HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1890-05-30, Page 8or', •
Hours; s a, p. to 7 p. ;
W"G,AB,South 0:13 a. tn. Daily
t 30p.m
.a06488.B. North 3.48 p. m.
utermediate Points J 00p. In.
L. 11. SG B. North 10.30p, m.
t '
3.00p. ra., and
Pilans CLOSE •
•L H. & B. South
L.H.& B:South 10.00 a. in.
W G.& B. North. 3-t0 p. m•
; •
<Minot 4ndVitinit O.
Owing to the, Provincial elections
taking place on the 5th of June, the
Meeting of the Bruce County Council
at Kincardine has been changed to
Tuesday, the 17th of June.
Court of Revision
At the court of revision on Tuesday
evening last; the only Case of appeal
against assessment was Mr. James
—Wilton, who asked tharlot 498 be fa--
duced. It was rAduced-$50.
A Handsome Reei
The Council have purchased from a
Seneca Falls, New York firm a very
fine two -wheeled hose reel for the use
of the Lucknow Fire Brigade. It is
a perfect beauty, of solid steel, and
tent wheels,.. and can carxy Omit
$00 feet of hose. it cost the corpora,
4-ij.sm $90.
QuIsiting Match
A quoiting match was played , on
Monday last between the members of
the ,Lucknow club, and resulted in
Alex. Lawson taking first prize, Wm.
The Lucknow Sentinel, Bruce Oounty, Friday, May 30tiv
IOW Wanted NEWS OF TOE TOWN. In Condolence
Servant girl wanted to do general
•••,. - 0.. • ,o..0,00,-,0
-house work. Apply to Mrs. Thos. A. Week's Beeord of the Pushing Border' With Bereayed Parents on the
Young, havelock St., LIICknOW. Town. Vikeir Dallugh‘er,
menS or bop_ rea,dy made
Another Swindling Dodger
A new scheme for cheating unwary
farmers is a ploughshare fake. A.
farmer receives on/trial a new plough
share. If it suits he signs what, he
believes to ibe an agreement but which
turns out to be a note.
L°^001721. 91M.' • ZIMEP ',15Afttie•-4460NIM Mat.
e ega es o Oon erence
At the Kineataue Districasmeeting
of the Methodist chi held at
Ripley last week, Messrs. Walter
Treleaven and D. C. Taylor were
elected delegates to the Conference to
represent the Lucknow congregation.
FteforwrM eeti ngs
Mr.° H. P. O'Connor will address -
the electors of the South Riding of
May 30th; Holyrood, Saturday, May
31st, and Whitechurch, Monday,
June 2nd. The meetings will com-
mence at 8 o'clock p. m.
Bright Prospects in Manitoba
Hon. Thos. Greenway, Premier of
Manitoba, says prospects ivere 'never
brighter than things in general indi-
cate this Spring. Vast progress Was
-made- urseeding operations, and the
12earig_pnt in the grAmod_ancThr.:
good auspices and the subsequent rains
having been plentiful and warm, the
yield promises to eclipse anything
ever heard of.
An Old Veteran
•A recent issue of the Toronto Globe
contains a Most 'thrilling account of
the part Mr. John Stewart;W-PalSW
Ont., played in the Canadian rebellion
of '37. How he took thOield with
William Lyon MacKenzie,1 was cap-
tured and jailed in Torontojall, thence
taken to Fort 'Henry at Kingston
where he suffered many hardships and
indignities, finally escaping from ens,.
For the consolation prize Harry Days
took first, Win. .Bowers second. and
• Jack Adams third.
• • Base Batt
On Saturday,' May 24th, the base
,..ba11 club "Nelson League"of S. S. No.
'3', Kinloss, under' Capt. John McMil-
• lan,, visited S. Sb NO. 11, Huron to
a scheduled match with the
• ,,,4,•,.,'.!4"Huron _Chiefs", .under Capt. Frank
Patterson. On arrival at the grounds
the 'latter club declined to play ,and
, the game was awarded to tbe Nelson
League"'club by score -of p to 0.
Bright Prospects
W. R. Callaway, District Passenger
Agent, Toronto :
WINNTPEG, May 27,7—Reports just
.in from sections of country to Regina, 1f
Modsotuin, Glenborb, Plum Creek;
Deloraine and Brandon, shewing . an
increase of about twenty per cent. in
a,Creage under crop .Farmers. in good
spirits over prospects for large yield.
.Grain *ell rooted and premises for
good crop could not be better.
soil, and afterwards returning a free
man, Mr. Stewart 'is still hale and
hearty. '
Tell,Your Right Age
Parties who insure. their lives in.
benefit gocieties,• as well as in old line
companies, can't be too careful in
giving their correct ages.. • Recently
the A. 0. U. W. successfully resisted
the payment of a claim on the,life of
a man who gave his age at 49 .when it
was proved in court that he was at
least 55, though it was generally
thought he was nearer 60. Now, if
any of our readers have intentionally
or by mistake given the wrong age
they had bettersave their money or
get the matter,corrected. • Insurance
ompanies and societies will be' com-
mended, by all right thinking people
or being particular in this matter.
Conservative Meeting
A 'meeting in the interest of Mr. J.
M. .Roberts,' was held at Belfast nn
Saturday night .last, and was attended
by a number of the leading ConServa-
‘ Lives and a few Reformers. The chair
was occupied by Mr.. Robert- Webster,
• of Ashfield, Befilea Mr. Roberts,
speeches were delivered in favor of
him*y Messrs. Dr. Holmes and Dr..
Shannon, of Goderich, and Mr. R.
Porter, M. P., while Mr. James
merville advocated the claims of Mr.
J. T. Gai'row, the Government candi,
date The meeting, though small;
was decidedly .Conseryative, and a fair,
heating was accorded all the speakers.
An Cutrageous Act
OiMonday night,In.st some wound-
• rel eia in two a fifty. foot length of
the s re hose that has been used for
wat 1 mg • the streots. It is inde«1
hats to believe that ve have living
vg'c such fiOnds, but from
the any, Tet:ent incendiary fires and_
sithe lutiageous'deeds that have been
connweare compelled to admit
that 'y are living with 'us, creatures
base d degraded enough to commit
• any in the 4! trk calandar of
crim nd it is orily the 'mean, COW-
arc11\ a.r 1. f thejr ()an vile carcasses
that Ts them from murder and its
assoc. climes. This last act. was
net t work of a minor, as the ihsfkl-
!nevi', destruction must have had
t the )'trong arm of a full -
grow • tid to accomplish s elCan.
cut c. le heavy, ruhher-lined hose.
.Deed .rottrel..d in greater mystery_
'than r ;, however, have been brought
and, we Ifave :strong hopes
that t's. perpetrators of the act will
yet 1.1,, . L the sentence they so richly
Indepe dent Foresters4„...
• A Court of the Independent Order
of Foresters was. organized here on
Wednesday evening last, by Mr. Poole,
of, Lorlon,--and the new society starts
out with nineteen. charter memb?rs
and a bright prospect • for future
success. The following is a list of the
Officers :, • ,
. Court Deputy—J. C. Grundy.
• Chief Ranger—D. 111: Hayes:
Vice .Chief Ranger -4A. D. Congram.
Recording Secretary—H. Wilson.
Financia Secretary.—M. Campbell jr...
Treasurer—Thos. Reid..
Senior' Woodward—J, Wallace.
J unior Woodward. -W. , J. Lyons.
• Senior Beadle -A. McKinnon.
Junior Beadle—K. J. McLeod.
• Chaplain—H. Young.. •
Court Physician—Dr. Gordon.
Past Chief Ranger—R, 'Grat:tin,
Notice to Farmers
Owing to a very great improvement
, •
in, the water power. of the Lift:know
Roller Mills, which will enable me to
run b'y water abotit nine months in the
year, a very great reduction in running
expenses Of the mill, no wood, no
•engineer to pay for, to benefit the far
mers with light wheat in the future if
they will clean it well. I will give a
return O 0 Ins. of flour and feed in
every GO lbs. ef wheat, no matter what
it may test. .GO: KERR.
•L-A'good ennlity• of tapestry carpet.
for 35 cents a yard at Connell's,
beantiful work entitled
"Heroes of the Dark Contintent"
!being delivered to sub.,;cribers by Mr. •
R. Graham, ner,t1 at his office or t•lie
SENTINEL office.
—'We love ,juAt rocfi,vpd another -lot
Of those lyhster shirtings Nothing
to beat them for -wearing and washing.
A full range of patterns and prices to
select from. CAMERON, MURDOCH d CO.'
_Miss Latta Berry left .on2Wednes-
day far- Clinton and Seaforth where
$1i will take part, in the programme
of a concert in -each place on Wens -
ay and Thursday.
Death of
suits try Connell, Lucknow. The following letters of sympathy
—Mrs. J. Bryan is spending a week were sent to Mr. and Mrs. Rutherford,
with friends in Kincardine. of St. Helens, on the occasion of the
—Mr. W. j. Treleaven ishome death of their daughter Janet a few
from the Toronto University. weeks ago :
4—The Council will ins sect. the
weei.a.sorir.--"WiRiirel-A97• I'
mg next. 9
To Mr. and Mrs. Rutherford caul family :
— Mrs. D. E. Cameron, of Toronto,
is visiting at her mother's resideRee in
— Dr. and Mrs. T. J. Walker and
son, of Edgarton, Mass. are the guests
of Rev. J. Walker, of this village.
—Go to Cameron, Murdoch Si Co.
for • anything you want in the red
glove line.
LucknoW Presbyterian Young Peoples'
Soeiefy of Chrintian foiiosving
resolution was read and adopted : It is with
feelings of sorrow that we leanof your sore
bereavement in the removal of your loving
Janet from this earthly scene. During the
short time she was a member of our society,
her modest and amiable christian deportment
won our admiratiod and respect. Your hearts
will be sore and your homes dark., but we
ytitir--loss-wilt be her exceeding great
gain. We lire also cheered in the'conficlence
that you enjoy the consolations of the. Great
Comforter making true in your happyexper-
ience 8ueh wont ()US
— e 1 pwort eague gave a very
fine' entertainment in the church on
ruesda? evening. last.
—Mrs. John Baird and daughter, of
Toronto are the guests of Mrs. (Dr.)
Garnier, in this village.
—Rumor says that one of our
popular bar -tenders is shortly to join
the ranks of the beiiedicts.
—For a good line of lace curtains
go to Connell's. He has them from
s a pair up. .
—Mr. Pollard, Dungannon, sus-
tained rather ,�. heavy loss recently in
having a horse stolen, valued at $150.
—Wanted. A good smart boy to
learn watch waking. One from the
country preferred. Apply to Jonri-
WALLACE, 'Audi:MAN,. • -
—All kinds.of groceries of the best
qualities kept at the new grocery very
cheap, as we sell for cash and produce
only. Goods delivered to any part of
the town.—Geo: Kerr.
—No services. will be. conducted in
S. Peters church next
eV. Mr. Goldberg will be absent froin
Lucknownfor a few days in London.
,—Wanted immediately 25 'or 30
small pigs. Parties having the -same
to part with should 'state age, breed,
and price. Address, Box. 70, Dungan-
non, Ont. ,
—Mr. W. M. Dack,-the popular,
Reform candidate ,for Centre Bruce,
gave us a .call on Wednesday, and re-
ports that his prospects for re-election
by • an .increased majoriiy are very
bright. He addressed a large meeting
at Paramount that evening and was
well received.
We now pray that we may be all led on to
explore more and more of the glorious fields of
divine truth, that we may have grace to draw
out more largely of the rich wells -of salvation.,
and that we may be abundantly blessed in all
our afflictions.
Signed on behalf of the society,
A. McKay,. President.
St. Helens, May,14th,1890.
Dear Mrs. Rutherford
The members of the W. F. M. Society take
this -opportunity of expreSsuig their sympathy
with you and your household at this time, It
'expresS What Wel-eel in words,
but we assure you that you all have our sym-
pathy and prayers. We commend you to
• Christ, who is able to comfoq all sorrow.
"Like as a father pitieth his children, so the
Lord pitieth them that fear him. 'For he
• knoweth our frame, he rcmeinbereth that we
aro dust."
In tiame.of the W. F. M Society,
a4A...r•es„a50,DiTtaa `0,
Fine night dresses embroidery
trimmed for 75 cents.
Ladies under skirts, embrofdered and tuckal
from $1.25 'and upwards. Lovely all over
for infants and children cheaper than •you
• can make them
—AT 65 CENTS.— )114_
Just opening to -day a case of fancy, haAteixi
all the latest styles, also a lot of new
flowers at
/FS °A.T
' • •
- - -
Address to Rev. F. A.,111eLennan.
Address .presented to • Rev. '1Y. A.
McLennan by the session and 'congre-
gations of Dungannon and Port Albert
May 27, 1890, on the occasion of the
induction of Rev. Robert Fairbairn,
1'. A. McLennan'.
DEAR SIR :—On this auspicious .oc-
casion we, in the name of the Session
and united congregations of Dungan-
non and Port Albert, desire to express
our obligations to you for the hearty
and active interest you have taken in
ourwelfare during the vacancy. -Your
relation to us . as- Moderator of the
Session has been most pleasing and
agreeable,and we recognize the .t.t;is.:
dom., firtnnesa- and courtesy which have
characterized you in the relation you
have sustained to,,us.
Weapowe it to your 'kind and .activ
interest, in no small measure that th
vacancy w4cli has extended to abou
five months his been so filled. Worcl
are meagre and inadequate to expres
our deep sense of gratitude to you fo
he kindlyinterest you have taken i
ur best and highest well being
Allow us 1:3 assure you that•the men
ry of your relation to us and th
ilicieucy with which you have, dis
hargecl the duties ef that relation wil
e deeply engraved uponour hearts
Wishing you and your estinabl
artner in life and young fannly, tb
lessings of a kind Providence and o
ur gracious Heavenly Father um.
inch succes -in the work of the Lord
e ;ire in the name III the session and
mgregation yours most. oTatefully7
VM. 1171' 11. M. DUFF'. ,
For congregation. Session. Clerk
angannon, May 27, '00. ,
Mr. McLennan replied expressing
s appreciation of the kindly senti
ems contained in the address now
esentecl, and his pleasure, in being
surod that the service he had rendered
behalf of the congregation had been
ceptable to them. He congratulated
mu in I having secured a settled pas.-
✓ after a brief vacancy, -and expressed
e earliest hope and confidence that
e relation which pastor and people
tain to one 'another may lae a mu -
al blessing to thein.
announce to the people of Lucknow and surrounding country, that any
8191VI Jg."
S. 0 Al 7 55
coming to me having their teeth out, that I will put in two: sets of teeth,
pri:,.e of one set, • $15, made of the very best material in the world.
use no rubber but C. ASH Sz SONS, Londen, 'England. The teeth.Will.bo
C. Ash & Sons, and S. S. White's, cotceded by all who are in the ,
business to be
noqualed Im T9
11.0;IMISRMIII INfaa=ii• . •
Those firms have their names on their goods, and thepeople can .see '.hat they ,•
are getting, and as I use nothing .but the best material, I will guarantee sat-.
•. . •
•isfaction to all reasonable people, the unreasonable and there 'at.'3' a few..•
such in the world, will please bear in mind that 1 don't want their, trac
I can always be found at Dr. Meet -bullion's office, Lucknow.
D. 13.13,,TTEnSON, Llickaow.
Is as usual ahead
Leadig:„ Photogra
in the finest styles and positions for photos,
F` ET HOT 8,
Finest retouched, and 'burnished, $37.6Q.k
to $3 per aoz. Cards $1 to $2 per aoz.
He saiso keeps a large sock stock of spectacles, especially
• ,the well-known.
and also deals in Be-' Keepers supplies, N -
books, stationery, albums, frames and fancy goods. •
Remember the studio, E. L,, Johnston's old stand. Ncia
door to Iteid's bakery.