HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1890-07-18, Page 5,' alley a '1n Darkest Africa',
Hedy M. Stanley', long expected'
boort, 44In Darkest Africa," -was issued
•silnultan,eously in Great Britain and
'the Vented States on June. 28th, and
was immediately welcomed by the press
with most enthusiastic plaudits. The
general tenor of ,their critiques maybe
.e mseee6�. ,....YGYta 'i•
from a five column review of the book
in N. Y. lndr:c:latent, of July 3rd, a
journal recognized throughout the
English speaking world as one of the
ablest -a' l-mt st imparpal . in- its esti-
mate of books of all the newspapers of
the day. In this instance the verdict
of The Independent ,coincides with that
' of the other great metropolitiali
ournals :—
,The. Luckndw Sentinel, Bruce County, Friday, duly lath.
A Cure for La Grippe.
Ms. John Seaton, of Stivvalroy, ix
writing to one of our exchanges says :
Last January I was taken sick with
that very popular disease called la
grippe, which I happily got over within
ten days. I was then taken very sick
with ins in the the left side. I a
aA%1991 k2Odm ..0 .... .: bR ,�'7'.f.�.F^,.. I:A2
once ' eaa in medical aid. This
M. D., it seemed, did not understand
my disease, as I was under his treat-
ment fur over three months, during
which time I took considerable medi-
cine, but realized no benefit therefrom.
I then applied to another doctor, who
called my disease enlargement of the
liver. _'Quitting my previous attend.
ant, and under this second doctors
Insure your farm property, private dwelling,
in the old reliable, the •
Lucknow, July 9th, 18 0.
Office,—A. ROSS harness shop. Luckntiw.
Will be in the office every Saturday afternoon..
Geo. Grant. Agent. Lueknow
e vo umes now before us, just
from the press, are not only the record
of his greatest suffering and his crown-
ing achievement, -they are the most
serious 4411 his, work. Her goes to
the work conscientiously, religiously,
like a man whose work was a sacred
task and whose answer must be made
to God.
The event of the week past has been
the publication, on Friday last, of his
long -expected book. The publication
was simultaneous here and in London,
We doubt whether any book ever
issued was so eagerly expected as this
or had so large a circulation prepared
in advance.
The publishers have spared no pains.
The printing and book -making are ex-
—ellent. -- The illustrations, are -sumer-
°ous and carefully ,made for the work.
With it o. three maps, which leave
nothing be desired. The appendices
'contain, .- besides a large amount of
• 'other yaluable matter, 'a full account
wif moneys 'received• and :expended
and a urinate ininerary, showing the
sutred on the • march, the rainfall,
latitude, longtitude, and elevation
above the sea. •
. It is not too much to say that. these
volumes are superior . in thrilling. in-
terest, in style,. in careful execution,
• and in all that we expect of such
record,, to'the volumes that preceded
The views given in the book are
.numerous and fine, being reproduced
from photographs - taVen on the spot.
Mr. Stanley's maps should' be noticed
here. . W e are.glad to quote what he
says :—"Mine [my maps] have coq, me
anure labor than . the note -taking,
literary work, sketching and photo-
graphing combined. In the aggregate
the winding, of those 'chronometers
daily for nearly three years,- the three
hundred sets of observations, the cal-
iulation of these observations, the
(-napping of the positions, tracing of
rivers and shading of mountain ranges,
the number of compass bearings taken,
the boiling of the therrnometars, the
records:of varying of the aneroids, the
eoinputin . of heights, and the notes
of temperature, all of which are
necessary for a ,loud map, Have cost
me no less than seen hundred and
eighty hours of honest work, which,
say at 'six hours per day, would make
one bunched and thirty working days."
We. will only add that we find his
snaps inv:tlua.ble, • and the greatest
possible addition to the intelligent use
and enjoyment of. Iris book,, ,
The Canadian edition will be pub-
lished July 28th. • •
Toronto : The Presbyterian . News
('e., sole :i is for 'the Dominion of
Canada, exc .i t the Maritime Provinces.
Mrs.• (Rev.) JOn-MeNabb; agent,
QUITE an , important quest on • and
one affettiug awl!, trades unionists }itis
arisen out of the unfortunate stri1 o
of the printers enthe Mllontreal
The tnanagentent of that papet• caused
the arrest of four members of the :ocal
Typographical Union (including the
President,) chargin ' thein with having
centered into a const ii•acy on the 26th
Of. la:lt to entice and induce
i,iie JohnSkphen, a printer in the
employ of the herald company; to quit,
tete employment . of that paper. As
an inducement to dh so it is alleged
that they gave hint froer-dinission into
the Typographical recon -.and pro-
vided him with $3.5 and a ticket from
Montreal to Beaton to enable° him to
leave the city. They are also charged
•tvith offering on the?Orlt of d'une'last
to 'give enc W. 1-1. 0reo'nway a free
membership in the union, $5 per week
lis ion he was out of entyloyrnent
and a free ticket to any place in . On-
tario Or Manitoba, to which, -he might
wish to go,•es an inducement to leave
the. 'Herald's employ. The accused
have been liberated on bail to the "ex -
,tent of 4400 each.
He then advised me to get a quantity
of wild cherry bark and a large quan-
tity of dandelion roots and a little of
•the mandrake root. Then boil the
whole together for three or four hours;
then strain and add to this one-fifth
part of best whisky and a little salt-
petre. I made ten bottles of this
mixture, which cast me only $1:30 in
all. I am taking this medicine, and
am getting better fast, and will say
that I never used anything in the
medicine line that did me so much
good. Now, I send this to you soyou'
can let the people know this recipe, as
peddlers are now going all over the
Province and selling this medicine at
$1 per bottle, which every one can
make for themselves. The bottles I
filled each held_about a puart,_
ing, quick feeding steers for market, by
Crossing with the Aberdeen Short Horn noted
o • eir,ear y ma wring an rapefee ing
q uali ties:
Feist -class representatives of the above now
popular breeding, for service at E Gaunt's
faun con, 12 \Werst Wawanosh. Lcrd Lovell,
te,r-uis, g,rides $3 00, thorio ;hbreds $8.00.
Good Hope. terms, grades $1.50, thorough-
breds $4,00 Pedigrees or any 'other particu-
ars on application.
form the. inhabitants of this section that
he has,placed a'Portabie &-.w Mill on the
east half of Lot 22. in the 13 •con., of West
\\?awanosh, aiad is now Prepared to supply
the public with all kinds of lumber from 10 to
20 feet in length, and at the lowest possible
•price. Frame timber, etc. also kept :in stock
or cut to order. The mill .is in charge of Mr.
C. Sowers, sawyer. A call solicited.
tf-856 C. THOMS, St. Helens P. U.
stock. No experience required.' Steady work
the vera roundLiberal pay guaranteed.
Outfits free . Mite for terms ar.d commence
at once.
' Atwood & Company, .
limos. 851. Nurserymen, Geneva, N. Y.
iq Canada. We want reliable, energet-
ic men to sell our Nursery stock ; previous
experience not necessary ; any man with tact
and energy can succeed ; terms liberal, either
salary, or commission outfit free. Our
agents have moony advantages, sueh as s'"lling
home-grown, Lardy Canadian stock: Choice
New 'Specialties, which are of value, and
which can tally be Secured from us, such as a
complete list of New P!issian Apples; , the
Ritson Pear, Saunders Phan; Hilburn Rasp-
berry, Moore's Ruby and Black •Champion
Currants, Moore's Diamond Grape etc. -
IVe have given particular Attention to the
propo;ation of Hardy 'Varieties suitable to the
northe,ru sections of Canada.
. hor.terms apply to
Toronto, Ont.
Adam Thompson begs leave to tha th
inhabitants of Luck and surrenndin
epu,itry for the liberal patroba.ge bestowed o°
him during the last seven years, and washes
conttnnance of his old custuniers and a ta:•.
share of the new, as he is•i,pp a better positiob
than ever to supply the watts of the. publ
lie always has on hand a stock of
'Wagons 85 Buggies
of all kinds, He also will remind them of his'
far famed
which he alway has on band and are made
the very best material. Parties wa.ntii,g au
thing in this line will do well to give hint acal
and see pttces beforo piucho ing olsewber»
Partinu]ar attention paid to
flatfeet eontraetionp, and interfering. -
13y strict attention to business, good work
mansbip a lid employing nothing bait good
workmen, 1 trust to retain the Itatronagg•
kindly extt tided to me.
Campbell Streto opposite the Bank
is premature to talk about
fall goods, isn't - it ?=Yet we are
preparing to make room for
them, and when they arrive the
store will be filled, To avoid
overr crowding, we are goir.!.g to
unload the balance of our Sum-
mer stock at cost and less: This
will -give you a hn t, mens light
summer coats ° and . vests re-
duced from $4.50 . to $2.50
away below cost,but -they must
'go. Now there is a lot of prints
which sold at 12 1-2 cents it
wil% be a great bargain to make
the price 7 cents. Yet we intend
to make it, They must go.
It shows the drift ofour
efforts to please our patrons
when we advertise handled
cups and saucers at 75, cents
per- dozen and plates alike./
Glassware in correspondi