HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1890-07-11, Page 8•
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irh Luc nowlitetiliPelo Brgoe004n,typ, Fricialt Ouly
MINS* „.
Hours 8 a. fn. to p• fn.
3110.4 AMIE.
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• 8,13outh 6a3a.m. Dolly
Ag4:11. 4g or* U-30 P. In• "
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Wik 13, North 3:48 p.
4 Intermediate pointsf 000 p. m.
L. H. &B. North 10.30 p. ms
.Langside 3-00 IN m,, Fridays_
W. &13.,Snoth 1 0 RA in
* I 11. &B,
.South r •'
L. 11.& B. South 10.00-a. re.
W L& B. Minh •3•20p. ni •
,Orotyrocid). 4.30p.m.
Oahaionian tholes
The Oidedenian -games will be held
on the-secOnd 'Wednesday in ,Septem,-
her. Let every citizen froom them for
all they are worth; financially and
A Week's Berard or the Pushing Border If rin4DERSIGNED WISHES TO
Town. iriforlialthe fanners of this section that
he willkeep fez service, this season, at Lot 11
W . J. trumpton spent Sun- in the 8th don. of the eastern division of A h -
4,79P, ,••7, zzr- 44volsoz :•,,•4•••••••••.z, ••,k-,43
Tuesdays and
. Biimmrk."
Player* Wanted --Maiiiter Geo. ,Swith is visiting FE Rod zia a d
Olevaring Salo!.
loeS;— mar s re, c ve
9;1 aocouo of two Or three of the friend e in Toronto.
, .. by .,2
March 8, 1889, bed by William blallough,
band boya leaving the village, PloYere —Little green apples are here. Dungannon, Ont, got Wallace (imp)752,
dam Annie 8430, by Young Springw.00d rrinco
are wanted for their instruments. "Little; but oh my l" 6299; Grace Harper 2n4I 9227, by British Heir
Parties -avishing-eto-join the band - • —M-rie L),-: Collins, of Kincardine, isrado32889812118E2lex. Land 2nila6636,616I,2td
Village and Vitintig Stwo.
` Stallion Sold -
'19 Mr. Angus MIgenzie, of Icinlosee
on Satin. ity last,:dsposed of his .fine,
imported two year old Clydesdale;
'/4 ,gtallion, •'Pride of Neilston," US'
•z Messrs. Grahams &- CreathPof Pine,
Kiver lie is a good colt; and weighs.
about 1600 pounds. The price, paid
4 .t'IS: • ,4.*Rin a good one.
see z,i•,
;•• ': • Generous Heart -
Rev., James Carrie, of Dungannon,
pastor of PertAlbettEt4enpid Church,
,•purchased 9f Geo. W. Thomson; local
••• -• •agent, one of the Goderich Organ Co.'s.
liedra casedLorgans and donated the
e*ipe , to, , the above congregation:
:'dila., kind s'pealrloutier
• • than avords.—Goderich Star. '
• .1.. • .. I • •
' • e
Gone, to His .Reward • , • ,
Pliere!..plailseet. away on Saturday
•••'aft4inoon. last •ancither.old resident • of
• theNillage, 'in the. person of Mr. Harry
Deceased was a quiet, industrious man,
although -he hedkv,o. relatives in
•- lids country, he enjoyed .the good
nd 'eeteem •of all who knee• • him.'
• •• fen -Mies were interred in the Kine
• -Liss cetnetery on Monday last. , , • •
0Ounty• Lodge •-• • -
The , semi-annual •meeting of • the
Orange County Lodge co V. est Bruce
• • . . rilet in the .Oddfellows hall, Lucknow,
• ••• on Friday -heat, 'with County Master,
reTaiseph Lang, • of. Kincard•ine. presid-
• -
• log... Owing to the busyysea0a: . there
; • e
• 57 -ewe not .iliany delegate* present;, and
• •l chief business' transacted wa,e the
• corupletiim, of arreagements for attend7e
the. big demotiateation in Clinterx
on the 1211i. , • ' ' °
should sena th9ir applications to Mr,
Harry Days, Secretary.
Baptist Picenle
Several loz:de of friends- and adher-
ents of the Baptist con re ation in
1•1; '
the light house., on Tuesday last, to
enjoy a day at the lake, where they
spentea-pleasant. time
Junket Social
• A junket soCial, under the auspices:
of the Epworth League, of the Metho-
dist church, will be held in Mr. Thos.
Webster's orchard, on Tuesday even-
ing next, July lfith. • The, young
people are making preparations for an
agreeable time. All are invited.
Oddfellows Picunic
At a meeting of the Oddfellows
Lodge, on Friday evening last, it was
decidedto hold the annual pic-nic of
the' order' in the beautiful, grove' at
Kintail, on Tuesday, the 221A inst.
The ,grounds • are -likely situated and
contain0,11_ the_requirements for a
pleasant day's Outing.
Flour, and Feed
• Mr. Thos. Young would beg leave
to inform the residents of 'Lucknow
and Surrounding country, that he is
stlim:arrying on the flour and ' feed
• ' • ,
visiting friends in this village.
• Councillor Angus McQuaig left on
• Wednesday for a trip up the lakes.
—Mr. John H. Moffat, of Chicago;
was i th v. game 1 st
—Mrs. S. Robertson is enjoying the.
lake breezes with friends in Goderich.
—Mn, Arthur DifcGrory left on
Tireidety -ktwfor a ten -clays -trip to
—Mr. John Gentles, of Kincardine,
was buying horses in the village on
Tuesday last.
—Miss Maggie Murray, of thetOn-
servatory of Mueic, Toronto, is home
for the holidays.,
Appearances indicate that the hay
crop will be the largest gathered in
Ontario fur years.
—A boy is much like a man ; give
him a gun, aud he sobn begins lying
about the game he kills.
—Mr. W. U. tittle and his daugh-
ters Allie and Unie are visiting friends
in -the -neighborhood of London. - -—
—The Kinloss voters list are now
in the hands of Mr. Peter Reid, the
clerk; whose notice appears in another
column. ,
—All parties who have ordered
binder twine from Thos. Young, and
GlirandaDuke 070 ; Re 1833, byrPgyal Mkt
of G1o'-ter 16351 Maggie 1429, by Lord of
Lune • (imp).155 (16428). Queen of the West
1751, by Victor 1136 (12268) ; Daisy 823, by
Halton 684 (U552), Laqinia4th 134. hylinke
of Wellington (imp) 91 (3654) ; Lavinia 2nd
'hv A3.irtiurt.., 1ir1,v.1 ii town .
v a etlit 0 Copts 'y ay,
hohne (1018), by Son of 'North Star (456).
TERMS.—$1400. Thoroughbred same price..
Light Gromnol Prints,
worthy business without any possible
chance of loss. Steady employment and
control of tenuory, Have done business in
Canada. SO- YEARS.. Liberal -pay -to the -
right man, to sell our unencelledA Nursery
Stock. Send for terms.
• Nurserymen, COLBASE, ONT,
White Straw Hats at half
r& SMitikt Sir
Dougherty, where will he found always
on hand the best grades �f 'family and
Maniteba patent flour, also meal of all
kinds, oats, bran, shorts,, chop, etc.
All kinds of farm produce taken in
English Church Ooncert
A grand concert to aid in Making
several improvement to St Peter's
chtfrch in this village, will be held in
the Town no, on Thursday evening,
•'July 31-st, when the leading local tal-
ent as well as Miss Lilly 'Evans and
Miss Ida Walker, Kincardine, will
takepart in the programme. The
'entertainment Promises to be _One of
the best ever held in the village, and
all are cordially invited. ,
"A • Bad Fall . ' ••• • • . . .
Mr. D. Hayes, our obliging ;station Twelfth of July .
ut,,met with a rather serious -a,cci. •. The 200th anniversary of the Battle
. , .-
dont . On -Saturday ..laelt ' .4n. getting .ofthe Boynewill be celebrated by the
(I,)wn from the driver's, seat Of the bus,Orangemenof this village and vicinity
s ho
• inissed. ' his hold and fell to, .the• on Saturday next, 12th inst., when
g-ound, striking an -his head and they will go to Clinton to participate
, . :,elaulder. The- blow rendered him in the big demonstration in that town.
. ounconsious and it was aeveral min -
,Besides the regular morning train, a
• ,' ti.e.ii. before he could recognize.' those special train will leave here at 8.35,
.. • Around hi -in. He had a very narrow and the fair for the round -bin is only
0 -ape, but we are glad to see him at 90cents. It is expected that there
in, post again. will be a large turnout.
. ,
charming Prospects . Sent For Trial.
, .
, --- - - .1.hue never -have -peen: better pros- - -We-ta-ke•the following artiele •from-
ae, te for good crops in this vicinity the Paisley A clvo' eate, which refers to
..klart .at present. . Of course there are Niel 'McKenzie, whose home is near •
lien.] stages yet to pass, and rust and,
the Grey Ox, in the tewnships of Kin-
eaeor ills might yet ,affect, them, but -it
'is time enough to wail over these
. tie ,gs when they come. • The grass
• needs only favorable weather to
' g.t !.er it in to insure a wonderful crop
ef eaucl hay. The fruit crop has un-
fot tanately been seriously effected, but
4,nmigti will pull through to secure at
lea,a, a light average crop.
Le ,ing • KinCaraine
'1 'ere is to be ncepa,per issued from
t'a, office of the Kincardine' Review
+1,1k'week the editor and his 'staff -en-
.: 'iy;! g the usual holiday -taken by all
ba. ountry weeklies each year, bet
',dale with it conies the rumor that
tr •Toseph Lang, who has so ably
- .'cted that journal for the past
years, has decided' to leave 'Kin-
, and take up his residence in
)ea Sound. Joe is a clever writer,
'hu t incartline is not large enough to
'el; • \'t two papers such as he would
\ ( them to be, ',and in going to
lea. Sound he will have a much
, field for his journalistic labors.
• deve,Mr. Hugh Clarke, a rising
• journalist, now of the Walker-
' ! 'vu/d, is to assurre control of
' •
o Farmers •
• g to a very great improvement
. water power of the Lucknow
,.! Mills, which will enable me to
vater about nine months in the
•cry great reduction in running
,• , i of the mill, no wood, no'
• 5, to pay for, to benefit the. far-
, • ' h light wheat in the future if
, . clean it well. I will give a
.•! e•• f 50 Itist of flour and feed in
ae....e.a.aelles,..ofaheatemoetnattereehat .
!,at. • Geo. KEE&
please call. and get it.
— Mr. and Mrs. James Somerville,
left last week to spend a month or so
with their children and friends in
Superior City, WiacOnsin.
—Miss 'Maggie Cemerom B. A.,
daughter of the Rev. D. Cameron of
.Naire,, and formerly of this place, is
the guest of Mrs. A. Murray.
— The schoolboy, "with shining
morning face, creeping,like a snail un-
willingly to sphool,,' will be missed on
the streets until September next. ,
• —The Winghaw Scheel Board have
engaged Mr. A. e, H. Musgrove, of
Whitechurch, as principal of the public
school at a salary of -8,650 per year.
—Miss Nello McHardy,_of Wing-'
ham; has been appointed .orgenist of
the Clinton Church, pipe
organ, as the successor to Mr. Shearer.
Lucknow Junior Foot -Ball
club has been organized and -is now
open to any, challenges frons other
junior clubs.—H. MCCrinunon secre
tary. •
,—Messrs. Alex. Ross and W. H.
Smith attended the District Lodge
of Oddfellows in Kincardine, on Thurs-
day last,- as delegates from the Luck -
now Lodge.
—The price of good binder twine is
Troth 'TOO' -up, at Thos;
has the Massey Toronto World, Coni-
posite Silver, Blue Ribbon, and Red
Cap brands. , . .
loss:—Qa Monday last Pat Heffernan . We call special attention to the
had Neil McKenzie who Hiles.' at the 1 farm -for sale iti 'this issue, which'takes
Grey Ox up before J. G. Gibson J. P.
place on Wednesday, the 16th inst.,
at Whitely's Hotel, m this village..
See advertisement. . .
—Farmers, you can get best value
for your money in binder twine at
Thos. You-ng's, Lucknow. elle has the • . . a P
largest .steck oe hand and the beat
brands that are triade.
of Paisley, for passing spurious money.
The prosecutor in the .case was Mr.
Mn Kaley, of Lovat. The bill 'passed
on him. was a ten dollar bill of' the
Confederate States, and the offence
was committeb in January 1889: The
evidence of Mr. Kale:: was. direct
against • him and it being a criminal
case, the erieorier had to be sent down.
He had been in the habit Of passing
hiinself off under. various names and -
no, doubt also told tittainst him in
the trial. The. spurious bill wAs quite
0. ctiriosity Laid it is quite possibll that
there may be a technical point which
will wake a very great difference.
The hill cannot be called a counterfeit,
for there seems little doubt tha it was
a genuine Confederate bill. . The pie- • —The holiday number of the Toron-
ture of Jefferson Davis was on the to Saturday Night, "Canada's Sum-
- • '
announce to the, people of Lucknow and surrotinding-country; that any-
PER"03 0J PEA4 0-3
comine to me having their teeth out, that I will put in two sets of teeth.
for the priee of one set, $15, made of the very best material in the world.
use no rubber but C. ASH & SONS, Lonrion, Englaud. The teeth will.be
• C. Ash & Sons,' and S. S. White's, conceded by all who are in the
business to be
, .
Those firms have their names on their goods, and the people can see what they
are getting, and as I use -nothing but the best !material, I will guarantee nab- •
isfaction to all reasonable people, the unreasonable and there ar3 a few
such in the world, will please bear ih mind that I don't want their trade
I can always be found at Dr. McCrimmon's office, Lucknow.
ON, Luekisow,,
—All kinds of groceries of the best 110 il011 S beading Photograp 6
qualities kept at the new grocery very 1
c as we sell for cash and produce
only. Goods delivered to any part of
the town.—Geo. Kerr.
—Our local bee men are ' busy i
just now extracting honey and gather-
LS as usual ahead in the finest stylesand positions fel. photos.
mg in the swarms. The season has
been • very favorable so fir and a large
quantity of honey will he secured.
corner,- the date of issue was 1864,
hut the signatures were illegible. Jay
Gould and Jim Fisk made tremendous
fortune out of these same old bills, and
the world lauds them as shrewd sharp
fellows, but young McKenzie of the
Grey Ox in the year of- grace 1890
tries the same genie on John Kaley, of
Lovat, which Gould and -Fisk played
en John.Ball `and as a resulk he is in
the soup. How , slight the thread too
upon which the w hole thing at one
time hung. Had the southern cause
triumphed in that struggle, (and Lee
had them whipped several times if he
had only had the means to follow lip
his sweetie) young McKenzie's
would have been es good to -day as
any of the paper in eircultationamong
ater butiinessenten heatingAteLatimpaa
the United States of America.
mer," has been received. It in full of
illustrations of Canadian incidents and
scenery, and contains excellent reading
—A number of Oddfellows spent
Saturday last in the Kinloss cemetery .
decorating end otherwise improving
the gravesi of deceased brothers buried
there.' It is a noble wnrk and the
brethren are deserving of credit. •
' —In the year 1706 the average
weight of fatted steers in the London
and Liverpool markets was but 301
pounds. This, too, at the average ego
of five years. In 1 755 this average
was increased to 482 pounds. In 1830,
the weight was P660 pounds, snore than
double 'that of 1706. The average
weight of the tided steers to -day is
18 years 'age:
• 1.
Finest retouched. and. burnished, $1.50 •
to $3 per doz. Cards $1 to $2 per doz.
lle.aiso keeps a large stock stock of spectacles, especially
the well-known
/ and also deals in Bee Keepers supplies,
books, stationery, albums, frames and fancy goods.
Reit,tiember .the studio, E. L, Johnston's old,,„stand. Not
- door to Reid's hukeary... "