HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1890-05-16, Page 3B
e3°1•'7r.' IiB1GEAPI3Io SUMMARY. grain dealer, of Newcastle, wee nrinehaatedi
to. l:olateet. West Derham in the Local•
An Orange District of South Brant hue The A.merioan Cordage Company de -
been Orgenlzcld.. • mand that the Canadian ropemakers buy
The Liberals of East Middlesex meet in
Londou tomorrow.
Cardinal Peooi, brother of the Pope, is
dying of pneumonia.
R +cheater, N Y., was visited by a $50,000
box faotory fire yesterday.
The Toronto train to Winnippe was de-
•ttr,•--r,^,, a .' ?," c o ,. t.,,,.. -e. f •^m,-pr,r, HT,. r ^,J..
3i+.ji enretn fiuti>:ii-'•;q ie"rriidy-riy+ dii"rrvv.
`` Arrangements are„ , beei7ng made for a
etrihz t/2 the Iieesdnei2 staborers or.
Mond ay.
Mr. D. illaokay, Reeve of Reach town-
sbip, has been appointed Treasurer of
Ontario county.
It is said that the fire in U. S. Secretary
Trance's bepeewee -caused-by_the Explosion
of a coal oil lamp.
A cable say a four millions sterling of one
pour d liber notes are being printed by the
British Government.
will grass a resolution declaring ite hopes of
Canada's Independence..
In the Senate yesterday several high
tributes were paid to the memory of the
lase Senator Macdonald.
The P. E. I. Government has sixteen
+sn porters in the newly-eleoted Legislature
ate st fourteen Opposilioniets.
epresentatives of the 4nglish Brewery
Syndicate are at Halifax negotiatieg for
the parehase of two breweries and a distil-
lery in that city. L`
"-”--A oaee at preeent'hforenetbe Superior -
Court in Montreal tern] upon the very in-
teresting question as to the morality of
Viotor• Hugo's works.
A resolution will be introduced into the
Britieti Perliatr ent et its coming session
• that the affairs of Wales should be attended
to by a separate department.
Mr. Carnegie, the iron millionaire, has
promisee t epend $1,000,000 for a Central
Free Library, and branches, for Pitts-
burg Pa:, - provided the city will maintain
The bill authorizing the construction o
ati.tge aen,ee the river at Detroit was
4r octet'adv;3reely in the United States
S 'Sate yesterday, and is indefinitely post-
London Board of Trade and London
West Council leave replied to the Provincial
SFtsrt ry'a iia exempton questions, and
favor the .abolition of many of the preeent
Zeut off, the pro -Russian Bulgarian
leader, has issued a manifesto to the Bal.
garian people, palling upon them to rid
themselves of King Ferdinand and his vile
The auntie) meeting of the Ontario Agri-
oniturel and Experimental Union was held
yeeterday at the Agrioalteral College,
Guelph. Profteser Robertson 'received a
presentation yeeterday at the Ontario
`Agrioulrural College from the students, who
expreeeedtheir regret at the severance of
his connection with' that institution.
Governor-General Salamanca, of Cuba, is
ill. Twelve physicians :ousulted yeeterday
and pronoanotd the patient's condition
dant eroue. A meeting of the authorities
will be held to consider what action will be
taken in the event of his death. The Vioe-
Governor-General lies' assumed command
of the island.
It is said that A. W. 'Taylor, the plaintiff
in the seduction case of Taylor vs. Johnson
(recently decided at Toronto in the plain-
t1ffli favor), has, on the advice of his
counsel, taken measures to prosecute
George Irving for perjury. It will be
rememb. r:d that 'Irving gave testimony
against Mies Emmti Taylor.
it is learned definitely that the money
required to build the Gault railway from
Lethbridge into Montana has been raised
atter much trouble, as the Canadian Pacific
Railway opposed the scheme strenuously in
England. The contract. has been let to
Contractors Donald Grant and M. M. Rosa,
and the work will be commenced early in
the spring:
The steamer Phamemore, Boston, from
London, reports that on January 26 she
took tff Captain Pulte and seven of the
craw of the ship Joeephine (Norwegian)
from New York for Dantzio with a oargo of
oil. The ship was abandoned in a sinking
,,condition. Five men sere washed over
board by a heavy sea and one man fell off
the jtbboom.
Dennis Mooney, a workman_ at Foxton
mines, near Kingston, injured while work-
ing in the shaft .150 Leet deep by a • drill -
pent enact :ir g and ,going through his
heft , died yeeterday. Notwithstanding
the the brains were forced out when
pit ed by the iron, he. regained conscious-
ness eeveral times, recognizing and speak.
fug to his brother and sister, who were pre
sent at his bedside.
Ex• King Milan of Servia recently lost
30,000f. whiie gambling at Monaca. .
Mise Gornen, of. Toronto, bas been ap-
pointed matron of the Belleville Hospital.
Sixteen men, of whom three were white,
were whipped et Newcastle, Del., on Satur-
Near Stevenson, Ala., a farmer, his wife
and four children base been burned in their
house. •
A 'ergo immigration of American gipsies
into Essex county, via Windsor, took place
last week.
oretrrry Tracey continues to improve
and - t'rktetada resuming his 'ditties at the
Naval Department today. - ..
•21•441eand Pfeifle Hotel, Chicago, sold
yesterday for $400 000, and is to be torn
down. ft coet•d800,000 to erect. ►
The ex Archduke John of Austria, now
called H: rr Orth, has bought a trading
steamer, and will be his own mate.
The Luka of Orleans, 'the andaoione`
pretender to the French throne, is being
treated with diatination in bis prison con-
The Les Angeles River, in California, has
changed ire course and caused $750,000
damage by tee. eoneegnent inundation of
the country.
In the big Pacific Railway arbitration
ease Mr.. Edward I3like oonolnded hie six
days' argument in reply, and the matter
now rests in tllo,hands'of the arbitrators.
At the Reforn2-oenvention held at Bow-
inantti)le on idatnrdey, Mr., W. T. Lockhart,
their hemp from thtrn or the big company
will step across the line and start opposi-
tion cordage worke.
A specie'. despatch from Washington
]aye that Sir Julian Peunoefote and Sepre-
tary Blaine are both very hopeful thet an
understanding will be reaohed on the
Ransom Floyd and hie wife, of Westport,
N. Y., were shot by burglars on Friday
night. The wife ie dead and the husband
cannot reoover. The burglars obtained
$3,000, the proceeds of a farnuet acid.
The last of the famous Baplow collection
of books and manneoripts v(s disposed of
in New York on Saturday a *noon. The
sake for the six days amounted.'to $85,508.
It was the largest Bale of Americana ever
Capt. Hews, of the steamer Portuense,
reporte all was quiet in Brazil when
late it joint stock fund of at least $260 000
before play -80th to be pleoed at the die-
poeal of.apy , trade whose craftsmen may
be me -strike. or looked out The organize-
tionkof thie alliance ie enid to be already'
under way.
Count Andressy has internal cancer.
A poor widow in London, Ont., has fallen
heir to $40,000.
Cardinal Jacobini has had a relapse and
is in a dangerone condition.
a c. t r tz teak *m 1c3a.-,
was detectet trying to escape on Friday
There was a run on the Lenox Hill
Bank, New York, yeeterday, but all
demands were met.
Hon. Mr. Mercier ie better of an indiepo-
eition that was first thought to be inflam-
mation of the longs.
Graham, charged with _attempted- jury
bribing in the Cronin trial, has not thread
up, and his $15,000 bell bonds are forfeited,
The Gentiles defeated the Mormons in
he left the municipal elections or Salt Lake Cit
ment intended to increase the army by
10,000 men before the elections in.Septem-
ber next. '
The committee authorized by. the Ruseian
Government has prepared a plan for the
thrcugh Siberian railway, to be completed
in ten yeare. The total length of the line is
to be 4,375 miles and the total coat 250,000,-
000 roublee.
TEM QElOinin14tatt AT Be.f}D!r!.
Sad State of Things There—Nota Family
Ras Escaped.
For several months peat a violent
cholera epidemo has raged in and around
Bagdad. Her Somekh, had Master of
the aohool of the Israelite Allianoe in that
city, desoribee the frightful state of thinge
there, in a report to the Alliance, thus :
" As soon as it became known that the
terrible disease was the cholera, ever -
i ' -Y lrfLii'>c iitY''rtc,
0 d'
quickly as possible. The panic wae iude-
soribable. Within two days two-thirds
of the Jews had left the orty, fleeing at
random and settling in the first village
hey could find. The Christians did the
same, and the Mehometane, despite their
well-known fatalism, could not escape the
general panic, and sought safety in flight.
-Thr a ty presents . -a disooneolate evade;.
the streets are empty; one dares not ven
tura out ; the only thing t0 be seen is the
endless row of hearses; which the paid
drivers accompany to the cemetery. One
sees neither tears nor 0
The German steamer Sakkerah, with
her cargo of 19,000 bags of coffee; has been
lost at Punta del Remedios, near Acajutla.
The crew were saved.
The Democratic members of the Senate
of Montana are blocking legislation by
remaining away and thus preventing a
The President yeeterday nominated
There was a very stormy session of the Charles Emory Smith, of Pennsylvania, to
Pan.American Congress in Washington on be Envoy Extraordinary and Minister
Friday, when the delegates from Uruguay Plenipotentiary to Russia.
complained of the time weetatct_by_inoeeeant... _ :It--ria..-stated-that-large---gltantitiee-of-
talking, and threatened to at once with- opium and large numbers of Chinamen are
draw unless the date for adjournment wae being smuggled into the States from Vio-
definitely settled. toric, B.C.
Two oonvicta, Finn and Perkins, who
escaped frcm the guards of Stoney Moun-
tain Penitentiary on Friday during a
blinding snow storm, were oeptured yeeter-
day morning in an almost dying condition
They were on the prairie throughout the
night in a terrible storm.
The Canal Commiesion left Panama
Sunday for New Orleans, en route for New
York:. They will leave that city on the
22nd inst for Paris. On the way thither
they propose stopping at Chicago, Niagara
Falls and Albany. It is generally believed
that their report will be favorable to the
oontinnation of the work on the canal.
Specifics chargee of drunkenness and
Rev. Dr. Mnokleston, of Ottawa, who
preached in Kingston on Sunday, con-
demned revivals because of the improper
methods employed to Bemire converts.
In the Chamber of Deputies yesterday
M. Pradene's motion to repeal the law
banishing pretenders to the French throne
was defeated by a vote of 328 to 171.
It ie denied, that the Republicans of
Portugal agree with those of Spain in
desiring that a joint manifesto against
Great Britain shall be made from the two
Prince Ferdinand is changing all the
chief commanders in the Bulgarian army.
cruelty have been filed with thaiSeorete> " Numerous arrests have been made in the
of the U. S. Treasury against Capt. M. A. n garian owns on the Danube of plotters'
Healy, of the revenue cutter Bear., The
acts are alleged to have been oommitted
during a recent cruise of that vessel in
Alaskan waters. The Seoretary has
directed, an investigation of the chargee.
'While four children were skating on the
Hudson River, N. Y., Sunday, near
Kingston, the ice broke and all the
children were drowned. Their mother
hearing .their screams ran to rescue
them, and he , also went through the
ice and wase drowned. Their father has-
tened to the scene, jumped in to save his
family, and he, too, perished.
The Bank of "Paris will issue a Russian
loan on Feb. 20
Austria is about to grant religions inde-
pendence to the Jews.
Cardinal Peoci's case is hopeless and
death is Stonily expected.
A branch etption of the Dominican
Fathers will be shortly opened in Montreal.
The American Shipping League is ask-
ing Congress to pass the Farquhar Subsidy
Thereie a movement on foot to start a
system of free schools in the Province of
Quebec. -
The leader in the Chilian bond robbery
was sentenced yesterday in London to ten
years' penal•servitude.
The U. S. World's Fair Conference are
still hard at it, trying, so_ far without suc-
cess, to reach a compromise.
It ie reported from Bucharest that Major
Panitza and four accomplices in the .plot
against Prince Ferdinand have been shot.
The clergy in Lisbon are oolleoting
money for the National Defence fund, and
the feeling against England is still very
Mr. H. M. Deroche; ex -M. P. P., it is
said, will probably be the Liberal can=
didate in Addington at the Local elec-
tions. a
Parker, the alleged Burlington, Kansas,
forger, wae liberated yesterday at London,.
because the extradition papers had not ar-
Mr. Alex. Daonst,a Hull contractor, was
strnok by the shaft of the 'leading horse on
the race track at Loamy 's Lake and almost
killed. .
It is believed that 190 miners perished
in the Aberaychan colliery disaster. One
hundred and seventy bodies have been dis-
Twenty battalions of infantry and thir-
teen batteries of artillery of the volunteers
in Ireland are to be called but for training
infield operations.
While the engineers of the twin screw
orniaer Barracouta were testing her boiler
off Margate yesterday a cylinder exploded,
killing two men and injuring ten. -
Miss Wright and her Ottawa evangelists
are determined to hold a second meeting in
Hall on Tuesday evening, and it is feared
a very serious riot will take place.
The passage by one branch of the North
Dakota Legieletgre of a Bill chartering
and legalizing a lottery in that State has
attracted much attention' in Washington
official circles •
It is stated that the anti•Socialist,bill,
which was rejected by the German Reichs-
tag immediately before its dissolution, will
be reintrodnerd immediately upon the re-
aseembiing of the new Reichstag.
It is otboially asserted that, p i`eot har-
mony exists in Crete. It is de ed ' that
the firmed recently issued by the 'rte hes
caused dieeatiefaotion, that preparations
for a rising are being made in the island, or
that the powers have requested that the
firman be modified.
A Boston newspaper states, apparently
on the authority of the leaders of the move-
ment, that there is to be organ-
ized in the United States pre -mina
to the eight•hovr strikes of May 1st,
1890, a gigantic labor financial alliance
within the mike of the Amerioan Federa-
tion of Labor. It is proposed to ammo-
committees involved in the attempt on
Prince Ferdinand'] life. .
The widow and children of the late
Conrad Stipp, brewer, of Chicago, have
divided $135,000 among seventeen charita-
ble institutions cf the oity.
Warden Lavell has identified at Albany
Hopkins, one of the convicts who escaped
from Kingston Penitentiary on Christmas
eve. Application will be made for his
Mr G. R. VanNorman, jun., travelling
freight agent C. P. R., has been appointed
district freight agent at Detroit for that
corporation. Mr. H. Munro Grier, city
freight agent, Toronto, succeeds Mr. Van -
Norman as travelling freight agent. -
The following U. S. Consular appoint-
ments have been confirmed : F. A. Hneher
(Minnesota), at Port Stanley and St.
Thomas ; L. W. Myers (Iowa), at Vic-
toria, B.C.; F. M. Ryder (Connecticut),, at
The tow boat /Port Eads, en route from
Cairo to New }Orleans with seven barges of
grain, struck the east pier of the bridge
being built to span the river at Memphis,
and sank at 7 o'clock yesterday morning.
One person, the colored chambermaid, was
At 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon Philip
Dawson, aged 78, an inmate of the St.
Thomas Home, attempted to erose the M.
0. R. traok at Church street in front of
No. 10 express. He was strnok by the
pilot and thrown twenty yards clear -of the
track. Hie arm and leg were broken and
he received a deep gash hi the bead. He
only lived for ten minutes.
Two old women named`Binnott, living -'in
a wretched hovel on the Carleton side of
the St. John , (N. B) harbor, . have, it
appears, been destitute of fire and food
and too feeble to obtain help. One of
them enoceeded on Sunday in attracting
attention by knocking on the wippdow.
Her'eister was found dead and freien in
another part of the house, while she " was
on a bed nearly dead, and declared that a
few biscuits and some. ice water had been
her only means of enbeistenoe for three
weeks. It was popularly supposed that
the two women were misers and had
money hid away, but only a few dollars can
be found, while the house ie bare of every-
thing and indescribably filthy. The'aur-
vivor ; is not expected to . recover. The
sister's herd $150 in the savings bank. A
coroner's jury found a verdict _this after.
noon in the case of Ellen Sinnott, declar-
ing that her death was caused by want
and exposure. I
Theory and Practice.
Mre. Merobmont-Why, Jane, where are
all the young ladies ? I thought I heard
them come in an hour ago.
Jane -So you did, Mem ; they'd been to
the cooking aohool, Mem, and the three of
them's been down to the kitchen ever eince,
bilin' a egg, Mem.
'Cnetomer. -How is venison now ?
Butcher -Venison isn't deer, now.
Customer -That's what I thought. Give
me some veal.
Toronto's Board of Trade Council is
opposed to the exemption from taxation of
church and echoed property.
A Buffalo girl displayed snob exoellent
teeth in the arrangement of a/Shop window
in that city that she has been offered a
similar position with a large salary by a
London (Eng) firm.
The Pope has decorated the Shah of
Persia for hie kindneaa to Catholio mis-
--=" You say that drinking is one of your
husband's failnree 7 0 " Failures 1 Oh, no.
It. is one of his snocessee."-New York
--The late Empress Augusta left Qneen
Viotoria a splendid gold bracelet, contain-
ing the word's, " For ever " set in preoions
source of teare ; the people have lost almost
all feeling. Our fellos-believers have ant
fered proportionately more than the reet of
the population. Death has pursued them
every where, and has raged terribly among
them. There is not a family that has not
to lament the death of one of its members.
The rioh, as well as the poor, have been
terribly tried, and many of the dead had to
lie for days unburied in the fields beoauee
there was nobody to bury them." -The
IN A LiON'S ITLrN: _ -
A. Mad Performance Nearly E*ds in a
A Mies Sterling nearly lost her life the
other day at Beziere, in France, during a
perlormanee of a somewhat novel kind in a
lion's cage, in connection with Redenbech's
menagerie. Mise Sterling was in the habit
of entering a nage containing several lions,
together with the tamer Redenbaoh and
Dornay, a professor of hypnotism._ It was
on the programme that she should be put
into a state of hypnotic Bleep by Dornay in
the midst of the Bone. On Friday evening
Mies Sterling went to sleep in her axons-
tomed posture on the floor of the oage,and
Redenbaoh proceeded to make the lions go
through the antics which are expeoted
from them on such occasions. Ata exoep-
_tw all_enenyage taimel w e more..rehe 4
than venal that night, and it sprang upon
the hypnotized subject and fixed its claws
in her lege:' Redenbaoh boldly attacked
the infuriated -brute, and succeeded in
diverting its attention from Mise Sterling,
who made her escape, together with
Dorney. As may be supposed_ this scene
caused the wildest excitement among the
spectators. Mise Sterling's limbo were badly
The Old Man.
Bow low , the tread, do reverence to the
old man, once like yon. The vicissitudes
of. life have silvered his hair and changed
the round merry face to the worn visage
before you. Once theheart beat with
aepiration, crushed with disappointment,
as yours, perhaps, is destined to be. Onoe
that form stalked promptly through the
gay scenes of pleasure, the bean ideal of
grace ; now the hand of time that withers
the flowers of yesterday has bent that
figure and destroyed that noble -carriage.
Once, at your age, he possessed the thou-
sand thought@ that pass through your brain,
new wishing to accomplish deeds equal to a
nook in fame ; anon imaginging life a
dream that the sooner he awoke from the
better. But he haslived the dream very
near through, the time to awaken is very
near at hand ; his eyes never kindle at old
deeds of daring, and the hand takes a
firmer grasp of the staff. Bow low the
head, boy, as you would in your old age be
reverenced. -Somerville Journal.
How to Tell a Counterfeit Bill.
Take a United States hill of any de-
nomination and hold it to the light and you
will see two lines running entirely morose
it'lengthwise. Upon examination you will
find these to consist 'of Bilk threads, a red
one and a bine 'one. Every genuine bill
has this mark of genuineness. Without
these marks a bill may be put down as
counterfeit, no matter how good the
engraving on it. No paper mill dare to
make this sort of paper, and this is the
Government's only proteotion on its onr-
renoy.-Whiteside (Irl) Herald.
The Crucial Test.
Maine Lawyer—What is yonr opinion
of -the character of Deacon, Blank ?
Witness (oantionely)-I never heard
nothin' agin him.
" Don't yon know himto bs an honest
man ?"
" Wall, he's been fair an' square in ell
his dealin's with me and with others, eo
far as f know."
" Irn't that sufficient to prove him a
man of sterling integrity 7"
" Wall, I dunno. - I never traded bosses
with him." .
Remarkable Example.
" Yon have been wearing that hat a good
while," remarked one traveling man to
" Yee ; its a remarkable example of
" And pnblio ' forbearance."-Merehant
It begins to look as if gentle spring
wouldn't have anybody to sit in her lap
this year.
It is a great pity that when it anowe in
this highly protected country it does not
snow all•wool blankets. -Chicago News.
" What are you going to wear to the
ball, my dear 7" asked a fond father of his
daughter. " I don't know, pa, until I,eee
the society oolnmn in the Sunday paper."
-The Gospel Standard, an English news-
paper of very etriet tendencies, advertises
then " No charge in made for inserting the
death of godly persons."
An expert at the telephone says he can
tell whenever a talker at the other end
of the line bee a quid of tobacco in his
month. The effect is to alter the tones per-
ceptibly. .
-The tailor is an obliging man. He tries
to snit everybody.
4L1?d OLD 2~'$ 45Jilil5otl .
llfnrdere Hie IBon;and Dso7lite_101.10:41-.
-3a: Lsy1t i, ,
Cold Blegdl. . • a
,,Winnipeg deepatoh of, Sunday says .
er ible double murder occurred near
Miami station, 150 miles from here, yeeter-
day. Particulars are meagre owing to the
interruption o: the train eervit:e. Bohn
Morton and his wife were both shot last
night by Morton'e father. The•mnederer
was 9n5,_,eare older and oil n
filial is+rdii tYe'sotl terrsti Ciaitghter•in- w The
son was 52 yeare old," and he wee absent
from home when the " old duan deed hie
daughter-in-law had some dispute;' which,
ended in .her being strnok with a stick of
wood. When the haeband name home the
wife told him what had 000urred. He asked
his father why he did it, and the old man
replied : " Do you see that rifle ?" pointing
to-anehanging ftp, -u take -it and shone nye
or I will shoot you." The eon paid no at-
tention and went into another room. The
old man took down the rifle; Went oat, and
aiming through the window, shot hien
ere -ereetest:.n:en
mar, er ran or aeras once, an, ' tering
their ' absence the old man reloaded the
rifle and shot his daughter-in-law while
ebe wag stooping over her dead husband. She
just lived an hoar. The old man said he
didthe shooting intentionally. The mur-
dered oouple were highly respected and
great indignation prevails.
Meeting of the Canadlitu Association
Th,' annual meeting of the Clydesdale
-Horse-Aeeomation oteCtriada was held at
the Albion Hotel, Toronto;yesterday after-
noon. She Secretary read his annual
report, which stated that they had not
recorded so many animals as in the year
previoue, but had no reason to complain,
as all live stook business had been dull.
There had been entered for the fourth
volume of the Stud Book 259 stallions, 107
of which were imported, and 280 mares,
of which 42 were imported, making 639 in
all,•or131 lees than in 1$83. There world be
a considerable number to record in the
Scotch appendix, which would makelhe
fourth volume nearly as large as the others.
The Scotch appendix gives the pedigrees of
all area and dame in. Scotland, thus mak-
ing the Clydesdale Stud Book -of Canada
complete in itself for the purpose of cata-
logues, show bills, etc. The spring show,
nwot'.id-be-held-e n `: -1- tl=
and 13th. The trade in horses has been '
satisfactory this year. A great many
Canadian -bred, as well as imported colts
and fillies, had passed across the line at,
good prices, according to the transfers on
their books.
(Spring Circuits, 1890.
The'Conrts of Oyer and Terminer and
General Jail Delivery, and of Assize and
Nisi Prime in and for the several counties
of the rrovince of Ontario, will be held as
follows :
Toronto — Crim-
inal' Court ' Monday 17th March'
Toronto — Civil
Court Wednesday 26tinMarch
Milton Monday 10th March
Brampton Thursday 13th March
Orangeville Monday 28th April
bt. Catharines ....- Monday 5th May
ARMO7n, C. J.
Whitby Tuesday 11t1r March
Cornwall Tuesday 18tu March
Brockville Tuesday ' 25511 March
Kingston .... .....«Monday 91st March'
Ns p aoee Mondey..« .«......... 7th April
Belleville a ,c,.,.leth April
Pictod - ',22nd April
Cayuga "w....28th April
Owen Sound
Perth ...............«....Mor,day
L'Orignal .....-....Thursday
Than; ay
Rose, J.
llth Kareh
17th March,
9let March
14thAAp'i1 -
Tuesday 22nd April
5th May
8th Way
Stratford Monday
Guelph M+,uday
Berlin Monday
Hamilton M ,nday
Brantford Monday
dimcoe Monday
Welland Monday
FALoeNBRIntirt, J.
Monday 10th March
17fh Match •
c,24th Mar oh
31st March
7th April
21st April
28th April
5th May,
Woodstock Monday 10th March
St. Thomas Monday 17th Mar, h
Walkerton Monday 2.th Marsh'
Goderich Monday 31st March
Sarnia. Monday ....7th,April
Chatham Monday 14th April
Sandwich Wednesday 23rd April
London .Monday 5th May
Galt, C. J., will remain in Toronto to hold the
sittinigs of the Court each week, ea,d for the
transaction of the business in Chambers.
Chancery Spring Sitting].
Born, O.
Toronto Monday 281.11 April
Whitby Friday • 4th April
Woodstock Wednesday 9th 4pril
Stratford.. Thur day 17th April
Barrio .,Tuesday 22nd April
Lindsay Monday 261h May
Pe.erboro' Friday 30th May
Hamilton Monday
Simco]' Monday
St. Catharines Thursday
Owen Sound Wedppeaday
Brantford Monday
Chatham .........
St: Thomas.:.1..
Ottawa...... .....
Ci•bourg .....«....
BBI leville
17,hMai ch
20 h March
30 h April -
l2th may
Monday...............19th. May
...Monday....«..,. ..... ...10' 11 Murch
..Monday .. 17th M•.rth
Monday 1 24th March'
...Monday .......... .-,14 b A.prll
...Wednesday 23rd April
Wednesday 3, tb April
Monday :5th May
...Mond'ay ':,24th Marek' .
«. Wedurs.iay............fth April • • '
Thursday 17th Ap i1
Tourisday 24th A aril
Monday - Nth May
Monday 191u May
Rev. E. Sttwart Jones, formerly of Port
Rowan and later of Niagara, Out., died of
pneumonia at Lewiston, N.Y., yesterday.
The corner atone of Rev. Dr. Talmege's
new tabernacle in Brooklyn, N.Y., was laid
yeeterday in the presence of a large congre-
The Montreal Master Pl t; -t -erti7lino--.
oiation and the journeymen plasterers are
in battle arrayed. About 200 men are ont
on strike.
—"That was a base bit," said the choir
singer when he strnok a low note. ,
—There is hardly any man so friendless
in this world that he hasn't at 1 ast one
friend ready to tell him hie faolte.
The United Statea cotton retai rre show
about nine.tentbe of the crop in eight. The
proportion of dhe crop that has_.left the
plentt!ttiopa ili p0.4 per cont.
.n .
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