HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1890-06-20, Page 2.V - _
,.-.-111111 `.. ,.y.n,r., r w, u. „ ... ... - ..,. lv— r .r-e.+.n1•.^1 m•ra'em+...e^n 4 n 1 r. •�-rrrm�... S-m1^^ya'.'.+rYrw,n-r ]me�.+.�i..^/+lr,m, ale.. r.:mnry,..e+e�m+q'n.nA .. r ...... r .•.. ,, ... .. ,u. . • _. ..........
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A' 4 m�� ,__.__ �. �► a TsvNl�. NAaua^� 7RltVX*T GZAL
gK troubles are coat as discipline t but anxiety
aches etastion, while hire, Mortlake was soup pAvs °d
t . mi) d [a,0a an�ap fur of Spour
eat mi etaaCe® r �eaelA rens W ffibliag Oveif iDae. $6 Was enchanted some Advice on, a very Emportast i[wtter The Wond®rinl 8horhono >e'\Lls In t1�c
$p, ane called a eat exhorter, y
HiQ lilsricbest:de . - h her, and I have lett flim doing pate!' of Nowadays. Idabo, DeserC.
140 II - up to him with rovers 00 tog great for patience, and your loneltaess Oto teach yon, famiti ,with Esperanoe in one hand,
a r'' o $ to tell, P. ,r Kati i a the-obhor, and, boys everywhere, Oar grandmothers would h#vo r,ppened A letter fr i� $bonbons. Idaho, t`o thef
Bn, li atly fesxed tc oou cher, perhaps, t0 lover
thele a es.st Ilio thou ht'of a teseional
Tito ghhls tender glances to ¢hp 4 't'o iQv,! uoi is knocking pll the love goiiu nap the exhibition of rabbits." y g. P ,•.- Qhioogo HePa tlrg4 Sesoribes a Wond®rtal
-,:, .., r t is -. + oo hiid. phe will @nloY i�tlr..rn_n._h .poker. And Y a, lite fa'`_ fed, and
x Bys„�.u?fe, - al ver , tree - ershe_._�__y .. _ . , aq sr . t ,in • the hent of the crater of as
.; too safe!!. oat ofznc, 11� :before. wilsr w.a4,.,.4. -
•. B,� hare. oho does want a ollin l't�le. kepi.ci►lii„Q f moderpwi}e aha%enc'. ezi - vtlloano
ai. i haply. bn this is lmskin p Dol � rd, Ht+tw
''' :, '�'' 8 "kinder sortor'k i ust s the are. f: She`mtiuit have a dreadful time 611.40” ai She paokig of gne'r arcrobe dorF
Iran ? tllp°velle a reached the grandest
l .,.,,, s "' , ` " u0 itrrtaibar a' for _• ' Y " clear 'i ilia' deanery." pprta'tibn in nowatisykaw otfitha art ib bit ; si�inery las the New World. HaiTho ti� pxegoher hada t o fauces had wished tQ ptepr 4 a�; ,• 0 rr thQ eweeb eereneaees=o:,. hap}�'y Pith - not quad a� "the' +' I e .. lad on have Dome to my way oL Evps� gkwB, girl, pbogl�: toa i�►k ta> le ih.the centre of a monster orater-
1,b ," dill eery, and . wf►n Pl
r F: barghome; ion,,uor in truth was Eepe;anon her- chinking; said Lady Worthington, with a 'pains anaeara this irt, nose" onrys forierhe the giant crater from which
r �, '. t 1 ,�• LYb`Vd
@;tber'oioss ths,2ter I u~.+p own comfort, but because she can often
}� . r� tt year ha bobshther ri'�lw p }, for ehe was too well-bred not to feel smile. pours the fieroesi torrent of all the
'! +V a -eat thing in husbaade to ba found to ► +�
kap 4-r.'.that mention o! her coneiaa failings ought No, not altogether. I have tried my thereby help her friends and be the �' good torrents of molten lava that swept
modern Itoine; ,wtw„sty..= r31r5li, liitila>te to be strictly aided agaias�. line, but it brought to light so much Samaritan” for many a weary invalid, over the count The effects of Ih.t
Rt ^. apha fuses. that I elm surA we, .mast give Writes llirp. Fl. A,.MattheWe to the Ypitlh't . ffo are seen upon that
Ir stn ... -
tr mend nes
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.. Q. .. - -r-.-�.r�l r:�',Q .. r „ . x.k - ....�;_ - :, .. n , u -f . t . rJG T'!z- r * .tet �TJP.' .: , r, - w=. ..":i '�" m-�1*
r t. �,^]] }q 1]. s, ,. .. _._i�� ]ti's , . ..�. ._,_.-,..�. �. *z> , � _ _ �*e�4,, z�m., r, ,�"', _�.T-,�».-r.-s-e. *:EA`�, .acct'? spl�f - e.. ±;a-
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i # , ,;'„ s x YYIfY YV if1lYt ictfa`VY �MGt�Y �' �� r� �_: ,�, dY k.•ryxSixq a'r•"r , uric, ...Y,1�� mss.: r . ''R . „v. :vr s.•....., r;J = . ., Ula!!
.: mss. ��__._._.___--____ ' " -`�' ;; �u�_ -�-=---r=
°� x.5.:.. i.t....s.r•�.....lA nnmw F,nhmaAn hl rx� pfif4 big duto M y�`a� got i111g rase Nrl� -a it�(EY14�f1�"dM�.: �i,e �t�f�1g1A,OQ he\t t0
r -i -w y..�w� �- - _� a d as far arww`ir�fiSr3ctri, IC l�v•�-= =T �"�='�' - adapted for �*nmt+raly tingexa, for' the men t*am
i `'` giiq, "to his church, • •l I quite agree with you. Well, I must seem to think that nothing is needed but the were once subjected. Boulders
r! .�i`: r ' For be hoard her tearful mater self-control. Ob, dear it one coal I only 8
'� gay she'd lea pe41 that krinoe Tomater understand thinga, and learn the lessons not waste an more time in gossiping ; phyeioal.force, and their notion of packing of lava, twisted and knotted by flames.
.11 , Sad had th ea wives in Parity and ha3lettthom i p y sq hang, from the perpendioalar walls
'• , ' they teach gnioklY, sad see the reasons; there will be est Time to go down to the a to roll n ever article, and ueeze the.
" t G - . • , in tke luroo, "` sad be happy 1 " village and ask the school ohildren to come bundles into gornera, and put the heaviest and seem to thunder down upon the 1,100 .
�:,., p the I
�' ! $ere now her doletpl Pater „ You make tae think of one of Roble'a up this evening to see the show." articles on top. feet o! porous fragments which form
{„ J ibh hind degire to mate her, R Po incline from the trail to the bottom of !Ise
• i N,h hi o a esire to my and of hoathcn went hymns ; if you will pec, n with the English " I am glad they are Doming , but what Before etartin a n s tgek that will
w 4" ` . in search I will ea yon the lines.' And clearly and will Miles any to his beloved •lawn being regairo a long time, and will demand much basin. In other places in the towering
-- theme ,tor- - - e ftl ao that ®ve�•thet.-iauoh=abaeefi_Ln t�e�m -- 11 - -- _-- thought and planning, the packer ehonld walla which enrrunnd this blighted hole
k Till on reat9hing o y,
, 'rl` ins hard luck -an a 11Rstor ' '4 My dear, what ie�he` ase 0 giving s go from room to room, from closet to' tihe flames of flint prehistoric- nph v
• • Felt Pley for his suffering and snatohad him o@ gauge es raped sweetly in Esperanoe's safe, garden if you can't do what you like with closet, from bureau to bureau, and select made caverns and chasms-aetuall ata
bid Porch. Frances repeated: 6
I . -- -- "' Till Death the weary spirit free, it ? I have conquered my coachman, and I exactly what she intends to fake with her. their way into the. rooks in their wit . farg
.+ - bath sedd. • ' Tie good for thea don't mean to fie a slave to my gardener, I This is the only manner b , which every- evilish orgy outside. LOQk-
_._. .- -- : — !'aka -loges I--�
_ _
• - - - - join in the -
y Jdet a selfish Maidoq. Take it on trust a little w iia.; ii or left behind. Y^ =^ to
e �
Just a niggard old, Boon ahala thou read the myste rcpt village. great basin 1000 feet below -a as n e a
< .. 4 , Just a !feria wedding, In the full auuehiue of Sia smt�e. ' It seemed that the whole village accepted It is a good plan to do your packing in a circumference of at least 10,000 test and
Just a pot of gold. Espbrsince maned in silence for a few the invitation, for by seven o'clock the lawn lower room, as it is mnoh easier to bring q�alled in by perpendionlar volaanio pali-
Juet,funeral sermon; minutes, thea said "Yes, that is very was crowded with expectant wgtohers, Mr. things down than to carry, them up, and asides 1,100 feet high -the speotuolIS3
k;'.t» - Niggard passed away, bean/itnl and it is jack what I wanted. It Miles himself being one of 'the' aaiber,' then it is not so hard to Litt the trunk when' of awful sublimity. The visitorinc-
`-• Juet o buxom widow, o nataredl willies to make the beet of filled nor so•diffiqult to get -it out of the tivel feels as though he had en the
,, a. seems almost like talking with papa. I 6 - Y g Y
Rich and .rather gay y y Y th3stre of the devil.
+� � •, � emember he need to say, it we could believe this invasion of his territory, secret! house. Near! all staircases ,bear honors -
a dashing follow that, it would make all lite happy, and I enjoying the little excitement as much -sic hie scare than have been won Inabattle be. Above the great bole is the blue sky.
,• Trim from hoed to )Det, will indeed try. And et I have tried, and anybody. On the terrace Bir Henry had lessen trunk and porter. with a hawk soaring lazily. Moving eliig-
�•; �•; Lookingg for a fortune, Y Y pP Harry everything + giehly through u narrow channel in then
8omethtng of a boas always tailed. It to easy to think son arranged his apparatus, about which Ha When eve thin has been collected, and
"r .. ' when I am hap y,'but by and by---." and Fred hovered importantly, while the time of the journey draws nigb. the bottom of the basin is the Snake River,
• „ Just another wedding, ++. By and _ by ' re also Fx'anoea, "yon Kathie, halt afraid of eaoh unknown things, trunk should be brought down, its interior. whose waters are as green ere the, brightest
_ .. _ . hon® nsGen,.- e , t hold. of.. ,Es erance'a hand., dusted and sinal sh its broken straps, ogrnQrs.. anerold... Tineas are. the ouly colors. All
Jtia iooli.h woman, will learn to 'take it on trust, yid though kap; las p _, ---
st a fo li something soon. the troubles will be troubles still, you will when the first rocket was let off with a looks, eco., carefully 'mended, The #ieavy else is dead and in disorder. Here is wiiese
f books, Underwear, in short, you might expect to see the evil one sitting
" Just* squandered tortuno, try to learn the lessons they are meant to mysterious whiz and upward rash, fairly articles, shoat,
" *. .,,. I JamO s Bram squandered rt teach. It all sounds trite and easy enough, dragged her away. everything which will bear pressure, mast astride a fire -seamed rock at midnight:
i u yh, t•1 divorce.
_ni T ~"�.' but sen '° R11 di'°inline is There was something weird and wonder. be plaoed is the bottom. Over these fold contemplating the rain below by the light
J oar :. •:.. ful about the whole scene, and the - awed a i\ layer
of newspapers fie a 8uf t old mak. a flcs4
. dastoha us grievous, and you must not "pact to be Y of the moon in its fast qud�ec• �►
is V• � �, +l quite free from failures." Ieilence,. or murmurs of admiration of the In folding dresses, if the trunk . is too of blood -red lightning end a roar of than-
% - lying . length,
der are all that are necessary to complete
0 , " But why aid you say that I mfiat.l rn rustia bpectators, were equally impressive. short to admit o! the skirt 1 in fnttlen h
' • iDOPTBi� B� THE DBiN Y Y Esperanoe, though she had seen far grander be Bare and fold it carefully over a little at the picture of the infernal regions. The
to leve 2 " asked Esperanoe, with a little Pe R P .
`•.:> 4 • reluotsince. displays at Paris, had never enjoyed any so the top. All strings attsiohed to steels, in grass is yellow and stunted. The fees
j,11 ,4 \. m '4 " tanc is not that the, beginning of much, and she was as eager as the boys gowns, should be untied. Tissue paper blacked trees and busbes grcI upon then
• A ,ALS or 16WO o013;TRlLL everything Y Your father mask have were to try her hand wt lot.iag off squibs or should be placed between the folds of good ledgae look like thous piotaredin thehounts
wr-.___.. _.-
Frances ; 'aitting-room waa the most cosy thought of the love as wall as of the faith orsiokera, while Kathie soon. her fear dresses, and• el`eo, over passe or let of sprites and Knossos. All ase whi erthe.
• and leaded for "Catherine wheel;' " to trimming. This lessens the danger of shrouds of the dead.
I - I .. sI aetreats i the bay window lacing south when he spoke of an lite being happy" p .
i' filed with ferns and broad-leaved ++' g crux qui cif ant Dieu" repeated do all herself." Then after a shower 'of crossing, and keeps dust and lint from set. The only noise heard in this a11-
. s of
I: y , ,i, ants, the flra seemed to throw out more Espersnoe, under he breath ; and there- brilliant, many -colored . sunken, and an fling !hero. chaos is a continuous and sullen roar.
i � armeat than ordinary fires, miniature easy with Dame before her that vividly remem- elaborate device, the assembly broke Up, Dress waists should be laid smoothly in which comes from the bottom of the pit:
the vill ars Din home with last oheeta, 1 shirt boxes. All the collate, lace, Man can never know how infinitesimal he
%r "�+olt�ira Noon exactly where the were bared scene, when, walking together on the ag going y °� • .
`` .N. y y moss•,grown terrace, of the chateau, her in which Harry and Fred -could not redo rachinge, ribbons and handkerchiefs really is Until he picks hie way --over lite
F ;'10 wanted, and books and pictures filled ever father had taunted her for Doming joining, in spite of their mother's laughing should be laced in pasteboard boxes, and
ar}t►ilable s ace on the walls. Frances bar- g P P fire. -swept flooring of the basin in an effort
.' i o, a coach drawn close to troubles. And now all his pain was over, remons�ce• packed with clothing on each aide so as to to fled the scutes of the oemsateee roar.
was ly g .+ Afterward, there was a rash to Aunt kee them steady. Around him is stretched an amphitheatife
t1. s ee lookia ver w to and exhausted. \nd he'had ''read the mystery right." She •, t are the most di$ioalt
Sha did not ge ap w en a ce�rme' ' • w or a remain or wo on e a -rias''°ud-°�`°�''�--�" �r walla a@at in_ ,th i dimensions and
� `5�. " I phall not treat you as a ,visitor." she of the last thought before. turning to her of all that had been done, Frances listening to manage, unless there are speoia Dom- so regular in their formation ere to instant y
�;said . in French, looking np with her own dif cultiM. She was to learn to love, with the greatest interest, and quite enter. i r enoe for them, and should
these there Ore give birth to visions of a multitude of in -
peoaliarly winning smile. " hie ie quite Frances had said. Did she really love her ing into it all, though Esperanoe was ante- never enough. They ehonld be wrapped, eenesite beings wakohing !foss their oiroling
. as anceremonions visit, I ooneider. Kathie uncle, or Cornelis, or Ohrietsbel, or Bella Y by the sharp coatrsiotion of her sorehead, each alone, in ff br paper, and then elute the• turmoil below. Tracing theI r't 1 dear, bring Eepennot the little Spsinish and waa not her love for Bertha still very every now and then -that she was in great covered with stiff brown paper, which sluggish stream until it begins to boil in
Y chair, will a 2 " feeble P The questions were more -easily, Pte• should 178 pinned firmly around them. its race over rooks and through caverna.
'A Thw atter fife doable kine --a little Don• than eatiafaotorily answered, and with a in a few minutes, however, Lady Worth. They ehonld then be placed iti boxes just the stranger finally" creeps to the edge of a
,$.. in ton Dame in and put an end to the large enough to hold them and packed in mighty cataract, which tumbles in .one
sidsraiioa of her nationality which was great nigh elle harried book to make the B P y broad, sheer full a distance of 210 feet. A
greatly appreciated-Esperange found her- most of the present, chatter with-" Now, children, go to bed; the middle of the trunk, where the Dan
• salt comfortably installed beside Frances. ,,I -had forgaI your head ; let me I am sure you are all tired." be held steady by the clothing around cloud of spray hangs over the boiling waterrs
• • ds your head no better Y " she asked, stroke it ,again: ' „ Not a bit, mammal" , said the boys. them. below, and. through the white pulsating
i htJt'iimldly, nor Frances really looked Frances, fully anderatandinEt. allowed But they"Iffm o..edient enough, in spite of Do not place your jewelry and money is veil a rainbow spanning the yeasty meel-
their uproarious wildness, and went off at your trunk. Afar better plan is to make etrom blazes with vivid brightneae:
very ill. her to do so for a few minutes, then drew P a stout ba of chamois skin, plate your gore ie the ewe! in thin est ria of
" Well, it is bad jest now, but you will her down to be fondled in her tarn, saying, Dune. B 1 gi g -
x' talk add maks me forggeet it." half playfully, at the same time, " And After they were gone, Lady Worthington, valuables in it. and fasten it securely inside death. Niagara cannot be compared with
The woman! iternst t was strong in never say again to me that ' no one Dares,' Frances, and Esperanoe eat over the fire, your dress waist or any other portion of it in beauty or in the grandeur of its on.
Bspaitanoe, nudity a11
second her dainty little Or I,ehsn talo it ere• •personal insult." tv�+ till Frances, thinking that three your attire moat oonvenianti Above all, ,vironments. The volume of water pour
was no company, goodnight, place Y handbag,
ing over the oatarsot is not so great as
h,, a ,wished them do not \oe our vslnaWes in a hap ,
, ova. were off, and she wad stacking What s �nznry that little bit of 'demon- P Y per Y Y that at Niagara, but the fall is greater
� ois`e burning forehead with that stration waa l ,After all, Es�peranoe hada and left her sinter to win Ea ance's love or
that on Will la it down he the oar lest
t. oriNlia called the in a tete-a-tete. or hotel table, and leave it there to be lost and far more varied. From tip to tip the
„' sooWiag, half•msemerio . touch in her cool g deal of what O And very well she succeeded. An forever. .
flips which seems the only remedy •+.spoiled baby " in her, and it viae the Y foaming, roaring crescent et Sboehonei'
aearalgia. hunger for the . tender caressing love she experience of real motherly tenderneae was An garments test are liable to ornehin9 a quarter of a mile. Before the tumbling
'• Whcs`--'tial �n le•r++ �hl�iQgs ge rich ,�s� entirely new to the poor child. sinal she was should be placed at the very top of the waters reach the brink they plunge over,
'� ad ►++xat need to. s 4�d-if---the --s:- -
� 1 __ _s_ epetl Y" sat Frances, 't it gnikes the BP 11 at her heart for the last mix months.. soon, sic3yi oi�Eil g S a► h ra�iYile; 6v8 zsxjtiil<a�tlgr +l ~tl�l,r�ia-1
most a iuxary." Atter •time, eager footsteps were heard the ardor of newly awakened love, and oareinlly lsiid, they will be enbjeoted to but bowldere which have been gnawed rota
>F]eperaaes laughed a little. oniaide, and with a hntti knock little talking,'almost more felly' than she had little pressure. caverns. " Beginning at one and of the
° �• I don't 1ltint there ie anything to.learn. Kathie buret into the room. a done with Franoes. They did not touch on If YOU are going to a place remote from crescent, where the water falls in a broad,
I did it ones or twice to Sctar Angslique +1 Oh, Aunt Fanny t mammb sent ma to Esper ince'a present life at al), but Lady drug stores, or where the serviose,of a phy- thin, eiivery spray, the torrent growls
I whets she was ill, and she need to like it " Worthington, with the greatest tact, e e sician will be hard to secure, it is beet to in 'volume antil the main cataract is
ask if Espersnoe will not stay with as to 61on �
�. of her mother, recalling two or three lues- provide yourself with a few simple tame �ewhed.
4 Who is iiwar Angelique•Y see the fire -works; paps+ says we shall have dents in her .life which her little daughter dies, lest you, ms On under some
'• Ons of ,the sisters in the convent at Were to -night because it is so clear; And . erg y Y Here the water c of snob a solid Krauss
home ; she nand to teach me, and I loved you win, stay, won't you 2 " turning sagarly listened to eagerly, and then going onto emergency. A bottle of Jamaica ginger, that it carries its Dolor hal! way down its
list dearly. I Think you meet be a 1lltle to Esperanoe. " It will be snob inn, and we tell o! her brief visit to the Chateau de Pond's extract of hamamelis, some tremendous fall. Nearer the other end
lips her, for I always think of her when I may help to let them off, and you can, too, Mabillon, when Gaspard was a baby, camphor, some prepared mustard Plasters of the crescent the cataract tumbles oven
on know." making Esperance smite by her deseript- and a few soft cloths for impromptu domes, minarets and pulpits of voloanie
�� few r00 f�.o,ap'`' " " y i thotegh it is true the thare were not bandages would be useful companions. rock and joins in the mighty roar below.
1 44 Tell me about her -what was she like? Esppeeranoe looked bewildered, till Franom °IIs+ d
` s She was dark and pale, and her eyes explained. tar off, an Dame down in showers when when away from home. In the oppressive sublimity of"all, them
11 wets brown and always shining. No, she It has been •long talked of trent for the conversation twined to the troubles in Some of year favorite toilet soap will surroundings -the towering Ovalle of they
4 cannot really have been like yon, but she the children, my brother-in-law has the siege. Yet it was s comfort to her to take the place o! the bad -smelling staff eo crater, the thundering of the twin Dat -
hid ,look on her face ere it she were always laid in a store of flre•works. Yon wW et\y, to . psirtionlsrly to one who had known often found in the hotel toilet rooms. The argot of the new world, the wailing o! •
g k on' y thinga. It: must be is that will a not 4 It will r delightful to keep her father in however a slight degree ; and bottles should be plainly labelled, firmly hungry ooyoto at the red sun sinking be.
� . yo ind me o! her.'.' you for the night. when Lad Worthin learned that she corked, wrapped d first in cotton be ..
Lady PPo ung' hind the purple,, white wooded mountains.
Frances colored a little. " To stay here for the Alight 1 " and had never s en to her conains, or to any and then in paper and plaoed in hazes. in the distance, and the knowledge of "
"And were the other sisters like her 2 " Esperance started to her- loot in each, an one except laude MagIIsy, OII the subject, Ink and shoe polish should never be barren waste et,retohing .all about the great
r,r she knew that it would be a real kindness packed in a trunk. It is better to buy bas ' -the vies 1 sense a and
.. u� SMur _mh!+A. was veru orowu, at �Rcetse that Frances hardly lenses whether in for Dees all ee a of fear
. ... y
ri , 3 least I thought so thuen. She algajrs talked she fait inclined to taal;;h or ci`Y sic the net` is Shan the inti"-, feel-' sore °test it each things when you arrive at your lour- site like one suddenly bereft of the power
f11 , of disciplineline.while Swur eight. must .be bad for one so unreserved by . nay's end. of articulation.
ti' , Aagaliquo never talked at an !lite that, but -• Then you will stay T " questioned nature. to be abut into bases!! by the min- It you are packing for children, be ears
-only loved. It seems so long eiuob I had Kathie, eagerly., taken kindness n! others. to remember their little playthings. Make How is Your Nose !
yi So E, es unburdened her heart, and a place for dollie and bar wardrobe. pack a
those afternoons at the 0Onvent school. ++ Yes, Indeed -that ie, if there is really sPe�
Sometimes I feel ser it i1 had been another nothing to 'hinder it," said Eaper\noe. as warmed and cheered, mind finally small box with cads and endo of silk and I! your nose is not well your whole body
Yn, SomeEspaiim s of wham I had rand e not myself n My cousin---," aekEd up in bed by the motherly Lady cardboard, embroidery needles, transfer is siak. A man doesn't appreciate his nose. •
" ."'... ": at all:' '. ,oppose yon go down-stai dales -Fe ted= o e-after-hegton, who had found a .protege hatnrea, oir book and other > sar ro �Neith ow n�ifab ser does a tn• a hi m lie don't
r; __a._z___._.. -„ ou ace s shah ohang •' "" - it""said Frsn-`ens %- KKAVtt� d n m after h atm _ __. _- .amen eir in estimation,.-,- son to ern t�p ion or an abrasion on hie n I don't ,
ca 1. �' Ah, yes, and thing' that used to s� anos to the drawing room, end YooU When the little creatures are taken away keep. his hand away he
it, and he thinks, .
- troubles in -the old times look to little now, don`t let.her run away." Confession of Faith. from their familia r surroundings, and very properly, that every one he insets ease:
• I would i bear them so ileal1 it only they The two hastened away, hand in hand', deprived of the toys and games 'they levo, that his nose is not what it ought to be.
' would come i4siu instead while Frances was left to inns over the " When. were married pen confessed
-Instead of present troubles R~" asked eoacer action. mat'e1� at Esporanoo"s entire faith in pie," he said. •' Yes," she re- it is no wonder that they get into I mischief You on
hide your nose. It is like i city
� attar wsat•ot reserve, and wondering it she plied ; •' but .tately I have been convinced end a nuisance to all ,boat. In short, set on a hill. More appropriately, it is litre
Frances gently it is in asking a trunk. ss in everythia a red school house on a hill. All great mea,
But noe'a hand coined to c�►rees had vm uounaol. that the contessiou nt faith needed reviai- gg
herr tbreh d, and alio was not land et g i34 11 else. It Iegoilla thoaghtinlneae, goc have,been sensitive Oi their noses. The
1 In a fess minutes she heard the d •-1! �_ judgment, uneelfishnes% sr:d a sincere surgeon has the, highest respect for t_4ta
r a Budd atf•paasinnate ontbarst. carriage drive off : thea after a panme, „ Neoulisht Not Needed. desire to oblige others to -sloe your work a nose. How seldom be tenches it with his
•'Ido ser hate Ragland i If only -if Duty which she grew a tittle impe�tient, ate
I vrore at home again! " ware heard approaching and Lsdy worth- She .{ ptaronely}-Oh. what is more ��s• + _ lance 1 A woman will go to the , with
., enjoyab] more aetice of ecstatic bliss, a .a bunion, with •pain in her side, with the
b •' Poor:little One, said Fruaeeo, drawing ington opened the doom Her face . V" a tti'JO a On aPmconlight night ! still. she•, icor Happy. neuralgia, with almost any ailment, but if
r� bat nearer, " it must be veru lonely anal Mid mixture of triumph and amasmment- $e taY )-I don't knot►. Unless _it's a Mrs. Cheerly-That's a lonely cape. Is there be an eruption on her nose she won't
; • 3 tor yon. but you know it muN be best. or '� .- she stays Y " asked Frasbes her sister, walk on night when there is no moan: it the latest thing out, dear? budge from her room. SlAp 'a man's boa
;{ .. }•bn would act be hei�a Yes, she -, stays, replied with .sob sada " -Ob, or hit him on the back, and he may nob
., —+-- Mm .Teerly ( sigh) Y
11, " I I don't believe it -I can't." sobbed laughing. '• But it only pen had been , His p�m•r=� •no; the latest thing out this season is my resent either., Tweak his nose, and if there
C" - Ksparamoe ; " it you knew how naughty I down stairs to have seen it all l bits: MOI is an msinhoOd in him he will fight. Z
r,l ' ' Firtitar , you we going to school now; husband. He naser gets -in' tetnre 3 Y
• E��
you would gmt day ao. , I am like waa all anxiety to nut a stop to it, but have sidopted a new rule. I ask 4 patient:� j and it mstoms me voieke+d was qni� nun-pxassed : I oerly hoQo T� _ o'clock when he •calla how hie nose ia: .. It tli
" . every day-and-oo nuns cares,
not ot%s6ded with ns." -Yom' �' pmt m a" Fa„m; organ is intact I have no trouble in treating ' �, ,. 'visitor -Aad what part of your studies -. �
.} Franca' heart sant. It hard to •, But w did she object 4 do You like bast t " Was your watchman well reoam• him.-Intemiew in Chicago D iburte.
l onntrsidi�*t erten the t\at etitent, know fag �• Oh, she invented all sure d azcases.
" what, she did of btm 3:ostLke and the from the cathedral aetvioe Reward, and �o�s-Reot�. mended Y" No Trouble at- Au
I ' potilnome. Happily , she remembered' really, when it name to the dean not liking o -b-= " (ih, ant wreaity. I nee3 to we him is
GaI her len be absent I ices afraid we should Iaasb Proof; church, and asfhe stuped awake all through $ilkine-Jimmy (!eater. the dumb man
y, - „Flout brother cares," she said. bare to give it up, tboagh a- more time C� of Russia (just out of bed) -What Dr. SomOrs's ser-oaa, I oemc}1uded he was 'who lives in the next block, is going to be
� ,, � / " Gatpard 1 " with a f� rush of tears ; �!e I can't imaging However, tbI him became d any under'sbirt ° the man I wanted. / - married.
s " Sea, be does, but he is sway, I may slat H'enrp came in and took just the right tine, -Y�-Flamm Your b[aje�stiyt the black- � re Lore � ,w�. masttrong- have had amb team, eome trouble in prou oposing. .
ON Ititit .satin for y,t Ah, it is crarl l laughed st uta fur .act eras knowing a pnttir� fresh ricers in it.
'� ' bwsrt"1 -Why path tbac bare separaw ivbi ' l xperanoe would like to stay, and --'-� -' Harry -You seem teary sate at getting eb ? . . ..
! HOlS I be grst�fai i " and the usual Kathie tip here with a >int+asige-" "Oh, dear' I" arced Miss Passe& '! Here thiin 9" How do YO know she will Bi�ki'ns-Oh, no; he, didn't have nay
i as r subbed Over this griarsnce mx* than or