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Lucknow Sentinel, 1890-06-20, Page 6
rlrl -- x _...... ..., ,,,mow. -,ti. ,«,�.,;�,,..,:.�.,.,..,� �� �, ` ,. , F;1� �x '. R r i . :� - o YY • . ... . _ - — a> .'r.t . . �_ , QILil.O$IOyY. F Mrs. CeWlea �# 19H�D. iilltxc+ Biz i _.n µ�. . _ - - ,, ,..,, — 1. - �-•- - - TRAGEDY IN A 00- — — _ np�. o I�sa also.gfive here buff .g ip r 1� Ss 9g A xbu spas *6ised on bail. She his completely �; I ,, llirtr lion Cremated oa and 800,900 61a1- --- overcome by the tragedy. The young Weaves With the Swag After Road Tho Cittof Romer $Lin a. Narrow Epoapv lona of 011 Briraed. daughter, who is only 9 years of age, is at, Agents Stop the Traip. from Total Destruction. w. _ . khil•delphia despatch of ygaterday Shoats &s Brotherdn-Etta is Defence o� the sacred Heart Convent,, a stone's throw A St. Paul, Minn., despatch says : The A London cable says ; The Anchor Line �", tea rs_: aboq ole 9ah. lila..lk4#rnntlS►a axi ] wujtsr'e. Tufo. trona evhsacs L-- shweting. tca$ �p1=�aa, > om®.:NoEilsern ]eaoiflo eaet�bonnd ease r e it :. again To ffl ,. , i p 40 Lou occurred if1 ilio tank steamer of the lead passenger teener City- v of Rowe, C p li „T-�_, 4 i4 dna lawyers hi the city have been train, which arrived. here to -night, was from New York, Ma 81st, arrived at , ,, *' ` , $any and Burt lying at the AtLntio Oil engaged or `Hale,e defence. Cowles in re- robbed by masked men neer�New Salem, Queenstown at 10, o'clock this morning. -0 _* x '• Ba$gind docks at Point Brezee.. The THE INSIDE , OF A OLEVF,LAED BOANIDAL• ported in a serious condition at the general N. D., last night. Two- miles east of New The vessel had a narrow escape from:. , ",� vessel ' .was ruined, and 800,000 gallons of • A last Sunda ni ht s Montreal de- hospital to -night, but it is ahted that he Salem .and tweet five miles west of destruction at Faetnet. She made land in ,ry:, lilt together with considerable wharf ,patch says ; A terrible tragedy &rising ant may Pall through• Mandan the •engineer and firemen were a dense fog at 4 o'clock this morning. She �' party, noludi It ,�;iok e!l,,q _ e build• of domestic trouble was enacted hors this surprised by two masked men climbing was going slowly and was liking soundings ' . gag, were 'destroyed by the fire which afternoon. Tlie victim, .Eugene H. Cowles, Intoxicated Indiana murder Surveyors. over the tender; presenting big revolvers, when, notwithstanding the care examined,' s , zmulted fro he explosion. There had o! Cleveland, was shot in ilia nook by his .and orderin the train o _ �, en l 1 t becsc latae a ruastt Q 1hls� miles 4 -T - - - _ ..-- _ . rte,, , . s _� . -. t w J�x. °i�� t . ,=c,c ��:_ c3:i �. .r:. :,'icy- _ it w�Sr1XU -WI Via fi b" dirt ......, ,� _ ._. _ il.� th@ ex lotion is )snows unless it be of death at the General Hoe Ital. Therdi�an °fur`' h° &slag agent for the I;nporting �gprdsnteseelsger seaward off "roollaven 'lboav' dtl:"tbr ro , . t�usae�. ,-abe�� �eggTM �tn� gb��p a bhe E�e�bte th £ , p n k attle Company of Wyoming, arrived here �n gevin,� hearing shote fired for mrd, forefoot got on the rook, and but for the r:., r -9~ -p -0 1-�•uia anu lues an account of the Indian -d s�" act` g' atil➢Y6fil? Lig, h1d ui,�i 11YSru titiiiie aid' .wed revdreli, alta ,, i i'' aged .86, a shipping clerk, cane covered tragedy is s moat romantic one. Cowles inmassacre in theIIpper Green River country in money from the este, looked the engines s great fatality would have been " 11x "• • with the burnin oil and so badl injured a son of the late Edwin Cowles,, the Cele• y t; y par: of In: small safe, bat out the lights,•and ran bask recorded. I'eeserigers who were inter- $ ' y • veral days e o. H: emyr. ;. ,, a, that he died Boon afterward. Harris bratededitor of the Cleveland Flkaindealer.; intoxicated with whiskey furnished to New Salem. The mail oar was first viewed say the steamer trembled allover $ y g gtackled by the robbers. Only one mail when she struck the rook. For a time 4 s M Hchonholtz • ed 8? ears, a boseman of Se was en a ed in business in Cleveland ,; by ran.ohmen, Dame to the Camp of the y v �" engine No. 4, was overcome by hest and and about ten years ago was married to Government surveyors and,demanded more agent was in it, and he obeyed orders by there was intense alarm on board, the the inhalation of smoke, and is believed, to Mise Alice M. Hale, daughter of & wealthy „ fire -water." It being refused, the turning over the mail matter. A number density of the fog adding to the ominous v � <� g -; be dyun�, John Sarlwerrit, wed 42, the Cleveland banker. The -marriage was a f$ana aft&oked he. o! registered letters were rifled and then character o the sitnatlon. The passengers �_ - :... _.. E party,- killing., Cliief. _ - - �,�— - — -- ._._.-f --.------ - _ _ p. _ ._.. We erfee►mer a canine, cans badly wounded and moat happy one, and the union woo bleared Engineer Crittenden, in charge o! the third the robbers turned their attention to the• were finally quieted by the repeated seen #Mad his arm dislocated. Hie condition is with a little girl. For some years Cowles division of the Governme t survey, and express oar. This they found deserted, ,noes of the commander and other officers "j,' alrxiotus. Henry (empea, aged 40, years, led an exemplary married life,, and every- .chain -bearers Timberlake, ear a mach to their chagrin, and mistaking the o! he steamer that not the slighted danger •. fit seas =badly burned. "L_ _ is � a e^ ions Ching want well •until he fell .fn. with. a Woods and Henry OvermAvpr_ Taooa T. � fireman _ for the express meseenger. they exi�ed. The full extent of the damage will -- a---_- -•- C•----•.- -_ •-L+ ,/•, Vo .—LoYa"Ou WL•aa• — orova iso f 4 eery son employed n ant a game complete controlover him. Cowles, reaov Bred enffioientl to et to a Dei hbor• the, safes. He protested and finally satin, docked at Liverpool. Her etem is broken ,+ i ° Works, `were more or lees senonely. lin,;sed business need to take. him a great Boal to Ing ranch, where he lies in a precarious fled the robbers that he knew nothing t the peak and "she shipped a large volume 1 y � , 4 ;- by the flying oil. 'Robert Poetet, ,cook of Lockport, N.Y., and hie visite became more condition. ' P abort it. Then the train was allowed to of water forward. The steamer started for the ,steamer, had both, Leet burned. and more protracted. Then he took several � __-1. book to Now Salem, and finally came on Liverpool at 11 o'clock, proceedingY,at half 11 , � ? :; Samuel Linn, engineer of N&I ooiilpany, trips to Earope, and it was subsequently east. The express messenger got on the speed. � + . z. was ecalded about the body. James discovered that he was socompanien by the Dnilt a $otel to Snit Everybody. train as it left New Salem. The passengers It is -rumored that the fog gun obastnet �`I -,� t' 3)evine, engineer of No. 11 Company, was woman .Clara, and that they lived as man A Swedish gentleman of wealth, who were not touched. One put big head out of rook was not fired until after the City of I �r , : badly scalded. Wm. Black, foreman of and wife at a number of the leading hotels had spent years in hotels because he was a the window, but was told to get hie head Rome had struck. I . , "�' " aegine company No. 1", had both hands in Enrope. While on one of these trips wide traveller, several years ago determined back and a ballet .whizzed peat his head. • burned. A seaman named Blairman was Cowles was taken dangerously ill, and to test the question whether a hotel could The sheriff and a posse, mounted and The Pride of 3iatrimony. «,' d e;oslded about the lege. An unknown man believing himself about to die, he sent for not be built to accommodate everybody. armed, left Mandan early thin morning on ` t . . Was burned by the oil. In all thirteen his wife, admitted hie fault and was for: -He selected a fine location at a resort near ei special train for the scene of the robbery., In his recently published " Trials, of a _• i • I viers injured, of wbich number .Joseph given. But no sooner had be recovered Stockholm, where he created a magni. The,robbers Com shed En ' ee _ Conntr Por n" J neo lls. o f ___..___ ._ _ .. -___s.... ..., 'the -- -__.__ ....,._„_-g _ .. :: _ . P .:..........._. D, r.$ mar.tin....__._...._.y _..._flp ,. .1) _.e to n me Quinn died, one ie dying, and the Inlnnes than he:reslimed h18` old course of living ficent garden In the midst of whish he £o break in the door of the postal oar. Only amusing, anecdotes picked up in Arcady. kkl�l -$,'7 , of two more may provefat•l- All of those ,and went to the United States 'with the erected his hotel. It was three stories high four masked men were seen, and suspicions As thus: ” It is very shocking to a sensi. 4 �: who were seriously injured inhaled the woman. This continued untillast Novem• only: It was so built that there were no ere rite that only two were engaged in the tive person to hear the way in which the I. . smoke and the fumes of the, burning oil, as' bar, when, through the efforts of friends, inside " rooms and every suite had ex. work. In the mail car the mask tell from old people speak of their dead wives or "Bid some o1 the lees seriously injured. another reconciliation wen effected between nails the same aaoommodatione as every he face of one man. The district stoned husbands exactly as if they'd .been horses t P"'."",.husband and wife, who took n their reai- other suite being raotiosll the esme in New Salem is. sP g p y peopled b quiet, law• or doge. Theyrare always proud of having i, A DI�dSTROIIS SXQIIRs9iON, _ __ denoe in Buffalo. It wasmot long ago Mrs. size and appointments. He hired a Paris abiding citizens. The robber been married more then once. ' You didn't ' � i t , , — Cowles discovered that her husband was chef, engaged a minager and gave orders to be the work of people unknown in that think, miss, as I'd had five wives, now did . . ,3 a� - seven out of a Party of Eight Pleasure- still unfsithfnl, He made frequent visits that guests were to be„given whatever they part, of the country. you? Ah, but I,have, though-leastwaye r u�$ . �I", Seekers Drowned, to New York, and ' it' .was discovered by naked for regardless of coat, as his grin- , . I buried five on 'am in the churchyard. , A Boston despatch says,: About 6 means of deteotiveB that he was .again oipal object was to nee i! it case How to seep Your skin trice. that I did-and.tree on 'am bewtiee 1' On �j ppossible to 5 _, Vologk Sunday morning eight. young men keeping the woman Clara'in that city. Mrs. ,satisfy them. He shut it up after the first You want to keep your akin nice all another occasion I playfully sa eted, . ., •urM Cowles then. decided-tomxite to -Cowles' ye6r'e_experiment.. - •summer-?. Well,--then,-hero-are©ome rules=Dozl=t-yon-mix-tap-your-irusbon -now--------.___._.-__-_. _--lstehen toey were ear°tarsi°n-ln-a-atttlleor�t" father. The latter was thunderstruck at for you : and then, Mre. Pa e, when on talkk boat - .When they were eibont a mile from the y g y r � ` �J I Thom son's Island in Dorchester Ba `iiia son's conduoti, and at once wrote to Jumped the Track and Hilled Five Men. , softy t them ?' • Well t you the truth air, I f p , y, p Don't lithe in hard water n i o tell ,. • • the, boat was struck by a squall said Mrs. Cowles advising her to leave him and ”' with a few drops of ammonia or a little really do 1 But my third husband, be was ti;,'i° I capsized. All but one were swimmers, but inviting her to stay with him. So great: was A Rockford, Ill., despatch says : The borax. P a man 1 I don't mix him up. He got ry• g. ; y the blow that Mr. Cowles' ;death soon fol- Northwestern passenger train from Free- Don't bathe your face while it is very killed, fighting-yoa've heard tell o' that I anatead oft in to swim ss • ore.the cried to climb on the boat, which was so heavily lowed, but few. imagined the .real cause of Port, whish reaches Chicago at 2 o'clook, warm and never use very cold water for it. make no doubt. The others warn't nothing W `' the celebrated editor's .demise. After his jumped the track two miles west of here '' Don't wash our face when to him. He'd ha' mixed' them n rn , ballasted. dint their; weight would faro@ her thbe afternoon on account of a broken y your ar® p gnio$ beneath the surface leaving them etre - . death it was found that he' had executed a ' • traveling, •nnlees it is with a little alcohol enough i4 they'd interfered wi' him. Lawk • +� g g _ wheel. A ,seg of eeol<ion men, r .` ts�iN�B t . y _ _� _ F��.. , I . h o h me wen eheahs eted, ane � _ gra � �h gV � S b Don t ahem t to'remove duet witli 0 1 = Oil nA �r,f 4 a ma A T _ " mi,,,1'- 1 r I s ont two hundred feet from the + k. J his •valuable estate should be' divided into Point pp o d St. James Gialzette. n W.. 1, thley sank one by olisImfil bat one was left." .two perks, one. of whicir lde left to his wife where the engine left the rails,. and before water; give yodr face a hot bath,uaing plenty �-� and liar little Irl Florence end the other they could get away the train had . rttn of A Devonshire Cable Road. . The anrvivor, Winter Quinl&n, ,had ennlr good soap ; then give it a thorough } I ,w , !or the last time, when the boat rising Part to his eon Eugene, for •nee during hie them down and toppled over on them. The rinsing with weer that hoe had the chill One of the simplest and yet most eatie- � ' {+'� asine n under him liftin him above .the lifetime, but it was expressl that entire train was,wrecked• and the engineer P y p g y 'providedtaken off it. r factory Debts °roads in existence is that M: i,vlx it should o to the wife and child after the find lour section men were killed. The Don't rub your face with a coarse towel . running between the two Devonshire towns sarlaai3. He floated unconscious for ,same g �,� husband's death. ' Yuan fireman section men, and Home ae- time, when the boat 'was seen from the g Cowles was P just remember it is not made of cast iron of ,Lynton and Lynmouth, one being, y p y g earn ed at the terms of the will and did mongers were injured. Engineer Blaisdell, 'acid treat it as you would the finest prose- eitnated at the top end the other at the p _ sihbre b em to nee of the as works at Cow d who was killed bad •been 'en engineer on the " . b ,� a'{ PaetUfa Int who went out, brought hini everything in his poteer to break it. Mrs, g lain -gently and delicately. bottom of a cliff. The cliff is 500 feet g; p° Cowles in the meantime went to live with Galena division for over 35 years. Don't use s sponge or linen .rag for your high and there are twopassenger d" b to shore and resneoia'ed him. her mother with her young dsnghter, Leet face ; ohooae instead a flannel one. oonneoted to each other btwoindepep �11 14,�, �e '� _., Ne3�;* w3fa!s sig 8toiim. . Monday Cowles'wrote to his, wife, stating Railway offices Take a Tumble. Don't believe>you can get rid of wrinkles dent steel wire cables, each amble pissing �' that he was going to leave the Count and by filling is the crevices with cadet. over the same elle fixed t the to of the " A Wheeling, W `Pa., despatch says: I£ P pulley p a, A npeoiai from Weston, , a village seven asked for a farewell interviste with his last learned'that an Ohio River Rllwa . Instead, gine .your fade a Russ an bath track. Underneath, lint attached to each mites below Underwood, Neb., says the dsuRfiter, which cane granted. The young a eoipl train of two care filled with B Iti every night -that is, bathe it with water so oar, is a tank, and water is allowed to flow "� best part of the town -is under fro five to P , a � a � .girl daw her father at old Mrs. Cowie more & Ohio Railway officials an route. to hot that you wonder bow you can stand it, into the tank of whichever car happens to a Z� �` , fifteen Leet of caster: Corn dribs aontaiming house, and agreed to return in the afternoon, Wheeling, went throng b trestle between and then a minute after, with cold; water be at the top, and by its weight causes the 100,060' bushels of Corn will probably .be A which she did, in company with 'her here, and Psrkerebnrg. The disaster is that will.make it glow with warmth ; dry it oar to descend, and at the same time, of I' t total lose. Heavy Iciness. of cattle and ebeep mothe' is slater. • Cowles invited them toowith a soft towel and go to bed and you oopree oanses the other oar at the bottom I �+"? ' g said to b8 appalling,lint the officials of the �,F a : 1 f , are reported: The track and 'bridges of 'to thb depot with him, and the upshot wise hought to sleep like a baby, while your skin to asoend, only a sufficient smonnt of the Rook Ieiaad and, Milwailkee. •roads are that fie boarded the train with his dough. road can give' no .Information. A special is growing firmer and Doming from ant of water being allowed to enter the oar each g train with surgeons end an Aeaoolated " gone. The lost about Weston .will reach' ter.. $e took the train to Connaught, and the wrinkles. -New York Sun. time to jest overbalance the load of paesen- ` #100,000. . proceeded by way of .Buffalo to St. Cather- Preen reporter on board lire net left the 3 . ^ 1. depot. gers requiring two be brought np4n•the other ,, Advises from higher up the valleyM at ,ines. Mrs. Cowles in the meantime en- _ Runnang� coals _ l."T.00la,- "n -an fa�ai-pa ala on�l<ra�"-Filva_of _ _ __ _- -___. v , pe dnger-,a s_csn-ib� roma41y-- a&x� eotiv a- ;who gave Chase an came �,A coal stove should never be filled up detsohed and run off the platform at either ��� . 1, 11 lhe. Milwaukee, efiy the storm raged., with up with Cowles t St. Catharines. Cowles 8eratohing Hie Wooden Leg. __r__ _ with coal higher than the fire brink, and a end, thea leaving a plain table for the con- i, Yvage ffeot. The indications are °..that told the deteotives that he intended to keep A good story is told on Justice .MoDon. little lower in better. Never put wood on veyanee of goods. r" , 0eq 'to Valley for a diatanbe''of 30 miles hie child, and that he would never give it Dell by some of his friends. Johnny has a top of coal if you wish a good, clean fire. is anbmergged. The track of the Milwaukee up to the mother. Word was sent to Cleve- wooden tag, and one tiveningrecently while Wood allies rattling down -through the Trial,by Combat. } f< ` &Rook' Island ie washed oat for a distance land, end Mra. Oowlee, accompanied b her etfindin Q " p y g near the corner of Fife and hard coal fire are not in improvement. No Trial by combat wan not abolished by i , ass v nt 20 miles., The briegen also ars gOnQ.. sister Mra. Boulton, liar 'brother C: C. Hale, Hfimpehire streets, the friends standing dead ashen or clinkers should be allowed parliament in En land until 1819. Thou r pry .. , i. Tile entire damage is variously estimated and Judge J. E. Ingersoll, at once started there .with him were surprised to see him on the grate or under it either. An ash pit no part of Great Britain or Ireland was the , ,. _ sit from #orted00 to $300,000. No' loss of for" Canada. At, Buffalo they learned that raise his wooden leg and scratch it. When ander ti;e boiler, if allowed to filh with scene of an aotnaT judicial. combat later r u Lite is reported. Cowles had left for- Toronto, where he put his friends related .the fact MoDonnell sehea, will reflect so mach heat against the g than 1697 yet in Ireland in 1816 fi, murderer 1, ,t ,, - np pt the Queen's Hotel with hie dsngnter, denied the story, but three of his friends grpte that it will soon wear out and fall to P. eThe pursuing insisted. thfit , he did earetafl his wooden Pieces. The a&me will take lace in the named Clancy itivoided the gallows by s ' zV John Bull Cornering Yankee Mlle: p g party at once proceeded to P sudden offer of battle which was -not iso - r A Minneapolis despatch efiye The Toronto and put up at the Regain House.' leg, and the preponderance. of evidence hot stove as well as in the steam boiler. If Ce ted (� k' Tribune says the English syndicate' con- 'They alien engaged the great legal firm o! being against the jastioe, the reporter de the object to run a fire is to barn ant a P and in 1817 in England, Abraham. Blake P Thornton challenged the brother of Mary 1j �, . :trolling the Pillbnry end W. D. Washburn , Lash . & Cassels. of which Hon. aided against him, and held that in ice' mnoh coal sn,possible then fill it full, even Ashford, whom he was accused of murder- y 1.mills have leased the C.C. Washburn' Edward Blake ia' the heed, and they MolSonnell, during &temporary aberration so' that the acuate will not go down. This ing, and thus escaped the death penalty. + mills, A, B and C, thus addin ' to their Prepared the papers to, Bnbmit the, case o! mind, did scratch his• wooden le arras ement will barn the p It was thin Last crime that ceased Perlia- to the courts. Cowles laced his "case Quinn Whi g'- g greatest osai• t1 k " resent capacity of 14,500 'barrels per P y Whig. hie quantity of coal in the least amount of meat to not. Mr. George Neilson has coi- ��, mover 8,500 more, leaking ove '22,000 ,;n the hands of Dalton . MoCarthjf. Q.C•, , I time ; to obtain directlyopposite s ` > +, • bat, before the Daae could be bra keep s results, leafed a rest man interesting fame ,boat g y ,. ,a. barrels as a total Capacity' `;of the L'Tngliah brought before Hissing Going out of Fashion. p clean fire in the fire -box about two- such 1000 appeals to the duel by combat in ndicate y. alis 'Toronto acerin he Left hurriedly for thirds full of coal. ' " Trial b Combat'' ;�I ..•. isy per ds All these mills will' be . Int a rural regions of our county, F1. I..a tinder the, direct management of Charles Montreal. He arrived here on Friday h g- y' as trial b y anew book: When. well ae of En land the ffivorite amens- y combat Dame into existence is nn- ' A. Pillsbury. The` syndicate hsve 'the night and registered at 'the wier s i Hotel. g •Eti.Iuette on the Street. certain '° right to purchase the milli- during the lifts- He then sent word to his lawyers in 'Cor. meet at a social gathering of .young per. When two gentlemen are walking with ,mon the t trMibea ofNorthern�it Earo ce <1 I eons is, or until recently has been 11 onto saying that he wished to nee his wife y + ei one. g time o! the lease. President Bell, of fife ' y• g oeasion of " hissing ++ one lady the one takes the out end the before their written historybegan. the `- Washburn Crosby Company, who are now alone, and that unless she agreed to this he g gamea wherein the other the inside thus keeping her between raoyioe bald its ground firmy bo h in Eng., rM. most modest ltl of_the CO an p x I S » an sting the 0,0 W iahb�rn 'iiliille, -ssays.wCa1d place danglltr2r III-sln�nstit�i ate b ever � y �"$�' them• When one gentleman in walkingland and 'Scotland for centuries being. #heir eompsny will seek new fields, either p Y y swain who oboes, with an P , ,� �, � ., ��� �.;� 4 - • ' where she wonld,be kept until she wen 21 little embarrassment se if be had been her with two ladies he inose himaeli between fostered- in the early feudal ages and by �` ' a `4 `''; Duluth or Buffalo, after the expiration o! .and that her mother world not be allowed them. When a•gentleman desires to speak the later abivalr ,,. ;` y P to see her.. Judge Ingersoll, motber. But even in the rural districts P y ''j4. their lease on 13eptemtie�r 1. g g soil, for the wide, this sort o thin -ie- asst to a lady whose paseing,Jie-,may if he be a g p Dg -away, alsd the a "implied that tlieinteiview'�onldlieRisen eta, permitted realm of the kine in narrowing friend and alone, accost her, lint 116 mast Cot xT Vort Mol,z$>s, •Gormany' great 1 14 Blaine Bull in Tone. Oowlea then sent word Lhet nnleea the de b' da g not detain her. Instead, let him walk General recently 'expressed the opinion { Bullying y y y.- B7ra, Frank Leslie. , mother world agree to forfeit Half of the- with, her in the direction whither she is that the neat great European war will not A London cable says: The Tinea de• estate he would as legal guardian, lace, going, and when • he has done, leave her be short ae generally imagined from the,., ' c g + P He Hept Cool DespitelHis ]eagerness. , k _„ 4 ' dares that the order to despatch American the child out of her reach.' Mra. Oowies at with a bow And smile, raising his hat en inoreaeed destrnctiveneas'of arms, lint that " , �sf" '. Cruisers to Bebring Sea aniftbko too"mnoh once took the train forMontrealand arrived Browne wife hfia eloped, end Smith he retreats. It is no longer thought need- , it re be a seven = ,�� . of the methods of the first Napoleon in here thin morning with Judge Ingersoll. meets flim tearing along the street. fel fora 9 years' or even a thirty + deeilin 'with weak statesmen, and that if The proceeded to the Windsor Hotel and gentleman to keep himself per. years struggle. The General points out • Smith -What's the matter, old man ? petually on the anter aide by changing that when 6 war is short it is generally I "' ', 1, " y the order in executed British men-of-war ,eked for an interview with Cowles, lint Brown --MY wife has eloped and the pair sides at every corner. Stich a habit savors because a superiority of numbers,' or of ,M, : must follow. " We can only imagine," the it was refused. Cowles left the have lost their money and have step1.pe Piled at of stiffness and in too marked &.concession equipment, or of training, or of prepared= ;tIn .. Times continues, "that pressure from Iriah= hotel early in the morning, with big Baugh- . to form. Gentlemen may irks the inside nese, or of all these combined enables the p s ° cl Americans has induced Mr. Blaine to with- tear, and returned fibont noon.' After Smith -For heaven's aske, Brown, dont when it wonld seem awkward to do other• one side to quickly vanquish theother. But draw from his apparent desire fora several unsuccessful efforts to nee Cowles do.anything rash. Where are you going ? wise, but the outside is preferred for them. he in int that ander the nnivorsall �� �t ; ' fie •, . diplomatic settlement. We believe Eng• the parties met in Mrs. Cowles' room. At Brown -To telegraph them money ? -Philadelphia Saturday herald. ' { land will agree to a close time for eesls in Cowles' request, all but hie wife withdrew high state of preparation which at present VI Tho Head of the Hoose, exists, it is hardly conceivable that a•situa ,;4 file open era, but nnoh an arrangement and they had a long interview together. Lack of Symmetry in the Eyes. tion could arise in which the disaster to an must be, international, and cannot be im Cowles threatened to shoot anybody who Men with'blank book (to large Cross-eyed 'When the average man r women comes army would be so complete an to prevont posed upon• the ,world by American gun. would 'interfer'e with him. , Mre."Cowles woman at door) -I'm the oenons•taker. I to be fitted with the first pair of glasses repair and reinforcement from prol, n lDg ,4t , _ boats-atthe-bidding of Mr. Blaine." asked to see her, child, and Cowles said he wish to Bee the head of the family. some curions discoveries are made. Seven indefinitelythe struggle. Thin would bring her to where she was. A Cab Voice from inside the, room-H'm 1 out of ten have strongor sight in one eye be a logicacorrection of a world-widis- ";S' 'I 1�I! ,.'. Where is Cur tear ntinieterp was called and Cowles, Mra. Cowles, her H'm 1 Ahem 1 than the other. In two Caaan ant of ffve conception. �'1 , , A special from Ariahat, C. B., gays : ++ A, sister and brother, proceeded.in the direc• Large, cross-eyed woman, peremptorily; one eye in out of line. Nearly one-half the large nnmlder of American eeiners are on tion of the Scored Heart Convent on St. (to owner of voice) -Beep that cradle going, People are color blind to some extent, and q aznE are thirty thousand children of the coast lint there is no sign of the Gov Catharines street. On nesting the opnvent James 1 To oenetts•taker -Go ahead with Y' p r of a ea ant of every fifteen school a e � only, one ai y g in Chicago' who cannot find �; . , i ' ernment + ornieern yet. They will make Cowie, turned to hie wife and exclaimed' yodr questions, sir. are sound in every respect., New York room in the school houses, end the halt- ,' their appearance after the gainers have " You are now within eight of lorr ' Commercial Advertiser. time eyatem,is therefore very y prevalent. tf �h ! driven the; mackerel out of our bas and agree to give up half of the estate or I wilt Willie a sad Bea Dor. A teacher writes that there are between +• } rained the prospects of good spring fishing, shoot you." At the same moment he drew " I see somebody lies introduced a bill in Generous toe Fault, , three and four thousand children too poor , ' ' as they • have done the 'last two years. a pistol and pointed it at big wife's head Congress to prbvent this ocean racin , " Ie our husband - - to school, having. neither shoes nor , go,to - . . T g y d s very generous man ? clothing. Of the thousands of little people Meanwhile the Mlnlater o[ Marine with a Line a flash iter brother Salo, tvlio case sit• Mod hies." indeed be is. You remember those who enter the first grade y' 1 war as absolnte as that of the Czar of y g de at ala years of ��, + ', • ppoo ting beside his stator, had drawn "Yes-h'ardl a week passe that the re- nice Cigars I gave him for a birthday age very few ere lonnd in rho third grade. ��' r�' Baesia, has his minions harassing the poor a ,revolver and pointing it at cord in not out down.' P _ `� g P Cowles fired Cowles fall over What is the record now 7 gave Well, 's smoked s f on and They are taken out and pnt to work in r • lobster fishermen and fining the psokersby " " gibe all the others away to his lrlende. factorise and workshops, r C the enforcement of an absurd law regnlst. with a ghastly bullet wound h his throat, ."Well,WillieFourhundredtook aschooner �, p , or so cash boys or {'` ' , the 8she the ball passing right'through from left to this morning and already he's , Half gena Hers are some, intereathi , � -; :. rla ; and while there are from--'Bi-.to _teD t11 „t...., ______. r ,�, • , right.he streets were Caoi:tltsal= :at this ovBr:" t{ opinions fgi"ret gre�de' kiiorcne' in' each school in Chios " , , • _._ _ __ .. Every tenement window in Now York ti'iiln witV �ie61116 oiiig home from church, •e from Mi Gladstone : :' The three hand. .overcrowded, the upper grade roc B ro _- . -. - •-_ Bomeat men o! there Limo were the late Alm at without 000nparite;' and no few out' ...,...-.a„„•„-,• ,_.-• ...... and there was a • tremendous sensation. Two Victims. ro �•, hse ate flowers and fiowbr•pots nowadays, Cowlds was taken to the general hos incl, _2 Duke Of Hamilton SidneyHerbert and, of the rest numbers that enter school. ' g Brown--• Hello, Jones, where are g w; ,�^ and yet the city's cels flower market in in ,,here it was laced that his +tvoti>idioVaei r cin in saoh a herr you Cardinal Manning ; the three most reach the "high eghool" that the question Yt, . r' a dirty, inaccessible place soross-tho street g g y ? naturally eloquent speakers of their day, has been raised se to the advisability o: ' ,, : very serious. By almost a miracle fife ball Jones- I m cin to the dentist n to get the Duke of Argyll, the late Lord Elgin • Intinuing iso expensive an inatitntibi whe'tt from a garbage damp. g g peened completely throngh the Deck with. my tooth palled. ,l The Supreme Court of Now York Satnr• out touching any vital pint. Hale at once Brown -That's bad ; bat I'm worse off fie d waand s othewmoet Wilberforce. Lord Beacons. no few reoeiva the bonefli of it. Chicago is dry affirmed the conviction end sentence of i drove to the oentrsl police station and gave yet. I'm going to ba lawyer's to et m Ohara we a politioal eitnated in a country that hag had the 1 ' ' + ez Sherif! Flack. himself up. 8e was pieced in the Della, leg palled g" y Mr. Pitt." of this century, not excepting benefit of a high protective tariff for nearly ,-. 11" _.__..R - Y _ _ -__ _ __�- _.. _.._._..— �- - ...._..., ,--.. .....,..�,..-s..w=:.. ._ _ ..,-....,�- , .J.,., a . _ _ - �-., m .-,, ._. :. _ .."•�,-_.-_ _ _ .__ _ .. ._ - . ,�M _.. years. ,. . _ _.•n . „ I �, a 10, ._.: _._ � 3_�,-.._---s_—�,-:ax-.m-R-, �._...rt..i-...-.:�_.< .._>-:-•---,:t.,,-...:�-.rte-�.......�-•:�T._ _ _ .-.r.-'.,-�._.,-.,,:.:-.-,,.-.. ._ _... _.., ... <,�.--s-. , � .s_ „ _ _ a +W��r S , J,;G t+ - �, . rvr•-r�.a y, . • .. . - xh.,. .c "�. S t 'r . ,■■ _ _