HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1890-06-27, Page 211- i r i •aWl •• . ', I , - r • .. �.,4,`:.. a, t.` I _- . ` ti.. 11, O .1, 00MWN99N.N0MW� I „. , _.. �+:11� 11 A DISH CROUS CLOUDBURST. l4$R>HAN GOSSIP. 11, TH>a: PARISIAN STRANGtLEB. >tiASI2i(* Dd<ON1fatY. 'rr' it'd 1 til$ V®OR, $O$$T_ �. p The $tibial mint made a Heti proS1 of �k DEATH MOST S ii �D, em Persons Drotrn®d an}1 Nuala Fro- Bismarck Asked to Seoome a Candidate— By=and Growing Daily More ilce a Wild £780,691'on coinage last yeas, or more than , _.O � 01plomatio—Tae ex -Chancellor's Cue. F 'gin °� £60 000 in excess of the combined tier artytaeoyed, _. -,. _:. .. . Dina. A Havana sable says: Byroad is. .be- proSta. of B@venteD ears betor®. flilver ;; 1+DBrlvfag>i 'Oita o� Hydrophobia in Ex- A gt. Louis despatch says : At $ell h . Creek, �� miles above Maysville, last night A Berlin cable says: A deputation of coming savage through his suffering from bullion was pnrghss® ob 4218-1Od. per +- `,.�� i"s � . . ancla Sgmv two dark clouds met andburst. The creels Conservatives from the fourth district of the heat, and begins to show the effect of onnoe, and leaned it coin o at 66d. per canoe. Potad�m, now unrepresented in the Reich• being watohed by five men. At every There was.6100 a profit on the gold and #►e +: * .. . ,.,•_ _ jumped over its banks and awe t away th 'sonarthe uards a proaoh bronze coinsge. Lately the iioe of silver �. a .- ,-_ elfin and t o re g?htened ;eteb, - a000ent •of the death. of..�err. motion.o-i epxl - _, 8. _. P_ __ a.`a, . '�'HZ �ti0GHT AID TOO LATE. seperal �w Qe glt bniliorr as g��a np, so that a, aim mr pro ,. t. 000>wpaai�+. The atone onlvert on the DiaTeiiow, went Pio Freidrioherahe yestQr. his cell doclr,s is eswalte all ni t, k , s atoh says : DTo death i�heeaPeake & Ohio Railway over Bull defy to eek Prince Bismarck to accept the watching the guard with a save a glitter'in cannot be again expected. This, however, N �, A New York dies 8e is still ignorant o the deteo- will not be an unmixed evil, Mr. Lrrae- � , " moue terrible has ever occurred At Bellevue Creek woe was into the river, and about candidabure. He promised to dive, the _andftas eye. He is lr �p ' � ,: , ° hat o! Edmund Cc rr►idntgnt, when the store was a* .;tsproposalsn teken to �eanle tiiatSi ee will stand.° lately penn'lese, p> y one Havana.esence in Me icanacent_ tin $to 1the� grave and incre sing danger . , HeSpI� I *ban t ,, '' bt 8arrisville, R. ., who ezpired of .'height, the west -bound freight train fair hi h Y', led a, between the value of coin o 'Errisdrophoii �ftet a few hours o! agony into the wag1Y•oat, oeineiYig a fearful wreckiled one on tos. The members of the Reichstag already having been found on him when he was resalting from the excessive dispropoeticn 4P.... W s bound tightly to his conch to Rrevenh Tl+e engine dot out of siars were. gbt in the oreek foresee roduoe the grouping of a new party unresence der vaiaied life.ill arrested. sHe carrieshe ince the murder of aabullet- coined silver. The f*udmmnt oiper ad and iwho with oom- w o h metal nb e detected ant m of , to o! a base i.. b stoiane or �. �.:,. i �* # d cuff has bred frim the is 1 use con . , ;73z#.AP Win. - 2 r P� i!3 .. _. _ . a� .. _ , ,C 1l',, p m ., »��F?in .. M... v. , .,e. _}.�,. . ,., ...�aa�as`'.'PY!Fi , a lF._. , .., PL'".• .':':.=J'.. ,.-.++�;.r s*.^'c �_.'.. �'^Mn .. .....:. •. 5 .TT-'C^(4y'RfL'.u'5�:�,S"J. 'Sr;Y A.. ..�-.R o- .. „r. L r v ,>:�. .......m. .,.y,,. w„ 'u.._ _4— v _ — :�,:�m-. ,,..�..---L..i.. =---r '.'. other patten e_ i iGles ohne Baur uta w., ��.1 % ,._.. �.... upon _a,.: 4 t,.a t.�+ 1 Rmm�eer C. O. Roadcap, firemau•� I�iational Liberals, and a m sso ion ole �Cea"`io`an huetiead web can��ir hY� w`'� ��� jE►��'var�:+p , %"t% ,- -s y aux • r-• ` pr wtf J[rtdrCa'6 uoiial diia� .+••»y �. 16.a —_m — h& wl'ft3. 116 kuwab va bi++vai &11�t as Mexicfl F.jIS'9r L� �9 ' t` etPAaS�i? sacs it which _. , a '4i' P)iis incident. Corrivean was intensely $onaker and braltemtya Eaton were buried the moderai;e i�aiswnige pariiy,. ;;..,„' y. � e inotv. en said he had not tasted water beneath the wreck, and their bodies have group will prominently represent "the just before hie arrival here, the wound turns 4sd. into 66d., his coins will can pass bein 4. ;. �. , .+ 7,• - �Ar twenty-four boars. It was brought to not been r®ov a ed 0 d tromthee last oar b nkers,, atts and ammller lwhoo are opponen a of the pro. b`Is body ufacturers anBhSince the murder and the hall l Eyrandved, to bh a bee in rapplied torent and lthemll n while his gain test on the �3';ke could , 3fim but�he could not swallow a drop. It brakeman T+ov pe and is certain to secure w.,? . -.4... a d train madq of ' . +tune the moat pitiful eight the doctors had and wrap A feet ewreakin astzsin on the le snppSocialistrk of policy, number of Oentriete thus garment was one hie thefts. M. Perchen reasonably widli . The Oriental transaction will �quitesrlarge Senough to .• a' 'rover experienced. 8e found that he could 83 g insists still that his wile nausea Eyrau�'S StimulatgF his exertions. 'Mr. Fremantle • . iso' drink and became agitated. "Take way the scene this morning ran over forming a strong combination. _,_____ _ _. _._ ,, - :� Oh cage •;t• _Fran) Scott, a coloredem employee, andkilled The leading diplomats W Constantino le arrest, but he will not show the Tnrlateh was not sena to wbat extent this hatj- �'„ # water away t he oris.d. oriedlike ham. p _.-- -ha-lie bean recalled. Herr- ova 3iodowitz, .garment, howeser�a.p#.. The �>tthori-..honed false money bad already got into ' away. Ittorments we ”; and he ltbonis a dozes persons living on the the German Ambassador; M. Nelidoff, ties are nervous about transferringEyrand oiroulation. tae does not"xeos> to the sub= ''l ' a child. bunk of Ball Oreek are re ortefl dxoened. RnSsian re resentative and Sir William A. to the fleteotive9. A straightjacket of wire jeot in'itig report for 1F380, but -he mentions Corrivean talked nervously and' finally p p 4 .. fuse the lest , The following bodies have been recovered : White, the British diplomat, are to be re- is being made and extra handonffs in the facto which prove conoldeively that the old _ _ _ _ - ,, roan - a ---- - a er has not pet been dispelled. - _-- - - --- ------ - . - - - - - - µ , __ - - - _ foramen o e . 1' Iand then "said be was ready to die. Opiates Lucy P. stler, a widow, and her two gather on a more friendly footing. a net ear. as come very opportunely. If alrgn'g enough to hill a horse were applied, daughters, Betty and Julia, and two sone. leading tendency of the changes ie rather Caesar S Treatment or Baldness: there is a sin from coins a in one way, zs , bat,tbay only made the patient weaker. Several hundred people from Maysville -favors le to 'a renewal of fife Czar a infln- The treatment recommended by Lasear, ere is neo less certain lose in snotbor wey- i 3'liey did Dot the agony. have gone to-.the_seene of th o d1:0409r, once in the Balkene, but es this would npt, 'of. Berlin, 'for alopeoia pityrodeu nd q�he in ma raonr-�-*be experieu of est �% _ .�._. „+____� -1 restore any approao ml the former alopeois crests has been attended, with � a that it ire not to be need - � , ata aorELEas css>3. dominance of the Russians, Austria may be years ow �; .,h„ ^ SS India's Leading Porte. some brilliant results. According to Dr. non. The lose from the wear and tear of a" } When Corrivesu arrived'yeaterftymorn• ' induced to accept a solation that will add Graetcer'e article , in the Thera autisclee P �i r . Ing, accompanied by Dr. Boucher, of his I have received from India an interesting to the eeeurity of the general peace. What- Monatschra t, but few oases resist the treat• money in Heb will beyond doubt continue. `'" ct r �oative tpvgn, at the Pasteur Inatitute, he statement reepeoting the position sad pro•' ever may be the issues of the we at f It has now reached s very formidable Pole I}rowp, er that he steer been bitten four green of the five leading India porta- meet, and after a few applications the amount. According to the beat estimate " ''had Calcutta, Rangoon,, Bt. Petersburg they will not involve a down sprouts inn be peen. The follow- • r weeks eitioe by a small terrier. He showed namely, Bombay, g change of relations is the Dreibnnd. Signor Ing procedure is to be repeated daily • which >►1r. Fromantl,e can form, tlee entire '" a small wound on the wrist. It was not Madras and Suripobee. It appears that Crispi goes to Freidrieheruhe after Boeing 1. The scalp ehonld be lathered weH with gold coinage in circulation in the country �" ` - inflamed, -but Stili be complained of s Calcutta progresses more slowly than any ,Chancellor Von Capturd,._ ..__.-:_—_ is £eigne- 0,000, made a- of 80,0.0,000 • th ere while Bombs , ink Pte of the a strong.tsr cheap for tees-a3me±tee eoverei and.of..45,Q00.�140�alf-povereigne,, ,_ ,•Y _:_,__,4 - g eensation,.a>Yd.11e.�io]RfQ ed that he o! _•@_o1Li. - __._.,._.._.__ _ I? Herr -Krupp hes-been'the guest' of -Prince a 42: Tbia lather ie to be ""remo"vee "with' k, I •waelnnable to swallow liquids. Thewioand, gwwth of Indian trerde-, preserves her Bismarck since Wednesday, The hostile lukewarm water, followed by colder water It has been calculated that out 01, this , °4 . • . , be said, was dreseed and washed, .and then position .not only in relation to the others reports to the, effeot theft the Emperor ie in abnndenee ;then the Boal ie to be dried. whole numbor, nearly halt the, eoverei ns he -thought no- more it.. ... i)lit,to the whole trade of India. It sb• and more enraged over the - are so defective in weight as to be light _ becoming, more p 3. A Solution of biohloride of mercury, 1 g a� You a:e tcc 1.*e, said pe, _i .r 'i+nabs.betvween 43 and 46 p Dant. of the revelations made by Prince ftismarck in according to the Mint iegtandard ; and that looking at Corriveau sadly, " I can do tdial trade, although Pte neighbor, S.nr• interviews, and that he intends to mazzla to 900, iifie meuBftraerm beibg equal paYte o■ of the hal!-sovereiitns more than. seven - le nothing ,for yon." lrachee, is growing rapidly. The latter is water, glycerine, and eologi3e or alcohol, is tenths are light. On the basis of these gr gthe ex -Chancellor, are laughed over in the g Corrivean reeled when he heard the rawrl the port for thet'r•tPanjaub, and eft resent to be robbed on. fi ares, the immediate cost o! withdrawing P Prince's circle. Another idea is dawning g iris less than S r cent. of the whole 4. The scalp is then robbed dry with a light sovereigns from circulation is set down , '6 of soiene8e pronounce his death Sentelloe, per upon the unfriendly eritioB,that is, whether d g 14 ,ibut he Soon recovered and walked Steadily trade. The trade of Calcutta increases ab- the statements made to special correspond- solution ate alc containing .00 a rte. ol, 1 part, at £442,920 ; of withdrawing light half- • solutel thou h relatively the proportion and absolute alahol, 200 parts. sovereigns, at 061,470. When this has 7_1rom the X y P P ante were not arranged.with the previous _5. The final ,stop ' #3e went directly to the hospital, lay declines. to 1884 this vopor`Jon w as 37 knowledge and c nourrenee of -Chance for p ata.- the process ie an been done, there will. still remain the cost down on a cot and never arose from it per cent. of the whole, while in 1889 it vee anointing of the Scalp with an unguent con- of making provision for eaYl w r and p Caprivi. It is now peroekved brat hie "tainin 2 arts of ealio lio acid 3 arts of,Oar.g P y y °,: I . ` into . dawn 34. Rangoon ranks third in im- seemting frankness reveals little and cannot tincturre o benzoin, and 100 parts o! Seats- nteen sovereign ]oecoto a sign about + Ao02 p THAT MADE MEN WISED. portanoe; with a steadily increasing trade,! embarrass the Governmeint. yeaip ; a half eoverei n in eldest and Ddsdyrse four4h. Calcutta, it is Seg- foot oil. nine years. The,annnMl loss on the - nodes. Suddenly, without a moment's warning, geeted, suffers on s000dnt o! Pte dietenoe This irestmt should be persisted in for Soh amount of reooina a is thus shown to be the man became a raving maniao. The British Dien-of.War 'Ready. y g , from the .eea eyed Elie natnne of the naviga- a period o! cis weeks or longer, Lamar, the entire charge of keeping the gold ooin- -�`F dcotore had sec eoted this, and had takes A Sad Francisco despatch says : There who, b the way, is the secretary-general to age at full weight. Something has been p tion ori the Hoogly. In consequence of the P . y y y' �tpe precaution to tie his hands to the Bias development o! the railways in Indis also, are many vague runore afloat concerning the InternertionaI Congress of tine year, done already by the calling in o!. pre -Vic - i .R, the bead. He tore about. in his awful trade has a tealdenoy to eolleot in Bombay, the reported taking of Corea by the Rus- has done much to awaken the profession torisn light gold. Coin of this deeoription L` . ; >t+1 on , grbening, hiSeyng, shrieking, oryin sians. There is some trouble in Corea, but from the lethargic state into whioh it had has been received at the Bank of En 5knd k y which 1e nearer to the rent import and g an eo ev 'il'se ti rieY irild, d export market o mope, w i e on aeeo' not `� G�� °n��na'`e` p " �Uv b°r � �e "'int �t�loneois ..�& �ith&ww.�cc®m--.4,��on - ' then a sob that made the byawk ers weep of the henoiaenal developaiient o! Pte cot- nothing definite about it. All that is surely He is reported to have treated a thousand to a nominal value of £1,944,000, or, since 1.with pity for .the human being the* was pp known is that the British men-of-war are oases in the manner deeciribed. N. Y. Med. bei indnSiiry it is l leve simultaneously becoming - the difference between the nominal and saffering. Again he would tear away at the �tiaoi al port in >india for the trade of in the harbor with steam, up, and under Jour. real value has been borne by the State, at The cords that held his hands aapiive, an� p orders to Sail at a moment's notice. Several fit took the combined is ba the! Toni' on China and the for east. Rangoon, also, is have already gone. 'Che American naval A Cathedral Unsare, a total foes of £40,493, se jyudged by the g � gg becoaying more and` more a port for the a actual as eelmpared with the legitimate men to hold him down. They tonne force under Rear-Admiral'Belknap ie a. so it neceeSar to band his feet ewe fasten trade of Burmah, althon�i. Akyab .mast A London cable says : Gneat fears are wpighb., �$nC there was a farther lose when. y 'always nemain a great rice port and expecting orders to Sail for Cores. An entertained for the safety of St. Paul's the gold came to be recoined. The old Moulmein an important centre for the offiaar of the British ship Severn Said he Cathedral in conse hence of the new mono was ver dirt and when it was giis body so that he could not move bed a@en despatches and orders wioh would nt. More chloroform was adminis- timberradai-(iiasgom Herald. P underground railway to be constructed weighed, the dirt adhering to it was counted tared: Than morphine, and, so on until int astonish the foreigners in Japan. within a few hundred yards of the as so mneb gold --s mistake which lead to was found im�iraotioable to give him more. building.Christopher Wren left a be rectified when'it Deme into the hands of . , It was retarding the action of the bear'. The Phoxera Dying Out. Weetminater's Diany Great Dead. P memorendam to the effect that the founds,- the Mint. It was also somewhat below the Every time the doctors Stopped adminie- It is Something to know that the phyl- A London cable says: Before the Royal tions were not so good as he could wish, righi standard of fineness. The total loge feringthe drug Corrivesu had a frightful loxes is believed by competent judges t0 Commission of Ingnixy into the question consequently it is feared that the vibration on the withdrawal of light pre-Vietoridn f ra. The slightest thing resulted in'a have done his wdrrst. One hundred anfl of providingadditional space for the inter- caused by .the trains will endanger the gold in the United Kingdom has floe „ e m. `Aad alter all these horrible hours fifty t800neand aoilee of vinyards are still bet of distinguished men in Westminster dome, even ;if, the preliminary, works do not proved to be £42,922, the average deficiency of suffering, like no man had ever suffered mora ; lees infested with ins noxious Abbe g imperil the entire fabric. The promoters on each pound haviis been 6.299d. The before, E&sund Corrivean Sank book es- worm ; but generally the vine growing y. some carious ,facts are cabin out. P P t? g Lanstod., gave a short agonising gasp and districts Are rp�oovering from his ravages, The apace beneath the Abbey in many of the line say the underground railway coinage of the present reign will, of course, tlistric to reinedieS ing from his Pato nee, Psr11a is filled np with ooncrete of a very near Weatminster. Abbey is not felt. bs more nearly of full, weight ; but much •diede ancient date, eome$imee rendering it neves- I am informed on the )nest aMithori. flet of it has been long in circulation, so there np'i?oAMnett ou Btnierna. ldeanwhile, Whe area of fresh plantsiionp o! sat to hollow ant room for the coffin. The in reality the trains shake the building has bees no general re -coinage attompted ;fJorrivSea did not "foam at the mouth." AmeriAn vines, either producing direct or , y . remains of an nnkno n person weie found considerably, but the foundations being ea since 1843 48, when about £14,0.0,00+0 01 • ted on French vines, is rapidly inoreas= damage is done. Different li bb gain was wbildrewn. _ _ k gird 1, haxk w szta:C1. He d>d not 11 mho the. Q nma was > -made for -Brawn- eeedingly good no da g � - -"'snap at ing. On the other aide of`yixe aucoulA _ _. _ - _ _. -- :-- ,i ` ____, asap at anybody. ueg'S grave., Upwards cf fourteen hundred conditions exist at St. lrieil'e. 'Cater- _ , Dr. Q,ibier said that if he had seen the suokkei Beet settled the, eoohyko. or vine bodies Are _known to have' been buried ' in 'coarses render the abound uncertain. AS His Wonderfnl vision. man vrithin a week or two after the biting worse, whioh attacks the flowers of the the abbe itself, and many mere in the 'the Cathedral stands higher than the our- - Brown -Did the lsioAlord see the leak in be could undoubtedly have cured him, bat p1Ant, is reported to have eKseted tribute y roundiag localities, some shifting of Boil in in the GiroXA6 equal to 40,000,000 gallons cloisters. the roof q after the symptoms have once set in he digging out for ilea railtpay is inevitable., of wine. Mrs Ormerod will, perhaps, be Rafiroad in the Doeert. The Dean and'Cha ter are in a state o! Kra' ]Brown—No; but he saw the pone ]mows of no .effective treatffient. A of to tat oe how this new enemy is to be P of glass Johnnie broke. Prestment . has been tried lfy •scats French scientific mon. and engineers are grant alarm, and will endeavor to induce fiootors is England, which is said to dem with: r oadson Daily New. discussing the feasibility . of a railroad the House of Lards to throw out the Bill feudal Item from &hyeazge. .have oured p%tlents Bitter horophobis . across the desert of Sahara. It is claimed authorizing the line. „ Have you been invrited to Mrs. de 'leas appeared, bat it bas not bean found to A Young Fiend Roast% His Sister. that suoh an enterprise is necessary 'to " 00111011., be absolutely efYentive in all oases, and flu. loonfirm.the hold of Francs upon her os- the rope Prophesies Woes. Bronson's divorce on Friday ! �; y A spacial from Hazelton, Pa., says : P P " No; only the intimate friends are ki- (I-bier does not seem to place moo$ taith in alone on . the weati• coast, of- Africa and to A Rome cable says : The pope in reply vited to that-bnt I of raids for her mar - ]intoe Dougherty, aged it years, was f atall'y g it. This treatment consists in taking from barnbd yesterday by her brother, who is develop the North African provinces of to the congratulations of vieitore at the rings to Gen. Hsadereen on Friday next:'' She anent from s0 to 160 ounces of Weed. which she is possessed. French engineers, Vatican expressed htmeelf as strongly of pp about a year younger. The-ehildnen had -Life. ,.' Eadsnd is afloat the• only place where this been fishing, grid the, boy built a fire to in fact, seem particularly active just now.: beilietf that great punishment was impend- —. lies been tried ve^itli any probabilitj of coo• ressk same frogs' legs, Becoming enraged ,Another of their proposals in to bridge the Ing on society for its disregard of and in. An O�portuniby. at,balia sister for some trivial act, he dragged Boephorne, the Structure to be 2,500 . feet Said, will to the ciiunch. "The Lord;' et He (to heiress+) -They toll me your father l . • �DeptAy Coroner Jenkins perfvwed an her to the Are and held her over it until long, with a single arch. singe, will come , b longer with a sweet has a large heart ? > autopsy on Corrivesn s body to detncmine and peaeefnl face, but with an angry one, Y *a ea,aet canoe of hie death, Ue holy last oiothgria became, ignited. He drought . Just the Other Way. He- Yee, he bas the heart disease. to strike and purify Hie Church. I ,am he could extinguish the flames without He -Ileus IOU. W ar removed from Bellevue Ho 1 and . The story is told of, a famous Boston neither s prophet nor the son of s prophet, �­I. _ Seriously inuring her, but lie delayed too Placed ap a marble slab in The room long and all sit rte to fit them out failed. lawyer that one day, ifter having a slight but I feel in my heart Sorrowful preeant- . y •reserved for sittopsies in the morgue. It ' P discussion with the Judge, be .deliberately menta. A sea of evil is about to beat against 8omettmes It Is Lam. . In htyt deepe*t obi the poor child threw hosted tblat the deal meta Was manually Fyelreeit into the creek. Some men who turned hie back upon that parsonage, And the rookon ®hick the church * founded, Editor (looking at his esteb)-The ane physique. Sturdy and m,aeoular. The t in time to save startell to walk off. " Are yon fry �ng, sir, and gill leave nothing to be seen on the paper not gave to press yet. Wliat is the fusee showed, no trace of the agatiy which ora passing boy, ; bo show contempt for. the court ? asked horizon but the threat of the anger of God. matter 2 e ti>le o! the :boy, whose clothing had Also F. ; - . ~ pfcceded hie death. ':flhe reelalt showed thin Judge sternly. "No, .air," was the Prayer vtil not aaffiee to appease the Foreman -The Nihil*ts' daily thnest to 4 that it eras clearly a arae of hydrophobia. ea�lghb fire. The little ,girl died a leeq re " I am tri to oonaesl it." Almighty." the CZthr hasn't come in yet. A portion o! the spinal cord was removed honhq Pater. The bery is badly burned, bat p�• y fiy' " ' for future ( analysis and for experimental iviU reslover. The Professor's Retort. The Wise Dominie. A Gtlarimg Defeet� +� 'e Why doean't.the Rev: Mr. Jones permit .!_XT ' 1�P0eso• Napoleon sand Vlotorl%6 "Pass me the rolls, said the professor. Y P Editor (,to new raparter)- this article • • "The are all, one," said the landlad .fishing in his pond 7" Abt7at continental affairs therein one im . Loused His white. One- of the reminiscences whidh the y g y " !�lying."oportant omission. ' "You were Yate' for breakfast and, they He wanba to diScs.0 A Lowell,, deaypatoh says : Joseph Qnepn laves to recall is of the biose when were eaten. " Revorter-What ie that, Bir,? Defoy, and Naroiese Soy were so friendly Louis- NaBoldon was her gueso absurd the "What time do yon' call the roll 2 f George Washington Butterfield, e►+4 Editor -You do not use the eapresaiop that not long Detoy proposed• to lamed his royal ya t VictorSey and Albert. The Shall endeavor to be present hereafter." American, has Sued the London Financial + On the chess -board of European politics.' . I' , wife to Roy for three years .for 16100: French monarch praised the, sumptuous xetcs for £100,000 damages for allegedlibel. 4 a EMortly afterwar8s Defoy went to Cahtpds.; furnieliings of the vessel, and' confessed - B looked n on the better AS a oke nniil' that he hsQ never left able to afford so 3 141,oteTUDAL'Witness : The Argentine Re- The Czar of Russia is said ,to be clever Giles—What will yon do if she doesn't V �' ;,:1 Bc�enily he sae sweated tte os a jok ntilith gseat a lnapry. " But, fob` yetis, madam," public has, for the last twenty years, been at tearing a paok of cards to pieces, 52 cards like the linos you have wrikbeY! in her z. „. aSear4t pa XW. Defoy. lie offered to pity said he, gallantly, you are the ,Qaeen'of borrovoing money ss freely as Canada, and at p time. Dixey, the actor, can also do allium 2 Tubbs -Enclose them in quota- 1 025 to settle, but Defoy refused. Roy''a the ease i'" Thio compliment tickled the that is saying a good deal, and it has had this„but he cant dodge a bomb like the tion marks. Son attervdard paid $10`0 to hush the baiter Queen nafightily. The title was a new one, the appearance of a highly prosperous Czar. Magazine Rditor, to Sub-Yoei'll have to }= j sonlap. At 4iie trail yesterday Roy was die• and ib hit lust fanny+-Eu�en2 Field. country. The time when, instead of bor- A -devlottd girl has her lovers name in leave out your literary notes on account of „� charged, the judge 'not believing the evi- rowing more money, it hasto pay its debts initial stick pins distribnbod over the front the pressure on our department. Sab- ' t s denoe a, the judgDefoe Roy is in years evi. ' The Clove cure. from earnings has now come. The boom of her waist. Another portrait of Lincoln ? Ed*or- ' `� - - ithe was ballon confidentially to her is over, and the position' of the country is 11Ziso Tessio Fair, married in fiasn No -three new soap advertisements. I ,ni, I g y such so to canoe commercial, financial and �. a citiastly Piece of Evidence. 066m friend. Francisco lest evening to Herman Oel- Sir Perny Anderson, the ritieh i'epre- ,` ' A Yon etown, O., despatch says: Mrs. ” l (ow ''het we are married,” she said. .poutrcel "di•iaie. The Argentine Republic rich, wore a bridal veil that oost e3,OOQ. sentative in the African boun ry negotis- N. .. e rest.natnral resources, the mons it r, +Y aohn VnlentinB bee been doleaM�ed in her Bohn has stopped drinking entirely. I hauls 1iA R y The wedding dress was ot.the moat Superb tions, has gone to Berlin. suit to recover $11,000 life iaeuigtnce held not detested t e odor of liquor about him has borrowed hse been spent in opening up quality of ^ ivory -white satin and o tlliest Miss Alford, a niece of the oelebratod by iter husband, who died a year ago. The since o* we,�dddding day." . Itis potential wealft and it has what no lace. defence was that Valentine, who weer a " Was it difficult for him to stn 2 in- other .Southern 'American country but Dean Alford, has won fins' .place in the P The ooinmanoement t! falling in love is oleesioai' tripop fyt Cambridge. nommeroial traveller, had committed &A. 'quired tho bosom friew. Chili possesses, an iaduatrious population, `often trailed to the sweet girl graduate's William WAldjorf Astor has employed ;'' vide by shooting himself in the Bead'. To " Ob, no ; not at All. Ee just ante cloven. but unless its financial affairs are exoep- oommenalement Season. eve flet a aged from other head. the Ho says that is a certain onre." tionaliy well managed it is possible that it. artieila at an expense of something like wile had he hnebanci'e body exhamfed and •• may become another Egypt. -Mlle d'Albe, niec; of ea•EenpreSS $10,00 to illustrate one copy of each of ibe head cutoff and brought into court, (*egrge Eliot used to have printed on the An Indian living near Port Discovery Eugenie, at 9, wedding receive:} gifts his novels.. e, Those copies beiforng l 'a pi My where it rests$ on het oonnoel'e desk. to o! her letiejr pa er : " Yoa are par- fOsy caught a snimon in thai bad recently vs., $1,0 ,000. edition de Ince, each one being labeled "My i . .► titularly rop•neoted to burn this letter when which weighed 70 pounds. This is one. -of Handkerohiefs are best perfumed by Personal Otspy, ' aYid over py a prominent . o Princess Wilbedwins, the futn p lace in his lzllrar iso Qeieen tl�ad. the largest ealnion ever oa tared in these keeping them in sachets powdered with the P y x': ' sit Holland, ii1 a ffhir-haired, slender, inion• Ss,rali Bernhetncit Sayo blab all her ill- wafers, end Strange to say was hauled favorito Scent of the owner. .knmz.pees Auguetn Ion Qdearn Victoria a . + epioaone maid of 9 genre. iilsesete dame, ircari getting angry. Some Safely to Shore. ' • The widow of the Crown Prince Rudolph splendid gold bracelet containing the words John. Lemoinue, the,Fren0h edl for, aayS injustice, some Stupidity or ingrat'itnde on Lady Sand%urat, who has made a repu• of Anstris will shortly make her first ap• For ever vet in precious etonaa. ?,N�...• °' No peQ le imAhel, W-6'ld,sre.- lesa4 interna. ,the poi of those by whgtn efts is ear• tbtioti as •s ifberal orator and organizei+, peisratioo as an authoress, for She is at Recorder Smyth'is one of the beat paid.* r tical th the refidonts d�P (9Fregt Britain. rounded tlirowa her ante as violent flt of latBly i?aoerver° tlao sempliiaozkt of rho frdo- present-hiiaslye -engaged ie! preparing s' o9ioere in New York. Ifo is said to be in '44 Thei+�sro int6t-Engliah. anger, for which She has to pay by a Sick. dom of the city of Dublin, being the only Selection from the journals of her trAvels receipt of salaries a gregobi.ng $19,000 n `- 3ieed of a >iew d'at'es , woman on whom that honor has bAen doiti• for publication. year, including an sl owanee cif 883,000 ,fox. i";, I ev. gas at stat sti s D., of Cali ferrea for 300 ars. office rent. His Book ss judge is ��"„�� � lornia, esys that statistics elbow that the She Moniponl G,•onference siding in Pe I Travellers Prom Japan resorb that the rq j g 8612,0'00. y'''' " *r { liquor *rq causes at.leaet 90 per eeiit. of Ottawas yesterday recommended the ester• Tenant (in top flat ) -The roof leeiko. aategonfstie feelings recently developed Ted -His is a singular ajosenou. Nod- ,", 'M1 �*;enp4t'osn.rio6 and orime in the ei#y and lishment of a Cotinexional Fire Insurance Landlord one of the people ant' al Enropeane in 'Cokio have not yet Plural, you moan.. He rein off with anot4ien P. Franeleoo. Con any. y ill the otht9r Sate say So. been alinyed. 'fellow's wife. . Pip t , i".. k#:: y �y A ..1 Y , „ _,5:.-^r . .,_.- ^m.env,,..*,..f...�..�.n-.._...,.-r......-........._� .. ..._..._...- �....a...n..,.r.. ... -. - ....... - _r .s-..__ , ... ", 0 w • .. �t ^ i "> _A. I 11ill 11 .., .. - ..� C0.' r''���ii �!,y�p , IA ` r h .i-i51i b, x }4a �ir iI 9• JFI��,.'q "', !-7. - I I -;­i1C,�.ik�0,,-­1_1­­ . I . . . . �.J'_ I - •' - ...._ -.-_-- .-„�.w=----...—.n. .:._.:_ ,....__.,.r.._...:ra�,. ;,r: --a—_-�-a:, ��:rnrr.,_.._. .....---,. ...a.� .... ..___..'.' . .---r .. ..rr— ..._—.. . • t r. -• . . ” -___ M