HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1890-07-04, Page 5104 e • ••••41•01,14,..r • 491 ,Th,e 1 IACknowSe9tin1 — • Trotithiwilred*Stocke f, Paye to Raise Good ID.riltere• We quite agree with an American -eoeteauporary that there is as much ,profit in raising the trotter as in any ',other faro' product, provided he is bred Aght. The highest prices cannot be • realized for hor e _ aant:retbred animal is alaays in -demand •and pays a large pr..:fit. There is in nearly every coun- ty of the Dominion, where agriculture is carried on, one or two standard -bred stallions doing stud duty ot fees within • the ineans of the average farmer. If it is within the means of. farmers keep on. orttwo standartt-bred mares that can epirri their keep, it will pay well to raise colts from them. The portant item so the farmer of limited means'but as it costs no 'more to keep W-.11-hrecl mare than one of cot -onion taiidae their produce by standard detallions ,bring higher prices, the differ- ence is largely in favor of the better bred base. It is not incumbent upon : the farmer to develop his stock for speed purposes. He can leave that part of the horses education tothose who make a business of it, and who will pay him a good price on the strength of pedigree &the. Aside horn the Lttility of the- Water as- a • speed horse, be is the best for light leneral work that the farmer can rmake use df. His endurance, nerve and • sprightly movements, make him of value if he never goes off -the farm. Wight for weight he is the superior Friday, yuly z81h, AUCTIONn$ALE,.0: , • FARM PROPERTY IN TUE— TOWNSHIP OF ASHFIELD IN TILE COUNTY OF HURON, There will be sold on 6dallY5 LI* °t 5 rW r890,e have decided on making every At 1 o'eiock in the afternoon at TrittAINP '1.4044:tiff ee, a --"--1-46A-ND^""—F1 El BARGAIN DAY. • - -weei . V WHITELY'S HOTEL In the Village of Lncknow BY VIRTUE OF :POWERS PIP SALE contained iu certain mortgage, Willa% will Le produced at the sale, the llowing Property. Under mortgage from Archibald Munroe, the Saadi East quarter of ht 5, in- the 1st conceie don of the 'Township of Ashfield in the County of Hui•on, containing 5p acres more or less • The followin acres c ear& , lax ing 4rected thereon a frame dwelling and kitchen, frame barn and stable There is also a small orchard on this property 10 per cent of t e purchaee money to be paid down on the day of sale For balance terms will be made known at the sale For further particulars apply to JONES BROS & MACKE.NZIE, Solicitors, Toronto Street, Toronto, Or to GEU. MAIR, ESQ., Lucknow • _____ AUCTION SALE OE VALUABLE PROPERTY. • — :0 : UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF POWERS of sale contained in a certain mortgage, Which w111 he produced at the time' of sale, there will be sold on • o7ay type for general purposes. A N va Scotia farther, who thinks for himself, gave his experience as a breed- er of trotting horses on a small kale. He bought several mares at a cost of $1,200, bred them to standard stallions, standing at moderate fees. The first colt sold was 23 nftiTit s o an. brought $500. The next was -a filly, sold when under 3 years for $400, and the next a yearling, sold at $300. .NOne of these colts,were handled for .speed. The marewere used for ',ordinary farm work and more than • • paid for themselves in labor. Their produce unsold would 'bring $2,000 under the hammer. Now,if it will pay the farmer of Nova SCotia, where ' the climate advantages are against him to raise trotters, it will pay the farmer in any other section. The man who feels itliss,:tistied with results has him- self te blame. No man who breeds right, no matter whether his operations e • ,tribrace one or a hundred mares, can ° 'fail to make a profit. 9 WACON MAKINC HoRsE SHOEING ND --- :e E HERM. BLACKSMITHINC. Adam Thompson begs leave to tba th iiiihabitants of Lucknow and surroundin • couatry for the liberal:patronage bestowed o- him during the last seven years, and wishes g • continuance of his old customers and a tax. share of the new, as fiefs in a better position than ever to siipply the wants of the publ He always 114s on hand a stock of • gigs of all kinds; He also will remind them of his _far famed -SCOTCH ,p1ANIONO' HARROWS which he alway has ell- hand and are -made the very bast 1-lateria1., Parties Witntit4 an thing inethis line will do well to give b In, a cal se prices before pnrchasing eleeWhere Parte ar attention paid to ALLKIKOS OF HORSE ,SHOEINO, 11 at feet , oontractions; and interfering., By strict attention to buminess, good work manehip- a ed einellogine nothing he tgo�d workmen, I trust to retain the patronage kindlyextruded to ale. ADAM ,THOM-PSDIV.- cNnybell &tete opposite the Bank MEN. WANTED TO -SELL OUR CetOICE NURSEY stock. No experience rteir.-ired. Steady work the year round. Liberal nay guaranteed. • Outfit free Write foe trains am' commence • at o • Atwood & Company, 5 InOs.-851.. Nureeryinen,. Gellert, N. Y • AGENTS WANTED. • ONT Ti I LL N P %TES. LARGEST in Canada. We o..• et reliable, energet- ic men to sell our Nnreevy etock ; previous experience not necessary ; amu man with tact and energy can succeed. ; terms liberal, either salary, or coniniission ; outfit free. Our agents have many ad vaatages, such ns selling home-grown, hardy i'anadian• stock. Choice Nevi Specialties, which arc of value, and which can only be aecurt0. frem ug, such as a -complete list of New ilusaian Apples, the' Ritson Pear, Saunders Hilborn Hasp- ' berry, 'Moore's Rtiby and Blaek Chatnpion deurrants, Moore's Diamond Grape etc. We have given particular attention to the propogation of Hardy Varieties suitable to the toorthsrti seCtions of Canakia. Ror terms applyto t'$TONE & *ELLINGTON, Toronto, Ont. • ma, • At -2. a'clock , in . the afternoon, at MAL - LOUGH'S HOTEL, intheVillage of DUNGANNON The following valuable property: All that certain parcel of -land situated in the Township ' of Asbtield, in the County of Huron, and being 0;3 east half of lot 9, in the 4th conces- sion of the said Township, eastern division TERMS—One-tenth of the purchase money to he paid down at the time of sale Liberal terms for balance (will be made known at the time of Nale For -further particulars apply to ROBINSON, O'BRIEN & GIBSON, Vendors' SelicItiir, 74 Clnirch St Toronto Or to ELLIOT MATER, Esq., Grenadinesoor buntings- promise t� 4 14 Saturday a 9,7 VERITABLE BARGAIN DAY awl will ,place on, our LOOi izziait -1' Insure • •r Insara your inurulthevp,741rtio• private FIRE! FIRE!:: LONDON aM ALao .4,014.11 P411--* MUTUAL AND CITIZENS, Ofges, —A. ROSS harness shop. tucknew. Will be in the office every Saturday a.fterttoone C.,.&o. Grant, Agent, Liteknow BULL FOR SE,RV10E. MAS EDWARD FINLAY will keep for service this -season, at hred ,liorthorn bull, Earl Byron. Earl Byron !veiny ThornasEdward Finlay, -Lanes, Jimiatrialr ri,ot,, Con. 9 Ashfield, celjbrated thorough . -0, Nuns Veilings, all wool, summer weiglat at 10c. Striped stuff goods,- light colors at 10c. Dress ends in patterns of' 6, 3, 10,- 12 and 14 yards at prices from 10c. up in alllines, Enough -to give you a hint as to, color and. pat- , tern, and enough to enable g ot by Highland Chief 044, J257; dam Belva Lockwood, 14211, by Baron 'Lush. 1388: Manic Warren. 723(1, by Sir, John, 3900 Maid of Raven Hill, 3816, by Lothair, 800 ; Beauty of the Valley, 2446, by Constance?a • Duke, 411 • Beauty Roan (imp.), 32, by Chil- ton, 10054 Alountess, hyShamrock 2nd, 8555 ; . Gazelle, bY Splendid, 5298, by Prinee ,Coract, ,• ilenby.- -NT you, to make a choice. YOU .46 Solicitor, Lucknow. • ALIOTiON SALE. OF ,be as popular as last season REAL ESTATE and most deservedly so, as a light IN THE VILLAGE OF LUCKHOW.• • MIIE EXECUTORS OF .THE. LATE 'John • Morrison -will offer for sale bv Pailelie-AertionTeat-thee-W-H-14-Feb-Y—Ii0-15-5& in the Village of Lncknow, on Tuesday, the 8th day of -July 1890, at the hour 'of 2 o'cloek p. m.,.the.follDwing lands situated in the said Village of Lucknow. • 'PARCEL NO. I .--.Let number 306 sftnated on Stauffer Street in th-e said Village. On this pared there are a frame •dwelling house about 200/ and .a small frame shop, now oe- cupied by Alexander McPherson and also. • a number of fruit trees. PARCEL NO. 2.—Lot number -118 situated on Havelock. Street on the said Villa&4. On this parcel there.is • a fraine'dwelling house about 24x30. one and a half stories high TERMS --Each parcel will be offered sub ject to a reserve hid, Thepurclifilierawill'be required to lay down a deposit -often per ceut. of their purehase money at -the time of sale, and to sign an agreement for the completion of the.purchase.- The balance of the purchase money shall be paid within tliirty days from the date of sale without interest, and upon such payment the purchasers will be subsided. to the conveyance and possession . of the property. Tbe sale will be subject •tii further conditions which will be read at the Mine of sale, Further information may he obtained from David lienderecai or Donald McDonald, Executors, or from • . • ELLIOT T R A.VE R. •.S'olioitor for the Exeeutord. Date' d this.17th of June, LUMBER. FOR SALE. :0. • THE UND-ERSIGNED BEGS TO IN. form the iuliabitants of this section that. 130 has placed , a Portable Saw Mill" en the balf, of La 22. inthe 13 con. " of NVeSt: 1Vawanoldi, and is now prepared to sdpply • the public with all kinds of ltunber from lu to 20 feet in length, and at the lowest poesible prices. Fraine timber, etc. also kept in steel or cut to ordef. The mill is in charge of Mr.. C. Suwers, sawyer. A call solicited. tf-856 • C. TIMMS, St. Helens P. 0, BOAR FOR SIF-RVICE. THE 1D ' NERSIGN EW D ILT. KEEP -for service this season at lot 14, con. 1-1 -West Wavv,anosir, his superior 030mi:;111)nel Berkshire Boar, • . Terms .•1 cash. - A. 111cMILL A N, 4-855 •• • Lucknow P. 0. T SCOTCH SHORT HORNS. , • 'VAR M ERS, FREED EARLY MATTTR- 1.2 ing, quick feeding steers for marketby crossing with the Aberdeen Short Horn, noted for their early maturing aid rapid feeding qualities. First -chola representatives of the above now fpopular breedtngy f0 service at E. Gaunt's arm con. 12 West Wawanosh. Lord Lovell, terms. ,grades $3.00, thoroughbreds $0. Good' Hope, tertns, grades $1.50, thorough-, Ikeda $4.00 Pedigrees °Tony dtb'er partitin" 'ors on aipplieation. • CO.OL, CHEAP FASHION/1;U dress they are unexcelled. IFT0 have. cleaned it some lines, bu.t, t meet the increased eteniand. halo bought a few pieces in open check, Liam - aid stripk patterns at 10 and, 12 1-2, together with the same in light ronze. and rowns, akr.t-A14 a very 'catty assortment to cole'ot from, Lawns, Checks, Swiss and em- broidered muslin S are moving nicely. We have added. some lawns at 12 1-26. and embroidered * a all overs at 45a THIS Specialty. HEL,* THEM,. Terme 51,25. 13484 f. •, • The Flub Grocery! IMMENSE BARGAINS:- • Having,just received a large consign • mentiof .7resh Grpcories,, Choice family tour, , CQ,- . Canned. Goods., CrOckeiy, - 1assware Teas, Coffees, and Sugars, whIch will bo 'sold cheap at the Hub Grocery. Goods delivered to all patits of the village, JOHN, ELL WANTED _Alen totake orders'Ior • Nursery Stotk; Alalary or Commission. I can make a success - 'fel salesman of- any Who will work or follow nn- inqructioos. Will furnish handsomeoutk fit iree„Ind pay your salary or coraraiseion every week, ' Write for terms at once. 0. GRAHAM., ITurseryinten, 12 • e *Toronto, lent.' •, • • • • , v= DR. CHASES Hes a world wide repotation as =it diet author 1 -lis Mandrake Dandelion Li • C'nre is a triumph of medical skill, cures dlreases of the kidney and liver. SYMPTI:11V11810F • 1(1LINEY the back pain or weitzht in the bladder and bafie' f fre. tent desire to urinate, especially AO abi omen • scalding urine 'often obst,rk among aged persons , ha, dry skin,. Tailoring and• crents „t‘mizelr,' constipation, P.Iles„. ul • , • • 1,1,?xi,e, rod lud white depositst droC,, .sw.ling, etc - 81mm-or:net furnihinp's ' LIVER COMPLAINT:Tit •saaaamalmanaseassmams••••• plexion, pt WearY, tired feeliT • tip ( e . iAr pimples, etc. energy, headache, dyspepsia,f RF1ITHE PIC • ( ( rl . cored beef, lunch tongue, boneless turkey, boneless chicken, etc., make a nice dish, wii..K....03E1)111111111/f.. YOURS FAITHFULLY, HOW CURE ay. Mandrake and Dandelion 0.0.fantna , cnres and when combined vviitliiXtdiiii dies as in I)r. C‘l hose's LiVer buie,, nositively cure all kidittiy4Aier'tro• - acts like a cherm, Altai:IWO* 'V li V er, strengthening- thekidntit1t, ting the whole body. .fioltibS}Initi with" receipt book, which atone? money. KIDNEY/mail/11/g LIVER act gently „vat' elle PILLS. mento t troubles, heada,che,bilioutiattehogo One pill A dose. Sold bY all deale 13otteir and Eggs • E el m i *alktild• A . B r a s riI 4er :T. EDMANSON intAD..:, „ " a told by ilshat t PAS'. LA • i • '1( , . '