Lucknow Sentinel, 1890-06-27, Page 5West Wawanosh Connell. The above council met according to adjournment. Members all present • ,excepting Mr. Todd. Minutes of for- anerrneetiu„ were approved: Moved by Mr. Lockhart, seconded Cy Mr. Gibson that the amount of :uunicipal grant remaining unpaid to the Separate Sehoal for,1888 be paid. —Curried. 1ce-- The Counodi ,," .,..�r„� t " c* & ,, am di -1 vision. The following had dons otruck tiff: Alex. Purvis, L. Beg. ley, C. Milner, 1) Donovan, and T. McRoberts, The assessment of Geo. k t4alle, con. 6, was. reduced $100. On motion of Messrs. Lockhart'and Gibson, the assessor's salary -was, rMr Lzairdlaw s request to be allowed to do kis statute labor en line between lots 13 and 14, con. 2, was granted. Lutber was ,ranted a i. n... am M.k yiytisttn 1. �[aA Thee Luck_'entinei,'Bruce .ounw, r�ida - = �y, J u n "27t1), AUCTION SALE ----OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY -TH-E— TOWNaISHIP OF ASHFIELD IN T1-Ij COUNTY OF HURON, There 'will be sold on ednesd& ;�, At 1 o'clock in the afternoon at WHITELY'S HOTEL In the Village a of Lucknow BY VIP„TUE OF POWERS OF SALE contained in certain morterage which will be prudueed at the sale, the following property. Under mortgage from Archibald Archjba1dMI,flhe-- (>alrl• South -East gtrarter ofTt 5 in the 1st cones= Kion of the Township of Ashfield in the County of Huron, containing 50 acres more or fess The following improvements are said to be n,l the'premises : About 30 aures leered ¥ONEY SAVING FIGURES aN BARGAIN DAY. 7 p ���� • .Ld. Gia n ;�,-�;;�rrc.- :: ,� , , �:._.T.�- � _ ....� ' ... w .,, .� �.�,..: _�w .. , ed Can making ever r. Saturday a • ,FRIT . 1 E BARGAIN N -DA1t and will place on our MILL1NERyI : rte-- -•—. Or INTERESt. TO TH.E. LADIES. :o: M�Ml?dmsar'-;%'Yuri n'e'e' millinery store in the stand lately occu- pied by Mrs. FimIlatcr, The business is strict- ly millinery. THE COORS ARE ALL NEW THE LATEST STYLES. TIE PRICES. tHE !Militate 11Zrs, Murchison will be pleased to have you call and inspect the stook' before purchasing. - opposite lot 14 on road •signed by D. Allan d�L8 oothert aon l!ayer_s_ ce- askilt --for- a grant. towards'- - cutting hill`op pp site lot 1,4, con.,8 and 9 was laid over. The Reeve and deputy Reeve were appointed to in- • vestigate claim of Win. Thom for coo- . pensation- for road direction and for stone being thrown on,.his land by • pathmaster. The .Treasurer's statement showed balance and receipts of $180.00 .and expenditure $31.45, leaving $148.61 on hand. Dr. Case and Jas._'rlker-asted for a grant towards building sidewalk in Dungannon. $35 was, granted, ..the people ef Dungannon raising $,15 for saute purpose. A communication was, Ie�cl c—nd.a wnshipSolicitori re late, !;ravel suit. . . :Moved by Mr. Gibson, seconded. by Mr. Bailie that gravel by-law be re- pealed.—Lost. . . Moved by the Reeve, seconded by Mr. Gibson, that $100 be.expended on the mi; ril; -7Cor current year, to be divided on the concessions in proportion to their assessed value.—t;Yarried. The members ef .Council were ap- pointed road commissioners as follows: The Reeve, boundary -lines and con. 1; Messrs. Gibson and Bailie,.concessions ' 2, 3, 4, 5, and '6.; Messrs. Todd and Lockhart, concessions 8, 9, d10, 11, 12, • and_13. Moved by Mr. Lockhart, seconded by the Reeve, that the Clerk instinct p' athinasters; before taking gravel from pits to first drake arrangements with the owners for the taking of gravel at 7 cunts per yard, and in case of owners ,'efusing to sell on these terms that done be taken from the pits of those objecting,' -:-Carried.,. • _, ___._ Thefollowing accounts were .paid Edward Brophy, gravel on road, $1111Z.; M. A. Wilson, assessing, $60.00 ; Jas. Bryau,,printing for year, $40.00 ; Jno. Moss, damage to fence and property removing gravel, $12.00. Council adjourned to meet on June 21st. R. K. MILLER, Clerk. —All kinds of groceries of the best, .•qualities kept at the new grocery very' cheap, as we sell for . cash and produce only. Goods delivered to any 'part of the town.—Geo. Kerr. WACCN MAKING HORSE SHOEING CE U E RAL CKSMITMINC. Adam Thompson begs, leave to tha th ''inhabitants of Dietz/now and surroundip onu.atry for the liberalipatronage bestowed o - him during the last seven ,years, and.wishes g 'continuance of his old customers and a tea. • :share of the new, as he is in a better position than ever to supply the wants of the publ He always has on hand a stock of Wagons & Buggies • of all kinds, He also will remind them of his far famed #-'' TCH DIAMOND HARROWS 'sa,.ie,1 he alway has on han4and are made the vr:•y best materia .. Parties wanting an thing in this line wit o well -to give hies acal and see prices befer •purchasing elsewhere Particularattention paid to ALL KINDS OF HORSE SHOEING. fiat feet, contrant-ians., and intelrferiug. By strict attention to business. gond- work manship and employing nothing but good workmen, t trust to retain the patronage kindly extrtided to ole. ' ADAM THE MPSON .1)amphell Streto opposite the Moir ' MEN WANTED 'TO !SELL OUR CHOWS NTYR(SEY otnelr. No experience required. Steady work Riff) year round. liberal' pity guaranteed. tOutfite free , Write for terms ar: l•con mono aft onco. ' Atwood & Cowpony, 5 tuos,•85t. 1:fprsertymen, 'demerit, N,. Y. en, rame barn and stable There is also a small orchard on this property TERMS. down on ethe d y ofthpsale aForr• obs ante t p s will be made known at the sale For further particulars apply to JONES BROS & MACKENZIE, Solicitors, Toronto Street, Toronto, Or to GEU. MAI.R, ESQ., Lucknow AUCTION --SALE -010 VALUABLE 'PROPERTY, —:0: ---- UNDER ANDsBY VIRTUE OF POWERS of sale contained in a certain mortgage, which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be sold on Friday, yuly' 18th, .J89a, At 2S a'clock in the -afternoon -,-at LOUGH'S HOTEL, in the Village of DUNGANNON The following valuable ,property c All that certain parcel of land situated in the Township •of Ashfield, in the. County of Huron, and' being the east half of lot 9, in the 4th conces- sion of the said Township, eastern division, containing one hundred'acres, more or less. TERMS-Ope-tenth of the ptuchase money to be paid down at the time of sale Liberai terms for balance will be made known at the time of sale For further particulars apply to ROBINSON, O'BRCEN & GIBSON, Vendors' Solicitor, 74 Churn St Torcnto •Or to ELLIOT TRAVER, Esq., Solicitor, Lucknow.; AUCTION SALE. — OF REAL ESTATE VILLAGE IN OFTH.LEUCKINOW., :o: /j1HE EXECUTORS OF !CITE LATE 11 John Morrison will offer for sale by Public Aution, 'at the WHITELY HOUSE in the Village of Lucknow on Tuesday,. the 8th day of :fuly"1b80, at the hour et 2 o'clock p. m., the following lands situated in.the said Village of Lucknow. PARCEL NO. I, -Lot number 306 situated on' Stauffer Street in the said Village. On this parcel there are a flamedwelling house about 20x3Q and a small frame, shop, now oc= cupied by Alexander McPherson and also a number of fruit trees. PARCEL NO. 2. -Lot number 118 situated on Havelock Street on the said Village. On this parcel there is a frame dwelling house about 24x30. one and a half stories high TERMS -teach parcel will be offered sub .jectttcha.reserve bid, The,purchasers will be required to lay down a deposit.of.ten per cent of their purchase money at the time of sale, and to sign an ,agreement for the -completion of the purchase. The balance of the . urchase money shall be paid within thirty days from the date of. sale without interest, and upon such payment thepurchasers'will be subsided to the conveyance and possession of „the property. The sale will be subject Lo turther conditions which will be read at the time of sale. Further information may be obtained from David Henderson or Donald McDonald, Executors, or from ELLIOT TRAVER. Solibitor for the Executors, ;Dated this 17th•of June; 1890, LUMBER FOR SALE. THE UNDERSIGNED BEGS TO IN - on that he h eo placed rm the inhabitants rtahl fi Sawl sM Millon the east ,half of Lot 22. in the 13 con. of !Vest Wawanosh., and is now prepared to supply the pdblic with all kinds of lumber from 10 to 20 feet in length, and at the lowest possible prices. Frame timber, etc. also kept in stock or cut to order. The mill' is in charge of Mr. C. Sowers, sawyer. A call sOlicited. tf-856 C. THOMS, St. Helens P. 0. BOAR FOR SERVICE. THE L' NDERSIGN FD WILL KEEP service for con. 14 West Wawanosh,]his superior tbcuoughbred Berkshire Boar, Terms $1 c/sh. A. McMTLLAN, 4-8551 •Lucknocw P. ' 0. SCOTCH • SHORT HORN'S FIARMERS, BREEquick ggD EARLY MATT?E. crossing with the Aberdeen Short Horn, nsteers for etted for their early maturing and rapid feeding qualities. First-class representatives of the above noir popular breeding, for service at E. Gaunt's farm oen.12 West Wawanosh. Lord Lovell, terms, rades 33.00, thoroughbreds $8.00. Good I ope, terms, ,trades 81.80 thorough- breds $4.00 Pedi.,tees or, Cn; j ot'ifer particat- are on aapydicat{" iry_r_izoN ritszo, Mins Veilings; all wool, sum mei ' weight at lnc. Striped stuff goods, --light- colors -at lOc. Dress ends in patterns of 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14 yards at prices from 10c. up in all lines, ' Enough _t.®-- _ give .you a hint :as'to color and 'pat- tern, at - tern, 'and enough g to enable you o make a choice. ILL YOU DO IT ? Grenadines or buntings promise toy be as popular as la -it -season and mostdeservedly so, as a li ght 000L, C HEAP FASHIONABLE dress they are un�� 'to have cleaned out' sone lines, but to meet the increased cls and have. bought a few pieces in open chec • p ��- diam- ond and striped pattern at 10 a n and 12'1-2, together with the same ' Sal light blues, bronze and brown,s' -� ^ InaaBs a very tasty assort.ent to select from ■ Lawns, Checks, swiss. and em- ` broidered rnuslina, ° � are .moving nicely. VTe have added s' erne lawns at 12 1-2c. and embroidered all overs at 45c. . - THIS WILL HELP ., THEM. Specialty. -- -Tailoring , and gents furnishings. FOR THE PI'ONI'pjfl GIMP Corned beef, lunch t'on.gue, boneless turkey, boneless chicken, etc., make a nicedish, 10.CEIPAP, 1111-1ENE. YOURS FAITfIFULLY, Ed. Brasher. Butter and Ems Wanted: :O: TO RENT. A STONE COTTAGE with five rooms, gond penal. •,a;q<j.fralf,.._ -. acre of orchard'attached; suitable for a small family. One acrd a half miles from Lucknow. Also, pasture for a cow if required, ALEX. GRAHAM, Kinldss, May 12th, 1890. Lucknow, P. 0. D •! BJJLL FOR SERVICE-;------;— . - rIlIXE 'UNDERSIGNED WILL •K',E1' .L for servicethis season at north half Lots 53 and 54, in the let conzessinn bf Kinloss, Jus superior 'bred Shorthorn Bull "Solomon."' PEDIGREE.: -Solomon, is •red, calved June 20th, 1888, bred by Thomas Anderson, Dun- gannon, Ont. got'by Wallac'e•(im ) 2752, darn Minnehaha, by Douhledee 481 ; Primrose, by Rhoderic Dhu, 38d1 ; Jennie. 1165, by Dixie Duke, 474 ; Maid of the Forest, 1455, by Jphn A.. McDonald, 721 ; Mayflower, 1514, ' b� Alfred 'iO4 ; .E_ -9g -r-- by -Safer Johnny, 1083; Florence Nightingale, 1067, by Young Cambridge. 1178 ; Lady Elgin, 1252, by Dalli- more 463 ; Eliza, 955, by Duke, 484 ; Count- ess 2nd, 783, by Leopold, 761. Countess i st. 782, by Son of Comet (imp), 238, (155) ; Prin- cess (imp)419, by Son of Lancaster, 360, by a son of Windsor, 698. TEitirs :-$1.25'; thoroughbreds, $5.00. FIRE! FIRE!' Insure 'your farm property? 'private dwelling, in the older. eliable, the LONDON CITY MUTUAL, AM ALSO AGENT EOR— MAI OR,--. TITA ; AND CITIZENS.. O Office, -1A. ROSS harness shop. L'ireknow. Will be in the office every Sattarday a,ftcrno 1, Geo. Grant, Agent, Lucknow BULL .FOR SERVICE. x 1 ii R. THOMAS ED'WAR'D 111NLAY .L11 will -keep for service, this season, at Lot 6, Con. 9 Asbfield, his celebr:ited'thorougl;ti 'bred shorthorn bull, Earl Byron. Earl Byron bred by Thomas Edward Finlay, Lanes„Ont:, 'got by Highland Chief (Imp,), 1257; dam ,•Belva Lockwood, 14211, by Baron Lush,1138i3; Minnie Warren. 7230, by 'Sir, John, 8900'; Maid of Raven. Hill, 3816, by J,othair, 800; B.•auty of the Valley, 2446, -by Constance's Duke, 441 ;' Beauty Roan (into.), 32, by Chil- ton, 10054• Couhtess, by Sha»drock 2nd, '8555 ; Gazelle, by Splendid, 5298, bylPrinoe Comet, 8925, bred by Mr. Allenby. .Terms $1,25. •0x8 -t f. The Hub rocory.1 IMMENSE BARGAINS. Having, just received ,a la'rge 'consign. 'mdnt'of Froth .• Trocerice, Choice f an ill flour, Choice Tobacco, Canned Goods. Crockery, Glass 'a2?e • Teas, Coffees, - and Sugars, which will be void cheap at the Heb GtocerY. Goods delivered to all parts of the JOHN ELLIOTT. WANTED Men to iplie orcia're to Nursery Steck, Salary dl Commission* I can make a.succ:ess• ful saleainan of Ve v who will work or follow tray instructions. Will furnish handsome out, fit free, and pay your salary or commission ev'e'ry week, :Write for terms at once. ' R, O. QRAHAM, Nurseryman, Toronto) Ont, , . `,. a• I1 .