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Lucknow Sentinel, 1890-05-16, Page 5
A The Lucke©w. Sentinel, Bruce County, Friday. May Nth. READY , CLOTHIN -r„•,"r'„^.-P;T:4'^?j:mtJ,agv7cn:a.a-•^—":u.r.:w��:.:^C'r,.�^,^'�1).as'c...�':a..,,,,u.a, :t'Saw•�T'lc«:..Tr•J;C,'cTGy�•ar..Fz2.R•�. ..eaYdk �;�n. .r. ,.. .. , e::'�"' — `^eAt'nse'43.1 -i... ...,�.< '^:er:.�"�;,"u�^. �l�.uMAs :.seiR�"`..l�Zu.. .,. oai:+'xPx.Y:7!w^nnW •ux.. y, ,mSn.,��.a,•-H a, �ePNt;!�='A.,.ws� �`.P'�+R t.....�s. .�. .. ^L J!^'iu^ m7;5'e'm9+'n s week has b eea.. a busy one for u so far. Besides our usual rush over the�`����� counters, we have been busy marking r � oyer ead mad that3� e clothing at prices will meet popular opinion., . HER E WE A.RE. sui or 0 worth $15. Agent's. 's f . g e suit for $8 worth $12. • A gent's tweed suit_ for $7 worth 10. A. gent's tweed suit for $6.50- Wort " '' " A gent's tweed suit h0 for $4.50 worth $7. Mens pants at $1 and $150per pair e . • y al --fool - twee• 3n gent's White vests,..summer co S � � coats and, vests, we have a beautiful ran a and g request -a look through before buying, —4— a a1, '130 -WS S AND 0 >r1, .Ail:also with us in great variety,in light, medium and dark patterns and all sizes. We quote, them at $2.30, 2.75 3,00,. 3. 50, .3.75, 4.00 4.5 •s Rene m.ber the place, The Cheap Casht Sore. McINTYRE'S OB.D STAND. Paramount Don't forget the grand concert on this Friday night. Paramount has been ,famous from all time for brilliant entertainments, but the one of to -night is going to be the coneert. It is being held• under the auspices of Dewdrop Lodge, I. O. G. T. Doors open at 7:30 p. -m., to commence at 8: Come Acne. Come all, and bring your best ;girl with you. Il Mr. John Cook, of Wiatton, was here spending a few days with his parents. He has invested in real estate up there and is going to settle down so they say. Miss Lulu McLennan, of Michigan, !spent a few days with us visiting old friends and school mates. • Tho officers elected for' Dewdrop Lodge, No. 97, I., 0. G.. T., for "the ,ensuing quarter Are as follows : 0. T., D. G. McKenzie; V. T., Bella Mc- Nay ; Sec., M. Beaton ; Treas., A. McDairmid; F. Sec., J. Cook ; Chap. J. Cameron : , Ass. Sec.,, Bella McDair- mid ; Marshal, J. Murray ; \Dep. Marshal, ---Mary Martin-; Sentinel,- J: Martin ; Guard, D. Clark ; Lodge Deputy, P`,'MeNay. The: fa fry is again running. Six cheese per ay being turned out. The. house in Conn etion with it is now finished and we wonder what Finlay isgoing to "do next. Miss Charlena Beaton has returned cshome from Detroit and reports all well in Paramount avenue there. • One of our young nianrods while out in search of game the other day aebi- dently discharged' part of the contents of his'shottiag iron into ode` worthy mayor. He has fully recovered from his fright however, and Int Inds hence- forth 'to ence-forth'to turn his attention to smaller game. v Following ' the example set by the tines correspondent we might mention the fact that,,ve had a !vet" rain in Paramount last week. Then the sounds of joy aril grief From her people wildly nose. Grief was dediet d on t.hn face of more than one fair maul and visions df life in that new mouse vanished, when, on Wednesday last Mr.. Joseph Taylor betook himself to Colborne and took fromthence as' his partner for life, tics Nfln, Youngest daughter of Mr. J. Taylor, 'of that township„ Parsmotnt extends her best wishes to the happy' . pair, .- . ‘.• MARRIED PUTNEY — BARTLEY — At the home of Mr. Alban A. on East te, onWednesday evening, May Mohawk1890, by the Rev. Geo. W. Dell, Mr. Milton D. Putney, of Oswego, N. Y., to Miss Ella Bartley, of Lucknow, Canada. ROM MILLER—In St. Helens, on Sunday, May 4th, the wife of Mr. R. K. Miller, of a daughter. PUBLIC NOTICE - :o: Court of Revision, Village of Lucknow, 1890. HE COII Yours faithfully, lover Seed. Although Clover Seed has advanced 15c. per bushel, we have decided to clear out our entire stock of choice Red R'1 FOR THE,REVISION OF Clover the Assessment Roll for the Village of Lucknow, will he held in the Council Chamber on Tuesday, the 27th day:•of May at 8 o',clockbushel. in the evening. 11.MORRISON� dlerk. PUBLIC .NOTICE. :o:- • Court of Revision, Township of Kinloss, 1890 THE COURT FOR; THE REVISION OF. the Assessment. Roll for the Township of Kinloss, will .be held in the Town Hall, Holeyrood, on Monday, the 26th day of May at 10 o'clock in the forenoon. PETER REIDi Kinloss, April 29th, 1889. Township Clerk. COTTAGE TO RENT. TO RENT. A oSTONE COTTAGE with five rooms; good cellar and half acre of orchard attached, ' suitable fora small, family. One and a half miles from Luckngw. Also pasture for a cow if required. ALEX. GRAHAM, Kinloss, May 12th, 1890. Luckn• ow, P. O. BULL FOR SERVICE. -- –:0: MHE UNDERSIGNED WILL KEEP .1 for service this season at north halt Lots 53 and 54, in the lst con3ession of Kinloss, his superior bred Shorthorn Bull "Solomon:" PEDIGREE :—olomon, is red, calved June 20th-, 1888, bred by Thomas Anderson,' D•nil• grunion, Ont., got by Wallace' (imp)m 2752, da Minnehaha, y Doubledee 481 ; Primrose, by Rhoderic Dhn, 3801 ; Jennie, 1165, lityy Dixie Duke, 4741 Maid of the Forest, 1455, by John A. McDonald; 721 ; Mayflower, 1+514, by Alfred 304 ; Eva, 981, by Souter Johnny, 1083' Florence Nightingale, 1067, by Young Cambridge, ; Lady Elgin, 1252, by Dalli- more 463 ; Eliza, 955, by Duke, 484 ; Count- oss 2nd 783, by Leopold, 761, Countess let' 782, by Son of Comet (imp), 238, (155) ; Prin- cess (imp. 419, by Son of Lancaster, 360, by .a son of Windsor, 698: Tsltats':—$1,25 ; thoroughbreds, 86.00. 851 RODERICE GOLLAN, Lucknow, P. O, at only $4,25 per This is your chance. Call early. -' Yours truly, ED. BRASHER. Ilub IMMENSE BARGAINS. Having just received a largo consign men of Fresh Groceries, Choice family flour, Choice Tobacco, Canned Goods Crockery, Glassare Teas, Coffees, and Suiars, which will be sold cheap at the Hub Grocery. Goods delivered to all . parts of the village, JOHN ELLIOTT BRAS PUBLIC NOTICE. • Court of Revision, Township of Ashfield, 1890, MIRE COURT OF REVISION OAF THE Ash- field for thesppresent nt ;l rear iwillbe he eld in Fin - lay's school' house, leo. 9' on the 28th day of May, 1890, at 10 o'clock a. in. 7-847 W..LANE, Clerk. MILLINERY! :o: OF INTEREST TO THE LADIES. :o: Mr. ,T, Murchison, Lucknow, has opened a new millinery store in the stand lately occu- pied by Mrs. Firidlater. The business is strict- ly millinery. THE GOODS ARE ALL NEW,. THE LATEST STYLES. THE PRICES THE LOWEST. Mrs, . Murchison will be pleased to have, you call and inspect.the stock before purchasing, WAGON MAKI NC HORSE' SHOEING ANn • C E NE RAL BLACKSMITHINC. :o Adam Thompson begs leave to tba th inhabitants of Lireknow and surrnnndin con.itry for the liberal patr'oriage bestowed o- bidi during the last seven years, and wishes g continuance of his old customers and a tab, share of the new, as he is in a better position than ever to anpply the wants of the pub; He always has on hand a stock of Wagons 8 Buggies of all kinds, He also will remind them of his far famed SCOTCH DIAMOND HARROWS which•he alway has on hand and are made the very best material. Parties wantii,g an thing in this line will do well to give him acal and see prices before purchasing olsewhora Particular attention paid to ALL KIKDS OF HORSE SHOEING. flat feet , contractions, and interfering. By strict attention to business, good • work manahipand employing nothing but good workmen, I trust to retain the patronage, kindly ex ended to'me., ADAM THOMPSON OOmpbetl Bird' opposite the Bank rF to tine, DR. CHASES Has a world wide reputation as a physician and author E is Mandrake Dandelion Liver Cure is a triumph of medical skill, cures sill diseases of the kidney and liver. • SYMPTOMS OF KIDNEY CUiv1NLAINT,Yn gt&�Bia o the backp; s .,dull pain or weight in the bladder and base of abdomen ; scalding urine often obstructed; frequent desire to urinate, especially at night, among.aged,.pers•ons , hot, ilry-Skin,'pale enin- plexion, red and white deposits, drop dizziness, sour stomach, constipation, piles, liver sore, swelling,' etc . SYMPTOMS CF LIVER COMPLAINT do en, beatlowcum'' p'lexion, , a weary, tired feeling, no lite or . energy, headache, dyspepsia, indigostion,spota, pi(nples, etc. HOW CURE Mandrake and Dandelion are nature' river cures and when combined with Kidney remw- dies as in Dr. Chase's Liver Cure, will most positively cure all Kidney -Liver troubles. It acts like a charm, stimulating, the. clogge21 liver, strengthening thelcidneys, and in yip ra- ting the whole body. Sold.by all dealers at $1 with receipt book, which. alone •is worth th • money. 1 V Dr. Chase'YPills are the only KidneyLiverPills made. Their KIDNE LIVER' act gently yet effectually. Mar` PILLS betaken during am emt,roy.• Ment. They cure Kidney Liver troubles, headache,biliousnes5,costiveneFs etc One pill a dose, Sold by all dealers, Price 2.ir T. EDMA ISO I ABS, CO.. BRADFORD. ONO. Sold hy Donut & DAvs', Lueknow, DUNN'S 4 BAKING POWDER. tHEC00KSBESTFRIENQ 4 • .1