HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1890-07-04, Page 3• • Tho Lsat HMO* he Sabbath day was ending in a village by the utterederlybenediction touched the people tend. they rose to face the Runlet in the. glowing ighted west, An then hastened to their dwellings fcr God's leased boon of rest, nt they looked aorose the waters and a storm - was raging there. A fierce spirit moved above them -the wild eplrit of the air, And it lashed and shook and tore them, till they thundered, groaned and boomed, And, albs, for any vessel in their yawning gulfs e nton,t4etl, �.• N Very anxious were the people, on '.het rock Lestpastel Wales, Y the dawns of comming morrows should be telling awful tales ; When the sea had spent its passion, and should casBits of wand swolthe lenuen vioti heretofore. o?t, are it haddone With the rough wind blowing round her, a brave woman strained her eyrie, And the saw along the billows a large vessel fall and rise ; 0, it needed not prophet to tell what the end must be, For no ship could ride in safety near that eh ,iii enrh aflo" Then the pitying people hurried from their h0, for the poweand thronged o e t bethe waters hand the perishing to reach ! tplebe hands were wrung with sorrow, tender, Hearts- grew cold- with dread, he shin, urged by the tempest, to the fatal ck shore sped. " She has parted in the middle! 0, the half of her goes down! God have mercy! Is heaven far to seek for those who drown ? " Lot when next the white, shocked faces looked • with terror on the sea, . Only one last clinging figure on thee was_ seen -to be. ._ Near the trembling watchers came the wreck, tossed by the wave, And the man still clung and floated, though no d save. "C uld w send hion earthm a hshort trumpet -shoat away!" eesage? flare's a 'Tomas the preacher's hand that took it, and he wondered what to say. Any memory of his sermon ? Firstly? Secondly Ah, no! There wag but one thing to utter in the aw hour of woe ; ---Steho shouted through- _the trumpet : "Look - Jesus 1 Can you hear ? " A 'Aye, ave, sir," ran the answer o'er t waters loud and clear. KINGSTON DIEtF. DOCK, Corner Stone Laid by it John Macdonald —What the Doti ea Like, ° The. corner atone Of the Kingston dry dock ware laid M Kingston yesterday by Sir John Macdonald in the presence of a great multitude. tion of the drydooke f The d000k proper, whioh long,is 0 feet nfe t on uzzled ' the of hoot 80 folid eet wis ide on the top, 48 feet wide at the, opening and 48 feet deep. P• The hartryi' q n is ,pear Qtuxt s �. �:-��� b�;�g mord'-`tba,n ri;oll0i outdo yards to remove. The nnnt__ct...... erre N. K. and M. Conley, who built the docks at Quebec and Vanoover. The firat ed was turned on the 9th of hfay,1889, and wait till afterdinner." M once the conetraotion of the cofferdam, built to keep bank the .water, -Cupid's busy season is over. Short hair clips are in order. TEA T.$LBi 0088IP YQu'rzfl , DEPRaviTv. -" Mamma, I fink I am not well" Said lazy little Mabel ; The beano Id given her to shell, Neglected on the table. Ser dimpled cheeks with roses vied ; TljRere chubby form forma my faiithbd Sed My darling had dissembled. " Pm sorry, dear," I gravely said, Be caul e i1..nriiF . � With not taste ofog d thins." She thoughtfully smoothed out her dress, This wicked little sinner '.then I'm not sick just now, I deal, „ I'll It required 800,000 cubic yards ofamaterial, .- the greater part of whioh was moved by the -Fancy buckles are in demand for belts company's dredge St. J am and sashes. is, Joseph. The cl built out to the. water 35 feet d -Method ' b er business gnalifioa- The sides of the dock will be built deep. tion than brilliancy.t like stairs so as to -iffy emcees i8 owin w form the ebape of a boat's hull and gfnrd reefs f.x,. �,q.,mv _k tl0 e water is pumped out. Mr. Conley wee compelled to go to Belleville, where 150 men were kept busy since October last arranging and cutting atone. All the Aerials now ready- and. a- !arge" ooneignment ie on hand for early oet the req- red material hererations. Had itewould havn able to e meant to him a saving of $10,000. One hundred men are at work here. The gate to the dock will be peculiar. It will be a large iron' box, whioh will elide across the front of the cavity and into a niche on the oppo- site aide. The weight of the water on the lake side will press it so tightly against the padding that leakage will be prevented. It forme a watertight compartment. The reason that the gate is a box is this : If anything goon wrong with the side next the (look it can be repaired, while the outer side keeps out the water. Then, again, when it reoedea it goes into a large oavity, u which is a little dook in itself, and 0 permit f TUE NEW LONDON C.A.B. A Smart Vehicle that has Just Made Its Appearance In the metropolis. o oab is neither a of beauty nor e a joy or any length of time to the unfortunate creatures who, by their necessities, are reduced to the extremity of riding therein. Uncouth in appearance, rough and jerky in their movements, and snb'eat more or 1 A i 9 O :Mr 'zso.r a ees to the c re kl esan ilz3iYt1ie m ..• -� resident Harrisonyesterday m as .,,.., de_.._ the e�p...,..,� orb granting a pension to Mre. Delia, t ell. TEL G .� O •,*�r8 'g2d, . •-*A. y named Lorne Scott was drowned at Owen Sound yesterday evening. The approximate number of persona living in Chicago is placed -at 1,250 000 Major•General Henry Braokenbury, of theBritish army, is dead. He was 53 years .° ee t of a e are objects of dread rather than of mo eenvonianun, and the sophisticated ci will submit himself even to the to mercies of. Baron Yorker' fearful and derful grip in preference to adventuring In one of these two -wheeled rattle -traps, it the choice is an open one. In Lon- don, however, a new vehicle has made its welcome appearance on the streets, and there is. much rejoicing in the public prints. " It has all the smart- ness and style of a private brougham,". we are told, "with some novelties in the eta izen Parnell. Bishop ;arena, of the Catholic L nivereity won• at Waehineto -Advertising has furnished competence. -Antis Lawrence. -It's English to turn up the trousers ecti the -..ankle- -ii.-the east" trend`lie seen in the sky. --There are many people who pray;for a change of heart who ought to pray for a change of head. -Don't fret about what your reputation will be after death. Tombstones are mighty charitable. -" Jphn, have you sanded the sugar and watered the milk and molasses." " Yes, air." " Then you may come in toprayera.' -The h discoveries ineestmadelongestbyStanley show that r in, the woeld,. being at least 4,100 iles in length. Get Eam hefruito'fthe loom and tmake dit p alone and without gather, plait or rease. me with a 9 o being pumped out, so ful that the gate can be overhauled. The °on- to trivanoe is a good one, and is said to work admirably. The " first stone," whioh will be always be visible, is 6x3x3 feet It weighs over six tone, and was out by Edward or Doherty, of Belleville. All the stones in the mason work are the same aim, There ile will be six drain°. beneath the floor of the he dock. The floor will be made of eighteen inohes of Y one. cement. tif At theentrance there en hrwille eoa r • •__dervedi, the ---i etr---th"e-k7in ai t, And they listened. He is singing"Jesus, lov of my soul": And the winds hrought back the echo " Wh the nearer waters roll" ; Strange, indeed, it was to hear' him, '' Till t storm of life is past-" Singing bravely from the waters, ' 0, receive m soul at last " :no other refuse. "'Hangs m helpless soul on Theo; Leaye, ah, leave me not-" Tho singer droppe at last into the see; And the watchers looking homeward, throug their eyes with tears m»de. dim, Said ' He passed to be wan Jesus in the singin of that hymn," where here boste can ship their rudders. This is an invention of Mr. Perley, Chief Engi- d neer of the Public Works Department. h Running abet one hundred yards from each side k l be a wharf, con. g sequently of vessels the o o n'lbe handled, let the weather be es boisterous as it will. Aur. James Wilson ie clerk of the works, and he says that ever since Mr. Conley began work 'he evinced a disposition to do it thoroughly and well. The dock will take in the largest boat that can come through the Welland Canal. It will be in running order about October of 1891. Addre resented to Sir Joh and Mr.r Lannevin, and a banquet was after- wards tendered them. How a Charge of Shot Travels. What We Want. All hail the dawn of a new day breaking, When a strong-armed nation shall take away ' The weary burdens from backs that are aching With maximum labor and minimum' pay ; When no man is honored who hoards his mil- lions ; When no man feasts on another's toil, And God's poor sufforiog, striving billions Shall share His riches of sun and soil. There is gold for all in the earth's broad bosom, There is food for all in the land's great store, Enough is provided if rightly divided ; Let each man take what he needs -no more. Shame on the miser with unused riches, Who beats o robs tdownl theUwagel of hoard, r digger of ditches And steal's the bread from the poor man's. board, Shame on the owner of mines whose cruel And selfish measures have brought him wealth, ' While the ragged wretches who dig his fuel Are robbed of comfort and hope and health. Shame on the ruler who rides in his carriage; Bought with the labor of half -paid men - Men who are abut out of home and marriage And are horded like sheep in a hovel pen. Let the clarion voice of the nation wake him To broader vision and fairer play, Or let the hand of a just law shake him Till bis ill -gained dollars shall roll. away, Let no man awell under a mountain of plunder, Let no man suffer with want and, cold; We want right living, not mere almsgiving, We want just divining of labor and gold. ,ELLA WHEELER WILCOX, They Love Gossip. Two women Ieaned over the back yard fence • (I be same old fence) as the sun went down, While each told the other, in confidence, The scandals she'd gathered around the town. For women must gossip, or they can't sleep ; Their idea is that secrets weren't made to keep; So they lean on the fence inhe gloaming. Two women sat out on the front'door stoop, , in the evening glow, as the bun went down. They told how their children had skipped the - croup, And they sneered at the minister's wife's new For wegolen delight. in a friendly chat, Wit hoar . it their lives would be stale and flat, - So they sit on the stoop in the gloaming. I Two husbands came home from the base ball game (From the office, they said,) as the sun went dowii,, ' Both ready and eager to hear the same Sweet scandals their wives bad hunted down. For men,, though they work, love gossip, too - And that's why their wives seek something .new As they meet and talk in the gloaming:' -Somerville Journal. Closing the St. George,Cases. Final judgment in the famous St. George accident case was adjourned :yesterday by Mr. Jastic Rose until September 8th. Before a "�ournment a settlement was reached i the Hyslop case, the plaintiff agreeing to take $3,750. The following are all the settlements in full : Richard Wm. Knight, $4.000 ; Daniel Peacock, $3,509 ; Elizabeth Francis, $3,500 ; Thomas Wm. Martin, $2,500 ; L)enni� W. Kern, $5,000 ; Martha Peers, $2,500 ; Eliza Swan, $6,000; John R. Marshall and Agnes Marshall, $2,000 ; Georgie Forbes, $500 ; Isa McLeod, $1,500 ; J: C Hyslop, $3,750 ; Robert Hil- ton. $600. ; Charles Higgins, $500 ; Wm. E. Sanford, $5,250. The casae of Elizabeth Andrews; -Stephen Endden °and Elizabeth Bodden remain. till after adjudication. The Alliance Francaise, the • object of which is to promote the study and speaking of the French lengueee onteiele of France, hue received 10,000 franca from M. Cernuscbi, "Yon love yonr wife?" "Yee." "And she loves you ? t' " Yes." " Then where demi the incompatibility come in?" "I can't live on her income, much less support her." When standing within a few yards of the gun's muzzle at the time of disoherge a person would be amazingly astonished were be only able to see the •,ao-tb „ whizzing by. Experiments in inetantane- ons photography have proved to ns that the shot not only they fly, but they spread tring out one behind the other to a much greater distance than they spread. Thus, with a cylinder gun, when the first shot of a charge reaches a target that is forty yards away, the last shot is lagging along ten yards behind. Even with the choke -bore gun some of the shot will; lag behind eight yards in forty. Tbie accounts for the, wide swath that is mown in a flock of ducks on whioh a charge of shot falls just right. About 5 per cent. only of the charge of shot arrive simul• taneonely at the target, but the balance of the first half of the charge is so close be- hind that a bird's 'mneoles are not quick enough to get out of the way, although those who have watched sitting birds when shot at have often aeon them start as if to fly when the leading shot whistled by them, only to drop dead as they -were overtaken by the leaden hail. -Fronk Leslie's. A Man's Rights at Home. The citizen may, in his own house 'wear what clothes he likes, use what language he likes, and, generally speaking, may do in hisown house what he pleases todo'; save only the things whioh conflict with what some other householder happens to please at the same time, or the things of whioh the ooneequenoee would be injurious to the -whole body of citizens. In Boston, for instance, he may, in his own house, swear freely, which he cannot do outside without committing a miedemenor; in Washington he may take the,name of the Trinity in vain, while if he does it in the streets he renders himself liable to be fined two hogsheads of tobacco, and in Maine and .Kansas, if he can get wine and beer into his house, he may drink it without let or hinderanoe and without a physician's certificate. -F. Y. Whitridge, in' Scribner. Methodist Church statistics, The reports of the Statistical Commit- tees of the various conferences of the Methodist Church show an encouraging increase all along the line. The member- ship returns are as follows Toronto, 37,728, an increase of about 700 ; London, 27,254, an increase of 672; Bay of Quinte, 29,965, an •increase of 787 ; Montreal, '34,156, an increase of 1,073 ; Guelph, 28,420, an increase of 126; Niagara, 26,814, an increase of 792. Total membership, 184,437, being an increase of 4,150.• Largo shipments of ice are now being made from Chicago to New York. At the nominations Saturday O. Cote was chosen ae the Liberal candidate, and H, Petit and V. Bayard were nominated in the Conservative interest. At a meeting of Nationalist electors at Newry, held on Satnrdfy, reaoltitione were adopted cepsuring Mr. Justin McCarthy for persistent neglect in his party duties. The exports from the Dominion during May were valued at $6,75G•724, and th 140,000 ace le -0o the fats census. leo The )^opnlatfcn of Rooheater is said to be, i crd _nora reached $8,867,797. The duty ool- ted upon the imports was $1,745,931: • • AtAAt tent ee of the �nourwoishm s nit abouten needr quie ten'for men, boys of 16 abont and children of 10 halthe quantity neededhe same as by adults, -A scheme has beetaen in hand by Lord Braesey to turn Brussels into a sea- port, by building a canal and three iin- menee basins large enough to admit ships of 1,000,tons. -First find out . h no4,et,er t, a woe d and you can estimate ex- actly how many ideal women there are. Every man bas an ideal woman of his own. -Boston Globe. -Afternoon caller -Is Miss Lippitt dis- engaged ? Nanette -I'm afraid so ma'am. I just seen her young man hurry down to front steps with the diamond ring ebode been wearing since April. -The question came rip in a gathering of ladle the other day, " When does a woman cease to love candy ?" but as no lady who died was present there could, of course, be no definite decision. -If you can't sleep at night as well as you wish, Bays the Atchison Globe, find some epecial reason why you should get up early. It is a sure owe for insomnia. You will go to sleep the moment you get to bed, and sleep till long .past the boar you wanted to get up at. --Outeida of an orphan asylum the soft- est snap n o�eg by an ..f .t, e mere ors was that of the Virginian who ran across Mrs. Martha Gray and her 37 children. She has been married three times and bad triplets six times and twins six times. She ought to have a pension. Management of the Lawn. Do now mow a young lawn too closely, nor allow the grass to grow too high. Bear in mind that when a plant seeds, its object for that season is accomplished. - Until the grass is well .._d__ The proud Boeton beauty rose to her feet and rang the bell. • our acquaintance is at an end." " For heaven's sake, Miss Osgoodson- young Baltimoresn, " what have I done ?" Sir, you have spoken of the Ibsen en- thusiasm as a fad. Clytemnestra„ show this gentleman to the door." Granite In /Milne. It is Geld that there are thirty.five kinds of granite in this State, each one of whioh possesses distinctive characteristics readily recognized by workmen acquainted with monumental and building stones.' There are all shades of what are termed white granite, the most beautiful of which is the Hallowell, togetlaer with the red granite of Red Beeeh and the black granite of Addi- eon.-elttensta (life.) Journal. -Once in while a girl falls in love with a man because he is, " SQ delightfully wicked." It long lifter the wedding thet the "delightfully" is dropped. Jeeeph O'Neil, a New York trnek driver, etarted a drunken row with Janitor G. Saturday night. O'Neil was fatally The Moorish Board of Health, as a pre- caution against cholera, has ordered that all veseele arriving from Spanish porta on the Mediterranean shall remain five day° in quarantine. The majority of Mr. Mercier in the new House is now placed at about 24. Late news from Wolfe rettirns MX Pio a, tires." The hub of the wheel is made gun-metal, and the spokes and rim of ate Although so light and fragile in appea once, this wheel will outlast t1Qtzor thr -of-the- ordinary wooden kind. The Ind ruseen ed er by patent. Anotherre is inches in ' eature andis arrangement for raising and lowering t sashes. By means of what is termed t "silent grip" the window is looked at an point, at ling. Indeednd held , noisselyi®h reduced' is minimum, and t of raised to maximum. Thecouperl liketh hansom,, only holds two persona, and i order to secure lightness no acoommoda tion is provided for luggage, beyond a port mantean, whioh can be placed on the bo beside the driver. Ladies shopping o driving to evening parties find the coup much more suitable than the hansom, and infinitely superior to the " growler." - Chicago News. of el. r- ee- is is he he he y 0 g e n x r e BRITAIN'S IN?nansTs, John Boll Makes Laws Only with a View to Home Benefits. In the British House of C3mmona yes. terday Mr. C. H. Vincent (Conservative asked whether the Government would require the United .States to modify the prohibitive duties upon British products before it would make any modifications in the. rules :overnin• ,: ' -i.:.Gie-n-a mer can cattle into Great Britain. Sir James Fergneson said the restric- tions upon the importation of cattle were based solely on sanitary considerations,' without regard to the. fiscal systems of other nations. Mr. Vincent thereupon laid on the table of the House a notice that he would submit a motion declaring that as the proposed American tariff will -inflict a great injury upon the trade of Sheffield and upon Brit. ish traders and artiens .generally, the House will consider whether a free market ought to be longer given to' the competing products of a foreign State which puts a prohibitory tariff upon British goods. Mr. Vincent's motion was received with Con- servative cheers. AS TO SITTING. Bad Positions More Harmful Than Most People Imagine. An erect bodily atilt a is ,oLvaeti-y., e nl-p-or' anon o health than most , people generally imagine, says the New York Ledger. Crooked bodily positions, main- tained for any length of time, are always injurious, whether in a sitting, standing or lying position, whether sleeping or wak- ing. To sit with the body leaning forward on the etomach,•or to . one aide, with the heels elevated on a level with the hands, is not only in bad taste, but eiticeedingly detrimental to your health ; it cramps the stomach, presses the vital , organs, inter- rupts the free motion of the chest and enfeebles the functions of the abdominal and thoracic organs, and, in fact, imbal- ances the whole muscular system. Many children become alightly humpbacked or severely round-shouldered by sleeping with the head raised on a high pillow. When any person finds it easier -to eit or stand or walk or sleep in a crooked position than a straight one, he may be ante his muscular eystsm is deranged and the more careful he should be to preserve an upright position A demonstration was held in Pieta- on Friday night to celebrate the return of Mr. John A. Sprague, the Liberal candidate for Prince Edward, in the recentelection for the Ontario Legislature. Major Isaac T. Doughty, the eldest marine cfl'ioer in the United Status, died at Poughkeepsie, N.Y., on Saturday. Andrew Jackson appointed him major of murines, and he served forty years. While James Craig, of Geeto,was working in his saw ;;Hill on lr'riday his arm acoident. ally name in contact with the saw, and was so badly mutilated between the wrist and elbow that it had to be amputated. The Spanish cholera epidemic makes no progress. There are very few cases at either at Puebla de Rugat, Fenollot or Monteichelvo,(. 'The officials declare that 75 per cent: of those attacked recover. A. collision occurred at Calera, Ala., on Sunday, wised by an engine backing into a paseenger train. A colored woman was killed, several children were alightly in- jured and a lady passenger badly hart. Edwin T. Coates, publisher of the Cana- dian Musical Herald and choirmaster of New Richmond Methodist Church, Toronto, died yesterday morning from injuries received by being thrown from' a horse. A deapatoh from Lagos says : Popular duperatition preventing the King of Da- homey from entering the capital after a de- feat, the Iiing-attacked the Egbae and took a thousand prisoners. The Egbas then at- tacked and defeated the Dahomianer, killing many. John Flynn, of New York with big • ooneuinptive wife FannieaSatur- Satur- day night and threw her downstairs. She ia•now expected to die of her injuries, For his brutality Flynn was thoroughly thrashed by his neighbors and afterwards arrested. . Jay Gon#d, of New York, has eon fined $100 for not answering to a summons to mot as a petit juror. Thera ie a brick fathiiie In $1nA al. an n, was seriously injured in,a railway collision. The Canadian Pacifie has let contracts for the extensions of its Glenboro', Man., branch to Plum Creek. The 'smallpox is qpreading in Searapori,, Maine, and six persons are now in the peat hoose with the disease. ranee or t e establishment of peace between the two countries. The cholera epidemic is decreasing at Pueblo de Rugat and Montechelvo. Two - oases are reported at Candia. The " Provincial Tea Company," aad.- denly left London when the police took proceedings against it under the Lottery Act. At the picnic of East Middlesex farmers came in fort very hard thehigh at the Minds of the orators. Mr. J. H. R. ltIolson, of Montreal, has presented the McGill University with a piece of ground adjoining the college grounds, veined at $50,000. Col. l.cla1Brad- ford, Edward Seoretary forthe. Indian office, is Mr. Mtmro's successor as Chief of the Metropolitan police. It is a number of oroharda in Miiddlese; EIgcerninng and Brant elicited the fact that the injury to the apple crop from blight is very general. Rev. James Ardill, incumbent of the united parishes of Merritton, Homer and Grantham, in the declined the offer diocese Mary's Niagara has the diocese of Huron. The Coati of Caseation in Sofia has con- firmed the sen-teneew ens . _ Panitza and the other conspirators who u were, found guilty of attempting to over- hrow the Government of Bulgaria. President Carnot yesterday received Senhor Itajuba, the Brazilian Minister to France. The latter expressed profoundsatisfact relations'on at the with France.eenPresion of dent Carnet made a friendly reply. The election in the New Westminster district, B.C., for member of the House of Commons, held yesterday,. reenited as follows : Corbould, 972 ; Townsend, 683 ; Ladner, 376. All the candidates were eup- porters of the Government. George Sinclair, a lad of 15 years, em- ployed in the Macdonald tin works, King street east, Toronto, while•feeding a cutting machine yesterday had two of his fingers chopped the the General by Hospital e. He was wheere histaken to wounds were dressed. Montreal closed its session yesterday. Bee - fore adjournment the Synod decided to petition the Dominion Parliament to assimilate its laws respecting morals and the protection of women to those of the Mother Country. A French police official has stated ttat the recently discovered Nihiliet conspiracy was fostefed by German agents, and thau the expiosivea Were made in the northern part of London and sent to Paris. is expected that arrests in London will be Made immediately... Chief Detective Cullen, of Montreal, has received another letter from the father of Kimber, the young Engliehnian whose body was found in the reservoir, utterly repudiating the idea of suicide. He believes that his son we° .murdered, and that the coroner's investigation was a perfect farce. The coroner'el jury in the case of the unknown youth killed near Wabttno found a verdict of accidental death. They depre- cate the disregard ehown to the laws and regulations intended to prevent trespassing on the property of the railway compenres, and call on the authorities to aid the com- panies in enforcing these restrictions. has presented a claim to the Government for $25,000 on account of an accident he sustained in the National Rooky Mountain, Park. Hie horse Eihied at a wire acroes roadway causing a runaway. He charges negligence on the part of the Government employees. ' The case will be beard in the Exchequer Court The funeral ef the five victims in the Green river disaster took place yeeterday. A special train conveyed the remains of John Wanless, late of Parkdale, and J. eas Atton and George Oliver to North Tor. # to, whence they • were taken for burial in Mount Pleasant and SL James' cemeteries. The bodies of Moriarty and Lott were buried et Locust Hill. Col. Rhodes has been' officially' declared elected for Megantio by a majority of one. Manitoba is making arrangements to be well represented at the Worid's Pair ha At Brandon Saturday a by-law to raise $60,000 forthe erection of a city hall and hospital was oarried. While ploughing near Qu'Appelle light- ning struck a farrner named D. Collins and his horses and killed them At present there aro half a million dollars' worth of buildings in the city of Winnipeg in the procees of constructien. Prince Henry, with German squadron, will formally receive Heligoland from the British representative in Ootober. Baptiste Deohete, a brakeman on the Lake Kt. John R. R., was killed at Quebeo Sunday morning while shunting cars at the The body of John Beagen, wile jumped into Niagara River three sneaks ago and was drowned, has been found at Oloot,N.Y., on Lake Ontario. It is reported that tha natorions Aire. -Peter- Davilr-Wir-hiiiig Friday, will IN; - tnarried on the 28th inst. •