HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1890-05-30, Page 1r .- F%r. ,. M( �f.1. •T•+i�.*t,R', nn,; neL. d"Y.'CE... t"_Vii1. " w'M`-._. :'d.L'"diJBCG�u •.-'Tet'.i4•Vfu:T,id d/�-'JC VOL XVII. -22. r naahn ow _ entiu t • SQ � D Ts pui.liphed every Friday at th,� " Sentinel" l,luuis, north-east corner of Outram and l'ampbell Sts., Luoknow,• EY EDITOR & PUBLISHER. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. ALL lif4MS f3T yOB , 'ARINTING EX EctITED wrrit NEATNESS BltisSP.•lTC11. MELMCAL uD'nNAL.D7ICD)., (_i; N1. C. •!P • 0. Office, Kinta,il. irk R. 'rENNANT, PJ1YSICIA.N,. ill Surgeon and Accoucheur. Surgery op- posite p-•posite Cain s hotel. ' Office hours from 9 tu.12 a, ut._ and from 2 to 5 p. m. 11CD. GORDON, M.D., C.M., F.T. M.S., M C.1'.S.U., . Physician, Sur- geon, and Accouuhenr. Office next Goer to W. Lucknow 11,•tel. • r eas LUCKNOP ONTARIO, FRIDAY, MAY 30, 1890 WD' HOLE NO. 854. THE ATARM Fire TEATIOL e players and tensa church, and the] e FOR the >Luctl 3 0 T) S IC' DE_ MONSthe-• � -- awarded _heautifu-1- .p.rize. - The c�iurch, Rev. Mr. Anderson following is a list of th 1' • Presby - their - lkuoav Brigade. ieir positions : Hy newly OLD I O EER ST'H E, LLJQtKN' OW ROSE COLORED WORDS ARE NOT needed to win bargains we will offer fur the next thirty days, For thirty days we will give you 20 YDS. GINGHAM :FOR $1. 10 YDS. ALL WOOL DRESS -GOODS • FO11, $1. '20 YDS. TOWELLING FOR $1, 20 YDS, PRINT FOR $1, , 1>llin'sirnpleuaeut situp. ltrsidluru:e at 1neHent, 1 Y 41 e § tils'E1'S FOIL 22C. t i LBS, TEA lt'OR $1, -� �1. D. GET)DES, W. S., CAULS' ; either by ni il-, or tek.;ram pr2n,iptly attended to. Chau' i moderate. Mine, Cur - rig rt's hall, Buard.'ng house, Cain's hotel. l:ucknow. • LEUAL - Nr(oN 'UM AN, nn r'lrrs;ST(z•N els,, in H. 0. G. Kiulough P. 0., Ontario. �y ARROW & PROUDI+OOT, BARRIS- 7f tors, Solicitors, etc.., '-•x'lerich, Out.. T. G. G.tuillw, Q. C.' Wn.,I'uut:i)ruOT. j LLIOT r1RAVL+'1;, •ATTOV EY AT 44 law, Solicitor in Chancery, 'Convey• anter, etc., Offiue,'nextdoor .to iilurchisun's jewellery st,re, Lucknow, Out, T. MOR,RISON, ATTU1tNEY AT e law, Solicitor ;n Ch incery�, C%ommis- s ioner, Conveyancer, ,jtc, Office, over the • ;earlier shop. -1-o 0,13 CITNNINGITAAM, Ii7t,U1,' :ince; Fired,, Marine, Guelph, Ont. m ON'E'Y,TO i3OA.N! l I-IAV1: A FEW thousand dollars to invest for ,private ltaarties, at .,ie:,souable . interests. .ELLIor '1.'RA\•Vi•:it5. T 4 ON IW9'Q i3OAN ! ON t+Ii ST-('Lr15S nrort, ,sites at 7 tp 7R p it ctiut: int Crest, payabld. } ea.'.,y. Charges moderate, Apply to Rolu to .11t•it:.al:, St. ]•lelenit. - OHN mi.TRU?tISON, 0. 1'. It TICKET agent. Ono way. excursions to the North \Vest'raatl Pacific Coast. Full infortnation to ,intending traveller., to any -part of.the world, 11/ 11/1. � ONENTiTO,T,OAN t A.T6 PERCENT' frnn�,2 ;tu •2'0 years. Lists of farms for sale in O,.tariio,•as well as . �Ian)itoba. Parties desirous to sell fauns will clans,alt their inter',- . est:s byiti }tela;its the advertising facilities. of Sub's;•ribor id; Great Britain and Tre.and and' • - continent i -f• land*, for sale. A,,ivat: s'S ri•;wyitr',' - Land Valu.af,or, Lnckn'.w, Ontarir,. ' ST WAWA IN ()SII, TAIL) '1'' LA", I?i:e ;Insurance Company, hoard of directors meets fur the: transactiin ut biisiness on the first:Tuesday each innnth. , Parties. wishing to ii.i.ye ttar-irpreperty insnPed "in , this increasingly' popular bnmpany,, will by,biving notice, be caiied a:lx;n by an agent or by • one of the Directors. Business c --tIls• prianptly attended to'. •' Office, Dunganlilrn, .T, 'At ROBERTS, See"rotary, Wm. L.'N1;, Treasurer. SO EVES - . UC'K:VOW Lodge, No. 112 finer is every Friday r - r„� evo,ing at 8 dri:lock in their hall, (yampbell s; •t, All brethren cordially invited. i). T,cYi.oit, :V'uljlossSeaud; 'Jong ELidof, Recorder. - • • .r t •+ �0, LitcknnW• - Meet � , 'evr. s' a,y. first and third ::"•`"• :4loiiday, in e v e r'y , moet;-a, al 'he Odd - fellows 1 '.1. Visit- . ing brethren a r d: --,—..,„'cordially � wired. A. ti' •;•,(s1::v N4.:"',.v'q, �a.�L4"• s6 ' D. D. ,Yci /ltd. U. IJ. W. LITC,K\( v LODGE, 0F' thr, A'iti..nt'( rrt.i' 1Tnitcti•'Vvnrkinun, pivot in thr ( )JLlaen.: • hall, oft the last and sd'cond :kiottday evr-.iitn ,i of eh -di month at eight o'clock. Visiting I',retliren ,r•ordiailly invited. .1orsN Peeler, . Master Workman. R.-1), CA1f5ttelg, Recortler. . 'ar lr0 N(1w - MECHANIC'S' INSTT-- 1 tote. 'Reading roc.in open every evening from fi to 10 p; m., exe'-uting Saturdays, when the hours. will be frogs, 7 t' 6 p, tn. r1'he, librarian will''be u► atteodiance during these s llonrs, D. 1).'Yur,i , 1'resii'Cent. .JAS, 5811(11 vitae, Secretary. 0" ,STOCK IS COMI'LFTL In all departments and ' We Mean , Business. .0.. I ighest cash prim Ina for wool, W. 4. BRiJM P,TON. THE LUCKNOW - Bfl LAKING CQM?14NY (Not Incorporated.) • • GEORGE M rr , PROPRIETOR.. • MONEY 'ray LOAN. DRAFTS, ISt,5U7?•T) ON. ALL PRIN- cipal joints. Cheques, rlrarts and rnortgages cashed. Notes discounted. Amer- ican currency' & ' American lank drafts • or cheques' bung -ht or sold. Interest allowed on deposits from five dollars and upwards at the rate of^(ive per centum per - annum. Mooev to leort on farm or village property at the -lowest current natty. • Fire insurance e.eclin.=first crass stock _insi inisce-coinriinies only. We have one 200 acre, three 100 acre and two .;i0 acre farms for . sale ' cheap. Office honrs 10 a, m, to 4 p, m. • G. A. SIDDALL, Manager. lill'einioci city, The.,sactieseut of the'Lords'•STapper Was ,'dispen'sed, in the Ashfield church on Sunday last. Despite the rain and inclet`tieticy' of the weather there was a f'aitge'tttrn(iiit.. Nei hboring ministers ;and Mr. Sutherland, of Fingal .were -present. . • fvlrs..J. Layne andfamily of Kincar- dine, who :here, visiting ,1t her father's Tr.. David's'Cowan's, have returned to their hone again. • ' Miss Eliza Cowan is visiting at .her sister's Mrs. C. 'Walker, 0t Ou�loden. Miss Ertitna lieckna-r purposes leav- ing for Chicago shortly. • Mrs. J: Hamilton and. eh.ild • whd` were very iii lately are rvcov'eritig. , On Ve lnes;cl, y of last'"�vr eh •the Yonne Hustlers, of this city, played t;,"' very hot game of Mise -hell "Cvith the Young4Griks, of isle of Shpt, but as always was, is, and- will be ,the Griks Plead the vats • Lai!'gsicie. ,1 Mr. Simeon l lut'nphcric's has gone to spend the su,umer with his brother at Wiarton, • Miss 1lilne has 'begun dress -making hero again. .' Miss Dolly -1ltlrg:in, of ,IIarriston, is �'isiti ir,* friends here. . s • '. • ] Tr. George Clark, of Parkhill, spent a, few days last week visiting.' Mrs. McKenzie. ' A great many of the young people• pent the 24th fishing. Miss Maggie M Kenzie returned orae' last week, slid is somewhat bet-, �..........,.,.,...;,... h er iri health. Miss Phen l° McDonald is ' visiting. fends in Riversdate. -- 111(. Helen Fraser is visiting her aughter Mrs. Morg, of, Harxiston' gh school. Mr: John Murray and the Misses harlotte Orowston and Lizzie Murray S J1+:TBC)1W , L. D. S., fr ps Wingham, will be in r,neitnou on the second and fourth ' Fridajr and Saturday of eaeh month. d Having putchated a large amount of stock at hi r'duced rates; -T am prepared to make good - sets of teeth for $10 and the best that are 0 ado for $12. Filling and extracting a spec - 4 - J. S. JssoME. In tend writing for certificates • ii July. inducted LtiCBI\UW, minister gave short and rr interesting Gonenrce. addresses. Durindr the _a ,e;r.. " • W. Grundy............Puint....., W. 'Black • brated- by our citizens on Monday last W. Campbell... Cover Point._.— Hadl1 with a grand demonstration by the Fire Brigade, and despite the wet( and gloomy appearance of the morning a large crowd from the surrounding country came into the village. The programme of the day's amusement commenced about ten o'clock with a F. Gordon } _ •Defence Field Sharkey J. Berry — Blackford H. Maclntyre... ...Centre... .. — I1faclntyre E. Pope ) COX W. Hornell }, Home Field E.Nicholson G. Kerr ) E. McLean H. Grundy Outside Home P. Shehan J. Kerr ......Inside. Home- D:Nicholson . Umpires-Lm;knoier_, Mure9�Gefkr•i'ch Cal-ttlieempia'n-preeesaidia-and lthou h W t , Kincardine Referee J. there was not • a large turnout of hlurchisuu. "curiosities," yet those'that did appear THE CONCERT. The concert in the evening was the were good and created a great deal of crowning event of the clay .and the amusement as they marched up and Fire Brigade are to be congratulated down the street. The arrival of the on the great success that has attended splendid brass band from Winghanl their efforts on this occasion. The added a b?gT featnre.lo h.e pleasure :of the occasion and 'their playing during the day was greatly appreciated 1 y the large crowd present. The waterworks exhibition or fire- men's fight of brded a pleasing sight for the spectators, but the fours plucky sesa in ie name -of the session • and con its presented gregatlo d the Rev. Mr. 11IcLennan with an address ex- pressing their appreciation of his services in their behalf, as Moderator ` of the session during the vacancy,to is r McLennan which M • c nnan appreciatively replied. A letuer of congratulation to the congregations on the aespicious occasion of the 'induction of 'Ver. Fair herrn fratn--y De ti=e ifLl'narnn '..f' Ou I- d S• ra ane, oriole: pastor of the congre- gations was read. •The congregation • acknowledged the reception of this .• communication by passing a vote of i<1• branchmen Messrs. 1' alcolm and Frank Gordon, and WVan. Grundy ,and Henry Pierce, had a very difficult and trying task, and . richly deserved the prize awarded. .At one o'clock a ,procession was formed and headed by the band. they marched to the Somer- ville Park, -where the ganiits wereit dd. On arriving at the ;;rounds, No. '3 Company of Volunteers, under com- mand of Lieutenant H., .M'rri$on, ave a fine exhibition of the different wan- ai thanks to 11'Ir. Cameron for his kindly interest in their welfare, to be present- ed to him through Mr. McLennan. As Mr. McLennan had to leave before Temperance, Hall was packed'to the the interP,;t;,,g-per, doors wit ih tt e largest' audience that b" 'n� Carry fray , exhausted, the Rev, Mr. Carry was • hes ever assembled in the building, invited to preside, which he dict with and the different events cf'the ]ar,e,t; efficiency and pleasurable satisfaction. programme were carried out to the satisfaction of all; a fact which speaksS. •. volumes for the ability of Mi. Geo. E. Successful 41 n., irudeints ... - Kerr, who tilled the ardous position of Who Passed the nigher Religions 3nstrae . Stage Manager. , After a selection ..,. from the b iOttu,. Ysxa„nlnatiu,i. • / • a trio . the "The three little b.Iaids from School,", by Messrs. G. E. Kerr, Ed. Pope and A. Davison, which.' was • fol. lowed by a splendid recitatioby Miss Jean G. Murray,. entitled the "Gipsy flower • girl." Miss Lalli• Berry next favored the audience tvith the beauti- ful, • sole - " Of then I ate , thinking," calling• forth. applause, which was foie lowed by an instrumental quartette by four members of the Wingllani band. ouvres of drill which go to Stake, petsMr. Ed. Pope then sang a solo "Jack's feet soldiers. The firing was•especiakly 1 lyTcddiug Morn," 'very nicely, and the gond aasd would have done ereclit to the veterans of Waterloo. Ori completion of this display, the athletic sports were -competed for acrd resulted. as follows: ' 100 yard reee.-1st • WM. Sharkie, Seaforth,, grid' T, Little, 'Lima -nosy, 3rd D. Nicholson, Goderich.' Lacrosse race.—lst ,Wm. Shark ie, Seitforth,,-hnd Geor;e -Kerr, Lucknow, 3rd D. Nicholson, Goderich,• , Sack race. -=1st T. Little, Lucknow., 2tud D. Laawrence,. Lu,knoay,,3rd Geo. Kerr, Lucknow. • r Firemens race, 100 yards and 'at tach ilozz'le.=lst T. Little, •Lucknow; 16. serouds, 2nd Wnl. Grundy,• Luck - hisses Enema Smith and Einnra Peart .received applause for their fine render - of the duet, "Carni Ts tbe. Wave," after which Mr -Geo. E. Kerr gave the solo c d yeay, bullet has its billet." , The semis- farce of `Dutchy vs. Nigger" brought the first part of ' the pro- gramme. toe -close, .the Messrs. Harry Pierce, S. Grundy, tied F. Mc,Rtioberts representing 'the'different characters very 'well. . A selection by the baud opened the second part, 'after which, the Lucknow,UIee Club delighted 'the audience '.with ai Riece entitled "Overthe ;vita , e, aWay," iina in response to a hearty encore gave ,t Chinese selection which fairly brought. down the House. now, 17 ;seconds, 3rd T, Grundy, Luck -1 Jigs Emilia (Smith then sang in her new, 3O. sedondt. , • i usual good voice the splendid solo "Lovely Princess Metairie" for which she was well applauded. This .was followed by one of the •hest selections •of the evening, being the duet 'o•illaster tried Scholar," by hiss Lelia Berry and I1S'r, G::' E. •Kerr, which .was greeted with a well-deserved encore. Mr. Kerr -also sang very well 'the, solo "Sailor Lisak." Another farce rept-e- scinting a scene in a; barber shop, and entitled "Slick end Skinner" biought the programme to a close. Those -tak- ing part in it were E. Pope, D: N. Lawrence,- P. Gordon, F. Mel;,oberts, hand Sani ,Grundy, all. of whom didrs theicereus credit in the different parts. 11Itss E. Whitely, acted as accompan fet .thr'oui:hout the entire 'progratnnre Running high jump. --1st T. Little, I4ueknow; 5 • ft. 6 in.; 2nd' Ueo,' Kerr, Lucknow, 5 ft. 2 in., 3rd Jue. I:lllot, Lucknow, 5' ft. • 'k High kick. -•.-.1st T: Little; Lucknow; 8 ft,, 6 in., 2nd 1). McKaiy, Wingliarn, 8 ft. 4 in.,3rd R. Moore, Lucknow, 8 ft. Old mans race.-1st,Wtn. Sciinima- ger, . Lucknow, 2nd John' Adams,. Lucknow; 3rd Archie Anderson,, Wag-. waiiosh. ' • The judges were Messrs. D. Pu: Mc o,h, W. J. Brumptotl, 'arid Jas. ran. Int B'r3 Ovals silo' gam 'o'cla desp the last test The on't Gude pt rac deal one a 1, poin Tlie gretne 'ably of t odds comp for t] of th coati the c of go dealer were and 6 heexciting most event of tile' da y the 'lacrosse tirateli fol; a hanclstlne er cup, bei;veen tlio',Sepo,ya,,�Pf this a ;e, and the: G-odericli club, • The e co niencecl shortly after t'.la`rc'e' tiger,: abet for.tw"r, hours anct a half a (rate strugi;le was made' to secure coveted trophy, and not until the. minute had,c-xpiresl•did the con - lose any 2,g its exeit.iii' features. individual pl�sy of both -clubs was he whole good, but as a ttaatn, the rich ,boys appeared .to have more tice and saved thrmselages nAgroat of ruti,ll•irig by tossing the, brill to notht'r whcnettr t;lu' :;iavv a weak t in -t'he field of their opponent:s. Sepoys,: howeeer, played a' Lille and aithongh•thwv were consider - handicapped by the loss 'of 'dno heir hest players and the heavy in the weight and size, of their e^tito4's, they 'made a brlave fight to championship. The conditions e match were that play should nue for two hours and a half, and lub having the greatest number els to its credit at the finish, was ed the winner:i ,hb goals played, the Sepoys taking the 3rd th, the other six falling 1 o the credit of the Goderich c1ubb who, were. , Mx erg ]Methodist Rand performed her . part of the litter - tali -miens iiter- tair mens gaiter much acceptance. -The- .Izroo,eeds ef"t'ho colrcett amounted to the sunt: 41:1°4.. .. • • " Concert at Diitingaannon The Pi,'sbyterian congregations of Du wean non and Peet Allele" celebrated the occasion. of the'incluction of• the Rev. Robert Fsa.irbnir.u, B. 11.. into the pastoral cerin•'„ (+ of these congregations by a•tsocrd••d concert iii .hrs•kine church, Uungensi4sn,' on t71ti evening after the% }'induction dear r.. 277th, There was a mond ittt(uci�ture Sof 'ponshers and ad- herents of the congregations arid- their frihnels from other - churches. Tho Rev, Ma ,,McLennan presided with. motel ;sat'rfact'ionr4to-all -and by his aflablo anal enurteeus tnatiner contrib- uted in no small dogtee to thelpleasuro of the evening. The choir of Knox church, ,Goderich•, rendered excellent music:- The progtamnre-,- which con- sisted of selections of soared, vocal and instrumental 'music, recitations and Turnip addresses -was moat enjoyable through- mangle and carrot seed ' of the best . - out. The Iiev. Mr. Carry, Episcopal kinds sold,, cheap ,at.. Gleo. l,Kerr'c , ( ' church ott grocery. , ,TORONTO, May 17.2 -Following are among the successful candidates • Higher Religious Instrur'sion°examine- - • tions. Rev T F Z+ �otherin ;ham, con- •vener:of the • committee, states . that owing to a pressure of work he, will be ' unable to finish detailed reports to pre- • siding examiners until after the meets - • ing. of the General Assembly. M. stands for medal, P. for prize. Junior Biblical—N. B. .Alexander, London ; Emily Fez -hes, Sarnia; B. S�, McKenzie, .- London ; John C. - Mills, Enniskillen, .Ont.; Kate !I: Stewart,' ' ' -Meaftird, Ont. ; Bessie M. Sutherland, • .sLondon ; Mary Watson (P.), Perth. Intermediate Biblical—George W Anderson - (P.), -Lucknow ; Kate 13. • Uo!qularuii (P.), London ; Mary J Cox (P.), Luckeow; Della A. Forbes; Lon- , don; Mary McKenzie (P.), Lueetnow ; Annie Morris, -London ; ,Enna, Roth- well, Hamilton; James Smith, Hamil- ' ton. . • (Senior Biblical—Jessie Archibald (P.), Lucknow, Ont. ; Malcolm Black (P.), . Brussels, Ont. ; Katie Duston, Brussels,. Ont..; Harriet V. Harlow, , Dungannon, Ont. ;, Doiiald G. McKen- - zie,, Lucknow, Out. ; ' Nellie Main,. ' .. Hamilton; Elis McTavish, North Bruce, , Ont, ; ' Bella F. Smith, Hamil- ton ; Ida Watt, Meaford, Ont. Jessie ' Wilson (P.)e Caledenia, Ont, . .' . - Intermediate Doctrinal -- Mary ' . •' Allan, Churchill, Oat: ;• Clara' P. Mc • Ewen, Isaketield, Ont, ; Wru. Tierney, - Perth, Ont. ; Margaret Troup, Haniil- ' • • irrn F • Senior Doctrinal—Nellie M Malin ' llapliltnn ; 3Vlaggie:Weston, Hamilton.; : Isabella,- Td,_ Pook (P.), Perth,. • ' 'Junior .I—W, -Henry'' (P�4. , Bruce -field, Ont. ; John N. McLrati;', • • - Sarnial;. 1 eesie Ross .(M.), Brucofield'i_; Anagens Boss (P.), 'Brucef ell ; Geo! ge'• . 1 ..I. Smith (� .), Brnssel's ; Wm. '«T: Strwart (I''.), Brussels. Senior History,--Aiciaie F. Adarn; - frsi,ntil ton. . 1 says --;A. L. Budge (111.),'Clinton, • • Ont, lfrecl �'V, BIci3eth• (P., 'Hn.riiil-• ion; 'Jennie 11tcDenal(1(M.), • Perth ; Wentworth P• 11SCKNItzf(', Ian: c' Sarah \V. Thornton, Hamilton. Ashfield • .. • , • Thr' crops nine° "the' recent warp- ' rains are tnakiif good progress. ' The Sdbl,ath School convention of the Ashfield circuit -will be • held. en - June 13th at !Nope appointment.. . t ' The farmers are altont through wait • • their root crops and will be soon turn- lila' their attention to statute labor" and other work. ---We. have now our millinery de. partnient arranged at the track of • the shop. Ladies patronizing'that depart- ment will find our ' stock complete in all lines of the most fashionable mil. finery. --W. Connell, ' urnip seed of all kinds, also beet,. , • •4. e. t• , ,• ,,w11 �■■ 5' ti