HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1890-06-06, Page 42 41 110001W5E10""41531* • • —THE— panotti cttutintl. THE LIBERTY TO UTTER AND TO ARGUE The Lucknow Sentinel Bruce County Friday,June Gth, creed revision to a committee of fifteen _ministersand ten elders, to be chosen by a nominating committee consisting of one member of the Assembly frora each synod. The Committee on Re- viaion Will meet not later than October 31st next, for the purpose of consider- ing the suggestion's made by the Pres - "t4'1. tie!! „submitted to them, and of formu- lating and reporting to the General Assembly in 1891 such alterations aed amendments of the Confession of Faith as may seem to it desirable; but these alterations and amendments must not in any way impair the integrity of the Reformed or Calvinistic system of doe - in, ills neefee_eirm. OF CONSCIENCE WE PRIZE ABOVE ALL , - OTHER LIBERTIES.. •Y tineknow. Tune 6th, 1800. MILK FOR CHEESEMAEING. -" The question of the quality.or com- position of milk for cheesraaking has — _ _ • American exchanges, and at various , dairy gatherings during the past year. Conversing with Prof. Robertson on the question. one day last fall the writer put the ,question something after this form to him : Suppose he were in a Western Ontario cheese factory, as for years he was, turning out a first-class article TA—cheese-for- Abe English market, how woul i he desire the milk constitutedHis reply was 3.75 per cent. of fat and 4 per cent. of easein ; as to the other element& it was immaterial. By breeding, feeding and general care let every farmer aim to hit the mark at • • not len-than. 3.75 petecnt,, of butter to blame if the cheese is not right. -Ex. ed and adopted.—Oarried. fat; and then send it pure andin the best of condition to the cheese factory. After that some one one else, will be • ; 41 44 4, .4 ----917-12--oLtLYERAL TV,E LTH. NT'1,11 ROTECTION EOVIDING- a ELECTION ROM URCHASE RAUD •I*7- , • •• — - - - - ,•••• •Nr''r Ntr,) Tt k Le Itt FITTRI4S UTLERY REAM CANS village commit A special meeting of Municipal Council, of the village of Lucknow, was held in the council chamber on May 27th. All members present. Reeve Bryan inthe chair. The minutes ef the last previous meeting were read and on motion con- . Armed. The following accounts were pre- sented and on motion of councillor McQuaig, seconded by councillor' Thompson, were passed and ordered to he paid :—Jaznes Warren, acting en- gineer of Lucknow W. W., drawing specifications, plans, etc., $75.00 ; Thos. Lawrence, hose -reel, pumps for engine house, etc., $102.59. We have just received from the Agricultural Department of Ontario a handsome bound volume of the great mineral resources of Canada. The mineral belt' starts at Nova Scotia, traverses the Quebec district where there are numerous phosphates, and then continues its course to the silver belt at Port Arthur, -where there is more hidden wealth than was ever dreamt of in Old Mexico. Going west- ward still you get, to the gold -bearing lode in the neighborhood of the, Lake of the Woods. Then,it seeing tobreak off, and northward, near Winnipeg, you get into the argenitferous galena. In Sudbury there is a greater combin- ntion .,of metals than there -is in any _sped of the „world. The quantity of plantinum there is absolutely fabulous .and is ,a mineral of great value, now,. ,for it has doubled itself within the ,past few years. There are auriferous ,deposits .at Thessalore 40 .or 50 miles west of Sudbury, worth thousands of ,dollars to the ton. New finds are being continually reported and copper is to be found in great abundance. The auditors' report for year 1889 was presented by Mr. Robt. Findlater. Moved by councillor Murdoch, second- ed by councillor MeQuaig, that audit- ors' report for the year 1889 be accept - Moved by councillor, Murdoch, s on counci or councilb)rs McQuaig and Lyons, and Reeve Bryanibe a committee to inspect the sleeping mom ef engineer Doug- lass and take some steps at once, towards putting it in a mole habitable condition.—Carried. , The clerk was instructed to corres- pond with Reeve Campbell, of Tara,in reference to them purchasing our hand engine. Committee appointed to secure plans, etc., for building or repairing bridge at Treleaven's mill, reported progtess and advised that the Council engage some practical engiueer to draw up plans, etc.—Carried. Moved by councillor McQuaig, seconded by councillor Murdoch, that reeve and councillors inspect streets on Monday next at 8 o'clock, a. m.— Carried. ect 1 0111 • REVAILS EOPLE RUDENT LIT ifier ow To iBRARY LAMPS AN TERNS EVELS LASTER ARIS AINT WITPT-P1 r- _nrittwA=1_1L1.^1.4._____MI al LIM RY =NUMMI= li.171) HEIR SATISFACTION GUARANTEED ARNIA TOINS TAYLOR & POWELL. 90. Our various departments; DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS AND SHOES, II A.TV AND GAPS, CROCKER-Y. & GLASSWARE. READY MADE CLOTHING, ETO. iLbe found complete, full of specialties and price3 RFOUCEP IN VAITE. A farm of ,ninety acres of good land ,in the township of Garafraxa, in the -County of - Wellington, within two ,miles ef the town of Fergus arid twenty of the city of Guelph, was sold recent- Jy fel. three thousand five hundred dollars. Twelve years ago, /this farm was bought for five th Dusaild dollars; and during the interval at least one thousand dollars has been spent in ,permanent improvements, and build- ings, fences, ete, ',eve been well kept iup. This farm is iu one of the most Jerti,le agricultural districts in all Can- ada; And has, or should have, reaped all the benefits,of the home market the „protective tariff creates, yet it appears to have declieed in value to the ex- tent of fifteen hundr4d dollars, not iinproyementie This farm ,may not be a typical one there may •,be sonadepecialcanse for its decline in •value, but the general position of the „farmers of ,Onterio is such as to make jt probable .that this Crarafrs4a farm represents .the rule in regard to the f arming lona proyiuce of .Ontario at knit. REGULAR • MEETING. The regular meeting of the Munici- pal Cotincil was held in the chamber on June 3rd. All the members pres- ent. Reeve Bryan in the 3hair. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and on motion of councillor Murdoch were confirmed. The following accounts were pre- sented and on motion of councillor McQuaig, seconded by councillor Mur- doch, were passed and ordered to be paid :—Robt. Findlater, auditing col: lector's roll, treasurer's books,ete., $10; A. Macintyre, auditing collector's roll, treasurer's books, etc„$10. Moved by coUncitlor Murdoch, sec- onded by councillor McQuaig, that the clerk advertise for tenders to build -bridge on Campbell street near Tre- leaven's mill Tenders to be received up till Monday, June 16th.—Carried. The clerk was instructed to adver- tise for tenders for grading, gravelling, etc., for the year 1890. Tenders to be received up till June 16th. to suit the times. CAMERON, MURDOCH & CO. LUCKNOW & DUN GANNON- MILLINERY I Our millinery department is supplied with the newest and best goods in the market. Ladies are invited to call and see us, No trouble to show goods- % A Plea for the Birds." It is now the' 'season of the year when the small boy and the amateur sportsman provided themselves with ammunition and a gun; then hie thetn- selves out into the highways and b ways to shoot and destroy all t e pretty plumaged and singing birds that are unfortunate enough to come with- in range; while the festive crow smell- eth the powder afar og and hieth himself hence into a place of safety. But retribution will come, for there is a statute, duly enacted and enrolled, that provideth forthe welfare of those who , destroy insectivorous birds, so that all people must take notice that on and after this date it will be strict- ly enforced: ' If you must shoot, shoot at a mark, or destroy something that is destructive, but, as you expect to wear wings yourself some day, don't fire at the usefril and pretty birds. Tnrt Geners1 Assembly orothe Pres- byterian Church in the United .State .4e9kled to,Pitnnit" sae relation of •••••,,ammttionionottl ..•.PREPARE. FOR SPRING • I have on hand a; full supply of prepared paints 11 colors, "Paris White" whitening and ala- bastine, the best wall coating any shade, white -wash, paint and all other kinds of brushes. SA.P PAILS, DAIRY_,FAILS, CREAMERY CANS AND MILK FANS & ALL KINDS F TINWARE, CHURNS, WASHING MA - Chines, wringers, (cheap,) and cistein ..0-6,4004111firprer —Post card are to be post -marked only on the face or address side of the card, both at the office where. posted Awl ,t, tbo office of .deliyev, 0. K. building paper, the best and cheapest in the market, indistinctible and vermins proof ; also carpet felt, tarred and brown feltbuilding paper. Barb wire, plain twist, oiled and annelled and "Z M : P 1•Ts a ii "'VS?'" 1 IRJ Parties who intend to build, would find it to their ad- vantage to give me a call. Eavetroughing a speciality. Repairing promptly attended to. TCOs. ti.da..-vcrumisTcm, mitramwoxiv- 4 1 • ,K