HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1890-07-18, Page 1I? IF • r-4 •ftt•-•,• • 17.1 to; „.:40314V V 14 VOL XV11.-29„ 4111. 4116,„; „ 41111_,:a LIJC1CNOW ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JULY 18„1890 , -THE- NAVA": ficutind s pu le. every rt. ay a 1k,ck, north-east eortitr of Outram and Campbell tqs., Lucknow, —BY — 11J -- IMES -BRYAN,- -- ------ -- EDITOR & PUBLISHER. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1700 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. AUL KINDS OF 70B: PRINTING EIECCTED WITH NE tTNESS dl DESPATCH. *.amen••••••••••••nowlion• MEDICAL T • A. Mo DONA LI), M.. D., 0. M. C. P. S. • 0. ()thee, 1-1 R. TENNA.N.T, PirY SICIA N, Surgeon and Accoucheur. Snrge ryoop - visite Cain's hotel. Office hours from 9 to 12 • 11.h. and kret,41.2 to 5 p. m. MeD. GORDON., M.D., •• M.S., M C.P.S.O., Physician, Sur - on, and Accoucheur. Office next dour to W. Allin'simplement shop. Resideuce Ross IStreet, opposite W. U. Little's. , • D R. P. mailtelegram p GEDDES, V. 5, CALLS either by or . romptly : 7attended to. Charges moderate. Office. Con rigan's hall. Boarding house, . LEGAL.. c IMON CORRIGAN, COMMISSIONER, 4D in H. 0. G. Kinlough P. O., untario. .1-1 ARROW & PROUDFOOT, BARRIS- .:,r ters, Solicitors, .ete., Goderich, Out. T. G..GARROW, Q. 0. Wm.. Pttuu ['Four. WILMOT TRAVER, ATTORNEY AT 5-14 law, Solicitor in Chancery, Convey ancer„. etc. • Office, next door to Murchison's jewellery store, Luekoow,,Ont, 11.. MORRISON", • ATTORNEY AT • lavv, Solicitor in. Chancery, Commis- • . %loner, Conveyancer, etc, Office, over the Barber shop. • GENERAL, OBERT CUNNINGIT AM. • INSUR • ance, Fire &Marine, Guelph, Ont. • . rtirONEY. TO. L0A.1'..T! ,1 HAVE A FEW thousand dollars to invest for. private parties. at reasonable 'interests. •• Eurerr TRAVERS. 310NEYTO LOAN ON _VI RST -CLASS mortgages at 7 to per cent. interest. vatyable year1y. Charges moderate, Apply to &THEM. MURRAY, St. Hc -lens. JH MURCHISON. 0. P..It 'TICKET • agent. One way exclusions to the North West and Pacific Coast, Full information to intending travellers to any part. of the world. NOSEY TO LOAN ! AT 0 PER CENT' from 2 to 20 years. Lists of .farms for -sale in Ontario as well as .Manitoba. Parties •.desirous- to sell farms will consult their inter- estsby ihspecting thtt,a d verb sing facilities Pf„.. THE LUCKNOW BA NKINGCOMPA NY 0 ilavancare GEORGE MAIR, PROPRIETOR. MONEY TO LOAN RA.1"1'S ISSUED ON ALL PRIN- cipal -points. Cheques, drafts and mortgages cashed. Notes discounted. Amer- ican currency & American bank drafts or checoes bought or sold. I t erest allowed on deposits from five dollars and upwards at the rate of five per centum per annum. Money to lend nn farm or .village property at the lowest current rates. Fire insurance effected in first clase stock inenanee companies only. We have one 200 acre, three 100 acre a.nd two 50 acre farms for sale cheap. Office hours 10 a. m• to 4 p. m. G. A. SI DOAL.L., Manager. 50;000: LBS. OF WOOL Wanted at t e o S thscriber in Great Britain and Ir -and and continent of lands for :,.ale.. A Nous STEWART, Land Valuator, Lucknow, Ontario. • --,-. WEST • WAWANOSII MUTUAL Fire Insurancie Company, board of directors meets for the transaatim of business on .the first 'riiesday each montlr. ' Parties • wishing to have their property insured in this increasingly papular Company, will by giving notice, be called upon by an .agent or by one of \itile Directors.. Bnsine.Ss c."11s pr,mptly. 4tanded to. Office, „Ponstannon: J. ' ',1.. BOTIARTs, Secretary, WM. LANE, 'Treasurer. paramsak .......memom. .... — . SoCIETIES - — IT CI K N W 1.4 Lodge, No. 112 meets every Friday evening at 8 o'clock in their hall, Campbell street. Ail brethren invited. 11: TAYLOR., Noble Gtatal ; JOHN ELLIOT, Recorder. ---- —2— • 0. F., COLTRT J. Sherwood, No. 50, Lucknow. . Meet very fast and third Monday in e v 'e r y month, in the Odd- fellowS hall. •Visit- ing brethren a r e cordially invited. • A. rirr D A V 1*.1N 0. R. ,iZItg D. D. )(cu. • SEC. A G. If. W. 1,-VMX0 \V LODGE Or the Ancient Order 'United Workmen., meet in the Odelfellows hall, oi tIn. last and second Monday evenings of each month at eight o'clock.. Visiting brethren cordially invited. JOHN PEART, .11faster Workman. R. D. CAMERON, IFfecorder. T ITCKNOW MECHANICS' T.NS'n titte. Reading room open eiiery evening from 0 to 1.0 p. m., excepting Saturday, when the hours will he from 2 t p. In.. The librarian will be in attendance (Nitrg these hours. 1). .0. YULE, Preaident. JAs. SOM Ell VILLA, Secretary. oftmenareasmaaaa.ausaaa„"waras......r.f:r.....0 DENTAL • t. - - -- . EROM, L. D• S•, T SJE • ,Wingham; will he in Lncanow on the second and ceilidh ' riday and Saturday of each month. Having purchased a larffe amount of stock at reduced rates,. I am prepared to make good seta of teeth fa illff and the best that are 164*. Jo* Jowls. PIONEER STOFiE CAMPBELL'S. OLD STAND, LUCKNO.W. For which tile HIGHEST CASH PRICE. Will be paid. W. J. E3RUMPTON. c Loyal. Orange Lodge No. 790 To Rev. Bro. Cascuclen: . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER—This Lodge desires • to • express 'sincere sympathy with you, Mrs.. Cascaden,. and eanh tnernbOr ,of your •famiiy; in your sore bereavement, by the .decease of your dear son William, . While you have...stron.g _.grounciS of,,eonsolation respecting the . departed,yet, the affections are entwined around , our loved ones, and we are ,keenly sensible a.if.the struggle of parting, especially in early life, when prospects of usefulness are opening up.. We cannot fathom the depths of the wisdom of our ileaveniy Father's dealings; but we know that they•are all inlove. When we. revue Tuber that he loves. us, "and sent his Sian to b' the propitiation of our sins" and also that when we lay our clear onesupon the'alter of -conse- cration' daily, we would readily and submissively say, "Thy will be done." And that he „who comforteth- ua in all, our tribulations may bestow upon Mrs. Cascaden and you, in enlarged measure, sustaining. grace, until the, separations and sorrows of the present shall, give place to the re -union arid joys of future eternal felicity, is the earnest prayer of this Lodge. • • With much affection and respect. W. II. Blackel',.W. M. Thomas Stanley., R. S. July 4th, 1b90. .„ WANT A LOAN. roe assistance WHOLE NO- 861. • is ti piece of wholesome legislation. It forbids ate sending to any such factory 1 milk diluted with water, (3) milk from which any cream has At the.Council meeting on Tuesday been taken, or (4) milk commonly hiSt; Messrs. Cliff' and Forster ' known as skimmed milici„ or (5) milk thihg , from which any portion of that part of of the Central Furniture Factory, the milk known as strippings has been in this village appeared before that kept back, or (6) anymilk that is tainted or partly sour. • Penalty for body and asked the corporation to each offence against the provisions of grant them a loan of $5000 for ten the Act, upon conviction thereof be - years without interest. The firni is fore any justice er justices of the per..ce, now doing a large and successful is a fine not exceeding fifty • dollars busioess, but they are anxious to and not less than five dollars, together with the costs of prosecution. The increase their trade, and if the village fine when recovered shall be payable, will give them the asaistance needed, one half to the inforinent or corn - they will enlarge their works and plainant, and the othor half to the employ a large number of hands over representative of the factory to which those already engaged in the factory. the milk was sent, to be .distributed atnong the patrons in proportion to in their ietter_to coutleil_they_ Ttte, Prison • Reform cornmiss ion recently appointed by the 'Ontario Government have „made a report, the' chief points of which may be summarised as follows.—Drunkenness is the,great cause of crime; imprison. ment doesn't cure drunkenness ; the establishment of. • poor -houses is desirable; hard work is the best anti- dote for the tramp nuisance; „County Court:31'1s aro too mean to have the management of jails; Government control of jails would be a good thing, the importation of old country waifs had a had effect morallY and physic. .ally upon the youth a the, country ; more playgrounds -required . for children ; better ,classification in Tails neCeSSOry ; religieetieryiees the agree to pay to the village $200 annually, and at the expiration c the ten years to give bAck the unpaid balance of $5,000, so that all the cor- poration will have to raise yearly is $250 necessary to meet the interest on -4a-rei7.-"-Ats---011-P-preSC as fl it -3A of $249,000, that w ould'require about one mill on the dollar, over and above what is already regnieed to meet the ordinary expenses Of the village, which this year will aineunt to about 19 mills, or two .cents on the dollar,if the loan is granted. In order to secure the cor- poration against ..oss,they will give a first mortgage on the plant;machinery and material to . the value of $.8000, to- gether with aninstnancA policy of $6000„ the policy to be held by the council, and the firm to pay the premiums. Messrs, Cliff & Forster pay out in wages now over $700 per ,end if they get the grant they. will increase that sum to nearly double that amount, which will certainly be a big advantage to the place. We have given here the conditions of their letter, but in order that the ratepayers may Lear for themselves, and have aii opportunity of epressing their opinions OD the subject, the Reeve has called. a public meeting in the Town Ball on Monday eatening coinniencing at eight o'clock, and we hope to see „ a large turnout of ratepayers pieserit. Colne to the rneeling as it is a' matter that affects every property. holder in the place. . • CIIEE HARM IN .BLV. rii i'1Of.BOBEETSON, 0111 VITA. .• - their respective inCeFeSts ii the- pro- duct thereof. July 'cheese, like July butter, has a reputation for being the poorest of the summer. • This year it should Le er-' ceptioaally tine. The alincl.toce' grass. in June, with a too pleatiful iai n O11 w ill leave the past,u re with richer hurbage than 'usual. Suitable conditious for the p'odt'ction, prepa- ration and' preservation of the milk in a tit state for the •manufacture of fine cheese can be, continued by the patrons givingeffect to these Sitnple requireieerts Cows need the owner's provincial care in 'the fol lowing matters, viz :—(a) 'An .ahuntance. allowanceof succulent or othei• feed. '(b) Opportunity to drink. pure .water at least twice a day. (c)Access to sIt every day.' (d) Shade in the pasture. field froin Ithe weakening influenCe of July suns. (e)Regularity in milking. (f)Management and handing . with continuous kindness and an eye to pretits.., 2. Cows should be prevented from drinking impure water and should be protected'aeainst the attention of all dogs'. 3(a) Milk should "i,e seraned innnediatelly after it is drawn from the cow. (b) Itshould be airea by the, use of an aretor or by dripping, pour- ing or stirring. (c) It should he cooled to the temperature c the' atmosphere. (b) It shotild he pro- tected from contamination by the foulness of.impure ......air. When „ the yield of milk by the cows begins to shrink, the ternptation to make rip the quantity in some other way is increased. The Act passed hy the Dominion Parliament to provide against frauds • • • el • — • - - I •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • TWELFTH OF JULY. The Battle of the Royne Loyally Celebrated by the Orangemen anillheir Friends The 200th anniversary of the Battle of the Boyne, when the hireling forces of King •James fell before the victorious army Of Williatu, Prince 'of Orange, was royally celebrated by the Orange men of the ominion on Saturday last. The membersof the Order in this vil- lage aud of the -Lodges in the surroand-- ing country,went by special train to • Clinton,' where the detnonstratioe'Was the largest.ever witnessed in the (3oun- ty of Huron. Froin 7 o'clock in . the morning the visitors fairly poured into town, and by the time the last train reached there fully 14,000 people were present. Three specials and one regu- lar train brought fully 3,000 people •. down on the L. H. aV,B. R. R., while special trains.brought 'thousands froth .St. Thomas on the south, Parkhill on. the east, and Goderich on the west. The towu was magnificently decorated with bunting and evergreens, every business inan doing his duty in the way of a display. All the •hotels were taxed to their utmost capacity in serv- ing the wants. of the great crowd. ,. •At .12:30 o'clock, after baseball, and lacrosse games, the different lodges, with their lir iss• and fife and drum bands, wended their way to the show grounds to. form...the.great proe„Osion, which was the longest ever seenhere, and at 1.30 o'clock .filed out in the fol- lowing order :— Kincardine Band, Kincardine Sir Knights, Black Knights,. No.•498, Bervie ; •1,328.; Atn- herl+;y; 1,..1,26, • Bei,hel ; Ripley Band; 790, 11,ipleY; :7-68 - and 716, ,South Perth; 827, Ilibbert; 335, Mitchell; 492,`• Woodhall; 561, Kirk ton; 592, St. Marys; 707, ,Downie; . 610, Bid dulph; St. Thomas Fife and Drum band; 989, Si, Thomas; 976, Wallace - town; 928, Summerhill; 873., Morris; 252, Walton; 219,Greenway; 1,139, Kinloss; 1,044, Maple Glove; 466, St. Mary's; 493.. l.liciclul.pb; 826, Grand Bend; 216, Enniskillen; 890, Bltldul- ph; 924, Exeter; 1,343, Crediton; 428 Lucknovv: 324, -1)nrgaAnon;: 344, Don- -eybrook; 499, Belfast; 1,052,, Nile; '913, Morris;. Blyth Band; 317, Wawa - nosh; 459, Sunshine; .462; Belgrave; 863, Loirdest»ro; 932, Auburw-, 31, Bayfield ;. 306, Hillsgreen'73,3; Hen- son ; 833, Goshen ; 1,035, Varna ; 145, Goderich Tp. ; 153, Coll»rne, Goderich band ;' 262, Sdtford ; 306, Baytield ; 189, Hohnesville ; 813, Mc - Doherty band ; 662, Lucan ; 71.0, Clinton. to credit for their splendid showing. The Kincardines took ,firat prize for •the Jar est number and first •rim) for ce- tan took first prize for the lodge - coming the longest distance. — At- -the. -008e-0U-the- -procession-, County Master Todd, of Clinton, took the chair and called the immense gathering to order. On the platform were J. G. Holmes,' ef Toronto ; L. Dickson, of Exeter; Rev. W. Craig - and Rev. J. Edge, of Clinton ; Rev. Mr. Caseaden, of Ripley, deputy chap- lain of the supreme lodge ; Mayor Doherty ; W. Jackson, president Board of Trade; Rev. J. Hodgins, of Seaforth, and a great many other prominent Orangemen and citizens of the town. The first speaker was .Mayor Doherty, who, in a few words welcomed the large gathering to the town. W. Jackson,on behalf of the 1• •. • • The Kincardine turnout was a great credit .Ito the town ; they numbered 100, and headed by their fine band they made a display that brought cheers from the crewd. Their county master, Jas. Lang, was justly proud of his lodge. Lhe Belfast and ,Niie pikes also made a tine showing, each lodge having, over 50 men in line. The Bayfield Orange Young Britons.. also made a showing that'did them credit, and the same can be said of St. Thomas, who brought a large turn out from that enterpitsing place in charge of Master ,,,carlett,... Their fife and drum „in the supplyinbut- band was, the finest ever seen in this g to cheese, cLcond.eise d. Jijk1nuIactur18 a-atian. ,Tii Bettie er_a Boar' of Trade, presented an address to J. G. Hohnes and representatives - a the Orange Order. Rev. J. Hod- gins then made an address, followed by Rev. D. Cascaden, of Ripley ; Rev. W. Craig and L. Dickson, Exeter, and• Rev. J. Edge. The meeting closed with a. speech from J. 0. Holmes, - as ing or-tiver-orhefritalte,„ .• with the principles of Orangeisw, to. ;he. delight and satisfaction of the • great crowd.• The great day's preceeding closed h a magnificentdisplay of fireworks • by Prof. Hand & Co., of Hamilton ... - In connection with all the details Of this celebration, there is one man who _ deserves. a great deal of credit. for -the successful carrying out of the anarige- mtnts, and. that man is County Master. Todd. From the first he has worked . • With a vim, and he has geven us the most successful Ottange p tithe' ing ever seen in this section. For the past six months he has had the matter in hand,.. - and the successful issue must be grati- fying to hint. The crowd was Very. - orderly, and all left town well pleased with the day's amusement. IN EAST • BRUCE. . . '; • CHESLEY, Ont., July 12.—The200th.' . • anniversary of the battle of the Boyne was celebrated by the county lodee of , „East Bruce in Cheslept The village was tastily decorated. Two well niacle. • arches spanned the streets.. . The most elaborate one was erected by the • Rotuan Catholics of. this place, and was by far the best_made arch ever erected in the county of Bruce. The Hanover brassband was in attendance. ;Altogether there. were 16 lodges-. re -p-•-• resented. The speaking took place in Mr. Alex. Ramage's grove. • The chair • vas taken by Bro. A. Todd„ county . master. The meeting Was opened with prayer by the Rev. Mr. Moss. A. W. Robb then delivered a very able address on the rise and progress .of Orangemen. He correetedt he im- pression that it originated in the time. - ofWilliam of Orange, tracing is rise frotn the tyranny of James. He showed that it was an act of self ' defende, which eulminated in the. erection of the first Orange lodge in 1795: Its progress was gradual and the society was both rbligious and po- litioal, though, not in the sense of its being partisan.. 'He agreed to give up demonstrations -if the Roman 07,tholiea would du so. • Bro. A. McNeill, M. P.; spoke of the necessity for maintaining the- -tegrity of the empire. He spoke 130M what briefly on the, merits of the objects of the Imperial Federation League, and showed that it simply aimed at the maintenance ,of the in- tegrity of the whole empire. Rev. W. Riley spoke on the duties of Protestants, and dwelt on the differ ence between them and Roman Catho- lies, showing that the bible was the, secret of British' greatness. • Ho gave the 'meeting some very practical adviee. Rev, It. Phillips, (lid not approve of the manner in which the Act of incor- poration had been given. it hind been thrown 10 them as a sort of return for the Jesuit bill. It was givento thvm as an insurance society. The county. master showed.that the order had been an insurance society four years before.. In former years the Protestant Con- servatives 'supported, while the Roman Catholics and Protestant Reformers* a eliTe entitled- sappo.sed it • •;.j • j .0 ••14 • • 4 „ I • F • A.A • •••••••ACAI