HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1890-05-16, Page 6. li't4IQlitWCL OSttedi'Ytilel seeee stem hably Ido illi» a ll&Uled lin that Atter- orgasm ,cxploeime. cable from London sage �Ztater xieti'# The cense of the explosion in the Aber - !Yellen mine was: the flooding of pits • eekitteent to that irk 'w'bi sh the explosion occurred. By tb@.flooding of theutt it gas • vias dislodged and forged lid he th@p@it heree :!erork wins 'in progress, a est have d Tb@re m E ignited and explode `• at-te` badtremenddus force. It was beard etit distance of a I:4*n • All the 'gearing in tef>r :;roe i3urreiwn fain aksi° rid ;sour TYY '" '`mouth Of it volcano, and simultaneously • aI.vast, bright volume of Mane shot u pdwnard, followed by a dense, y o isma e. A SEACit Or ,f OD IDlitliTe. A n Storni tato si Snow lli[onnt►ln*'fhe The first party of returners organized endeavored to penetrate the pit. through the old- workings. They -got. Ear enough to ba able to see groups of the deadr bat they .amid not reach them and were compelled to retreat by the suffocating volumes of Awoke that rose in that direction. U on smoke the rescuers went down the main abaft end' reached the scene of the 'catas- $rolihe. reached a large number of miners Yet ve, but all very badly burned, urn es, and .hey brought out sixty nearly all so mutilated that the -recognition .of, their identity is impossible. The latest -estimate of the dead is ISO. A later despatch states that 130 bodies .have been recovered. .x.30 p.m -One hundred 4Itnd fifty.five .,bodies have been taken from the pit Abersoyohan.recto °rowers and Dairymen. The Dominion Convention of Fruit Grow- ers will' be bold in the City Hall, Ottawa, on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, 19th, 20th and 21st February, 1890. Papers will be ,eonteibated by delegates and others from Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, New Bitish Columbia, Man tobe and Northwesswick, Prince Edward Island, t rTer- ritory. Among the subjects to be discussed 'will be •transportation of finita ; p ' g -stud celeoting--fruit;- for home -and foreign anarket; express , and railway freights; fungus disease and blight ; small fruits and their commercial value ; the oommeroiel **le orchards of Ontario, Quebec and Noels Scotia ; relation of inseete' to fruit culture ; export of winter apples ; profits, drawbacks ; •utilizing surplusfruit pro- elude- ; Donning{ evaporating; injurious arreatele ravages ; I,r.�fiteble forest planting ; adap- tation of Russian fruits to Canadian requirements. etc., etc. The Convention of the Dominion Dairy- men'a Association will be held at Ottawa on 18th and 19th February.ill be held on the • A joint meet- ing the 19th, for the discussion of ssnbjeets• Weaned" - day, of interest to both. Open Switch. P-Ponne'llsville, Pa., cdeepatoh oi~ Sunda'y ypy{t : The through men train trona Balti-. more, on the atklOmaro & Ohio Railway, ran into a mountain of snow three mike eaat ot Ohio Pyle at 7 o'clock Friday even - Mg. The engine andthe e acombin ation bank postal and baggage oar wt into the river. The smoking car followed ilk burg, was ba IY bnrned,p ober sustain@d� injured. Fireman Lewis l3� t er stained adezileleoula YearN, .sill Baggagemaeter Isaac Iogies, ot Pittsburg, was burned by the oar stove. The only passenger injured woe John Lindsay, of Glenwood, master carpenter of the road. Be fell heavily overttheedBeta,l injuringehly not himeelf internally. Re recover. A Baltimore despatch nays : An ano3eri is reported on the Ohtsepeake & Ohio Rail- road at the Big Pen tunnella between Hin- ton and Lowell, W. V. A frei ht train rah into a switch wbiob h aduld nrelettt open. Before the engineer, Q his engine it had crashed into'the signal house and pushed it into the river, and then plunged in after it. The tender fol- lowed the engine. In the station was a telegraph operator. He;Be, the engineer and he nd drowned.fireman The freight carsrried were piledo the river up all over the track. �.�r-....._...... -._. �_.._ .,..-.,•.-. .» s.-:��' .. _...�.�QQ1�1�1�y� *o- - /�q��y� Sgt m ...-..-.._..-. _. .. - -- - i. iii11�781� ill*:QF,�4/+�' Sit a ROl1,i+� "' *QAt�'JetT CQDWL16BlI'17rlir»• ---- As Disobeyed by the American 1?reaR;iin ell ;, n g people. 1 nlF et the nie E bexete i�ntotlEe Ontarly tnrehuiet ind denten & l ria. lien. tendon- th L tat. �.LaPreraasays : ••' • Bank 1rge attendance) $ nd nO. There a To large olio Coen of sped a• French. cies in all olesees of society and in every tore at the Toronto Police Court yesterday IS6r• E Cl. C kl is gazetted sslerk of branolt of social life in the United States• forenoon when for obargeee resnnred the the Legialative As9embiy. •is frequently remarked. It has been vva- ment *into theW four charges of embezzle Mr. S A. McGaw, wheat buyer for the cently noticed that the Americthe an preen re - merit aridfor W. H. Godwin anamembezzle- Lake of <the noose Milling Company, the n only o ewoutch side h to at efEnglish nit mtet and forgery Against Willis f th re being a corner in fate. There appeared. for theMr p alter hat dileet1ans in the eor,fliot between lGre it i ins Irving, Q.O.; Mr- Walter Bar- f Throne vias adopted Britain and Portugal This p ;• . Mr �r1a l g t ,rr15r- �et'rY�"" lien interests are at stake in any inter- .x� tint � ,a. .. 8 3s, e: 5 ilii: f;'� i - grp�Yfiu�i,....ffi�ul.p• X F common race, cowmen language, a Certain similarity of morels, and a striking fortuity of sentiment in philosophic and religions mature. But it is not only in the press and eociety that English senti- ment is made felt. An examination of the composition of the Congress at Wash. ington shows the English element ' in e. 'large proportion. `Tbere are in the Senate two members born in England and two in the Chamber. One Senator and four mem sed ,r_eletixtg :to . a eg' l an in i denies the rumor o e Blenheim wheat. The Speechrpm the e the 'Levin- at Leiela- t a doounnento are be. printed in wick, th® solicitor for et,apand C10 n y rti�w`�.'_'1 cr-'�'i��. -;�;Xot�trn •ev"c>torrtaoge 8 vatee. Messrs. 'Campbell and Fisher, Bigelow represented Godwin, and " Roily"41avernnxent enpportera_, exit""in=d. ilia d- and die M Foe. a{r�c r� r 1`^� ` 2 °F'"" :" they voted me a matter of form, • eat • Molders). wad Dramatic Notes. Sheridan and Flv nen. -the .author law, Q.C. Aid. Lindsay was present in the interest of Harry Brown. The bank ledgers and journals-- ponderous tomes they were end not very light reading - were scattered about the Court House A whole waggon load of them bad been brought there before the prooeedinge began =" Roily" looked 'peculiar --root quite so debonnair as of yore ---with swollen cheek and ulcerated jaw, Sometimes sitting, sometimes standing, he watched the case of " Down Went�Ma inty, have joined Tony Pastor's company. Marie Wainwright has a new play for next season ---e dramatization of one of George Eliot's novels.. Florence St. John's salary is said to be 11500 a week ; E. J. Lonnen's, $250, and Charles Danby's 0200. .Yx now smiling to e► friend whom he recog- nized among the epectetors. The first charge .against Moffatt was fully reported in last evening's Trues.. It was that he bad altered an entry in the ledger of the bank from $7,505.41 to 07,- 765.41 with intent to defraud. The Magis- trate considered a primafacie case had been made out and oommited him for trial. The neat charge taken np against Moffatt was that of o having on the 10th July feloniously entered in the bank ledger W. J. Bosnian has composed a new song, entitled " Give Paddy But a Chance and He'll Show Yon What He's Made Of." Altoe Roberts,Tb 'han3amne actress end singer, 23 years old, was found dead in her room in New York yesterday morning, hav- ing been suffocated by gas. So mbyyMolee. Rhea, sincehave her p odno- tion " Empress of the floe cf Josephine, French," that _sh}e . is fairly distrected by numerous oases the manneoript accom- panies the offer. Most of the leaders of the English stage have been palled upon to take pert in panto- mime in the course of their careers. Irving, Miss Terry, even Mrs. Kendal, having been seen in it.: The pink of the stars of `English comic opera and burlesque have devoted their talents to it. An agent ot Mr. 1ltralfy told a St. Louis reporter, concerning the selection of a ballet : By looking at a woman's hand 1 can tell at once whether she is a fit sub- jeot for our business. We have had enough experience in this matter all over the country, and have found that a handis indicative of the contour of a girl's physique. If her fingers are long • and tapering her limbs are correspondingly well formed/. Should her hand tb short oo, and chubby **limbo will be apt' atont. " What Te a Model Wife ? A model wife is the woman in whom the heart of her husband doth safely trust. She is the women who looka after his, household, and makes her hospitality a delight to him, and nota burden. Who has learned that a soft answer will turn away wrath. Who keeps her sweetest smiles and most loving words for her husband. Who is his confidant in sorrow or in joy, and who does not feel the necessity of ex- plaining her private affairs to the neighbor- hood. Who respects the rights of husband and or children, and in return has due regard paid to her. • Who knows thet the strongest argument is her womenliness and so she cultivates it. Who ie sympathetic in joy, or in grief, nd who finds work for her hands to do. Who makes friends and keeps them. Who is not made bitter by trouble, but who strengthens and sweetens under` it. Who tries to conceal the faults of her husband rather than blazon them forth to an uninterested 'public. The woman whose life -book has love •written`oi every page. Who makes a bonne for a men -a home in a hoose and in a heart. A home then he is sure of, a home that is full of love pre- sided over by one whose price is above rubies. She is the model.wife.-Ladies' Home Journal. not regard their vote as committing them to the policy of the Government on any questions outlined is the speech. Mr. Prendergast moved in amendment to the epeeah that the abolition of Separate Scheele was au infrint;ment of the coneti- tution-and a gross inine.ioetofthe minority, and that the establishment of a purely secular school system was contrary to the spirit and oonvioti0ns of this' Christian remier" r`reenway sal e amenmenta assumed that the Government intended to establieh a purely secular school system, but that assumption was wrong, as the -Govern- ment intended to provide certain religious exeroises for use in schools. The amendments were lost on the same division as given above, as were also amendments regretting that the propoeed changes were not more fully outlined in the speech, and that no reference was made relative to a readjustment of ihe'lar,,,d titles in districts which • were unsatisfactory to the emu of 314,352 64, in lien of the tree the peapl@. d~ nd voting. The wife of Superintendent Niblock, of the O.P.R:, died suddenly at Medicine Hat thie morning of heart disease. Two prisoners escaped from Stoney Mountain Penitentiary this morning. The authorities refuse to give names. In the Legislature thie afternoon Thomas Norquay, the newly elected member for Kildonan, tpok his seat - The Manitoba Legislature yesterday postponed-eonsideratian-'otthebilt re-garels- ing the abolition of the official use ot the French language at the request of the Frenoh members. The bill will be taken up first thing on Monday. It Wouldn't Look Nice. " Zeb" Vance was holding forth in one of, the cloak -rooms of the Senate the other vnntheeYXla..o- - Washington correspondent of the New York Tribune. I do not know whether he intended to " point a mor&l and adorn a tale," or whether he expected that the seed, in the company in. which he was in, should fall on fruitful ground. Whatever his Motive in telling the following little story, I omit, for obvious reasons of delicacy, all mention of names. Said the genial .Sena- tor from North Carolina : "There was a Damp -meeting held last year in the immediate neighborhood , of my home in Charlotte. Among' the many colored people present was ' Aunt Nina,' who was noted for the length and breadth of her prayers, in which she never failed to make mention of her old master, who wee much given to drink. On this partioular occa- sion, after beving disposed of ail the rest of oreation, she became more than usually fervent in -her appeal in his behalf, re- questing es a ' epeoixl favor that he be saved' from a drunkards grave,at least,' and accompanied the request with this irresistible appeal : ' Oh Lord, how would it look I him in bell, with his bald head, and drunk et that I' " ---Mr. Rob1in0abstatned from oyd , •y,;602;t;4; �srith infant aci e a Mr. Brenehaw, a clerk in the Montreal Bank, stated that when he was acting as teller on the 10th July he made np a gen- eral statement of a parcel containing 314,- 602.64, payable on the Ontario Bank. Thie amouut consisted partly of oaeh and partly of notes. He produced the entry of this in the teller's balance book. Be claimed to know nothing further in connection with that transaction that day. Mr. Carr, examined with regard to thie charge; said. that orethe loth-til--Jiil'y -de-- posit elip produced from the Bank of Itiont- real 325G, insxeded ink,twas his dfign ess. e entry, 3250, signified that something was taken off that was not correct. Having made this deduc- tion, he passed it through to the bank ledger -keeper, who on that day was Mr. Moffett. Moffatt {sed-infitthe" bank book $14,602.64. Witness bad entered in bis cash book 014,352 64. With reference to the 5250, be could not say what became of it. - Something that was handed in re- presented the 3250, but he could not state what it was. In turning over the three slips relating to this transaction, he saw that they were not ticked off. By Mr. Laidlaw -The Ontario Bank on the 31st of December is credited with $500 in addition to the amount brought over from the Bank of Montreal. The Magistrate -When yon credit the bank with $500, does the money appear anywhere else? _ Witness. -Yes; if there has cash come would go hough the hands one nth the tellers. Mr. Pagot, who had charge of the hash book at the Bank of .Montreal on the 10th, `July,.stated that there, was an entry .in that book taken from the peas book in Moffatt's handwriting, and the two did not agree. He knew Moffatt and wee well acquainted with his handwriting, although he admitted be bad never seen him"write. Witness admitted that on this day he made three mistakes se'to the credits to be given to other banks. 'Mr. H. E. Barlett deposed that on the 10th July he received three slips from Bank' of Montreal end packages containing cash and ohegites. He checked off the amounts. 'The amounts that he received he did not think repreeented the $250. There were entries on the bank's ledger and the bank's peas books in Moffett's handwriting relit• ing to the same transaction, and the entries showed a discrepancy ot $250, ' Thesprisoner was committed, for trial. on this charge, and also on a charge of having on the 31st July feloniously entered in the bank ledger to the credit of the bank the sum of $500 with intent to defraud. 43oaeh Morse Breederel. The Canadian Coach Horse Society met at London Wednesday afternoon_and elected the following officers; President, A. Wil- ,r on, Paris ; Vice -President, John Gibson, London ; Treasurer. D. Fisher, Goderioll; Beoretary, James Mitchell, Goderioh (re- elected). Directors --George Charlton, I4unorieff ; J. C. Smith, New Hamburg ,John Aikenhead, Goderioh; J. W.Robiit- ,ttOn,,St..Mary's; Andrew A. Young, Car- low; John Cozen, Exeter ; S. W. Teeple, f'*ingarill; W. C. Brown, Meadowvele ; ]�. J. Mereh, ,Richmond Hill. Executive Oommittee_Me08rs. Fisher, . Essery and .ikenhe$d. 'I:he following standard of .. registration was adopted : Every animal offered joy registration eball ""- "rave at leeat one cross of tither imported Eng- ' Iieb coach or Uovelend bay and ono of thor- nughbred bleed, or two crosses of English poach Or Cl and Clevelanor dbaye cross each of English By resolution it was decided to hold the next meeting during the week of theWestern hair in London and the I ndustrial in Toronto A Father's Awful Deed. A London cable cf Thursday nays : At • 1 :if Cauada, and one is from the Isle of Man, There are'nineteen members of Congress, four Se, ators and fifteen Representative* born in the British Empire, and the greater part went to the States sufficiently advanced in years to keep their native ideas and synit athiee. It is undoubtedly the acme thing in the greater p rt of the population. 'There is a latent Wee con- stantly exercised in public) life and in social habits. Exe er last nightboy bgeween years ig re was awakened by quarrel and mother, canned by jealonsly. T , e finally chased hie wife out of doors, knooke `her down and then stabbed her to . death with a p4ahetis knife. out doors, stood o had hollowed his parents - shivering in his night gown meanwhile, and imploring bis father to spare his mother' life. The father and son returned to th Mum, leaving the body of the dead Woman in the road. The murderer then gave his eon some »ropey after which he out his throat before the boy's eyes. A Fatal. Mine Explosion. A Wilkeabarre despatch of Saturday Bays : An explosion of gas occurred in the Best Beaton mine neer Luzerneborongh on Friday night. John MoKeohnie, assistant boas„and hie brother Charles were badly burned. Rudolph Reinking, David Jones and Wm. Prynn were seriously injured by the eenoussion. It is thought the injuries of the MoX'tchnie brothers will prove fatal. M. Eithrusei, Baron Rothchild's son-in- law, bas just won $100,000 in the Panama lottery. .On the morning of the lest dri'w- ing M. Eehrnssi bought an 80•freno bond, which ;curiously enough, bore the number • which drew the capital prize. ”" ' James Damien, the fire boss whose naked lamp caused the explosion in the Notting- ; barn shaft last Saturday, and who was serionaly burned ' at • the time, died this evening. This makes eight victims. Duns- ton was ono of three brothers, all of whom met their deaths in a similar manner. m • 1 _ Who Can Beat be Spared ? __,. ,___— Young men, this is the first question your employers, ask themselves when bush nem becomes slack, and when it is thought necessary to economize in the matter of salaries. " Who can best be spared ?" the barnacles, the ehirks, the maseshifte,. somebody's proteges, somebody's nephews' and eepeeialsy somebodysremember nothing. Young men, plea e that these are not the ogee who are called for when responsible positions are to be -filled.-'---Wound-you-lilts- -to-gange--your - owe future for a position ot prominence ? Would you like to know the probabilities of your getting such a position Inquire within i What are you doin to make, ti0 • On now Oar Lk` yourself valuable in the p you ovcupy ? If you are doing with your. might - what your hands find to do, the chances re ten to one that you soon become 00' a valuable in that position that on oanntot tt e spare • rem an ten sing u ar o relate, will be the very time when you will be sought ont for promotion for a better•. place. -The Medical Record. Dynamite In the Capitol. The Globe this morning says : After Megietrate Deniecn had disposed of the minor oases in. the Police Court yesterday he commenced another case, against Rally " Moffatt. It was for forging a cable- gram in cypher, the meaning of which was : " The Aliiance.Bank,-I4, ,London, deposit to "oredit Edward Gegg, in City Bank, £82 Ontario Bank. Mr. Hogarth, of the G. N. W. Telegraph Company, was the first witness called. He produced the message referred to, and also a collo received from London, on Anenet, 29th addressed to the Ontario Ban' , Toronto, which is reoeipted by W. R. Mof- fatt and translated, means-" Payment to City Bank.refused. Gregg unknown." W. H: Smith, Manager of the Toronto Branch of the Ontario Bank, testified that the telegram produced is in the handwriting of Moffatt, and produced an edvioe book oon- taipping a memorandum in the handwriting of bioff eft to corresponding clerk repeating she sabatanoe of the- cablegram. Witness produced a letter•baak showing a copy of the letter to the Alliance Bank confirming the cablegram, whiclris in the handwrit- ing of Moffatt. Mr. Laidlaw objected to having the letter put in as evidence.. Mr. Smith produced the cypher code in use between the Ontario and Alliance Banks, and said the only persons authorized to nee the code were Moffatt and the witness. It wee Moffatt's partionlar duty to attend to the cable messages. 'lathe lathe regis- tered address. The evidence of the Bank Manager was principally respecting the business of the bank, The prosecution endee,vored to show that the '282 had not been accounted for. The ogee was adjonrned till Monday. William Laidlaw, Q C., is defending the prisoner; 2E. Irving, Walter ll3arwielt and Grown Attorney Badgerow odnduoted the prosecution. . A sensible man made the folldwirig " 11.1 die I want my wife to hove what I got." This abows loyalty to his better half, and e sensible contempt for legal verbiage. -Martha's Vineyard Herald. The death is announbed of Henry .Sen- tink, Boyle, fifth Earl of Shannon. ^Tho death resulted ,.role bailuenze. Up and About with a Broken Neck. The physicians of the Pennsylvania Hos- pital are interested 'in what they consider the most remarkable case, in many parti- culars, that has ever come, under their con- sideration. In August last Mrs. Mary Donahue fell from a tree at her residence in Haddington. She was not apparently' injured by the shock, and when she recovered conscioU8fEs9 went about her work.Occasionally her head 'would drop forward, and soon she suffered intense pain. After six weeks she was removed to the hospital, where it was found that her neck was broken. The spinal column had escaped injury, but the physicians have been unable to reset the broken bones and the woman will be obliged to wear an iron frame all her life to hold her head in an upright position. A Decrease in the English Army. England probably is the only great Power which can point to a decrease in the total strength of its military establishment during the peat twelve months. The 'British army is less numerous by about a thousand men than it was a year ago. The strength of the infantry has de-. Creased by half as mach again, but there has been a slight increese ,in the artillery, engineers and army service corps, while the cavalry has remained stationary. .The total diminution, however, is not serious, and it y s stronger than, it was foury ars Brit- ish army g ago by 10,000 men. The number of troops quartered in the British Isles show an in- crease of 4,000 over the strength recorded in December, 1888 ; the Brutish armyin India has been reduced by 2,500 men owing' to the cessation of hostilities in Burmah ; there are still about 28,000 men in Ireland and the strength of the Egyptian garrison remains steady at_. -chant. -4,200, -in{ ludini; the force at Briakam. These femme do not include the Indian armies or the colonial militia ; and if they were included the British army on paper would net look quite ao'inaignifieent. A last night's Washington despatch to the New York Evening Sun says a start- ling discovery, was mode at 230thrift after- noon in she rotunda of the Capitol. Con- cealed in one of the apittoons was found a small box, about the circumference of a silver dollar and an inch thick. It Was filled with a dull•looking oompound,,with e cap attached and something that was apparently/designed for a fuse. The box was taken charge of by the Capitol police, and the captain of the watch experimented with a minute quantity of the contents. The results showed that they consisted of explosives of a high' power. The design of depositing the box in the rotunda is yet a mystery. - Suety people were on the oar, and the driver wanted to atop for 'a theatre party. " Oh, go . on," growled a Ridge avenue rider, "you've got a quorum Dori l " The Lnglish ldnguege has been chosen for nee in the recording of important treaty engagements between Russia and China. After the railroad accident. Husband Eextricating himself from the wreck)--• mily, tbat,k God, you are safe! Heavers, l isn't this awful ? Wife -Dreadful 1 Hear the poor people groan!, Deareet ? Hua- ' ?ban What is rt, love ? Wife -Is my hat on straight First ballet girl --Well, I think' 'm "ready now. Second ditto -Why, yon rst ballet girl -Dar me,eo lhave; forgotten Fbow abtiurd 1 4... Unfortunate Mistake. " I wish to say to the congregation," said- the aidthe miniater, " that the pulpit is not re- eponsibte for 'the error of the printer on the. tickets for the concert, in the Sunday school room. The concert is for the benefit of the arch fond, not the arch fiend. Wo will now sing hymn 6, ' To err is human, to forgive divine." -New York Sun. On the Desert Air. " Shall I play you this little Spanieh fandango ?" she asked sweetly. "1-t beg your pardon," he said, turning. red, " but the foot is I don't understand Spanish." -Speaking of Scotchmen, Max O'Rell says Sandy Macdonald is keen, surly, per- severing, hard working and humorous, He, ie aa strong as granite, with a head well set on broad shoulders, iron .inaaules, and large fiat feet that move caution -4y; strong,_ frugal, induatrious and to be depended on. No man is so sure of going to Paradise and - o-miiii"ielees-eager-trJ'set out He iki -vire most practical of men, a man of action and few.;worda, who never lost his head even in love; and he was the sinew of the British Empire. ltleligtone heading in Bu "'ale. She -There is a good deal oferobnroh matter in the paper today, my,d He-Yes,, there is ort ot theSia bror eakup Adams sermon, an.pcogen of the Bev. Mr. Erneel'e festival and a long eocount of the row et St.: Adelbert's Church.-Befalo Express. The Dowager Empress of China wanted to -have the photographs of ell thesdietin- imiahed Englishmen who Have served China, and the Chinese Government has just procured through London photograph- ers for her tufo portraits of Obinene " Gordon, each five feet high. --Thee are now 200 women etndyting medicine in the various medical colleges of Indict.universities and The Pofitician.t' I pray that in one year morel may find some way of escaping from this anblest custom house, for it is a very, grievous thraldom. 1 do detest all o'ffioeg---all, at least, that are held one political tenure, and I want nothing to do with politicians. Their hearts wither away and die out of their boiies. Their ooneciencea are turned to india.rabber, or to Borne substance as black as that and wbioh will stretch es ained by m One ttomil ogee experieno nce-to I have know a by may. politieien: It is a knowledge which no previous thought or power of sympathy could have taught me, because the animal, or the.nraohine, rather, is not in nature. -- Hawthorne. With fall dress the double-breasted white vest is in great demand. The material may be plain or watered silk or white. pique. • Amorioan clams are to be planted at various pointe on the English coast, in the the hope that they may be propagated m TEM STRA'NGER'S optic Whenever 1'mrea�:ing the palls s I see Nearly always nems name that s familiar to me, Some old time acquaiiianeo of mine hen been wed, Or a frleud's name is found in the list of the dead ; But one fact peculiar 1 don't understand I've noticed iu nn all of the papers I've scaed, I look through the "births" with a hope that's forlorn, Per no one but strangers appear to be born. —Chicago Herald. -All the Presbyterian liberals want is a fair " election." -Count Thomas A. Edison's chief assistant, Mr. Kennedy, is a Sootchmere arl3iet The Crown Princess Sophie of Gres oe is learning to play thellnrgerian cymbal, en instrument which has MLA that is ettrao- tive in its tones, as ie known to those who have heard the Hungarian Band. While a number of young people were coasting en Bolster's ,lain at Orillia, Wed- nesday night one of the sleighs got beyond control and ran into en electric light pole. George ad(amid was pitched again et the po'e and hie right arm broken in two pieces. -" Motorneer" is the nine that the electricians favor for the man who is driver or engineer of the electric rata. THAT brakemen carry that lives in their hands le demonstrated eve; y, but it is only on reading the annw.L report of the lntier.Stete Commerce Commission that the mainitude of their slaughter is properly under'atood. From that revert itis learned that out of a total of 100,000 brakemen employed on the various railways ot the country the -lives of over 2,000 'of them were aacri6eed while in the discharge of their duty during the year, ar,d upwerdes of 20,000 of them -injured. A better idea, perhaps, pray be gained of the hazard, of the occupation by the record of the brotherhood of }teilroed Brakonoen`. It Shows that one in 83 of the 10,052 members is killed yearly, and one in 60 injured. A brakemen has only 'one chauee in 47 of being allowed to die a /lemma. death. The greet majority of the aootlente occur to heekeinen on freight trains.• Who would not be a brakemau 1 , • Mr. Gladstone says that "all men at the head of great movements are Christian mon." -Wilson Barrett ranked $1,000 to give a performeuge at a Chicego'theetre laat Sun- daymight.