HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1890-06-13, Page 8r •$ b4: ' LUCKNOW POST*OFFICE. Hours. $ a, ma to.3 p. m• MAILB Amain. W. G, c0$ Scuts 6:13 a' m. Dhily t.• 1I•it B. Mort 12.30p. m • " Lirityropd } �iultoiN h 2 30p.in b. North 3.48 p.m. thderiah , ntnreiediate Pointe J 9 00p. m. L. H. & 73 • North, 10.30 p. 2n. '4 -- 1-. Leatpeia P s.uup. m. MAILS ULo9E. f W, G.& B. ,Snuth9.30p. m. • `L H. & B., South } L. H. & B. South 10.00a. m.. W G.& B. North 340p. m• Holyrood 4..30 p.tn. ttilongh 1C -torose -- , Atlas anti Fridays 14 • Viltalge and VIellxxtp alto. Lawn Social • A lawn social under the auspices of the ladies of the Methodist church, will 'be held at the residence of Mr. Thomas Lawrence, Ross street, on Thursday evening, 26th inst., when a pleasant time will be spent, and the usual attractions on such occasions will be presented. `4W „" ''`s urs ••a .- Nx•u�wu. The-Lucknow Sentinel, Bruce County, Friday, June I3th, • GreatBargaln A 'handsome good driving pony, safe for ladies to drive, a -good style qp buggy and sets of harness all com- plete o m plete for $106. Also a large stock of wagons, buggies, and democrats' for sale very cheap. Jobbing promptly attended to. T. W. HILDRED. For Summer Tourists Mr. Wm. Edgar, Gen. Pass. Agt. of /44‘d 1:151ftm their catalogue of fishing and hunting resorts in the vicinity of their read. It is a neatly printed pamphlet, giving the different resorts and their attrac- tions and factilities. University Examinations At the University examinations in Toronto Mr. W. J. Treleaven succeed- ed in taking first class honors • in classics, in the third, ear of his course, • lage, successfully passed with honors in classics for the first years course. The boys ara,to be congratulated on their success. A Real Live Bear A large black bear has been prowl- ing around this vicinity for the past week- or so, and although several at- tempts to secure him have been made 111 Tho Volunteer Qamps NEWS OF TUE TQWN..; A Week's Record or the Pushing Border 'own. • -Miss Sirs, Burgess is visiting friends in London. —The County Council meets in Kin- cardine on Tuesday next. . --Mrs. J. 0. Murdoch is visiting friendsdsin Gait and vicinity.,. h_c_LTlI-Z4,2a:;;45`ai'.L`.•. 'ss D t! efI{n' Pi 34 'S'?,'! -'-r Li ngside Stupid labor is in full bloom. The recent frost does not appear to have any effect on it. Mr. EtUncan Campbell and family have gone to their new dwelling. ' We wish them many happy hours. Mr. George Taylor lost one of his vvorking horses the other day., Mr .antue Joh bon as gone on a • GOOD NEWS WEARY MOTHERS. - MRS. SMITH HAS JUST RECEIVED A. UN1)F.itWAEr Lvov rrc► in Kincardine with friends. *-Mss. Wm. Dayton, of W ingham, is the guest of Mrs. G., P. Tennison. —Mr. Thos. Lawrence spent a couple of days in London this week. —We had a slignt frost on Sunday night last, but little damage was done. Mr. R. D. Cameron took fifty-seven very nice speckled trout on Tuesday last. Lour to .may rty. ) kr. Wm. Taylor is spending this week in Walkerton. Mr. Simeon Humphrey has gone to Wiarton to learn the art of bee -keeping. Miss Maggie Tiffin, of the Nile, is calling, upon &number of her .Friends. There was no service iii the Presby- terian church on the previous Sunday. • 2• AP Fine night dresses embroidery trimmed for 75 cents. Leaks under skirts. embroiired and tucked from $1.25 and upwards.. Lovely art over EMBROIDERED DRESSES for infants and children cheaper than you_ (.4,n make them. In-thecamp.-of-district-No.-1, to -bee sby- ourlead Sporte,„,_old F3r4itt held at Stratford, the following corps are allotted :--1st regiment of cavalry, 1st brigade field artillery, Guelph ; London field batterr, the 21st, 22nd, 27th, 29th, .32nd battalions of infanry and D, school, London. Mechanics Institute The Secretary - .-trf-` the Lueknow 1VIee runts' Institute received -last • 'week from the' Ontario Government the handsome sum 'of $326 as a grant to the Institute. This is a very liberal amount and will greatly 'aid the Directors in securing many more valuable volumes for the library. at liberty. It was first seen in the bush at the back of the Presbyterian church on the 2nd con. of , Kinloss about a week ago, and on Sunday last a couple ,if parties saw it in the neighborhood of Purvis lake. Outrageous Oonduct Some persons devoid of all shades of decency, one—night lately cut and - hacked in a disgraceful manner, the sash of the large windows in •Mr. D. R. McIntosh's store at the corner of Ross and Campbell ,streets. It is an outrageous piece of business and Mr. McIntosh is willing to give a liberal reward for information that will dis- T. • 11 Owing to a very great improvement in the water power of the Lucknow Railer Mills, which will enable'me to run by water about nine months in the year, a very great reduction in running expenses of the mill, no wood,, no' engineer to pay for, to benefit the far. niers with light wheat in the future if they will clean it well. I will give a return of bio lbs. of floui and feed in every 60 lbs. of wheat, no matter what it may test. - Gro. KERB. Beautiful Women •4-, A ;"The beautiful 'women of the world" p;re requested, in a circular, to send 'their photographs to the. Baroners. ':Klara von der 'Deckler at Tiflis. These will be examined by a corn- f artists, will be put in an album with the title:" "Types of Female Beauty.of the Last Years of the Nineteenth Century." Then the album will be sent to the Moscow Museum. Here is a chance for some of -our Lucknow beauties to become famous. Successful Operation Iyr. D. M. Gordon, assisted by, Dr. Elliott, lately performed a very suc- cessful operation by cutting out a por- tion of the eyelids of Mr. W. Atchison, a linisher at the furniture works in this village. Some years ago Mr, , Atchison took cold from .bathing and .the nerves of his eyelids became para- lyzed and he could searcelyopen them. Although the operation was a very difficult -one; the doctor has, by • great care and ability, succeed'ed•in bringing Lis patient around very rapidly, and M r. Atchison now enjoys a good deal of relief from his former,. trouble. Claims All Settled • - His friends in 'this section will be glad to hoar that •Mr. Daniel Rutlrer-• ford, who formerly kept a store at Belfast, but who, through financial .ilitiieulties, had to leave this country fur the United States, has satisfac- torily settled all. the claims of his creditors. His l.iauilities amounted to about $9,000 and not 19 or 20,000 as reported at the time, and in effecting .a settlement,: Mr. Rutherford has paid oat in cash over $3,000. Dir. Mah- e! ford is now a resident of Richmond, Mi( higan, ii;nal we are glad to_know th. t he is doing well, and that he has boa able to Inc 't his liabilities -in such an honsrable manner. Wanted to Shake His Hand 'l'he,Mail tells of a woman from the Chanty. of ` Bruce, • who resides at Kamloops, ops, British Columbia. \%hen. the i)nkae of Connaught, one of the sons of Queen Victoria, who is now on a tour through the Dominion, stopped ea the :station, the woman walked up. 1.whim •and •n t:ea pcirn issh n -t.o shake hands with hint. The Duke smilingly hell out his hand and a most interest- ing conversation followed. The Bruce people are en interesting class and th y know it. r.; cover e.perpe r: ors . and cowardly act.. Nose. Bleeding Obstinate nose bleeding is frequent- ly one of the most difficult things to check. Several aggravated cases have lately occurred at the Hospital of the University:qof Pennsylvania. As a last resort Dr. M. Hayes Agnew tried.. ham fat •with great result. ' Two large cylinders of bacon were forced well into the nostrils and the hemorrhage ceased at once. This is a very .simple remedy, and one which should be remembered for. emergency in the country. Selling Out •Mr. Wm.. Grundy has decided to hiscarriage business' in '.t is village, and is determined to clear out his complete. Mock of carriages, bug- gies. democrats, cutters, sleighs, etc., at a big reduction below actual cost. The top buggies are all supplied with folding tops, the best ever made in the Dominion, and everyone desiring a first-class buggy at rock bottom prices slwuld net fail to see them before purchasing a rig. The whole stock will be cleared out. • The Cheese Industry The cheese 'season has now com- menced. • From a small beginning some' ten or twelve years ago\the ex- ports- of cheese to Great Britain for the last two years reached 134,336,100 lbs. which at the prevailing prices would ,reach nearly ten millions of dollars. For the last few years our cheese has shaded the Arnerican cheese, .and has stood alongside the best European and English makers, and with this .prestige. Canadian cheese might always com- mand the highest price. West Bruce Teachers • At the recent meeting of the West, Bruce Teachers' Association at Kin- cardine, the following officers were elected : President, Jas. McKinnon,, Port Elgin; Vice'.Pres ,, David Rennie, Kinloss .; Sec.-Treas., F. C. • PpEwell, Kincardine ; Directors, T, A. Reed, Teeswa,ter, J. T. Lillie, Port Elgin, Inspector Campbell, S. W.' Perry .and Miss L Sturgeon, Kincardine, Miss J. F. Yemen., Ripley. Delegates to Provincial Association, Thos. Rankin, Port Elgin and David Rennie,Kin1oss: Orange Pic-nic - Despite the threatening appearance of the weather and' the few showers that fell during the day, the Orange pic-nit; under the,•auspices of Belfast Laid e was attended by over 500 on Tuesday last, but ,is • safe to say had the d zy, been more favorable, over twice that number would have at- tended. The place selected was 11'Ir. - Edward's gt:o c, near • " Sahastn;- peol," and it proved to be well adapted for the occasion, and the'rommittee of management are also deserving of great praise for the pleasant time. spent by all present. . ai . -,Q — ' r: . ameron, o oron o, spent a couple of days in Lucknow this week. —Wanted. 0A good man to work on a farm, for the summer months, apply at this cffice. —Several needed repair% have been made to the board sidewalks through out the village. —Mr. John Peart has been serious- ly illaduringathe past week; but ware glad to say he is improving at present. —The many warm rains of the last couple of weeks have greatly increased the growth .of all kinds of vegetation. —A great many complaints are made against cows being allowed ' to run in the village during the night. —Dr ._an& Mrs.__Ell iutt- went to -Bayfield this week to attend the -wed ding of Miss Elliott, the -doctor's sister. —Mr. Husband occupied the pulpit both morning and evening in the 'Methodist church on Sunday last. ,—A new fence is being, erected around ' the English church grounds, • seste-its -ap - ante. -The Rev. Mr. Coiling and Messrs. Walter Treleaven and D. C. Taylor arrived home from • Conference on Tuesday. - — Turnip seed of all kinds, also beet, mangle and carrot seed ofthe best kinds sold Cheap at Geo. Kerr's grocery. —Mr. Wm. .Hueston, a former teacher in this section, was- in the vil- lage this week in the- interests ,of the North American Insurance Company. —The young people of the church are having . the grounds around the new Presbyterian church nicely graded and leveled, preparatory to have a f-nce erected. — in • s o groceries—of the best qualities kept at the new grocery very cheap, as we sell for cash and produce only. • Goods delivered to any part of the town.—Geo. Kerr. Lanes, The weather has been very .favor- able for the growing crops, and every appearance presents itself for an abundant harvest. - • Fruit trees of all varieties, are covered with bloom and if the season remains favorable, the quantity of apples, will equal, if not exceed the crop of 1888. The 'election passed by very quietly and the Mowatites and Meredithites seen! satisfied at the result. Although beaten at the polls the Opposition cannot but see that the safety of the Province is assured for four more years. - Miss Minnie E. Baldwin has re- turned to Detroit after a few weeks visit at her parents horne here: Mrs. Sherwood and son, of Fergus, spent a "few days, last week,. with her sister Mrs. 'Geo. Carnpbell, A large number of ne"w buildings are under construction. W. C. Johnston is erecting a new. barn, Thos. Dixon a new shed, Wm. Jameson a new house and barn, E. C. Johnston a new Karn, John Spindler a fine new and .connmo- dious root house. Tho Sacrament of the Lord's supper was dispensed in the Presbyterran church last Sabbath. On Friday Rev. MI. McRae, of Cranbrook, occupied the pulpit. The nursery stock sold by Brown Bros. of Rochester, through their agent Matthew Farries, is reported doing ,well. This company delivers„ all stock bathe buyers own prPmises, which is a great advantage over any other firm. As far as we know no other firm delivers the nursery stock in .this way. The delivery was given .to RI..E. Lane earl in two days after the stock araived, wa alight be safe in saying it was all planted, if the buyers attended to their share of the work. Mrs. J. Farris is visiting friends at Kincardine for a few days. occupied the pulpitin the Methodist church on Sunday eve. Rev, R, Carson will preach his farewell sesmon on Sunday morning next at 10:30, o'clock. TENDERS WANTED. VENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED FOR JL the erection of a frame church at Crewe in the township of Ashfield up to Wednesday June 25th. Tenders to be opened at 2 o'clock Ji. in. Plans and specifications to be seen at acob Crozier's. June 10th, 1890. J. CROZIER, Dnnsannon P. O. • LADIES TUCKED UNDERSHIRTS —AT 65 CENTS.— CHILIYRENS MUSLIN AP-F.\1- BROID.EMY FRONTS AND TRIM- ME1) BEGINNING AT 45 CEN TS. CORSET COVERS - - ENtBRO1: E YOKE.' - AT $b.00. - Just otienini to -day a case of fancy hats its. all the latest styles, also a lot of mew flowers at Mdt g Slaitlinie I DOYT WANT THE EAR 11.1 —BUT I AM GOING TO HAVE IT IN LUCKNO•W, TOO, AND I HEREBY announce to the people of Lucknow and surrounding country', that any SOS R pEaN coming to me having their teeth out, that I will put in two sets of teeth, TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT -the-prise of--orae-set; 9-%5; •e -e f-the-very--bes,'�-resat use no rubber but. C: ASH & SONS; London, England. The teeth will be. C. Ash & Sons, and S. S. White's, conceded by all who are in the business to be Una/Waled I . no Wothil. Those firms have their names on their goods, and the people can see what they are getting, and as I use nothing but the best material, I will guarantee sat- isfaction to all • reasonable people, the unreasonable and, there are a few such in the world, will piease bear in mind that I don't want their trade I can always he found at Dr. McCrifnmon's office, Lueknow. A. PATTERS017, Lz.oknow uQknaw' Leading Photogrgher o . J. STRINGER. Is as usual ahead in the finest styles and positions for photos. CABINET PHOTOS, Pinest retouched and. burnished, $1:50 to $3 per aoz. Cards $1 to $21:iertoz. AMBROTYPES MADE TO PERFECTION He' also keeps a large stock stock of spectacles, especially the well-known and also deals in Bei Keepers supplies, books, stationery, albums, frames and fancy good. Remember the studio, E. L, Johnston's, old stand. Next door to Reed's bakery. 4,•