursday to spend a few days
with friends there. • .
—Mr. and Mrs, R. D. Cameron left
on Wednesday for a six weeks trip to
Manitoba aud.Dakota..
—The Firemen'$ Band rendered
several selections of music in the Park
on Friday evening last.
—Several very large pike have been
recently captured in the Black Horse
lakes by local fisherman.
r' Z —M re"A�rd-ia-nrily-r*r0ti
y to the lake near the lighthouse ort
Thursday to spend the day,
—For pure flax binder twine that.
is guaranteed t,) run 900 feet to the
pound and over call on W. Algin.
—Masters Johnny and •Clarence
Tennant are visiting at Dr. M.Crim-
mon's residence at Underwood.
—For the best binder twine- at - a
low price call at `V. Alliu's. Beware
of Jute, New Zia:aud and composition
—Miss Leura Berry is visiting
friends in- Kincardine, and Master
George Berry was "doing up'•' Dun-
gannon and vicinity:
—The bast brands' of hinder twine,
.smch as Red •eros,;;, Red Cap,' Blue
11'.bbon, Red St•ar•r and pu.re flax
twines for sale cheap at W. Ailin's.'
� S
ho will keep for service, this season, at Lot 11
in the $th oon, of the eastern division of Ash-
field, a superior bred short -horn bull, "Red
PEDIGREE :—Red Bismark is red. calved
March 8, 1889, bred by William Mallough,
Dungannon. Ont., got by Wallacelimp) 2752,
Liam Annie 8130, by Young Springwood Prince
8299.; Grace Harper 2nd 41227,by British heir
2nd 2889 ; Lady Harper 2nd 6630, by 2nd
Fawoea Chief 1782; Lady Harper 6629, by
Grund Duke 675 Rose 1833, by Royal Duke
of Glu'ater 1035 ; Maggie 1429, by Lord of
Lune (imp) 155 (16428) ; Qnuen of the West
via t .: -17:..E.... 11 AL/1000W\ , R •,..,, by
a nn , : , avium • t - . iy
of Wellington (imp) 91 3659) ; Lavinia' Lod
1340, by Alexander (imp) 6 (11009) ; Lavinia
('imp) 299, by a son of Scopio (1421). by Ery-
hohne (1018), by -Son of North Star (45s).
TEEM8.—$1..00. Thoroughbred same prier.
Belfast, (int.
-worthy -business without any possible
chance of loss. Steady employment and
control of territory, Have done business in
Canada 30 YEARS. I.iberal pay to the
right man„ to sell our unexcelled. Nursery
Stock. Send for terms.
Light Ground Prints,
FE 4. L iE RS.
White Straw Heats at half -
Pf ice 1
. CB ASE BROTHERS COMPANY, 13414,e0t 7i'•
Nurserymen, COLBORNE, ONT, 1"11 J ll�a/l!
Pic-nic and its Origin h
f'� e l ods knows what a pic-nit is,
lmt mo. -t fop's would find it hard to
say lee\ it got that name, and yet it
i eii::'ee enough when you come to
learn i ,'. W her) a pic-nic wase Lein.;
;,i rag:,, i f'er, the eustorii originally
het those' who intended ter, he
l,r eeeie hould supply the edibles and
eft i„k„1;1, 11. list, of those necessaries deeply interesting. His Lordship is
ho.. it r been drawn up it was linseed now on a confirmation tour through
;,, c,ui.dd, and each person picked out Huron county.
the arae ie of £.rod he or she was will- • —A man hes been going through
u,,; t.., :enlist)) and the name of the Hullett foe a -few weeks past, want-
',fetid- wee nicked or ticked off the Leat. .i.ng to purchase a. farm. • He hes stop-
. „Glhe nl,,;.,r_.thr_enter.tainment thus be- ed with several respectable farmers.
cin known as pick and nick. The ()n* night lately he took spine $18 or
r'ust;, rn.'._r „^1 'eel -deter .clate irmie-1-802; - -so
that the pie-nic is wholly an institu-
e,,,, , f m.il nineteenth dentury.
The Agricultural Society
At a recent meeting of the Directors
of Kinloss Branch Agriculture Society
sever al, important• changes were made
in theprizelist, end a number of new
classes added. It was also decided to
push the • matter of ' securing new
members. But we would urge upon
all whoare interested in the success of
our Fall Show, and alio are riot
members, not to wait until solicted,.be-
fore handing in' their names.. A return M r• W rn. Ellis, of "West �� siva
of the membership -must, be grade to . —
nosh, cut 'a field of fall ,wheat on
Tuesday last. Front all appearan"es
it ought yield f'ro.n 35 to 40 bushels
to the acre.
..-There was a good audience at the
junket, social given by the Epworth
League on Tuesday evening last at the
grounds of, Mr. Richard Webster; just
south of the village, and• all enjoyed
—Eighteen protests are no* entered
.against 'the return of members to the
Provincial Legislature. Should they
all be unseated we might as well have
the. general elections over again.
—All parties who, have ordered
hinder twine front Thos. Young and
have not taken it away, will please'
call rnd get it. ,
—The Reeve on Friday last received
from the County Treasurer the $200
-for the bridge and also the $10 voted,
to the Lucknow Mechanic Institute
by the County Council.
—.The price of good binder t wine is
10c. up at Thos'. Young's. ,He . has
4the Massey Toronto World, Composite
Silver,. Blue Ribbon and Red Cap
—If parents were in some way made
responsible for the crimes of their.
—Messrs. Dr. Tennaet,Ed. Brasher,
Fred. Grundy, Hugh Morrison. and
John McGarry drove to the Black
Horse .) ke on Wednesday evening for
a day's iport pike., fishing.
the Secretary of the Society, Mr. W.
H. Smith, not later than the first of
August, in order to'"share in the
Government grant. As this grant is
based on the membership it is of . the
utmost importance that our list should
be as :large as possible. The grant
from the government amounts to about
40 cents per nmeniber, so that every
ligan who hands in his dollar .before
the first of August, is wor,h 81.40 to
the Society. :The village •Directors
will call upon our business men . and
others in a few days for the $1. The
Directors in the townships should oho
attend to their duty without delay. •
'Confirmation in St Peters
On the 9th ,irist. Dr. M. S. Baldwin,
• the Lord Bishop of the Diocese, visited,
the village of Lucknow and •was the
guest of F. Grundy, Esq. The Rev.
M., M. Goldberg, incumbent of the
.united churches of St. Peter's, Luck -
now, and Christ Church, St. Helens,
has lately beers preparing some of the
young people of these churches for
confirmation, hence the Bishop's visit.
In all there were twelve candidates.
Mr. Goldberg assisted ira the service
which commenced at 7.30 p. m. The
congregation was not overflowing. but
fair. After a _hymn. 'his Lordship
'addressed the young candidates in a
few sitnple, earnest, and tell chosen .children until rVre,sa,t
words, calculated to leave a -deep and years ane thed fewer
lasting impression upon all who beard young criminals in our midst.
the address. The rite of confirmation —All kinds of groceries of the best
having been gone throgh, and another qualities kept at the new grocery very
hymn sung, the Bishop preached cheap, as we sell for cash and' produce.
w powerful sermon, on the only. Goods delivered to any part of
words of the prophet), 'Malachi "V the town.—Geo. herr.
Jewels," in every way worthy of the
Bishop. - Those who were —Farmers, you can got best value
riot there
on the for sorer money in binder twine at
miised a treat. The service
whole was solemn, instructive, and Thos. Young's, huctznow, Be has
the largest stock on 'hand and the best
brands that are made.
"announce to the people of Lucknow and surrounding country that any
coming to me having their teethout, that I will put in two sets of teeth,.
for .the price of one set, $15, made of tile very best material in the world,
use no rubber but C. ASH & SONS, London, England., The teeth will be
C. Ash & Sons, and S. S. White's, ( cot ceded by all who 'are in the
• business to be -
The Seaforth merchants, who use
electric lights he their store, have sige
ed a petition asking the council to re-
move the Lamp from their respective
places of business, or ft�ri3isli” s:itis=
factory light, Thao._.,mer,.chalttts have
refused >ayment for the lights for the
noqualed T-7140 wo
Those firms have their names on -their goods, and the people can see what they
•are getting,. and -as I use nothing but then hest material, I will guarantee sat-
isfaction to all reasonable people, the unreasonable and there are a few
such in ,the world, will please bear in mind that I don't want their trade
. I can always -be found at Dr. McCrimmon's officer •`Lucknow.
- D. PATTE SON, Lacknow.
s Lcathng 2hotoga-ho-r
o `W. J. STRINGER. •
Is as usual ahead in the finest styles and positions f(.'r photos.
Finest retouched. and "burnished, $1.50
to $3 per doz. Cards $l to $2 per dez,
He also keeps a large stock stock of spectacles, especially
' -- .the well-known
and aim deals in Be' Keepers supplies,
books, stationery, albums, frames and fancy „goods.
A �t j� �y. b+�'1 ry1 �!1 7111 T � ��b►t.�_n_-�- _Q��L��.�.I�n 4 �_�T�.�._�
1 hedfi t four months On�iR'COUIl tF� -
0-(tit:t-o.E_rho>poakeis of—ene_.c�£._t�ie_
proprietors at whose place
stopped pas ou
and there left, the light,was unsatisfactory, 1 Cl0U1C, t0 Reld's bakery.