HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1890-06-27, Page 1• mar • r• • A► =mar :-w.^..nratoto ..st2•=.,••»�•-••�•..20?-•01:1 z^r^h VOL XVIII—g6. —TH E— Jzuhnow #tutinel - published every -Friday at the- "Sentinel" hluek, north-east corner icrf Outram and Campbell Sts., Lsxeknoti, BY • �r= r • G • • LUCKNOW ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JUNE 27, 1890 THE LUCKNOVK' BANJJ'ING COMI'f1Ny (Not Incorporated.) • GEORGE MAUI Bruce County Council. . 'The June Session clones the 'Business for w the' Year. Front the Kincardine lie otter sun congratulated the council_ on their assembling in Kincar- dine. Before the business comm EDITOR & I?UBLISHER. 'SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1.00 PER YEE , IN ADVANO . \ ALL HINDS' OF YOB : PRINTIN • cos EcuTED W'TH NE ATNEss d: 'btu PA Tell. ' MEDICAL — A` 11'3cDON A:f,D, M. l).,_C AM C. P. S. - titOILc. 1{infill° 1 TEN 1) PHYSICIAN, Surgeon,ud A.cce,uchour. Surgery op- ,NA, Cain's hotel. Office hours from 9 to12 and frim :'•to Sy. in. Ink MBD. GOR])ON, M.D., CM:, F.T. • M.S., M.U.P:S.O., Physician, Sur- ;;eoL, and .A'ccoucheur. Office next door to \V. Alliu's irsplement shop. Residence at present, Luckuuw l{utel D1 IL l C`, -EDGES; V. S., CALLS I _ eithe by mail or telegram proliiptly :attended bo. Charges moderate, Office, Cor- erigan's hall, Boarding . house, Cain's hotel. Lucknow, LEGA L NI1101V CORRI,GAN, COMMISSIONER, MONEY To LOAN $-1► T AYE'S IS.UED ON ALL PRIN- A oii�ru)-p rirrts:-elfeyues, draaftd" ani` inortga„e, Gashed. Notes discounted. . Aiiter- iean,.currericy & American bank drafts or cheques bought or sold. 1oterest.allowed nn deposits from five dollars and upwards at the rate of five per centum per annum. 11I,)oey to Jeun on farm or village property at the lowest current rates: Fire innitran re e ffec eel in' first class btock -hub-Ir nee ctifiii,a"itic•s buly:' We have one 200 acre. three 100 acre and two•'50 'acre farms for sae cheap. Office hones 10 a, m• to 4 p. tn. G. A. SIDD&LL, Manager. i 0 LBS. OF WOOL OOL ., el ARROW & PROUDFOOT, BARRIS- `o.: w ters, Solicitors, etc.', Goder}ch, Ont. 1.'..G. GAruRow, Q. C. Wit. PROGDrooT. . 7LLIOT TRAVEli,,' .AT7:ORNEY AT law, Soli itor in. Chancery; ••Convey• ancer, • etecr Office, next door to 1fe3rtthison's jewellery store, Lucknow, Ont. • 1'd OR1{ISoJ' , ATTORNEY AT • law, Solicitor in Chancery, -Commis= inner; t �rnveyancei,--etc, 0fhce aver the 'barber shop. GENE [RAI, - OBi RT CUNNINGHAM, • .INSUR ance, Fire & Marine, Guelph, .Ont. ;Qal-() ,NEY TO LOAN!' I HAVE AFEW A!!_ thousand dellars to invest forri'vate at reasonable interests. ELLIOT TRAVERS. 71 i 0NEI' TO LOAN 1 ON FIRST-CLASS 111 mortgages at 7 to 7/, per cent. interest, payable yearly, Charges moderate, Apply to•ltoaswi' AluRRRAY, St. Helens. C^OHN MJRchiseN, C. P. R. TICKET ' agent. One way eatr;ursions to the North West and Paciti•: Coast. Full information to intending traveller, to any part'of the world, ' Airr ()STY TO LOAM AT 6 PER CENT JAL.' 'from 2 tc 20.years. Lists of farms for sale in Ontario as well a c Manitoba, i'ai ties desirous, to -sell -farms will consult their intei•- e:4-3 by inspecting the•advertitingfacili'ties of Stelsrriber in Great ,Bril;ain and Ireland and +vantinent of lands for sale. ANGUS STEWART, Land Valuator, Lucknow, Ontario. MUTUAL WAWANOSH , MUUAL Fire Insurance Company, board of directors meets for the transaction of business on -tile first Tuesday, each month. ' P.►rti••s wishing to have their prrperty insured in tbis ricreasi gly popular 0•-mupany, will by giving notice, he called upon l,y an agent or by one of the Directors. -Business calls promptly ;Attended to. Office, Dungannon. , .1. M. Ronc:trs', Secretary, Wst. LANE, Treasurer. sa-1ETigs TUCKN'UW 1 Lodge, No. 112 meets every Friday evening at 8 o'clock .iri their hall,' Campbell street, All brethren ,3ordially invited. 11. TAYLow, Noble' Grand; JrrrN 1:LLIOT, Recorder. . F., COURT l�!�r/Sherwood, No. 5(), Lucknow. Meet. every Lrst and third Monday in ever y month, in the Odd - fellows hall. Visit ing brethren • a r e cordially invited., .A. E"Fill +,DevrsoN C, R. D. D. 'YULE . SEC. A0. U. W. • UCKNO W LODGE OF • the Ancient Order United Worku,en, meet -in the Oddfellews hall, on the last and second Monday e' enings of each mouth at eight o'clock. Visiting brethren cordially invited. JOHN* PEART, Master Workman. R. D. CAMERON, Recorder. . UCKNOW MECIHANICS' INSTI- tii R lte. eadin id froom open every evening from 6 to 10 1' m., excepting Saturdays, when the hours will be from 2 to "6 pp. in. The , librarian will be in attendance during these hours. D. D. 'YULE,^President. JAS. SoMEn • vtL E. Secretary. • , 4 DENTAL, .w - S. JEROME, L. D. S., • Winglram, will be in Luei&now on the second and Itip fourth j Friday and Saturday of each month. Having purchased a large amount of stock at raiuced rates. I am p e ared-tb make good ► sets of teeth for $10 'and the bent thatiare wade for $12. Flllingatid extracting a upeo- 1 iaftf., 41. t3. „itnoxs.., y�R Wanted at the old PIONEER STILECAMPBELL'S. OLD STAND, LU6CKN4V!/ For which the HIGHEST CASH- PRICE Will be paid. • J. -BR UMPTON.- West Bruce Annual Meeting of theEefor The annual meeting of the Reform Association of- the West Riding of Bruce was held in the Town Ball, Kincardine, ou •Tuerd'ay last; but on, account -of the few notices sent out, a small representation of delegates 'was Lthe. result. 'The President Mr. ' Malcolm, A, occupied the• -chair, and Mr. Wm.. Henderson ably filled the• duties of Secretary.• After the 'adoption of the revised constitution, the 'following officers were elected : President, A. Malcolm, Kincardine; First Vice, D. McDonald, •Lucknow ; Second . Vice, John Pierson, Saugeen ; Third Vice, Peter Corrigan, Kinloss ; Secretary, W. Henderson, Bervie ; Treasurer, W. Miller, Kincardine Tp. ; Directors, D. McDonald, Lucknow; Thos. Mur- ray, Kinloss ; D. Henderson, Huron ; J. Corbett, Kincardine Tp.'; M. L. McKinnon, Tiverton; R. 'McFadden, Bruce Tp. ; Neil' Cassidy,. Saugeen A. Campbell, Kincardine Town. On completion of the list of offioers, resolutions approving of the course of the Reform party, both in the Le►cal and DominioniIlotgse were unanimous- ly adopj ed. 4soclatlon. AshIeld ' A union picnic of the Sabbath Schools of the Ashfield circuit will by held in M. Jas. Hunter's grove, 12th con. commencing at 10 a. m. The committee is sparing no pains to make it a grand success. All are cordially invited. Don't forget your baskets. i A public examination of S. S.^No, 5 will be held on Friday, 27t1i inst., dormnoncing at -11), All interested isi education cordially invited• lto be present. Dr, Strongman 'will preach a'sermon to the Orangemen in LMr. Hunter's grove,l2th con.on•July 6th at 24300m. All members+ of sister lodges find (the gblia.invitmd to be present. Messrs. Waechter an asked for $100 -to -repair town pipt be- tween Brant and Greenock. Refused, $200 was refused for the 30th side - road from Chesle to T: r enced Mayor Ba,irda--:ead an address of wel- eome to the 'assembled wisd.otn, in which the material growth of the coun- ty and town was referred to: Mr. Mack.endrick, president of mechanics' institute, also read an address, tiering the -..councillors- -t-he-••freedoth•`-.of the library and reading room. Mr; Ilall, secretary, added word's of welcome. The addresses were referred to a committee, of which Mr. Bryan was chairman. He reported during the session in a very happy manner, thank- nn�r sport t•ion=a-nd rnechanics' institute. It was decided that the December session be elispe:nsed with this year. I-Iuron county. Bail tried the experi- ment and had found the change to work satisfactorily. Perhaps the two most important re- ports are those of the r Ye an finance, committees. They will be foundsubjo'ined•:— ROADS AND BRIDGES. The following ',recommendations made by the committee, or amended by council were adopted The, bride at Paisley was ordered to be repaired at as little cost as pos- sible, as it will have to be.rebuilt in a' year or two. - Messrs. Truax and Wilson asked for an additional grant of $635 for the Walkerton iron .bridge: $400 was granted. ' $200 was ganted to Wiarton to cut down hills in that village, the latter corporation to expend a like amount. Messrs. Cummings_ and C4uita,ns. ashed"for '$300 to be expended from Rankin's bridge, across the gore of' Greenock to Paisley, providing Paisley 'Greenock, Bruce and. Saugeen grant $50• each. $200 was granted. $500 was. refused Culross for repair- ing roads. . Messrs. McIntyre and. Shouldiee askedthe. council to build a new bridge at concession I3, tawnline Brant and Elderslie. ,. Granted. Messrs. Lain arid Little asked for $500 to improve the gravel road be- tween Paisley and'Hanover. Refused. Messrs. Walker and Tolmie asked for $2000 for building an iron bridge on Huron ,Terrace,. Kincardine. $1500 was granted. Messrs. Mcrntyre and Hawthorne asked .fon $2001to repair the Greenock and Kincardine boundary, the muni ciptiities to expend an equal amount. Granted, the money to be expended by Deputy -reeve McIntyre. $200 was granted to improve the north gravel road betwesn • Arr..•In, Amabel and -the Indian reserve. Messrs. Henderson and Miller asked fyr $1000 to be set apart for ekpend- iture on the• county boundary lines, each municipality interested to be giv-. ,en a portion according to the number of miles of boundary, and adjoining counties to . pay an equal amount. Refused. Messrs. Bryan and Blue asked that the deputy -reeve of • Kinloss and the reeve of Lucknow examine the gravel road assumed by this- council by by- law iii 1876, and''if necessaryto have the same put in repair. $50 grunted, to be, expended by the reeve of. Luck - now. . • Messrs. McKellar and Currie asked for $50•to gravel the Goderich'road in Tiverton, 1 the village to grrint $75. Granted. The motion of Messrs. Bradley and Walker asking for '$500, to repair the Durham line through Kincardine was withdrawn. $25 was granted to build a bridge between Eastnor and Albemarle. The mill creek bridge in Saugeen is to be repaired by.thedeputy-reeve of Port Elgin. Messrs. McIntosh and Hawthorne asked for $100 to repair the Duchatin read running tllrrougb; Kigloss. Retused;t • to grant $100, to be expended onllthe 8th concession. $10.0 was granted for approach• to Riversdale bridge on motion of Messrs. Cournans and Walker; $50 was granted for a bridge on the mail "route to Tobermoray,in St. Edmunds. $150 ' as granted to assist Tees - water in- building a bridge. t1•' TTl e 1 lcl„e on. t:he.bounndary-between: -ern't'end..a..teanr..-�of-x..fii�e,-. alkerton,Y and Brant is not to be picked men from East and West Zorra. re��uilt until the irunAbrid;e at, Walk- The trst pull}Zerra men• took a de- ertun has been thoroughly tested, with c'ded advantage, but the judge, Mr. e view been Hodge, of Chicago, decided it•no pull. - b an iron bridge ' at The risen then went at it again, -when WHOLE NQ, 858. Resulted in -u ttruty The Great Tug of Ward' Between Hurons ' and Bruce and West Zorra: R. McKenzie, Kintait ; Jas. Younanc g, • Lucknow ; Hugh Taylor, Kinlough' ; • J. 1). Matheson, Ashfield ; J. R, Murray, llurun ; Van Vann rut a._n, .Beigrave ; Wm. McKenzie, Kincar- dine township ; H. Currie, Huron ; R. McKenzie, Isle of Sky. This is the tug of war teats that went down • to Woodstock to piill the West .Zorra ' •. team but when they got there fa.urncl cy had to 4, s • that point. the Zorra risen got an advantage of A giant equal to twenty per cent, of the county rates made by the munici- palities ubout one foot which the Lucknow polities in 'reparrinaleading mud -graved- minutes reduced men by steady work for fourteen_ . At this time the Oxford roads, was unrde by the county.---v�.� inches.Messrs. Bryan and McIntosh moved men were boundar of lying down, some of them exhausted,' that the bridge on the Kinloss and Wawanosh be Te -planked friends a panic arose among their female " if the warden d ems it necessary, half friends to such an extent ' as.sto have the expense frbe ,borne by Huron county. Granted. Ori motion of Messrs. McIntosh and Oonixn•Pns, the ree:-of•thr..smut was instructed to repair the bridge •on the to%vnsliue of Elderslie and Green'bck. • FIANCL'” RL''PoRT. a' Mr. Moore, chairman, reported that'• the treasurer's financial statement. showed .receipts of $169,259.24, and payments $166,1.18.03. A • smaller levy will be called for all purposes this year, than for- any single. period for• the last twenty-five years: The apportiontnrent of the legisla- ture school grant was. $1,154, an increase of $46 over last year. • The town of Walkerton was pled $40 for furnishing an electric light for the county buildings forone year, • The' request of a grant of $300 to the three riding agricultural shows was refused. In council the report was amended by g'ranting $100 to each of the riding shows and $50 to every agricultural society not amalgamated= with a 'tiding society. • Jam -es Clark' wag fined for violation of pedlars' l:y-law: A• refund of $5, on the motion of Messrs. Eiliot and .McIntosh, was recommended. $26.52 was ordered to be refunded to Brant • township, expenses of .Mrs. Dobson, an insane perrcin. The account of David Keys. $214, for building bridge between Kinear- dine town ,and township was passed. $75 was granted to the Bruce bat- talion band. $34.50 was granted to: Elderslie and the sante to Brant for building a large culvert and filling washout on the town,line: $13 was granted on notion ' of Messrs. D. Blue and John S. McDon- ald for repairing bridge between Bruce and Huron -counties, ..Messrs. Bry.ui and McIntosh moved - that $50 be granted to each mechanics' institute in the county. $113 was gran ted. • $3.50 was granted on motion of Messrs. McIntosh '..and Bryan, refund of one half of costs of repairs on Cam- eron bridge between Huron and Bruce counties. A number of other accounts for inspecting and supplies Were also passed. • On completion of the work' of the council a motion was introduced by Messrs. Johnston and 'Bryan, Compli- menting the al;le-and popular Warden, Mr. James Gaunt, for the very satis- factory manner in which he had con- ducted the business of the session, and of the, high appretciationn which he is held by the members of the council. Mr! Gaunt replied in feeling terms and hoped to see them all back again In~ January next. . —On election day lightning struck a tree standing near the••rasid-ermiiof Mr. Jas. Rowann M. P. 'in Saugeen. It passed through the milk house scatter- ing things about generally and stunning all who were near where theocurrent passed. Mrs. Rowand received a sevein shook and Mr. Caldwell who was tla ing hridtk ou the new house bfa(� i ideas cansiido ply ,shaken up. influence brought to bear on the ' Referee, Mr. .Hodge, as to cause ''bine ` to throw up his hands as a signal that the - perate struggle on record, lasting six- teenand a half minutes. •• Mr. Hodge • gave his decision in favor' of •the Ox. ford. team 'on the ground that they had an advantage of five inches,' although. they should pull six feet before they could ,claim anything. A great deal of dissatisfaction was manifested at the decision and many of the Huron and Bruce even •ofler(id to wager any • amount on another tut - but could get no takers, some of th orra men de- claring that they would never again pull, not for five'hundred dollars each. • The. committee have reciuded the.' judge's decision and -now -ca,Ir• it.a s, "draw'. The .Lucknow team wre - treated in the most gentlemanly man- ner. In fact the kii nessof. their —'• stalwart 'opponents before and after the contest took away all hard feelrs' arid they parted wishing each Gth'er'fhe best good luck: • Mr." D. R. -McIntosh, merchant of ;Lucknow, deserves much credit for ' getting up' such a tears on. so short ' notice, Huron and Bruce team is • still open for E•rst and West Zorra or in fact the whole.County of. Oxford,. • Soutll. Itinloss Cemetery. :It will, no doubt, be a matter of in terest'to a great many to know that steps are, being taken to irnprove the appearance of -the. grave -yard in con- nection with the Sough Kinloss.church„. and in -as -much as the fund; .in the hands of the Managers are not suf- • ficient to do what is really required::: to Vc • done; they hereby -request ail d who ;are interested in the place to turn out on Friday, the 4th prof. and• help ' to level the roads and footpaths.' •Tie .back part • o1- the yard is also to • be'.:.. leveled' ancl We hope that those .Who ' can bring their tans w11 do so in the • forenoon so as to give a better oppor- tunity for working with shovels and' rakes in the afternoon.' It is • to '1 e • hoped that every one 'who can stake it convenient to cotne out on that 'day • will do so and sett' that their plot. at•'• least is in proper shape.. D. RENNIE, See'v, Board of Mana;ert.; --- ....... •.r , • • Col al Wreath C.Orners. ISIT REALLY TR11C.-t - 1 can see -her gestin' bigger, •• See her todd'in' at nay side, Jos the cutest little. critter,,. Teasin' papa fur a ride. I can see her feeliu' bigger, Can't hep seein' baby grow' ; But I ear'i't see how it comes ter' - This ---"that bady's got a ben," EURBItA.-L-It will undoubtedly pt'otre interesting to the leading merchants and citizens in general ofi Paramount and Lochalsh to hear that,- ��:1I,," the. strayed .-i;r ell;'s'eeket,' was picked up on the 2nd cup. by a "fish peddler" at an early hour on Monday morning and conveyed to his former residence on .. Church St., South Lochalsh, - PROFIT ANn Loss. ---Our egg -peddler', , Mr,• Willis, has. undoubtedly found a•' profitable hen's nest in the willows • at•,•.. the Corners. ;‘;tsv• 1 t► b • r, fa• ty.