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Lucknow Sentinel, 1890-06-27, Page 3
s 11 r 1' , � ' . � j „� , II I I . — — i -1 � , *, e �, W >o raft OmIInla% - , . . - .- atter to the Pop®. ,, ... . N*, true. In inrniehin,. loaoe it is a wise The Work of the Jugglers. �' Canning is s much lase #rogb�eix?e R THE LADIES.plan to buy for the kitchen first, then bed- The Philadelphia, Frew enggeats as The following letter has been sent to more economical method of puttin0,F9 A COLUMN j OR rooms, diningg,, room, and lastly the parlor; another name for the: BiU, " An Pope Leo XIII. from Pennsylvania :Your than the old-isa'birened pound fief goal R �r one may do without many things in a Act to prevent the reduction of the wages resent utterances n laver of poor, down- preserves °! our grandmothers' dsys; be- * to x parlor, but "where is the man who will do of American labor to a European basis:' trodden and suffering humanity hyve si s it retains mnoh a}oase o! tl}e natural r without diriiung?"-Ladiza' $otr-t �loz rrc 1, wages are used. to buy ue0eseasy enp• aoor T hank ted me very deeply. hlc6eaffecAmost siaas se of hy .a� r 9t fresh fruit. �f" . }� What to meal ,for the Summe . GoQds far 6lammer Wemr. plies for the family. P . When r I {pile to keep, there is alwoy, , — 1' . M: ll1O�t�S The new goods which appear from day . Now wages are to be "protected " by for your sympathy in our behalf. About a a Cease, sad if the housekeeper who. lord ' N, da for summer wear ase soft wools, or Compelling wade earners to pay more for year ago, here Dame to my hand a paper, her fruit will investigate it she will• s. q , I .. ' • entitled '! Back to the Land: ' lxt was `-___�__, wool and Bilk weaves, whioh are light in till they buy. or To theSugar is not essential in Denning fruit. 4 1, weight, t�ainty in tint and exquisite ase in the is aman stern worksd by the price of diocese se sot �I Meath, of lkbla da by Tho as . Sugar, the remedy. -4 HOW TO MASE HOMs H9PPY. teatnre,,while the Priestley batiste, g it takes no part in the preservation. Foe greens, dark and light mixed grays, is farm labor. The American mannkao• Nulty, Bishop o! Meath. saw oannin alwa a aeledt sound, leash {raft, oto ;_f ��_ if at all decayed it �viU ferment, thus Dane- ,. shout the.$neet matWial for summn�o es, manufacturQr, butaaga against he American the rlightt saw learlyUa4d distincand at tly the g y saw g ,L ._ i �rnaa..3a �+ „1i with an ng sugar and�tjmeto be lost. 4 Y ..v. , ,,. ,.:. w-.. , , ,... �x-axsa�-:z, r.^- „ ..; .., _,... - , . ,..., . „TA':"�c. r..'-a-ti'+'IE112... p , ,. �,-rx .car^;w-nr*-•:r,'Y^rar. „-ar^.•ro __:�"�_�",�"-'""t ....�+� •-'„_�`�'11Y`°fd'�`Y`Y., 3d�:'d—n3' a.,.�-..,..,,..,.-.i......1 •u ... .,, .....?� ... ,._.... - - - - — • _ 4 besides these .Bilk and`woo Variates; rcrrir rrrl:: by i tgt +�,�wq. after thirty years always,' nd fully Comp ehend. ,, Elia"t� art --�-` iT' �r'����� t a - °i 1'�" �'S0" gazalines, many kinds of grenadir�eer a. 'thy -a yt '� -" - a vara sad'o�ld b`a :pared= thrown into °old water to h . --�-- fancy mined veihnge, taffetas, in damask of a protective tariff, it is necessary. to go the misery, vice, involan�ary g Y �.� tartan to Oongress to get a law passed to 1, prevent degradation viae ennead by not lollowiag $tet be bei 1 fl in cletar water® tlhen W a thirs -'� .l.[3�t a, materials for summer Gowns. and cabin sneers, aolorod feilleS, s rn as direoted in various recipes. - �,-;-ire^ , - don veer vee na a very. good Plaid bengalines, .printed China crapes, the reduction of the wvges of American not beP stela fon ver, fortthe land iS msifnell yBerriea and aU small unite will be fond - -The Lon Q o line and camel's hair berretta• The labor "? g ye are only sojourners with nue." Henan- to retain their color and shape more per - idea of what is in the market for the mak• P P in intereated in the land question, I , z` ing of summer gowns. The cottons are so ohsmpigdon striped crepon is another light What influences are at work reducing fectly if sugared. and allowed to atas dl as material and gat le are wool, which in a Paris -made costume has a wages in America ? git to several home before cooking. Some' gPod a ,'. m tin as far ' . lain En sixth eklxt, mutton -,le Bleevea•and Plainly the depresAion of agriculture. considered llnvia ot_a___ myduty eab'eot incest oa efnUy , . tom? -�, r now that loops p g,. - r concerned, and moceove , - - authorities Qui. the subject engggst the 1W03- round bodice covered with an entire i5odice When, in America, agxacalture. prospers,. _- _ _. -: { o! ni are lace, in Dna piece, fitbed like an wages advance ; when it is depressed, The conolasions srsivediat"ere That this of a littTfe alum, added to the sugar. '� -1 bodices are the fashion, it is poeeiblp to _ - buy ready washing dresses at moot armor, fastened on left shoulder and wages iia every factory in the land declines. earth contains enfiioient wealth to give all harden th® fruit.. reasonable prices. In the bends of a good- spare to A diffepence of opiiicn exists as to thet �- _ P ander the arm. These wools are combined ao ended profitable1prices, a products and use oflabor-savingtmkahihat serinandthe � _��_ _, _ P _ y best Cans, thongin, donbtlees, there tixai r' - - --- -- �_ 11 is almost ae much dem ng np a si ; or rough thread or tine stripes• d and Bu in re ant work of cutting and fitting involve almost, noise blue flecked with corn three years the tendency has should make it easier o earn a lv ng, sealing ars with porcelain=lined `tope. i1 •t .not quite as much trouble and et it is g that the Lord made this earth These should- be thororgkty -heated before! iF q y wren ht witlecked silk spots, is strikingly been otherwise; the chief agricultural crop should be a blessing to the. laborer instead g. l + rd to have_to pny.more far making thanth uree filling, and filled quickly through a fennel ; Combined vgith a shirt bloaee trout, Over result thathwagee have deigned +: alaii ire in nentruat !or all the chis frau of men ; the unit .ahonld be WellpaI J, �lo n, the le Coe of the material. lofted, a! black Sicilian. with turns `` The aateons have been brought out with P allow a few men to own and ooiitrol the ja;e. filled to the top and the tope screwed Wn. the venal in egove end other small effects, collar and full sleeves of black. 4 black pretrial centres, nd strikes have multi- that i ie, therefore, manifestly wrong ° on without delay. Alter -sealing they should and the bird's-eye Vogel is well to the tore. Neapolitan hat, trimmed with bine corn plied. be wiped off and set in a moderately warm ..' are Charming flowers, forme the finishing touch to this Now, cat are of have a " bill to prevent earth th t we cannot do w without - lace over night. In the, morning the tope Bat the newest designssnit, and dark blue is common made up the reduction of wages H American sit labor live; ht the P ~' flowers, natural in color and size, dim in with red, which is quite Russia, While to a European imps ' How is it proposed more than without air and water; should be given another trim to tightest �' 41 their effect, most thrown on to a gold tnxgnoiee•bine is used with black• to do this ? Simply by increasing taxa• children of men, by their presence, give them, and then -the fruit should be est in & .� . .ground. Skeleton flowers in outline on -a tion. Verne to the land which it world otherwise cool, dry, dark placer Ali. fruit ahonld be Here is an illustration : A farmer, sends not possees - that they also create govern- examined every few days for .week or - Contrasting tone aro new, and these axe To Oct a Good Skin. tit is bo i to hie, sit rear,- mental eapenees, and,that' therefore, it is i! in cod condition ' g _ .. a - traw er es... _... y...._ _ .. .._ re a..a _ .-_ g _ _- ....._... __.. ,--;-.;'77-- _ _... ___ ._•. Do women realize how.import n.. _ some early, e b . r, generally white bn a ground -of- solid• color. - - Therl hs a long range o! cottons in cash- take care of the skin ? An ounce of preser• chant and tells him to send in Bighange an yJaet'that the bre acoria ie taken for If 'these directions are `followed, the beAE' merino coloring, and these are really hand, votive is always desirable, and proper care twelve dozen tin cans for peaches, tome- the payment of the other. sugar used end not too large quantities of - i% never means experimenting. Many o toes, eta., etc. Heretofore the Government This single tax upon the value o{ lad, fruit cooked at one time, the result can not ,� �1 - . same, but would not suit ,all tastes. Looe- `" . eoomen through indifference in her youth would take for revenue 33 er cent , the or ground rent;. would be just and fair to like leaves in two vivid tones are new, arab with a rough P • - y t r P it should . ae red and blue, green and brown, and finds herself at middle age g farmer would get nine Cana instead o4 u n1I.vreated b ha man Ie, duals d ihbout sail to be eatis ao cry. sometimes spray of, flowers appear in such skin, when by a few simple precautions she dozen. He finds this tax has been in- as now, be taken by individnale, seined mixtures. might have preserved all the freshness and g properly g EPIDEMIC rubies; is reported to prevail at 111 "I"i creased to five, leaving only seven Dana in a should o where itbelongs-to the DoroheSter, near London. On datnrday Grupe cloth is a most restos material deliaaoy of her girlhood. Bathing the taoe dozen, or seven dozen in a gross. public treasury. Involuntary poverty and e each night in hot water -not simply warm It does not matter what tke farmer sake the vices arising therefrom would then be last a farmer, several doge, to well ae oo g made in cotton, which looks .mnoh batter g y pigs and a bases were' bitten. The pip 4 �_____� tin it is, and is often used for quiet even- water, but so hot that you wonder how You 14 exchange for his prodnate, the effect of a thin of the past. I most earnests ba- � 5 s or tea jaokets, or for he fronts 's one of the moat sure and g 7 have since then, given li dresse , Can bent it - the McKinley b 1 is the same. If he wants seeds your holiness to ave the enb'ect the van evidence of be t'l. ' in tea gowns. simple remedies against roughness. A a suit of clothes, a carpe�;-'l�onsehold attention -it deserves. - -T-- i;fieatad, ad'the farmer, although as yet T__ Y' thorough rubbing of the faoeesohnight and utensils, !arming implements, knives, Oae in your exalted position, one upon physically well, is reported to be mentalIF Thiok white gowns, end. white is likes ill. The Provincial Board o{ Health heel to be much worn, made o! duck and the morning with s piece of Lott flannel adds to guns, fertilizer, anything or everything, he whom the whole world position, as the moNral heavy linen need to men's vests, are to finds that in exchange for, his lrnits nd teacher, sa it in his ower to aide ns, so' the eoitneee and freshness of the akin-- h P g, made arrangements to send the MUM Boston'Traveller. vegetables, for wheat or Dorn, for cotton or that we may not pray in vain : "Thy former to the Pasteur Inetitvte in Nevi be much the fashion. These goods are T y York for treatment. � . , united to the plain style of skirts now worn. A Glimpse of London' styles. for Cattle, by. an increase of taxation he Kingdom Dome. h will be done on If accompanied by a Louie XV °oat,. with Two girls in white stin, the skirts very must aoaept lose or he mast send more. earth as it is in heaven." The sympathy of fire losses in the a s steel or silver bnttone, and fall VeBbS of lain and tight, had trilled silk muslin This is the way farm inflaeuoeeo! the tariff, s are 11 in- mentuoi o pxt°ioC cal eligion ur holineea inst earnestly States and D nada so far this year IIiiVWT of ,r softer material, or tight waistcoats, they arranged round the shoulders in a: vary creased." Under encouraging, the figures showing a Steell k. ,VmG;,,o�V gnarl: toilets. h n fashion: The tight skirts show agrionitnre hoe declined, { diwag�s in th= eanglit. rednotionae�ooxed irHaat year . The white. sateene have many oE-t'iTe pretty feet to great a van gee a d��' niu --an ll tep4ent e o er 11 open-work stripes woven like lace, while pretty natBlp, display the lees pleasing has been imported and is to -day imported leas 1889 w 1890. w -( uisiana Lottery oo some have interwoven designs in species varieties rather uncompromisingly. One free of any tax, and nod b tithe en o hi P Paid 6tateetf oLonisins, it coolhmillionr adyear Januairy............S16,o40,000 812'ao0 7700 $9,is� � °' of brocade which, instead o! being white, of the most effective dresses was all soft paid immigrant a P February ...... •.. a,..; are in the natural colors o! the tiny.flower• whiteness in front with blsok velvet•at the farmer, the laborer. in the cities finds that for twenty-five years for the privile,e o 11,213,600 •t. IN ate end a!0 among the grettloBt things April ...............,». 11,326,350 1b,987,000 8,285,6m F �' book and jret appearing at the sides.- the wages and the wages of the English selling lottery tlokebe to fools. It is March.......•••••••• siae6 0 10,912'003 3-460-M- ssse,><0at , • _ brought out this season. Colored' Spots are nday • ' "Madge, in 'London Truth. laborers approach every year nearer aad generally liter divide the tfoel a .money J also thrown in white grounds. . Fashion's Fancies. nearer to a level. proposition '1041, i Priiited`voiloa come under the head of Bonnets oontinne to grow smaller, and Wages come not from capital; they come with the State for the privilege of lottery AT glance�•at this table Swill show2�lhove lil ' from the produots of labor. They are the tools. In other words the !otter washing gowns. Some do not suffer by hats lar er. g steady and great the rednatiog '"bite bees. , :I Contract with the washtub, but nearly all g erieaoe expect to<gather in $60,000,000 of Each month o{ 1890 is chargeable with seri rrrr, n cleaned, and they are Yellow velvet roses, without foliage, are highest per hand nd where production is P onagers x the light of their past eg• 11 will stand being being Care popular for hat garnitures. y loss born any of the first yfie months o� " 4, li ht and charmingly printed, P 1888 or 1889, except January, 1889,' whish g Amon old fashions revived is thst o! the highest production�ianny impediment years mf the Statenot Louisina twill accept _ , i Bred with flowers in the pompadour style. g was an exoeptionsny fortunate month as s I Some pansies on a voile ground in faithful =each seam of the bodice with silk o! o P regards absence of burdensome fire loots. 4'h are among the prettiest a oorreeponding or harmonizing; color. taxation, any tariff, lessens the pro halt the amount as a bribe for allowing 111 Coloring pansies nature A It is now.the fashion for girls under 14 power of labor and reduces its rewards. them to do it. The Legislature °f In May, 1890 there were 48 fires of fl:o>ts § novelties o4 the year. The designs ns are years o! age to wear Very short skirts. . Taxation is always an evil ; it is tolerable Louisiana has thus thrust upon a itself $10,000 to $20,000 in destructiveness. each; � nearly always large, and Chine effects The embroidered nainsook gown is much only when imposed to meet the require• the responsibility a accepting p n sot• 24 fires of from. $20,000 to $3Q 000 each • 4� 4; fashionable. Many of these appear in dark in demand this summer 'for girl graduates mento of the government. When imposed jug this offer e i .fools. in the of from $30,000 to $50,000 each ; 19 0{ {font b, a ' blue or brown- to enrich the rieh, to add to the aoeumula- bneiuese of fleecing fools. That it 4, 0,000 to $75,000 each • 8 r` ., grdunds-reaeda, gray, an& commencement dresses. tions of the Forty. Thieves, it is an outrage ahonld he rejacted is the nnenimone of from; $75,009 1 which. render them suitable for women of A simple belt, collar and cuffs of gold or y to $i00,000 each ; 13 of from $100,000 tC) `` • '"'"•11 middle age, and fill a went wiaioa is rarely P to ever person, and on especial burden opinion of honest men, but control logiBlati $200,000 each, and 5 of over &2�,�• meta suitable gown for a intron to weer Silver,paseementerie make the only brim- non American labor in the field. or the honesty doesn't always control le illative mings of many lovely white Commence- PimpossibleAltogether, during May here were each fires. __ ____� �- . ,_ _ fact'.. _Deng it se oar Repnblioan friends bodies, aril it is not. at all crtnerebip..may be ;c i��ved a greater 'foes each than ' " in the aonnicry.� _ menti ovine: -.—. _ ma the tariff is a ax -rouisv�z'3% 6atiei'- Bct, the fQo `� i P �' Some of the narrow striped washing All the most fashionable women werAr .douyv-nal. $10,090. The fire in Elie min t , materials have s brocade in white or some formed. Twenty-five rSiate o in fools' Town n on them. Plaids their skirts flat in the book, a little longer me Works at Elizabeth N. is can N5 I money would save the State of Louisiana + �' some solid oolor thrown P behind than in front and all the trimming Mntuauv Crippling Trade. twenty-five millions in tease, and even a loss of about $960,000, neon which theta ;, have forma their way to the ginghams and lased at the bottom. vine no insurance. The Laclede Floor, 1, thicker kinds of washing materials, ea- P Both tinted and pure white pearl buckles, Retaliation against ,the McKinley Bill honest man hate to pay baaeS. Bat. What g P Mill properlyfed .1 I .,. eoially the Mackenzie and BlIsodnff to e ey flames last months at an expense of with buttons to match, are in favor for has o#uprohibitorydavoicin duties on Indian corthe n, a comment is foolishnethis ss i theelo tart art at St. Louis,' whin tone.trimming India silks and thin wool dresses do Crops grounded cloths have darker bell and now a report cense from Meaiao that purchasing fools. To be pnbdiaers as Wgly Pareven aded branele5d apt Middlesboro gla Ky., was uninsured. The was�ve $ ured with white. flowers and are quite new, wash wall and B y rp lightly�insusea. . 11 - maxe. The skirts ane Calico frocks for piazza and hoose wear lead cretin order toilenppleme t the effect anxious to giin the ve $the lotte illi aha and ads col are not. difficult to are made up with large cuffa and collars, The paper that eaya something mean - plain, Many of them very full and with- nim ea and waistcoats of white pique, of the Treasury regulations which have two million . a year without a return, of about you is never lost in the mails• . ebur any foundation. Some havetuoks,ot>bers g P interfered with that growing and profitable ahonld, one would think, °pen bhe eyes of• -_ duck, butchers linen or earn canvas. --- ?`; rows of inch wide velvet ribbon sewed all A plaiting o! black lawn is ,put under traffic along our southern bonier. The the kindsfor . It probably will do nothing of D. 0. W. L. 28 so. round. A few are made with kilts; but as neath the edge of walking skirts, from more we have 'oi t�lhseeis sawide scope for mature the dsince it{iw,as'writtennot of changed th ti+ ', a role the irronta smd books are plain, with whish the dost can easily be shaken out trace the better. - _ a large square pocket ac either hip, some after it had been worn, end it can be re- nsefalneBa in the McKinley Bill. It,wonid thongb brayed in a mortar, with a pestle, Paper and particulars oleoaiety t . starred, some arranged in double -boa mewed often enough to keep the bottom of be a good thing if Canada, in retaliation yet would not his for all that h art from �SPPI a thea pays a at married. ~ h ' glaite. When gathered they often hook on dress always in good aondltlon. for the trebling of our duty on barley,would nim. It is a pity for all that the ponrhrow the% �'� bo the hook of the bodice.` ited to spine, smooth woolen.` in hair lines or telpher r 8 wn gut to 10,000,000 bushels away-Ph'lade ph a Times.' to throw Address The Qbobe, York, sat,• ,A °` The BurPlioe bodice is .he Best sn stri es, are, the favorite materials fou, r washing gowns. The fronts are ,gathered p " RUN , , �, , :,;; oh shoulder and cross on the cheat, tailor made costumes. The helloes most the abler e r w o bnyhfrom he quantity eyes ' Whea se s Dressed to His cost '.fit of in en approved closely resemble hose of riding y Olothes." V.11 the ends dieappea in the waistband, habits and are ao flatted and carefully of a good many people would be opened by lint . Fi I end the V -shaded opening at the Weak can getting y Look these prices affect the farmer in i# one likes with a shirt or ' 001- `pressed that t .s distance they .have the this process of et W rich taxawondertion and It now takes a load of potatoes to buy a pair I be filled effect o! the new French seamless corsage. Sen mutual scarcity. s should ls not Congressmen n of boots, a big steer buys a plain grit of ; WO WEEKS , orad plastron. Flower balls on a dinner or erpper bsble Senator Hieoock learn as well as Co reesman clothes for everyday wear ; it,sakeS a good �l t Disko atom© Happy are novel, and there is .Usually a •large one Fargnhm®em►na of the taxonaxley. The Cow to buy a plain overcoat; a lose of corn , 4' Don't shut up yonr hoDA6 lest the sun in the Centre and smaller ones around the ally by pp P . THINK 6F tT Is ••t c q �' should fade your oar eta, nor your hearts, a debate supplies i s and mittens ; a load d# dere p table. The flowers are 'bound over 'a Ieematee had days ego in. which held will furnish a corresponding aril of under. ; I 11414'v lest a merry should shake down some willow orwire frame, which is globe -shaped, P y clothing: S0 that, when the farmer s.Flesh Producer, there caa'bo of the musty old cobwebs there. if you with sections, and mose,is used to hide the that im ortatibn wag not,neoessar top o- returns home from the country store, he no question but that , �" our Sons, let them toink that portation, because if we could sell our pro- + , want to ruin y, frame. • note to foreign n countries in competition parries ,on his persop oho vales of a big y, k tr all mirth and Social enjoyment must be An old -rose cheviot has a plain fall dh g p steer,_ a good. cow, ° '' they and thirty bushels orBe - 8 left on the threshold without, whom they skirt, edged entirely around with nine with their own similar raduota, more of corn, of oats and of potatoes.' r4 #' come home at night. When once a homes graduated rows of black velvet, while 'the worlds be othus bliged to pay ns iu gold* A Chicago News.U . N A � lace to eat drip ' -, is regarded as'only a p beck breadths rare i S a nisi jacket steamers gailingto Europeresented to, ! with ours of flef s prof end sleep ,in, the work is begun that, ends box plait. q Alas 1 For Her Fame. . in disappointment, Young people mush brimmed with black velvet ribbon, {elle ducts s is sold o Australia bad South i have inn and relegation somewhere. If over the full front cf the bodice and the of Russia, i ^ 1.,41-,e", „ I e don't find it at their ownhearhstonee, -high sleeve is completed by a Second sleeve Amallica, and iron safes aontalningoa few tgold but area f&mon now IAUYonr epicure dear in the eQd Mei Oil sisal O p4phOS�I�tP.S ' it 7 oht at other and leas profitable Of Pare 11 , it will be,eouo P from the elbow, also. trimmed with rows or bags of coin., Of obnrse, under newspaper• � ��:'� places. q'hexe#ore, let bhe file barn brightly of velvet. Of Littre rand Soda � ,k,�„. at ces. and make the efiveb esddelight= snob oironmetanoee, the goods we eg• (Authoress takes one glance and burets is tvithont a rit►al. Mb►ibv_ have, ' 1. a double into tears•) nth Some ocher woman. port would have to p y dear, what is the dada 1r a use • I •• fol with all those little arts that parents so freight, since the steamers would . Husband• -Why, my �nr Itt enres - Y Y wpb.; perfectly Understand. Don't repress the When a man'haff clone -a -.foolish thing he come back empty. This would Battle tate m tieAntr 2 e,es-The horrid things have made CONSBJNI�'T�O(Irs `.,.,,. •buoyant spirit of Your children. Half an always Tooke around gaicklyio see if any lyesti'on of competition with Itneseia, / hour of in around the firelight of body sew him ; when a woman does -bait sulfa, oto., at once, and against no, Then me with a Iasi yeai'a bonnet on l .0®y g p g.- AND 'l3 �r S a home biota out many a care and 'annoy. What COLDS, LA, ARililCNiMS, z I^ who ever know a woman to do a foolish the question would come up ; COLDS, AND 11tt FORMS OF WAS At - -,. nee •during'the flay, and the beet sofa' thin P EASES. , �� PALATABLE A9 e.Sal i , card they can take with them into the g ____ should we do with the grid ? We acoria -Ignorance is a Power welch built in in g�evige.Saln+os h fl 6esuine made by scoff & [lowne. soon get a sufficiency of that metal if we a night What knowledge a Sas brill i a at ala Oniggists, 60c• and ai.00. world ie the unseen influence of a bright ,rn$ Rochester liera'd presmtS some• have not a sufficiency now. But snppooe generation, sgood deed done badly ie a f Mlrapper.11 �. • - little domestic airole. Put home first and s arting figures ae po the cost of an election that the ounning foreigners should take it great evil. . - ,foremost ; for there will some ..time when in that city under t e so -balled Ansbralian, into their heads bo page McKinley bills o{ •,-� the some oir�lle Will be broken ; when you ballot system, The summary of espenee is their own, se France and Mexico are doing . TyeO�A�Os OF BO i IM” ,•-., for the to of a vanished ' will -long as follows or threatening to do. We have no mono• Od� ,� �Y �fE�IRLY. 1. a�. `� - ' ' hand, and the gonna of a voice twat if, ... poly of tariffs. Very likely the foreigners, 93 rolling rooms, rental $30 sac}„•„ .... t 2.790 P �I still” ; and •when yonr greatest plesenre 93 large ballot boxes, $3.75 each .............. 848 to the United F1 S m W o pihcuro I do not -� When 1 " I# yon will not buy merely to st p era for a time, and. will be im remembering that you did all ,in 931. go waste ballot boxes, x4.60 each...... 41s see}ng their gold going away 1.our power to put a song ander Avery 558 ins t© do et ave v a esces, $21 a ash ii 82G States would Say I have made the dtxase of M�itllr �k * y 2fi9 Y ,our groaners, we will not bny years: ' This ha `them return again. 0 illi A N A g A 1 C A L C U R E. reined to Ouzo tbt , ��1 �{ burden to make each other happy. p 4,722 may, seem incredible to Senator $isagok, E�ebgy °r Failing; 8lckpst8s a 1►fe-long study. i warruwt my y 1 i 186 ballot oler�s, one day, $8.33h each...... 1,660 ` • worst cases. Because others have Palled is. no reason for not now ceceivinglVe tyt I � 4 1 1 gtlylrltK a Trousseau. 778,050 ballots 17l x 6.••••••.•••.••••••.............. 260 but he Will hnVa a 'mnoh simpler ease to �n ee for a treatise and a Freo Bcttm of ray infallible cur Reined GG EE 1. , a�.1 In .bn in a trouesewu I advise every 2,33x2 a is board x flings..�io south .::::... deal with when the tax of 30 Cents a bushel iPost Oflste. I It costs you nothing for a trial, and il: will cure ou. • NTQ6s -�• ` WOE I tying 9s ! B anch Office, wE T A E T ` .young woman_ to Commence with antler- is imposed on barley. If at the same; time M c•• erl+ac $ laeu►1� STREET, OROo1 f$34,so- _ ,,, . .... wear,.gloves, oboes, hddilry and `such anti= -2, 900 a tax of 15' per oenb. were put- on Chides, .ae --- `` ' V • oleo ss ds not orange much in a year, walla sundry ex'�onaos.,,...,...•-•-..•••...•., �A �..would; seo� things mash mora, .Clearly.-- tri Y _a -A . �� ,Total costo! ono election in noohnstera. x86,901 New York Evening Post. p . 41 ,, ,,,`,,,;_, tae amts and gorVaa ahonld be the Isae \ , I 1 •1. selected, mil then Dna is more spb to have When it is stated that the total expense o{ � • the latest Stgles. Too many gowns for the largest 0leotion helA in boat city under Oertain Oollingwood �partiea have re • one's oaitioii in s+ooioty, and too few pleads the old system was less then $4,000, it is centl'y received offend to sell them " greento,I 110915M r � " 'of ttn¢erwesr, oto., iS better reversed. If evident that the Australian mode of deoid- goods;' and one Thomas Roper was green11 I the bride, ar etc Cita save s bride in the TO TRIC EDITOIti-Please inform your readers that 4 have a pas va ram i t � be,wardrobe, she will find that a 4 enc h to ay $200 for $1000 of the stuff. a . in el obione is costly,1f robbing e1ge. g p + "; ,buying of 'her w " t boa. One Alea. Olins thea been 1 shall be ilea to send two bottles Cf ufy remedy ffigje to any of your re wl convenient tohave to ea and Bill Nye says : The peonlisr chi rtesll - He went Thornbury and got by express t10 f�Cdhhe` w sena m'. their E a rese ►a�i'osti otl;� �,darass, s tzeapecttnny. • A. t V a small num is ao pp s west in rabic things !or her new home, ahi�oa isilo o{ Clsesias� mnaio is that it a y // M. • �8 AdOla►idb �Q„ ItON 1 .ONTARIO. �" r , v pI • oalanev r,igli jy lie incindecl vdith too farni• so much better than it eounde." arreabe and co for trial. " I h JF ' .:1-ar;Y-.yrc .rr-a-- •,.-,•.n.-,�---.—.a .. ...._.--e ..-e-r.�.T^-m-}.:.,..... , �-...�r:.•.mrm....:: ,._nn to- -----1:--...,.a_-..... ._...-. ._- ..... ._-.,-•-••,.—.._-... A.. ..�._.._.. ..,_ - .__.. _ . .---- .. �.. .-. n P fes'-'-'.�� .._.-.. Y * i a5 %J • ! ��j'' 'C I , � �y v ,v