HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1890-07-18, Page 7I
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We,know.blm,well. . I . ' I I � E. THE C:Fxisu I I '. " . �Z.
We bate him all, A parture in Building Which Is 0 iuInX bir Redvers Buller ,*,Vpolrsted Adjutant I - Grief of a Blind 1. _ -8 corliTI140 Haou4naw. ? ... .., .11 ,
i�jp d Boy &�t the Great Baaeball How the ignited . ted States poputat,
We brand him as our common foe. , Ground In England. I a . � � .
NO toligne can tell . General of the Army. . Contest. on to *. A0 ! '_*
I ,_-
. .. Counted. ..
. His awful gall, The Queen!a Pavilion, which formed'sn Lieut.,Ge' . Z A%. 0
� , - -
The Lieut. -General Sir Redvere Butler, V.C. During last Saturdayle baseball game e at The task of tabulating and a " I
Mau Who Says, " I told youso V, Ornamental feature of the Windsor show, (who will III succe6d Lord- Wolseley- as I ammarizW . .
, When things is to be erected in the grounds at Osborne. I Brotherhood Park a little blind boy sat on $4,e cens, _ g � L
owroug, Adjutant -General of the British army), is the left -field bleacheries with his el I us ligurea of population, will be -' .. .111, 'I, .
And troubles come, I An article in the, London SCandard explains best known for the part he took ixt the brother. Although baridicapped b der tendered, much more simple than in for be
� Ile comes to help Us bear the blow. that "the Qaeenibas . am censures by reason at the 9 - _____ I I
- _____
, ing from Soudan war when he noted , ar - - :,kl 1,_,__.�,_T_
mp����7����=���7����IMEMEI;=-� - P -t� lar�.. , M ,� -7_=;"-- - - - V � �, - �nn!R . 1- ��,_ �� 11 11. I.- .
His face .,groyv been puffer , ��d im en -
- -1 Wuul lrulw_ "I - -0 .."Auckjl_. _M 11-M-1 - IT, .
n on s1JL
, Z= pil�rz - NN"Qp fdk'fi�l
. n. - t:4� ,_ --65U,-T'7'=a1;AU, -UL -15-&-n11,---- 10AD; �xal_&.uA4 13 - - 1EI-Aya"=7yp � 9-- - �� ,
I " You know," says be, "I told YOU 60 1" , I ties of breakfasting in a tent n � i1e, wever, 0 111bited just as much interest in thegame ,
0 " , . . oft these labQr-savers : 66 At first glance the .11
.. the -nah 11pnorable eerufee before th:,t =c7_- t� - , 7,, &&a &I &&Iuy " " '
h to encourage U� ,qu CC- - , its ,
We know be lies. lawn may have done muo arable campaign. He was gazetted 2nd around him.* A; - a Lutichines remind one of up,igIA pianos. , 11 ,I' -
But that's not why ady. It �
. this painful Mal The pavilion is to be lieutenant in 1858, lieutenant in They have handsome oak on,, d,' and each �� . . -
Elis Sympath placed 1862, " What are day doin' now, Jimmy?" he one occupiee about the same apace a piano .. .
g.a uuqinentsourwoe; upon, a basis of hard concrete, so captain in 1870, major in 1874. lieutenant- &eked, 'as a land barst Of 11PPlause rang out does. They are, however, eminently Arae- *r' L
Ug `sad his eyes, that, her Majesty way be able to enjoy her colonel in 1878 and colonel in 1879. . ,�.'
They're always dry He is upon the air. . tical machines, and with their aid some -_ ..
I I When be declares,'- told you so,r . meal almost in the open air without risk of also aide -de -gam to the Qqeep, ,He Was 11 Bully jee f You ought to see- 'Rook fifteen young ladies can,count accurately a I . I
. ._ -
. �
I - damp. The success of the pavilion has one of General Woleeley's companions in swipe dat ball I It went down almost to half million at names a day. It is expected I
We know him well, - given nit impetus to the trade in 'Iron arms in the Red River expedition, and also de gate. It was a dead easy home rain, but that when the work at counting the census I
Confound his ealu houses. . .
We brand him as our commau foe, , accompanied him to Ashantee. He fought he stopped on third 'canoe it went into de � O" ,
I I To dungeon cell 11 Mr. Gladstone, we are informed, 'a valiantly in the Zalu war when Lord crowd." returns ,really begins there will be seventy I - , - �,
I We'd doom him all, having sultan library erected at Hawarden. C h I or eighty of these machines at work. I 1,
The -man who says, Chelmsford came to grief, and materially The little blind boy piped out, his , , The returns from the census districts
-:11. " I told you sot^ Is is to contain 16,000 volum i. He takes aided Lord Wolseley in the las Egyptian siasm in a Shrill treble. enthu. a .1. . I
- . - building and oampajgR, takirila prc .1,,��� . . � � P. V,
the liveliest interest in the bu t
, _ - 11 -4 - J- the go TAII me I � - ___ -
Ll�� - ----1-A___1- , �. . . - - 11 ithn-i +;smao . country are coming in.
I The house contains five rooms, the largest on Ow yon 05, you these districts, and, so far only about 2,500
_ � �
At a meeting the, other A&Y of the Con- one appointed chief of staff to Lord Wolseley in would." districts have sent in the returns. As fast .. , 11 ,
servative society I 3 measuring 41 feet by 2L. Cases are the Soudan campaign, a London paper 11 Oh, lot np,"'replied the other boy, un. as the returns come in they are :coapted, "'; , 41 '11, ",
I of Madgeburg a lookBmith made to hold twenty tons of books. Mr- said: $I A tower of strength, a giant in will, feelingly. 11 I'm watching de game." I . , . •C - , , 0 ,
. , although not as rapidly as they will be, as, 11� . . �., . .
named D6ppe thus dEsoribes his impres. Gladstone intends the library for quiet and a most careful and astute leader, it Yei, but I can't watob, Jimmy� ry. to train .the young Indies in . ... . ,
cions of the recent sittings of the C'
- curtail .
,bfB'fateb6fdi6*bi'dhhei�pg6aied: "Called, 11, iN.1i&_1li1,_ RAW ___ _-ToolL it -is. neceses I
.-study ..and therefore .proposes. to. admit. -Redvers, Buller- has roved" 'bid ruilit , , - .- .- -
iffy Emperor an one having a knowledge only a few persons at a time. These houses ski I ary men 1 met ,Ing, won't -you? I'llgive themseof the machines. In making this ' , . 1.
, 11 in many a fight for the honor of Old yer my new mouth organ if yer will. Dot's Count, which is known as the I rough sr ,
. of technical matters, I hid the pleasure of are put together like a child's puzzle, and England. This apparently invaluable a good faller." The boy groped vaguely counts' the returns for each distriot are � � ,1�
attending three meetings last week, under can be taken apart, compactly packed and commander, a son of whom fair Devon- around for hie brother's hand, wDich w . . . � I , I '
. removed elsewhere. A large number of as counted twice. After being counted on one .. - I
the presidency of the Emperor himself. iron villas shire may well be proud, richly merits impatiently drawn away. t. 11
The sittings, with the exception of m short have been sent from the works the 'honorable distinction, of machine they are passed over to another,. I I., 1 -4.
at'Albert-gate to the Riviera, and there General , being 11 Oh, my, but dat was & daisy I's oried he -and when the latter count is completed the 1. , .
Pause for lunch, lasted from 10 a.m. to 6 30 1 chased or Lord Wolseley's Chief of of the eyes, as another volley of applause two are compared, -and if there are dia. '2' � ` �
erected upon plots of land pur Staff." Of the General, Mr. 'Archibald broke the silence. 14 Go it, Buck I Got dere ore ancien necessary corrections are made. ''
I .p.m. The Emperor opened, ad- rented for a term of years. When the Forb6a says: 11-Radvera Buller has seen Eli 11, is Now, Roger, knock it out of de Following this method, if the total popula. ; I I
learned, and closed the meeting, called on lease expires the houses can be packed UP more war than any of our soldiers who are lot Is' shouted the bleachers i4 a paromyom tion at I I . .4
I speakers, spoke himself, or meeting,
a and removed. There is beginning to be A not yet veterans. The Red River expedi of expectatio13. I the opuntry is 60,000,000, there will . . ..
be counted in the census office an equiva- I . 1171.
speaker when be made a mistake, as the demand for iron bungalows as marine tion was not war, but it bad its merits AS' Meanwhile the sightless eyes were turned lent to 120,000,000 names. -1
case,might be. First to come and last to residences .in England. 'The rapidity ,
�t l.
Preparatory' xl�
11 �
. . go, he followed the proceedings with eager , story' lesson. He accompanied wistfully towards the diamon& I 11 ,P 0 machines. whish -pre :Its MvenUoa �
"I I
- With which they can be built &ad their ;-oplo ley to Aebantee, and Soon 'took his 11 Oh Jimmy Is' the boy finally wailed; of Mr. - Hollerith, and an gement his 11 I "
attention. During lunch, where we Bat in
I � 1,
careless rows, and at which the minister of small coat, as compared with the ordinary placethereas a man who might be trusted " if you was blind I'd tell yer everything. tabulating machines, are very simple. A ., " ",
dwellings of brick and stone, are, reoom- to organize, to lead and to fight. In South You've got dead do best of it Jimmy.,, key -board, resembling that of a typewriter, I I . �� 11 I
. ..
.. the interior was our host, the most dutiful mendations which telbin their favor. Africa his name was bracketed with that Two large tears born .of a hopeless des- is at the right of the operator. Each I •
, '.
of monarchs became the most .
I -
'. 11
. gracious. 11 The possibility of having a house built of Sir Evelyn Wood. Men who were in pair rolled down the boy's cheeks, and key has a number from one to twenty. . .. I
. . When speaking singly or in small groups in a month to the, buyer's own plan and .
and discussing various questions, we quite the field with him in the Zalu campaign burying his face in big hands he sobbed The operator has a pile of census I ..
forgot that it was . the German ready for occupation as Soon as finished will not Boon for what dominance he bitterly. ns a schedules , I _el',i A
. wel. . .� ", '� I
l seems almost incredible. The pretty . . at her left side, and as she turns the "', I 'T,
. I
1. Emperor -before whom, we. Bat.. Aa come Club�ata the Italian and American awaSed, what a power he wielded bothof Above, the Skies were sa blue and tender schedules over she notes the figures -which,. 1-11,_
. � " j ."
modestly apart, Herr von Boettioher took restraint and of encouragement over.the as a maiden's eyes. and from the oircanifer- indicate the number of members in each ' .,, - -1 .
. me b"e arm and led me up to the Em_ exhibitions was made of iron,'and its cost wild mixed, irregular horsemen with whom . ence of the vast, field came the /volleying family enumerated in that schedule. If
peroxg , and at the Same time I had the (2300) will give Rome idea of the compara- he did service, so constant', so ftctiv�_and so roars of applause from twelve'thousand there are five members in a family she , . _1� . � 1, I
opportunity of sharing in a discussion with tive prices of brick and iron. It was cov- enterprisilig. General Buller obtained the throats; but , :. " .. �. " �
. ered with trellis work, which imparted a the little blind, chap never strikes the key marked five. Wh6n a key /"� •�;, . 11
. 2 . I ,1". I
I the Social democrat Herr Buchholz, *w Victoria Croon for his gallant conduct at smiled. He sat in Silence and darknes ;a -struck --n electric connect on is eatab. . . . Al:� I
as a representative of the workingmen and ,piot ,uresque'aud rural raspeo, to the outside. the retreat At Inhlobana, on the 28th til the end. I ..,
.. '8 iiefied with the hands on a dial in the frame I I � 1.11
. In its uncovered state the corrugated iron I March, 1879, in having sesisted, whilat it I might as well Stayed at home, work in front of the operator. . 4"
member of the Unfall Versicherung (asci- cannot be said to be ornamental, but the hotly pursued,by Zaino, in r goning'Capt. Jimmy," was his only comment. . , .i
. dent insurar.oe), could boast of the support trellis work embellishes it ata small 0 ,,That dial is marked No. 5, which
-1t4le-saggeeted-by-t- .
Of65000votes. Herr Buchholz, who wore r Light Horse. 49 for?" r._;,-_,_1-MeMu I -�*
. Oat- C. D'Aroy, of . the Frontier Well. WD"10_yAr_PaMe_. -,Meor-do-4hro-mum"ue-r-v"vvmew-,-
. a iron cross, beffieved that patriotis h--m-m n --f M 4 � t are= --t W - he was r iring a ooti � . 4
In and and oarryingbim the other. -New York World. .i,'; ,
thatching the roofs with heather would add I . conoisting of five persons. Each time the .
Socialism could be united, and had no do- . ,on hie horse until he overtook the rear 1�
. to the pictorial effect and also give addi- � No. 5 key in struck No. 5* dial records one. T
� I I
Dainty Shoes, When the m000nnt in completed the re- I �, 1. �
sire at all that the Empe�or`a rule Should iional protection to the roof. Heather and under the same circumstances, can- Some of the new Shoes are dainty enough corded number on each dial is multiplied b *,2
� guard; also for having, on the same •-date �
� 11 I
. be got rid of. Hereupon the Emperor from Bournemouth thus applied would last veyed Lieut. C. Everitt, of the Frontier for Cinderella herself. Probably the very the number of the dial, the d . k" 1. ,
asked : I Do yon believe that your leaders for fifteen years or more. The t . results added y I I
. hatching Light Horse, whose horse had been killed latest whim expressed in leather in
I . in the Reichstag will do any thing for you ?I would aid in keeping the house coal i a the
up and the total number of individuals in I
Herr Buchholz replied : 'Certainly, Your In under him, to a place of safety. Later on of higb--laced walkiDg.boots
. summQr and warm in winter, though this made of the that district is ascertained. It the 'game I �. 11 I ,
Majesty, they have promised , General Buller, in the same manner, saved new velvet pile leather, in a. rich tint of result is obtained by a different operator, . ,
, and if they double ' desideraturn has already been
I . do nothing we shall not choose them again., Secured by the air spaces between the outer 8 trooper of the Frontier Light Horse, olden -brown, goloehed and vend ked up then it is concluded that the count is car. ; I . .
,�, I
The Emperor rejOiDed:: whose horse was. completely exhausted, and the lacing with patent leather. The gypsy rect. It is expected that by the use of " .
. 'Well, we shall ircsn,walle &Ed the inner ones of felt and who otherwise would have been killed by shoe, for garden party : 1.
I . see. If only we could put it to'the proof I � . I , I . � . or light walking these machines the result of the census will � � . i- . :'.
the Zalua, who were within eighty yards purpOge&, 18 in I
. I . . and oblige these gentlemen to bear the re- 11 It is no�v -feasible-to- add an additional , made of glace kid, bordered be known much sooner than by any other . V� -
I . sponsibity of government. But I cannot I room of him, In later years General Buller hiss with a narrow-brogued braid . I : I
leave Babel on the throne.' ,., and out known method.." 1 4
to the ordinary brick dwelling house, held variousImportant commands. sufficiently low at the too to admit of the
I The cabinet- where 'Ruch accommodation is needed. " I
ape . Sanctified. Btookings, and is , Uses for Old Paper.' I . I
It corner, but when tenant, So tbat'the objection felt by most by means at an instep Most hous3keepers know how invaluable
Herr Buchholz into rt of the The Sa
maker VordQrbrugge and I rather drove Being removable, it is the pr I display of colored -Bilk
, retained in plica
. . . next day the Emperor inquired if we had people against building for the ultimate Ekore, in twenty particulars, 6 William strap. A quaintly pretty magpie effect is newspapers are for packing away the win-
got I him round we were obliged to answer Seeker's -description of the characteristics produced in some of the new Shoes by' ter clothing, the Printing ink acting as . a .
1 �4 V
. Mo.' . benefit of one's landlord does not hold good of sanctified men and women: cutting out slashes of the black patent defiance to the stoutest moth, some house. Y
, . I in such a case. Stabling and coach houses 0 � � I
I . 1. Sanctified Christians do much good leather and letting in white kid below. wives think, as successfully An camphor or . I .1 I"
r .
I Flag Lore. can, in the same way, be temporarily and make little noise. Morocco Shoes of ruby or seal -brown color tar paper. For this reason newspapers are ". . . : I � �
I I . To I',' erected. As a playroom or schoolroom for 2. They bring UPL the bottom of their life are braided with charming effect , � . . I I , ,
. strike a flag" is � to lower the childrou, a detached iron building no in a invaluable under the carpet, laid over the , . . A, " � I 4 I
I 'in"* to the top of their light. pattern which points upward tow 11 .. "I f-,
national colors in token of Submission. nicating with the house by a covered way regular carpet paper. The most valuable " . I , '.
* .
. 3. They pref6r.the duty they owe to God centre :in a way to make the foot' look qa&lity of newspapers in the kitchen, how- .. k,
. Flags are used as the symbol of tank and would frequently prove a boon to the to the danger they fear from man. small, Gray and fawn suedei,braid'ed in ever, in their ability to keep out the air. It N�.,;� I . I � I
command, the officers using them being brain working father of the family; and in 4. They seek the public I good'of others their own color •; bronza kid, with yellow; in well known that ice, completely en- t'
. I . I .
. .
I I . ,called flag officers. Such flags are square, times of illness it would be possible, by above the private, good of themselves. . . i , �, 1"
to distinguish them from otber banners. this means, to isolate a patient completely � black with scarlet, and white kid with veloped in newspapers 00 that all air is . I
.5. They have the most beautiful conver- pale blue are some of .the prettiest combbia- abut out, will keep a longer time than under . :t . .
A ,,flag of truce" is a white flag dia. from the other members of the family. ' . . �
l astiono among the blackest persons. . . - tioria. And for ball -room wear there are other conditions; and that a pitcher of ice, I ... I ..
. played to an enemy to indicate & desire for "There in no damp to be apprehended in 6. They choose the worst sorrow rather, the real fairy Slippers of white Satins water laid in a newspaper, with thevilds of I , . ..
a parley. an iron henna.. A useful present to a cal- than commit the least sin, trimmed with white beads and paste Stars. the payor twisted together to eiolnae the . ., . I
. , I .r�
I 1. The white flag is a sign of peace. After Inge would be an iron playroom, which 7. They become as fathers to all in char. -New York Sun. - I . I .1 ,�
. a battle parties of both sides often go out could be built in a week. A building coa,4- ity "a as servants to all in h7umility. � a I air, will remain all night in any summer I I .1� I I..
room with scarcely any perceptible melting ,!?,L " it. ,
to the field to rescue the wounded or 'bury Eng 2200 can be erected in a fortnight. The 8. They mourn most before God for their Suggestions for the Treatment of Persona of the ice '. .,
the dead under the, protection4of'a white- price ofa room p3essuring 20 feet by 14 lusts, which appear least before men. - These facts should be�utilized � , . , .
gag. , . Overcome by Gas. . . i.?. I
oftener than they are in the care of the I
. � 1 �4' 'M
I 1�
I . feet would be about 9-50. The cost of re' , 9. They keep'4heir hearts lowest when In regard to the treatment of persons sick at night. In freezing. ice cream, when
The red flag is a sign of defiance and is moval is from f,5 upward. With this novel God raises their I . . . I .., ;� .
estates highest. , overcome by gas several suggestions were the ice is scarce, pack the freezer a ' I , VA
often used 'by revolutionists. In our oer- architecture it would be possible to reside 10. They'eesk to be better inwsrdlyin made by different speakers at the recent three-quarters fall of ice and salt, and I I
vice it in a mark of danger and shows a in one's own house at a different seaside I � . .t !11
IT - the substances than outwardly in appear- meeting of the American Gaslight Associa; finish with newspapers, and the differetooe, . "
vessel to be receiving or discharging her resort in England every year by having an ansa. tion,ht Toronto. The most practical were in the time of freezing and quality. of the . � 11 I
powder. .
. ,
I iron house, removed in thin way. The 1.1. They are grieveamore'at the distress those quoted on the authority of a promi- cream is not, perceptible from the result � .
. ,The blank flag is a sign of piracy: brickwork chimney is preferred to any of the chuich than affected at' their own I I le I .1
, � , physician :
The yellow flag shows a vessel to be at other by the builders of iron houses, no happiness., nent . where the freezer is packed full of ice. ( . .
. I
1. Take the man at once into the fresh After removing the dasher, it is better to I ,
. . ,quarantine or is the sign of a contagious mode of heating being so wholesome as the 12. They render the -greatest good for the. ,
disease. I . open grate with direct ventilation. There greatest evil. air. 'Don't crowd around him. I cork up the cream and cover it tightly with � I �, i, III,
I . 2. Keep hia- on his back . . 1�
- Don't raise is packing of newspapers than to use more ,
A flag at 'half-mast means mourning. are other modes of heating rooms, and 13. They take those reproofs best -which his head or turn him on his side. I , �
. Fishing and other vessels return• with a some of them are Mifficiently satisfactory they need most. ice. The newspapers retain the cold ., . ,
I ,:�
Bag at half-mast to anroacce the loss or when the ventilation 3. Loosen hie clothing at his neck. already in the ice better then a packing of ,•
has been properly 14. They take up duty in point of per- 4. give a little brandy and water, not cracked I I ��
death of some of the men. . secured. The drainage can be worked on , ice and salt, which must have I
I 11, ,
Dipping the flag is lowering it Blightly the usual plan, if this be preferred to , 'the formanes and lay it down in point of inde. more than four tablespoonfuls of brandy. crevices to , admit the air.�Scientific I , .1
, -
and then hoisting it again, to salute a vessel simpler mode recommended by the origin- pendence. Give the ammonia mixture (one part in all American. I I
. our fort. star of the iron house." I . 15. They taken their contentment in %tom&tio ammonia to sixteen part's water) .. . 1. .
� . God's appointment.. . � � t , I I I
. 0 I . � - - , I in Small quantities at short intervals, & Islands Which Can Be Pushed 'With Poles , .
� I . . A Pathetic Story. ILN . I 16. They are more in love with the teaspoonful every two or three minutes. ,, In an Italian Lake. I � . . I I, . ,
. Beware I A employment of holiness than with the ,
so I was lking with a postal clerk yes. . 5. Slap the face and chest with the wet Two or three weeks ago an account was .111,
. I enjoyment of happiness. 1� . . . ". �(. �
. . terday Beware of the man who tells you of his " y are I end of a towel. L � � I L VAJ.: I
has just returned from Pitte- . 17. The ' Lgiven of the floating island in Sadawage, ,_.
burg,' an a told me a touchi wife's faults. more employed in searching 6 Apply warmth and friction if the body Lake, Vermont, but L , I 1; "
ng atoty ' . their own hearts than in censuring other 1. more remarkable are , � � .
which came to light in that city., A blank Beware of the man and woman too, who or limbo are cold I � .t - I
alway"S want i I I men's states. . I � the. three floating islands in Lake Sol. ' . . I
, ,
envelope was found in the mail, and it was a borrow a little oh nge. 1 .7. If'tbe breathing is feeble or irregular fatars' the bitnmen lake near Tivoli, I 1�?,
.1 I 18. They set out for God at the begin. "I
Beware of people . I ., L
opened to,�,sacortain 1� the address � of the who are always invitin artificial respiration should be need, and Italy, says the St., Louis Republic. The , I
L 9 ning and hold out with Him to the end. " kept Up until there in no doubt that it can foundations of these erratic islainds'are ' .
sender. There was none, and the only you to dine with them generally and never .
I I signature was I From your brother specially., I 19.'They take all the shame 'of their sine no longer 4ppf ine. . composed at atieka, grasses and bulrushes, •.1 .. ..; "I "I
. Beware of the- to themselves and give all the glory of their 1 1:
Will., The. letter went on to say that the milk that is 'heavenly in 8. Administer oxygen. -College Record., firmly glued together by the sulphur, petro. I 11 � ".
writer had pawned his coat to raise $10, hue and spiritual in its thickness. Services to Christ. ' 0 . " I "I
1. 41
. "I
I Team and bitumen of the queer lake. In �,
I . 0,11
Beware of losing your temper in hot ' 20. They value 06 heavenly reversion Tough on the Plumber. the centuries which have elapsed since the I
which was enclosed, to Bond to his sister, . above an earthly possession. I .M
who was Starving. The letter at ted that westbOt- ' I I I . � ,,,
. �,�
� In the trial of & divorce, ones in Now nuclei of these islands were formed, the
' Beware of the girl with the one white .1 _. 0
be hoped the money wonla ielieve her din- sand and dust blown from whichever shore . �
I Cut With a Wooden Leg. York the other day the Judge said to the ',, 'I
tress.' 1?
York Star. look, with painted eyes, and a bodice out I they happened to be moored has formed a : �.. ri
I " Patrick McGrath, a resident of Wood- defendant: "You are a plumber. You It. �1
. I - low, which she wears on the Streets. . soil twelve or fifteen inches thick, upon . I . ,�
.. ' Beware 'of ford, Kentucky, has a three -pawed oat that abuse your wife both when you are drunk .1�� 11
i: I
' people an you would of the gentleman in
The Malu'llong Missed. vulgar things, words and he thinks can do more business in extermi. and when you are Sober. She wants you which several species of plants and trees . "
-You didn't get to the society last . I .A
night? Dr. Jay's paper on 11 Germs was �,.�
'n to Stay away from her. You make plenty these peculiar islands does not exceed fifteen , ,
I Dr. A. )t black and redi'for vulgarity .and sin are natio g vermin than any fonr.legged feline have found lodgment. As the largest of .
I .
very interesting. , first cousins. I that walks the earth. The oat, whose Of money. When plumbers bnrn os"few rods in length, six or eight men provided . . , . I
I to name in Thomas, was born deformed, and, lumps of charcoal they charge for a ,peck -
Dr. B. -Had several calls in the evening; Beware of the woman who, announces I with strong poles can float them in any , y:
� I sorry I asq(uldn't attend. . You that life in without flavor and that if according to the usual custom, ought to when they nee one bar of Bolder they direction desired j`f
. I Bbehad only met you before she did John have, been drowned. Mr. McGrath, how. charge for sig. When they use 10 cents - .I
, I Dr. A,& -The paper will be published, n ever, reared it with care, and after it had worth of resin they charge $1. When they 1�. 4 .
. Dr. B. -Yes, but the supper won t.- . -well-then, of couree,� it would have .been been weaned provided it with a wooden spend minutes on a job they charge for a A Yankee Gerrymander. . I 1 1 ,
Boston Tratiscript. , different.�Bab. �, Wold has reached Winnipeg from the ,
� I paw, which is now neefnl, ornamental and fall day. When &,, plumber and hetper
0 .Hudson Bay fort, in the
� Rev. Sam Small, who tried to follow . an object of envy to the other cats of the, are sent on a job the boss" sends in a till McKenzie River
dish Art on the Iftoati. I i in country, confirming the report that a re.
thefootateps of some of the other sonsat- neighborhood. Thomas finds the ligneous for two men. Half the time yon talk with
. Old Lady -In there anything 1you can do Tonal evangelists, has accepted ibo Presi endage of much more value than a the servant girls,. and the other half you measurement by American surveyors of
around the house if I give yon a good meal. - aPP ,;eep and eat the good 6 the Alaska boundary shows it to be 29 �
. .. .11 natural one. It Supplements satisfactorily - things in the �
Tram Yes marm; I kin lecture on dency of a college in Utah. Its a Small the action of its. three companions, and also kitchen. Now you pay miles further east than heretofore a . I .
. Ing �ntion, preonmably. Vbur 'wife $5 a an-
, on, my frien' kin give practical til comes into use whenever occasion requires week." The question of plumbers' profits posed. This places Forty -Mile Creek and .
� Chocolate, cashmere makes a Pretty plumbers'
- - - - -P - the rich gold districts of that .
=iong on d6rpiannyforty, it you've *7 therefore, may be considered now as set. country in
W one. � child's dress. as a club, for instead of using its month to American territory. The Hudson Bay
got . London fire department statistics show chew up rate and mice the artifiai4lly gifted tied by a judicial decisio � n. - elliedgo Comp , I I i
' that although theatre fires have increased feline Stuns them with the wooden paw, Tribune. _Any will have to abandon Port Ram.
SUP1CltINTrLNDrNT PORTER, Of the United greatly in number, they are far loan dam• which is used like a club. Thomas is one - part House, which, by the now aemosros.
States Census Bureau, estimates that the . - of the feat f Woodford, and a visit to - , An Expressive Name fora Horse. tion of the boundary, is within United
conensreturns, when completed, will place, than formerly, owing to the'improve. that Plnce'7 out it to- Thomas w Brown -What a
-country at 64,,500,000. mento in the apparatus for euppr ... in i 7 Ifil" to, ill States territory.
the population of the tin �o I a i8 ' the name of that colt ?
then. The same statietle 9 be no visa at all. , All thin Jones -Ten -dollar Bill. .
against 50, K5,783 in the year 1880. a show that the is on the
authority of the local Kentucky 'news- Brown -That's no kind of, a name for Baroness Burdett.Coutte and other Lon
� Mi6a Ten- i,, the lady who in to in& death rate from fire's in London line fallen papore. . horse. What did you call him that for ? a don notables are rAising by anbscription a
. I marry from 238 in 1887 to 19 in 1889. Thin is
� I . Jones-Bocauee, dear boy, he'll go So fast ' ibli to ba as residence for' .
a. Explorer Stanley. This action was begun 1,
Stanley,'hha " Cromwell for an anceo- 0,100 laid to the improved apparatu fund with wh
*or. . Current Funds. -'- when he's broken. C',
� Archdeacon' Farrar visited Oberam. • $$Teo heel laughed Cbappie. "Did ( __ only after it became known that Stanley I
.To shrink goods: 1, After palling, mergan at the first performance this year von ever pay,ik mnequitolo'bilf, Hicksey 21, A t saaaman named Meekers Was found had a Tennant for the house. - . ..
I treat the )n a P le , r
perforated tab of the Psagibn Play, and lodged in the ' ,,you's said Hicks aolemnly. at night' in a Street of Eastbonne, on the, 11 Smithera wants , id be Presidenf.f� . I
--------- �_
, , I
I 1*
�. t
t. V.
I ... I �.
with auperh I ileam. 2, Pass through hionne of the actor who played the part of o- What with Tl queried 06ppie, inter- Engliah South coast, with seven long nail Rot mith re isn't straight enough for !
a bath of a f 1.07 a inter a 11 I 8 0
half anhour, - wing and dry
grains for Jesus. I I -L a ruler." . .
r, i RAW. driven deep into his o�4ull. He was removed . I
V _ I I
V;a3h off and ory. ; wash, Bospi. G60Tgo Mmff, of Wilkebbar-roe, Pa., mar. " Brood money," tefurned Hiolia. to an hospital inla din condition. The -Lace quills on bate Coat frona 610,ta, . I
dered his wife and the jury says be must 1- . . doctors fifty itioanaotounding�oaoo--uf,do.,lt8-,�--,--------- I I
Thera are Rome' things a woman can do bangi The condemned man okla be is glad Mine. Patti, i s d, has an. insatiable I liberate a-fil-pide. I I
�Ktdlf -Ifi5-
,�j, .-_jfibfjjf-173j�d�_r
e d_ifi
k� - I - - -
6d�, - liv _ __
- - - 16.1eav= _irfi__b�,=�, �_ -
� , . a 'Qua, to . I
-1 � a 0 no See of Fife has a reputation for Bran to William Frederick, Duke of Brune.
16 V6 , A, --r -- - 'bran._ - F__if_r_W_`_
- -my, � har'o-ordt'&W-9 _ pposite or sta*6
Awwoll WA -M inagno no en once a prison oflife;as 1A---monume,ntzbm-!baen aaaaw
sn't one of them. r _
I- _ ----l- . prebro banging. " . for complexf* jtfin 6"vit la� I making butter. I I wick, where he fell. . I
� . . . , �, �