HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1890-06-06, Page 5P 4' The Lucknow Sentinel, Bruce County, Friday, June 8th. feral Wreath Corners. COOL WASHABLE, June 3rd, 1890. The farmers of this stirring little place have again taken heart over the bright prospects of the present 'year. Heretofore the aged noladity have,teen seen with a long face, a -shaded coun- tenance, and a slow and steady wove - which told as plain as day that the germs of discouragement had taken 1 -f AND--- -- LI HT MAT TRIAL Are now in season. ,• • atikastaselaviest degree as wight prove fatal. But things Izire- taken- i. total :New !ifs: has been instilled into every- one, and young and aged alike niay be found on the tield of spoit enjoying a quiet talk with their "sweetheart," or indulging in an occasional kick at foot-Valt- - A few nights ago the boys of the "Corners" net asid organized a foot- s, - 4 resit 1 oot-ba c u. " the ofli3ers of whic are as follows President, A. 0. S ith ; Vice President., J. P. Mur-, ray , ecretary, John Hunter ; Treas- urer and caretaker of tali, Thos., E. Smith ; Captain, G. Smith. Our cap- tain says, that judging from the able manner in which the boys handle themselves in the field, he is not likely to suffer defeat. In a week cr two we . . -Shotild-like-to hear from Sbiird'othet olu bs-Avlo-have-just organized like -our., selves.-SEc. Mr. W.• W. Smith is at present spending a -few • holiday S with his friends around the "Corners." Some of the neighboring bdysOf this .place took in the Walkerton games on the g4th, and when coming home their h e "took them in." _ . -Mr. Alex. Davison leaves on Tuesday n9xt for Kingston to attend the meeting of the' High Court of the Canadian Order 'Of Foresters as D. dele- gate from the Lucknow Court. MARRIED rw i Check Muslins, Challies, in plain, Colored & all wool,, (French,) are with us, tr Va GUEST-LOUGHEED -By Rev. W. A. Strong- man on June 4th, at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. John Lougheed of Bel- fast, Mr, Francis Guest, of Luckuow, to Miss Elizabeth Lougheed. DIED. McKinaziE.-In Ashfield on Monday, June 2nd, Ann, beloved wifeof John McKen- zie, agec150 years. PRICES WILL BE..FOUND RIGHT. We aim to give the best value a the lowest price.. - We have opened this week another 1otoi. MENS' DRESS TOP SHIRTS/ Dress vests in fine check and stripe wools; white Marseiles vests light check summer coats & VeSts. New ties, merino and natural wool socks. .e4.fine line of merino socks al .r8c. See a Mel samples BOAR FOR SERVICE. THE L NDERSIGNFD WILL KEEP for service this season at lot 14, con. 14 NV est Wa*anosh, his superior thoroughbred Berkshire Boar, Terms $1 cash. A. McMTLL AN, 4.855 ialeknow P. 0. • COTTAGE TO RENT. :0:----- To RENT. A STONE COTTAGE with five rooms, good cellar and half acre of orchard attach...al, suitable for a small family. One and a half miles from Lucknow. Also pasture for a cow if required. ,LEX. GRAHAM, Lucknow, P. 0. Kinloss, May.liltib 1890. MILLINERY! OF MIT'EREST TO THE LADIES. :0: Mr. J, Murchison, Lticknow, ha* opened a new millinery store in the stand lately occu- AWaaarak :0: Filial UNDERSIGNED WILL KEEP for *service this Reason at north -halt Lots 53 and 54, in the let winaession of kiuloss, his superior bred Shorthorn Bull "Solomon." PEDIGREE :-Solomon, is red, calved June 20th, 1888, bred by Thomas Anderson, Dun- gannon, Ont., got by Wallace (imp) 2752, dam -Minuet:alma by Doubledee- 481- ; Primrose, -by Rhode* Dhu, 3801 ; Jennie, 1165, by Dixie Duke, 474 ; aid of the Forest, 1455, by John A. McDonald, 721 •, Mayflower, 1514, by Alfred 304 ; Eva,. 981, by Souter Jolpny, NOTICE 'OF DISSOLUTION. IN'OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the partnership hetetofore subsisting between us, the undersigned. as furniture manufacturers at the 'Village of Lucknow, has been this day dissolved by mutual consent. Dated at Lucknow, this 2nd day of June, 1890. Witness, .1. M. CLIFF. ELLIOT TRAVER. t E. STov.m. WNTED . Men to take orders for Nursery Stock, on Salary or Commission-. I can make a success- ful salesman of any who will work or follow my instructions. Will furnish handsome out- fit free, and pay your salary or commission every week. Write for terms at once. • E, O.' GRAHAM, Nurseryman, 12-846 Toronto, Ont. . NOTICE TO CREDITORS. ain n ge , : ; y gl n„ y P1 - 'more 463 ; Eliza, 955, by Duke, 484; Count- ess 2nd, 783, by Leopold, 761, Countess 1st' 782, by Son of Comet (imp), 238, (155) ; Prin- cess (imp) 41.9, by Son of Lancaster', 360, by a son of Windsor, 698. TERMS :-$1.25 ; thoroughbreds, $5.00. RODERICK GOLLAN, 851' Lucknow, P. 0. ly millinery. • 5 • airTzarg7ZM7,74 Difi 6001A ARE ALL NEM THE LATEST STYLES, THE PRICES THE LOWEST. Mrs, Murchison will be pleased to have ycl call and inspect the dock before purcha,s1144- MEN WANTED TO SELL OUR CHOICE NURSEY aetaglaa_Agaexperience required. Steady work the year round. Liberal pay guaranteed. Outfits free Write for terms and commence at once.. -4a Atwood & Company, 5 mos. -851. Nurseryruen, Geneva', N. Y. We advised our customers over a month ago, that the then rise of sugars was not likely to be permanent. Our forecast has proved correct, but now we again warn them that sugars are advancing in price - and 'will likely remain firm and strong till after the fruit season, We are still selling sugars at old. flgures, but like our 15 and 20 cent teas, the supply will Uot last forever. ne grocer last week, inquired how we could sell groceries at the prices we were, YET E DO IT. URSUANT TO THE REVISED Statutes of Ontario, 1889, Chapter 110, Section 36, the creditors of John Morrison,' late of the village of Luckriiiw in the county Of Bruce, who died on or about the 21st day of November 1889, are hereby notif ed to Eland to Elliot Traver 'at the said villar of Luck - now, solicitor for the executors at the said .Joha Mos/ism:Cfon or before the 23rd lay of June 1890, their christrati and aurnaine, ad- dresses -and occupatioas with a fall and de- tailed account of their clainai against tne said John Morrison, clecesaed, and after the said last. mentioned date the said executors will proceed to distribute the assets: of the estate among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of creditors which shall- have been then received, Dated this 30th day of May, A. D. 1890. ELLIOT TRAVER_, 4.854 Solicitor for the Executers. AGENTS WANTED. .- lIGIONTRILL NURSEitI ES. LARGEST X • in Canada.. We vault relfribI`e, energet- ic men to s.:1 our Nursery seek ; previous experience not necessary ; anv man with tact and'energy can Pucceed ; terms liberal, either salary, or ; outfit , free. Our agents have Is any advatitag.s., atieh aa sailing hotnegrawn, hardy Canaaian stock. Choiee New SPecialtiem, which are of 'value, and which can only be secured irate un., much am a entaplete Hat of New Russian Apples, the Ititsors Pear; Saunders Plum,-Hilborn Rasp- berry, Moore'a Ruby and Blaen Chainpion Currapte, Moore's Diamond, Grape etc. We have given particular attention to the propogation of Nerdy Varieties suitable to the morthtrn scalene of Canada.. -SO. tering apply to STONE & WXLLING1'011: Toroata,tOn‘ LOOICii R EJ FIRE! FIREI,- Insure your farm property, private dwelling, ' in the old reliable, the LONDON MUTUAL -AND- GENE RAD BLACKSMITHING couatry fThoitn......--a-moefi:ibo,neure,onwtroziag e eh a b stowed o. Adam begsleave to tha th inhabitantsand surroundin him during the last seven years,nd wishes g ctaliontinuance of his old customers and a ta. ili .share of the new, as he is in a better positioir than ever to -supply the wants of the publ He always has on hand a stock of 'Wagons & Buggies of all kinds, He also Will remind them of hie far famed SCOTCH DIAMOND NARROWS which he alway has on hand and are made the very best material. Parties wanting an thing in this line will do well to give him &eat and see prices before purchasing elseWhersi PiaktiTir iittentiOn paid to ; ALL MOS OF HORSE SHOEING, flatfeet, contractions, and interfering. By strict attention to business. good, work mansbip and employing nothing butf.geod workmen, I trust to retain thepatronie.a. kindly extruded to me. CITY MUTUAL AND CITIZENS 0 t Office, -A. ROSS harness ehop,/, Lucknow. Will be in the office every Saturday afternoon, Geo. Grant, Agent, Lucknow We are advised that some people in doubt of being able to purchase a.good class of goods in town, order the same from j_ondon or Toronto. To those we would "say, WE ARE HERE TO SELLGOODS And we respectfully request a look through before ordering. We aim to carry a stock second to none ip. , QUALITY, QUANTITY, 'AND PRICE and any specialty not in stock will be cheerfully :order im.med- lately on notice. Another consignment of those popular ta,' dies and Misses cashmere hose at 25c. to hand to -day. )'OURS FAITHFULLY, 'BULL FOR SERVICE. X 11 KR. THOMAS EDWARD F'INLAY will keep for service, this season, at Lot 6, Con. 9 Ashfield, his celebrated thorough bred shorthorn bull, Earl Byron. Earl Byron bred by Thomas Edward Finlay, Lanes, Oht., got by Highland Chief (imp.), 1257 • dam Belva Lockwood, 14211, by Baron Lush', 1388; Minnie Warren. 7230, by Sir, John, 3900; Maid of Raven Hill, 3816, by Lothair, 800.; Beauty of the Valley, 2446, by Constance's Duke, 441 • Beauty•Roan (imp.), 32, by Chil- ton, 10054?Countess, by Shamrock 2nd, 8555 Gazelle, by Splendid, 5298, by Prince Cotnet, 8425, bred by Mr, Allenby. Terms $1,25. 8484 HOUSE AND LOTS FOR SALE. FOR SALE A BRICK COTTAGE AND seven village lots On Victoria atreet, in this village. This is a bargain for anyone wanting a cheap place. Apply to WILLIAM WALKER, Lucknow, Tho lid Grocery! IMMENSE BARGAINS. Having just reC7ived a large' consign meat ofv - ADAM THOIVII,PSON Campbell Strata opposite the Bank BULL FOR SERV -IC milE UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO 1 inform the farmere of this 'section that he will keep for pervice, this season, at Lot 11 in the 8th con. of the eastern division of Ash- field, a superior bred shorthorn bull, "Red Blsmark." - PEDIGREE !--fled 131stnark le rev, talved March 8, 18§9, bred by William Mallough, Dungannon, Ont., got by Wallace (imp) 2752, dam Annie 8430, by Young Springwood Prince 6299 ; Grace Harper 2nd .9227, by British Heir 2nd 2889-; Lady ,Harper 2nd 6630, bY 2nd samosa Chief 1782 ; Lady Harper 6629, by Grand Duke 675 ; Roee 1833, by Royal Duke of GIceiter 1035 ; Maggie 1429, by Lord of Lune (imp) 155 (16428) ; Queen of the Wet 1751, by Victor 1136 (12268) ; Daisy 828. by Halton 684 (11552), Lavinia 4th 1342. byDuke of Wellington (imp) 91 (3654) ; Lavinia 2nd 1349, by Alexander (imp) 6 (11099) • Lavinia (imp) 299, by a son of Scopio (1421), by Err holme (1018), by Son of North Star (458). • TEitais.-$1.00. Thoroughbred same price. PAUL SMELTZER) Belfaet, Onta. Vresh.Groceries, Choke family 'Choice Tobacco, Canned. Good.6. Crockery, .! ' • Glassware. Teas, Coffees, and Sugars, which will be sold. cheap at the Hub Grocery. Goods delivered to all parts of the village, JOHN ELLIOTT wanted4 Ed„ Brasher, Butter and EktS DUNN'S BAK INC POW D ER THECOOKSBESTEMEND DR. CHASES Has ft, World wide reputation as a physiciaa and author His Mandrake Dandelion Liver Cure is a triumph' of medical skill, °urea all diseases of the kidney.an.d liver SYMPTOMS OF KIINEY -GUMitAiNT Distress i n ft aches & pain, lin the back ; dull pain or weight in the bladder and base of abdomen scalding urine often obstructs d frequent desire to prinste, especially at night,, among aged Persons , hot, dry skin, pale eota- pleicionared and Nab] ca. deposits, drop dizziness:, sour stomach, eonatipation, piles, liver sone, swellirig;etc ,IfIVIP1'C1111/18 CF LIVER 1COMPLAIN der bladem, ann• Pain under ehoul tlice, sallow COM plexion, a weary, tired Teding," no' lite or energy, headache, dyspepsia,indigestion,spote, pimples, etc. HOWCURE Mandrake and Dandelion are nat,n1•A' river cures and when combined with Kidney roma - dies as in Dr. Chase's Liver Cute, il1 most Positively mire all Kidney -Liver tronblefi, rt acts like a chatty stimulating the clogeed liver, atre.ngthening the kidneysi, and invige ra- tminognety.hewhole body. Sold by all dealers sit $1. with receipt book, which aoh la Vs 'ivotth th NEYMasse', Pills are the only Xidney.LiVer Pills made. The? act ently yet effeetually; Mar pThils be taken during any etnntoy- . Mont. they Cure Kidney Livne trout:ilea, headache sbilionsnen's, coati, eters eta , On* pill a done. Sold by all dealers. Price T. EHMAIISON /A CO.4 BRADFOItti.04,. tali* lberty*DAre. ListaisiK