HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1890-05-16, Page 8• LpC MOW POST -OFFICE. Hours S a. M. to T p. m. MAILS ABSIVE. W.G.011.• outh 6:x.3 a• in. Drily AL • as d. B. Hort „ 12.30 p. m • a, Bel d iUolik h ;ods R, North 3.48p, m. ;v;tirt►decrieh 'dot -mediate Points j 9.00p. 7fl. ] e., eti B • North 10..50 p• m. • Langsid 3.00 p. m. R • MAILS CLOSE • W, ( . & B. ,Snuth )9:3ag. m. 1, ILA B South! .. C. 4s Tuesdays and Fridays t& B. South • 10.00 a. m. W G,& B. North 320p. m• fret god)�1.30p.m. %ytiou2h S• 1 CC The Lucknow Sentinel, Bruce Oounty, Friday, May 16th. POLITICAL MEETING. To be addressed by .Mr. W. III. Meredith,. Q. C, NEW OF THE, TUW.i11... A Weeks keened or toe Pushing Border Town, — Casb..paid fear eggs at M. Corrigan's. — For boa s' ready made suite go to 2i�iv.s: wc•^7mrxx.� —Tho f►ue•%y .who lost an umbrella can have it by calling at this office. —Turnip, mange], carrot and all kinds of garden seeds at M. Corrigan's. —Mrs. R. Proctor left on Wednes day for a few days visit with friends in Clinton. —The Misses Armitage and Wilson, of Seaforth, were the guests of Mrs. Dr. Elliott 1 talented leader of the Ontario Conser will address the electors of this section in the Lucknow Town Hall on Tuesday evening next, 20th inst , commencing at seven o'clock sharp. Mr. Meredith is a very able speaker -and men of all shades of polit- ical opioion should come out and hear him. It is also ex ' ected that Dr. 9 ti 144,4 • illaot'and 411iyinittp CO. r • Public Notice "The Heroes of the Dark Contin- ent" will' be ready for delivery about the 10th of June. Call at 'the SEN- TINEL office or at R. Graham's office. ..-Graham, agent - Seriously.11l ' Mr. .John Odium received the sa i4telligglce- by telegram on Wednes day, that his daughter, Mrs. A. B Davidson, of Goderich, was seriousl i11, and that little hopes of her recover were entertained d • y .Sports at Walkerton -77 • The ton of Walkerton will Have a grand celebration on the Queen's Birth- day, Saturday, May, 24th. $600 will be awarded' in prizes. Horse racing, lacrosse matches, and hose real races will be'the order of the day. A Dig Percentage • Out of tire 155' maple, trees planted in. our park on Arbor,Day last year, only four have died, while all the rest - are in a healthy condition with their buds ready to- burst forth into leaf. �., few years will make this a beauti- ful place. The Cow By -Law The constable was instructed at the rpuncil meeting on Tuesday evening last, ,tp, thoroughly enforce the cow by-law • which prohibits, cattle 'from running; at:.large in the village kola the -hours o€ - 8, p. m. till 6 a. m., •irnd We hope that official, will attend to the Matter in a proper manner; ' A- Fat Heifer • Mr. - Edwin Gaunt, of . West Wa-: wanosh, -.sold on Monday last, to Mr. Wm. McLean, the finest fat heifer we .have' ever seen. The animal is a 4ittle. over two years old, and weighed. 1500 pounds. It has been shipped to the old country, and the price paid for r "was the handsome sum of $100. 1• ys to raise good stock at 6i cents' pound, live weight.. A Good Company • The Belle Stephenson Dramatic Company are playing to good houses in the Temperance Hall, here, every evening this week. It is the best company of the kind that has ever visited the village. Their entertain- ments contain nothing of the low order of plays that usually form the stock itt trade of the general run of compan- ies . that visit small, places. On Satur- h day afternoon they will give a matinee playing on that occasion "Kathleen," ue, o - a ' Iman . , ' wr be present and address the meeting. 1 4. HIS PLATFORM. DR. TENNANT Seeks the support of the electors of the South Riding , „ tee,,; �t ...,r -a. tip,...,. coming contest for a seat in the, Local Legislature, because he will advocate : lst.—The abolition of all Tax Ex- emptions, save en State property. 2nd.—The English to be the language of instruction in all Public Schools in Ontario. -' 3rd.—A non-political head of the Education Department. GOOD flws WEARY- MO MRS. SMITH HAS JUST RECEIVED A CASE OF LADIES AND MISSES • UNI)ERWARE AT LOW PRICES. Fine night dresses embroidery trimmed for 75 cents. 7- Taken to Goderich The remains of the late Mr. R. J. Whitely were removed from the Kin- loss cemetery on Tuesday last, and placed in the family plot in the Goder- ich cemetery. Farms For Sale Parties desiring to purchase farm- ing property will consult their own interests by reading. the Lucknow Banking Cos. new advertisement this week. Memorial Service The sermon by the Rev. J. S. Col- ling-in-the-1►/iethodisd-ehu reh-vlr-Sun= day evening next, will have special reference to the death of the late Mrs. John Savage. - Orange Pic-nic An Orange Pic-nic, under the aus- pices of Belfast Orange Lodge, will be held in Mr. James Edwards' bush in e s awanos , on Tuesday, June 10th, when a splendid programme of music, sports, etc. will be given. • Political Meetings Dr.'`Tennant, the Conservativecan- didate, will address the electors of the South Riding . f Bruce, at Kinlough this (Thursday) evening ; at Simpson's school -house, Culross, on Friday ; at Langside on Saturday evening ; at Harper's school -house, Carrick, on Monday . next. Each meeting will begin at eight o'clock. Notice•to Farmers Owing to a very great improvement S in. the water power of the Lucknow Railer Mills, which will. enable me to run by water about nine Months in the year, a very great reduction in running expensesof the mill, /RI wood, no engineer to pay for, to benefit the far- mers with light wheat. in the future if they will clean it well. I`wi l give a return of 50 lbs. of flour and feed in every 60lbs. of .wheat, no matter what it may test. GEO. KERR. Disgraceful Conduct On• Tuesday evening last while a number of the lacrosse players were on their way to the Park, some one threw a stone through a large pane of glass in Mrs. McIntosh'.. reMdence on Outrarnr street. The stone narrowly escaped a couple of little children who were in • the ,,-room at the time. The party who threw the stone wotild do well to settle for the damage done; or e will have an opportunity of doing so before a magistrate. ,The Queen's Birthday Each day adds new links in the chain of arrangements for ,the celebra- tion of Her Majesty's .Birthday' in Lucknow on the 26th inst. Never before were there such complete pre- - parations and such strenuous efforts made for providing the public with a day of pleasure and amusement. The committee in charge are sparing neither time, trouble nor money to add to the attractions. Many new features wilt be introduced and merchants and others of the village should lend their countenance and support to the Fire- • —Brobdigagions -1 After the heavy freight train from Palenesston drove up and disposed of her heavy luggage at .Lucknow station on Friday of last week, she moved off much lighter, hav- ing landed on dry dock, four men who turned the scale beam at 970 lhs. We noticed that a prominent character in the company was Mr. Spencer, repre- sentative of ,the Bowes, Jamieson Stove Company, of Hamilton ; now all honor to Mr. Spencer and his film, but we believe their stoves contain more teal genuine metal than their traveller., However we have only tested the stoves • men,in.furthi b their praiseworth r tn effort. • y �'s Marriage ,That is not Legal A writer in the Canada Law Jour- nal, for April, contends'that marriages -by ,superanuated clergyment are void- able. , He quotes the revised statutes of ' Ontario, 1867. Chap. 40, sec, 7, g reads.: "1 very clergyman, teacher, sl minister •or other person authorized by w SO al ag • ti w 1),u in sir C n this cash and find Uses) up to the tandard. Always' kept in stock by Taylor & Powell: .• - • —Upon reading the daily papers one comesto the conclusion, that the coun• try is full of "didn't know it ,was load- ed" fools, who know no more about a un than a grasshopper does. The tooting accidents happening in this ay are ahookingly numerous, and me legislation should, if possible be tvis3d to cover the ground. Another ling is that persons urider a certain e should never be allowed to carry rearms under any pietenee whatever. e don't believe in tnaking a law that ould interfere with legitimate spurt, t the carelessness of boys and men handling firearms indiscriminately ould be effectually dealt with. —Don't forget the Firemen& Band oncert Monday, May 26th, Leading tractions. of the day. law to baptize, marry or perform • the funeral service in Ontario, shall keep a registry, showing' the persons whom he his baptized or married, or who have died within his cure; and belong- ing to his congregation." "Surely," says the correspondent, "no uninter- ested, reasonale and law • abiding person will support the claims of these superannuated clerics—who are with- out euro or congregation, --and admit that they, have authority, under the 14,w, to solemnize marriage. - t — an t forget the large sale of first-class ,furniture at the auction mart, Lucknow, on Saturday, May 17. •--Don't pay 12 'cts, for prints when you can get as good at Connell's for 9 cents. -- No. 1 flour ' at M, Corrigan's, Wheat,. -oats, parley, and other produce taken in exchange for goods delivered. —Mr. James Lane, of -Lanes , re- • -Gently purchased from—M-1.7-4 ns; Anderson, of 'Dungannon, a very line yearling shorthorn bull. —"Turnip seed of alt kinds, also beet, mangle and carrot seed of the best kinds sold cheap at Geo. Kerr's grocery. - • —Mr. Robert Malcolm, who former --1-y--kept-sfurtr Lure shcp in this Village, but now of Galt, had his works in that town recently destroyed by fire., —All kinds of.. groceries of the best qualities kept at -the new grocery very cheap, as we sell for cash and produce only. Goods delivered to any part of the town.—Geo. Kerr, ing reurns • nom Toronto, •on Monday after -noon, where she had been visiting friends for the - past two weeks. • . =Potatoesfor sale. --The upder- signed has for sale, 75 bushels of Early Rose potatoes, in first-class condition. Parties wantini them call at the shop. Alex. Ross, Harnesswaker: —Now is the time to leave ,your order for a spring hat ,0onnell's. -Ladies will find our assortment of millinery is composed of • the latest styles. —In Mr Dryden's bill, which re- cently passed the Ontariti Legislature, there' is a clause. which provides that all dogs which follow or harass people or rigs on the public highway may be . killed. ' • —Just what yoq„don't want to miss, Dutchy v . Nigger, the side-splitting, face -twisting farce /comedy in one act as played in leading opera houses, re- produced at the band concert by funny actors. —Mr• D.• Holden, • of Galt, and Mr John McGarry, of Lucknow, were on a tour through this part of the country: They were here on Monday and were highly pleased with the capital of the county,—Walkerton Herald. „ —Despite all attractions Mr. G. E. Kerr is bound to be up to the times. with the band concert. He :is training." the, boys ,in good style .and promises the best local concert ever given in Lucknow. —Messrs. J. C. Henvis & Co. have employed A.'McIntyre as insurance agent and bookkeeper. Mr. McIntyre • came here recently from Lucknow, Ont.. a friend of Neil Smith.—Evening Telegram, Superior. • ' =Now we have it, the . funniest thing out, Slick • and 'Skinner,, or the Barber Pard , More fun than 'you can shake a stick at. Better than having the measles, the Crest thing in the world for dyspepsia. You will have to sit heavy on your seats or you, can't retain their when you see this. Nothing ,immoralt.at the band Concert. ' —Don't miss seeing the three little maids , from school,'. Yum Yum, Prtti- Sing and Peep -Bo, taken from the Mikado Comic Opera, as played in Harris' Theatre, New York, for .100 consecutive nights by the McCaull "Opera Oomique Co.. Will he given at the Firemens'• Band Concert- in appro- priate Japanese costumes by members.. of the Glee Club. Mn..RYKERT has issued an address • to the electors of Lincoln. In 'it ho says :. "Why•should I be singled out for public censure when there aro dozens of members in the came House who not•only have applied for and ob- tained limits for tben►selves, but sit there daily voting moneys into their own pockets, I ctiinot understand. I do not wish,.however, toescape be- eause others have offended." Tho only difference between 1 ykert and' the others is that he was found out, and. they have escaped, I 3 •a tional means the abolition of Separate Schools. 5th. -..Doing away with all monopoly in school book publication. 6th. -That no disposition be made of timber limits or mining lands without consent of . the Legislature first had and obtained. 7th.—That the control of Liquor Licenses should be taken away. from -thas-Gover1 -&t of"t'he a ay anp ace in the hands- of the people and that all -revenues arising "therefrom be ap- propriated by and expended in the particular municipalities in which they are collected. • HOOSE AND LOTS. fOR SALE. EOR SALE A BRICK COTTAGE AND seven village lots on Victoria street, in this village. This is a bargain for 'anyone wanting' a cheap place. Apply to • WILLIAM WALKER,, Lucknow, from ".1.25 an upwa a, ve y a over EMBROIDERED DRESSES for infants and children cheaper than you , tan make them. LADIES TUCKED UNDERSTS —AT 65 CENTS.— ' CHttDRENS MUSLIN APRONS EM- BROIDERY—FRO'—TS A -i -b—Tl 'M - MED BEGINN ING AT 45 CENTS. CORSET COVERS - - - EMBROIDERED YOKE -, AT$i.00. ° - ust_npening-to,da_a-carr -of—fancy=-hits-in~ all the latest styles, also a lot of new' flowers at .) 4 -:- I WANT A LIVING. 1 AM GOING TO HAVE IT IN LUC K NO W, ,TOO, AND I HEREBY , announce to the people of Lucknow and surrounding country, that- any PE' *ON (9 -- PATRA NI ($?': coming to me having their teeth out, that I wilt put in two sets of teeth, TEETH TEETH TMPflRARY AND PERMANENT for the price of one set, $15, made of the very best material in the world. use no rubber but C. ASH & SONS, London, England. The teeth will he C. Ash & Sons, and S. S. White's, conceded by all who are in the business to be nequaZed inno warm,. Those firms have their names on their goods, and the people can see what they' are getting, and as I use nothing but the best material, I will guaran see sat- isfaction to allreasonable people, the unreasonable and there are aenv such in the world) will piease bear in mind that I don't want their trade I can always be found at Dr. McCrimmon's office, Lucknow. D. PATTERSO1T, Lucknow. Luknow'z &oadinE Photographer J. STR,IN E Vii,. Is as usual ahead in the finest styles and positions ft'r photos. CABINET PHOTOS, Fiaest retouched and burnished, 1.50 to $3,per doz. ,.Cards $1 to $2 per doz. AMBROTYPES MADE TO PERFFCTION He aiso keeps a lar„ a stock stock of spectacles,- especially the well-known and also deals in<. Be? leepers supplies, Books, stationery, albums, frames and fancy goods. ` Remember the studio,,, R L. Johnston's. -old .stand,, 'rixt door to Reid's bakery. .