HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1890-07-18, Page 4IC • tOnow cc • _.• traii: BIATIr UTTER AND TO ARGVrE RElsctiiT;;QOORDING TO THE DICTATES QF f SCIENCE 1VE PRIZE ABOVE ALL iLnoknow, July 'lath, 18807 irt ri ,CUT _'HE WE1 DS DOWN =As- usual, the country is more or 1'le $ over run with Canada thistles, rag - w t3d,`':ox-eye. daisy, bttrtanck and other z,nociuus weeds. These pests are not The Lucknow Sentinel Bruce County, Friday ,July 18th require a most powerful people to oyer- eonae Canadians should resistance be demttrnded, v diem. There need be no fear pftoe, .result. There areas sturdy. and determined next in this country as could be found anywhere, and should the time of trial come we are sure that they wou-id snake a firm stand for their homes. There 3s no reason why, says the London Advertiser, the Christian denominations through the world shoiid- -.not- .co -prate ire every- move - menu for the amelioration of the human. race. Nor are there good grounds for the • denominations keeping 'ape rt on this continent. Why, for example, should Canadian Protestant churches EP YOUR EYE ON TH18! NOW FOR.HARV� .. T' T L be ,.. �.0 ut swab'' .rr,-•v: s3. ^� ,..- V 474 res* TQC ;=^.' ,:v r; iillathine Oil F The Best �i the .1xarkk1 • BVILDEES 141'D PAINTERS SUPPLIES_ . on: y Sprea ' Ing In coun ry p aces—on feints; on every sideroad and consession _ .s; --but; many of the side streets and .v9.cant lots in this town- have grown crank with them, Canada thistles may • 1. -he found growing up between the stioartls in the sidewalk. What are s -the, authorities doing in this matter ? .:Nand what are the land owners about ? ;Chapter 202 of the R. S. O. distinctly tater hat it shall be the duty of every , ?.owner of land or the_ occupant to cut .,+down or destroy all the Canada thistles, ..ox -eye daisies, wild oats, rag -weed and Ihurdock growing on his land. It is ti :;j aounden duty of municipal officials least=keep-the=streets-sand -roads ;.clear of noitious weeds, if they do not - etiiforce the penalty against private ,,property. .But 'until the law . with sreard to both public and private • 1property is enforced the country will continue to he overrun by weeds. In coli:batting popular evils, in helping to make men and. women better, in .economizing;• then working -,strength and their resources, they could vastly im- prove their present standing, progres- sive though they have been. The city of Ottawa furnishes. an example of how easy it is for different bodies to unite to better people when they set their minds to it. There the con- greglltionof Knox Presbyterian Church and the Congregational Church have greed to worship ti.gether for the next six Sundays, meeting in Knox Church in the morning and in the Congrega- tional Church • in the evening, thus allowing each 'Of their pastors a holi- day for three 'weeks without trouble or expense. This incident is suggestive Of many re reetiDns. Tie example set is'worthy of incitation by congrega- tions in os her places, where, through various causes, summer• congregations are slim and the. financial resources aire not such as to provide "for easily meeting expenditures for pulpit supply. When such an arrangement is possible, •ts--r.e ale ---ex dewing a pastor his hard-earned holiday. :t. A4 • 4 •x ..s .- ,r The largest fleet of British, war ships ever brought_:toether in .the North .citic is now at 'Vancouver ,Island. . What is it there for? The. British Minister. at `V"ashington, when thet. •qu-estion._was. put ._.to -hint, ..a.ns.wer-ed- _tliat the British flag would be pro- tected. Itis known that the gathering :-trying to keep down these weed pestsr whilst the public highways, vacant lots sati&=railways are allowed to be a breed- si ng_ground for them. For the public good striet measures should be r2urp -sed to cheek the dissemination .of. this destructive army , of weeds. -The injury • to the crops of Ontario ;‘-very ' year is inestimable, and every year ' tinds the 'thistle, ox -eye daisy ,Poet wild oat .pests on the increase, :and soon every other farm will have to be laid down to pasture or summer ..f.tiiowed in order to check the spread .,e,f these pests. Let every municipality .-> village and township. — enforce -the statutes relative to these noxious x,r.eeds, and such 'action will confera Jastiug benefit on the country. ',THERE MAYBE' TROUBLE. .of the fleet lia3 caused some excitement at Wsshingtnn, and that negotations ,looking towards a settlement of •the dispute have been resumed. The result will ib-, it is thought that Mr. • :',Blaine will abandon his• contention .ttaxt BI-hrin •S a is a- closed sea, and ,that ioreigsi seal takers will be allowed to tient. on the sea outside the limits of the. fur company's possessions. • The New York World is responsible for the statement- that Minister officially ' notified the ,Atiesiean•.Secretary of State than if any sealeis sailing under the British Vag, •were seized in Behring Sen they would be reateased by the British fleet, ,ecu ;,it•er at what cost. This corn- tteunicatton, whisk Sir Julian Pounce- fotl, will n c say he did or did not for - /ward, is said to• have caused consider- ahle stir in the State Department. Jt does not follow that there -would be war over a conflict of authority in JJ 1i ing Sea like that mu; gosted, that 'war between ' the Uri ited' States and Grout l3r•itain would result, but it. would no doubt carry :natters far in ..that direction. Owing tothe preposeci , tariff ameodtt tints in the States,.feeling.' ie England is not very cordial towards the Americans, and it is believed that the tint has .come wheel; the Mother Country will staitdncl further nonsecrse. in ars'y aver: t t;ana,da is able to take. Dare of herself, and there need he no Oar from an invasion. That. such an tiecurrtutoe would do incalculable (4.0.,use tl to Canada .is true, .1 ut.it .Would W"sA..Y D0W1Sr Oil L ..1) g.-' .721-1.Y.LON pawEzzta SUMMER frL- - SEASO 1890. Our various departments, DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS AND sHOJS,' H A.T1S AND CAPS, CROCKERY -& GLASSWARE.— READY L., SS ARE.REA®Y 1 -� MADE CLOTHING, ETU. Will be found complete, full of specialties and price3 sppcialties MILLINERY! :0: OF INTEREST TO THE LADIES.s. . :0: Mr. J, Mur,hisen, Luckuow, has opened a new millinery store in the stand lately occu- pied by Mrs. Findlater. The'bueiness is strict- lymillinery. THE COORS ARE ALL PHEW. THE LATEST STYLES. THE PRICES THE LOWEST. Mrs, Murchison will be pleased to have you call and inspect the stock before purchasing. BULL FOR SERVICE. :0: THE UNDERSIGNED WILL KEEP for • service this ,season at •nhrth half Lots 53 and 54, in the 1st concession of Kinloss,'hi superior bred Shorthorn Bull • "Solomon:" PEDIGREE' :—Solomon, is red, calved June 20th, 1888, bred by Thomas Andersen, Dun•' gannon,,On,t., got by Wallace (imp) 2752, dam 14linnehaha, by Doubledee 481 ; Primrose, by Rhl.deric Dhu 3801 ; Jennie, 1165, by Dixie Duke, 474 ; M?aid•of the Forest, 1455', by John A: McDonald, 721 ; Mayflower, 15142 by_ Alfred -':304 '; Ewa;• -NSI, `h;V S niter"Johnny, 1083;. Florence Nightingale,'1007, by Young Cambridge, 1178 ; Lady Elgin, 1252, by Dalli- more 463 ; Eliza, 055, by Duke, 484 ; Count- ess -led, 783, by Leopold, 761. Countess 1st' 782, by Son til' Comet (imp), 23$, (155) ; Prin cess (imp) 419, lay Son of Lancaster, 360, by a son of .Windsor; 6,08. •• TERMS :-$1.25 ; thoroughbreds, 85.00. RODJERICK GOLLAN, • Luckuow, P. 0. 851 THE COOK'S DES TFRIEND 1890 --VOTERS' LIST--- 39O Mnnletpality of the Township of litnloss, County or lartico. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I • have, transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in the third and fourth sections of the "Voters' List A..1." the copies required by said Miction to be so transmitted or delivered of the lis, pursuant to the, sairl act, of all persons appearing by the last revised AsauKstenb itollgif the, said. louts icipal • sty to Vote in the said. rnunieipality'at t:Iol,tions for members to the Legislative -assembly and at municipal elections and the said lilt ttam first ggosted up at my office in bengeidd on the 9th day of July, 1890, and remains, there for inspection. ; lectors are called upon to examine the P,i►id listttlnd if any oInisAions In• any Iither visors are found they+ -in, to take itnv ediaits procced- hip to, have the 55th a errors oorreoti t accord. fog .t6 1aW. Darted at Langside this+ 9th day' tf July, '110, PETER R EI D, E Clerk of tIA said tf►utdri'pality, *3-860 , J.at►littlde 'l'. U • Jamomementiaftromeno CAMERON, MURDO,CH & CO LUCKNOW. & DUNGANNON S I We keep all the best lines i:t4 Twoeas, Dress goods, Gloves, llosiery, Corsets. Lase Curtains, o. Also fall: line of gents furnishings. Our aim is ,o givo you a good article ata reasonable price. T. .)awren ce hs justreceved: a full line of- ..l SCYTHES AND STOKES, SNATHS, CRADLE; AND 'k:INGET s, HAY' RAKES, FORE'S iND FORK HANDLES, µIDES, POKES, I1ALWEST TOOLS COAL OIL, MACHINE, .BOILED, RAW ANI, I,I.NSEED ' OILS, WRITE LEADS, , ZINC, WHITE AND DRY PAINTS, MIXED PAINT, .ALABASTINE, GLASS AND PUTTY, WIRE FENCING OF AILL Ki -NDS, -BUTILDING PAPEP . K. DRY, AND TAR, ROOF TAR PAINT1)l COAL TAR., WATER I./ME, PLASTER OF PARIS; LAND PLASTER, LAAVIN MOWERS, GRINDSTONES, DAISY ,CHURNS, WASIfINo MACHINES, SC14' EN WIPE C.LOTIf,FLY TRAPS,. PURE PARIS GREE -N HONEY EXTRA ,}', S BEE SMOKERS, HONEY CANS, KNIVES, ETC.,' 'AND A 'FULL I,bd 4e4 he` l' TIN AND GEANITE WARE; .* • bed's BRASS04, AND .ENAMFgs%4.44, on 01 ,SER JNG K ETTLES. VO4ede� of a email • FAVe troughing clorn.. OIL the shoe, . .24,0;:i0;;, which a asonable figures-. _ Repairing promptly bp4 fib,,,,, II ay, that o attencletl_to. Cash buyers tivi11 ��°.�4o ° la its basis { iI d4 ,,aha �er� , senors firm), call before purchasing elsewhere. THUS. �.A. . s moi; NI d .„ nso presoripti,ssum ' a 0 I N 0 0 T.. r to 4,, oham'medana �i°�A dd n among so call 4, °b. • �..I er :have a .oaf" 1 prccapta reapt the—Inv/or-haw------- is only, over a ve • of the onions w'6