HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1890-06-20, Page 8r.; .• 4.4 U The Lucknow entineI, Bruce- Oounty, Friday., dune. '20th. LUCKMOW PI$T I Idptira $ a. ms..yto 7'p.`rr«. Sluts Tf G;(0 B. S'enth'' CO: a" II.. 'L xH,. 4 B. Nutt 12,30p, la • liialyrood 'Ifii'uleugh• . - 2 8Op.m lCinlose )) W. G. B. Norah 3.48p., (ioderioh 1, I,anasid D�fiy 1 (11 am,I/ (( Tuesdays • and Fridays 10.80 p. m. 3.00P.Edi ° s °LOSE° 9,30p. m. 10.00 a. >Qa• 340p. in. 430pMkt t*IL W, G. & B. ,South I. Ef. do 33.3 South f 4,11.& 13. South W G.& B. North —list o rood •u h tl . e Kin 6se RunaWaa )0 fleeter McKay, .one ,'f -the haulers of cream to the , Whitechurch creamery, met with an accident lady as he was returning with his load. His horses got frightened at a passing. train, which caused them to run WRY. The wagon was upset and the cream, 'slightly injured but very little other tle age wes done except the breaking of the wagon and harness. Belling Out Mr. Woe. Grundy has decided to sell out, his cartiage business in this village, and is determined to clear out -his complete stocl1 of carriages, bug- gies. uggies. democrats, cutters, sleighs, etc., at a big reduction below actual cost. folding tops, the best ever made in the Dominion, and everyone desiring a first-class buggy at rock bottom prices should not fail to 'see them before purchasing a rig. The whole stock will be cleared out. Grimsby Park We tender our sincere thanks to Mr. Manly Benson and the directors of th imsby , : Pajle;. for a season ticket to the grounds and a finely prepared booklet of the Park and its surround- ings. To anyone wanting to spend the summer in a beautiful resort, where pleasure and instruction are combined. they can select no better, place than Grimsby. The grounds have been en- larged, more cottages erected, the hotels improved and all together it is the place to put in your holidays. Services will be conducted by the best speakers and most celebrated divines of both Canada and the United States. Orange Blossoms A very pleasing and happy event took place on Tuesday evening, at the j1• .• • . Bridge, Contract Mr. Keys, of Kincardine, was *1.' ,;warded- -the contract of building the new bridge near the waterworks, at the Council meeting on Monday even- ing last, for $163, Fire Appliances The committee of the business men - of • =Tara haVe•- been-. considering -the question of fire protection and, after making themselves acquainted with the list of different systems, recom- mended the purchase of hook and ;<rrdder' appliances. An engine or a system of water works being regarded as too expensive.. Lawn Sc cial . . The ladies -a making-bz repara- tions for the lawnn social at the grounds of Mr. Thos. 'Lawrence, on Thursday evening next, 26th inst., -and besides a bountiful supply of eatibles • and a choice programme ofvocal and instru- mental music,' the splendid band of . ;the Fire, Brigade will be present and r = s wi . evera . selections of music. Grape Pruning Grapes should be pruned'now 'to in; sure' good crop: of fruit and strength and durability of vine. .The fruitful leaders - should be shortened 'to one. joint above the last branch of fruit. Out or •rub,off all inferiors. ' Train in some of the ° fruitless leaders to fill ''apafzes to extend the vine, removing all •oth'ers. , Attend to, laterals as they come and leave a leaf on ail spurs. Notice to Farmers 7 'Owing to.. a 'Very great improvement in the water power of, the Lucknow Railer Mills, which will enable me' to Fun by water about nine,, months in'the .. H eery greateredleattaiata henna iuj.. expenses _ of the mill, no wood, no engineer to pay for, to benefit • the far mers with light wheat in the future if they, will clean it well. I will give a return of 50 lbs. of flour and feed in every 60 lbs. of wheat, no matter what it may test. GEO. KERR. a„ ti 11 r 'IA To the Orient ' "The New Highway to the Orient"' • i5 'the title of a; 'beautiful little' work just, issued' •by the General Passenger Department ' of the, Canadian Pacific Railway, 'descriptive of a tour. to the 'Pacific •coast over the trans -continental Jibe. It is superbly illustrated with many full-page engravings ;and its- -forty-five pages of graJbfully written matter, contain much useful informs.. . tion concerning the cities, towns. and :scenic . marvels reached by the Cana- dian Pacific ,systetn.. It is well worth your while to secure a copy, which may be obtained free upon application • to John Murchison, Lucknow. • Wedding' Bells • . The residence of Hugh Scott, Esq., of the twelfth concession of Kinloss was, on Wednesday, the eleventh of Junes the scene of one of those happy • events which gladden the hearts of the participants. It was 'the nuptials of - his daughter, Miss Mary 'Ann Scott, the other contracting party being Mr. \�' illiam - Congiam, on of.. Richard, t!ongram, Esq., of the eighth gonces-' Sion of Kinloss.. The wedding cere- mony was performed by the Rev. Mr. (grey, of Kinloss. Miss Mary E. C'oe:gram, sister of the' groom, 'with Mr. Watson Scott, brother of the l,ride, officiated as bridesmaid and " hest man" respectively. The bride iv,r.a attired in a handsome wedding gi>.wn of 'old gold and white lace veil, while the 'bridesmaid wore a dress of r iAl cream celored sateen; The tires- ents were numerous, handsome and n.pprnpriate.\ The ceremony over, the guests sat down to a Most bounteous repast and afterwards_ enjoyed them--, selV'esir $10ti the terpsicoretin muse away into the morning hours. Friends of hotly M r, and Mrs: Gongran were b;, present from Brampton, Walkerton, Kincardine, Lucknow and Dungannon. The Sr:A1T1NIct. thrnwS bushels of rice and old„shoes after ,the happy young coupe. sr N. Sutherland, Ashfield township,. where a large number of friends of the contracting parties had gathered to witness the marriage of 4-. rthur H. Carr to Nettie Sutherland. The bride was attended by her sister, Iena, and Miss Murray, of St. Marys, while the groom' was assisted by Will Johns and John Anderson, teacher, of Wingham. The presents were' numerous, 'costly and useful. The happy couple left on Wednesday morning to spend their honeymoon in Woodstock and other places.—Wingharh Advance. Is This True An exchange remarks, without giv- ing its authority that it is not in good taste, never was good form, and is no Mechanics. institute Tjekete good; tib tti yell? INA, the flat of November next will be given to members joining any time before then. Just think of it, 16 months for one dollar, 6i cents a month. he library in to' be- supplied immediately with $150 worth of new books. Don't fail to aooe • t this mos, favorable offer .^u... ..- rbcs;r:...r,aier.-,,TM�:�,,,;;a,exz.-irvri�tl�Ssas- The Oow By -Law We have had a by-law in the vil- lage for some years past prohibiting cows from running at ' large from 8 o'clock at night till 6 o'clock in the morning, but its provisions have never' been enforced from consideration of poor_people who were -keeping -cows. It, is not however, poor, people that are taking advantage of the laxity in en !orcin ' the b -law but those who AGENTS WANTED. BA- IC MONEY FOR CENTS. NO risk, no capital -required. An honorable and praiseworthy business without any pos- sible chance of loss. Steady employment and control' of territory, Have done businees in Canada 30 YEARS. Liberal pay to the right man. to sell our unexcelled Nursery .,, z Win. provide their cows with pasture instead of having them sponging a living off the highwaqand breaking into gar- dens, "a nuisance -lb everybody: -Tn fact most of the poorer people are per- fectly willing to close up their cows at night, and that is the 'time when gardens are wrecked and sidewalks broken. Let the law be properly en- fer ced or Flo -a -way -with it -altogether. A National Spirit The Americans have beenmost as- siduous in cultivating a national spirit. The Fourth of July is celebrated by the whole nation, and from • the Amer- ican standpoint this is 'equidalent to our universal celebration. The hearts of the patriots and . patriotlings are made jubilant_with-.stirring-orations and protecive displays on this the nation's birthday. The orators hold forth on the tottering despotisms of Europe' as compared with the land of freedom liberty, republican institu- tions, and universal emancipation from all ills. The stars in the banner 1_...... 1. furl and nod approvingly as the people are filled with 'a sense of their own impo'rtance and the nation s greatness. This may seem allsilliness to the by- stander, but the molal effect 4 of the whole matter is—a settled conviction in the heart of every American citizen that. "we are the people." Gone to Oamp The members of No. 3 Company, of the 32nd Bruce Battalion, left here on Tuesday morning for the Brigade camp at Stratford, where they - will put in their twelve days drill. The Company was upto its full strength, and, althougth many of the men are "raw ''recruits" they made a fine ap- pearance as they marched to the sta- tion. Captain l3,. Grant Jefferies, who Itanger,good manners, fors -a; gentleman- -- : to raise his hat when meeting a lady on the street. A courteous wave of the hand is far more appropriate and is the custom in the fashion centres of Great Britain and the Continent. The idea that a gentleman always tips his hat to a lady is nonsense. ' To see a young man yank .his hat off and pull it down over his face is amusing. Now that the fashion has been relegat- ed to its proper niche among absurd curiosities keep your hat on your head when onthe street if you want to be in style. Lucknow Quoit Olub . Lucknow has ,a most enthusiastic quoit club of 26 members. Clay ends have been laid out on the common at the rear of the' Medieal Hall, and each evening finds players in keen contest, while the .admiring onlookers shout their appreciation of a good shot with such' expressions as, that's a gran' one, a gunn,tickler, bobby doozler and etc.. As a healthful exercise for people em- ployed indoors, and as,a promoter of sociability the game of quoits has no spperior. The management has classi fied „the players and will offer hand- some prizes for competition during the season. The Lucknow club numbers among its players some who have no superiors in Canada, and it is expected that before the close of the season im- portant nlatclres will be -arranged -with London and Toronto clubs. .Sudden and Sad Seldom are we called upon to record. so sad a bereavement as that which has just overtaken Mr. Wm, Thom, of 'Whitechurch. Eight weeks ago Mr. Thom had taken to hpme a young and happy bride. On Friday last he saw her body laid away in the cold and silent grave. Mrs. Thom had bees in delicate health fdr ' 'some - time, ,but yquth and a b3uyant spirit supported her, and .there was applarently no ,cause for serious alarm. Mr. and Mrs. Thom.. were ..in town on Tuesday, and a doctor had been consulted for the first time. Wednesday morning she felt better' and attended to Me house- hold duties, but before evening. she had been, called to her eternal rest. The sympathy of the whole dommunity goes out to Mr.). Thom in his severe trial. is a thorough. soldier, and an' ' en-' thusiast over the boys of No. 3, came all the way from Chicago to take charge of the company, and no prouder officer; of his men ever left , for, camp than the worthy Captain on Tuesday morning: Lieutenant Hogeh Morrison is alsothoroughly postedw in, the differ- ent movements of drill, and is undoubt- edly the ,nest looking officer of the battalion; the second ,lieutenant being Wm. Smith of Ripley, who is also a very efficient officer. A large number of our citizens accompanied the boys to the station, and as the train moved out_ three hearty cheers were given them. Items of Interest. -,Lace curtains only 60 cents a set for:six yard length.—W. Qonnell. —In rainy seasons, as iswell known, strawberries lose . in a great measure their peculiar strawberry flavor. This comes from a lack of sunshine on the growing weather. They lack acid. It is said that a little lemon juice squeezed out over a dish of berries will restore their peculiar flavor. —Ladies corsets from 30 cents per pair up at Connell's. —On Monday next Wm. O'Connor, the representative 'of Canadian oars- manship -is .matchedLto row . Matterson the Australian. ;The result' will no doubt decide the championship of the: world.. 1f our oarsman can claim any relationship to the member for South Bruce he should "get the%e with both feet.” —Flour, bran, shorts, chop, wheat meal, cracked wheat, oat meal, corn meal. and turnip seed at M. Corrigan's. —Ladies requiring ,millinery will find in .Connell'_: stock whet they want --Mr. T. F. Whalen, a Kincardine township young man, and formerly of this place, received dAacon's ordlers at London one dad+ recently and the next clay was summoned-to°Good wood, Yor•.le - county, to., marry a couple who had been 'waiting for Mr. Whalen to qualify himself to perform the cere- mony. Mr. Whalen is stationed at Colchester meanwhile. , —Mrs. White, of Drayton is the guest of Mrs. Hayes. CHASE BROTHERS COMPAI Y," Nurserymen, COLBORNE, O1 'r, TENDERS WANTED. TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED FOR 1 the erection of a frame church at Crewe in the township of-aslsheld up to 'W-edne4-clay June 25th. Tenders to be opened at o'clock p. m. Plans and specifications to be seen at Jacob Crozier's. GOO,Ii NEWS WEARY MOTHFRS. 's. `WITH AS JUST REe;EIVF.0 11. CASE OF LADIES AND MISSES 1TNDTFRWARE AT LOW PRICES. Fine might dressed embroidery trimmed for 73 cents. Ladies under -skins;-enearoidered-auitne • 4 .--. ' from $1.25 and upwards` Lovely all over E R41SR®0DERED DRESSES ow r• June 10th. 1890. Dnngannon P. O. NOTICE T CREDITQRS. -PURSUANT TO THE REVISED 1 Statutes of Ontarlo, 1889, Chapter 110, Section 36, the creditors of John Morrison, late of the village of Lucknow in the county of Bruce, who died on or about the 21st day of November 1889, are hereby notified to send to Elliot TraSer at the said village of Luck - 6W;'" taoT16itiir fonthe' ezeoatorg`of-the -said- ,Tohu Morrison, on .or before the 23rd day of June 1890, their christian and surname, ad- dresses and occupatioz.s with a fall and de- tailed account of their claims against the said John Morrison, deceased, and after the said last mentioned date the said exeetiiors will proceed to distribute the assets of the estate among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of creditors wbicir shall have been then received. Dated this 30th day of May, A. D. 1890, J LI.IOT TRAVER, • 3 855 So'icitor for the Executers. can make t em. LA@lE&I. 1! �RSNII�S —AT 65 CEN &— 4 —AT CEi\ S. -- CHILDEENS MUSLIN APRONS EM- BRO DI•:RY FRONTS AND TRIM- MED BEGINNING AT 45 CENTS. CORSET COVERS - E�M�ABROIDERED YOKE - AT .M v . Just, opening today a case of fancy hits in all the lateet styles, also a lot of new &dowers at Mrs* SmAtAls. 441 I PON'T WANT THE EARTH! —BUT -:- I WANT A LIVING. -:- I AM. GOOING TO HAVE IT IN LUCKNOW, TOO, A.ND I HEREBY announce to the people of Lucknow and surrounding country, that any ,, $0114T J ��JJ� . coming to me having their teeth out, that I will put in two sets of teeth, . -TENfPORARY AND PEIfMANEtiT for the prim of one set, $15, made of the very best material in thewgrld. use no rubber but C. ASH & SONS, London, England. The teeth will be C. Ash Sons, and S. S. White's, coeceded by all who are in the business to be noqua ei In Eke World. Those firms have their names on their goods, and the people can see what they are getting, and as I use nothing but the best material, I will guarantee sat- isfaction to all reasonable' people, the unreasonable and there aro a few such in the world, will please bear in mind that I don't want their trade I can always be found at Dr. McCrimmon's office, Lucknow. L.. PATTERSO1 ', L acknow. iuc1no! Lo4Iing Photographer W. J. STRINGER. Is as usual ahead in the finest styles and positions fur photos.. CABINET PHOTOS, Finest retouched and burnished; $1.60 to $3 per doz. Cards $1 to $2 per dos. AMEROTY1ES MADS TO PERFECTION He also keeps a large stock stock of spectacled,, especially the well-known and also deals in Be' Keepers supplies, books, stationery, albums, frames and fancy goods: Remember the studio, E L, Johnston's old stand. Nest door to 'Raid's bakery. .