HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1890-07-04, Page 6,v
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a r +�t . iJ, Tailrir D�J�lia- w�B M"es"+ Y r XNQ LY FAT ARM .T13A•T AXAVR ? HIS LAST 0IJ@'T,
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L i ti>t11t a;p, a tinea may"be given fortiffsytndy _ _ �.-. •
The Terrible P "
. y 4 g Pin, pal i►a nevii9t$t1n He4o
* ,4 9 b ` t„ d t ¢ Brlti.6 Hendwar Kntombed Dunbar Mlnerneaeb the Seery Smithtioneto hif son. In,;nnc-
The, fAllQwin oats tills r of g + . .
14 _0
t118 1 � _ . en_.s Qosn lr s e in then li -,1. @. d$sp•,ta t vas iRsyr $Orly Saye;, far I gnbAr . 14'.x. de t4li. of I a m n in iiiall bo k' to religious
1* to the 8®nate• Bkeel *Silo mooed from $18.44` to $]].20 �ome;month� of the noise et itieh f. ► ► ogle • as .zlig#Ir >�__ao_,.Pa.-y._. ga-�..-- n.__e+._ g
pa y Sx . pays : The imprisoned .miners have been Gbaaaoter, Henry Smith eent the -fol-
' per tea ; mtoa 'and crude nickel are put on. Honduras, ao well as she neighboring heard from. -At 4 o'clock this afternoon `lowing letter to his son shortly before his-
' ;,; 'J.0- 41 0 rho free list ; sawed boards, $1 per 1,000 republics, has been, ander, the ban of a the men working in the head of the entry execution
,< ' L. THE BILL. OF 10$$. feet, izIstead of 61.50. No bounty is to be disease which, while said by some experts through which the resouing party is work. LoxooN, Ont., June 12th, 1890.
'_ given for lees than 500 pounds of en;ar to be yellow leve>q, is yet so terrible in `its ing its way sent word down the entry to William Henry smith:
a W .I.,I � ti. de4Patoh sit "a:, There annaaily. Blight rednottoms,•re� madb in character ae to kill off "without a single keep p quiet. Every one did eo, and,in• a DEAR S4N,-This is from our father,
► »lumber of changes in f ile sgricul- many items in the agricultural eohedual 'exception every one whom it attacks. A few moments " Pick," " pick," for a dozen who is soon to pees from title vale o!
0ttl gohednle in the tariff Bill reported and exporters o! Meat are not alloweed, young Scotohman, whom Bob Pinkerton times came the signal from inside. Then tears and who resents on this little book
the to b the Finance Com- rebate
to a sea n n
y-, Senate -, go t$"a salt need in sarin the meats. met in y
?. a a
•_ .. " ;.:,; • , •, 4' F:<3?.C...,L"i1^i i�" """' - - - -- - - - tR`i(t11'f�9"tiv"Cr=' i'`�i%'It• i'�' ' . L�
. , i^m -� r'. �. � .,. ,. ,... IG.�=�"="�i�7["�%li'i'-rY�f21`• -,�. -�-� !„ „ ��� - ..,Y : • . ..71.
I± tuna► Ylns�ieen lcoi%wecby ilaibtan Cree prieoned men cannot be reached for 24 you will keep it for my eek®,andmy prayer °
y� .k t .7►ar' last moment. They represents very, IN DEATIH Nor D1VII?EIU. • 30•year•old reeideat' of the. oolong, whose boars yet. The rescxiind Dart .A ;tt,;., R . . -
.. , p - -y -.. 4°- --- - ice Goa to to give you all needed grand u3�
;rP contest ltetween the brewers and jE,aEfeage had been taken by the steamer few feet of the line leading from the the Holy Spirit to lead each a life es You
- ' JP, farmers o! this ooi}ntry, and in every Josiah Notts and His Wife Ranged for Again for New York. Great excitement Mshoning to the Hill Farm mine, bet after may wish you had done when you come to :i:.
i Once the • greater victory was on the Warder. and anxiety were experienced in Belize that is reached the men will have to drive
, � o! the fiariinexs. There have, however die an that on will be prepared to meas
An Elko, Nev., despatch says: Elko is in yesterday morning when it was seen that through 75 feet of coal to reach their im- y P P ..
me in heaven. Remember your dear
Ia,3 come cocoas@ qns to the brewers an , A stave of.excitement, and people are poor- the Agupn, which had arrived during the ,prisoned comrades. The best authorities mother. Always remember that life is i
aaaaltaiera;,to say nothing of the con- ing to witness the execution of .Josiah night from the south, was flying the yellow in the rescuing ar hold that it will be ..
" very uncertain, and that none of us know r;
b' r, ", i of the United States. The follow. ports and Elizabeth, his wife, for the mer• flag and was lying in the quarantine after 12 O'olook to -morrow before the men the da nasi the. bo when. God'eball call ?'
ronnda. Fver one -who: can do So ie le&v- are reached. The news that the ant imbed y hour' " .
- x �^; •iU�'si�re epmP, t- theamg>te -noted c_hlrrngee der at' Miles Fawcett in Januaryi'O, 1888, in g y o ns home. The in g �"
r �-1111,�f a b' elle .committee in the Molilnley order to avoid the payment of s debt. Six- ing Honduras for England or the States, miners are alive quickly s read throe h• „ injunction to ne all ie,.
+ P y y P g Be ye pies ready. My dear eon, pray
Barley is rcduoed from. 30 to 25 teen women a lied for and shortly after 6 o'clock on the morning out the little town, and in a Short time the �F?'°'
per bushel,• barley mal% from 4S to PP Permits to witness for me. Be a good boy and God will bless '
„' y the execution, which were refused. The of the 12th several sailing boats loaded mouth of the inahoning mine was crowded '4,1
�,i ;, , r 60�ib_ The bushel of corn is deSned.to �.___- _,_' _ -� e.o you and give you ell needed race. I am
-- ._.__
— -- --__ for the with men women and children --- hysterical cry._ . _
+ since an peace wi o roug -our
;nacre: per posed. The provision of the Wig, Screaming and swesrin� at her Na- being Stated that a passenger from Yassbal and the o owe gathered so closely about the Lord teens Christ who Slled His blood on
i it a inley Bill that a drawback should band, who spends his time in his owh cell at had died while the Steamer..was at Living- mouth of the pit that the coal and iron Calvary
�M wit ro of on she sugar need in the menu• Solitaire. Owing to apprehensions o! trod• stone. Inquiries elicited the fact that this police were compelled to move them back, y for no poor sinners. He invites .1 zi
�aotnre.o! 4ondensed milk was struck out man, a.Spanitird, had expired from what i At 11 ,m thein were 1000 0 le at the us all to come to him without money and ,. ,
+ ble on the part at _Mrs: ;Potts the .41$oials _ _ .._.... ....__..._ P__ _. _ ._, .._..._ _��._p . P.._, _J -Without-price.- inn !- . orb'' it , .-"
F l y, my he e ---..__
by the Senate Committee. Gabbagee are kept the hour of execution secret. Yester- termed by the medioaY men m attendance, mane. Late to -night a man came out of and prayer to,God is that you will axe
• �, ,,,,i coed from 8 to 1 cent each. Eggs re- day morning at 5 o'clock the woman Pernicious malarial fever, superinduced, in the mine and said for some, time the men..
in heaven. i',Ea
V, J- 'amain at 5 sacra per. dozen. Flax seed is re• attempted to ,commit suicide by gashing all probability, by heavy drinking. The at work in the Mahouing mine had not N, B, -Your mother, Lucy Jackson, was �A
1�* eased from 30 to 25 sante per bnehal. her wrists and trying to smother herself. Agaan ie crowded with passengers, among heard a sound. He said the imprisoned born on the 26th day of March 1830 et "it
-� `rrrr: � + At;WOULT1aaaAL SCSEDIILE. The vigilance of the death watch re- whom are a number of time -expired work• men conte not be reached before to -mor ', ' ` �sr
Vf r, ' g P men from Nioara na and the two children row• In the meantime the ens sees is Budden -wood, Nottinghamshire, England, t
k Tho following iS the test o! rho agrionl• vented farther isjnry, bet she laintedtrom g
• o! Marvin Crawford, 'whose Dor wife died awful. Priests and P and I was born on the 25th, day of ,�laroh,iu
r1inral iti�edule ae reported, and as it will lose o! blgod: Both of the Pottsee retired P phyeiaians well be at 1824, at Base Church, Shropshire, Eng- )s`?
°•,, Ooiae a In she Senate for eonsidera- _early last night in a nervous condition. from worry oonsegnent on the arrest of E. hand when the imprisoned men arereaohed.
" ,'t. - _ They were both hanged this morning at S• Crawford, the alleged bank robber. New land. -London Free Press. lye
$orbee sad mules, $30 per heal; pro. 10.43 0 clock. Orleans is olosed as tight as a dram against ]BIIRNED To D>rnTs. sir;
� ,` 2mid that horses valued at $150 and over • British and Spanish Honduras, and i! an Roman Bathe in America. , yI'll.,
� ..pay a duty of 30 per cent. ad valorem. ' WIND . ArTD FLOOD. outbreak should occur on the Aguan there Husband and Wife, Stunned by Lightning, New York' ie to have bathe like those of . 4"",
• 4 will be no oseible means o!
a , N . ,battle, more than one. yea i old, $10 per • . P getting out of Perish in 7 heir Burning House. ancient Roma. A company was formed at = ,
beiith; lees than one year-old, $2 per head. Destructive Storms In the States—Drowned Ci, o ountry except by Mexico. ' At the A Moncton, N. B. " despatch says: a dinner given by John Brieben Walker, Ie.
+ <'+ Abge, $1.50 ,per head. in a Sewer. Cayo, 75 miles northwest of Belize, it is re- Andrew Little •and wife, of Mechanics' editor of the Cosmopolitan liia�azine, at °
i a + ported tkat people are dying like rotten settlement, six miles from El Delmonioo's one evening last week, snd„ all
Qheep, $1,50 per head. All other live A Cornell Ill. despatch says: • A tornado gin Corner, "'
> di , imrilexot s eoiall . provided for in this ' ' 1? y sheep, and the worst of it is nobody really lost their lives b the lightning g g "
P y P passed west of here this afternoon in a y g g Storm on details have since been arranged, including
. t ►bt,�ewdetnffe end t rl s Boas substances- loath eighty rods wide and about four miles knows what the disease is. The European Wednesday evening. Little was sick in plans f r th eb tilding. The structure will {,
g doctors call it yellow fever, but the Ameri-b„
aid g Everything in its path was totally can medicos differ from them.; The onlyand about 6 p.m. the hones was struck y block and accommodate 9�
„ tley, 25 conte per bushel of 48 pounds ; wrecked or badlydamaged. Four eo to by lightnin and buret into flames. Neigh- a vest number of persons at once. ' It will t
r r „ ley, analt, 40 cents per bushel of 34 were robabl fstll in ere and_ e v p thing, therefore, positively known is that g g e �"i _
bore, who. soon arrived., were hurrahed key embody all. the principles of -the. -
F"�, ,,,,,�. Tt,�,,, —y :7 - j e e><ra2 affi .l;he ceases sf 'fiv® a; alx dayst kills the s Roman bathe of Caraoalla, and
.,.... A';. d.y.,ay aa,led;aten ter-liii'i'ie(�; •otlere elf Iltl 11nrt. pentacle that met their gaze through yell bs
g y everybody whom it att&oke, and the snr> the windows. Little and his wife the latter pp
�ro �V . ax IIn fitted with .all modern appliances an cum- ,
i a , 'SP Po A Kansas City despatch says : Severe vivore are Simply &eking themselves, '' forte. T e outer walls will be of terra cotta -
k 1* ,K1 , dpo�.wheas, 15 Dents per, bushel o! 48 electrical storms, accompanied. b mesh lying on the floor, had apparently been b
. P Y "Whose tarn neat? "11
�,�nside; • rain and heavy winds, prevailed last night paralyzed by the Shock, and could do nosh- and brick or atone, and all,the floors will be
�1. .,; or maize, 15 cents per bushel of 48 in Northeastern- Kansas and Western ing to save themselves, whilethe rapid pro- marble or tiled. The building will bethiee
tit THE BEAR SNIFFS TURKEY. real of the-- fire r stories high and will contain on the n. `
e� Missouri. At 8t. Joseph the rain fell in __ g prevented those outside g spar
'• H•ooaroni,, vermicelli and all similar torrents, and flooded the streets and burst Rnseia Resorts to Threatening Measures to from rescuing .them. The building was Socia several rooms that may b® converted
.F p•1'atione, 2 cents per pound. several sewers. Jose h C: Coombs while totally destroyed,, and the charred remains into libraries or gymnasiums. The bathing -
,a �. � P , Collect Old Debt. _ad_and.„-.s<Afe--,.em-:-Uu. d--ie--tl.. 1 ._aid -o 1 ve—e ..m-.------,-•..-..--�---
.`•TQ!<��, 15 cents er bushel. _ !in � t;b.�.l�..�`g�-,.'{�".•-�,.��s��i'- a,�iw r, room „ta_ mhinh vii. )fin f
�s a mea , oen>; a can A St. Petersburg amble says :' . An omin. &Shea: ming pool, hot baths, plunges and dressing- P -� the foroa of the water and carried into the " i°l, gleaned, 1J cents per pound ; un- sewer and drowned. At Moberly lightning ons note was presented yesterday to the .. rooms, will be on the ground floor. Separate
"a `ed°'rloe, l cent per pound; add y g g Porte by the Russian Ambassador, M. -News from Scotland.• compartments for men and women will be
tN P P. a P Yd d struck Governor Fryer hones. The mem- Nelidoff. It suggests the intention of the constructed to
tper pound; rias flour, rice meal dna bars o! the family were scanned, Dut not gg Edinburgh Exhibition was on Jtt a 6th permit both to bathe at
D14, a, which will pees through a sieve Severely injured.- J. W. Allen's honee was Czar to actively interfere in the Balkans- g r1 once. The bathe - are to be open all the
w 0 0 merciall as No. 12, wire sieve, a so Struck b lightning, and two children visited by 12 849 persons. This brings the
x xf y 1 y o The note declines the request of the Porte year, and the cost of a visit will not be'
' r end. p g' that Russia waits until November for the total since the opening up to that date to more than six Dents. Bicho Potter is at
PA were prostrated. 521 769. P
�4 cents per bushel; rye flour,. i _ payment of the war indemnity by Turkey, the head of the committee in charge of the
I p!}r Xi Odd. . m'LEOD NOV OIIILTY. and demands immediate payment. The The failure of James Duncan & Co., enterprise and the company includes Rev.
t d ,K ,5,0,ents per bushel; wheat flour, -- note declares that in 'the event of refusal timber merchants, Leith, with liabilities Edward Everett Hale, Beth Low, Ereistne
Ali.. cid valorem. An Analyst 8everel� Censured by .the Russia reserves the right of taking all which are understood to be heavy, wfaa Wiman, Nugent Robinson, F. Hopkinson
?produota, butter and substitutes : _. _ Prea_,_,ic�ing_dndge. necessary measures to compel payment. announced on the 5th inst., Smith, Richard M. Hent Cornelius
.6 ' cents per pound ; cheese, 6 A Piston, On Friday M. Volkovitob, the Bulgarian' Mr. W. A. Bell of Bletehin le erre • Vanderbilt, William Astor, ex -Mayor or ° .
N. S., despatch Saye : The g Y Surrey,* y
pound ; milk, - fresh, 5 cents per McLeod . paieoning case. came to an end envoy, presented to the Porte a note from has accepted an invitation of the Unionists Hewitt, Brayton Ives and .Joseph Choate.
i+;Milk. preserved or condensed, in"
Friday, and the prisoner, who was charged M.'Stambnloff, demanding an extension of of the Leith Barghe to become their can This looks like a practical eeheme. And if
Wei t o!packages,.,3 cents er the religious liberty of Bulgarians in Tur- didate at the general election. itis practical in New York -surrounded by
Bh P with having mixed oxalio acid in his wife s
-• di ` lea, left the court, as Judge Meagher ea• key, and also demanding a recognition of Mr. Thomas' Shanks, the founder of the Balt cater and with water resorts in every
a ��Maria, 40 cents per bushel: of 60 ponnde. pressed it, " without a stain. upon ' his the Bulgarian Government. >!I. Stambaloff, well-known engineering firm of Thomas direction -why not in Buffalo, which has
lne, peas and mushrooms prepared ++ is acting in 'concert with Russia without none of these advantages ?-Buffalo News. r,
t . P P character. The Crown proaeoutor said Shanks & Co., and the first P_ovast of
,1 „ipaerved in tins, jars, bottles, or other- he had no evidence to present to the jury, regard to the personal interests of 'Prince Johnstone, Renfrewshire, died on the 4th
„ hdQ' per vent. ad, valorem. and they immediately returned a verdict of Ferdinand, the ruler of Bulgaria, end it is feet. Sir Edwin a mold's New Poem. . s
m,odrn, $8 per ton. " not guilty." Judge Meagher in severe expected that his notion will develop &pro- The Rev. Wm. Alexander, formerly of A San Franacieo doe atch says: : Sir t.
clamation of the independence of Bulgarim y p y
i #`ages l cent each. tones censured W. F. Beet, analyst, of St. the Free Church Duntoeher, Dumbarton- Edwin Arn
der, 5 cents per gallon. John, and pronounced hie conduct as ant. under a prince who will be agreeable -to olds new epic poem on s
P shire died suddenly on the 2ad inst. at Cbriatianit about which so tench .,;
eh bents per .dozen; eggs, yolk of, ra eous. The judge said his Russia, with the absorption of a part of y Y•
ad"Oalorem. g I g ignorance upon Macedonia into Bull{&ria. Dalmuir. He was 83 years of age, and curiosity has been expressed by critics, • %"
w subjects which, as an expert, he should retired from motive dut six ears ago. has been S3en b a literary man of
per ton. know was deplorable. A. E. McIntyre, y y g "Yokohama, .who suds b s 3
�t0 cents per gallon. chemical analyst, of St. John rendered RAZOR9 AND REVOLVERS The entries for the Queens Prize at the y steamer .which
�s ' �' , i;oeWe per pound. y ' National Rifle Association meeting at Bis• resohed here last night, unpublished facts
, ; i P P valuable assistance in the examination of Figure Prominently In a Fatal Aow at le from Scotland are considerably in ex in regard to the- .poem. He Says it is '
".. n 14d0r..., s,per bushel. Best. The defence did not require to call y .N
q Hougnviile, Ind. Gees of those of previous years... There are written in noble, musical blank verse, and
a, in bulk, or. is barrels, sacks, upon Analyst Bowman, who examined nearly 2,200 from all parte of Great Britain. competent critics here declare it is,the finest
�] I dkagee,'40 cents per bushel of portions of the lungs, heart and brains of An Indianapolis ,despatch says: Last sacred e
' P�lrpeas, dried, 15 Dents per bushel;. Mrs. McLeod, but found no trace of oxalic night the negroes had a big danoe at • Tbe,new service of trains between the pia Since Milton. The verse is
v .1 60, cents per bushel of 60 said. Honghville, and all got drank. About north and sent of Scotland by the' Fortin sweet, strong and flexible as Tennyson's and
tf >iiri eartone, papers, or other midnight one of them named Pete 'Carpen• Bridge over the North British System was lir y relieved a number of exquisite ivrics.
'a s . l' cent er sand. was Dubois Insane ? S Edwin has tried to demonstrate "&' new
6c,, P P . ter gas into a row with Patrick Horn, an . commenced on the 2nd inet. Waverley i
tpf "Ill.- .P
shrubs and vines of all A Quebec despatoh asys : Several lead. Irishman, and Horn was ant with a razor. Edinburgh, was found and broad Christianity which he thinks the
- Station, Edinbnr b quite in- neat aentnry will adopt. He has grappled �gt0i�{ly known &s nursery Steak, ing medical men applied to the authorities This victory made the negroes hilarious, adequate for the tra:ffio. g Pp
with the apparent inconsistency of ohrist-
lsly,p "vided for in this Act, 20 for a permit to hold an autopsy on' the and early this morning they started out. to About a dozen passengers were injared isnity which makes harlotry a ,sin yet
?�ttZmem. uoay of Randolphe Daboia, who was e1Ye- bake the town. Marshal Dillon was called, b a collision which took lace between
e n a��F 1. cents per bushel -of 60 'bated in this cit this morning, but were and, with And Moore attempted to y P glossa itself under the stigma of a double
uo , r P y g+ y , p quail two trains near Aberdeen on the 5th association with bar
lorry. IfiS study of
j 1.. w "r „ .•'' refused. These gentlemen thought that the disturbance. They arrested one man inst. Mr. Easlemont, M. P., and Mrs. Mary Magdalene is'masterly as .it is
t1 ' eeede, 32 cents per a careful examination of the brain would and one woman and started_ with t>�eto ESalemgnrt�eze�mang�he_paesengera and
I : H , ,- _ _� _ W_ ► ---_ _.___-- _ _ e gniAter---'The -poem, -Which-reached-6,OD0_-. __-_ -_-w_. ---,—
_- -.
,nlirds --- -have--revelaled-' s-6Wi thing as -toLLDubais the Station, when' they were attmoked by were severely shaken by the accident. lines, will first. be published in America, .
i6le d,, poppy Seed and insanity. Dubois went to bed' at 1'0 p. m. the whole mob the ne roes brandishing .
rigk ' g g The estate of Eastfield, Forfarshire,,was but what publisher will capture the prize - °
Specially provided !or last night and rose at 3 this morning. From' knives and razors. They soon began firing sold the other day for £16,000. Only fifteen is uncertain. Sir Edwin has received an
'' ' r"ate per bushel of 56 8 to 4 o'dloek he walked about his cell, revolvers. About thirteen ehoto were fired, years ago this eatate was bought for £31,- offer of $100,000 from a leading syndicate,
A� shall be allowed speaking to himself. He £hen performed a one of them taking effect in the marshals 500. That shows a depreciation in value of bat it is probable be will publish it i.a book
Ik f }tiiibpiioted seed. • series of somersaults about hie 'ward, and book, passing through his body, and lodging about 50 per cent. Yet Lord Derby de- Parma. He has worked almost continaoasl
incl pa l.bntnrsh seeds and resumed by walking on his hands with his under the skin of hie abdomen. It eased y
:'; 4` Illy. provided for in, feet in the air land his bead downwards. through the spleen and intestines and is Glared the other at last r the valve of . quarter
it for Sia months, living in floe native
culture land had at last reached bottom. quarter of Tokio and learning the n .1larl�iiio>em. " I just wanted to show yon," he said to necessarily fatal. Dillon is dying tonight.
A diads`' r0 Par( or re• `his uardians, " whether Japanese language front two pretty girls
, H r , t P , P P g you'll Naive to Pete Carpenter bas been arrested for oat• whom he tad ht in return Engh and the
lW?� ' qi ,slid saueee of all carry me to the scaffold or not." Although ting.Horn, and Allen Roes for shooting Anti -Slavery Conference: Agreement. g ,
g a000mplishment of kissing,
�. ..rovided for in this Dubois did�aot look deranged, , it is the Dillon. They were brought to this city to A Braeaela cable says : The Anti -Slavery
� ,"%VUlorem,, general shought that he was not in. fall avoid,the danger of mob violence. Conference to -day yielded to the suggee-
;.„ �N�ti` ►h tr inatnral States,, not possession of his mental faculties. tions and objections made by Minister Treat Britain, Leads. •
�ritr is this Act 25 per ' P Deaperate Struggle With a Mad Do Terrell on the part of- the United States A Summary of vessels buitt during the
�r' � r"t I The Sultan Is alarmed. g' relative to the Congo tariff, and deoidea to year 1889 vides a'total of 1,286,679 tons'for
;{' s�. , ',+QAptr ad valorem. A Constantinople cable says : The lead A New York despatch of Sunday Bayo : incorporate these measures in a separate British ports and 46.210 reported from
* a; f '" '-be`ilt. ad'vaiorem. ing Ulmas and Soitae are agitating ago;est while Mrs. Bishop was eating her break Aat to be ei nod onl b the artiea ei na- Continental
� ,,„ .: , -
g y y p g yards. Northeastern ports
i A' , '7fUTY; ON Fits. the course of the Sultan in entertaining last at her residence on Forty-eighth street tory to the Treaty of Bearlin.- The United head the British list . with 717,609,
tli' ;a} �►e1C foreigners with banquets end fetes and to -day, her pet dog, a mongrel, began States .is left to conduct independent tons, the Clyde Standing second, with 335,-
:r p .e4 r y ,important change in Snapping at evert P y g
r 8041 tis' fish. The Mo$inley ignoring the intense misery in the country pP g everything and wandering aim., negotiations with the Congo Fr" tate on 201 tons, and the Belfast nest, with "r 9,885'
„ end the eafferin o of the Moslems. At a lessly around. The animapI appeared to be that sub ect as re nested b the' United tons. The ex orto of engines and machinery
pp� gd & dn%y on fish, fresh, g j q y p
meeting of Sottas it was declared that the frothing at the month. t3he tried to catch Statc s. Liberia is to be invited to adhere were the largest ever recorded in the history
aa�, 14 tinioked or preserved in g it, when it leaped about and broke several to the treaty. All difficulties that have of British commerce namely, £15,254,658
lyt lIl cane or psohegeo, not moment had arrived to restore the old P
�idbd, or otherwise, 1 cent per regime as alone conducive to the greatneoo Pieces of bric-a-brac'. Then' she realized arisen in the conference have now been against £,12,932,625 in 1888, an inerens? of
and prosperity of the empire. • The Sultan that the dog was mad and attempted to disposed of and it is,ea ected that it will £2,
!3 Fin&nue Committee has P P y p Issue the room P P 323,038. Taking simply steam enginedM, Ale to one-half of one cent is alarmed and Suspects that the movement , bnt the dog 'sprang at her finish its labors in a few days., and parts thereof, the Argentine Republic
d lies, incor orated the fol- was prompted by, persons in his encourage: and faatened its teeth in her arm. Police- was the largest customer last year, taking
` Since Tuesday the atea of the Vilkiz $ioaka men Daily heard the woman's Screams $610,296 worth.
blip': Fish (imported other y g and rushed into the house. He force3 the Train boy (to passenger) Magazine, aierelS or half -barrels have been closely guarded, and ingress and „ g �, �, z
)' erase have been prohibited. Several of trete to let go-by hatable it b the each• sir 1 Passenger ,(sroearily)-" I! yon have r
, elllted,pickled fresh frozen g p g: • y who says Women cannot aR,c b n ?
}:, ' " ' ' ' and military officers have been arrested. Quiolfly recovering, the animal fastened his one with nothing in it abont Africa, Ill
or Otherwise prepared, for ba it." Teacher at Sunda
.- ,0,166t. specially enumerated or teeth in Daily's left hand,' badly lacerating y ( y attics:) - Bctty,
Franee'a oensus of carrier i eons Shows bis fingers. Policeman. Brophy came to The Tariff Reform Club of New York what have en s do first before we can
t this Act, one-half of one P g Daily's aid and end killed the do expect forgiveness of our sins ?
w I • that in time,of war the government would y g with his city is Spending $60,000 a month in diadem• Betty -We have to sin first. -San Tran-
ll1' than a in the dot have at their disposal upward of a carter- club. inating good reform litelratnre among the "
g y in the P P q cisco Wasp.
ii;4sh in cans. Theprovision of a million of them. ipegple. The demand for such literature is
I ' time Finance Committee is Tram Dear madam can JAiivis Street Baptist Church,' Toronto, so great that the club could easily spend _
� P— yongive me There is no particular difference between
Y "�', something to warm me up ? Lady' will in r future pay its taxes jest ti it it was three times that sum to good advantage: the shop -girl and the sales -lady ; btit the
�+.. a secular institution. At seting o! the A Jackson Count
iii jly es made of tin or other should any I could, air. I nearly Scalded a y (W. Va.) `school• difference between them and the floor-.
c . 19 flah of any kind, a . tramp to death yesterday. Just wait a congregation last evening the allowing redo- teacher of 30 eloped the other day and walker is often Something awful to (� '
,,under any existing law minute, I- The tramp didn't wait to hoar lotion was carried
n afterwards married one of '''her Scholarsand behold.
�' , 'ing one quart in Grin• more. Resolved, That this church protests against who had inat completed hie 16th year.
the exemption of eburch property iroin muniei- It is queer. Socrates was Accoun ted
I x fr R to a duty on anchone 1, What's the matter with those two poi taxes as being contrary to the principles The population of St. Louis is placed a wise • but he never read the bible, Hnew
t6„li +yallr •Aflii bne•half mento, and dogs ? They are fighting all the .time.” Which ougbt to regulate the relatloti of the 430,000. '
� „ g y $ state to all ecclesiastical• bodies and respect- ti nothing o! pant, Sobopenhausr or Comte,
�1dc 40ilrt Shall be subject I know it, but I cant help it. The fully urges the corporation of 'Yoronto to use A salesman in a large clothing house and could not for the life of him have pe.osed -
leafy tar each additional big black one is the puppy's mother -in its influence to secure the abolition of such ex- said yesterday : Its curious, but nine an examination on the snbjeot of American
- , 'Lof part thereof of one and law." emptiob ; and further requests the corpora- men out of ten put the left leg into the y•
tion to assess the property of Jarvle gtroet history. _.
ia�otl gilt be reported to the''' Henry Villard, the eminent financier, is Baptist Church and give notice of such assess- iroaaera first. I bad a fidgety man in here Princeton's now dormitory, now nearly
writing his autobiography for the ties of hie 'Baptist
to the elorlt of the church, as in the case last week baying a pair. He was distracted completed at q Dost of something over $75,-
ljl,, rile lens of t Shawl of I nri ratepayers, for a moment' by a remark I nailed in to .000 will be paid for by Mrs. Susan Brown, .
.y children alone. He was born is German Dner the militia
yfb prOvisionS of the bill y+'
of !tltietoms compared with and the story of his early years is writteir g praotiee at Swine• him; and got the right leg in flint. He and the,ammo lady has given to the college
in Gl•ermian, while, having been educated In• m'ude, Germany, yesterday a shell exploded had to take it ant and .begin over again." $100 00
Y�baf the resent law and y while bele rammed into a an. p Stanley , 0 for another dormitor th
. k France bio school days are deaoribed in g• g One or-'
Y, a erection
tYlfd'er the House ball. It y Nae Spoken in terms of high of which will be prooeodod With at once.
French. His business and social life in son was killed and seven others were praiso of Lord Salisbury"] settlement with Edward Bellamy `i
"�,' � t >'!"." a dib&tie on the bill I America will'be recorded in En liah. injured. y y io talked of for the Bret
.�' �k ,4r , g Germany. Mayor of the now city of Chicopee.
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