HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1890-06-20, Page 1,7C7/CjETI9 XV6MIAW.,,TVAIVOWT,75-R.WPFTWZ.RMV;VM'AIMPregr4,7*-41777r4715M571-4,.4a.P1,./,. FM714,27WrIF-1W,W.Z.-• , , n 4,,Zpairpr,.7.Z.MJZTy, -25 11130KNOW ONTARIOF I , D 1890 WHOLE NO.. 867, sr Wow ctutintli is published every Friday at the " Sentinel" north-eset earner -A' Outram- - and Campbell Ste., Lucknow, -BY JAMES BRYAN z THE LUCKNOW Bel NKINGCOMPA NY (Not Incorporated.) GEORGE MAIM, PROPRIETOR. dpie NEWS OF THE TOWN. A Week's Record of the Pushing Border II own. --For ready made pants and overalls go to Connell. Canadian Foresters Opesring of the Nigh Court Meeting at Eingston. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1.00 PER /EAR IN ADVANCE. ALL KINDS OF yoB : PRINTING !EXECUTED WITIT NEATNESS 4X DESPATCH. MEDICAL TA. MeDONALD, M. D., C. M. 0. 1'. S. si DR. TENNANT, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon and Accoucheur. Surgery op- posite Cain's hotel. Office hours from 9 to 12 a. ffi., and from 2 to -5 p. m. McD. GORDON, M.D., C.M., F.T. .11-1., MS, M.C.P.S.P., Physician, Sur- ' geon, anti Accoucheur. Office next door to W. Allin'simplement shep, Residence at present, Lucknow Hotel. .D P D. GEDDES, V. 8., CALLS e tker by mail or telegram promptly attended to. Charges moderate. Office-, Cor- rigan's hall, Boarding house, Cain's hotel. Lucknow. LEGAL • IMON CORRIGAN, COMMISSIONER; 13 in- H. C. G. Kinlough P. U., Ontario. GARRO W & . PROUD FOOT, BARRIS- ters, Solicitors, etc., Goderich, Out. T. G. GARROW, Q. C. WM. PROUDFOOT. WILMOT TRAVER, ATTORNEY AT .1`..4law, Solicitor in Chancery, Conlley- ancer,, etc. Office, next door to Murchison's jewellery store, Lucknow, Ont. IfMORRISON, • ATTORNEY AT • lltw, Solicitor in Chancery, Commis- sioner, Conveyancer, etc, Office, over the barber shop. Illniandromorimmusinamminmom _GENERAL 111pa OBERT CUNNINGHAM, ,INSUR • ance, Fire & Marine, Guelph, Ont. MONEY TO LOAN1 I HAVE A FEW thousand dollars to invest for private parties. at.reasonable interests. ELLIOT TRAVERS. CLA - mortgoges at 7 to 7i per cents interest, payable yearly_ Charges moderate, Apply to ROBERT 1110P.RAT, St. Helens. MON EY TO LOAN DRAFTS ISSUED ON ALL PRIN- cipal points. Cheques, .drafts and >mortgages cashed. Notes discounted. Amer- ican currency & American bank dratts or cheques bought or sold. Interest allowed on deposits from five dollars and upwards at the rate of five per centum per annum. Money to len(' nn farm or village property at the lowest current rates. Fire insurance effected in first class stqck Affisurairiee---conwaniesoeuly, - We have one 200 acre, three 100 acre and two 50 acre farms for sale cheap. Office hours 10 a. m• to 4 p. m: G. A. S I DDALL. Manager, • 50,000 LBS. OF WOOL Wanted at the old 71 CAMPBELL S OLD STAND, LUCKNOW. For which the HIGHEST CASH PRICE W. J. BRUNIPT6N. Will be paid. orrigan s grocery. --Miss. Maggie McDonald is visit- ing friends in Guelph. '• —Mrs. (Dr.) 1Viann and son are the guests of.Mrs. (Dr.) Tennant. —Boys ready made suits very cheap at Connell's. KINGSTON, June 10.—The eleventh the Canadian Order of Foresters met here this afternoon, the High Chief Ranger, Bro. Edward Towel of Lor don, presiding. Delegates were Pskes- ent from all parts of the country. The arrangements made by the Kiegston. brethren are of the most complete —Miss Frankie Savage has returned character, everything looking to the to her home in Buffalo. comforts of visitors being attended to. .---ThesmoSt -important business- before the High Court this afternoon was the reception of the report of the High Chief Ranger. . He formally wel- comed the delesates, and briefly re- zviewed the official vieits which he had made. In speaking of the Ds H. C. •Rs. special mention was made of Bros. McEwing„ Stewart, Clayton and • Seyflert and of Bro. R.. M. McElhearn, • who was appointed to work up weak *eourts and -had done very good work. He recommended that the D. D. H. C. Rs. (56 in number) should be paid their actual expenses . in connection With their work. With regard to dues and benefits 'the H. C. BS did not fivorsa cora lete centralization s olic ut t oug t. a small ee should be levied annually towards a fund to assist all courts having sickor disabled brothers drawing from their funds. He continued by a complimentary reference to the official organ 'of •the order and to the auditor* Bros. GUM- ruer and Gartung.- The H. C. Ws statement of the finances of the order was very satis- factory. During the year 53' checks for .022,800 had been issued to meet death claims.. The average (Wrath rate during eip ht years had been 5.30) per l,000—a low figure which gave. the order Much cause for csngratulation. During the year over 3,300 applica- tions for membership had been -receivetl—an increase. of 900 over the, pfe-e ei -g le a, is The report closed With expressior s - of warm thanks to the zealous officers of the High Court. At Tuesday's session the High Chief Ranger niade the following appoint - merits: High marshal, NI. G. McDow- ell, Toronto ; high conductor, R. Rus- sell, PeterborQ ; high messenger,. A. C. WaShburn, Kineardint ; high chap- lain, Rev. RW. Coulson, East Angus; assistant secretary, R. M. MeElheran, London ; press reporters, H. Gunrisers. Guelph, and J. Elliott, London. The Executive Committee submitted a re- port of their proceedings during their recess, which was referred to the Dis- tribution Comniittee. The Credentini Committee reported that there were represented 75 courts in Ontario with 171 votes, four in Manitoba with thir- teen votes and seven in Qbebes with' eight votes, being a total of 86 courts having 192 votes. The High. Chief Ranger's report (re- fereed to above) was follosied by the report of the High Secretary Thomas White, of Brsntford, which -showed that the order had 10,282 members, an increase of 1,557 ; courts organized number 51, Ontario leading. ' Death claims during the past year 50. Since -he began his work three 'years ago the order has doubled. „ Peace and har. mony prevailed and a spirit of loyalty and enterprise was showing itself. John Neelands, .Wingham; high treasurer, on •the endowment fund account had received $75,277.08 ; in terest nn deposits, $3,634.48, which, with $616.93 transferred from the en- dowment expense amount and a bal- ance of 080,285151 ort hand last year, made a grand total of 0159;814. Claims to the amount of $51,800 had beenCpaid, and the balance on 'lmntl, $108,014 was deposited in various financial concerns. The receipts of the general. fund were 013,921.30, and expenditure $12,132.64 ; balance qn hand $1,788.75. —The Reeve left on. Taesday to at- tend the County Council at Kincar- dine. —Mr. and Mrs. George Mair are spending a week with friends in Toronto. —Mrs. (Dr.) McCrimmon, of Uuder- wood, is in the village, visiting old acquaintauces. — A lot of prints -at 0 cents a yard to clear at Connell's, regular price .12i cents a yard. — Saturday next, the 21st. wilt be our longest day this year. The• date for the hottest is not recorded. ogre o -no e ea •o r. John•Collie,editor of the'Oalt Reformer; which took place at his father's home in Seaforth last week. —Turnip seed of all kirids, also beets mangle and carrot seed of . the best kinds sold cheap at Cieo. Kerr's. grocery. —A Court of tbe Independent •Order of Foresters, with 33 charter members, was organised in this village last week. s • • • .The first sod of the. Kincardine and Teeswater Railway was turned on Saturday las!.—Globe. We are un- able to say who turned it.. —The 0. P. R. branch from London t oit was opened ferAhrsangh. business, on Monday last and the first through train from Montreal to Chi- cago passed over the road. —The funeral sermon of Mrs. A.13. Davison will. be preached on Sunday venin, JULIO 29th, in North street Methodist church, Goderich, by Rev. Geo. Richardson. —All kinds of groceries of the best qualities kept at the new grocery very cheap, as we sell for cash and produce only. Goods delivered te any, part of the town.—Geo. Kerr. —It is stated that General Middle- ton has ofl'ered to pay for the missing furs. Somebodycertainly should do this and there is not the slightest reason why the duty should fall upon the country. --SA meeting of the Directors of the Kinloss Branch •Agricultural Soeiety will be held in the Secretary's office on • Saturday, 21st inst., to make arrange merits for the Fall Show. • —Mr. W. R. Davis, of Birmingham England, 'arrived here lastaveek to pay a visit to Mr. James Gaunt, Reeve of Kinloss, and is delighted With the country, and especially ,with the fertil- ity of the soil. , , —Now boys, if you. are my pod you can' rake, in the -quarters. For driving to the pound any cow found • out after 9- o,clock at night or before 6 in, the motninps, the pound -keeper• will give 25 cents. —A Minnesota preacher fainted away after marrying a.couple, and ,had to be worked over two hours before he was restored to consciousness. If it -acts that way on the preacher, just think of the poor bridegroom ! • TORN MURCHISON, C. P. R. TICKET ej agent. One way excursions to the North West and Peale Coast. Full information to inbending tratelers to any part of the world, TI4ONEYTOLOANI AT 6 PER CENT iVI from 2 to 20 years. Lists of farms for sale in Obtaigo as well as Manitoba. Parties' desirous to sell farms will consult their Inter- er4ts by inspecting the advertising facilities of Subscriber in Great Britain and Ireland and continent of lands for sale. ANGUS STEWART, Land Valuator, Lucknow, Ontario. • WESTWA.WANOSH • MUTUAL Fire Insurance Company, board 'of directors meets for the tranisacti xi of business on the first Tuesday- each month. Parties wishing to have Weir property insured in this increasingly popular Company, will by giving notice, be called upon by an agent or by ,one of tne Directors. Business calls promptly attended to. • Office, Dungannon. .T, M. ROBERTS, Secretary, Wii. LAND, Treasurer. rimaismnitimassorma SOCIETIES TUCKNOW I Ledge, No. 112 meets every Friday evening at 8 e'clock in their hall, Campbell street. All brethren cordially invited. D. 'Alma, Noble Grand ; JAHN ELLIOT„Reoorder. �. COURT • Sherwood, No, 50, Luckliow. Meet every hrst and third Monday in every monpli, in the Odd - fellows hall. Visit- ing. brethren a r e cordially invited. A. 101 DAVIHON,_ 0, R. II D. D. YULE SEC. A0: „W. LUCKNOW LODGE OF a the 'Ancient Order United, Workffien, meet in the Oddfellows hall, on the last and second Monday evenings of each month at eight o'clock. Visiting brethren cordially invited. Join; PEART, Master Workman. R. D. CAMERON', Recorder. T UCKNOW MECHANICS' nsTSTI- 14 Note. Reading room open every evening frotia.610 top. in., excepting Saturdays, when the limas will be from 2 to 6 p. ni. The librarian will be- in attendance %hiring these holm. D..0. YuLx, President. JAS. SomEn• vILL0, Secretary. CilEsPITAts • • r 7-- S. JEROME, L. D. S. Wingheart, will be. in• 6 6 6 Lucnnow on the second . and fourth ' riday and Saturday- of each mouth.. Having purchased a large amount of stock at redacted rates, I am prepared to make good *tate of tooth for $10 acid the beet that are . zror $12. Pilling and extracting 5 epec- 1.8. Jza9ms. Hew esentativc Orangemen Meet South „Huron's Demonstration in Clinton. South Huron semi-annual meeting was held in Clinton on Saturday, There was a very large attendance. The W. 0. M., Bro. Todd, occupied the chair, and P. 0. M., Bro. John Scarlett, the deputy. A committee of county niembers was appointed - to meet in Clinton on Saturday . next at two o'clock, to co-operate and net in conjunction with the local committee in completing. programme for the 12th July. W., Bro. John Scarlett was appointed Chief Marshall for the day. A telegram wa&received from South Perth, stating that they would' join South Huron in Clinton on the 12th; a message was recoived from :Elgin to the same effect; West Bruce will turn out to a man ; North Huron will do it duty. An immense gathering is now assured. Tne programme will be: Low railway rates. Bands and children at HALF excur- sion fares. Grand decorations and arches. Athletic sports. Good hotel fare at 25c. a meal: Keen lodge competition* Fortning the procession. A brilliant display of banners.. The famous Doherty and other bands. A mons march—a Lona procession. Comfortable speaking grounde. Reception by Council. of Board of Trade. Great speakers—ansOng them the M. W. Gr. 'Master. Magnificent display of fireworks, by Prof. Hand, of Hamilton. Such a programme should be satis- factory to everybody. The committee and our citizens are alive to the- im- portance of the event,. and Saturday's meeting indicates that the arrange- iienta already made .will l hianght to a successful issue. The County Master was authorized to attend, the M. W. Grand Orange Ledge meeting at St. John's, N. 13., August 19th. • The lodge closed about 5 o'cloek, an re- solved to make Clintoss ismssleareark on the 12th Judy. ,—The newspaper men. made a good showing on the 5th of June. Deck, of the Kincardine.Reporter, Stratton, of the 'Peterborough Reitiete, Balfour, of the Amherstburgh E.eko, and H. E. Clarke, of the Orange Sentinel got there without any trouble. • Tho able Member. for South Bruce Mr. H. P. O'Connor, seems to be growing more popular every year. He - is a man of good ability and splendid social qualities. We hope Mr. Mowat will select him to 611 one of thevacant peetfolios in the calAnet.—Pog Elgim Time& Dr. Stanley,' of. Watford, -cbaiirmars of the Medieal Board, reported that 3,273 applications had been made, 742 over any previens year. Of this ntim- bee 3,013 were accepted and 255 re- jected, The deaths numbered 52. Dr. J. S. Grey, Winnipeg, was recom- mendei for his weak anmedical referee for the Northwest. He bad examine $81., accepted- 532, rejected 49.. ff. Gthorrer, Guelph, and Es Garth ilverton, high auditors, reported deo • books to be correct. The reports were recei-ved and referred to the proper rIi, The elections have resulted as fol- 4 lbws :— H. O. R., Edward' Iliswe, Lon-' . dote; H. V. •C. R., G. Sinclair, Toron- to; high sec., Thos. White, Brantford;- high treas., John Neelands, .Winghami- chairman Medical, Board, Dr. S. Stanley, Watford ; associate member - of board, Dr. Young, Ridgetostir; high, registrar, D. R. Kennedy, Montreal s high senior woodward, G. McKinnon,. Winnipeg--; -higli-jiiriint woodivard, T. Kemp, Listowel; high senior head! C. Doe, London ; • high chaplain,. Rev. R.. Citulson, East Angus; high auditors—H. Gummer, Guelph, Es Gartmeg, Milvertorg Executive Com- mittee -_s -R. • Elliott, Wingliam ; R. Kidney,, Toronto ; J Elliott; London A. T. McNeil, Peterboro'. A grant of $500 was mad % to ILC. R. Towe, and(a resolution was passe( complimenting Editor Grimmer, of Tim Forester, for his- able management of that journal.. The installation of .office ra occurred' this evening and the court adjourned eine die. Hanged at Londonw dem" Smitklianged for the Mardernfklir Wife. Lossooss; June 15.—The execution. of Henry Smith for the murder oe hies wife Lucy, on the night of ltlebruarse 18, took place shortly after 8 o'clock yesterday morning in :the.preeence,Ott about a hundred speetatorss At - Smith's own reques$ Rev. W. Ti' 'rector of the Church of St: &dm the Evangelist, sat with him all nightancti•-• alternately prayed and sang hymns,.'itne which Smith joined. • Ins last selection, was from Sankey'S hymnal, NO- 90,, beginning : Mourner,. whosoe'er thou art,_, -Art- ecrosh-lanFii room. Shortly after6 yesterday mornings Rev. Mr. Neil,. at present occupying the , pulpit of the Congregational . Church, palled upon. the prisoner and remained with him until the execution. Smith was very weak,. and nearly' fainted when the sheriff's officers went. to his cell, and, he had to besupportedi while his arms were being- pinioned,' The procession entered, the goal yards at nine minutes past eight. Smiths V.411 suPported on either side by turns keys Ryaii and Snyder, Rev. Mr. Mit reading Psalm xxiii. • The gallows wae. a contrivance. of the same sort as thatr enwhich Kane was 'hanged at Toronto' and it is stated. that the executioner- • was the same man. that officiated • nn that occasion. At the. gallows Smiths showed marked signs ofweekneSer and? would have fallen but for the assist - entre of the officers. After adjusting, the noose,. the hangman drew the blael • cap over the face, and' as he did ser the' prisoner groaned, his last words.heitirg "God have mercy." Itev. Mr.- no then read the prisoners written.. son- fession, in which he uses these words :: "I was the cause of Lucy Jackson's - death.. I struck .her just once with my fist, and I cbon't know whether it wan., the fall on the stove or the blow that. caused her death."' The confessioii. concludes with expressions ofigratitude. to the officials and clergymen for their kindness, and the statement that he trusted in the Saviour for flargivenees. There was a slight .delay while ther hangman.went up a ladder to examine, the tackle. When he came crown Rev.. Mr. Hill began the Lord's Prayer, and at the words "forgive us -our trespasses' the heavy iron weight (upwards of 30(' poundi4 dropped and' the doomed man's. body shot up into the air. The Vie- tim'a neoli was, broken, ..the goal Mut- geon states' that the heart beat for' ten. minutes and 45 seconds rafter the fatal. jerk. The drop fell at 8.13;. and 27 ininntes later the body was taken. down.- • At the critical momeratueveral7 of the spectators turned away sick, andl, one of the number fainted. The turtles inquest was held. and in the afteinOon- the body was buried in the gaol yardiss- beside those of three former victims-- Cyrug Pickard, Phoibe Camphelli4andi. Benjamin Simmoun.,