HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1890-05-30, Page 5The Lucknow Sentinel, Bruce County,.Friday, May 80th). aaataamaramancv 1 Sttk13L.dt7CCtdbH.d.A5...G. .d1A14.JPYAL' EW11"' • _v93•441 House e c eaning, with all its. work, annoyance bother use trying to get d - _ • and wow ry -ls here, There �e is no around, a x'� , I t. .�. o u . _. 9 r CS a, e, au is worse.and more of it, it must be attended to now, at once. That's what we think when secure any of the bargains we arewe say that to offering in Lace ul:tains, Curtainnettm Scrims, (White, e, Cxeam. and Colored). Carpets Ilemp Uni©aTayestx , W901 as/ anselsa Ta kings, T&1Q,P no. Organ _end -Mantle coven. lvEc 2 Ti .per.✓. f ✓�+-iw T �.1� 1 1 ,D ■/�.y_' i'-'• �a.✓ 'l ��--zz ` ' � Li We have tliem now, but whengone cannot .be replaced at the prices we are sellingt them at. You will also require w., E CH E GS, PRINTS _ will need 7 , '.i.INGHAMT Th��t��,r�c' robe���.ro � _li�� attention,. And this is why we say it. Theood The prices are right and that's what sells them. s are hear. LL IT'S ALMOST' AS GOOD AS GIVING GOOD SCRUB BRUSHES AWAY ' O2 1311 1 •�., YET WE .UO _IT. d • Remember the place, The Cheap Cash Store. ciNA RE'S OLD STAND. r : - YOURS FAITHFULLY, • Presbytery of RI aitlana. The Presbytery Of Maitland .met at TWinghatn on May 13. Moderater, A. McKay. Session,records were ex- amined and. attested. A call from • Dungannon and Port Albert in favor bf Rev. Robert. Fairbairn,' 13. A. was sustained and accepted. Tt was ar- ranged t'>at the induction take place in. .Lc' kine /church, Dungannon, on Tuesd• 27th inst. at 2 pd m., •the moderate'[• to preside; •Mr. G. McKay to preach, 'Mr. D. Davidson to address the minister, and 14Ir. '•.F, A. McLen- nan to address tl.e congregation. The following; elders were appointed •coni- :missiorters to the General Assembly : Messrs: Thos. Strachan, Brussels.; W. Dawson, •I,angs'cie ;' Peter Fisher, Rip- ley; IL M. Duff; Dungannon;; and Rev.' D. Davidson was appointed com-• missioner to 'take the place of Rev. J._.L. -Murray resigned. Iii accordance with notice of motion previousiy•given r it was ag'et} tint t the March meeting of the Pr sbytery shall be itinerating. Mr,.. McLLennuri gave notice. that he will •►no •e at .. next meeting, that the : systes ' followed at' present' for • lip • poin`tn.� commis.,ioners to the General :1.ssetnbly be changed. Circulars were. • read fromseveral Presbyteries regard- ing their inte;i•tiun to ask leave of the General - Asembly, to receive as min- - ' isters• of this 'church in all fourteen ministers May 23,' 90. JOHN MACNABB, Clerk. ANOTHE;; MEETING. IThis Presuytery met in Erskine church, Dungannon' on., May 27th. "The,,memher • present were Messrs.. A. McF ay. K. M c l)ur(.ald,' D, David- son, .F. A, 14IcL.'+:; ••t'i, R. S. G. An- ders n, M. !1.., L1, , �., T. M.cNibb �, min'ters,.nrid i.1. J: Bennett,' elder. ifs R,ev..M r,. Oacrya Episcopal church and Revs. Potter. and Irwin, Metho- dist church were invited to s`it•as tor- ° rtrsponditi g n>emoera.. After the eel.; mon by Rev. K. ':1+•Donald, the R v, Robert i+'.tirbairn, l:. X , was inducted 'into the pastoral e;l1:r"4r of Dungannon and Port AI}, rt. li: v.A. MacKay presided, R"v. 1 r. : >:rvir,,on addressed the minister, and llev. F. A.. 14I3Len-. • nun' address, l tkri c ,ngregation. The .newly inrlilcted minister received the right hand of weloome from the con- gregation as they were retiring from -the church:- 'There•waa a good attend- ance of Members and adherents of the congregation and a fair' number from Port stlibert. BULL FOR SERVICE. x ----- MR. THON. IAS 'EDWARD }'INLAY will keep for service, this season, at ,• n Lot 6,Co h. . J Aslrfiel(! ,his celebrated thorough bred shorthorn bull, Earl Byron. Earl Byron bred by'1'honras Edward Finlay, Lanes, tint., got by Highland Chief (imp.), 1257 ; • darn. - Beiva Lockwood, 14211, by Baron Lusli. 1388; .Minnie Warren: 7230, by Sir, John, 3900; Maid of Raven Hill, 3810, by Lothair, 800 ; Beauty of the Valley, 2446, by Constancte's Duke, 441 ;• Beauty Roan (imp.);.32, by Chil- ton, 10054: Conntesi, by Shamrock 2nd, 8555 ; Gazelle, by Splendid, 5298, by Prince Comet,. 8425, 'bred by Mr. Allenby. Ternis $1,25. 848-t f, Dern aine R:ti n, $23 l oese :1in9 - 28 Glethora', - 28 Saltcoats, - 28 MOo�"swjE7w,30 Calgary; 35 - COTTAGE TO RENT. ea - mo RENT. A STO:JE COTTAGE .IL with five rooms; good cellar and half acre of orchard attached, suitable for a small family. One and a half miles from Luckuow. Also pasture for a, cow if required. ,ALEX. GRAHAM, Lucknow, P. 0, Kinloss, May 12th, .1890. 0 Ilu Grocery ! I WANTED, Men to take orders for Nurse • 47' Stock, o>y Salary or Commission • I can make a success- ful salesman of any who will work rk or follow Y. m ill IliI1V1ENSE BARGAINS• y stiuctions. Will salaryfurnish handsome out, •l tit free, and pa:y your or commission 1`Iaving just received a large' consign I.every week. Write for terms at once. ' ment of Fre h cer Groies, J (12-846 • ' Toronto, Ont. BULL FOR SERVICE. Groceries,' Choice ��1�. �OuM E, O. GRAIIAM,i Nurseryman, .0:.!4 i1t1HE UNDERSIGNED WILL. KEEP �q ^'�/ L for service this season at north halt Lots °holes Tobacco 53 'and 54, in the 1st con„ession of Kirlriss Inc N �I superior bred Shorthorn Bull "Solomon." . PEDIGREE •:-Solomon, is red, calved June '20th, 1'888, bred by Thomas Anderson, Dun- ' 'gannon, Ont., got by Wallace (imp) 27:12 darn ' %Alis' lAhoderic Dhu :3801 • Jennie, 1165, b Dixie �r C need Goods. Minnehaba, by I>onbledee 481 ; Primrose, by Duke, 474 ; Maid of the Foret, 145,1 by John'. A. McDonald, 721 ; Mayflower, 1514, by Alfred 304 ; Evac 981, by Souter Johnny, 1083; Florent-a' i;,+htitFgsiu,'11167, by Young Cambridg;e,11.78 ,•' Lady Elgin, 1252, by Dalli- more 463 ; Eliza, 955, by Doke, 481 ; Count- ess 2nd, 783, by l.eoprld, 761. Countess ].t• .782, by Son of C+inlet (imp), 238, (1n 5) ; Prin- cess (imp) 419, by, Son of ,Lancaster, 360, by -a son of Windsor, 605. TERMS i- $1,2:, ; thoroughbreds, 85.00, RODE1iIQK GrOLLAN, . 851 Luckno•v, P. O. cn SPEOIAL COL- ONIST EXCUR- SiOIVS will leave an points in On't Trio, Siiarbot LakeKing- ston and Westtihero f, JUNE n l7tlt' Return 11 .141y 270, 1590 • JUNE 24th Return out it August 4th,1800 - t ' JULY 8th Return until An; u k IFIi , 1A0e For full particulars apply to rearcn 3:•znon or Ticket Agent, , John litnrela son'Agen t, l(.itchnoay. THECOOICS BEST FRIEND HOUSE AND LOTS FOR SALE. 'UM SALE A BRICK COTTAGE AND seven village lots on Victoria street, in this village. This is a bargain for 'anyne wanting a cheap place. Apply to • WILLIAM WALKER,- Luaknoww. • NTE TO SELL. OUR -CHOICE .N'"1:'R,SEY stock. No experience reglrire(I. Steady work. the year round. Liberal pay guaranteed. Outfits free Write for terms anti commence at once, 4tWood & Company, 5 mos. -851. Nurserymen, Geneva,,X. Y. A O' , E! FRE! Insure your farm property, private dwelling, in the e1(1 reliable, the LONDON M UTUAL -I AM ALSO AGENT FOR - CITY MUTUAL AND CITIZENS: '01E,, -A. ROSS harness shop, Lueknow: Will be in the office every Saturday afternoon, gee: Grant, Agent, LUCklnoW Glassware Teas, Coffees, • ane Sugars, which will be sold-. cheap at the glib Grocery. Goods delivered to all parts of the village, JOHN ELLIOTT BULL FOR SERVICE - HORSE S MLL1 ERY! :0: OF 'INTEREST TO THE LADIES. - --- -:0: Mr.. J, Murchison, Lucknow, has opened a new millinery store in the, stand lately ocoux- pied by Mrs, Findlater. The business is strict- ly millinery. THE poops ARE ALL NEW THE LATEST STIFLES. THE PRICES THE LOWEST.. Mrs, Murchison will be pleased to have you call and inspect the stook' before prirchasirigA: • A Oi F � :o: T':fokDheEiIm EdWISHES TO this section that lie will keep for service, this season, at Lot 11 in .the 8th con. of the eastern division Of Ash field, a'superior bred short -horn bull, "Red Iiismark." Pram REE :-Red Bismark is red, calved -tarot 8, 1889, brit!,) William Mallongh, Dungannon, lh;t., got ry \Vallace(irup4) 2752, dam Annie 8130, by Yount; Sliringwoorl P1 int 6.299 ; (:race 11arp r 2nd 9227; by British Heir `2; ,1 2,'x89 ; Lady Harper- 2nd 6030; by 2nd Famrsa Chief 1782 ; Lady Harper 6629, by Grand Duke ((73 ; Rgse 1833, by Royal Duke of ,A1-10' Ater 1035 ; 'Maggie 14' 9,1 by Lord' of Lune (imp) 115 (161`48) ; Queen of the West 17:,1, by Victor 11:3111(1'2268) ; Daisy 823, by Halton 684 (11552), Lavinia 4th 1342, by Duke of Wellington (imp) 91 (3654) ; Lavinia 2nd 13=0,�by Alexander (inil�) 0 (11099)4 Lavinia (imp) 209, by a son of Seopio (1421), by Ery- holme (1018), by Son of North Star (454.• 'TERMS. -111.00. Th »roughbred same price. PAUL SMEI;.'.PZER,. Belfast, Ont. HOI'1 I rtiG A ND-- GENERAL- ilLACKSMITHINC. :0: • Adam Thompson begs leave to tbs.th 'inhabitants of Lucknow andsnrrtmndin enuatry for the liberal patronage' bestowed 0- him during the, last seven years, and vi7bes ,. continuance of his old customer•; and a ta... e, silo.*e of the new, as beds in a better osit.gnir, than ever to supply the wants of the pub! IIe always has 'on hand a stock of - PUBLIC NOTICE. . MOUT INTO POUND, ON MA'S, 10TH5 1880, a young red bull. If it is not claimed in ten days after this notice the ani • nfieri,iia vill lie Bold, He is at Lot 8, Oen. g ABti• PATTL REED, Poundkeeper, Belting P. 0•. • wkePo •s :t.I gigues 11 of all kinds, He also will remind their of his far famed SCOTCH 0 AM®N® HA>t 0WS which he alway has on hand and are made the very best material, Parties wanting an' thing in this line will do well to give him scat - and see prices before purchasing elsewher4 Particular attention paid to ALL KiNDS OF NORSE SHOEING. flat feet, contractions, and interfering. 'By strict attention to business(, good work manship and employing nothing but good workmen, t trust to retain the-patrons<t* kindly extended to me. / ADAM THOMPRO 1 Oempbell Btrete opposite the Bei lc •