HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1890-05-23, Page 8i LuipcNow Pomona. Hours 8 a. m. to 7 p. m. MAILS Aaurvli. 'WG, k B. S ou•tl 6:13 a' m. Daily �L. H. ;ds B. Nort 12.30 p. in • � of r .s;�[ yropd eel n, 1C nlos�s 1 W, G. B. Neth &48p. Z!i.,. Goderich ntermediate Pointe; 9 00p. m. L. 33, k B • North 10.30 p, m. bangsid • &'B'.;S"utb t 9.30p. m. .'I'', ° II,. &I3 , South L If. &B. South 10.00a.ma. �P G.& B. North 3.20p. in• 1Io1 i rood J 4.30 p.m. 3.00 p. m. MAILS CLosE• Talose The Lu know Sentinel, Bruce County, Friday, May 23rd. Gone to St Paul Mrs. (Rev.)Forbes, who was ca hare to t eathbed of her mot a few weeks ago, left for her home St. Paul, Minnesota, on Wednes last st accompanied by her sister, M .. u. ,. cryr`zTnrtMr.ee-PeeRer`ee r .,et . t 1 e a couple of months in the west for benefit of her health. lied her, in day CI .. Tuesdays and Fridays gi it 1 NEWS OF TUE TOWN. A Week's Record of the rushing Border Towne, —A ,Tot of cheap prints and dress rs. goods at Connell's. ft and ,.ik- • -. � 'no shing les for save the at M. Ce-irigrcrr'cr Queen's Birthday The biggest attractions ever pro- vided for the pleasure of our citizens will be offered at the Queen's Birthday CelebrationonMondaynext, the 26th inst. Two brass bands have been en- gaged, and the lacrosse clubs from Clinton, Seaforth and ,Win • ham will —Mr. W. J. Brumpton's advertise- ment on our first page will be found of interest to all our readers. —Miss Ida Miller, of this place, left on Wednesday to spend a week with friends in Mount Forest. —Lace curtains only 60 cents a pair at Connell's. The cheapest goods ever i HIS PLATFORM. , DR. TENNANT Seeks the support of the electors -of coming contest for a seat in the Leval Legislature, because he will advocate : Ist.—The abolition of all . Tax Ex- emptions, save on State property. 2nd.—The English to be the language of instruction in all Public Schools in Ontario. 3rd,—A non-political head of the Education Department WEARY MOTHERS. 1MIRS. SMITH HAS JUST RECEIVED A CASE OF LADIES AND MISSES ° UNDERWAEE•AT LOW PRICES.- Fine RICES. Fine night dresses embroidery trimmed for 7.5 cents. • Clint and Virivatg. Sm. • Heavy Frosts We ,have had very heavy frosts of a. late, but as yet no serious damage has been .reported. Vegetation has not s advanced sufficiently far to render fall wheat -Or -other -grain, nor -yet -the -trees - liable nor-yet-ithe-trees- liable to damage by frost. #�z ,r' d,. air s. A 0 • • ,tF. IS� 1 Walkerton Stage Mr. Adam Thompson, of this village, has just completed a very fine "covered rig which is to be used as 'a stage coach between Kincardine and Walk- erton. ' It is a credit to the establish- ment. Memorial Service The Rev. J. S. Calling preached an eloquent and impressive sermon in the Methodist church on Sunday evening last, on the occasion of the memorial :services on the death of the late Mrs. John Savage, of this village. There leasleasa large-attend,nd- he---whoae front part of the church was suitably draped in mourning. A Large Geranium While at St. Helens on Saturday evening last, we were shown by Mr. John Gaunt, the largest and finest looking geranium we have ever seen. ' .It is of the scented variety, and is about- four feet in height and its '° branches measure over fifteen feet in circumference. The main stem is about two -feet in length and nearly ,two inches in thickness. • - Notice to Farmers • 01 Owingto a very great improvement in the water power of the Lucknow Railer .Mills, which. will enable me to 'run by water about nine months in the year, a very great reduction in running expenses of the mill, no wood, no engineer to pay for, to benefit the fan mers with light wheat in the future if they will clean it well. I will give a return of 50 lbs. of flour and feed in every 60 lbs. of wheat, no matter what it may test. Geo. KERR. A Lesson in Geography If in addressing letters parties would put the County on, they would save a vast amount of trouble to the Post- master and insure correct despatch. There are so many . post offices in the JJouiinion and some so little known that it entails a vast amount of labor and trouble in despatching them.. For instance a boy in school is considered well up in Canadian Geography when he can name all the County towns cor- rectly and the examiner would be con- sidered almost insane should he ask the question to a class Where is such and such a poet .office situated. - Yet the public ask this question two or three hundred times a day o! a P. M. and expects hili to know. The remedy is to put the County on your envelopes and it will save trouble and expediate matters, A goof Summer • ' (ea the' principle that the average temperature fora whole year will not diff greatly from that of former years, it is ':.;redieted that the comingsummer wit an unusually cool one. As a mai ; r of f? ct it is said that since wen ; i ler reports began to be kept with sae ; ing like the same accuracy and, eon,;;it teness, the range of . variation, cone, ‘ring one year with another has ,bee. ; it quite five ,degrees. Tho cold- est. •Lr recorded by the weather but , V • Was, 1875, the'average temper- atu; -.to which was 48.6 degrees, the wai t 1889, which averaged 53.5 deg e„•'� -But from January 1, 1890 • to t', o,resent date, the average tem- per,' e 'e has been nearly 7 degrees hige , , than the recorded average for the• wd in former years ; and the inf-,•..,..,.,:.,. is drawn, with apparently goo! tsun that the summer now .aph. pro ,:;1 ,,,l will he one of relatively low tent:; ore. There is no such thing es se:lay in weather predictions; but l;; :o is in this ease a degree of prop ;'),lily, which at least is entitled to re :1,,,,,L The wise ismer taking note, the ;• ;f', w• ill not be in haste to forsake GOOD Ir EWS FOR ---- e committee are doing everything in their power to make it the best cele- bration ever held in the place, and nobody should fail to see the grand street parade at twelve o'clock, and the Calithumpian procession at nine o'clock. Meeting at St Helens • Mr. J. M. Roberts, the Conser twe-candidate for- West-H�urv-a�- on, made his political bow to the electors at St. Helens on Saturday evening last. Mr. Roberts is a very decent fellow and a good business man, but nature never intended him for a politician, and his speech on Saturday evening was anything but forcible. There is one thing, however, we admire about him, and_that is his honesty in telling his hearers that he is no public speaker, and that he is not prepared to say that the charges he makes against the Mowat administration are true or not, as they were nearly all 'read from scraps taken from the Empire' - and other Conservative newspapers. Mr. Jas, Somerville rppiind ; r--'ti'oUY-" este,. - Y speech, and although he spoke highly of Mr. Roberts as a citizen, he ably, defended the .Mowat Government and showed that there was no foundation whatever for the statements made against it by Mr. Meredith and - his colleagues.. The audience grew very enthusiastic while hes was speaking and many times loudly applauded his remarks. Mr. Clegg, of Wingham, followed but his speech failed to charge the feeling of any one present and the meeting broke up with cheers for the Queen, Prince of Wales, and Mr. Garrow. f Incendiary Fires About two o'clock on Saturday morning last, Mr. D. D. Yule, who lives on Victoria street, observed flames issuing from a vacant frame dwelling near the tannery and im- mediately gave the alarm, and in a few minutes the whole village was awaked from its slumbers by the loud ringing of the Methodist church bell. It was a very dark, wet and disagree- able night, but the firemen promptly answered to the call of duty, and soon had the hose reel at the scene of the fire. The hose was quickly attached to the hydrant at the corner of Hamil- ton and Stauffer streets, and in a few minutes the blaze was extinguished. The building is owned by Mr. John Boyd, and has been empty for some time, so that the fire was undoubtedly the work of an incendiary, but the prompt action of the brigade confined the fire to a small space, and' only a few dollars worth of damage was the result. Between nine and ten o'clock, however, on Saturday night another fire was discovered in the stable back of the new Presbyterian church, and before the alarm was sounded the whole structure was enveloped in flames. As on all previous' occasions 'Engineer Douglas had everything in readiness, and in a short time the fire- men had a stream of water pouring on to 1 the burning building, and - the fire' was soon under control. This makes the sixth place that, has been set on fire in as many weeks, and it is cer- tainly time some action was taken to capture the culprits. The Council should offer a liberal reward for their conviction, a sum at least sufficient to pay a detective to come hdre and work up the case. It is true the buildings that have been burned were all of little value, but there is no telling where it is going to end. Lucknow, May 21, 1890. Editor Sentinel. DEAR Sis : In your issue of last week, I notice an error in the prices of boys suits, as quoted in my advertise- ment You print boo suits at $2.30 etc., if you will kindly look up "copy” you will find the figures $2.50 instead of $2.30. Will you please 'make the necessary correction, as we carry out in full everything we agree to, and de• sire to be placed right in this matter with our customers. Yours truly, —Don't forget the ban, d concert in the Temperance Hall, on Monday evening 'next. Admission 25 cents. —Mr. Paul Sinelrt.zer, of -Belfast, has purchased the old Durnin farm of 100 acres, on the 6th con. of Ashfield, -Go to Cameron, Murdoch & Co. for ready made clothing or a first-class tweed 'or worsted suit made to order. .-.- Dereyou-waut.�a=tapestry::sacpet-= cheap'1 Just go to Connell and you will get a good one for 35 cts. a yard. —Mr. Joseph Laing, editor of the Kincardine Review, was present at the Meredith meeting on Tuesday evening last. —Remember Connell's millinery department is fully assorted in . the latest goods. --Showroom -downstairs - next week. —Splendid towatoe plants, of the "Dwarf Champion" variety, the earliest and best kind grown, 12i cents per box. W. Turley. --No. 1 flour at M. Corrigan's. Wheat, oats, barley, peas, potatoes and inner pros e a.en in exc4ange. Goods delivered to all parts of the town. —Try Cameron, Murdoch & Co. for hosiery and gloves. A large range of prices and sizes in kid gioves,to select from. A line of six button length Dousquetairo shade just received. —All kinds of groceries of the best qualities kept at the new grocery very cheap, as we sell for cash and produce only. Goods delivered to any part of the town.—Geo. Kerr. —The Rev, Charles Rutherford and wife, of Spring6ekd, Long Island, who have been visiting friends at St. Helens for the past month, left on Wednesday for home. —Examinations for second and third- class certificates will be held at each high' school, commencing on Tuesday, July 8, at 8.40, and closing, the for4►er on Tuesday, and the latter on Friday. —The first skipping rope fatality of the season is reported, a little girl dying after jumping it 200 times. Wise parents should see that such a mode of exercise is indulged in only moderately. —Go to T. W. Hildred, Lucknow, for buggies, wagons, and democrats of the latest styles. A large stock now un hand. Any style of buggy or car- riage made to order. Old buggies taken in exchange. -Jobbing promptly attended to and at bottom prices. Satisfaction guaranteed. - Parting Banquet To Dr. dlcerlm►non Before Leaving for Quderwoud. " O would power power the gif tie, gae us, To see oursels as others see US." So "said the poet Burns in, his day. Had he been alive in our day we be- lieve he would have been pleased to have attended the gathering of citizens who assembled in the Cain House to spend a social evening with Dr.' Mc= Qrimmon on the eve of his removal to 'Underwood. Although soma were abseot through previous engagement, there was a very representative meet. ing present,. Principal Yule presided, and after partaking of a aumptuolrs supper, the remainder of the evening was spent in speech and song. Pioneer speeches were made by Mr. Geo. Kerr and Mr. J. Grenachn referring to the earlier History of Lucknow and the younger days of the guest. Speeches were eleo made on behalf of the Coun- cil, Sdhooi Boards' and the various Societies with which \ the doctor was identified, all testifying act his self sacrifice and the 'high personal esteem in which ho is held in the community, las also the logs our village will sustain in losing such a public spirited citizen. While the worthy doctor no doubt regrets to Never the ties which have bound him to Lucknow so long, it will be a source of pleasure to him to know that his efforts for public good, while in our Midst, have been ap- preciated, which fact . had he always mainotit h ulightlat ve- noyest kno w = . e obtaining by constitu- tional means the abolition of Separate Schools. 5th. -Doing away with all monopoly' in school book publ;cation. 6th.—That no disposition be made of timber limits or mining lands without consent ., of the Legislature first had and obtained: 7Ihet-That_.the--control-of- - -Li u'or yo Licenses s u c-1 e taken away from •the Government of the day and placed, in the hands of the people and that all revenues arising therefrom be ap- propriated by and expended in the particular municipalities in which they are collected. IOUSE AND LOTS FOR' SALE= OR SALE A BRICK COTTAGE AND 3.2 seven village lots on Victoria street, in this village. This is a bargain for anyone wanting a.cheap place. Applv-ta WILLIAM WALKER, Lucknow. .a leg un er s irts; emaroi ersd and tucksd from $1.25 and upwards. Lovely all over EHEROIDER1!D: DRESSES for infants and children cheaper than you can make them. LADIES TUCKED UNDERSHIRTS —AT 65 CENTS.— CHILDRENS MUSLIN APP,)NS EM- BROIDERY FRONTS AND TRIM- MED BEGINNING AT 45 CENTS. CORSET COVERS - - EMBROIDERED YOKE AT $1.00. - Just opening to -day a case of fancy halts in all the latest styles, also a lot of new floc vera at ntit l lits. BUT 1. WANT A LIVING. • MY WO • I AM GOING TO HAVE IT IN LUCKNOW, TOO, AND I HEREBY announce to the people of Lucknow and surrounding country, that any '._.' (1I 9R PRIM, QNS; . coming to me having their teeth out, that I will put in two sets of teeth, TEETH TEETH TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT for the price of one set, $15, made of the very best material in the world. use no rubber but C. ASH & SONS, London, England. The teeth will be C. Ash & Sons, and S. S. White's, conceded by all who are in . the business to be ?p-'tiza l It Tao - Ware. Those firms have their names ion their goods, and the people can see what they are getting, and as I use nothing but the best material, I will guarantee sat- isfaction to all reasonable people, the unreasonable and there aro a few such in the world, will please bear in grind that I don't want their trade I can always be found at Dr. McCrimmon's office, Lucknow. D. PATTERSON, La know. kuoknow' Leading Photographer J. STRINGER. Is as usual ahead in the finest styles and positions fur. photos. , CABINET PHOTO, Finest retouched ,and burnished, $1.50 to $3 per doz. Cards $3. to $2 per doz. AMBROTYPES MADE TO PEPFECTION He also keeps a large stock stock of spectacles, especially the well-known `.AMLA. s and also deals in Be‘) Keepers supplies, books, stationery, albums, frames and fancy goods: - Remember the studio, E. L. Johnston's old stand, "Ark 'oorto Rei .i._ .