HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1890-06-13, Page 41 " ' ;a, •• ,o• a v • , , • The Lucknow SentinarBruce County Friday, dune liath, than rightfully belongs to them, and J more or less impaired health will tor- ovr. Consequently; we find that the wiater season is the most sickly time on the farni, when really it ought to be the revere. - ittitium -gratitid. flR LIBERTY TO UTTER AND TO ARGUE EREELY ACBORDING TO THE DICTATES OF CONSCIENCE WE PRIZE ABOVE ALL 0.01'HER LIBERTIES. ag . °;•"..,• • - A BAD MEASURE; The new tariff measure Cow being kdiscussed by the American Congrees, j d known as the thellilUxiley bill, .will prove a serious drawback to the 43eople of Canada, should it become STATISTICS OF THE CONTEST. The majorities secured by the suc- cessful candidates in the different con- the.y make a very interesting study says the Toronto Globe. Of the fifty- four Liberals elected only eight have majorities of less than one hundred, and of these eight none count below fifty- DI th:3.7 Conservatives (wi4.1". one Equal Righter) elected, as -many as 18, or almost one-half the entire O 1 losition have ma'orities of less NtW ‘.. ELECTION ROV$CTION R OVIDING URPHASE ,11 ask IL AIN 4 1.6.0 Ya, 41.7414 ROM RAUD. 7/ L i Ta w HUNS p LASTER UTLERY ARIS REAM CANS. AINTS REVAILS EOPLE R UDENTLY lor ork PowelL UMW. .C.1491aRf I B RA Mr LA MPS -- AN TE4NS EVELS --DM- ID, WI:12TM :A.INTI)--A-C-- - DAIRY SUPPLIES AND ERVE TROUGH bPLCIAL LINES. i ; ,'-are corm' er- *ghirty cents on barley, ten cents on oats, an rtwenty-five cents on apples and pota- ably below 50, ranging in fat down to -.tees, four dollars per ton on hay, and a unit in the case of Mr. Johnson for two dollars on straw, thirty dollars Prince Ed ward. Putting it in another • •e way, the Liberal party includes 46 T.„per head on horse% and other things members, or just over half the house, in proporition ; while the proposed ..duty of fivecents per dozen on eggs with majorities of 100 or over. The means the total ruin of the egg trade Conservatives boast of two members _ _ • _ —return.ed _w_ith_majorities of ov-er-500,- country,--a.very-serious-IessT-AO-- , one of them that of -Mi. Sol. White, -the farmer. This loss_ in money is not whose vote was, however, less than 13y, any meet's the only loss, nor by that cast for the two Liberals who ran • means the most important. The against him. The Liberals count 14 iumber of young men ann young women such majorities. The Conservatives .fr count 26 seats carried by less than „ergo annually letiVe this country to 200 votes, and 8 hy that figure or over. ;settle •ii,4fie United States is some- The Liberals can claim thirtythree h• ung appalling. The bone and sinew, seats carried by 200 or over, and,fifteen 0 -youth -and bmirt--the-hope-of-th Ne._3_11ritemajoritywent_o_v_er 300. Each side has two acclamations and •c• ;future, emigrate in large numbers to • Atha country that offers them the best opportunities. The measure, however, not meeting with general favor '•-:rstnong the protectionists over the line, Anr.the Wichita Kansas Ea 6, which ..declaresthat it iS`40d3 sound a Republican -ete it ever was," says the McKinley bill is an outrageous performance. It is •;:4 but .a,eheap Monkey show in the face „ef high heaven and of the American people. It is an attempt to make an ..,engel of the devil without abbreviating ,4iis tail or sawing off his. horns. It ..takes.dollars from the farmers and re- , -turns them dimes. It does net impose ,a single duty ,which will help aaansas lareuer. What do we care about the -e• egga:and hay V' The :.,editer "then goes on to say tha,t2“if the Re - 4 , „publican party:don't hear something vdrop ,next -..ItTovember, then twenty- , • , •each side stands about equal in respect to contests within itself. In the case of the Liberals, this condition is found in' the struggles at Brockville and in South Renfrew and North Essex, and in the case of the Conservatives in , eardweli---and They therefore count about even. The figures for the Toronto members are omitted altogether, it being impos- sible to give any fair statement of majorities where so many candidates were running. The omission perhaps gives the Government a slight advan- tage. The total majorities for the fifty-one • Liberal. members counted, foot up to 19,599; those for the thirty three Conservative members counted, only to 4,873, a difference of 14,726. The official figures for the few consti- tuencies not yet definitely heard from will change these tot is only. slightly. The average Liberal majority for fifty - °Le menibrs is381; the average Con- servative majority for thirty-three that of the Liberals. When the Legis lature went to the ,country six of the Liberal members had been+elected un- - opposed. The majorities of the fifty others totalled 15,210, or an average of 304. The Opposition had thirty members representing contested seats. Their majorities totalled 8,564. The difference was 6,646 in favor of the Government, and the average majority was 285, or only 19.96 less than the average of the Geverntnent majorities. Since the election the figures -for the majorities give a difference of 14,726 lin favor Of the Government, and the averages are respectively 384 to 147, or a difference on the averages in favor of the GovernMent of 237. t: , , • • a' ' • • Vk, tt ° • , 40' • .seven years in the editorial service has only fitted us for .the insane asylums. VASE' AND BE C4EAN. • Ai a receni meeting of . the Provin- eial Board of Health! the Secretary rad an interesting paper on the ini- iportance of frequent bathing among flamers andothers engaged in manual labor. :He says that during the warm weather, mostof the boys and youeg men -in the country bathe more or less 4reuently in the 'nearest lake or river, end where there are nOlakes or rivers, perhaps.a small stream is dainnied to make a bathing pond for the boys to port themselves in, but in too many ases, as the Canadis n paler grows 'here also grows an aversion to -allowing an5, part of his body, except - „big the etremities, head, hands and feet, to come in direct contact with the water. On rareoccasions, such as after logging, or some other dirty work, the whole body may be washed, but the average farmer does not sen to ,enjoy such extra ablutions and they are very 'rarely resorted to in cold weather, when there really . exists a Much greater necessity for them. In warm weather when the larmer, is busy at ;work he perspires freely ancl the deleterious matter emit- ted from the pores of his body are wiped off in the clothing, thus permit- ting thepores to oontinue their func- tion unimpeded, but in the winte; time the ease is very different, for then the Jotreusito matter is not washed away by superabundant sweat but continueso WANTED accutnuiate on the, surface of the Mel. to take orders for Nursery Stock, on kirs. where it helps to obstruct the free Salary or commission. I can make a succss- tclischvga &we the pores, and the ful salesman of anv who will work or follow :wamy instructions. Will furnish handsomP out - de matter, which ought t� have fit free, and pav your salary or commission ageneti through the skin, is foreed evciz? week N'tttite for t.r113.s • ftpOrl the hinge and the kidneys, thus o. GRAHAM, Nureryman, 1140410 more veork upon these orgibi n-40 Toonto, Oat, CAIMINE A:Up HEIR T OIT SATISFACTION GUARANTEED TAYLOR P ELL. - .1.M.-FFIIMCFrate4AFIX.IW Our various departments, DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS AND SHOES, H A.TS ANI CAPS, CROCKERY &GLASSWARE. READY MADE CLOTHING, ETC Will be found complete, full of' specialties aid prices 111 ' CAMERON, MURDOCH & CO. LUCKNOW & DUNGANNON- -- • IVILLINERY • THE wool season is just openng, and commission merchants are advising dealers in regard to prospects, prices, etc. This is a circular issued by Rob- ert Berryman,° of Hamilton, one of the Most extensive dealers in Ontario "The prospectsk,of the Canada wool clip for 1890 are not so bright as we had. reason to expect—a revival of the lu- tre dress goods trade inclie,ated a better demand for Capada.eonibing fleece, and therefore better • prices ; but the out- look now doesnot warrant any higher prices that the opening last year. The Canadian and United States markets are both very dull, and as farmers -have brotrght their breeding to such a date that we can only ship 50 per cent. of bright vronl out of the general clip of the United States mar- ket, Yoe need not wonder that prices are low. Farmers should return to the lustre breeds, such as the Liecester and Lincoln if they desire Vi keep the market.” • • • ent-3-6:8-8-1Tofied with the newest \and best goods in the market. Ladies are invited to call and see us, No trouble to show good.s- •r PREPARE FOR SPRING ! • • 7 , I/ have on hand a full supplfof prepared paints all colors, "Paris White" whitening and ala- bastine, the best wall coating any shade, white -wash, paint and all other kinds of brushes. SAP PAILS, DAIRY PAILS, CREAMERY • CANS AND MILK PANS & ALL KINDS OF TINWARE, CHURNS, WASHING MA - chines, wringers, (chep) and cistern pu ps. 0. K. building paper, the best and cheapest in, the market, indistinctible and vermine proof ; • also carpet felt, tarred and brown felt building paper. -- Barb wire, plain twist, oiled and annelled 'and i Lz :3‘133 1\1"" Parties who intend to build, would find it to their ad- vantage to give me a call. 1-Atroughing a specality. . Repairing promptly attended to. TOS. 1411.7W iEt EN -�a, 1.11703KWOW• C>ilirT. rt •